autocorres: demangle variable names better

Not perfect yet, but does fix issue VER-351.
This commit is contained in:
Japheth Lim 2016-05-30 17:24:23 +10:00
parent 5b0f2ebbcd
commit 55cb03af41
4 changed files with 54 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -117,23 +117,24 @@ end
* Demangle a name mangled by the C parser.
* c___ret_int => c
* ret_eret_2 => ret2
fun demangle_name m =
(* Remove everything after "__". *)
val n = (Substring.position "__" (Substring.full m) |> fst) |> Substring.string
if NameGeneration.rmUScoreSafety m <> m
then (* ignore the "StrictC'" prefix when decoding, but we need to re-mangle it in
* so that the resulting name is legal in Isabelle *)
NameGeneration.mkIdentUScoreSafe (demangle_name (NameGeneration.rmUScoreSafety m))
else case NameGeneration.dest_embret ( m) of
(* Return variable for function f *)
SOME (f, n) => "ret" ^ (if n > 1 then string_of_int n else "")
(* Ordinary variable. Split the type suffix off if there is one. *)
| NONE => let
val delim = "___" (* NameGeneration.tag_name_with_type *)
val (prefix, suffix) = apply2 Substring.string (Utils.positionr delim (Substring.full m))
in prefix end
(* Clean up "_eret_" names. *)
val (_, v') = Substring.position "_eret_" (Substring.full n)
if (Substring.isEmpty v') then
("ret" ^ ((Substring.taker (fn x => x <> #"_") v') |> Substring.string))
val _ = assert (demangle_name "c___ret_int" = "c") ""
val _ = assert (demangle_name "ret_eret_2" = "ret2") ""
val _ = assert (demangle_name "StrictC'__reserved___int" = "StrictC'__reserved") ""

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@ -31,3 +31,7 @@ int bad_names(void)
int bad_vars(int symbol_table) {
return symbol_table;
/* Testcase for VER-351. The C parser generates some StrictC'__assert_fail_foo param names
* which we need to demangle carefully. */
void __assert_fail (const char *, const char *, int, const char *);

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Copyright 2016, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
* Test handling of C idents that are unusual or at risk of conflicting with other names.
theory badnames imports "../../AutoCorres" begin
declare [[allow_underscore_idents]]
install_C_file "badnames.c"
autocorres "badnames.c"

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@ -1002,6 +1002,21 @@ fun mk_simproc' ctxt (name : string, pats : string list, proc : Proof.context ->
* so that user-added rules can override the built-in ones. *)
fun get_rules ctxt = Named_Theorems.get ctxt #> rev
(* As Substring.position but searches from the end *)
fun positionr pat s = let
val (s0, begin0, size0) = Substring.base s
fun search i = if i < begin0 then
(s, Substring.substring (s0, begin0 + size0, 0)) (* not found *)
else if Substring.isPrefix pat (Substring.substring (s0, i, size0 - i)) then
(Substring.substring (s0, begin0, i), (* found *)
Substring.substring (s0, begin0 + i, size0 - i))
else search (i - 1)
in search size0 end
val _ = assert (apply2 Substring.string (positionr "br" (Substring.full "abracadabra"))
= ("abracada", "bra")) ""
val _ = assert (apply2 Substring.string (positionr "xx" (Substring.full "abracadabra"))
= ("abracadabra", "")) ""
(* Insist the the given tactic solves a subgoal. *)