caseconvs: add AARCH64 design spec cases

Signed-off-by: Rafal Kolanski <>
This commit is contained in:
Rafal Kolanski 2022-02-17 21:22:29 +11:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent 16602556a4
commit 624ec70eb4
1 changed files with 58 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -1819,7 +1819,7 @@ case \x of Arch.Types.APIObjectType _ -> Arch.Types.SmallPageObject -> Arch.Type
Arch.Types.APIObjectType \v0\ \<Rightarrow> ->1 | Arch.Types.SmallPageObject \<Rightarrow> ->2 | Arch.Types.LargePageObject \<Rightarrow> ->3 | Arch.Types.SectionObject \<Rightarrow> ->4 | Arch.Types.SuperSectionObject \<Rightarrow> ->5 | Arch.Types.PageTableObject \<Rightarrow> ->6 | Arch.Types.PageDirectoryObject \<Rightarrow> ->7 | Arch.Type.VCPUObject \<Rightarrow> -> 8
case \x of ArchInv.InvokeVCPU iv -> _ -> ---> let inv = \x
in case inv of ArchInv.InvokeVCPU iv \<Rightarrow> ->1 | _ \<Rightarrow> ->2
in case inv of InvokeVCPU iv \<Rightarrow> ->1 | _ \<Rightarrow> ->2
case \x of ((mr0:mr1:_), cap@(VCPUCap {})) -> (_, _) -> ---> let (ls, cap) = \x in
if isVCPUCap cap \<and> length ls > 1
@ -2028,3 +2028,60 @@ case \x of (ArchInvocationLabel ArchLabels.RISCVIRQIssueIRQHandler, irqW:trigger
irqW#triggerW#index#depth#_, cnode#_) => ->1
| (ArchInvocationLabel RISCVIRQIssueIRQHandler, _, _) => ->2
| _ => ->3
case \x of ((a@FrameCap {}), (b@FrameCap {})) -> ((a@PageTableCap {}), (b@PageTableCap {})) -> (ASIDControlCap, ASIDControlCap) -> ((a@ASIDPoolCap {}), (b@ASIDPoolCap {})) -> ((a@VCPUCap {}), (b@VCPUCap {})) -> (_, _) -> ---> let (a,b) = \x in
if isFrameCap a \<and> isFrameCap b
then ->1
else if isPageTableCap a \<and> isPageTableCap b
then ->2
else if a = ASIDControlCap \<and> b = ASIDControlCap
then ->3
else if isASIDPoolCap a \<and> isASIDPoolCap b
then ->4
else if isVCPUCap a \<and> isVCPUCap b
then ->5
else ->6
case \x of cap@(PageTableCap { capPTTopLevel = True }) -> _ -> ---> let cap = \x in
if isPageTableCap cap \<and> capPTTopLevel cap
then ->1
else ->2
case \x of cap@(FrameCap {}) -> cap@(PageTableCap { capPTTopLevel = False }) -> cap@(PageTableCap { capPTTopLevel = True }) -> cap@(ASIDControlCap {}) -> cap@(ASIDPoolCap {}) -> (VCPUCap {}) -> ---> let cap = \x in
if isFrameCap cap
then ->1
else if isPageTableCap cap \<and> \<not> capPTTopLevel cap
then ->2
else if isPageTableCap cap \<and> capPTTopLevel cap
then ->3
else if isASIDControlCap cap
then ->4
else if isASIDPoolCap cap
then ->5
else if isVCPUCap cap
then ->6
else undefined
case \x of (c@PageTableCap { capPTMappedAddress = Just _ }) -> (PageTableCap { capPTMappedAddress = Nothing }) -> (c@FrameCap {}) -> c@ASIDControlCap -> (c@ASIDPoolCap {}) -> (c@VCPUCap {}) -> ---> let c = \x in
if isPageTableCap c \<and> capPTMappedAddress c \<noteq> None
then ->1
else if isPageTableCap c \<and> capPTMappedAddress c = None
then ->2
else if isFrameCap c
then ->3
else if c = ASIDControlCap
then ->4
else if isASIDPoolCap c
then ->5
else if isVCPUCap c
then ->6
else undefined
case \x of Arch.Types.APIObjectType _ -> Arch.Types.SmallPageObject -> Arch.Types.LargePageObject -> Arch.Types.HugePageObject -> Arch.Types.PageTableObject -> Arch.Types.VSpaceRootObject -> Arch.Types.VCPUObject -> ---> case \x of
APIObjectType \v0\ \<Rightarrow> ->1
| SmallPageObject \<Rightarrow> ->2
| LargePageObject \<Rightarrow> ->3
| HugePageObject \<Rightarrow> ->4
| PageTableObject \<Rightarrow> ->5
| VSpaceRootObject \<Rightarrow> ->6
| VCPUObject \<Rightarrow> ->7