haskell: `fail` requires `MonadFail` in ghc-8.8.4

Signed-off-by: Gerwin Klein <gerwin.klein@proofcraft.systems>
This commit is contained in:
Gerwin Klein 2022-06-21 13:50:50 +10:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent 02cc37a0e3
commit 68ee57a1b2
3 changed files with 11 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ findWithDefault d (True:a) (Node { btTrue = t }) = findWithDefault d a t
findWithDefault d (False:a) (Node { btFalse = t }) = findWithDefault d a t
findWithDefault d a _ = (a,d)
lookup :: Monad m => [Bool] -> BinaryTree a -> m ([Bool],a)
lookup :: MonadFail m => [Bool] -> BinaryTree a -> m ([Bool],a)
lookup a (Leaf v) = return (a,v)
lookup (True:a) (Node { btTrue = t }) = Data.BinaryTree.lookup a t
lookup (False:a) (Node { btFalse = t }) = Data.BinaryTree.lookup a t
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ adjust f (True:a) n@(Node {}) = n { btTrue = adjust f a $ btTrue n }
adjust f (False:a) n@(Node {}) = n { btFalse = adjust f a $ btFalse n }
adjust _ _ _ = error "BinaryTree.adjust: object not found"
adjustM :: Monad m => ([Bool] -> a -> m a) -> [Bool] -> BinaryTree a -> m (BinaryTree a)
adjustM :: MonadFail m => ([Bool] -> a -> m a) -> [Bool] -> BinaryTree a -> m (BinaryTree a)
adjustM f a (Leaf v) = f a v >>= return . Leaf
adjustM f (True:a) n@(Node {}) = do { v <- adjustM f a $ btTrue n
; return $ n { btTrue = v }}

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@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ The "loadObject" and "updateObject" functions are used to insert or extract an o
The default definitions are sufficient for most kernel objects. There is one exception in the platform-independent code, for "CTE" objects; it can be found in \autoref{sec:object.instances}.
> loadObject :: (Monad m) => Word -> Word -> Maybe Word ->
> loadObject :: (MonadFail m) => Word -> Word -> Maybe Word ->
> KernelObject -> m a
> loadObject ptr ptr' next obj = do
> unless (ptr == ptr') $ fail $ "no object at address given in pspace,target=" ++ (show ptr) ++",lookup=" ++ (show ptr')
@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ The default definitions are sufficient for most kernel objects. There is one exc
> sizeCheck ptr next (objBits val)
> return val
> updateObject :: (Monad m) => a -> KernelObject -> Word ->
> updateObject :: (MonadFail m) => a -> KernelObject -> Word ->
> Word -> Maybe Word -> m KernelObject
> updateObject val oldObj ptr ptr' next = do
> unless (ptr == ptr') $ fail $ "no object at address given in pspace,target=" ++ (show ptr) ++",lookup=" ++ (show ptr')
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ The default definitions are sufficient for most kernel objects. There is one exc
The "injectKO" and "projectKO" functions convert to and from a "KernelObject", which is the type used to encapsulate all objects stored in the "PSpace" structure.
> injectKO :: a -> KernelObject
> projectKO :: (Monad m) => KernelObject -> m a
> projectKO :: (MonadFail m) => KernelObject -> m a
> objBits :: PSpaceStorable a => a -> Int
> objBits a = objBitsKO (injectKO a)
@ -156,7 +156,7 @@ requested type.
> (before, middle, after) = lookupAround ptr mp
> after' = maybe Nothing (Just . fst) after
> maybeToMonad :: Monad m => Maybe a -> m a
> maybeToMonad :: MonadFail m => Maybe a -> m a
> maybeToMonad (Just x) = return x
> maybeToMonad Nothing = fail "maybeToMonad: got Nothing"
@ -285,18 +285,18 @@ This is intended for use by alternate implementations of "placeNewObject", for o
These two functions halt the kernel with an error message when a memory access is performed with incorrect type or alignment.
> typeError :: Monad m => String -> KernelObject -> m a
> typeError :: MonadFail m => String -> KernelObject -> m a
> typeError t1 t2 = fail ("Wrong object type - expected " ++ t1 ++
> ", found " ++ (kernelObjectTypeName t2))
> alignError :: Monad m => Int -> m a
> alignError :: MonadFail m => Int -> m a
> alignError n = fail ("Unaligned access - lowest " ++
> (show n) ++ " bits must be 0")
> alignCheck :: Monad m => Word -> Int -> m ()
> alignCheck :: MonadFail m => Word -> Int -> m ()
> alignCheck x n = unless (x .&. mask n == 0) $ alignError n
> sizeCheck :: Monad m => Word -> Maybe Word -> Int -> m ()
> sizeCheck :: MonadFail m => Word -> Maybe Word -> Int -> m ()
> sizeCheck _ Nothing _ = return ()
> sizeCheck start (Just end) n =
> when (end - start < 1 `shiftL` n)

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@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ The following function allows the machine monad to be directly accessed from ker
The function "assert" is used to state that a predicate must be true at a given point. If it is not, the behaviour of the kernel is undefined. The Haskell model will not terminate in this case.
> assert :: Monad m => Bool -> String -> m ()
> assert :: MonadFail m => Bool -> String -> m ()
> assert p e = if p then return () else fail $ "Assertion failed: " ++ e
The function "stateAssert" is similar to "assert", except that it reads the current state. This is typically used for more complex assertions that cannot be easily expressed in Haskell; in this case, the asserted function is "const True" in Haskell but is replaced with something stronger in the Isabelle translation.