lib ccorres_rewrite: discard everything sequenced after a Throw

Also introduce simple conditional rewriting.
This commit is contained in:
Matthew Brecknell 2018-02-08 18:23:03 +11:00
parent 0b2cb85b8d
commit 6ee106571a
3 changed files with 610 additions and 262 deletions

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@ -1,229 +1,48 @@
* Copyright 2016, NICTA
* Copyright 2018, Data61
* Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
* ABN 41 687 119 230.
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
(* This theory provides a very basic proof method for rewriting SIMPL (C) programs
under ccorres/ccorres_underlying using semantic equivalence.
theory CCorres_Rewrite
(* C_simp rules may be applied repeatedly.
The result of a C_simp_final simplification will not be simplified further.
For example, use C_simp_final when the RHS matches the LHS. *)
text \<open>A simple proof method for rewriting Simpl programs under @{term ccorres_underlying}.\<close>
named_theorems C_simp
locale ccorres_rewrite_locale =
simpl_rewrite \<Gamma> "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H"
for \<Gamma> sr r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(* for less typing and local com_eq syntax *)
fixes \<Gamma> :: "'b \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) com option"
global_interpretation ccorres_rewrite: ccorres_rewrite_locale
by unfold_locales (auto simp: simpl_rewrite_base.com_eq_def semantic_equiv_def ceqv_def
elim: ccorres_semantic_equivD2)
com_eq :: "('a, 'b, 'c) com \<Rightarrow> ('a, 'b, 'c) com \<Rightarrow> bool"
"com_eq c c' \<equiv> \<forall>s s'. (\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s') = (\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c',s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s')"
method ccorres_rewrite declares C_simp C_simp_pre C_simp_simps C_simp_throws
= ccorres_rewrite.simpl_rewrite
(* local, in this context only *)
notation com_eq (infix "\<sim>" 10)
abbreviation "com_eq \<Gamma> \<equiv> ccorres_rewrite.com_eq \<Gamma> True"
abbreviation "never_continues \<Gamma> \<equiv> ccorres_rewrite.never_continues \<Gamma> True"
(* Slightly stronger than the existing semantic_equiv, which only talks about Normal s, not all s *)
lemma com_eq_semantic_equiv:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> semantic_equiv \<Gamma> s s' c c'"
by (simp add: com_eq_def semantic_equiv_def ceqv_def)
lemmas com_eq_def = ccorres_rewrite.com_eq_def
lemmas never_continues_def = ccorres_rewrite.never_continues_def
(* com_eq is an order *)
lemma com_eq_refl:
"c \<sim> c"
by (simp add: com_eq_def)
text \<open>Some CRefine proofs remove Collect_const from the @{method simp} set,
but we almost always want @{method ccorres_rewrite} to use it to simplify
trivial @{text IF} and @{text WHILE} conditions.\<close>
declare Collect_const [C_simp_simps]
lemma com_eq_sym:
"(c \<sim> c') = (c' \<sim> c)"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def)
text \<open>Test that the @{command named_theorems} @{thm C_simp} still works in the
@{term ccorres_rewrite_locale} interpretation.\<close>
lemma com_eq_trans:
"\<lbrakk> c \<sim> c'; c' \<sim> c'' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> c \<sim> c''"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def)
(* com_eq permits rewriting under ccorres_underlying *)
lemma ccorres_com_eqI:
"\<lbrakk> c \<sim> c'; ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H c' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H c"
by (erule ccorres_semantic_equivD2, erule com_eq_semantic_equiv)
(* structural propagation rules *)
lemma com_eq_Seq:
"\<lbrakk> c1 \<sim> c1'; c2 \<sim> c2' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> c1;;c2 \<sim> c1';;c2'"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (auto intro: exec.Seq elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Cond:
"\<lbrakk> c1 \<sim> c1'; c2 \<sim> c2' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Cond b c1 c2 \<sim> Cond b c1' c2'"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (auto intro: exec.CondTrue exec.CondFalse elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_While':
assumes eq: "c \<sim> c'"
assumes W: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>While b c,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'"
shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>While b c',s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'"
using W
proof (induct "While b c" s s')
case WhileTrue
with eq show ?case unfolding com_eq_def by (auto elim: exec.WhileTrue)
case WhileFalse
then show ?case by (rule exec.WhileFalse)
qed auto
lemma com_eq_While:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> While b c \<sim> While b c'"
by (subst com_eq_def)
(auto intro: com_eq_While' com_eq_While' [OF com_eq_sym [THEN iffD1]])
(* the actual form of WHILE b DO c OD *)
lemma com_eq_whileAnno:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> (whileAnno b I V c) \<sim> (whileAnno b I V c')"
by (clarsimp simp: whileAnno_def elim!: com_eq_While)
lemma com_eq_Guard:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> Guard f b c \<sim> Guard f b c'"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (auto intro: exec.Guard exec.GuardFault elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Catch:
"\<lbrakk> c \<sim> c'; h \<sim> h' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Catch c h \<sim> Catch c' h'"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (auto intro: exec.CatchMiss exec.CatchMatch elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemmas ccorres_rewrite_splits =
com_eq_Seq com_eq_Cond com_eq_While com_eq_whileAnno com_eq_Guard com_eq_Catch
(* Actual simplification rules *)
lemma com_eq_Skip_Seq [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> Skip;;c \<sim> c'"
apply (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (fastforce elim!: exec_elim_cases)
apply (case_tac s; (simp, (erule exec_elim_cases; simp)?))
apply (rule exec.Seq, rule exec.Skip, simp)
lemma com_eq_Seq_Skip [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> c;;Skip \<sim> c'"
apply (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (fastforce elim!: exec_elim_cases)
apply (case_tac s; (simp, (erule exec_elim_cases; simp)?))
apply (rule exec.Seq, simp)
apply (case_tac s'; (simp, (erule exec_elim_cases; simp)?))
apply (rule exec.Skip)
lemma com_eq_Cond_empty [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> Cond {} c1 c \<sim> c'"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (clarsimp, case_tac s, auto intro: exec.CondFalse elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Cond_UNIV [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> Cond UNIV c c2 \<sim> c'"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (clarsimp, case_tac s, auto intro: exec.CondTrue elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma exec_Cond_cases:
"\<lbrakk>s \<in> b \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c\<^sub>1,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t; s \<notin> b \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c\<^sub>2,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>Cond b c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t"
by (cases "s \<in> b") (auto intro: exec.CondTrue exec.CondFalse)
lemma com_eq_Cond_both [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> Cond b c c \<sim> c'"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (clarsimp, case_tac s, auto intro: exec_Cond_cases elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_If_False [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> IF False THEN c1 ELSE c FI \<sim> c'"
by (simp add: com_eq_Cond_empty)
lemma com_eq_If_True [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> IF True THEN c ELSE c2 FI \<sim> c'"
by (simp add: com_eq_Cond_UNIV)
lemma com_eq_While_empty [C_simp]:
"While {} c \<sim> Skip"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (auto intro: exec.WhileFalse exec.Skip elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_While_FALSE [C_simp]:
"WHILE False INV P DO c OD \<sim> Skip"
by (simp add: com_eq_While_empty whileAnno_def)
lemma com_eq_Guard_UNIV [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> Guard f UNIV c \<sim> c'"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (clarsimp, case_tac s, auto intro: exec.Guard elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Guard_True [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> Guard f \<lbrace>True\<rbrace> c \<sim> c'"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_Guard_UNIV)
lemma com_eq_Guard_empty [C_simp]:
"Guard f {} c \<sim> Guard f {} Skip"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (clarsimp, case_tac s, auto intro: exec.GuardFault elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Guard_False [C_simp]:
"Guard f \<lbrace>False\<rbrace> c \<sim> Guard f {} Skip"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_Guard_empty)
lemma com_eq_Catch_Skip [C_simp]:
"Catch Skip c \<sim> Skip"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (auto intro: exec.CatchMiss exec.Skip elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Catch_Throw [C_simp]:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> Catch Throw c \<sim> c'"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (clarsimp, case_tac s, auto intro: exec.CatchMatch exec.Throw elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Throw [C_simp]:
"Throw;; c \<sim> Throw"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (auto intro: exec.Throw exec.Seq elim!: exec_elim_cases)
(* First introduces com_eq goal (rule cccorres_com_eqI), then breaks the term into
its component parts (ccorres_rewrite_decompose), and finally reassembles,
applying simplification rules whenever possible, and otherwise applying reflexivity.
At every decomposition or simplification step, we first apply a transitivity rule,
to ensure we can continue simplifying each subterm until no more simplifications
are possible, before applying reflexivity to reassemble the enclosing term.
Limited to unconditional rewrite rules. Purpose is not to provide a real rewriting engine,
just to get rid of annoying Skip and Cond {} bits that come from config options or macros.
method ccorres_rewrite_decompose =
(rule com_eq_trans, (rule ccorres_rewrite_splits; ccorres_rewrite_decompose)?)
method ccorres_rewrite_recombine declares C_simp =
determ \<open>rule C_simp com_eq_refl\<close>
method ccorres_rewrite declares C_simp =
changed \<open>rule ccorres_com_eqI, ccorres_rewrite_decompose, ccorres_rewrite_recombine+\<close>
(* Example *)
assumes c3: "com_eq \<Gamma> c3 c"
assumes c: "com_eq \<Gamma> (c;;c) c"
@ -231,66 +50,13 @@ lemma
(c;; Guard f UNIV (IF X THEN c ELSE c FI);; Cond {} Skip (Skip;;c2);;
apply ccorres_rewrite (* c;; c;; c2;; c3 *)
apply ccorres_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H (c;;c;;c2;;c3)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
apply (ccorres_rewrite C_simp: c3) (* c;; c;; c2;; c *)
apply (ccorres_rewrite C_simp: c3)
apply (match conclusion in "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H (c;;c;;c2;;c)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
apply (ccorres_rewrite C_simp: c) (* c;; c2;; c *)
apply (ccorres_rewrite C_simp: c)
apply (match conclusion in "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H (c;;c2;;c)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
apply (fails \<open>ccorres_rewrite\<close>) (* fails if nothing changes *)
(* Test for WHILE (whileAnno) case *)
lemma "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(WHILE b DO Guard f g c;; IF False THEN c2 FI OD;; SKIP)"
apply ccorres_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(WHILE b DO Guard f g c OD)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
(* Test that simplification works down all branches of the term. *)
lemma "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(SKIP ;; c) ;; (SKIP ;; IF True THEN SKIP ELSE c FI)
(SKIP ;; SKIP) ;; (Guard f UNIV c ;; SKIP)
apply ccorres_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H c" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
(* Test that complex simplification rules work. *)
context begin
private lemma com_eq_Cond_redundant:
"com_eq \<Gamma> (IF b THEN c1 ELSE IF b THEN c2 ELSE c3 FI FI) (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c3 FI)"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (auto intro: exec.CondTrue exec.CondFalse elim!: exec_elim_cases)
private lemma "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(SKIP ;;
(SKIP ;; c1) ;; (SKIP ;; SKIP)
IF b1 THEN c2 ELSE c2 FI
WHILE False DO c4 OD ;; (c3 ;; SKIP)
apply (ccorres_rewrite C_simp: com_eq_Cond_redundant)
apply (match conclusion in "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(IF b THEN c1 ELSE c3 FI)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
(* Test False guard avoids looping. *)
lemma "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(SKIP ;; Guard f {} (IF b THEN c ELSE c FI) ;; SKIP)"
apply ccorres_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(Guard f {} SKIP)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
apply (fails \<open>ccorres_rewrite\<close>)

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@ -1291,4 +1291,18 @@ lemma ccorres_split_nothrow_case_sum:
text \<open>@{method ccorres_rewrite} support for discarding everything after @{term creturn}.\<close>
lemma never_continues_creturn [C_simp_throws]:
"never_continues \<Gamma> (creturn rtu xfu v)"
by (auto simp: never_continues_def creturn_def elim: exec_elim_cases)
"ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(c1 ;; (c2 ;; c3 ;; (creturn rtu xfu v ;; c4 ;; c5) ;; c6 ;; c7))"
apply ccorres_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "ccorres_underlying sr \<Gamma> r xf r' xf' P P' hs H
(c1 ;; (c2 ;; c3 ;; creturn rtu xfu v))" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)

lib/clib/Simpl_Rewrite.thy Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,568 @@
* Copyright 2018, Data61
* Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)
* ABN 41 687 119 230.
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
text \<open>A simple proof method for rewriting Simpl programs under a predicate which
is preserved by semantic equivalence.\<close>
theory Simpl_Rewrite
text \<open>Definitions and lemmas for reasoning about equivalence of Simpl programs.\<close>
named_theorems C_simp
named_theorems C_simp_pre
named_theorems C_simp_simps
named_theorems C_simp_throws
locale simpl_rewrite_base =
fixes \<Gamma> :: "'p \<Rightarrow> ('s,'p,'f) com option"
text \<open>Semantic equivalence of two Simpl programs.
Since we quantify over all possible states, this is somewhat stronger than some other
notions of semantic equivalence. In particular, @{text ceqv} takes particular begin and
end states as arguments, and is only defined for @{term Normal} begin and end states.\<close>
"com_eq t c c' \<equiv> t \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>s s'. \<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s' \<longleftrightarrow> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c',s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s')"
text \<open>@{text com_eq} assertions may be guarded. Guards enable simple conditional rewriting.\<close>
lemma com_eq_weaken_guard:
"com_eq t c c' \<Longrightarrow> (t' \<Longrightarrow> t) \<Longrightarrow> com_eq t' c c'"
by (simp add: com_eq_def)
lemma com_eq_guard_False:
"com_eq False c c'"
by (simp add: com_eq_def)
text \<open>Most @{text com_eq} simplification rules will be unguarded, however.\<close>
"com_equiv \<equiv> com_eq True"
notation com_equiv (infix "\<sim>" 10)
text \<open>@{term "com_eq"} is an equivalence relation.\<close>
lemma com_eq_refl:
"c \<sim> c"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def)
lemma com_eq_sym:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> c' \<sim> c"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def)
lemma com_eq_trans:
"\<lbrakk> c \<sim> c'; c' \<sim> c'' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> c \<sim> c''"
by (auto simp add: com_eq_def)
text \<open>Structural decomposition of Simpl programs under @{term "com_eq"}.\<close>
lemma com_eq_Seq:
"\<lbrakk> c1 \<sim> c1'; c2 \<sim> c2' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> c1;;c2 \<sim> c1';;c2'"
unfolding com_eq_def by (auto intro: exec.Seq elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Cond:
"\<lbrakk> c1 \<sim> c1'; c2 \<sim> c2' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Cond b c1 c2 \<sim> Cond b c1' c2'"
unfolding com_eq_def by (auto intro: exec.CondTrue exec.CondFalse elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_While':
assumes eq: "c \<sim> c'"
assumes W: "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>While b c,s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'"
shows "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>While b c',s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'"
using W
proof (induct "While b c" s s')
case WhileTrue
with eq show ?case unfolding com_eq_def by (auto elim: exec.WhileTrue)
case WhileFalse
then show ?case by (rule exec.WhileFalse)
qed auto
lemma com_eq_While:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> While b c \<sim> While b c'"
by (subst com_eq_def) (auto intro: com_eq_While' com_eq_While' [OF com_eq_sym])
lemma com_eq_whileAnno:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> whileAnno b I V c \<sim> whileAnno b I V c'"
by (clarsimp simp: whileAnno_def elim!: com_eq_While)
lemma com_eq_Guard:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> Guard f b c \<sim> Guard f b c'"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def intro: exec.Guard exec.GuardFault elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Catch:
"\<lbrakk> c \<sim> c'; h \<sim> h' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Catch c h \<sim> Catch c' h'"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def intro: exec.CatchMiss exec.CatchMatch elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemmas com_eq_intros =
com_eq_Seq com_eq_Cond com_eq_While com_eq_whileAnno com_eq_Guard com_eq_Catch
text \<open>Simpl @{term Seq} is associative under @{term com_eq}.\<close>
lemma com_eq_Seq_assoc_l:
"c1;;(c2;;c3) \<sim> (c1;;c2);;c3"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def exec_assoc)
lemma com_eq_Seq_assoc_r:
"(c1;;c2);;c3 \<sim> c1;;(c2;;c3)"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def exec_assoc)
text \<open>Under @{term com_eq}, some Simpl elements are right-distributive w.r.t. @{term Seq}.\<close>
lemma com_eq_Cond_distrib_r:
"Cond b (c1;;c) (c2;;c) \<sim> Cond b c1 c2 ;; c"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def
intro: exec.Seq exec.CondTrue exec.CondFalse
elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Guard_distrib_r:
"Guard f b (c1;;c2) \<sim> Guard f b c1 ;; c2"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def
intro: exec.Seq exec.Guard exec.GuardFault
elim!: exec_elim_cases)
text \<open>Simplification rules should be of the form @{term "com_eq t c c'"}.
Simplifications added to the @{thm C_simp_pre} set will be performed before
sub-programs have been simplified. Those added to the @{thm C_simp} set
will be performed after sub-programs have been simplified.
Conditional simplification rules will only apply if the guard @{term t} can be
immediately solved by @{method simp}.\<close>
lemma com_eq_Skip_Seq [C_simp]:
"Skip;;c \<sim> c"
apply (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (fastforce elim!: exec_elim_cases)
apply (case_tac s; (simp, (erule exec_elim_cases; simp)?))
apply (rule exec.Seq, rule exec.Skip, simp)
lemma com_eq_Seq_Skip [C_simp]:
"c;;Skip \<sim> c"
apply (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (fastforce elim!: exec_elim_cases)
apply (case_tac s; (simp, (erule exec_elim_cases; simp)?))
apply (rule exec.Seq, simp)
apply (case_tac s'; (simp, (erule exec_elim_cases; simp)?))
apply (rule exec.Skip)
lemma com_eq_Cond_empty [C_simp_pre]:
"com_eq (b = {}) (Cond b c1 c2) c2"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def, case_tac s, auto intro: exec.CondFalse elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Cond_UNIV [C_simp_pre]:
"com_eq (b = UNIV) (Cond b c1 c2) c1"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def, case_tac s, auto intro: exec.CondTrue elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma exec_Cond_cases:
"\<lbrakk>s \<in> b \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c\<^sub>1,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t; s \<notin> b \<Longrightarrow> \<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>c\<^sub>2,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<Gamma>\<turnstile> \<langle>Cond b c\<^sub>1 c\<^sub>2,Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> t"
by (cases "s \<in> b") (auto intro: exec.CondTrue exec.CondFalse)
lemma com_eq_Cond_both [C_simp]:
"Cond b c c \<sim> c"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def, case_tac s, auto intro: exec_Cond_cases elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_While_empty [C_simp_pre]:
"com_eq (b = {}) (While b c) Skip"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def intro: exec.WhileFalse exec.Skip elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_whileAnno_empty [C_simp_pre]:
"com_eq (b = {}) (whileAnno b I V c) Skip"
by (simp add: com_eq_While_empty whileAnno_def)
lemma com_eq_Guard_UNIV [C_simp_pre]:
"com_eq (b = UNIV) (Guard f b c) c"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def, case_tac s, auto intro: exec.Guard elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Guard_empty [C_simp_pre]:
"com_eq (c \<noteq> Skip \<and> b = {}) (Guard f b c) (Guard f {} Skip)"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def, case_tac s, auto intro: exec.GuardFault elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Catch_Skip [C_simp]:
"Catch Skip c \<sim> Skip"
by (auto simp: com_eq_def intro: exec.CatchMiss exec.Skip elim!: exec_elim_cases)
lemma com_eq_Catch_Throw [C_simp]:
"Catch Throw c \<sim> c"
by (clarsimp simp: com_eq_def, case_tac s)
(auto intro: exec.CatchMatch exec.Throw elim!: exec_elim_cases)
text \<open>An assertion expressing that a Simpl program never finishes normally.\<close>
"never_continues t c \<equiv> t \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>s s'. \<not> \<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, Normal s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> Normal s')"
text \<open>Commands sequenced after a command that @{term never_continues} may be ignored.\<close>
lemma never_continues_def2:
"never_continues t c \<equiv> t \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>r. (c;;r) \<sim> c)"
unfolding atomize_eq never_continues_def com_eq_def
apply (rule iffI; erule (1) imp_forward; clarsimp)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule exec_elim_cases; clarsimp)
apply (match premises in "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, Normal _\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'" for s' \<Rightarrow> \<open>cases s'\<close>;
clarsimp elim!: exec_elim_cases)
apply (match premises in "\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c, s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'" for s s' \<Rightarrow> \<open>cases s; cases s'\<close>;
clarsimp elim!: exec_elim_cases exec.Seq)
by (fastforce dest!: spec[of _ Throw] elim!: exec_elim_cases)
text \<open>Rules for rewriting the arguments of @{term never_continues}.\<close>
lemma never_continues_weaken_guard:
"never_continues t c \<Longrightarrow> (t' \<Longrightarrow> t) \<Longrightarrow> never_continues t' c"
by (simp add: never_continues_def)
lemma never_continues_rewrite_com_eq:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> never_continues t c \<Longrightarrow> never_continues t c'"
apply (simp add: never_continues_def2)
apply (elim imp_forward all_forward, assumption)
apply (rule com_eq_trans, rule com_eq_Seq, erule com_eq_sym, rule com_eq_refl)
by (erule com_eq_trans[rotated])
text \<open>Rules of the form @{term "never_continues True c"} may be added to @{text C_simp_throws}.\<close>
lemma never_continues_Throw [C_simp_throws]:
"never_continues True Throw"
by (auto simp: never_continues_def elim: exec_elim_cases)
lemma While_UNIV_helper:
"\<Gamma> \<turnstile> \<langle>c',s\<rangle> \<Rightarrow> s'' \<Longrightarrow> c' = While UNIV c \<Longrightarrow> s'' = Normal s' \<Longrightarrow> False"
by (induct rule: exec.induct) auto
lemma never_continues_While_UNIV [C_simp_throws]:
"never_continues True (While UNIV c)"
by (auto simp: never_continues_def elim: While_UNIV_helper)
lemma never_continues_While_True [C_simp_throws]:
"never_continues True (WHILE True DO c OD)"
by (simp add: whileAnno_def never_continues_While_UNIV)
lemma never_continues_Guard_False [C_simp_throws]:
"never_continues True (Guard f {} c)"
by (auto simp: never_continues_def elim: exec_elim_cases)
text \<open>Structural decomposition of Simpl programs under @{term never_continues}.\<close>
lemma never_continues_Seq1:
"never_continues t c1 \<Longrightarrow> never_continues t (c1;;c2)"
apply (clarsimp simp: never_continues_def2)
apply (frule spec[of _ c2], erule com_eq_trans[rotated, OF com_eq_sym])
apply (rule com_eq_trans[OF com_eq_Seq_assoc_r])
by simp
lemma never_continues_Seq2:
"never_continues t c2 \<Longrightarrow> never_continues t (c1;;c2)"
apply (clarsimp simp: never_continues_def2)
apply (rule com_eq_trans[OF com_eq_Seq_assoc_r])
apply (rule com_eq_Seq[OF com_eq_refl])
by simp
lemmas never_continues_Seqs =
never_continues_Seq1 never_continues_Seq2
lemma never_continues_Cond:
"never_continues t1 c1 \<Longrightarrow> never_continues t2 c2 \<Longrightarrow> never_continues (t1 \<and> t2) (Cond b c1 c2)"
by (auto simp: never_continues_def elim: exec_elim_cases)
lemma never_continues_Guard:
"never_continues t c \<Longrightarrow> never_continues t (Guard f b c)"
by (auto simp: never_continues_def elim: exec_elim_cases)
lemma never_continues_Catch:
"never_continues tc c \<Longrightarrow> never_continues th h \<Longrightarrow> never_continues (tc \<and> th) (Catch c h)"
by (auto simp: never_continues_def elim: exec_elim_cases)
text \<open>If all else fails...\<close>
lemma never_continues_False:
"never_continues False c"
by (simp add: never_continues_def)
text \<open>One layer of context around a Simpl program.
For example, if the current focus is the first branch of a @{term Cond},
then the context consists of a constructor @{text CondTC} which indicates
this is the context, and carries everything but but the focused branch,
i.e. the condition and the second branch.
The @{text CondFC} and @{text HandlerC} cases each carry an extra bit of
information, which indicates whether the left-hand branch @{text never_continues}.
The assumption here is that we always traverse Simpl programs left-to-right.
@{text Seq2C} does not require an extra bit, because we never enter the second
command of a @{term Seq} if the first command @{text never_continues}.\<close>
datatype ('s,'p,'f) com_ctxt
= Seq1C "('s,'p,'f) com" -- "first command of a @{term Seq}"
| Seq2C "('s,'p,'f) com" -- "second command of a @{term Seq}"
| CondTC "'s bexp" "('s,'p,'f) com" -- "first branch of a @{term Cond}"
| CondFC "'s bexp" "('s,'p,'f) com" bool -- "second branch of a @{term Cond}"
| WhileC "'s bexp" -- "body of a @{term While}"
| WhileAnnoC "'s bexp" "'s assn" "('s \<times> 's) assn" -- "body of a @{term whileAnno}"
| GuardC "'f" "'s bexp" -- "body of a @{term Guard}"
| TryC "('s,'p,'f) com" -- "body of a @{term Catch}"
| HandlerC "('s,'p,'f) com" bool -- "handler of a @{term Catch}"
text \<open>Rewrite Simpl programs under a predicate @{term P} which is preserved by @{term com_eq}.\<close>
locale simpl_rewrite = simpl_rewrite_base \<Gamma>
for \<Gamma> :: "'p \<Rightarrow> ('s,'p,'f) com option" +
fixes P :: "('s,'p,'f) com \<Rightarrow> bool"
assumes inv: "\<And>c c'. c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> P c' \<Longrightarrow> P c"
text \<open>Calculate @{term P} for a Simpl program consisting of a sub-program in a nest of contexts.\<close>
ctxt_P :: "('s,'p,'f) com \<Rightarrow> ('s,'p,'f) com_ctxt list \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ctxt_P c [] = P c"
| "ctxt_P c (Seq1C c' # cs) = ctxt_P (Seq c c') cs"
| "ctxt_P c (Seq2C c' # cs) = ctxt_P (Seq c' c) cs"
| "ctxt_P c (CondTC b c' # cs) = ctxt_P (Cond b c c') cs"
| "ctxt_P c (CondFC b c' t # cs) = (never_continues t c' \<longrightarrow> ctxt_P (Cond b c' c) cs)"
| "ctxt_P c (WhileC b # cs) = ctxt_P (While b c) cs"
| "ctxt_P c (WhileAnnoC b I V # cs) = ctxt_P (whileAnno b I V c) cs"
| "ctxt_P c (GuardC f b # cs) = ctxt_P (Guard f b c) cs"
| "ctxt_P c (TryC c' # cs) = ctxt_P (Catch c c') cs"
| "ctxt_P c (HandlerC c' t # cs) = (never_continues t c' \<longrightarrow> ctxt_P (Catch c' c) cs)"
text \<open>For the current focus, we add a flag @{term t} of type @{typ "bool option"}.
@{term t} is None until we have finished rewriting sub-programs.
It is @{term "Some t"} when rewriting has finished for the current focus, and
the result satisfies @{term "never_continues t"}.\<close>
"nc_opt t \<equiv> never_continues (case_option False id t)"
"focus c t cs \<equiv> nc_opt t c \<longrightarrow> ctxt_P c cs"
lemmas focus_defs = focus_def nc_opt_def
lemma nc_opt_None:
"nc_opt None t"
by (simp add: nc_opt_def never_continues_False)
text \<open>Rules for beginning and ending the rewriting process.\<close>
lemma enter_focus:
"focus c None [] \<Longrightarrow> P c"
by (simp add: focus_defs never_continues_False)
lemma exit_focus:
"P c \<Longrightarrow> focus c t []"
by (simp add: focus_defs)
text \<open>Rules for rewriting at the current focus.\<close>
lemma nc_opt_rewrite_com_eq:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> nc_opt t c \<Longrightarrow> nc_opt t c'"
by (simp add: nc_opt_def never_continues_rewrite_com_eq)
lemma ctxt_P_rewrite_com_eq:
"c \<sim> c' \<Longrightarrow> ctxt_P c' cs \<Longrightarrow> ctxt_P c cs"
proof (induct cs arbitrary: c c')
case Nil thus ?case by (simp add: inv)
case (Cons c'' cs) show ?case using Cons.prems(2)
by (cases c''; clarsimp elim!: Cons.hyps[rotated];
intro com_eq_intros com_eq_refl Cons.prems(1))
lemma rewrite_focus:
"com_eq p c c' \<Longrightarrow> p \<Longrightarrow> focus c' t cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c t cs"
by (simp add: focus_def nc_opt_rewrite_com_eq ctxt_P_rewrite_com_eq)
text \<open>Rules to set the @{term never_continues} flag for the current focus.\<close>
lemma focus_set_never_continues:
"never_continues t c \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t) cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c None cs"
by (simp add: focus_defs)
lemma focus_update_never_continues:
"never_continues t c \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some (t \<or> t')) cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t') cs"
by (cases t; cases t'; simp add: focus_defs)
lemmas focus_never_continues =
focus_update_never_continues[where t'=True, simplified]
focus_update_never_continues[where t'=False, simplified]
text \<open>Rules for moving the focus down the left spine.\<close>
lemma focus_left:
"focus c None (Seq1C c' # cs) \<Longrightarrow> focus (Seq c c') None cs"
"focus c None (CondTC b c' # cs) \<Longrightarrow> focus (Cond b c c') None cs"
"focus c None (WhileC b # cs) \<Longrightarrow> focus (While b c) None cs"
"focus c None (WhileAnnoC b I V # cs) \<Longrightarrow> focus (whileAnno b I V c) None cs"
"focus c None (GuardC f b # cs) \<Longrightarrow> focus (Guard f b c) None cs"
"focus c None (TryC c' # cs) \<Longrightarrow> focus (Catch c c') None cs"
by (auto simp: focus_def nc_opt_None)
text \<open>Rules for moving the focus to the right sibling.\<close>
lemma focus_right:
"focus c' None (Seq2C c # cs) \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some False) (Seq1C c' # cs)"
"focus c' None (CondFC b c t # cs) \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t) (CondTC b c' # cs)"
"focus c' None (HandlerC c t # cs) \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t) (TryC c' # cs)"
by (auto simp: focus_defs never_continues_False)
text \<open>Rules for moving the focus up to the parent.\<close>
lemma ctxt_P_Seq1:
"never_continues True c \<Longrightarrow> ctxt_P c cs \<Longrightarrow> ctxt_P (Seq c c') cs"
by (auto simp: never_continues_def2 elim: ctxt_P_rewrite_com_eq)
lemma unfocus_simple:
"focus c (Some True) cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some True) (Seq1C c' # cs)"
"focus (Seq c' c) (Some t) cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t) (Seq2C c' # cs)"
"focus (While b c) (Some False) cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t) (WhileC b # cs)"
"focus (whileAnno b I V c) (Some False) cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t) (WhileAnnoC b I V # cs)"
"focus (Guard f b c) (Some t) cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t) (GuardC f b # cs)"
by (auto simp: focus_defs never_continues_False ctxt_P_Seq1 never_continues_Seq2 never_continues_Guard)
lemma unfocus_complex:
"focus (Cond b c' c) (Some (t' \<and> t)) cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t) (CondFC b c' t' # cs)"
"focus (Catch c' c) (Some (t' \<and> t)) cs \<Longrightarrow> focus c (Some t) (HandlerC c' t' # cs)"
by (auto simp: focus_defs never_continues_False never_continues_Cond never_continues_Catch)
lemmas unfocus =
unfocus_complex[where t=True and t'=True, simplified]
unfocus_complex[where t=False, simplified]
unfocus_complex[where t'=False, simplified]
text \<open>Methods to automate rewriting.\<close>
method do_rewrite uses ruleset declares C_simp_simps =
(rule rewrite_focus, rule ruleset,
#break "simpl_rewrite_rewrite", (simp add: C_simp_simps; fail))+
method rewrite_pre declares C_simp_pre C_simp_simps =
(do_rewrite ruleset: C_simp_pre)
method rewrite_post declares C_simp C_simp_simps =
(do_rewrite ruleset: C_simp)
method never_continues declares C_simp_throws =
(rule focus_never_continues, rule C_simp_throws never_continues_False)
method children methods do_focus declares C_simp C_simp_pre C_simp_simps C_simp_throws =
(rule focus_left, do_focus, (rule focus_right, do_focus)?, rule unfocus)?
method do_focus declares C_simp C_simp_pre C_simp_simps C_simp_throws =
(#break "simpl_rewrite_step", rewrite_pre?, children \<open>do_focus\<close>,
#break "simpl_rewrite_step", rewrite_post?, never_continues)
method simpl_rewrite declares C_simp C_simp_pre C_simp_simps C_simp_throws =
changed \<open>rule enter_focus, do_focus, rule exit_focus\<close>
text \<open>Tests\<close>
assumes c3: "c3 \<sim> c"
assumes c: "(c;;c) \<sim> c"
shows "P (c;; Guard f UNIV (IF X THEN c ELSE c FI);; Cond {} Skip (Skip;;c2);; Skip;;
apply simpl_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "P (c;;c;;c2;;c3)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
apply (simpl_rewrite C_simp: c3)
apply (match conclusion in "P (c;;c;;c2;;c)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
apply (simpl_rewrite C_simp: c)
apply (match conclusion in "P (c;;c2;;c)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
apply (fails \<open>simpl_rewrite\<close>)
text \<open>Test for @{text WHILE} (@{term whileAnno}) case.\<close>
"P (WHILE b DO Guard f g c;; IF False THEN c2 FI OD;; SKIP)"
apply simpl_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "P (WHILE b DO Guard f g c OD)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
text \<open>Test that simplification works down all branches of the term.\<close>
(SKIP ;; c) ;; (SKIP ;; IF True THEN SKIP ELSE c FI)
(SKIP ;; SKIP) ;; (Guard f UNIV c ;; SKIP)
apply simpl_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "P c" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
text \<open>Test that complex simplification rules work.\<close>
lemma com_eq_Cond_redundant:
"(IF b THEN c1 ELSE IF b THEN c2 ELSE c3 FI FI) \<sim> (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c3 FI)"
unfolding com_eq_def
by (auto intro: exec.CondTrue exec.CondFalse elim!: exec_elim_cases)
"P (SKIP ;;
(SKIP ;; c1) ;; (SKIP ;; SKIP)
IF b1 THEN c2 ELSE c2 FI
WHILE False DO c4 OD ;; (c3 ;; SKIP)
apply (simpl_rewrite C_simp: com_eq_Cond_redundant)
apply (match conclusion in "P (IF b THEN c1 ELSE c3 FI)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
text \<open>Test False guard avoids looping.\<close>
"P (SKIP ;; Guard f {} (IF b THEN c ELSE c FI) ;; SKIP)"
apply simpl_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "P (Guard f {} SKIP)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
text \<open>Test that everything after a deeply nested Throw is discarded.\<close>
"P (c0;; (c1;; (c2;; (c3;; (c4;; Throw;; c5);; c6);; c7);; c8);; c9)"
apply simpl_rewrite
apply (match conclusion in "P (c0;; (c1;; (c2;; (c3;; (c4;; Throw)))))" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>)
text \<open>Test that rewriting can simplify conditions, also using assumptions in the context.\<close>
assumes "\<And>s. A s \<Longrightarrow> C s"
shows "\<forall>s. Q s = (A s \<longrightarrow> B s \<longrightarrow> C s) \<Longrightarrow> P (Cond {s. \<not> Q s} c1 c2)"
apply (simpl_rewrite C_simp_simps: assms)
apply (match premises in "\<forall>s. Q s = (A s \<longrightarrow> B s \<longrightarrow> C s)" \<Rightarrow> \<open>match conclusion in "P c2" \<Rightarrow> \<open>-\<close>\<close>)