lib/corres_method: bug fixes

* corres_pre now performs more conservative weakening
  if the goal is already a corresK goal. This prevents
  introducing a verification condition in the middle
  of a proof.

* corres_inst_eq avoids splitting if statements when
  unfolding corres_protect.

* corres_rv correctly handles schematic atomic postconditions
  (previously would loop, now instiates them to True)

* corressimp fails on schematic goals to avoid looping
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Matichuk 2017-05-11 17:05:01 +10:00
parent 7964a5c9a8
commit 7bf1e1449d
1 changed files with 38 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -30,6 +30,16 @@ chapter \<open>Corres Methods\<close>
section \<open>Boilerplate\<close>
context begin
private definition "my_true \<equiv> True"
private lemma my_true: "my_true" by (simp add: my_true_def)
method no_schematic_concl = (fails \<open>rule my_true\<close>)
lemma corres_name_pre:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>s s'. \<lbrakk> P s; P' s'; (s, s') \<in> sr \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres_underlying sr nf nf' r (op = s) (op = s') f g \<rbrakk>
@ -154,8 +164,24 @@ private
method corres_raw_pre =
(check_corres, (fails \<open>rule corres_my_false\<close>, rule corresK_start)?)
lemma corresK_weaken_states:
"corres_underlyingK sr nf nf' F r Q Q' f g \<Longrightarrow>
corres_underlyingK sr nf nf' (F \<and> (\<forall>s s'. P s \<longrightarrow> P' s' \<longrightarrow> (s, s') \<in> sr \<longrightarrow> Q s \<and> Q' s'))
r P P' f g"
apply (erule corresK_weaken)
apply simp
private lemma
"corres_underlyingK sr nf nf' (my_false undefined) r P P' f f'"
by (simp add: corres_underlyingK_def my_false_def)
method corresK_pre =
(check_corresK, (fails \<open>rule corresK_my_false\<close>, rule corresK_weaken[where F=True] corresK_weaken)?)
(fails \<open>rule corresK_my_false\<close>,
((succeeds \<open>rule corresK_my_falseF\<close>, rule corresK_weaken_states) |
rule corresK_weaken)))
method corres_pre = (corres_raw_pre | corresK_pre)?
@ -491,6 +517,7 @@ lemmas corres_rv_proves =
lemmas corres_rv_trivials =
corres_rv_proves[where Q="\<lambda>_ _. True", OF TrueI]
corres_rv_proves[where Q="\<lambda>rv rv'. F rv rv' \<longrightarrow> True" for F, # \<open>simp\<close>]
corres_rv_proves[where Q=r and r=r for r, # \<open>simp\<close>]
lemmas corres_rv_defers =
corres_rv_defer_no_args corres_rvE_R_defer_no_args
@ -512,8 +539,11 @@ lemmas corres_rv_lifts =
corres_rv_lifts'[where P="\<lambda>_. True" and P'="\<lambda>_. True" and f="corres_noop", simplified]
corres_rv_lifts'[where PP="\<lambda>_. True" and PP'="\<lambda>_. True" and g="corres_noop", simplified]
lemmas corres_rv_prove_simple =
corres_rv_proveT[# \<open>thin_tac _, thin_tac _\<close>, simplified]
method corres_rv =
(((repeat_new \<open>rule corres_rv_lifts\<close>)?);
(((repeat_new \<open>rule corres_rv_trivials corres_rv_lifts\<close>)?);
((rule corres_rv_trivials corres_rv_defers corres_rv_noops |
(succeeds \<open>rule corres_rv_defer_left corres_rvE_R_defer_left\<close>,
rule corres_rv_wp_lefts) |
@ -584,8 +614,9 @@ lemma corres_inst_test: "False \<Longrightarrow> corres_inst_eq x y" by simp
method corres_inst =
(succeeds \<open>rule corres_inst_test\<close>, fails \<open>rule TrueI\<close>,
(rule corres_inst_eqI |
(clarsimp simp: corres_protect_def, rule corres_inst_eqI)
| (clarsimp simp: corres_protect_def, fastforce intro!: corres_inst_eqI)))[1]
(clarsimp simp: corres_protect_def split del: if_split, rule corres_inst_eqI)
| (clarsimp simp: corres_protect_def split del: if_split,
fastforce intro!: corres_inst_eqI)))[1]
section \<open>Corres Method\<close>
@ -638,11 +669,7 @@ private method corres_apply =
private method corres_alternate = corres_inst | corres_rv
private definition "my_true \<equiv> True"
private lemma my_true: "my_true" by (simp add: my_true_def)
method no_schematic_concl = (fails \<open>rule my_true\<close>)
method corres_once declares corres_splits corres corresK corresc_simp =
@ -1039,11 +1066,12 @@ lemmas calculus_True_insts = hoare_True_inst corres_rv_True_inst corresK_True_in
method corressimp uses simp cong search wp
declares corres corresK corres_splits corresc_simp =
((corres corresc_simp: simp
(corres corresc_simp: simp
| correswp wp: wp
| (rule calculus_True_insts, solves \<open>clarsimp cong: cong simp: simp corres_protect_def\<close>)
| clarsimp cong: cong simp: simp simp del: corres_simp_del split del: if_split
| (match search in _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>corres_search search: search\<close>))+)[1]
| (match search in _ \<Rightarrow> \<open>corres_search search: search\<close>)))+)[1]
declare corres_return[corres_simp_del]