fixed decode with sorry

This commit is contained in:
Daniel Matichuk 2015-09-15 12:02:07 +10:00
parent 53919eda6e
commit 8451c17837
3 changed files with 59 additions and 22 deletions

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@ -2880,6 +2880,12 @@ lemma irq_state_inv_invoke_domain[wp]: "\<lbrace>irq_state_inv st\<rbrace> invok
crunch irq_masks_of_state: bind_async_endpoint "\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)"
crunch irq_state_of_state: bind_async_endpoint "\<lambda>s. P (irq_state_of_state s)"
lemmas bind_async_endpoint_irq_state_inv[wp] =
irq_state_inv_triv[OF bind_async_endpoint_irq_state_of_state bind_async_endpoint_irq_masks_of_state]
lemma invoke_tcb_irq_state_inv:
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. irq_state_inv st s) and domain_sep_inv False sta and
tcb_inv_wf tinv and K (irq_is_recurring irq st)\<rbrace>
@ -2896,7 +2902,7 @@ lemma invoke_tcb_irq_state_inv:
(* just ThreadControl left *)
apply (simp add: split_def cong: option.case_cong)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_all_lift_R
by (wp hoare_vcg_all_lift_R
hoare_vcg_all_lift hoare_vcg_const_imp_lift_R
cap_delete_deletes cap_delete_irq_state_inv[where st=st and sta=sta and irq=irq]
@ -2908,7 +2914,6 @@ lemma invoke_tcb_irq_state_inv:
|strengthen use_no_cap_to_obj_asid_strg
|wp_once irq_state_inv_triv
|wp_once hoare_drop_imps | clarsimp split: option.splits | intro impI conjI allI)+
lemma do_reply_transfer_irq_state_inv_triv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>irq_state_inv st\<rbrace> do_reply_transfer a b c \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. irq_state_inv st\<rbrace>"

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@ -213,26 +213,56 @@ lemma decode_set_priority_rev:
apply (wp reads_respects_ethread_get | simp add: reads_equiv_def)+
(*FIXME: goes away when this is rewritten *)
lemma decode_bind_aep_def:
"decode_bind_aep cap excaps =
(case cap of
ThreadCap tcb \<Rightarrow>
doE whenE (length excaps = 0) $ throwError TruncatedMessage;
aEP \<leftarrow> liftE $ get_bound_aep tcb;
case aEP of None \<Rightarrow> returnOk () | Some x \<Rightarrow> throwError IllegalOperation;
(aepptr, rights) \<leftarrow>
case fst (hd excaps) of AsyncEndpointCap ptr x r \<Rightarrow> returnOk (ptr, r)
| _ \<Rightarrow> throwError IllegalOperation;
whenE (AllowRecv \<notin> rights) $ throwError IllegalOperation;
aep \<leftarrow> liftE $ get_async_ep aepptr;
case (aep_obj aep, aep_bound_tcb aep) of
(WaitingAEP list, b) \<Rightarrow> throwError IllegalOperation
| (_, None) \<Rightarrow> returnOk () | (_, Some a) \<Rightarrow> throwError IllegalOperation;
returnOk $ AsyncEndpointControl tcb (Some aepptr)
| _ \<Rightarrow> throwError IllegalOperation)"
lemma decode_tcb_invocation_reads_respects_f:
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and pas_refined aag and is_subject aag \<circ> cur_thread and valid_objs and zombies_final and (K (is_subject aag t \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. is_subject aag (fst (snd x)))))) (decode_tcb_invocation label args (ThreadCap t) slot excaps)"
notes respects_f = reads_respects_f[where st=st and Q=\<top>]
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and pas_refined aag and is_subject aag \<circ> cur_thread and
valid_objs and zombies_final and (K (is_subject aag t \<and>
(\<forall>x \<in> set excaps. is_subject aag (fst (snd x))) \<and>
(\<forall>x\<in>set excaps. pas_cap_cur_auth aag (fst x)))))
(decode_tcb_invocation label args (ThreadCap t) slot excaps)"
unfolding decode_tcb_invocation_def decode_read_registers_def
decode_write_registers_def decode_copy_registers_def
decode_tcb_configure_def decode_set_space_def decode_bind_aep_def
decode_set_ipc_buffer_def fun_app_def decode_unbind_aep_def
decode_write_registers_def decode_copy_registers_def
decode_tcb_configure_def decode_set_space_def decode_bind_aep_def
decode_set_ipc_buffer_def fun_app_def decode_unbind_aep_def
apply (simp add: unlessE_def[symmetric] unlessE_whenE
split del: split_if
cong: invocation_label.case_cong)
apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
apply (wp_once requiv_cur_thread_eq range_check_ev reads_respects_f[OF derive_cap_rev, where Q="\<top>"]
derive_cap_inv slot_cap_long_running_delete_reads_respects_f
reads_respects_f[OF check_valid_ipc_buffer_rev, where Q="\<top>"] check_valid_ipc_buffer_inv
reads_respects_f[OF decode_set_priority_rev, where Q="\<top>"]
| wp_once whenE_throwError_wp
| wp_once hoare_drop_imps
| wpc
| simp add: unlessE_whenE split del: split_if add: o_def split_def)+
sorry (*
apply (wp_once requiv_cur_thread_eq range_check_ev
respects_f[OF derive_cap_rev]
derive_cap_inv slot_cap_long_running_delete_reads_respects_f[where st=st]
respects_f[OF check_valid_ipc_buffer_rev]
respects_f[OF decode_set_priority_rev]
respects_f[OF get_async_ep_reads_respects]
respects_f[OF get_bound_aep_reads_respects']
| wp_once whenE_throwError_wp
| wp_once hoare_drop_imps
| wpc
| simp add: unlessE_whenE split del: split_if add: o_def split_def)+
unfolding get_tcb_ctable_ptr_def get_tcb_vtable_ptr_def
apply (subgoal_tac "\<not>length excaps < 3 \<longrightarrow> is_subject aag (fst (snd (excaps ! 2)))")
prefer 2
@ -240,9 +270,11 @@ lemma decode_tcb_invocation_reads_respects_f:
apply (subgoal_tac "excaps \<noteq> [] \<longrightarrow> is_subject aag (fst (snd (excaps ! 0)))")
prefer 2
apply (fastforce intro: nth_mem)
apply(fastforce simp: reads_equiv_f_def)
done *)
apply (intro allI impI conjI; (rule disjI1 | fastforce simp: reads_equiv_f_def))
apply (rule reads_ep[where auth="Receive",simplified])
apply (cases excaps;simp)
by (fastforce simp: aag_cap_auth_def cap_auth_conferred_def cap_rights_to_auth_def)
lemma get_irq_state_rev:
"reads_equiv_valid_inv A aag (K (is_subject_irq aag irq)) (get_irq_state irq)"
unfolding get_irq_state_def

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@ -210,7 +210,8 @@ lemma recycle_cap_reads_respects:
apply (rule gen_asm_ev)+
apply (simp add: recycle_cap_def)
apply (wp ep_cancel_badged_sends_reads_respects thread_set_reads_respects
get_thread_state_rev ethread_set_reads_respects
get_thread_state_rev ethread_set_reads_respects
| simp add: when_def invs_valid_objs invs_sym_refs split: option.splits cap.splits
| elim conjE
| intro conjI impI allI
@ -219,11 +220,10 @@ lemma recycle_cap_reads_respects:
| (rule hoare_post_subst[where B="\<lambda>_. \<top>"], fastforce simp: fun_eq_iff)
apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp)
sorry (*
apply (wp arch_recycle_cap_reads_respects)
apply clarsimp
apply assumption
done *)
lemma recycle_cap_reads_respects_f:
"reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and pas_refined aag and invs and
@ -905,7 +905,7 @@ lemma equiv_valid_vacuous:
declare gts_st_tcb_at[wp del]
lemma handle_interrupt_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv st and invs\<rbrace> handle_interrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv (st :: det_ext state) and invs\<rbrace> handle_interrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
unfolding handle_interrupt_def
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt_globals_equiv