c-parser: use fresh names for temporaries

Prior to rendering an expression to SIMPL, the C parser extracts
function calls from the expression and reinserts them as new statements
placed just before the statement containing the expression. The result
of each such function call is assigned to a temporary variable which
takes the place of the function call in the original expression.

Prior to this commit, the C parser would not always generate fresh
temporary variable names when multiple temporaries were needed. In
particular, when the left-hand side of an assignment contained a
function call returning the same type as a function call in the
right-hand side expression, the extracted function calls would be
assigned to the *same* temporary variable.

This commit addresses the issue by carrying name generation state across
all expressions in each statement. It implements a state monad as an
abstract data type for this purpose.

Fixes https://sel4.atlassian.net/browse/VER-1389.

Signed-off-by: Matthew Brecknell <Matthew.Brecknell@data61.csiro.au>
This commit is contained in:
Matthew Brecknell 2021-02-21 12:04:21 +11:00
parent 985ce0d28a
commit 96545a8312
4 changed files with 544 additions and 237 deletions

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@ -1100,11 +1100,13 @@ structure TypeTab = Table(type key = int ctype
datatype lvstate = LV | RV
datatype 'a eact = E of ExprDatatype.expr | RAS of 'a (* Restore address status *)
fun map_ras _ (E x) = E x
| map_ras f (RAS x) = RAS (f x)
(* fname is a string option; NONE corresponds to an expression appearing at
the global level, as can happen in the initialisation of a global *)
fun process_expr lvstate fname (env as CSE {senv, ...}) e = let
fun process_exprs lvstate fname (env as CSE {senv, ...}) exprs = let
fun inc ((fm,greads), k) = (TypeTab.map_default (k,0) (fn i => i + 1) fm, greads)
(* count_fncalls not only counts function calls in the accompanying fmap,
but is also a general traversal of the expression, where other stuff
@ -1112,7 +1114,6 @@ fun process_expr lvstate fname (env as CSE {senv, ...}) e = let
datatype addr_status = Rvalue | BrackLeft | UnderAddr | BL_Addr | Lvalue
| BrackLeftLV | SzOf
fun lvadstat BrackLeftLV = true | lvadstat Lvalue = true | lvadstat _ = false
datatype eact = E of expr | RAS of addr_status (* Restore Address Status *)
fun rval (env,fmap,_) = (env,fmap,Rvalue)
fun count_fncalls (ef as (env,fmap,_)) elist =
case elist of
@ -1312,10 +1313,10 @@ fun process_expr lvstate fname (env as CSE {senv, ...}) e = let
| _ => raise eFail (e, "count_fncall: Can't handle expr type: "^
expr_string e)
fun adstat_of_lvstate lvs = case lvs of LV => Lvalue | RV => Rvalue
val (env', (counts, globalreads)) =
count_fncalls (env, (TypeTab.empty, Binaryset.empty expr_compare),
if lvstate = LV then Lvalue else Rvalue)
[E e]
count_fncalls (env, (TypeTab.empty, Binaryset.empty expr_compare), adstat_of_lvstate lvstate)
(map (map_ras adstat_of_lvstate) exprs)
fun foldthis (rettype,count) (acc : csenv) =
if count <= 0 then acc
else let
@ -1332,6 +1333,8 @@ in
(TypeTab.fold foldthis counts env', globalreads)
fun process_expr lvstate fname env e = process_exprs lvstate fname env [E e]
fun get_modified env e = let
(* e is an lvalue expression on the left of an assignment. Return the
base modified var_info for e if something in the global memory might be
@ -1817,9 +1820,9 @@ in
| Assign(e1,e2) =>
val (e, grs1) = pexlv e e1
val (e, grs2) = pex e e2
val grs = Binaryset.union(grs1,grs2)
(* The lvalue and rvalue need to be processed together for the the
embedded function call analysis to work. *)
val (e, grs) = process_exprs LV (SOME fname) e [E e1, RAS RV, E e2]
val modified = get_modified e e1
val e =
case modified of

View File

@ -4,6 +4,141 @@
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
signature FUN_RM =
(* Statement lists. *)
type stmt_list
val stmt_list_of : Absyn.statement list -> stmt_list
val of_stmt_list : stmt_list -> Absyn.statement list
val @@ : stmt_list * stmt_list -> stmt_list
val @> : stmt_list * Absyn.statement list -> Absyn.statement list
val empty : stmt_list -> bool
(* A monad for extracting function calls that are embedded in expressions. *)
type 'rv fun_rm
val run : 'a fun_rm -> stmt_list * 'a
val run' : unit fun_rm -> Absyn.statement list
val scope_pre : 'a fun_rm -> ('a -> 'b fun_rm) -> (stmt_list * 'b) fun_rm
val scope_stmts : unit fun_rm -> Absyn.statement list fun_rm
val scope_rv : 'a fun_rm -> 'a fun_rm
val add_stmts : stmt_list -> unit fun_rm
val add_stmts_fst : (stmt_list * 'a) -> 'a fun_rm
val add_stmt : Absyn.statement -> unit fun_rm
val next_sym : string -> int fun_rm
val return : 'a -> 'a fun_rm
val pass : ('a -> unit fun_rm) -> 'a -> 'a fun_rm
val >- : 'a fun_rm * ('a -> 'b fun_rm) -> 'b fun_rm
val <:> : 'a fun_rm * 'b fun_rm -> ('a * 'b) fun_rm
val >> : unit fun_rm * 'b fun_rm -> 'b fun_rm
val <$ : ('a -> 'b) * 'a fun_rm -> 'b fun_rm
val $> : 'a fun_rm * ('a -> 'b) -> 'b fun_rm
val mmap : ('a -> 'b fun_rm) -> 'a list -> 'b list fun_rm
structure FunRm :> FUN_RM =
infix @@ @> >- <*> <$ $> <:> >>
fun (f >- g) (syms, stmts) = let
val (syms', stmts', rv_f) = f (syms, stmts)
g rv_f (syms', stmts')
fun return v (syms, stmts) = (syms, stmts, v)
fun f <*> g = f >- (fn f' => g >- return o f')
fun f <$ g = return f <*> g
fun f $> g = g <$ f
fun f <:> g = pair <$ f <*> g
fun f >> g = snd <$ (f <:> g)
fun pass f x = f x >> return x
fun mmap _ [] = return []
| mmap f (h::t) = cons <$ f h <*> mmap f t
(* A difference list that is most likely a premature optimisation.
The `option` allows testing for emptiness. *)
type stmt_list = (Absyn.statement list -> Absyn.statement list) option
fun stmt_list_of xs = if null xs then NONE else SOME (fn ys => xs @ ys)
fun empty NONE = true
| empty _ = false
fun NONE @> ys = ys
| (SOME xs) @> ys = xs ys
fun NONE @@ ys = ys
| xs @@ NONE = xs
| (SOME xs) @@ (SOME ys) = SOME (xs o ys)
fun of_stmt_list xs = xs @> []
(* A state monad for extracting function calls that are embedded in expressions.
Expressions rendered to SIMPL cannot contain SIMPL procedure calls. We therefore
extract any function calls embedded in an expression to new statements placed just
before whichever statement contained the expression. We replace each original function
call with a temporary variable which takes the value returned by the extracted function.
`fun_rm` provides support for tracking the temporary variables used, and the new
statements emitted for the extracted function calls.
The state consists of a bag of symbols used for temporary variables and
a list of accumulated program statements. Since we always append statements to the tail
of the list, we store the list of statements as a difference list. This accumulation
of statements effectively makes this a writer monad, but it's more convenient to
implement as a state monad. *)
type 'rv fun_rm = int Symtab.table * stmt_list -> int Symtab.table * stmt_list * 'rv
fun add_stmts new_stmts (syms, stmts) = (syms, stmts @@ new_stmts, ())
fun add_stmts_fst (stmts, rv) = add_stmts stmts >> return rv
fun add_stmt s = add_stmts (stmt_list_of [s])
fun next_sym name (syms, stmts) = let
val i = case Symtab.lookup syms name of NONE => 1 | SOME i => i + 1
(Symtab.update (name, i) syms, stmts, i)
fun run f = let
(* Once we're done executing the action, we don't need the symbol table any more,
since the temporary variables won't be referenced again. *)
val (_, stmts, rv) = f (Symtab.empty, NONE)
(stmts, rv)
(* When extracting function calls embedded in expressions with conditional and
short-circuit operators, we might need to generate conditional statements.
Procedure calls extracted from sub-expressions that are only conditionally
evaluated in the C semantics should be scoped to the appropriate branch of
such a conditional statement.
The `scope` operator allows inner scopes to be embedded in outer scopes for
this purpose. *)
fun scope_pre alloc f (outer_syms, outer_stmts) = let
(* The `alloc` action is executed in the outer scope before `f` is executed
in the inner scope. Any variables allocated by `alloc` remain free to be
allocated by `f` in the inner scope, but are not free on return to the
outer scope. This is a hack to preserve compatibility with older proofs in
some obscure cases. It can be used to allocate variables that are to be
assigned only at the end of the inner scope, without preventing the inner
scope from first using those variables for its own purposes. *)
val (outer_syms', outer_stmts', vars) = alloc (outer_syms, outer_stmts)
(* We assume that any variables allocated in the inner scope are not live on
return to the outer scope, so we can drop the inner scope's symbol table.
This means that `scope` can also be useful for avoiding unnecessary variable
allocations in unconditionally evaluated subexpressions, when it's known that
any variables allocated by the inner scope will only be used in statements
that will be immediately emitted by the outer scope. *)
val (_, inner_stmts, rv) = f vars (outer_syms, NONE)
(* Return the statements accumulated inside the scope, and continue with the
symbol table and statements for the outer scope.
It's the outer scope's responsibility to do something appropriate with the
returned statements. *)
(outer_syms', outer_stmts', (inner_stmts, rv))
val run' = of_stmt_list o #1 o run
fun scope_plain f = scope_pre (return ()) (K f)
fun scope_stmts f = scope_plain f $> of_stmt_list o #1
fun scope_rv f = scope_plain f >- add_stmts_fst
type program = Absyn.ext_decl list
@ -203,204 +338,159 @@ end
(* set up little state-transformer monad *)
open NameGeneration
infix >> >-
fun (f >- g) m = let
val (m',result) = f m
g result m'
fun (f >> g) = f >- (fn _ => g)
fun return v m = (m,v)
fun mmap f list =
case list of
[] => return []
| h::t => f h >- (fn h' => mmap f t >- (fn t' => return (h'::t')))
infix @> >- <:> >> <$ $>
fun x @> y = FunRm.@> (x,y)
fun f >- g = FunRm.>- (f,g)
fun f <:> g = FunRm.<:> (f,g)
fun f >> g = FunRm.>> (f,g)
fun f <$ g = FunRm.<$ (f,g)
fun f $> g = FunRm.$> (f,g)
fun new_var (ty,l,r) (embmap, calls) = let
fun ex_remove_embfncalls cse = let
fun new_var (ty,l,r) = let
val rtype_n = tyname ty
val temp_i = case Symtab.lookup embmap rtype_n of
NONE => 1
| SOME i => i + 1
fun mk_var temp_i = let
val nm = embret_var_name (rtype_n, temp_i)
val mvinfo = MungedVar{munge = nm, owned_by = NONE}
val temp = ewrap(Var (MString.dest nm, ref (SOME (ty, mvinfo))), l, r)
val emb' = Symtab.update (rtype_n, temp_i) embmap
((emb',calls), temp)
val mvinfo = MungedVar {munge = nm, owned_by = NONE}
ewrap(Var (MString.dest nm, ref (SOME (ty, mvinfo))), l, r)
FunRm.next_sym rtype_n $> mk_var
fun add_stmts stmts (embmap,sts) = ((embmap, sts @ stmts), ())
fun add_stmt st = add_stmts [st]
fun new_call cse fn_e args (l,r) = let
fun new_call (l,r) fn_e args = let
open ProgramAnalysis
val (_, (rty, _)) = fndes_callinfo cse fn_e
new_var (rty, eleft fn_e, eright fn_e) >- (fn temp =>
add_stmt (swrap(EmbFnCall(temp,fn_e,args), l, r)) >>
return temp)
new_var (rty, eleft fn_e, eright fn_e)
>- FunRm.pass (fn v => FunRm.add_stmt (swrap(EmbFnCall(v,fn_e,args), l, r)))
val bogus_empty = sbogwrap EmptyStmt
fun poscond v stmts =
sbogwrap(IfStmt(v,sbogwrap(Block (map BI_Stmt stmts)),bogus_empty))
fun negcond v stmts =
sbogwrap(IfStmt(v,bogus_empty,sbogwrap(Block (map BI_Stmt stmts))))
fun assign (v, e) = sbogwrap(Assign(v,ebogwrap(MKBOOL e)))
fun ex_remove_embfncalls cse e = let
val doit = ex_remove_embfncalls cse
fun w e0 = ewrap(e0,eleft e,eright e)
fun ex_remove_embfncalls e = let
fun w e0 = ewrap(e0, eleft e, eright e)
case enode e of
BinOp(bop,e1,e2) => let
val scp = bop = LogOr orelse bop = LogAnd
if scp andalso eneeds_sc_protection e2 then
guard_translate cse e
guard_translate e
doit e1 >- (fn e1' =>
doit e2 >- (fn e2' =>
return (w(BinOp(bop,e1',e2')))))
ex_remove_embfncalls e1 <:> ex_remove_embfncalls e2
$> (fn (e1',e2') => w(BinOp(bop,e1',e2')))
| UnOp(uop,e) => doit e >- (fn e' => return (w(UnOp(uop, e'))))
| UnOp(uop,e) => ex_remove_embfncalls e $> (fn e' => w(UnOp(uop,e')))
| CondExp (g,t,e) => let
if eneeds_sc_protection t orelse eneeds_sc_protection e then let
if eneeds_sc_protection t orelse eneeds_sc_protection e
then let
val t_ty = ProgramAnalysis.cse_typing cse t
val e_ty = ProgramAnalysis.cse_typing cse e
val branch_type = unify_types(t_ty, e_ty)
handle Fail _ => t_ty (* error will have already been reported
in process_decls pass *)
val sbw = sbogwrap
val (g',gsts) = expr_remove_embfncalls cse g
val (t',tsts) = expr_remove_embfncalls cse t
val (e',ests) = expr_remove_embfncalls cse e
fun create_if v = let
val tbr = sbw(Block (map BI_Stmt (tsts @ [sbw(Assign(v,t'))])))
val ebr = sbw(Block (map BI_Stmt (ests @ [sbw(Assign(v,e'))])))
fun create_if v g' = let
fun ex e = ex_remove_embfncalls e >- (fn e => FunRm.add_stmt (sbogwrap(Assign(v,e))))
fun bl e = FunRm.scope_stmts (ex e) $> sbogwrap o Block o map BI_Stmt
add_stmts (gsts @ [sbw(IfStmt(g',tbr,ebr))]) >>
return v
bl t <:> bl e >- (fn (t',e') => FunRm.add_stmt (sbogwrap(IfStmt(g',t',e'))))
>> FunRm.return v
new_var (branch_type,eleft g,eright g) >- create_if
(* The variable is only used in the assignment at the end of each branch,
so it's safe for the branches to use the same variable prior to the assignment.
We allow this for compatibility with existing proofs. *)
FunRm.scope_pre (new_var (branch_type, eleft g, eright g))
(fn v => FunRm.scope_rv (ex_remove_embfncalls g) >- create_if v)
>- FunRm.add_stmts_fst
doit g >- (fn g' =>
doit t >- (fn t' =>
doit e >- (fn e' =>
return (w(CondExp (g',t',e'))))))
ex_remove_embfncalls g <:> ex_remove_embfncalls t <:> ex_remove_embfncalls e
$> (fn ((g',t'),e') => w(CondExp(g',t',e')))
| Var _ => return e
| Constant _ => return e
| StructDot (e,fld) => doit e >- (fn e' => return (w(StructDot(e',fld))))
| ArrayDeref(e1,e2) => doit e1 >- (fn e1' =>
doit e2 >- (fn e2' =>
return (w(ArrayDeref(e1',e2')))))
| Deref e => doit e >- return o w o Deref
| TypeCast(ty,e) => doit e >- (fn e' => return (w(TypeCast(ty,e'))))
| Sizeof _ => return e
| SizeofTy _ => return e
| CompLiteral (ty,dis) => mmap (di_rm_efncalls cse) dis >- (fn dis' =>
return (w(CompLiteral(ty,dis'))))
| EFnCall(fn_e,args) => let
mmap doit args >- (fn args' =>
new_call cse fn_e args' (eleft e, eright e) >- (fn temp =>
return temp))
| Arbitrary _ => return e
| Var _ => FunRm.return e
| Constant _ => FunRm.return e
| StructDot (e,fld) => ex_remove_embfncalls e $> (fn e' => w(StructDot(e',fld)))
| ArrayDeref(e1,e2) => ex_remove_embfncalls e1 <:> ex_remove_embfncalls e2 $> w o ArrayDeref
| Deref e => ex_remove_embfncalls e $> w o Deref
| TypeCast(ty,e) => ex_remove_embfncalls e $> (fn e' => w(TypeCast(ty,e')))
| Sizeof _ => FunRm.return e
| SizeofTy _ => FunRm.return e
| CompLiteral (ty,dis) => FunRm.mmap di_rm_efncalls dis $> (fn dis' => w(CompLiteral(ty,dis')))
| EFnCall(fn_e,args) => FunRm.mmap ex_remove_embfncalls args
>- new_call (eleft e, eright e) fn_e
| Arbitrary _ => FunRm.return e
| _ => raise Fail ("ex_remove_embfncalls: couldn't handle: " ^ expr_string e)
and i_rm_efncalls cse i =
and i_rm_efncalls i =
case i of
InitE e => ex_remove_embfncalls cse e >- return o InitE
| InitList dis => mmap (di_rm_efncalls cse) dis >- return o InitList
and di_rm_efncalls cse (d,i) = i_rm_efncalls cse i >- (fn i' => return (d,i'))
and linearise cse v e = let
val lin = linearise cse v
InitE e => InitE <$ ex_remove_embfncalls e
| InitList dis => InitList <$ FunRm.mmap di_rm_efncalls dis
and di_rm_efncalls (d,i) = pair d <$ i_rm_efncalls i
and linearise e v = let
fun lin e1 e2 p = FunRm.scope_rv (linearise e1 v)
>> FunRm.scope_stmts (linearise e2 v) >- FunRm.add_stmt o p v
fun pos v stmts = sbogwrap(IfStmt(v,sbogwrap(Block (map BI_Stmt stmts)),sbogwrap EmptyStmt))
fun neg v stmts = sbogwrap(IfStmt(v,sbogwrap EmptyStmt,sbogwrap(Block (map BI_Stmt stmts))))
fun assign v e = sbogwrap(Assign(v,ebogwrap(MKBOOL e)))
case enode e of
BinOp(LogAnd, e1, e2) => lin e1 @ [poscond v (lin e2)]
| BinOp(LogOr, e1, e2) => lin e1 @ [negcond v (lin e2)]
| _ => let
val (e',sts) = expr_remove_embfncalls cse e
sts @ [assign(v,e')]
and guard_translate cse e = let
fun stage2 guardvar = let
add_stmts (linearise cse guardvar e) >>
return guardvar
BinOp(LogAnd, e1, e2) => lin e1 e2 pos
| BinOp(LogOr, e1, e2) => lin e1 e2 neg
| _ => ex_remove_embfncalls e >- FunRm.add_stmt o assign v
and guard_translate e =
(* The variable is assigned at the end of each branch, and then immediately read
in the condition for the next branch. It's otherwise unused by `linearise`,
so it's safe for the branches to use the same variable prior to the assignment.
We allow this for compatibility with existing proofs. *)
FunRm.scope_pre (new_var (Signed Int, eleft e, eright e))
(FunRm.pass (linearise e))
>- FunRm.add_stmts_fst
new_var (Signed Int,eleft e,eright e) >- stage2
and expr_remove_embfncalls cse e = let
val ((_, sts), e') = ex_remove_embfncalls cse e (Symtab.empty, [])
(e', sts)
fun decl_remove_embfncalls _ (*cse*) d = (d, [])
fun decl_remove_embfncalls _ (* cse *) d = (d, [])
fun bitem_remove_embfncalls cse bi =
fun bitem_remove_embfncalls cse = let
val decl_remove_embfncalls = decl_remove_embfncalls cse
fun bitem_remove_embfncalls bi =
case bi of
BI_Decl dw => let
val (d',sts) = decl_remove_embfncalls cse (node dw)
val (d', sts) = decl_remove_embfncalls (node dw)
(map BI_Stmt sts @ [BI_Decl (wrap(d',left dw,right dw))])
(map BI_Stmt sts @ [BI_Decl (wrap(d', left dw, right dw))])
| BI_Stmt st => map BI_Stmt (stmt_remove_embfncalls cse st)
and stmt_remove_embfncalls cse st = let
val expr_remove_embfncalls = expr_remove_embfncalls cse
val stmt_remove_embfncalls = stmt_remove_embfncalls cse
fun w s = swrap(s,sleft st, sright st)
| BI_Stmt st => map BI_Stmt (stmt_remove_embfncalls st)
and stmt_remove_embfncalls st = let
val ex_remove_embfncalls = ex_remove_embfncalls cse
fun w s = swrap(s, sleft st, sright st)
val bog_empty = swrap(EmptyStmt,bogus,bogus)
fun mk_single [] = bog_empty
| mk_single [st] = st
| mk_single rest = swrap(Block(map BI_Stmt rest), sleft (hd rest),
sright (List.last rest))
case snode st of
Assign(e1,e2) => let
val (e1',sts1) = expr_remove_embfncalls e1
val (e2',sts2) = expr_remove_embfncalls e2
sts1 @ sts2 @ [w(Assign(e1',e2'))]
| AssignFnCall(tgt,fnm,args) => let
case snode st of
Assign(e1,e2) =>
FunRm.run' (ex_remove_embfncalls e1 <:> ex_remove_embfncalls e2
>- FunRm.add_stmt o w o Assign)
| AssignFnCall(tgt,fnm,args) =>
(* don't need to consider tgt as parser ensures this is always a simple
object reference (field reference or variable) *)
val ((_, sts), args') =
mmap (ex_remove_embfncalls cse) args (Symtab.empty, [])
sts @ [w(AssignFnCall(tgt,fnm,args'))]
FunRm.run' (FunRm.mmap ex_remove_embfncalls args
>- (fn args' => FunRm.add_stmt (w(AssignFnCall(tgt,fnm,args')))))
| Block bilist =>
[w(Block (List.concat (map (bitem_remove_embfncalls cse) bilist)))]
| Chaos e =>
val (e',sts) = expr_remove_embfncalls e
sts @ [w(Chaos e')]
[w(Block (List.concat (map bitem_remove_embfncalls bilist)))]
| Chaos e => FunRm.run' (ex_remove_embfncalls e >- FunRm.add_stmt o w o Chaos)
| While(g,spec,body) => let
val (g', gsts) = expr_remove_embfncalls g
val (gsts, g') = FunRm.run (ex_remove_embfncalls g)
val body' = stmt_remove_embfncalls body
if null gsts andalso length body' = 1 then
if FunRm.empty gsts andalso length body' = 1 then
[w(While(g',spec,hd body'))]
gsts @ [w(While(g',spec, swrap(Block (map BI_Stmt (body' @ gsts)),
gsts @> [w(While(g', spec, swrap(Block (map BI_Stmt (body' @ FunRm.of_stmt_list gsts)),
sleft body,
sright body)))]
@ -409,33 +499,26 @@ in
[w(Trap(tty,mk_single s'))]
| Return (SOME e) => let
val (e', sts) = expr_remove_embfncalls e
sts @ [w(Return(SOME e'))]
| Return (SOME e) => FunRm.run' (ex_remove_embfncalls e >- FunRm.add_stmt o w o Return o SOME)
| Return NONE => [st]
| ReturnFnCall (fnm, args) => let
val ((_, sts), args') =
mmap (ex_remove_embfncalls cse) args (Symtab.empty, [])
sts @ [w(ReturnFnCall(fnm,args'))]
| ReturnFnCall (fnm, args) =>
FunRm.run' (FunRm.mmap ex_remove_embfncalls args
>- (fn args' => FunRm.add_stmt (w(ReturnFnCall(fnm,args')))))
| Break => [st]
| Continue => [st]
| IfStmt(g,tst,est) => let
val (g',gsts) = expr_remove_embfncalls g
val (gsts, g') = FunRm.run (ex_remove_embfncalls g)
val tst' = stmt_remove_embfncalls tst
val est' = stmt_remove_embfncalls est
gsts @ [w(IfStmt(g',mk_single tst', mk_single est'))]
gsts @> [w(IfStmt(g', mk_single tst', mk_single est'))]
| Switch(g,cases) => let
val (g',gsts) = expr_remove_embfncalls g
val (gsts, g') = FunRm.run (ex_remove_embfncalls g)
fun mapthis (labs,bis) =
(labs, List.concat (map (bitem_remove_embfncalls cse) bis))
(labs, List.concat (map bitem_remove_embfncalls bis))
gsts @ [w(Switch(g',map mapthis cases))]
gsts @> [w(Switch(g', map mapthis cases))]
| EmptyStmt => [st]
| Auxupd _ => [st]
@ -444,6 +527,9 @@ in
| AsmStmt _ => [st]
| LocalInit _ => [st]
| _ => raise Fail ("stmt_remove_embfncalls: Couldn't handle " ^ stmt_type st)
fun extdecl_remove_embfncalls cse e =

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@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
* Copyright 2021, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
unsigned *ptr(unsigned *p, unsigned i)
return p + i;
int intf(unsigned i)
return i;
void test_assignment_to_deref_simple(unsigned *p)
*ptr(p,0u) = *ptr(p,1u);
void test_assignment_to_deref_complex(unsigned *p)
*(ptr(p,0u) + intf(1u) + intf(2u)) = *(ptr(p,3u) + intf(4u) + intf(5u));
int test_logical_short_circuit_simple(unsigned i)
return (i && intf(0u) || intf(1u)) || (intf(2u) || intf(3u) && intf(4u)) && intf(5u);
int test_logical_short_circuit_nested(unsigned i)
return (!!(i || intf(0u))) || intf(1u);
int test_logical_short_circuit_subexpression(unsigned i)
return i + intf(0u) + (intf(1u) || intf(2u));
int test_conditional(unsigned i)
return i + intf(0u) + (intf(1u) && ((intf(2u) || intf(3u)) ? (intf(4u) && intf(5u)) : intf(6u)));

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@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
* Copyright 2021, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory jiraver1389
imports "CParser.CTranslation"
external_file "jiraver1389.c"
install_C_file "jiraver1389.c"
context jiraver1389
(* Demonstrate correct handling of temporaries across an assignment.
Earlier versions of the C parser would reuse the same temporary for the
results of both calls to `ptr`. *)
lemma test_assignment_to_deref_simple:
test_assignment_to_deref_simple_body = TRY
\<acute>ret__ptr_to_unsigned :== CALL ptr(\<acute>p,0);;
\<acute>ptr_to_unsigned_eret_2 :== CALL ptr(\<acute>p,1);;
by (rule exI, rule test_assignment_to_deref_simple_body_def[unfolded atomize_eq])
(* Same, but with multiple temporary types. *)
lemma test_assignment_to_deref_complex:
test_assignment_to_deref_complex_body = TRY
\<acute>ret__ptr_to_unsigned :== CALL ptr(\<acute>p,0);;
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(1);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== CALL intf(2);;
\<acute>ptr_to_unsigned_eret_2 :== CALL ptr(\<acute>p,3);;
\<acute>int_eret_3 :== CALL intf(4);;
\<acute>int_eret_4 :== CALL intf(5);;
by (rule exI, rule test_assignment_to_deref_complex_body_def[unfolded atomize_eq])
(* Demonstrates that the branches of short-circuit logical operators may internally use the same
variable that is used to linearise the expression. This preserves the previous behaviour
of the C parser in more cases. *)
lemma test_logical_short_circuit_simple:
"test_logical_short_circuit_simple_body =
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>i \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0);;
IF \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(0);;
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
IF \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(1);;
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
IF \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(2);;
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0);;
IF \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(3);;
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0);;
IF \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(4);;
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
IF \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(5);;
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
creturn global_exn_var_'_update ret__int_'_update ret__int_';;
Guard DontReach {} SKIP
by (rule test_logical_short_circuit_simple_body_def[unfolded atomize_eq])
(* The same applies for nested short-circuit logical expressions. *)
lemma test_logical_short_circuit_nested:
"test_logical_short_circuit_nested_body =
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>i \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0);;
IF \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(0);;
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<not> \<not> \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0);;
IF \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(1);;
\<acute>ret__int :== (if \<acute>ret__int \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
creturn global_exn_var_'_update ret__int_'_update ret__int_';;
Guard DontReach {} SKIP
by (rule test_logical_short_circuit_nested_body_def[unfolded atomize_eq])
(* However, when the short-circuit logical expression is in a context where `ret__int`
is already used, the C parser now uses a fresh variable to linearise the short-circuit
logical expression. Previous versions of the C parser would incorrectly reuse `ret__int`. *)
lemma test_logical_short_circuit_subexpression:
test_logical_short_circuit_subexpression_body =
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(0);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== CALL intf(1);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== (if \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0);;
IF \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== CALL intf(2);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== (if \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
Guard DontReach {} SKIP
by (rule exI, rule test_logical_short_circuit_subexpression_body_def[unfolded atomize_eq])
(* Similar demonstration, including a mix of short-circuit logical and conditional operators. *)
lemma test_conditional:
"test_conditional_body =
\<acute>ret__int :== CALL intf(0);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== CALL intf(1);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== (if \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0);;
IF \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== CALL intf(2);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== (if \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0);;
IF \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== CALL intf(3);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== (if \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
IF \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== CALL intf(4);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== (if \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0);;
IF \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 THEN
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== CALL intf(5);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== (if \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== \<acute>int_eret_2
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== CALL intf(6);;
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== \<acute>int_eret_2
\<acute>int_eret_2 :== (if \<acute>int_eret_2 \<noteq> 0 then 1 else 0)
creturn global_exn_var_'_update ret__int_'_update
(\<lambda>s. UCAST(32 \<rightarrow> 32 signed) (i_' s + SCAST(32 signed \<rightarrow> 32) (ret__int_' s)
+ SCAST(32 signed \<rightarrow> 32) (int_eret_2_' s)));;
Guard DontReach {} SKIP
by (rule test_conditional_body_def[unfolded atomize_eq])