proof: update for crunch changes

This commit is contained in:
Corey Lewis 2019-07-17 16:05:08 +10:00
parent 9a9c6320be
commit 9846cd42bb
55 changed files with 147 additions and 156 deletions

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@ -1159,7 +1159,7 @@ crunch cur_thread[wp]: handle_event "\<lambda>s. P (cur_thread s)"
crunches ethread_set, timer_tick, possible_switch_to, handle_interrupt
for pas_cur_domain[wp]: "pas_cur_domain pas"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps)
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps ignore_del: ethread_set timer_tick possible_switch_to)
lemma dxo_idle_thread[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (idle_thread s) \<rbrace> do_extended_op f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (idle_thread s)\<rbrace>"
@ -1194,8 +1194,8 @@ crunch cur_domain[wp]:
set_domain, invoke_domain, cap_move_ext, timer_tick,
cap_move, cancel_badged_sends, possible_switch_to
"\<lambda>s. P (cur_domain s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps filterM_mapM
rule: transfer_caps_loop_pres)
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps filterM_mapM rule: transfer_caps_loop_pres
ignore_del: ethread_set set_priority set_domain cap_move_ext timer_tick possible_switch_to)
lemma invoke_cnode_cur_domain[wp]: "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (cur_domain s)\<rbrace> invoke_cnode a \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. P (cur_domain s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: invoke_cnode_def)

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@ -1428,7 +1428,7 @@ lemma deleteObjects_gsCNodes_at_pt:
crunch gsCNodes[wp]: setThreadState, updateFreeIndex,
preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s)"
(simp: unless_def whenE_def)
(simp: unless_def whenE_def ignore_del: preemptionPoint)
lemma resetUntypedCap_gsCNodes_at_pt:
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s ptr))

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@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ lemma deleteObjects_gsCNodes_at_pt:
crunch gsCNodes[wp]: setThreadState, updateFreeIndex,
preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s)"
(simp: unless_def whenE_def)
(simp: unless_def whenE_def ignore_del: preemptionPoint)
lemma resetUntypedCap_gsCNodes_at_pt:
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s ptr))

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@ -1444,7 +1444,7 @@ lemma deleteObjects_gsCNodes_at_pt:
crunch gsCNodes[wp]: setThreadState, updateFreeIndex,
preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s)"
(simp: unless_def whenE_def)
(simp: unless_def whenE_def ignore_del: preemptionPoint)
lemma resetUntypedCap_gsCNodes_at_pt:
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. P (gsCNodes s ptr))

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@ -471,7 +471,8 @@ lemma block_thread_on_ntfn_recv_corres:
lemma corres_ignore_ret_lhs: "dcorres rv P P' (do f;g od) f' \<Longrightarrow> dcorres rv P P' (do a\<leftarrow>f;g od) f'"
by (clarsimp simp:corres_underlying_def)
crunch not_idle[wp]: set_thread_state "not_idle_thread y :: 'a::state_ext state \<Rightarrow> bool"
crunches set_thread_state, set_object
for not_idle[wp]: "not_idle_thread y :: 'a::state_ext state \<Rightarrow> bool"
(simp: not_idle_thread_def get_object_def wp: dxo_wp_weak)
lemma set_scheduler_action_dcorres:

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@ -589,8 +589,9 @@ lemma restart_corres:
apply (fastforce simp:opt_cap_tcb not_idle_thread_def)
crunch no_effect [wp]: get_thread P
crunch no_effect [wp]: getRegister P
crunches get_thread, getRegister
for inv [wp]: P
(ignore_del: getRegister)
(* Read the registers of another thread. *)
lemma invoke_tcb_corres_read_regs:

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@ -1902,12 +1902,12 @@ lemma cap_delete_silc_inv_not_transferable:
crunch_ignore (valid) (add: getActiveIRQ)
crunch silc_inv[wp]: preemption_point "silc_inv aag st"
(ignore: wrap_ext_bool OR_choiceE simp: OR_choiceE_def crunch_simps wp: crunch_wps)
crunch tcb_domain_map_wellformed[wp]: update_work_units, reset_work_units
"tcb_domain_map_wellformed aag"
crunch pas_refined[wp]: preemption_point "pas_refined aag"
(ignore: wrap_ext_bool OR_choiceE simp: OR_choiceE_def crunch_simps wp: crunch_wps)
crunches preemption_point
for silc_inv[wp]: "silc_inv aag st"
and pas_refined[wp]: "pas_refined aag"
(wp: crunch_wps OR_choiceE_weak_wp ignore_del: preemption_point)
lemma cap_revoke_silc_inv':
notes drop_spec_valid[wp_split del] drop_spec_validE[wp_split del]

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@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ lemma scheduler_action_states_equiv[simp]:
crunch states_equiv[wp]: set_thread_state_ext "states_equiv_for P Q R S st"
(ignore_del: set_thread_state_ext)
lemma set_scheduler_action_reads_respects[wp]:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (set_scheduler_action action)"
@ -1681,6 +1682,7 @@ lemma set_irq_state_valid_global_objs:
crunch device_state_invs[wp]: maskInterrupt "\<lambda> ms. P (device_state ms)"
(ignore_del: maskInterrupt)
lemma set_irq_state_globals_equiv:
"invariant (set_irq_state state irq) (globals_equiv st)"

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@ -2351,7 +2351,7 @@ lemma cancel_ipc_blocked_globals_equiv:
crunch globals_equiv[wp]: possible_switch_to "globals_equiv (st :: det_ext state)"
(wp: tcb_sched_action_extended.globals_equiv reschedule_required_ext_extended.globals_equiv
ignore_del: possible_switch_to)
lemma send_signal_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv (s :: det_ext state) and valid_objs and valid_arch_state

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@ -44,7 +44,9 @@ crunch domain_fields[wp]: retype_region_ext,create_cap_ext,cap_insert_ext,ethrea
"domain_fields P"
( wp: syscall_valid select_wp crunch_wps rec_del_preservation cap_revoke_preservation modify_wp
simp: crunch_simps check_cap_at_def filterM_mapM unless_def
ignore: without_preemption filterM rec_del check_cap_at cap_revoke)
ignore: without_preemption filterM rec_del check_cap_at cap_revoke
ignore_del: retype_region_ext create_cap_ext cap_insert_ext ethread_set cap_move_ext
empty_slot_ext cap_swap_ext set_thread_state_ext tcb_sched_action reschedule_required)
lemma cap_revoke_domain_fields[wp]:"\<lbrace>domain_fields P\<rbrace> cap_revoke a \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. domain_fields P\<rbrace>"
by (rule cap_revoke_preservation2; wp)
@ -61,6 +63,7 @@ crunch domain_fields[wp]:
(wp: syscall_valid crunch_wps mapME_x_inv_wp
simp: crunch_simps check_cap_at_def detype_def detype_ext_def mapM_x_defsym
ignore: check_cap_at syscall
ignore_del: set_domain set_priority possible_switch_to
rule: transfer_caps_loop_pres)
section \<open>PAS wellformedness property for non-interference\<close>

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@ -204,7 +204,8 @@ lemma dmo_cleanCacheRange_PoU_reads_respects:
by(wp dmo_cacheRangeOp_reads_respects dmo_mol_reads_respects | simp add: cleanByVA_PoU_def)+
crunch irq_state[wp]: clearMemory "\<lambda>s. P (irq_state s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps storeWord_def cleanByVA_PoU_def ignore: cacheRangeOp)
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps storeWord_def cleanByVA_PoU_def
ignore_del: clearMemory)
lemma dmo_clearMemory_reads_respects:
"reads_respects aag l \<top> (do_machine_op (clearMemory ptr bits))"

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@ -290,6 +290,7 @@ lemma silc_dom_equiv_scheduler_action_update[simp]:
by (simp add: silc_dom_equiv_def equiv_for_def)
crunch silc_dom_equiv[wp]: set_scheduler_action "silc_dom_equiv aag st"
(ignore_del: set_scheduler_action)
lemma schedule_globals_frame_trans_state_upd[simp]:
"scheduler_globals_frame_equiv st (trans_state f s) = scheduler_globals_frame_equiv st s"

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@ -3276,16 +3276,12 @@ lemma machine_op_lift_device_state[wp]:
select_def ignore_failure_def select_f_def
split: if_splits)
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: invalidateLocalTLB_ASID "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: invalidateLocalTLB_VAASID "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: setHardwareASID "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: isb "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: dsb "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: set_current_pd "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(simp: writeTTBR0_def)
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: storeWord "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: cleanByVA_PoU "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: cleanL2Range "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunches invalidateLocalTLB_ASID, invalidateLocalTLB_VAASID, setHardwareASID, isb, dsb,
set_current_pd, storeWord, cleanByVA_PoU, cleanL2Range
for device_state_inv[wp]: "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(simp: writeTTBR0_def
ignore_del: invalidateLocalTLB_ASID invalidateLocalTLB_VAASID setHardwareASID isb
dsb storeWord cleanByVA_PoU cleanL2Range)
lemma as_user_inv:
assumes x: "\<And>P. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>x. P\<rbrace>"

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@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp, EmptyFail_AI_assms]: possible_switch_to, hand
page_table_invocation.splits page_invocation.splits asid_control_invocation.splits
asid_pool_invocation.splits arch_invocation.splits irq_state.splits syscall.splits
flush_type.splits page_directory_invocation.splits
ignore: resetTimer_impl ackInterrupt_impl)
ignore: resetTimer_impl ackInterrupt_impl ignore_del: possible_switch_to)
global_interpretation EmptyFail_AI_call_kernel_unit?: EmptyFail_AI_call_kernel_unit

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@ -797,6 +797,7 @@ lemma cap_is_device_obj_is_device[simp]:
split: apiobject_type.splits aobject_type.splits)
crunch device_state_inv: storeWord "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(ignore_del: storeWord)
(* some hyp_ref invariants *)

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@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ lemmas init_arch_objects_valid_cap[wp] = valid_cap_typ [OF init_arch_objects_typ
lemmas init_arch_objects_cap_table[wp] = cap_table_at_lift_valid [OF init_arch_objects_typ_at]
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: clearMemory "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(wp: mapM_x_wp)
(wp: mapM_x_wp ignore_del: clearMemory)
crunch pspace_respects_device_region[wp]: reserve_region pspace_respects_device_region
crunch cap_refs_respects_device_region[wp]: reserve_region cap_refs_respects_device_region
@ -1313,11 +1313,11 @@ lemma invs_irq_state_independent:
swp_def valid_irq_states_def)
crunch irq_masks_inv[wp]: cleanByVA_PoU, storeWord, clearMemory "\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks s)"
(ignore: cacheRangeOp wp: crunch_wps)
(wp: crunch_wps ignore_del: cleanByVA_PoU storeWord clearMemory)
crunch underlying_mem_0[wp]: cleanByVA_PoU, clearMemory
crunch underlying_mem_0[wp]: clearMemory
"\<lambda>s. underlying_memory s p = 0"
(ignore: cacheRangeOp wp: crunch_wps storeWord_um_eq_0)
(wp: crunch_wps storeWord_um_eq_0 ignore_del: clearMemory)
lemma clearMemory_invs:
"\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> do_machine_op (clearMemory w sz) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs\<rbrace>"

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@ -578,6 +578,7 @@ lemma clean_D_PoU_underlying_memory[wp]:
crunches dsb, invalidate_I_PoU, clean_D_PoU, cleanCaches_PoU
for device_state_inv[wp]: "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
and underlying_memory_inv[wp]: "\<lambda>ms. P (underlying_memory ms)"
(ignore_del: dsb invalidate_I_PoU clean_D_PoU cleanCaches_PoU)
lemma dmo_cleanCaches_PoU_invs[wp]: "\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> do_machine_op cleanCaches_PoU \<lbrace>\<lambda>y. invs\<rbrace>"
apply (wp dmo_invs)
@ -3509,7 +3510,9 @@ crunches cleanByVA, cleanCacheRange_PoC, cleanCacheRange_RAM,
invalidateCacheRange_RAM, branchFlush, branchFlushRange,
invalidateByVA_I, cleanInvalidateL2Range, do_flush, storeWord
for device_state_inv[wp]: "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(wp: cacheRangeOp_respects_device_region simp: crunch_simps)
(wp: cacheRangeOp_respects_device_region simp: crunch_simps
ignore_del: cleanByVA cleanInvalByVA invalidateByVA invalidateL2Range
branchFlush invalidateByVA_I cleanInvalidateL2Range storeWord)
crunch pspace_in_kernel_window[wp]: perform_page_invocation "pspace_in_kernel_window"
(simp: crunch_simps wp: crunch_wps)

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ struct
fun put_precond _ _ = error "crunch no_irq should not be calling put_precond";
val pre_thms = [];
val wpc_tactic = wp_cases_tactic_weak;
fun wps_tactic _ _ _ = no_tac;
val magic = Syntax.parse_term @{context}
"\<lambda>mapp_lambda_ignore. no_irq mapp_lambda_ignore";
val get_monad_state_type = get_nondet_monad_state_type;

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@ -3192,16 +3192,12 @@ lemma machine_op_lift_device_state[wp]:
select_def ignore_failure_def select_f_def
split: if_splits)
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: invalidateLocalTLB_ASID "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: invalidateLocalTLB_VAASID "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: setHardwareASID "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: isb "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: dsb "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: set_current_pd "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(simp: setCurrentPDPL2_def)
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: storeWord "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: cleanByVA_PoU "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: cleanL2Range "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
crunches invalidateLocalTLB_ASID, invalidateLocalTLB_VAASID, setHardwareASID, isb, dsb,
set_current_pd, storeWord, cleanByVA_PoU, cleanL2Range
for device_state_inv[wp]: "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(simp: setCurrentPDPL2_def
ignore_del: invalidateLocalTLB_ASID invalidateLocalTLB_VAASID setHardwareASID isb
dsb storeWord cleanByVA_PoU cleanL2Range)
lemma as_user_inv:
assumes x: "\<And>P. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>x. P\<rbrace>"

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@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ lemma vgic_maintenance_empty_fail[wp]: "empty_fail vgic_maintenance"
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp, EmptyFail_AI_assms]: possible_switch_to
(ignore_del: possible_switch_to)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp, EmptyFail_AI_assms]: handle_event, activate_thread
(simp: cap.splits arch_cap.splits split_def invocation_label.splits Let_def

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@ -670,6 +670,7 @@ lemma cap_is_device_obj_is_device[simp]:
split: apiobject_type.splits aobject_type.splits)
crunch device_state_inv: storeWord "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(ignore_del: storeWord)
(* some hyp_ref invariants *)

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@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ lemmas init_arch_objects_valid_cap[wp] = valid_cap_typ [OF init_arch_objects_typ
lemmas init_arch_objects_cap_table[wp] = cap_table_at_lift_valid [OF init_arch_objects_typ_at]
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: clearMemory "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(wp: mapM_x_wp)
(wp: mapM_x_wp ignore_del: clearMemory)
crunch pspace_respects_device_region[wp]: reserve_region pspace_respects_device_region
crunch cap_refs_respects_device_region[wp]: reserve_region cap_refs_respects_device_region
@ -1165,11 +1165,11 @@ lemma invs_irq_state_independent:
crunch irq_masks_inv[wp]: cleanByVA_PoU, storeWord, clearMemory "\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks s)"
(ignore: cacheRangeOp wp: crunch_wps)
(wp: crunch_wps ignore_del: cleanByVA_PoU storeWord clearMemory)
crunch underlying_mem_0[wp]: cleanByVA_PoU, clearMemory
crunch underlying_mem_0[wp]: clearMemory
"\<lambda>s. underlying_memory s p = 0"
(ignore: cacheRangeOp wp: crunch_wps storeWord_um_eq_0)
(wp: crunch_wps storeWord_um_eq_0 ignore_del: clearMemory)
lemma clearMemory_invs:
"\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> do_machine_op (clearMemory w sz) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs\<rbrace>"

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@ -677,6 +677,7 @@ lemma clean_D_PoU_underlying_memory[wp]:
crunches dsb, invalidate_I_PoU, clean_D_PoU, cleanCaches_PoU
for device_state_inv[wp]: "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
and underlying_memory_inv[wp]: "\<lambda>ms. P (underlying_memory ms)"
(ignore_del: dsb invalidate_I_PoU clean_D_PoU cleanCaches_PoU)
lemma dmo_cleanCaches_PoU_invs[wp]: "\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> do_machine_op cleanCaches_PoU \<lbrace>\<lambda>y. invs\<rbrace>"
apply (wp dmo_invs)
@ -4550,38 +4551,14 @@ lemma cacheRangeOp_respects_device_region[wp]:
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)\<rbrace> cacheRangeOp f a b c\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ ms. P (device_state ms)\<rbrace>"
by (wpsimp simp: do_flush_def cacheRangeOp_def wp: mapM_x_wp valid_f)+
lemma pspace_respects_device_region_dmo:
assumes valid_f: "\<And>P. \<lbrace>\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>r ms. P (device_state ms)\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>pspace_respects_device_region\<rbrace>do_machine_op f\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. pspace_respects_device_region\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp: do_machine_op_def gets_def select_f_def simpler_modify_def bind_def valid_def
get_def return_def)
apply (drule_tac P1 = "(=) (device_state (machine_state s))" in use_valid[OF _ valid_f])
apply auto
lemma cap_refs_respects_device_region_dmo:
assumes valid_f: "\<And>P. \<lbrace>\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>r ms. P (device_state ms)\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>cap_refs_respects_device_region\<rbrace>do_machine_op f\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. cap_refs_respects_device_region\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp: do_machine_op_def gets_def select_f_def simpler_modify_def bind_def valid_def
get_def return_def)
apply (drule_tac P1 = "(=) (device_state (machine_state s))" in use_valid[OF _ valid_f])
apply auto
lemma machine_op_lift_device_state[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)\<rbrace> machine_op_lift f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ ms. P (device_state ms)\<rbrace>"
by (clarsimp simp: machine_op_lift_def NonDetMonad.valid_def bind_def
machine_rest_lift_def gets_def simpler_modify_def get_def
return_def select_def ignore_failure_def select_f_def
split: if_splits)
crunches cleanByVA, cleanCacheRange_PoC, cleanCacheRange_RAM,
cleanInvalByVA, invalidateByVA, invalidateL2Range,
invalidateCacheRange_RAM, branchFlush, branchFlushRange,
invalidateByVA_I, cleanInvalidateL2Range, do_flush, storeWord
for device_state_inv[wp]: "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(simp: crunch_simps)
(simp: crunch_simps
ignore_del: cleanByVA cleanInvalByVA invalidateByVA invalidateL2Range
branchFlush invalidateByVA_I cleanInvalidateL2Range storeWord)
crunch pspace_in_kernel_window[wp]: perform_page_invocation "pspace_in_kernel_window"
(simp: crunch_simps wp: crunch_wps)

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@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ struct
fun put_precond _ _ = error "crunch no_irq should not be calling put_precond";
val pre_thms = [];
val wpc_tactic = wp_cases_tactic_weak;
fun wps_tactic _ _ _ = no_tac;
val magic = Syntax.parse_term @{context}
"\<lambda>mapp_lambda_ignore. no_irq mapp_lambda_ignore";
val get_monad_state_type = get_nondet_monad_state_type;

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@ -257,9 +257,10 @@ lemma all_but_exst_update[simp]:
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: set_scheduler_action,tcb_sched_action,next_domain,
cap_move_ext "all_but_exst P"
(simp: Let_def)
(simp: Let_def ignore_del: tcb_sched_action cap_move_ext)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]: cap_move_ext
(ignore_del: cap_move_ext)
global_interpretation set_scheduler_action_extended: is_extended "set_scheduler_action a"
by (unfold_locales; wp)

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@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ crunch domain_list_inv[wp]: delete_objects "\<lambda>s :: det_ext state. P (doma
crunch domain_list_inv[wp]: update_work_units "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
crunch domain_list_inv[wp]: preemption_point "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
(wp: select_inv OR_choiceE_weak_wp ignore: OR_choiceE)
(wp: OR_choiceE_weak_wp ignore_del: preemption_point)
crunch domain_list_inv[wp]: reset_untyped_cap "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
(wp: crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp mapME_x_inv_wp select_inv
@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ crunch domain_time_inv[wp]: delete_objects "\<lambda>s :: det_ext state. P (doma
crunch domain_time_inv[wp]: update_work_units "\<lambda>s. P (domain_time s)"
crunch domain_time_inv[wp]: preemption_point "\<lambda>s. P (domain_time s)"
(wp: select_inv OR_choiceE_weak_wp ignore: OR_choiceE)
(wp: OR_choiceE_weak_wp ignore_del: preemption_point)
crunch domain_time_inv[wp]: reset_untyped_cap "\<lambda>s. P (domain_time s)"
(wp: crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp mapME_x_inv_wp select_inv

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@ -1940,7 +1940,8 @@ crunch idle_thread[wp]:
preemption_point "\<lambda>(s:: det_state). P (idle_thread s)"
(ignore: OR_choiceE
simp: OR_choiceE_def wrap_ext_bool_det_ext_ext_def crunch_simps
wp: crunch_wps)
wp: crunch_wps
ignore_del: preemption_point)
lemma rec_del_idle_thread[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>(s:: det_ext state). P (idle_thread s)\<rbrace> rec_del call \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (idle_thread s)\<rbrace>"

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@ -1510,9 +1510,12 @@ lemma set_cap_match: "(\<And>s x. P s = P (s\<lparr>kheap := x\<rparr>)) \<Longr
apply wpsimp
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: cap_insert_ext "all_but_exst P"
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]: cap_insert_ext
crunches cap_insert_ext, empty_slot_ext, cap_swap_ext, create_cap_ext, set_thread_state_ext,
for all_but_exst[wp]: "all_but_exst P"
and (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]
(ignore_del: cap_insert_ext empty_slot_ext cap_swap_ext create_cap_ext set_thread_state_ext
interpretation cap_insert_ext_extended: is_extended "cap_insert_ext a b c d e"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
@ -3115,10 +3118,6 @@ lemma (in mdb_empty_abs') next_slot:
crunch valid_list[wp]: post_cap_deletion,set_cap valid_list
(wp: crunch_wps)
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: empty_slot_ext "all_but_exst P"
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]: empty_slot_ext
interpretation empty_slot_extended: is_extended "empty_slot_ext a b"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
@ -3774,10 +3773,6 @@ lemma next_slot:
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: cap_swap_ext "all_but_exst P"
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]: cap_swap_ext
interpretation cap_swap_ext_extended: is_extended "cap_swap_ext a b c d"
by (unfold_locales; wp cap_swap_ext_all_but_exst)
@ -3806,10 +3801,6 @@ lemma exst_set_cap:
"(x,s') \<in> fst (set_cap p c s) \<Longrightarrow> exst s' = exst s"
by (erule use_valid[OF _ set_cap_exst],simp)
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: create_cap_ext "all_but_exst P"
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]: create_cap_ext
interpretation create_cap_extended: is_extended "create_cap_ext a b c"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
@ -3837,7 +3828,7 @@ lemmas transfer_caps_loop_ext_valid[wp] =
transfer_caps_loop_pres[OF cap_insert_valid_list set_extra_badge_valid_list]
crunch valid_list[wp]: tcb_sched_action,reschedule_required,set_thread_state_ext "valid_list"
(simp: unless_def)
(simp: unless_def ignore_del: tcb_sched_action reschedule_required set_thread_state_ext)
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: set_thread_state_ext "all_but_exst P"
@ -3847,6 +3838,7 @@ interpretation set_thread_state_ext_extended: is_extended "set_thread_state_ext
by (unfold_locales; wp)
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: reschedule_required "all_but_exst P"
(ignore_del: reschedule_required)
interpretation reschedule_required_ext_extended: is_extended "reschedule_required"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
@ -3941,20 +3933,20 @@ lemma invoke_cnode_valid_list[wp]:
crunch all_but_exst[wp,intro!,simp]: possible_switch_to "all_but_exst P" (simp: ethread_get_def)
crunch valid_list[wp]: possible_switch_to "valid_list"
(simp: ethread_get_def)
crunches possible_switch_to
for all_but_exst[wp]: "all_but_exst P"
and valid_list[wp]: "valid_list"
and (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]
(simp: ethread_get_def ignore_del: possible_switch_to)
crunch valid_list[wp]: set_priority,set_mcpriority "valid_list"
(wp: crunch_wps)
crunch (empty_fail)empty_fail[wp]: possible_switch_to
(wp: crunch_wps ignore_del: set_priority)
global_interpretation possible_switch_to_extended: is_extended "possible_switch_to a"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: set_priority "all_but_exst P" (simp: ethread_get_def)
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: set_priority "all_but_exst P"
(simp: ethread_get_def ignore_del: set_priority)
crunch (empty_fail)empty_fail[wp]: set_priority,set_mcpriority
@ -3993,21 +3985,16 @@ lemmas mapM_x_def_bak = mapM_x_def[symmetric]
lemma retype_region_ext_valid_list_ext[wp]: "\<lbrace>valid_list\<rbrace> retype_region_ext a b \<lbrace>\<lambda>_.valid_list\<rbrace>"
by (wpsimp simp: retype_region_ext_def)
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: retype_region_ext "all_but_exst P" (simp: ethread_get_def)
crunch (empty_fail)empty_fail[wp]: retype_region_ext
global_interpretation retype_region_ext_extended: is_extended "retype_region_ext a b"
by (unfold_locales; wp)
crunch valid_list[wp]: invoke_irq_handler valid_list
crunch valid_list[wp]: thread_set_time_slice,timer_tick "valid_list" (simp: Let_def)
crunch all_but_exst[wp]: timer_tick "all_but_exst P" (simp: ethread_get_def crunch_simps)
crunch (empty_fail)empty_fail[wp]: timer_tick
(simp: thread_state.splits)
crunches timer_tick
for valid_list[wp]: "valid_list"
and all_but_exst[wp]: "all_but_exst P"
and (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]
(ignore_del: timer_tick)
global_interpretation timer_tick_extended: is_extended "timer_tick"
by (unfold_locales; wp)

View File

@ -428,7 +428,7 @@ lemma schedule_empty_fail[wp]:
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]: set_scheduler_action, next_domain, reschedule_required
(simp: scheduler_action.split)
(simp: scheduler_action.split ignore_del: reschedule_required)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp, intro!, simp]: ethread_get_when

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@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ global_interpretation EmptyFail_AI_schedule?: EmptyFail_AI_schedule
context Arch begin global_naming RISCV64
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp]: read_sbadaddr
(ignore_del: read_sbadaddr)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp, EmptyFail_AI_assms]: possible_switch_to, handle_event, activate_thread
(simp: cap.splits arch_cap.splits split_def invocation_label.splits Let_def
@ -177,7 +178,8 @@ crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp, EmptyFail_AI_assms]: possible_switch_to, hand
bool.splits apiobject_type.splits aobject_type.splits notification.splits
thread_state.splits endpoint.splits catch_def sum.splits cnode_invocation.splits
page_table_invocation.splits page_invocation.splits asid_control_invocation.splits
asid_pool_invocation.splits arch_invocation.splits irq_state.splits syscall.splits)
asid_pool_invocation.splits arch_invocation.splits irq_state.splits syscall.splits
ignore_del: possible_switch_to)

View File

@ -724,6 +724,7 @@ lemma cap_is_device_obj_is_device[simp]:
split: apiobject_type.splits aobject_type.splits)
crunch device_state_inv: storeWord "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(ignore_del: storeWord)
(* some hyp_ref invariants *)

View File

@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ lemmas init_arch_objects_valid_cap[wp] = valid_cap_typ [OF init_arch_objects_typ
lemmas init_arch_objects_cap_table[wp] = cap_table_at_lift_valid [OF init_arch_objects_typ_at]
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: clearMemory "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(wp: mapM_x_wp)
(wp: mapM_x_wp ignore_del: clearMemory)
crunch pspace_respects_device_region[wp]: reserve_region pspace_respects_device_region
crunch cap_refs_respects_device_region[wp]: reserve_region cap_refs_respects_device_region
@ -999,10 +999,10 @@ lemma invs_irq_state_independent:
split: option.split)
crunch irq_masks_inv[wp]: storeWord, clearMemory "\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks s)"
(wp: crunch_wps)
(wp: crunch_wps ignore_del: storeWord clearMemory)
crunch underlying_mem_0[wp]: clearMemory "\<lambda>s. underlying_memory s p = 0"
(wp: crunch_wps storeWord_um_eq_0)
(wp: crunch_wps storeWord_um_eq_0 ignore_del: clearMemory)
lemma clearMemory_invs:
"\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> do_machine_op (clearMemory w sz) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -57,6 +57,7 @@ lemma hv_invs[wp, Syscall_AI_assms]: "\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> handle_vm_fault t'
by (cases flt; wpsimp)
crunch inv[wp]: getRegister, read_sbadaddr "P"
(ignore_del: getRegister)
lemma hv_inv_ex [Syscall_AI_assms]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> handle_vm_fault t vp \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ _. True\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ struct
fun put_precond _ _ = error "crunch no_irq should not be calling put_precond";
val pre_thms = [];
val wpc_tactic = wp_cases_tactic_weak;
fun wps_tactic _ _ _ = no_tac;
val magic = Syntax.parse_term @{context}
"\<lambda>mapp_lambda_ignore. no_irq mapp_lambda_ignore";
val get_monad_state_type = get_nondet_monad_state_type;

View File

@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ global_interpretation EmptyFail_AI_schedule?: EmptyFail_AI_schedule
context Arch begin global_naming X64
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp,EmptyFail_AI_assms]: possible_switch_to
(ignore_del: possible_switch_to)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[wp, EmptyFail_AI_assms]: handle_event, activate_thread
(simp: cap.splits arch_cap.splits split_def invocation_label.splits Let_def

View File

@ -832,6 +832,7 @@ lemma cap_is_device_obj_is_device[simp]:
split: apiobject_type.splits aobject_type.splits)
crunch device_state_inv: storeWord "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(ignore_del: storeWord)
(* some hyp_ref invariants *)

View File

@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ lemmas init_arch_objects_valid_cap[wp] = valid_cap_typ [OF init_arch_objects_typ
lemmas init_arch_objects_cap_table[wp] = cap_table_at_lift_valid [OF init_arch_objects_typ_at]
crunch device_state_inv[wp]: clearMemory "\<lambda>ms. P (device_state ms)"
(wp: mapM_x_wp)
(wp: mapM_x_wp ignore_del: clearMemory)
crunch pspace_respects_device_region[wp]: reserve_region pspace_respects_device_region
crunch cap_refs_respects_device_region[wp]: reserve_region cap_refs_respects_device_region
@ -1240,11 +1240,11 @@ lemma invs_irq_state_independent:
swp_def valid_irq_states_def)
crunch irq_masks_inv[wp]: storeWord, clearMemory "\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks s)"
(ignore: wp: crunch_wps)
(wp: crunch_wps ignore_del: storeWord clearMemory)
crunch underlying_mem_0[wp]: clearMemory
"\<lambda>s. underlying_memory s p = 0"
(ignore: wp: crunch_wps storeWord_um_eq_0)
(wp: crunch_wps storeWord_um_eq_0 ignore_del: clearMemory)
lemma clearMemory_invs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> do_machine_op (clearMemory w sz) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ lemma hv_invs[wp, Syscall_AI_assms]: "\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> handle_vm_fault t'
crunch inv[wp]: getFaultAddress, getRegister "P"
(ignore_del: getRegister)
lemma hv_inv_ex [Syscall_AI_assms]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> handle_vm_fault t vp \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ _. True\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ struct
fun put_precond _ _ = error "crunch no_irq should not be calling put_precond";
val pre_thms = [];
val wpc_tactic = wp_cases_tactic_weak;
fun wps_tactic _ _ _ = no_tac;
val magic = Syntax.parse_term @{context}
"\<lambda>mapp_lambda_ignore. no_irq mapp_lambda_ignore";
val get_monad_state_type = get_nondet_monad_state_type;

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: createNewObjects "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: crunch_simps zipWithM_x_mapM wp: crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: whenE_def)
(simp: whenE_def ignore_del: preemptionPoint)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: performARMMMUInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(ignore: getObject setObject
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: performARMMMUInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTim
simp: unless_def)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp: whenE_def)
(simp: whenE_def ignore_del: preemptionPoint)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: performInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps zipWithM_x_inv cteRevoke_preservation mapME_x_inv_wp

View File

@ -170,6 +170,7 @@ crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: cancelIPC, setThreadState, tcb
(simp: Let_def)
crunch (empty_fail) "_H_empty_fail"[intro!, wp, simp]: "ThreadDecls_H.suspend"
(ignore_del: ThreadDecls_H.suspend)
lemma ThreadDecls_H_restart_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (ThreadDecls_H.restart target)"

View File

@ -2601,7 +2601,7 @@ lemma cancelBadgedSends_invs[wp]:
crunch state_refs_of[wp]: tcb_sched_action "\<lambda>s. P (state_refs_of s)"
(ignore_del: tcb_sched_action)
lemma cancel_badged_sends_corres:
"corres dc (invs and valid_sched and ep_at epptr) (invs' and ep_at' epptr)

View File

@ -72,9 +72,6 @@ crunch valid_duplicates' [wp]: cteInsert "(\<lambda>s. vs_valid_duplicates' (ksP
crunch valid_duplicates'[wp]: setupReplyMaster "(\<lambda>s. vs_valid_duplicates' (ksPSpace s))"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps)
(* we need the following lemma in Syscall_R *)
crunch inv[wp]: getRegister "P"
lemma doMachineOp_ksPSpace_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksPSpace s)\<rbrace> doMachineOp f \<lbrace>\<lambda>ya s. P (ksPSpace s)\<rbrace>"
by (simp add:doMachineOp_def split_def | wp)+

View File

@ -1479,11 +1479,12 @@ lemma user_getreg_corres:
apply (clarsimp simp: getRegister_def)
crunch inv[wp]: getRegister "P"
(ignore_del: getRegister)
lemma user_getreg_inv'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> asUser t (getRegister r) \<lbrace>\<lambda>x. P\<rbrace>"
apply (rule asUser_inv)
apply (simp_all add: getRegister_def)
by (wp asUser_inv)
lemma asUser_typ_at' [wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace> asUser t' f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -1393,10 +1393,12 @@ lemma set_cdt_symb_exec_l:
"corres_underlying {(s, s'). f (kheap s) (exst s) s'} nf nf' dc P P' (set_cdt g) (return x)"
by (simp add: corres_underlying_def return_def set_cdt_def in_monad Bex_def)
crunch domain_index[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (domain_index s)"
crunch domain_list[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
crunch domain_time[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (domain_time s)"
crunch work_units_completed[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (work_units_completed s)"
crunches create_cap_ext
for domain_index[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (domain_index s)"
and domain_list[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
and domain_time[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (domain_time s)"
and work_units_completed[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (work_units_completed s)"
(ignore_del: create_cap_ext)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)

View File

@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: createNewObjects "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: crunch_simps zipWithM_x_mapM wp: crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: whenE_def)
(simp: whenE_def ignore_del: preemptionPoint)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: performARMMMUInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(ignore: getObject setObject
@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: performARMMMUInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTim
simp: unless_def)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp: whenE_def)
(simp: whenE_def ignore_del: preemptionPoint)
lemma setObjectVCPU_ksDomainTime_inv[wp]:
"setObject p (v::vcpu) \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -174,6 +174,7 @@ crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: cancelIPC, setThreadState, tcb
(simp: Let_def)
crunch (empty_fail) "_H_empty_fail"[intro!, wp, simp]: "ThreadDecls_H.suspend"
(ignore_del: ThreadDecls_H.suspend)
lemma ThreadDecls_H_restart_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (ThreadDecls_H.restart target)"

View File

@ -2775,10 +2775,10 @@ lemma cancelBadgedSends_invs[wp]:
apply (drule (1) bspec, drule st_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD', clarsimp)
by (fastforce simp: set_eq_subset tcb_bound_refs'_def)
crunch state_refs_of[wp]: tcb_sched_action "\<lambda>s. P (state_refs_of s)"
crunch state_hyp_refs_of[wp]: tcb_sched_action "\<lambda>s. P (state_hyp_refs_of s)"
crunches tcb_sched_action
for state_refs_of[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (state_refs_of s)"
and state_hyp_refs_of[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (state_hyp_refs_of s)"
(ignore_del: tcb_sched_action)
lemma cancel_badged_sends_corres:
"corres dc (invs and valid_sched and ep_at epptr) (invs' and ep_at' epptr)

View File

@ -1519,11 +1519,12 @@ lemma user_getreg_corres:
apply (clarsimp simp: getRegister_def)
crunch inv[wp]: getRegister "P"
(ignore_del: getRegister)
lemma user_getreg_inv'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> asUser t (getRegister r) \<lbrace>\<lambda>x. P\<rbrace>"
apply (rule asUser_inv)
apply (simp_all add: getRegister_def)
by (wp asUser_inv)
lemma asUser_typ_at' [wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace> asUser t' f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace>"

View File

@ -1409,10 +1409,12 @@ lemma set_cdt_symb_exec_l:
"corres_underlying {(s, s'). f (kheap s) (exst s) s'} nf nf' dc P P' (set_cdt g) (return x)"
by (simp add: corres_underlying_def return_def set_cdt_def in_monad Bex_def)
crunch domain_index[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (domain_index s)"
crunch domain_list[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
crunch domain_time[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (domain_time s)"
crunch work_units_completed[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (work_units_completed s)"
crunches create_cap_ext
for domain_index[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (domain_index s)"
and domain_list[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
and domain_time[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (domain_time s)"
and work_units_completed[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (work_units_completed s)"
(ignore_del: create_cap_ext)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: createNewObjects "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: crunch_simps zipWithM_x_mapM wp: crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: whenE_def)
(simp: whenE_def ignore_del: preemptionPoint)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: performX64MMUInvocation, performX64PortInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(ignore: getObject setObject
@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: performX64MMUInvocation, performX64PortInvocation "
simp: unless_def crunch_simps)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp: whenE_def)
(simp: whenE_def ignore_del: preemptionPoint)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: performInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps zipWithM_x_inv cteRevoke_preservation mapME_x_inv_wp

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@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: cancelIPC, setThreadState, tcb
(simp: Let_def)
crunch (empty_fail) "_H_empty_fail"[intro!, wp, simp]: "ThreadDecls_H.suspend"
(ignore_del: ThreadDecls_H.suspend)
lemma ThreadDecls_H_restart_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (ThreadDecls_H.restart target)"

View File

@ -1195,7 +1195,6 @@ lemma not_Final_removeable:
context begin interpretation Arch .
crunch ko_wp_at'[wp]: postCapDeletion "\<lambda>s. P (ko_wp_at' P' p s)"
crunch cteCaps_of[wp]: postCapDeletion "\<lambda>s. P (cteCaps_of s)"
(simp: cteCaps_of_def o_def)
crunch ko_at_live[wp]: clearUntypedFreeIndex "\<lambda>s. P (ko_wp_at' live' ptr s)"

View File

@ -2652,7 +2652,7 @@ lemma cancelBadgedSends_invs[wp]:
crunch state_refs_of[wp]: tcb_sched_action "\<lambda>s. P (state_refs_of s)"
(ignore_del: tcb_sched_action)
lemma cancel_badged_sends_corres:
"corres dc (invs and valid_sched and ep_at epptr) (invs' and ep_at' epptr)

View File

@ -1437,10 +1437,12 @@ lemma set_cdt_symb_exec_l:
"corres_underlying {(s, s'). f (kheap s) (exst s) s'} nf nf' dc P P' (set_cdt g) (return x)"
by (simp add: corres_underlying_def return_def set_cdt_def in_monad Bex_def)
crunch domain_index[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (domain_index s)"
crunch domain_list[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
crunch domain_time[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (domain_time s)"
crunch work_units_completed[wp]: create_cap_ext "\<lambda>s. P (work_units_completed s)"
crunches create_cap_ext
for domain_index[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (domain_index s)"
and domain_list[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
and domain_time[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (domain_time s)"
and work_units_completed[wp]: "\<lambda>s. P (work_units_completed s)"
(ignore_del: create_cap_ext)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)