riscv ainvs: slightly tighten store_pte precondition for valid_vs_lookup

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Gerwin Klein 2019-05-09 14:28:23 +10:00 committed by Rafal Kolanski
parent 519b672d08
commit 9acd6b2729
1 changed files with 22 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -2543,6 +2543,19 @@ lemma store_pte_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
apply (drule valid_vs_lookupD; assumption?; clarsimp)
lemma table_index_slot_offset_inj:
"\<lbrakk> table_index (pt_slot_offset level (table_base p) vref) = table_index p;
level \<le> max_pt_level; is_aligned p pte_bits \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> pt_slot_offset level (table_base p) vref = p"
apply (simp add: pt_slot_offset_def is_aligned_nth)
apply (prop_tac "table_base p && (pt_index level vref << pte_bits) = 0")
apply word_bitwise
apply (simp add: bit_simps pt_index_def word_size)
apply (simp add: word_plus_and_or_coroll)
apply word_bitwise
apply (drule max_pt_level_enum)
by (auto simp: pt_bits_left_def pt_index_def word_size bit_simps)
lemma store_pte_non_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
"\<lbrace> valid_vs_lookup
and pspace_aligned and valid_vspace_objs and valid_asid_table and unique_table_refs
@ -2550,6 +2563,7 @@ lemma store_pte_non_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
and (\<lambda>s. \<forall>level asid vref.
vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, table_base p)
\<longrightarrow> vref \<in> user_region
\<longrightarrow> pt_slot_offset level (table_base p) vref = p
\<longrightarrow> (is_PageTablePTE pte \<longrightarrow> pts_of s (the (pte_ref pte)) = Some empty_pt)
\<and> the (pte_ref pte) \<noteq> table_base p
\<and> (\<exists>p' cap. caps_of_state s p' = Some cap \<and>
@ -2615,6 +2629,7 @@ lemma store_pte_non_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
apply (prop_tac "is_aligned table_ptr pt_bits")
apply (fastforce elim!: vs_lookup_table_is_aligned)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad fun_upd_apply pte_of_def split: if_splits)
apply (drule (2) table_index_slot_offset_inj, simp)
(* miss on pte *)
apply (prop_tac "level' = level")
apply (drule no_loop_vs_lookup_table; simp?; blast)
@ -2698,8 +2713,11 @@ lemma store_pte_non_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
precondition, we are not creating a loop *)
apply (drule_tac pt=empty_pt in pt_walk_non_empty_ptD; simp add: in_omonad fun_upd_apply)
apply (cases pte; clarsimp simp: pptr_from_pte_def)
apply (drule (2) table_index_slot_offset_inj, simp)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad pte_of_def)
apply (cases pte; clarsimp simp: pptr_from_pte_def in_omonad fun_upd_apply)
apply (cases pte; clarsimp)
apply (fastforce simp: pptr_from_pte_def in_omonad fun_upd_apply
intro!: table_index_slot_offset_inj)
(* NOTE: should be able to derive the (pte_ref pte) \<noteq> table_base p) from
@ -2847,6 +2865,7 @@ lemma store_pte_valid_vs_lookup:
\<longrightarrow> (\<forall>level asid vref.
vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, table_base p)
\<longrightarrow> vref \<in> user_region
\<longrightarrow> pt_slot_offset level (table_base p) vref = p
\<longrightarrow> (is_PageTablePTE pte \<longrightarrow> pts_of s (the (pte_ref pte)) = Some empty_pt)
\<and> the (pte_ref pte) \<noteq> table_base p
\<and> (\<exists>p' cap. caps_of_state s p' = Some cap \<and>
@ -2869,6 +2888,7 @@ lemma store_pte_valid_arch_caps:
\<longrightarrow> (\<forall>level asid vref.
vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, table_base p)
\<longrightarrow> vref \<in> user_region
\<longrightarrow> pt_slot_offset level (table_base p) vref = p
\<longrightarrow> (is_PageTablePTE pte \<longrightarrow> pts_of s (the (pte_ref pte)) = Some empty_pt)
\<and> the (pte_ref pte) \<noteq> table_base p
\<and> (\<exists>p' cap. caps_of_state s p' = Some cap \<and>
@ -2895,6 +2915,7 @@ lemma store_pte_invs:
\<longrightarrow> (\<forall>level asid vref.
vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, table_base p)
\<longrightarrow> vref \<in> user_region
\<longrightarrow> pt_slot_offset level (table_base p) vref = p
\<longrightarrow> (is_PageTablePTE pte \<longrightarrow> pts_of s (the (pte_ref pte)) = Some empty_pt)
\<and> the (pte_ref pte) \<noteq> table_base p
\<and> (\<exists>p' cap. caps_of_state s p' = Some cap \<and>