arm-hyp crefine: add ccorres_pre rules for vcpu/tcb

getObject for vcpu and tcb, getCurVCPU
This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Gomez-Londono 2017-04-13 19:46:51 +10:00 committed by Alejandro Gomez-Londono
parent 96c13859e0
commit 9d8f5326f5
3 changed files with 96 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -296,4 +296,8 @@ lemma option_to_ptr_NULL_eq:
unfolding option_to_ptr_def option_to_0_def
by (clarsimp split: option.splits)
lemma option_to_ptr_not_0:
"\<lbrakk> p \<noteq> 0 ; option_to_ptr v = Ptr p \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> v = Some p"
by (clarsimp simp: option_to_ptr_def option_to_0_def split: option.splits)

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@ -66,8 +66,23 @@ lemma typ_at'_no_0_objD:
"typ_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> no_0_obj' s \<Longrightarrow> p \<noteq> 0"
by (cases "p = 0" ; clarsimp)
lemma ko_at'_not_NULL:
"\<lbrakk> ko_at' ko p s ; no_0_obj' s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> p \<noteq> 0"
by (fastforce simp: word_gt_0 typ_at'_no_0_objD)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma vcpu_at_ko':
"vcpu_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>vcpu :: vcpu. ko_at' vcpu p s"
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_at'_def obj_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def projectKOs)
apply (case_tac ko, auto)
apply (rename_tac arch_kernel_object)
apply (case_tac arch_kernel_object, auto)[1]
lemma sym_refs_tcb_vcpu':
"\<lbrakk> ko_at' (tcb::tcb) t s; atcbVCPUPtr (tcbArch tcb) = Some v; sym_refs (state_hyp_refs_of' s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>vcpu. ko_at' vcpu v s \<and> vcpuTCBPtr vcpu = Some t"

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@ -301,6 +301,83 @@ lemma sanitiseRegister_spec:
apply (erule (1) valid_objs_valid_tcb')
lemma rf_sr_ksArchState_armHSCurVCPU:
"(s, s') \<in> rf_sr \<Longrightarrow> cur_vcpu_relation (armHSCurVCPU (ksArchState s)) (armHSCurVCPU_' (globals s')) (armHSVCPUActive_' (globals s'))"
by (clarsimp simp: rf_sr_def cstate_relation_def carch_state_relation_def Let_def)
lemma ccorres_pre_getCurVCPU:
assumes cc: "\<And>rv. ccorres r xf (P rv) (P' rv) hs (f rv) c"
shows "ccorres r xf
(\<lambda>s. (\<forall>rv. (armHSCurVCPU \<circ> ksArchState) s = rv \<longrightarrow> P rv s))
{s. \<forall>rv vcpu' act'. armHSCurVCPU_' (globals s) = vcpu' \<and>
armHSVCPUActive_' (globals s) = act' \<and>
cur_vcpu_relation rv vcpu' act'
\<longrightarrow> s \<in> P' rv }
hs (gets (armHSCurVCPU \<circ> ksArchState) >>= (\<lambda>rv. f rv)) c"
apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp)
apply (rule ccorres_symb_exec_l)
apply wp
apply (rule hoare_gets_sp)
apply (clarsimp simp: empty_fail_def getCurThread_def simpler_gets_def)
apply assumption
apply clarsimp
apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp)
apply (rule cc)
apply clarsimp
apply assumption
apply (clarsimp simp: rf_sr_ksArchState_armHSCurVCPU)
lemma getObject_tcb_wp':
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<forall>t. ko_at' (t :: tcb) p s \<longrightarrow> Q t s\<rbrace> getObject p \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
by (clarsimp simp: getObject_def valid_def in_monad
split_def objBits_simps loadObject_default_def
projectKOs obj_at'_def in_magnitude_check)
lemma ccorres_pre_getObject_tcb:
assumes cc: "\<And>rv. ccorres r xf (P rv) (P' rv) hs (f rv) c"
shows "ccorres r xf
(\<lambda>s. (\<forall>vcpu. ko_at' vcpu p s \<longrightarrow> P vcpu s))
{s. \<forall> vcpu vcpu'. cslift s (tcb_ptr_to_ctcb_ptr p) = Some vcpu' \<and> ctcb_relation vcpu vcpu'
\<longrightarrow> s \<in> P' vcpu}
hs (getObject p >>= (\<lambda>rv :: tcb. f rv)) c"
apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
apply (rule ccorres_symb_exec_l)
apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
apply (rule cc)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule_tac Q="ko_at' rv p s" in conjunct1)
apply assumption
apply assumption
apply (wpsimp wp: empty_fail_getObject getObject_tcb_wp')+
apply (erule cmap_relationE1[OF cmap_relation_tcb],
erule ko_at_projectKO_opt)
apply simp
lemma ccorres_pre_getObject_vcpu:
assumes cc: "\<And>rv. ccorres r xf (P rv) (P' rv) hs (f rv) c"
shows "ccorres r xf
(\<lambda>s. (\<forall>vcpu. ko_at' vcpu p s \<longrightarrow> P vcpu s))
{s. \<forall> vcpu vcpu'. cslift s (vcpu_Ptr p) = Some vcpu' \<and> cvcpu_relation vcpu vcpu'
\<longrightarrow> s \<in> P' vcpu}
hs (getObject p >>= (\<lambda>rv :: vcpu. f rv)) c"
apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
apply (rule ccorres_symb_exec_l)
apply (rule ccorres_guard_imp2)
apply (rule cc)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule_tac Q="ko_at' rv p s" in conjunct1)
apply assumption
apply assumption
apply (wpsimp wp: getVCPU_wp empty_fail_getObject)+
apply (erule cmap_relationE1 [OF cmap_relation_vcpu],
erule ko_at_projectKO_opt)
apply simp