Word_Lib: miscellaneous conditional injectivity rules

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Matthew Brecknell 2017-04-26 14:18:52 +10:00 committed by Alejandro Gomez-Londono
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@ -5480,4 +5480,44 @@ proof -
thus ?thesis by simp
(* Miscellaneous conditional injectivity rules. *)
lemma drop_eq_mono:
assumes le: "m \<le> n"
assumes drop: "drop m xs = drop m ys"
shows "drop n xs = drop n ys"
proof -
have ex: "\<exists>p. n = p + m" by (rule exI[of _ "n - m"]) (simp add: le)
then obtain p where p: "n = p + m" by blast
show ?thesis unfolding p drop_drop[symmetric] drop by simp
lemma mult_pow2_inj:
assumes ws: "m + n \<le> LENGTH('a)"
assumes le: "x \<le> mask m" "y \<le> mask m"
assumes eq: "x * 2^n = y * (2^n::'a::len word)"
shows "x = y"
proof (cases n)
case 0 thus ?thesis using eq by simp
case (Suc n')
have m_lt: "m < LENGTH('a)" using Suc ws by simp
have xylt: "x < 2^m" "y < 2^m" using le m_lt unfolding mask_2pm1 by auto
have lenm: "n \<le> LENGTH('a) - m" using ws by simp
show ?thesis
using eq xylt
apply (fold shiftl_t2n[where n=n, simplified mult.commute])
apply (simp only: word_bl.Rep_inject[symmetric] bl_shiftl)
apply (erule ssubst[OF less_is_drop_replicate])+
apply (clarsimp elim!: drop_eq_mono[OF lenm])
lemma word_of_nat_inj:
assumes bounded: "x < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)" "y < 2 ^ LENGTH('a)"
assumes of_nats: "of_nat x = (of_nat y :: 'a::len word)"
shows "x = y"
by (rule contrapos_pp[OF of_nats]; cases "x < y"; cases "y < x")
(auto dest: bounded[THEN of_nat_mono_maybe])