x64: add refine files, copied from ARM

This commit is contained in:
Joel Beeren 2017-03-14 13:36:27 +11:00
parent 86e8bbd1c7
commit a0eb3c6f23
42 changed files with 95437 additions and 0 deletions

proof/refine/X64/ADT_H.thy Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

proof/refine/X64/Arch_R.thy Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

proof/refine/X64/Bits_R.thy Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,571 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory Bits_R
imports Corres
crunch_ignore (add:
bind return "when" get gets fail
assert put modify unless select
alternative assert_opt gets_the
returnOk throwError lift bindE
liftE whenE unlessE throw_opt
assertE liftM liftME sequence_x
zipWithM_x mapM_x sequence mapM sequenceE_x
sequenceE mapME mapME_x catch select_f
handleE' handleE handle_elseE forM forM_x
zipWithM filterM forME_x)
crunch_ignore (add:
withoutFailure throw catchFailure rethrowFailure
capFaultOnFailure lookupErrorOnFailure
nullCapOnFailure nothingOnFailure
without_preemption withoutPreemption preemptionPoint
cap_fault_on_failure lookup_error_on_failure
const_on_failure ignore_failure ignoreFailure
empty_on_failure emptyOnFailure unifyFailure
unify_failure throw_on_false
context Arch begin (*FIXME: arch_split*)
crunch_ignore (add:
invalidateTLB_ASID invalidateTLB_VAASID
cleanByVA cleanByVA_PoU invalidateByVA invalidateByVA_I invalidate_I_PoU
cleanInvalByVA branchFlush clean_D_PoU cleanInvalidate_D_PoC cleanInvalidateL2Range
invalidateL2Range cleanL2Range flushBTAC writeContextID isb dsb dmb
setHardwareASID setCurrentPD)
crunch_ignore (add:
storeWordVM loadWord setRegister getRegister getRestartPC
debugPrint set_register get_register
setNextPC maskInterrupt clearMemory throw_on_false)
crunch_ignore (add: unifyFailure ignoreFailure)
crunch_ignore (add: empty_on_failure)
crunch_ignore (add: emptyOnFailure)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma throwE_R: "\<lbrace>\<top>\<rbrace> throw f \<lbrace>P\<rbrace>,-"
by (simp add: validE_R_def) wp
lemma withoutFailure_wp [wp]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> withoutFailure f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>E\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> withoutFailure f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,-"
"\<lbrace>\<top>\<rbrace> withoutFailure f -,\<lbrace>E\<rbrace>"
by (auto simp: validE_R_def validE_E_def valid_def)
lemma no_fail_alignError [simp, wp]:
"no_fail \<bottom> (alignError x)"
by (simp add: alignError_def)
lemma no_fail_typeError [simp, wp]:
"no_fail \<bottom> (typeError xs ko)"
by (simp add: typeError_def)
lemma isCap_simps:
"isZombie v = (\<exists>v0 v1 v2. v = Zombie v0 v1 v2)"
"isArchObjectCap v = (\<exists>v0. v = ArchObjectCap v0)"
"isThreadCap v = (\<exists>v0. v = ThreadCap v0)"
"isCNodeCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1 v2 v3. v = CNodeCap v0 v1 v2 v3)"
"isNotificationCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1 v2 v3. v = NotificationCap v0 v1 v2 v3)"
"isEndpointCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1 v2 v3 v4. v = EndpointCap v0 v1 v2 v3 v4)"
"isUntypedCap v = (\<exists>d v0 v1 f. v = UntypedCap d v0 v1 f)"
"isReplyCap v = (\<exists>v0 v1. v = ReplyCap v0 v1)"
"isIRQControlCap v = (v = IRQControlCap)"
"isIRQHandlerCap v = (\<exists>v0. v = IRQHandlerCap v0)"
"isNullCap v = (v = NullCap)"
"isDomainCap v = (v = DomainCap)"
"isPageCap w = (\<exists>d v0 v1 v2 v3. w = PageCap d v0 v1 v2 v3)"
"isPageTableCap w = (\<exists>v0 v1. w = PageTableCap v0 v1)"
"isPageDirectoryCap w = (\<exists>v0 v1. w = PageDirectoryCap v0 v1)"
"isASIDControlCap w = (w = ASIDControlCap)"
"isASIDPoolCap w = (\<exists>v0 v1. w = ASIDPoolCap v0 v1)"
"isArchPageCap cap = (\<exists>d ref rghts sz data. cap = ArchObjectCap (PageCap d ref rghts sz data))"
by (auto simp: isCap_defs split: capability.splits arch_capability.splits)
lemma untyped_not_null [simp]:
"\<not> isUntypedCap NullCap" by (simp add: isCap_simps)
text {* Miscellaneous facts about low level constructs *}
lemma projectKO_tcb:
"(projectKO_opt ko = Some t) = (ko = KOTCB t)"
by (cases ko) (auto simp: projectKO_opts_defs)
lemma projectKO_cte:
"(projectKO_opt ko = Some t) = (ko = KOCTE t)"
by (cases ko) (auto simp: projectKO_opts_defs)
lemma projectKO_ep:
"(projectKO_opt ko = Some t) = (ko = KOEndpoint t)"
by (cases ko) (auto simp: projectKO_opts_defs)
lemma projectKO_ntfn:
"(projectKO_opt ko = Some t) = (ko = KONotification t)"
by (cases ko) (auto simp: projectKO_opts_defs)
lemma projectKO_ASID:
"(projectKO_opt ko = Some t) = (ko = KOArch (KOASIDPool t))"
by (cases ko)
(auto simp: projectKO_opts_defs split: arch_kernel_object.splits)
lemma projectKO_PTE:
"(projectKO_opt ko = Some t) = (ko = KOArch (KOPTE t))"
by (cases ko)
(auto simp: projectKO_opts_defs split: arch_kernel_object.splits)
lemma projectKO_PDE:
"(projectKO_opt ko = Some t) = (ko = KOArch (KOPDE t))"
by (cases ko)
(auto simp: projectKO_opts_defs split: arch_kernel_object.splits)
lemma projectKO_user_data:
"(projectKO_opt ko = Some (t :: user_data)) = (ko = KOUserData)"
by (cases ko)
(auto simp: projectKO_opts_defs split: arch_kernel_object.splits)
lemma projectKO_user_data_device:
"(projectKO_opt ko = Some (t :: user_data_device)) = (ko = KOUserDataDevice)"
by (cases ko)
(auto simp: projectKO_opts_defs split: arch_kernel_object.splits)
lemmas projectKOs =
projectKO_ntfn projectKO_ep projectKO_cte projectKO_tcb
projectKO_ASID projectKO_PTE projectKO_PDE projectKO_user_data projectKO_user_data_device
projectKO_eq projectKO_eq2
lemma capAligned_epI:
"ep_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> capAligned (EndpointCap p a b c d)"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_real_def capAligned_def
objBits_simps word_bits_def)
apply (drule ko_wp_at_norm)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule ko_wp_at_aligned)
apply (simp add: objBits_simps projectKOs capUntypedPtr_def isCap_simps)
lemma capAligned_ntfnI:
"ntfn_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> capAligned (NotificationCap p a b c)"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_real_def capAligned_def
objBits_simps word_bits_def capUntypedPtr_def isCap_simps)
apply (fastforce dest: ko_wp_at_norm
dest!: ko_wp_at_aligned simp: objBits_simps projectKOs)
lemma capAligned_tcbI:
"tcb_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> capAligned (ThreadCap p)"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_real_def capAligned_def
objBits_simps word_bits_def capUntypedPtr_def isCap_simps)
apply (fastforce dest: ko_wp_at_norm
dest!: ko_wp_at_aligned simp: objBits_simps projectKOs)
lemma capAligned_reply_tcbI:
"tcb_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> capAligned (ReplyCap p m)"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_real_def capAligned_def
objBits_simps word_bits_def capUntypedPtr_def isCap_simps)
apply (fastforce dest: ko_wp_at_norm
dest!: ko_wp_at_aligned simp: objBits_simps projectKOs)
lemma ko_at_valid_objs':
assumes ko: "ko_at' k p s"
assumes vo: "valid_objs' s"
assumes k: "\<And>ko. projectKO_opt ko = Some k \<Longrightarrow> injectKO k = ko"
shows "valid_obj' (injectKO k) s" using ko vo
by (clarsimp simp: valid_objs'_def obj_at'_def projectKOs
project_inject ranI)
lemma obj_at_valid_objs':
"\<lbrakk> obj_at' P p s; valid_objs' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>k. P k \<and>
((\<forall>ko. projectKO_opt ko = Some k \<longrightarrow> injectKO k = ko)
\<longrightarrow> valid_obj' (injectKO k) s)"
apply (drule obj_at_ko_at')
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x=ko in exI)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule (1) ko_at_valid_objs')
apply simp
lemma tcb_in_valid_state':
"\<lbrakk> st_tcb_at' P t s; valid_objs' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>st. P st \<and> valid_tcb_state' st s"
apply (clarsimp simp: pred_tcb_at'_def)
apply (drule obj_at_valid_objs')
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp simp: projectKOs)
apply (fastforce simp add: valid_obj'_def valid_tcb'_def)
lemma gct_corres: "corres op = \<top> \<top> (gets cur_thread) getCurThread"
by (simp add: getCurThread_def curthread_relation)
lemma gct_wp [wp]: "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksCurThread s) s\<rbrace> getCurThread \<lbrace>P\<rbrace>"
by (unfold getCurThread_def, wp)
lemma git_corres:
"corres op = \<top> \<top> (gets idle_thread) getIdleThread"
by (simp add: getIdleThread_def state_relation_def)
lemma git_wp [wp]: "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksIdleThread s) s\<rbrace> getIdleThread \<lbrace>P\<rbrace>"
by (unfold getIdleThread_def, wp)
lemma gsa_wp [wp]: "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace> getSchedulerAction \<lbrace>P\<rbrace>"
by (unfold getSchedulerAction_def, wp)
text {* Shorthand names for the relations between faults, errors and failures *}
fr :: "ExceptionTypes_A.fault \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.fault \<Rightarrow> bool"
"fr x y \<equiv> (y = fault_map x)"
ser :: "ExceptionTypes_A.syscall_error \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.syscall_error \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ser x y \<equiv> (y = syscall_error_map x)"
lfr :: "ExceptionTypes_A.lookup_failure \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.lookup_failure \<Rightarrow> bool"
"lfr x y \<equiv> (y = lookup_failure_map x)"
text {* Correspondence and weakest precondition
rules for the "on failure" transformers *}
lemma corres_injection:
assumes x: "t = injection_handler fn"
assumes y: "t' = injection_handler fn'"
assumes z: "\<And>ft ft'. f' ft ft' \<Longrightarrow> f (fn ft) (fn' ft')"
shows "corres (f' \<oplus> r) P P' m m'
\<Longrightarrow> corres (f \<oplus> r) P P' (t m) (t' m')"
apply (simp add: injection_handler_def handleE'_def x y)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split)
apply assumption
apply (rule wp_post_taut)
apply (rule wp_post_taut)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (case_tac v, (clarsimp simp: z)+)
lemma corres_gets_pspace:
"corres pspace_relation \<top> \<top> (gets kheap) (gets ksPSpace)"
by (subst corres_gets, clarsimp)
lemma rethrowFailure_injection:
"rethrowFailure = injection_handler"
by (intro ext, simp add: rethrowFailure_def injection_handler_def o_def)
lemma capFault_injection:
"capFaultOnFailure addr b = injection_handler (Fault_H.CapFault addr b)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: capFaultOnFailure_def rethrowFailure_injection)
lemma lookupError_injection:
"lookupErrorOnFailure b = injection_handler (Fault_H.FailedLookup b)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: lookupErrorOnFailure_def rethrowFailure_injection)
lemma corres_cap_fault:
"corres (lfr \<oplus> r) P P' f g \<Longrightarrow>
corres (fr \<oplus> r) P P' (cap_fault_on_failure addr b f)
(capFaultOnFailure addr b g)"
by (fastforce intro: corres_injection[where f'=lfr]
simp: cap_fault_injection capFault_injection)
lemmas capFault_wp[wp] = injection_wp[OF capFault_injection]
lemmas capFault_wp_E[wp] = injection_wp_E[OF capFault_injection]
lemmas capFault_bindE = injection_bindE[OF capFault_injection capFault_injection]
lemmas capFault_liftE[simp] = injection_liftE[OF capFault_injection]
lemma corres_lookup_error:
"\<lbrakk> corres (lfr \<oplus> r) P P' f g \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres (ser \<oplus> r) P P' (lookup_error_on_failure b f) (lookupErrorOnFailure b g)"
by (fastforce intro: corres_injection[where f'=lfr]
simp: lookup_error_injection lookupError_injection)
lemmas lookupError_wp[wp] = injection_wp[OF lookupError_injection]
lemmas lookupError_wp_E[wp] = injection_wp_E[OF lookupError_injection]
lemmas lookupError_bindE = injection_bindE[OF lookupError_injection lookupError_injection]
lemmas lookupError_liftE[simp] = injection_liftE[OF lookupError_injection]
lemma unifyFailure_injection:
"unifyFailure = injection_handler (\<lambda>x. ())"
by (rule ext,
simp add: unifyFailure_def injection_handler_def
rethrowFailure_def o_def)
lemmas unifyFailure_injection_corres
= corres_injection [where f=dc, simplified, OF _ unifyFailure_injection]
lemmas unifyFailure_discard
= unifyFailure_injection_corres [OF id_injection, simplified]
lemmas unifyFailure_wp = injection_wp [OF unifyFailure_injection]
lemmas unifyFailure_wp_E[wp] = injection_wp_E [OF unifyFailure_injection]
lemmas corres_unify_failure =
corres_injection [OF unify_failure_injection unifyFailure_injection, rotated]
lemma ignoreFailure_wp[wp_split]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> v \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. Q ()\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. Q ()\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> ignoreFailure v \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: ignoreFailure_def const_def) wp
lemma ep'_cases_weak_wp:
assumes "\<lbrace>P_A\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
assumes "\<And>q. \<lbrace>P_B\<rbrace> b q \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
assumes "\<And>q. \<lbrace>P_C\<rbrace> c q \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>P_A and P_B and P_C\<rbrace>
case ts of
IdleEP \<Rightarrow> a
| SendEP q \<Rightarrow> b q
| RecvEP q \<Rightarrow> c q \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
apply (cases ts)
apply (simp, rule hoare_weaken_pre, rule assms, simp)+
lemma ntfn'_cases_weak_wp:
assumes "\<lbrace>P_A\<rbrace> a \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
assumes "\<And>q. \<lbrace>P_B\<rbrace> b q \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
assumes "\<And>bdg. \<lbrace>P_C\<rbrace> c bdg \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
"\<lbrace>P_A and P_B and P_C\<rbrace>
case ts of
IdleNtfn \<Rightarrow> a
| WaitingNtfn q \<Rightarrow> b q
| ActiveNtfn bdg \<Rightarrow> c bdg \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
apply (cases ts)
apply (simp, rule hoare_weaken_pre, rule assms, simp)+
lemma ko_at_cte_ctable:
fixes ko :: tcb
shows "\<lbrakk> ko_at' tcb p s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>x. x = tcbCTable tcb) p s"
unfolding obj_at'_def
apply (clarsimp simp: projectKOs objBits_simps)
apply (erule(2) cte_wp_at_tcbI')
apply fastforce
apply simp
lemma ko_at_cte_vtable:
fixes ko :: tcb
shows "\<lbrakk> ko_at' tcb p s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>x. x = tcbVTable tcb) (p + 16) s"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def objBits_simps projectKOs)
apply (erule(2) cte_wp_at_tcbI')
apply fastforce
apply simp
lemma ko_at_imp_cte_wp_at':
fixes x :: cte
shows "\<lbrakk> ko_at' x ptr s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cte = x) ptr s"
apply (erule obj_atE')
apply (clarsimp simp: projectKOs objBits_simps)
apply (erule cte_wp_at_cteI')
apply (simp add: cte_level_bits_def)+
lemma modify_map_casesD:
"modify_map m p f p' = Some cte \<Longrightarrow>
(p \<noteq> p' \<longrightarrow> m p' = Some cte) \<and>
(p = p' \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>cap node. m p = Some (CTE cap node) \<and> f (CTE cap node) = cte))"
apply (simp add: modify_map_def split: if_split_asm)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac z)
apply auto
lemma modify_map_casesE:
"\<lbrakk> modify_map m p f p' = Some cte;
\<lbrakk> p \<noteq> p'; m p' = Some cte \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P;
\<And>cap node. \<lbrakk> p = p'; m p = Some (CTE cap node); cte = f (CTE cap node) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (auto dest: modify_map_casesD)
lemma modify_map_cases:
"(modify_map m p f p' = Some cte) =
((p \<noteq> p' \<longrightarrow> m p' = Some cte) \<and>
(p = p' \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>cap node. m p = Some (CTE cap node) \<and> f (CTE cap node) = cte)))"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule modify_map_casesD)
apply (clarsimp simp: modify_map_def)
lemma no_0_modify_map [simp]:
"no_0 (modify_map m p f) = no_0 m"
by (simp add: no_0_def modify_map_def)
lemma modify_map_0 [simp]:
"no_0 m \<Longrightarrow> modify_map m 0 f = m"
by (rule ext) (auto simp add: modify_map_def no_0_def)
lemma modify_map_exists:
"\<exists>cap node. m p = Some (CTE cap node) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>cap' node'. modify_map m q f p = Some (CTE cap' node')"
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "f (CTE cap node)")
apply (cases "q=p")
apply (auto simp add: modify_map_cases)
lemma modify_map_exists_rev:
"modify_map m q f p = Some (CTE cap node) \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>cap' node'. m p = Some (CTE cap' node')"
apply (case_tac "f (CTE cap node)")
apply (cases "q=p")
apply (auto simp add: modify_map_cases)
lemma modify_map_if:
"(modify_map m p f p' = Some cte) =
(if p = p'
then \<exists>cap node. m p = Some (CTE cap node) \<and> f (CTE cap node) = cte
else \<exists>cap node. m p' = Some (CTE cap node) \<and> cte = CTE cap node)"
apply (cases cte)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (drule modify_map_casesD)
apply auto[1]
apply (auto simp: modify_map_def)
lemma nothingOnFailure_wp [wp]:
assumes x: "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. Q None\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> nothingOnFailure f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: nothingOnFailure_def)
apply (wp x)
lemma corres_empty_on_failure:
"corres ((\<lambda>x y. r [] []) \<oplus> r) P P' m m' \<Longrightarrow>
corres r P P' (empty_on_failure m) (emptyOnFailure m')"
apply (simp add: empty_on_failure_def emptyOnFailure_def)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split_catch)
apply (rule corres_trivial, simp)
apply (erule corres_rel_imp)
apply (case_tac x; simp)
apply wp+
apply simp+
lemma emptyOnFailure_wp[wp]:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. Q []\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> emptyOnFailure m \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: emptyOnFailure_def) wp
lemma withoutPreemption_lift:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> withoutPreemption f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>E\<rbrace>"
by simp
lemma withoutPreemption_R:
"\<lbrace>\<top>\<rbrace> withoutPreemption f -, \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
by (wp withoutPreemption_lift)
lemma ko_at_cte_ipcbuffer:
"ko_at' tcb p s \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>x. x = tcbIPCBufferFrame tcb) (p + tcbIPCBufferSlot * 0x10) s"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def projectKOs objBits_simps)
apply (erule (2) cte_wp_at_tcbI')
apply (fastforce simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def tcbIPCBufferSlot_def)
apply simp
lemma tcb_at_cte_offset_unique:
assumes tat: "tcb_at' t s"
and vo: "valid_objs' s"
and pal: "pspace_aligned' s"
and csx: "x \<in> dom tcb_cte_cases"
and csy: "y \<in> dom tcb_cte_cases"
shows "(tcb_at' (t + x - y) s) = (x = y)"
proof (rule iffI)
assume "tcb_at' (t + x - y) s"
hence "is_aligned (t + x - y) 9" using pal
apply -
apply (erule obj_atE')
apply (simp add: projectKOs objBits_simps)
moreover from tat pal have "is_aligned t 9"
apply -
apply (erule obj_atE')
apply (simp add: projectKOs objBits_simps)
ultimately show "x = y" using csx csy
apply -
apply (drule (1) is_aligned_addD1 [where y = "x - y", simplified add_diff_eq])
apply (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def)
apply (auto simp: is_aligned_def dvd_def)
apply arith+
assume "x = y"
thus "tcb_at' (t + x - y) s" using tat by simp
lemma set_ep_arch': "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksArchState s)\<rbrace> setEndpoint ntfn p \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (ksArchState s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setEndpoint_def setObject_def split_def)
apply (wp updateObject_default_inv|simp)+
lemma corres_const_on_failure:
"corres ((\<lambda>_ _. r x y) \<oplus> r) P P' m m' \<Longrightarrow>
corres r P P' (const_on_failure x m) (constOnFailure y m')"
apply (simp add: const_on_failure_def constOnFailure_def)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split_catch)
apply (rule corres_trivial, simp)
apply (erule corres_rel_imp)
apply (case_tac xa)
apply (clarsimp simp: const_def)
apply simp
apply wp+
apply simp+
lemma constOnFailure_wp :
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> m \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>, \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. Q n\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> constOnFailure n m \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: constOnFailure_def const_def)
apply (wp|simp)+

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory BuildRefineCache
imports "~~/src/HOL/Main"
ML {*
(* needed to generate a proof cache *)
proofs := 1;
DupSkip.record_proofs := true;
quick_and_dirty := true;
tracing "Building refinement image using ROOT.ML";
use "ROOT.ML";
ML {*
tracing "Synching proof cache";
DupSkip.sync_cache @{theory Refine};
tracing "Dumping proof cache";
val xml = XML_Syntax.xml_forest_of_cache (! DupSkip.the_cache);
File.open_output (XML_Syntax.output_forest xml) (Path.basic "proof_cache.xml")

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory Cache
imports "~~/src/HOL/Main"
text {* Enable the proof cache, both skipping from it
and recording to it. *}
ML {* DupSkip.record_proofs := true *}
ML {* proofs := 1 *}
ML {* DupSkip.skip_dup_proofs := true *}
text {* If executed in reverse order, save the cache *}
ML {* val cache_thy_save_cache = ref false; *}
ML {*
if (! cache_thy_save_cache)
then File.open_output (XML_Syntax.output_forest
(XML_Syntax.xml_forest_of_cache (! DupSkip.the_cache)))
(Path.basic "proof_cache.xml")
else () *}
ML {* cache_thy_save_cache := true *}
ML {* cache_thy_save_cache := false *}
text {* Load the proof cache
- can take up to a minute *}
ML {*
DupSkip.the_cache := XML_Syntax.cache_of_xml_forest (
File.open_input (XML_Syntax.input_forest)
(Path.basic "proof_cache.xml")) *}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory Corres
imports StateRelation "../../../lib/Corres_Method"
text {* Instantiating the corres framework to this particular state relation. *}
"corres \<equiv> corres_underlying state_relation False True"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,346 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory DomainTime_R
text {* Preservation of domain time remaining over kernel invocations;
invariance of domain list validity
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
(* FIXME move to DetSchedDomainTime_AI *)
crunch domain_list_inv[wp]: do_user_op "\<lambda>s. P (domain_list s)"
(wp: select_wp)
(* abstract and haskell have identical domain list fields *)
valid_domain_list' :: "'a kernel_state_scheme \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_domain_list' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_domain_list_2 (ksDomSchedule s)"
lemmas valid_domain_list'_def = valid_domain_list_2_def
(* first, crunching valid_domain_list' over the kernel - it is never changed *)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]:
sendFaultIPC, handleFault, replyFromKernel
"\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: setDomain "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: if_apply_def2)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: sendSignal "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps simp: unless_def)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: finaliseCap "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: crunch_simps assertE_def unless_def
ignore: getObject setObject forM ignoreFailure
wp: getObject_inv loadObject_default_inv crunch_wps)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: finaliseCap, capSwapForDelete "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: crunch_simps simp: unless_def)
lemma finaliseSlot_ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s) \<rbrace> finaliseSlot param_a param_b \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (ksDomSchedule s)\<rbrace>"
by (wp finaliseSlot_preservation | clarsimp)+
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: invokeTCB "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(wp: crunch_wps checkCap_inv finaliseSlot'_preservation simp: if_apply_def2 crunch_simps)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: doReplyTransfer "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(wp: crunch_wps transferCapsToSlots_pres1 setObject_ep_ct
simp: unless_def crunch_simps
ignore: transferCapsToSlots setObject getObject)
lemma cteRevoke_ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s) \<rbrace> cteRevoke param_a \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (ksDomSchedule s)\<rbrace>"
by (wp cteRevoke_preservation | clarsimp)+
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: finaliseCap "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: crunch_simps assertE_def unless_def
ignore: getObject setObject forM ignoreFailure
wp: getObject_inv loadObject_default_inv crunch_wps)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: cancelBadgedSends "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(ignore: filterM setObject getObject
simp: filterM_mapM crunch_simps
wp: crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: createNewObjects "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: crunch_simps zipWithM_x_mapM wp: crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(simp: whenE_def)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: performARMMMUInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(ignore: getObject setObject
wp: crunch_wps getObject_cte_inv getASID_wp
simp: unless_def)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: performInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(wp: crunch_wps zipWithM_x_inv cteRevoke_preservation mapME_x_inv_wp
simp: unless_def crunch_simps filterM_mapM)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: schedule "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(ignore: setNextPC threadSet simp:crunch_simps wp:findM_inv)
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: activateThread "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]:
receiveSignal, getNotification, receiveIPC, deleteCallerCap "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(wp: hoare_drop_imps simp: crunch_simps)
lemma handleRecv_ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s) \<rbrace> handleRecv e \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (ksDomSchedule s) \<rbrace>"
unfolding handleRecv_def
by (rule hoare_pre)
(wp hoare_drop_imps | simp add: crunch_simps | wpc)+
crunch ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]: handleEvent "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s)"
(wp: hoare_drop_imps hv_inv' syscall_valid' throwError_wp withoutPreemption_lift
simp: runErrorT_def
ignore: setThreadState)
lemma callKernel_ksDomSchedule_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomSchedule s) \<rbrace> callKernel e \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (ksDomSchedule s) \<rbrace>"
unfolding callKernel_def
by (rule hoare_pre)
(wp | simp add: if_apply_def2)+
(* now we handle preservation of domain time remaining, which most of the kernel does not change *)
crunch ksDomainTime[wp]: setExtraBadge, cteInsert "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps)
crunch ksDomainTime[wp]: transferCapsToSlots "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
crunch ksDomainTime[wp]: setupCallerCap, switchIfRequiredTo, doIPCTransfer, attemptSwitchTo "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: zipWithM_x_mapM ignore: constOnFailure)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: setEndpoint, setNotification, storePTE, storePDE
"\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps setObject_ksPSpace_only updateObject_default_inv
ignore: setObject)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: sendFaultIPC, handleFault, replyFromKernel "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: setDomain "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: if_apply_def2)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: sendSignal "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps simp: crunch_simps simp: unless_def)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: deleteASID "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps setObject_ksPSpace_only getObject_inv loadObject_default_inv
ignore: setObject getObject simp: whenE_def)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: finaliseCap "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp: crunch_simps assertE_def unless_def
ignore: getObject setObject forM ignoreFailure
wp: setObject_ksPSpace_only getObject_inv loadObject_default_inv crunch_wps)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: cancelBadgedSends "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps setObject_ksPSpace_only getObject_inv loadObject_default_inv
updateObject_default_inv hoare_unless_wp
ignore: setObject getObject filterM
simp: whenE_def filterM_mapM crunch_simps)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: capSwapForDelete "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp: crunch_simps simp: unless_def)
lemma finaliseSlot_ksDomainTime_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s) \<rbrace> finaliseSlot param_a param_b \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (ksDomainTime s)\<rbrace>"
by (wp finaliseSlot_preservation | clarsimp)+
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: invokeTCB "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps checkCap_inv finaliseSlot'_preservation simp: if_apply_def2 crunch_simps)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: doReplyTransfer "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps transferCapsToSlots_pres1 setObject_ep_ct
simp: unless_def crunch_simps
ignore: transferCapsToSlots setObject getObject)
lemma cteRevoke_ksDomainTime_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s) \<rbrace> cteRevoke param_a \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (ksDomainTime s)\<rbrace>"
by (wp cteRevoke_preservation | clarsimp)+
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: finaliseCap "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp: crunch_simps assertE_def unless_def
ignore: getObject setObject forM ignoreFailure
wp: getObject_inv loadObject_default_inv crunch_wps)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: cancelBadgedSends "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(ignore: filterM setObject getObject
simp: filterM_mapM crunch_simps
wp: crunch_wps)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: createNewObjects "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp: crunch_simps zipWithM_x_mapM
wp: crunch_wps hoare_unless_wp
ignore: getObject setObject)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: performARMMMUInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(ignore: getObject setObject
wp: crunch_wps getObject_cte_inv getASID_wp setObject_ksPSpace_only updateObject_default_inv
simp: unless_def)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: preemptionPoint "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp: whenE_def)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: performInvocation "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: crunch_wps zipWithM_x_inv cteRevoke_preservation mapME_x_inv_wp
simp: unless_def crunch_simps filterM_mapM)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: activateThread "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]:
receiveSignal, getNotification, receiveIPC, deleteCallerCap "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: hoare_drop_imps simp: crunch_simps)
lemma handleRecv_ksDomainTime_inv[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s) \<rbrace> handleRecv e \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (ksDomainTime s) \<rbrace>"
unfolding handleRecv_def
by (rule hoare_pre)
(wp hoare_drop_imps | simp add: crunch_simps | wpc)+
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: doUserOp "(\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s))"
(wp: select_wp)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: getIRQState, chooseThread, handleYield "(\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s))"
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: handleSend, handleReply "(\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s))"
(wp: hoare_drop_imps hv_inv' syscall_valid' throwError_wp withoutPreemption_lift
simp: runErrorT_def
ignore: setThreadState)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: handleInvocation "(\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s))"
(wp: hoare_drop_imps hv_inv' syscall_valid' throwError_wp withoutPreemption_lift
simp: runErrorT_def
ignore: setThreadState)
crunch ksDomainTime_inv[wp]: handleCall "(\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s))"
(wp: crunch_wps setObject_ksPSpace_only updateObject_default_inv cteRevoke_preservation
simp: crunch_simps unless_def
ignore: syscall setObject loadObject getObject constOnFailure )
crunch domain_time'_inv[wp]: activateThread,handleHypervisorFault "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(wp: hoare_drop_imps)
lemma nextDomain_domain_time_left'[wp]:
"\<lbrace> valid_domain_list' \<rbrace>
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. 0 < ksDomainTime s \<rbrace>"
unfolding nextDomain_def Let_def
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_domain_list'_def dschLength_def)
apply (simp only: all_set_conv_all_nth)
apply (erule_tac x="Suc (ksDomScheduleIdx s) mod length (ksDomSchedule s)" in allE)
apply fastforce
lemma rescheduleRequired_ksSchedulerAction[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<top>\<rbrace> rescheduleRequired \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. ksSchedulerAction s = ChooseNewThread \<rbrace>"
unfolding rescheduleRequired_def
by (wp setSchedulerAction_direct)
lemma timerTick_valid_domain_time:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. 0 < ksDomainTime s\<rbrace>
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. ksDomainTime s = 0 \<longrightarrow> ksSchedulerAction s = ChooseNewThread\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: timerTick_def numDomains_def)
apply wp
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ s. ksSchedulerAction s = ChooseNewThread" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (wp | clarsimp simp: if_apply_def2)+
lemma handleInterrupt_valid_domain_time:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. 0 < ksDomainTime s \<rbrace>
handleInterrupt i
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. ksDomainTime s = 0 \<longrightarrow> ksSchedulerAction s = ChooseNewThread\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handleInterrupt_def)
apply (case_tac "maxIRQ < i"; simp)
subgoal by (wp hoare_false_imp) simp
apply (rule_tac B="\<lambda>_ s. 0 < ksDomainTime s" in hoare_seq_ext[rotated])
apply (rule hoare_pre, wp, simp)
apply (rename_tac st)
apply (case_tac st, simp_all)
(* IRQSignal : no timer tick, trivial preservation of ksDomainTime *)
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ s. 0 < ksDomainTime s" in hoare_post_imp, clarsimp)
apply (rule hoare_pre, (wp | wpc)+)
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ s. 0 < ksDomainTime s" in hoare_post_imp, clarsimp)
apply wp
(* IRQTimer : tick occurs *) (* IRQReserved : trivial *)
apply (wp timerTick_valid_domain_time
| clarsimp simp: handleReservedIRQ_def
| wp_once hoare_vcg_imp_lift)+
lemma schedule_domain_time_left':
"\<lbrace> valid_domain_list' and
(\<lambda>s. ksDomainTime s = 0 \<longrightarrow> ksSchedulerAction s = ChooseNewThread) \<rbrace>
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. 0 < ksDomainTime s \<rbrace>"
unfolding schedule_def
supply word_neq_0_conv[simp]
apply (wp | wpc)+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_. valid_domain_list'" in hoare_post_imp, clarsimp)
apply (wp | clarsimp)+
lemma handleEvent_ksDomainTime_inv:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s) \<and> e \<noteq> Interrupt \<rbrace>
handleEvent e
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (ksDomainTime s) \<rbrace>"
apply (cases e, simp_all)
apply (rename_tac syscall)
apply (case_tac syscall, simp_all add: handle_send_def)
apply (wp hv_inv'|simp add: handleEvent_def |wpc)+
lemma callKernel_domain_time_left:
"\<lbrace> (\<lambda>s. 0 < ksDomainTime s) and valid_domain_list' and (\<lambda>s. e \<noteq> Interrupt \<longrightarrow> ct_running' s) \<rbrace>
callKernel e
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. 0 < ksDomainTime s \<rbrace>"
including no_pre
unfolding callKernel_def
supply word_neq_0_conv[simp]
apply (case_tac "e = Interrupt")
apply (simp add: handleEvent_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply ((wp schedule_domain_time_left' handleInterrupt_valid_domain_time
| wpc | simp)+)[1]
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ s. 0 < ksDomainTime s \<and> valid_domain_list' s" in hoare_post_imp)
apply fastforce
apply wp
apply simp
(* non-interrupt case; may throw but does not touch ksDomainTime in handleEvent *)
apply simp
apply ((wp schedule_domain_time_left' handleInterrupt_valid_domain_time
| simp add: if_apply_def2)+)[1]
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ s. valid_domain_list' s \<and> 0 < ksDomainTime s" in hoare_post_imp)
apply fastforce
apply wp
apply simp
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ s. valid_domain_list' s \<and> 0 < ksDomainTime s"
in NonDetMonadVCG.hoare_post_impErr[rotated 2], assumption)
apply (wp handleEvent_ksDomainTime_inv | clarsimp)+

View File

@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory EmptyFail
imports Bits_R
(* Collect empty_fail lemmas here. naming convention is emtpy_fail_NAME.
Unless there is a good reason, they should all be [intro!, wp, simp] *)
lemma empty_fail_projectKO [simp, intro!]:
"empty_fail (projectKO v)"
unfolding empty_fail_def projectKO_def
by (simp add: return_def fail_def split: option.splits)
lemma empty_fail_alignCheck [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (alignCheck a b)"
unfolding alignCheck_def
by (simp add: alignError_def)
lemma empty_fail_magnitudeCheck [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (magnitudeCheck a b c)"
unfolding magnitudeCheck_def
by (simp split: option.splits)
lemma empty_fail_loadObject_default [intro!, wp, simp]:
shows "empty_fail (loadObject_default x b c d)"
by (auto simp: loadObject_default_def
split: option.splits)
lemma empty_fail_threadGet [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (threadGet f p)"
by (simp add: threadGet_def getObject_def split_def)
lemma empty_fail_getCTE [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getCTE slot)"
apply (simp add: getCTE_def getObject_def split_def)
apply (intro empty_fail_bind, simp_all)
apply (simp add: loadObject_cte typeError_def alignCheck_def alignError_def
split: Structures_H.kernel_object.split)
apply (auto split: option.split)
lemma empty_fail_updateObject_cte [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (updateObject (v :: cte) ko a b c)"
by (simp add: updateObject_cte typeError_def unless_def split: kernel_object.splits )
lemma empty_fail_setCTE [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (setCTE p cte)"
unfolding setCTE_def
by (simp add: setObject_def split_def)
lemma empty_fail_updateMDB [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (updateMDB a b)"
unfolding updateMDB_def Let_def by auto
lemma empty_fail_getSlotCap [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getSlotCap a)"
unfolding getSlotCap_def by simp
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma empty_fail_getObject:
assumes x: "(\<And>b c d. empty_fail (loadObject x b c d::'a :: pspace_storable kernel))"
shows "empty_fail (getObject x :: 'a :: pspace_storable kernel)"
apply (simp add: getObject_def split_def)
apply (safe intro!: empty_fail_bind empty_fail_gets empty_fail_assert_opt)
apply (rule x)
lemma empty_fail_getObject_tcb [intro!, wp, simp]:
shows "empty_fail (getObject x :: tcb kernel)"
by (auto intro: empty_fail_getObject)
lemma empty_fail_updateTrackedFreeIndex [intro!, wp, simp]:
shows "empty_fail (updateTrackedFreeIndex p idx)"
by (simp add: updateTrackedFreeIndex_def)
lemma empty_fail_updateNewFreeIndex [intro!, wp, simp]:
shows "empty_fail (updateNewFreeIndex p)"
apply (simp add: updateNewFreeIndex_def)
apply (safe intro!: empty_fail_bind)
apply (simp split: capability.split)
lemma empty_fail_insertNewCap [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (insertNewCap p p' cap)"
unfolding insertNewCap_def by simp
lemma empty_fail_getIRQSlot [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getIRQSlot irq)"
by (simp add: getIRQSlot_def getInterruptState_def locateSlot_conv)
lemma empty_fail_getObject_ntfn [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getObject p :: Structures_H.notification kernel)"
by (simp add: empty_fail_getObject)
lemma empty_fail_getNotification [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getNotification ep)"
by (simp add: getNotification_def)
lemma empty_fail_lookupIPCBuffer [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (lookupIPCBuffer a b)"
by (clarsimp simp: lookupIPCBuffer_def ARM_H.lookupIPCBuffer_def
Let_def getThreadBufferSlot_def locateSlot_conv
split: capability.splits arch_capability.splits | wp | wpc)+
lemma empty_fail_updateObject_default [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (updateObject_default v ko a b c)"
by (simp add: updateObject_default_def typeError_def unless_def split: kernel_object.splits )
lemma empty_fail_threadSet [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (threadSet f p)"
by (simp add: threadSet_def getObject_def setObject_def split_def)
lemma empty_fail_getThreadState[iff]:
"empty_fail (getThreadState t)"
by (simp add: getThreadState_def)
declare empty_fail_stateAssert [wp]
declare setRegister_empty_fail [intro!, simp]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory EmptyFail_H
imports Refine
lemma wpc_helper_empty_fail:
"empty_fail f \<Longrightarrow> wpc_helper (P, P') (Q, Q') (empty_fail f)"
by (clarsimp simp: wpc_helper_def)
wpc_setup "\<lambda>m. empty_fail m" wpc_helper_empty_fail
crunch_ignore (empty_fail)
(add: handleE' getCTE getObject updateObject
suspend restart
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemmas forM_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp] = empty_fail_mapM[simplified forM_def[symmetric]]
lemmas forM_x_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp] = empty_fail_mapM_x[simplified forM_x_def[symmetric]]
lemmas forME_x_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp] = mapME_x_empty_fail[simplified forME_x_def[symmetric]]
lemma withoutPreemption_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail m \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (withoutPreemption m)"
by (simp add: withoutPreemption_def)
lemma withoutFailure_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail m \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (withoutFailure m)"
by (simp add: withoutFailure_def)
lemma catchFailure_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"\<lbrakk> empty_fail f; \<And>x. empty_fail (g x) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (catchFailure f g)"
by (simp add: catchFailure_def empty_fail_catch)
lemma emptyOnFailure_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail m \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (emptyOnFailure m)"
by (simp add: emptyOnFailure_def empty_fail_catch)
lemma rethrowFailure_empty_fail [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail m \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (rethrowFailure f m)"
apply (simp add:rethrowFailure_def o_def)
apply (wp | simp)+
lemma unifyFailure_empty_fail [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail f \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (unifyFailure f)"
by (simp add: unifyFailure_def)
lemma lookupErrorOnFailure_empty_fail [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail f \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (lookupErrorOnFailure isSource f)"
by (simp add: lookupErrorOnFailure_def)
lemma setObject_empty_fail [intro!, wp, simp]:
assumes x: "(\<And>a b c. empty_fail (updateObject v a x b c))"
shows "empty_fail (setObject x v)"
apply (simp add: setObject_def split_def)
apply (wp x | simp)+
lemma asUser_empty_fail [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail f \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (asUser t f)"
apply (simp add:asUser_def)
apply (wp | wpc | simp | simp add: empty_fail_def)+
lemma capFaultOnFailure_empty_fail [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail m \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (capFaultOnFailure cptr rp m)"
apply (simp add: capFaultOnFailure_def)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: locateSlotCap
lemma resolveAddressBits_spec_empty_fail:
notes spec_empty_fail_bindE'[wp_split]
"spec_empty_fail (CSpace_H.resolveAddressBits a b c) s"
proof (induct arbitrary: s rule: resolveAddressBits.induct)
case (1 a b c s)
show ?case
apply (simp add: resolveAddressBits.simps)
apply (wp | simp | wpc | intro impI conjI | rule drop_spec_empty_fail)+
apply (rule use_spec_empty_fail)
apply (rule 1 | simp add: in_monad | rule drop_spec_empty_fail | force)+
lemmas resolveAddressBits_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp] =
resolveAddressBits_spec_empty_fail[THEN use_spec_empty_fail]
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: lookupIPCBuffer
declare ef_dmo'[intro!, wp, simp]
lemma empty_fail_getObject_ep [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getObject p :: endpoint kernel)"
by (simp add: empty_fail_getObject)
lemma getEndpoint_empty_fail [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getEndpoint ep)"
by (simp add: getEndpoint_def)
lemma constOnFailure_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail m \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (constOnFailure x m)"
by (simp add: constOnFailure_def const_def empty_fail_catch)
lemma ArchRetypeDecls_H_deriveCap_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"isPageTableCap y \<or> isPageDirectoryCap y \<or> isPageCap y
\<or> isASIDControlCap y \<or> isASIDPoolCap y
\<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (Arch.deriveCap x y)"
apply (simp add: ARM_H.deriveCap_def)
by auto
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: ensureNoChildren
lemma deriveCap_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (RetypeDecls_H.deriveCap slot y)"
apply (simp add: Retype_H.deriveCap_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: empty_fail_bindE)
apply (case_tac "capCap y")
apply (simp_all add: isPageTableCap_def isPageDirectoryCap_def
isPageCap_def isASIDPoolCap_def isASIDControlCap_def)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: setExtraBadge, cteInsert
lemma transferCapsToSlots_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (transferCapsToSlots ep buffer n caps slots mi)"
apply (induct caps arbitrary: slots n mi)
apply simp
apply (simp add: Let_def split_def
split del: if_split)
apply (simp | wp | wpc | safe)+
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: lookupTargetSlot, ensureEmptySlot, lookupSourceSlot, lookupPivotSlot
lemma decodeCNodeInvocation_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (decodeCNodeInvocation label args cap exs)"
apply (rule_tac label=label and args=args and exs=exs in decode_cnode_cases2)
apply (simp_all add: decodeCNodeInvocation_def
split_def cnode_invok_case_cleanup unlessE_whenE
cong: if_cong bool.case_cong list.case_cong)
apply (simp | wp | wpc | safe)+
lemma empty_fail_getObject_ap [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getObject p :: asidpool kernel)"
by (simp add: empty_fail_getObject)
lemma empty_fail_getObject_pde [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getObject p :: pde kernel)"
by (simp add: empty_fail_getObject)
lemma empty_fail_getObject_pte [intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (getObject p :: pte kernel)"
by (simp add: empty_fail_getObject)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: decodeARMMMUInvocation
(simp: Let_def ARMMMU_improve_cases)
lemma ignoreFailure_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail x \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (ignoreFailure x)"
by (simp add: ignoreFailure_def empty_fail_catch)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: cancelIPC, setThreadState, tcbSchedDequeue, setupReplyMaster, isBlocked, switchIfRequiredTo
(simp: Let_def)
crunch (empty_fail) "_H_empty_fail": "ThreadDecls_H.suspend"
lemma ThreadDecls_H_suspend_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (ThreadDecls_H.suspend target)"
by (simp add:suspend_def)
lemma ThreadDecls_H_restart_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail (ThreadDecls_H.restart target)"
by (simp add:restart_def)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: finaliseCap, preemptionPoint, capSwapForDelete
(wp: empty_fail_catch simp: Let_def ignore: cacheRangeOp)
lemmas finalise_spec_empty_fail_induct = finaliseSlot'.induct[where P=
"\<lambda>sl exp s. spec_empty_fail (finaliseSlot' sl exp) s"]
lemma spec_empty_fail_If:
"\<lbrakk> P \<Longrightarrow> spec_empty_fail f s; \<not> P \<Longrightarrow> spec_empty_fail g s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> spec_empty_fail (if P then f else g) s"
by (simp split: if_split)
lemma spec_empty_whenE':
"\<lbrakk> P \<Longrightarrow> spec_empty_fail f s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> spec_empty_fail (whenE P f) s"
by (simp add: whenE_def spec_empty_returnOk)
lemma finaliseSlot_spec_empty_fail:
notes spec_empty_fail_bindE'[rotated, wp_split]
shows "spec_empty_fail (finaliseSlot x b) s"
unfolding finaliseSlot_def
proof (induct rule: finalise_spec_empty_fail_induct)
case (1 x b s)
show ?case
apply (subst finaliseSlot'_simps_ext)
apply (simp only: split_def Let_def K_bind_def fun_app_def)
apply (wp spec_empty_whenE' spec_empty_fail_If | wpc
| rule 1[unfolded Let_def K_bind_def split_def fun_app_def,
simplified], (simp | intro conjI)+
| rule drop_spec_empty_fail | simp)+
lemmas finaliseSlot_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp] =
finaliseSlot_spec_empty_fail[THEN use_spec_empty_fail]
lemma checkCapAt_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail action \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (checkCapAt cap ptr action)"
by (simp add: checkCapAt_def)
lemma assertDerived_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail f \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (assertDerived src cap f)"
by (simp add: assertDerived_def)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: cteDelete
lemma liftE_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail f \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (liftE f)"
by simp
lemma spec_empty_fail_unlessE':
"\<lbrakk> \<not> P \<Longrightarrow> spec_empty_fail f s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> spec_empty_fail (unlessE P f) s"
by (simp add:unlessE_def spec_empty_returnOk)
lemma cteRevoke_spec_empty_fail:
notes spec_empty_fail_bindE'[wp_split]
shows "spec_empty_fail (cteRevoke p) s"
proof (induct rule: cteRevoke.induct)
case (1 p s)
show ?case
apply (simp add: cteRevoke.simps)
apply (wp spec_empty_whenE' spec_empty_fail_unlessE' | rule drop_spec_empty_fail, wp)+
apply (rule 1, auto simp add: in_monad)
lemmas cteRevoke_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp] =
cteRevoke_spec_empty_fail[THEN use_spec_empty_fail]
lemma Syscall_H_syscall_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"\<lbrakk>empty_fail a; \<And>x. empty_fail (b x); \<And>x. empty_fail (c x);
\<And>x. empty_fail (d x); \<And>x. empty_fail (e x)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (syscall a b c d e)"
apply (simp add:syscall_def)
apply (wp | wpc | simp)+
lemma catchError_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"\<lbrakk> empty_fail f; \<And>x. empty_fail (g x) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> empty_fail (catchError f g)"
by (simp add: catchError_def handle_empty_fail)
lemma findM_empty_fail [intro!, wp, simp]:
assumes m: "\<And>x. empty_fail (f x)"
shows "empty_fail (findM f xs)"
proof (induct xs)
case Nil
thus ?case by (simp add: findM_def)
case Cons
from Cons
show ?case by (simp add: m)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: chooseThread
(wp: empty_fail_catch simp: const_def Let_def)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: getDomainTime
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]: nextDomain
lemma ThreadDecls_H_schedule_empty_fail[intro!, wp, simp]:
"empty_fail schedule"
apply (simp add: schedule_def)
apply (simp | wp | wpc)+
lemma empty_fail_resetTimer[wp]: "empty_fail resetTimer"
by (simp add: resetTimer_def)
crunch (empty_fail) empty_fail: callKernel
(wp: empty_fail_catch simp: const_def Let_def ignore: cacheRangeOp)
lemma call_kernel_serial:
" \<lbrakk> (einvs and (\<lambda>s. event \<noteq> Interrupt \<longrightarrow> ct_running s) and (ct_running or ct_idle) and
(\<lambda>s. scheduler_action s = resume_cur_thread)) s;
\<exists>s'. (s, s') \<in> state_relation \<and>
(invs' and (\<lambda>s. event \<noteq> Interrupt \<longrightarrow> ct_running' s) and (ct_running' or ct_idle') and
(\<lambda>s. ksSchedulerAction s = ResumeCurrentThread) and
(\<lambda>s. vs_valid_duplicates' (ksPSpace s))) s' \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> fst (call_kernel event s) \<noteq> {}"
apply (cut_tac m = "call_kernel event" in corres_underlying_serial)
apply (rule kernel_corres)
apply (rule callKernel_empty_fail)
apply auto

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory IncKernelInit
imports ADT_H Tcb_R Arch_R
(* Dummy include file for kernel init *)

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@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory Include
no_notation bind_drop (infixl ">>" 60)

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
(* General lemmas removed from KernelInit *)
theory InitLemmas
imports IncKernelInit
declare headM_tailM_Cons[simp]
declare cart_singletons[simp]
declare less_1_simp[simp]
declare is_aligned_no_overflow[simp]
declare unless_True[simp]
declare maybe_fail_bind_fail[simp]
crunch cte_wp_at'[wp]: setPriority "cte_wp_at' P p" (simp: crunch_simps)
crunch irq_node'[wp]: setPriority "\<lambda>s. P (irq_node' s)" (simp: crunch_simps)

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@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory InterruptAcc_R
imports TcbAcc_R
lemma get_irq_slot_corres:
"corres (\<lambda>sl sl'. sl' = cte_map sl) \<top> \<top> (get_irq_slot irq) (getIRQSlot irq)"
apply (simp add: getIRQSlot_def get_irq_slot_def locateSlot_conv
apply (simp add: getInterruptState_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: state_relation_def interrupt_state_relation_def)
apply (simp add: cte_map_def cte_level_bits_def
ucast_nat_def shiftl_t2n)
crunch inv[wp]: get_irq_slot "P"
crunch inv[wp]: getIRQSlot "P"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma set_irq_state_corres:
"irq_state_relation state state' \<Longrightarrow>
corres dc \<top> \<top> (set_irq_state state irq) (setIRQState state' irq)"
apply (simp add: set_irq_state_def setIRQState_def
apply (subgoal_tac "(state = irq_state.IRQInactive) = (state' = irqstate.IRQInactive)")
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split_nor)
apply (rule corres_machine_op)
apply (rule corres_Id | simp)+
apply (rule no_fail_maskInterrupt)
apply (simp add: getInterruptState_def setInterruptState_def
simpler_gets_def simpler_modify_def bind_def)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def[symmetric])
apply (rule corres_trivial, rule corres_modify)
apply (simp add: state_relation_def swp_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: interrupt_state_relation_def)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp: irq_state_relation_def
split: irq_state.split_asm irqstate.split_asm)
lemma setIRQState_invs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. invs' s \<and> (state \<noteq> IRQSignal \<longrightarrow> IRQHandlerCap irq \<notin> ran (cteCaps_of s)) \<and> (state \<noteq> IRQInactive \<longrightarrow> irq \<le> maxIRQ)\<rbrace>
setIRQState state irq
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setIRQState_def setInterruptState_def getInterruptState_def)
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt)
apply (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def cur_tcb'_def
Invariants_H.valid_queues_def valid_queues'_def
valid_idle'_def valid_irq_node'_def
valid_arch_state'_def valid_global_refs'_def
global_refs'_def valid_machine_state'_def
if_unsafe_then_cap'_def ex_cte_cap_to'_def
valid_irq_handlers'_def irq_issued'_def
cteCaps_of_def valid_irq_masks'_def
bitmapQ_defs valid_queues_no_bitmap_def)
apply (rule conjI, clarsimp)
apply (clarsimp simp: irqs_masked'_def ct_not_inQ_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply fastforce
apply (simp add: ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def)
lemma getIRQSlot_real_cte[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> getIRQSlot irq \<lbrace>real_cte_at'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: getIRQSlot_def getInterruptState_def locateSlot_conv)
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_irq_node'_def
cte_level_bits_def ucast_nat_def)
lemma getIRQSlot_cte_at[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> getIRQSlot irq \<lbrace>cte_at'\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post [OF getIRQSlot_real_cte])
apply (clarsimp simp: real_cte_at')
lemma work_units_updated_state_relationI[intro!]:
"(s,s') \<in> state_relation \<Longrightarrow>
(work_units_completed_update (\<lambda>_. work_units_completed s + 1) s, s'\<lparr>ksWorkUnitsCompleted := ksWorkUnitsCompleted s' + 1\<rparr>) \<in> state_relation"
apply (simp add: state_relation_def)
lemma work_units_and_irq_state_state_relationI [intro!]:
"(s, s') \<in> state_relation \<Longrightarrow>
(s \<lparr> work_units_completed := n, machine_state := machine_state s \<lparr> irq_state := f (irq_state (machine_state s)) \<rparr>\<rparr>,
s' \<lparr> ksWorkUnitsCompleted := n, ksMachineState := ksMachineState s' \<lparr> irq_state := f (irq_state (ksMachineState s')) \<rparr>\<rparr>)
\<in> state_relation"
by (simp add: state_relation_def swp_def)
lemma preemption_corres:
"corres (intr \<oplus> dc) \<top> \<top> preemption_point preemptionPoint"
apply (simp add: preemption_point_def preemptionPoint_def)
by (auto simp: preemption_point_def preemptionPoint_def o_def gets_def liftE_def whenE_def getActiveIRQ_def
corres_underlying_def select_def bind_def get_def bindE_def select_f_def modify_def
alternative_def throwError_def returnOk_def return_def lift_def doMachineOp_def split_def
put_def getWorkUnits_def setWorkUnits_def modifyWorkUnits_def do_machine_op_def
update_work_units_def wrap_ext_bool_det_ext_ext_def work_units_limit_def workUnitsLimit_def
work_units_limit_reached_def OR_choiceE_def reset_work_units_def mk_ef_def
elim: state_relationE)
(* what? *)
(* who says our proofs are not automatic.. *)
lemma preemptionPoint_inv:
assumes "(\<And>f s. P (ksWorkUnitsCompleted_update f s) = P s)"
"irq_state_independent_H P"
shows "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> preemptionPoint \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>" using assms
apply (simp add: preemptionPoint_def setWorkUnits_def getWorkUnits_def modifyWorkUnits_def)
apply (wpc
| wp hoare_whenE_wp hoare_seq_ext [OF _ select_inv] alternative_valid hoare_drop_imps
| simp)+
lemma invs'_wu [simp, intro!]:
"invs' (ksWorkUnitsCompleted_update f s) = invs' s"
apply (simp add: invs'_def cur_tcb'_def valid_state'_def Invariants_H.valid_queues_def
valid_queues'_def valid_irq_node'_def valid_machine_state'_def
ct_not_inQ_def ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def
bitmapQ_defs valid_queues_no_bitmap_def)
lemma ct_in_state'_irq_state_independent [simp, intro!]:
"ct_in_state' x (s\<lparr>ksMachineState := ksMachineState s
\<lparr>irq_state := f (irq_state (ksMachineState s))\<rparr>\<rparr>) =
ct_in_state' x s"
by (simp add: ct_in_state'_def irq_state_independent_H_def)+
lemma ex_cte_cap_wp_to'_irq_state_independent [simp, intro!]:
"ex_cte_cap_wp_to' x y (s\<lparr>ksMachineState := ksMachineState s
\<lparr>irq_state := f (irq_state (ksMachineState s))\<rparr>\<rparr>) =
ex_cte_cap_wp_to' x y s"
by (simp add: ex_cte_cap_wp_to'_def irq_state_independent_H_def)+
lemma ps_clear_irq_state_independent [simp, intro!]:
"ps_clear a b (s\<lparr>ksMachineState := ksMachineState s
\<lparr>irq_state := f (irq_state (ksMachineState s))\<rparr>\<rparr>) =
ps_clear a b s"
by (simp add: ps_clear_def)
lemma invs'_irq_state_independent [simp, intro!]:
"invs' (s\<lparr>ksMachineState := ksMachineState s
\<lparr>irq_state := f (irq_state (ksMachineState s))\<rparr>\<rparr>) =
invs' s"
apply (clarsimp simp: irq_state_independent_H_def invs'_def valid_state'_def
valid_pspace'_def sch_act_wf_def
valid_queues_def sym_refs_def state_refs_of'_def
if_live_then_nonz_cap'_def if_unsafe_then_cap'_def
valid_idle'_def valid_global_refs'_def
valid_arch_state'_def valid_irq_node'_def
valid_irq_handlers'_def valid_irq_states'_def
irqs_masked'_def bitmapQ_defs valid_queues_no_bitmap_def
valid_queues'_def valid_pde_mappings'_def
pspace_domain_valid_def cur_tcb'_def
valid_machine_state'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def
ct_not_inQ_def ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def
cong: if_cong option.case_cong)
apply (rule iffI[rotated])
apply (clarsimp)
apply (case_tac "ksSchedulerAction s", simp_all)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "ksSchedulerAction s", simp_all)
lemma preemptionPoint_invs [wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> preemptionPoint \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs'\<rbrace>"
by (wp preemptionPoint_inv | clarsimp)+

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@ -0,0 +1,901 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
Refinement for interrupt controller operations
theory Interrupt_R
imports Ipc_R Invocations_R
context Arch begin
(*FIXME: arch_split: move up *)
lemmas [crunch_def] = decodeIRQControlInvocation_def performIRQControl_def
context begin global_naming global
(*FIXME: arch_split: move up *)
(*FIXME: arch_split*)
irq_handler_inv_relation :: "irq_handler_invocation \<Rightarrow> irqhandler_invocation \<Rightarrow> bool"
"irq_handler_inv_relation (Invocations_A.ACKIrq irq) x = (x = AckIRQ irq)"
| "irq_handler_inv_relation (Invocations_A.ClearIRQHandler irq) x = (x = ClearIRQHandler irq)"
| "irq_handler_inv_relation (Invocations_A.SetIRQHandler irq cap ptr) x =
(\<exists>cap'. x = SetIRQHandler irq cap' (cte_map ptr) \<and> cap_relation cap cap')"
interrupt_control_relation :: "arch_irq_control_invocation \<Rightarrow> Arch.irqcontrol_invocation \<Rightarrow> bool"
irq_control_inv_relation :: "irq_control_invocation \<Rightarrow> irqcontrol_invocation \<Rightarrow> bool"
"irq_control_inv_relation (Invocations_A.IRQControl irq slot slot') x
= (x = IssueIRQHandler irq (cte_map slot) (cte_map slot'))"
| "irq_control_inv_relation (Invocations_A.ArchIRQControl ivk) x
= (\<exists>ivk'. x = ArchIRQControl ivk' \<and> interrupt_control_relation ivk ivk')"
irq_handler_inv_valid' :: "irqhandler_invocation \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"irq_handler_inv_valid' (AckIRQ irq) = (\<lambda>s. intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s) irq \<noteq> IRQInactive)"
| "irq_handler_inv_valid' (ClearIRQHandler irq) = \<top>"
| "irq_handler_inv_valid' (SetIRQHandler irq cap cte_ptr)
= (valid_cap' cap and valid_cap' (IRQHandlerCap irq)
and K (isNotificationCap cap)
and cte_wp_at' (badge_derived' cap \<circ> cteCap) cte_ptr
and (\<lambda>s. \<exists>ptr'. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = IRQHandlerCap irq) ptr' s)
and ex_cte_cap_wp_to' isCNodeCap cte_ptr)"
irq_control_inv_valid' :: "irqcontrol_invocation \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"irq_control_inv_valid' (ArchIRQControl ivk) = \<bottom>"
| "irq_control_inv_valid' (IssueIRQHandler irq ptr ptr') =
(cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = NullCap) ptr and
cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = IRQControlCap) ptr' and
ex_cte_cap_to' ptr and real_cte_at' ptr and
(Not o irq_issued' irq) and K (irq \<le> maxIRQ))"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma data_to_bool_toBool[simp]:
"data_to_bool dat = toBool dat"
by (auto simp: data_to_bool_def toBool_def)
lemma decode_irq_handler_corres:
"\<lbrakk> list_all2 cap_relation (map fst caps) (map fst caps');
list_all2 (\<lambda>p pa. snd pa = cte_map (snd p)) caps caps' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
corres (ser \<oplus> irq_handler_inv_relation) invs invs'
(decode_irq_handler_invocation label irq caps)
(decodeIRQHandlerInvocation label irq caps')"
apply (simp add: decode_irq_handler_invocation_def decodeIRQHandlerInvocation_def
split del: if_split)
apply (cases caps)
apply (simp add: returnOk_def split: invocation_label.split list.splits split del: if_split)
apply (clarsimp simp: list_all2_Cons1 split del: if_split)
apply (simp add: returnOk_def split: invocation_label.split list.splits)
apply (clarsimp split: cap_relation_split_asm arch_cap.split_asm simp: returnOk_def)
crunch inv[wp]: decodeIRQHandlerInvocation "P"
(simp: crunch_simps)
lemma decode_irq_handler_valid'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. invs' s \<and> (\<forall>cap \<in> set caps. s \<turnstile>' fst cap)
\<and> (\<exists>ptr'. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = IRQHandlerCap irq) ptr' s)
\<and> (\<forall>cap \<in> set caps. \<forall>r \<in> cte_refs' (fst cap) (irq_node' s). ex_cte_cap_to' r s)
\<and> (\<forall>cap \<in> set caps. ex_cte_cap_wp_to' isCNodeCap (snd cap) s)
\<and> (\<forall>cap \<in> set caps. cte_wp_at' (badge_derived' (fst cap) \<circ> cteCap) (snd cap) s)
\<and> s \<turnstile>' IRQHandlerCap irq\<rbrace>
decodeIRQHandlerInvocation label irq caps
apply (simp add: decodeIRQHandlerInvocation_def Let_def split_def
split del: if_split)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp | wpc | simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp: neq_Nil_conv isCap_simps)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of)
apply (drule (1) valid_irq_handlers_ctes_ofD)
apply (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
apply (simp add: irq_issued'_def)
apply clarsimp
lemma is_irq_active_corres:
"corres op = \<top> \<top> (is_irq_active irq) (isIRQActive irq)"
apply (simp add: is_irq_active_def isIRQActive_def get_irq_state_def
getIRQState_def getInterruptState_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: state_relation_def interrupt_state_relation_def)
apply (drule_tac x=irq in spec)+
apply (simp add: irq_state_relation_def
split: irqstate.split_asm irq_state.split_asm)
crunch inv: isIRQActive "P"
lemma isIRQActive_wp:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<forall>rv. (irq_issued' irq s \<longrightarrow> rv) \<longrightarrow> Q rv s\<rbrace> isIRQActive irq \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: isIRQActive_def getIRQState_def
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: irq_issued'_def)
lemma whenE_rangeCheck_eq:
"(rangeCheck (x :: 'a :: {linorder, integral}) y z) =
(whenE (x < fromIntegral y \<or> fromIntegral z < x)
(throwError (RangeError (fromIntegral y) (fromIntegral z))))"
by (simp add: rangeCheck_def unlessE_whenE ucast_id linorder_not_le[symmetric])
lemma decode_irq_control_corres:
"list_all2 cap_relation caps caps' \<Longrightarrow>
corres (ser \<oplus> irq_control_inv_relation)
(invs and (\<lambda>s. \<forall>cp \<in> set caps. s \<turnstile> cp)) (invs' and (\<lambda>s. \<forall>cp \<in> set caps'. s \<turnstile>' cp))
(decode_irq_control_invocation label args slot caps)
(decodeIRQControlInvocation label args (cte_map slot) caps')"
apply (clarsimp simp: decode_irq_control_invocation_def decodeIRQControlInvocation_def
arch_check_irq_def ARM_H.checkIRQ_def
ARM_H.decodeIRQControlInvocation_def arch_decode_irq_control_invocation_def
split del: if_split cong: if_cong
split: invocation_label.split)
apply (cases caps, simp split: list.split)
apply (case_tac "\<exists>n. length args = Suc (Suc (Suc n))")
apply (clarsimp simp: list_all2_Cons1 Let_def split_def liftE_bindE
whenE_rangeCheck_eq length_Suc_conv checkIRQ_def)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule whenE_throwError_corres)
apply (simp add: minIRQ_def maxIRQ_def)
apply (simp add: minIRQ_def ucast_nat_def)
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less)
apply (simp add: maxIRQ_def word_le_nat_alt)
apply (simp add: ucast_nat_def)
apply (rule corres_split_eqr [OF _ is_irq_active_corres])
apply (rule whenE_throwError_corres, simp, simp)
apply (rule corres_splitEE [OF _ lsfc_corres])
apply (rule corres_splitEE [OF _ ensure_empty_corres])
apply (rule corres_trivial, clarsimp simp: returnOk_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (wp isIRQActive_inv | simp only: simp_thms | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply (subgoal_tac "length args \<le> 2", clarsimp split: list.split)
apply arith
crunch inv[wp]: "InterruptDecls_H.decodeIRQControlInvocation" "P"
(simp: crunch_simps)
(* Levity: added (20090201 10:50:27) *)
declare ensureEmptySlot_stronger [wp]
lemma lsfco_real_cte_at'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_objs' and valid_cap' croot\<rbrace>
lookupSlotForCNodeOp is_src croot ptr depth
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. real_cte_at' rv s\<rbrace>,-"
apply (simp add: lookupSlotForCNodeOp_def split_def unlessE_def
split del: if_split
cong: if_cong list.case_cong capability.case_cong)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp resolveAddressBits_real_cte_at'
| simp
| wpc | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
lemma decode_irq_control_valid'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. invs' s \<and> (\<forall>cap \<in> set caps. s \<turnstile>' cap)
\<and> (\<forall>cap \<in> set caps. \<forall>r \<in> cte_refs' cap (irq_node' s). ex_cte_cap_to' r s)
\<and> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = IRQControlCap) slot s\<rbrace>
decodeIRQControlInvocation label args slot caps
apply (simp add: decodeIRQControlInvocation_def Let_def split_def checkIRQ_def
rangeCheck_def unlessE_whenE
split del: if_split cong: if_cong list.case_cong
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp ensureEmptySlot_stronger isIRQActive_wp
| simp add: ARM_H.decodeIRQControlInvocation_def | wpc
| wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply (clarsimp simp: minIRQ_def maxIRQ_def word_le_nat_alt unat_of_nat)
lemma irq_nodes_global_refs:
"irq_node' s + (ucast (irq:: 10 word)) * 0x10 \<in> global_refs' s"
by (simp add: global_refs'_def mult.commute mult.left_commute)
lemma valid_globals_ex_cte_cap_irq:
"\<lbrakk> ex_cte_cap_wp_to' isCNodeCap ptr s; valid_global_refs' s;
valid_objs' s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ptr \<noteq> intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s) + 2 ^ cte_level_bits * ucast (irq :: 10 word)"
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of ex_cte_cap_wp_to'_def)
apply (drule(1) ctes_of_valid'[rotated])
apply (drule(1) valid_global_refsD')
apply (drule subsetD[rotated], erule cte_refs_capRange)
apply (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps)
apply (subgoal_tac "irq_node' s + 2 ^ cte_level_bits * ucast irq \<in> global_refs' s")
apply blast
apply (simp add: global_refs'_def cte_level_bits_def
mult.commute mult.left_commute)
lemma invoke_irq_handler_corres:
"irq_handler_inv_relation i i' \<Longrightarrow>
corres dc (einvs and irq_handler_inv_valid i)
(invs' and irq_handler_inv_valid' i')
(invoke_irq_handler i)
(invokeIRQHandler i')"
apply (cases i, simp_all add: invokeIRQHandler_def)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp, rule corres_machine_op)
apply (rule corres_Id, simp_all)
apply (rule no_fail_maskInterrupt)
apply (rename_tac word cap prod)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ get_irq_slot_corres])
apply simp
apply (rule corres_split_nor [OF _ cap_delete_one_corres])
apply (rule cins_corres, simp+)
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv s. einvs s \<and> cte_wp_at (\<lambda>c. c = cap.NullCap) irq_slot s
\<and> (a, b) \<noteq> irq_slot
\<and> cte_wp_at (is_derived (cdt s) (a, b) cap) (a, b) s"
in hoare_post_imp)
apply fastforce
apply (wp cap_delete_one_still_derived)+
apply (strengthen invs_mdb_strengthen')
apply wp+
apply (simp add: conj_comms eq_commute)
apply (wp get_irq_slot_different hoare_drop_imps)+
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_state_def invs_def)
apply (erule cte_wp_at_weakenE, simp add: is_derived_use_interrupt)
apply fastforce
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ get_irq_slot_corres])
apply simp
apply (rule cap_delete_one_corres)
apply wp+
apply simp+
lemma ntfn_badge_derived_enough_strg:
"cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. isNotificationCap cap \<and> badge_derived' cap (cteCap cte)) ptr s
\<longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' (is_derived' ctes ptr cap \<circ> cteCap) ptr s"
by (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of isCap_simps
badge_derived'_def is_derived'_def vsCapRef_def)
lemma cteDeleteOne_ex_cte_cap_to'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P p\<rbrace> cteDeleteOne ptr \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P p\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: ex_cte_cap_to'_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule hoare_use_eq_irq_node' [OF cteDeleteOne_irq_node'])
apply (wp hoare_vcg_ex_lift cteDeleteOne_cte_wp_at_preserved)
apply (case_tac cap, simp_all add: finaliseCap_def isCap_simps)
lemma cteDeleteOne_other_cap:
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. cte_wp_at' (P o cteCap) p s) and K (p \<noteq> p')\<rbrace>
cteDeleteOne p'
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. cte_wp_at' (P o cteCap) p s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_gen_asm)
apply (simp add: tree_cte_cteCap_eq)
apply (wp cteDeleteOne_cteCaps_of)
apply simp
lemma isnt_irq_handler_strg:
"(\<not> isIRQHandlerCap cap) \<longrightarrow> (\<forall>irq. cap = IRQHandlerCap irq \<longrightarrow> P irq)"
by (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps)
lemma ct_in_current_domain_ksMachineState:
"ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' (ksMachineState_update p s) = ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' s"
apply (simp add:ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def)
apply (simp add:tcb_in_cur_domain'_def)
lemma invoke_irq_handler_invs'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs' and irq_handler_inv_valid' i\<rbrace>
invokeIRQHandler i \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (cases i, simp_all add: invokeIRQHandler_def)
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt)
apply (clarsimp simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_irq_masks'_def
valid_machine_state'_def ct_not_inQ_def
apply (wp cteInsert_invs)+
apply (strengthen ntfn_badge_derived_enough_strg isnt_irq_handler_strg)
apply (wp cteDeleteOne_other_cap cteDeleteOne_other_cap[unfolded o_def])
apply (rename_tac word1 cap word2)
apply (simp add: getInterruptState_def getIRQSlot_def locateSlot_conv)
apply wp
apply (rename_tac word1 cap word2 s)
apply (clarsimp simp: ucast_nat_def)
apply (drule_tac irq=word1 in valid_globals_ex_cte_cap_irq)
apply clarsimp+
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of ex_cte_cap_to'_def
isCap_simps untyped_derived_eq_def)
apply (fastforce simp: cte_level_bits_def badge_derived'_def)+
lemma IRQHandler_valid':
"(s' \<turnstile>' IRQHandlerCap irq) = (irq \<le> maxIRQ)"
by (simp add: valid_cap'_def capAligned_def word_bits_conv)
lemma valid_mdb_interrupts'[simp]:
"valid_mdb' (ksInterruptState_update f s) = valid_mdb' s"
by (simp add: valid_mdb'_def)
crunch valid_mdb'[wp]: setIRQState "valid_mdb'"
crunch cte_wp_at[wp]: setIRQState "cte_wp_at' P p"
lemma invoke_irq_control_corres:
"irq_control_inv_relation i i' \<Longrightarrow>
corres (intr \<oplus> dc) (einvs and irq_control_inv_valid i)
(invs' and irq_control_inv_valid' i')
(invoke_irq_control i)
(performIRQControl i')"
apply (cases i, simp_all add: performIRQControl_def)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split_nor [OF _ set_irq_state_corres])
apply (rule cins_corres_simple)
apply (wp | simp add: irq_state_relation_def
IRQHandler_valid IRQHandler_valid')+
apply (clarsimp simp: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def
cte_wp_at_caps_of_state is_simple_cap_def
is_cap_simps safe_parent_for_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def
IRQHandler_valid IRQHandler_valid' is_simple_cap'_def
apply (clarsimp simp: safe_parent_for'_def cte_wp_at_ctes_of)
apply (case_tac ctea)
apply (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps sameRegionAs_def3)
apply (auto dest: valid_irq_handlers_ctes_ofD)[1]
apply (clarsimp simp: arch_invoke_irq_control_def ARM_H.performIRQControl_def)
crunch valid_cap'[wp]: setIRQState "valid_cap' cap"
lemma setIRQState_cte_cap_to'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>ex_cte_cap_to' p\<rbrace> setIRQState st irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. ex_cte_cap_to' p\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setIRQState_def doMachineOp_def
split_def setInterruptState_def getInterruptState_def)
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: ex_cte_cap_to'_def)
lemma setIRQState_issued[wp]:
"\<lbrace>K (st = IRQSignal)\<rbrace> setIRQState st irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. irq_issued' irq\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setIRQState_def irq_issued'_def setInterruptState_def
apply wp
apply clarsimp
lemma invoke_irq_control_invs'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs' and irq_control_inv_valid' i\<rbrace> performIRQControl i \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (cases i, simp_all add: performIRQControl_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp cteInsert_simple_invs | simp add: cte_wp_at_ctes_of)+
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of IRQHandler_valid'
is_simple_cap'_def isCap_simps
safe_parent_for'_def sameRegionAs_def3)
apply (case_tac ctea)
apply (auto dest: valid_irq_handlers_ctes_ofD
simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma get_irq_state_corres:
"corres irq_state_relation \<top> \<top>
(get_irq_state irq) (getIRQState irq)"
apply (simp add: get_irq_state_def getIRQState_def getInterruptState_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: state_relation_def interrupt_state_relation_def)
lemma getIRQState_prop:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s) irq)\<rbrace>
getIRQState irq
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P rv\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: getIRQState_def getInterruptState_def)
apply wp
apply simp
lemma num_domains[simp]:
"num_domains = numDomains"
apply(simp add: num_domains_def numDomains_def)
lemma dec_domain_time_corres:
"corres dc \<top> \<top> dec_domain_time decDomainTime"
apply (simp add:dec_domain_time_def corres_underlying_def
decDomainTime_def simpler_modify_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:state_relation_def)
lemma weak_sch_act_wf_updateDomainTime[simp]:
"weak_sch_act_wf m (s\<lparr>ksDomainTime := t\<rparr>)
= weak_sch_act_wf m s"
by (simp add:weak_sch_act_wf_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def )
lemma tcbSchedAppend_valid_objs':
"\<lbrace>valid_objs'\<rbrace>tcbSchedAppend t \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. valid_objs'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:tcbSchedAppend_def)
apply (wp hoare_unless_wp
threadSet_valid_objs' threadGet_wp
| simp add:valid_tcb_tcbQueued)+
apply (clarsimp simp add:obj_at'_def typ_at'_def)
lemma tcbSchedAppend_sch_act_wf:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace> tcbSchedAppend thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:tcbSchedAppend_def bitmap_fun_defs)
apply (wp hoare_unless_wp setQueue_sch_act threadGet_wp|simp)+
apply (fastforce simp:typ_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma valid_tcb_tcbTimeSlice_update[simp]:
"valid_tcb' (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. timeSlice) tcb) s = valid_tcb' tcb s"
by (simp add:valid_tcb'_def tcb_cte_cases_def)
lemma thread_state_case_if:
"(case state of Structures_A.thread_state.Running \<Rightarrow> f | _ \<Rightarrow> g) =
(if state = Structures_A.thread_state.Running then f else g)"
by (case_tac state,auto)
lemma threadState_case_if:
"(case state of Structures_H.thread_state.Running \<Rightarrow> f | _ \<Rightarrow> g) =
(if state = Structures_H.thread_state.Running then f else g)"
by (case_tac state,auto)
lemma tcbSchedAppend_invs_but_ct_not_inQ':
"\<lbrace>invs' and st_tcb_at' runnable' t \<rbrace>
tcbSchedAppend t \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. all_invs_but_ct_not_inQ'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp sch_act_wf_lift valid_irq_node_lift irqs_masked_lift
valid_irq_handlers_lift' cur_tcb_lift ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_lift2
| simp add: cteCaps_of_def o_def
| fastforce elim!: st_tcb_ex_cap'' split: thread_state.split_asm)+
lemma timerTick_corres:
"corres dc (cur_tcb and valid_sched)
timer_tick timerTick"
apply (simp add: timerTick_def timer_tick_def)
apply (simp add:thread_state_case_if threadState_case_if)
apply (rule_tac Q="\<top> and (cur_tcb and valid_sched)" and Q'="\<top> and invs'" in corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ gct_corres])
apply simp
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ gts_corres])
apply (rename_tac state state')
apply (rule corres_split[where r' = dc ])
apply simp
apply (rule corres_when,simp)
apply (rule corres_split[OF _ dec_domain_time_corres])
apply (rule corres_split[OF _ domain_time_corres])
apply (rule corres_when,simp)
apply (rule rescheduleRequired_corres)
apply (wp hoare_drop_imp)+
apply (simp add:dec_domain_time_def)
apply wp+
apply (simp add:decDomainTime_def)
apply wp
apply (rule corres_if[where Q = \<top> and Q' = \<top>])
apply (case_tac state,simp_all)[1]
apply (simp add: Let_def)
apply (rule_tac r'="op =" in corres_split [OF _ ethreadget_corres])
apply (rename_tac ts ts')
apply (rule_tac R="1 < ts" in corres_cases)
apply (simp)
apply (unfold thread_set_time_slice_def)
apply (fold dc_def)
apply (rule ethread_set_corres, simp+)
apply (clarsimp simp: etcb_relation_def)
apply simp
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ ethread_set_corres])
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ tcbSchedAppend_corres])
apply (fold dc_def)
apply (rule rescheduleRequired_corres)
apply (wp)[1]
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (wp tcbSchedAppend_invs_but_ct_not_inQ', clarsimp simp: sch_act_wf_weak)
apply (simp add: sch_act_wf_weak etcb_relation_def
time_slice_def timeSlice_def pred_conj_def)+
apply (wp threadSet_timeslice_invs threadSet_valid_queues
threadSet_valid_queues' threadSet_pred_tcb_at_state)+
apply (simp add:etcb_relation_def)
apply (wp threadSet_timeslice_invs threadSet_valid_queues
threadSet_valid_queues' threadSet_pred_tcb_at_state)
apply simp
apply (wp|wpc|unfold Let_def|simp)+
apply (wp static_imp_wp threadSet_timeslice_invs threadSet_valid_queues threadSet_valid_queues'
threadSet_pred_tcb_at_state threadSet_weak_sch_act_wf tcbSchedAppend_valid_objs'
rescheduleRequired_weak_sch_act_wf tcbSchedAppend_valid_queues| simp)+
apply (strengthen sch_act_wf_weak)
apply (clarsimp simp:conj_comms)
apply (wp tcbSchedAppend_valid_queues tcbSchedAppend_sch_act_wf)
apply simp
apply (wp threadSet_valid_queues threadSet_pred_tcb_at_state threadSet_sch_act
threadSet_tcbDomain_triv threadSet_valid_queues' threadSet_valid_objs'| simp)+
apply (wp threadGet_wp gts_wp gts_wp')+
apply (clarsimp simp: cur_tcb_def tcb_at_is_etcb_at valid_sched_def valid_sched_action_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "is_etcb_at thread s \<and> tcb_at thread s \<and> valid_etcbs s \<and> weak_valid_sched_action s")
prefer 2
apply assumption
apply clarsimp
apply (wp gts_wp')+
apply (clarsimp simp add:cur_tcb_def valid_sched_def
valid_sched_action_def valid_etcbs_def is_tcb_def
is_etcb_at_def st_tcb_at_def obj_at_def
apply (simp split:Structures_A.kernel_object.splits)
apply (drule_tac x = "cur_thread s" in spec)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def
cur_tcb'_def inQ_def
ct_in_state'_def obj_at'_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:st_tcb_at'_def
valid_idle'_def ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def
obj_at'_def projectKO_eq)
apply simp
apply simp
lemmas corres_eq_trivial = corres_Id[where f = h and g = h for h, simplified]
thm corres_Id
lemma handle_interrupt_corres:
"corres dc
(einvs) (invs' and (\<lambda>s. intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s) irq \<noteq> IRQInactive))
(handle_interrupt irq) (handleInterrupt irq)"
(is "corres dc (einvs) ?P' ?f ?g")
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def handleInterrupt_def )
apply (rule conjI[rotated]; rule impI)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ get_irq_state_corres,
where R="\<lambda>rv. einvs"
and R'="\<lambda>rv. invs' and (\<lambda>s. rv \<noteq> IRQInactive)"])
apply (wp getIRQState_prop getIRQState_inv do_machine_op_bind doMachineOp_bind | simp add: do_machine_op_bind doMachineOp_bind )+
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split)
apply (rule corres_machine_op, rule corres_eq_trivial ; (simp add: dc_def no_fail_maskInterrupt no_fail_bind no_fail_ackInterrupt)+)+
apply ((wp | simp)+)[4]
apply (rule corres_gen_asm2)
apply (case_tac st, simp_all add: irq_state_relation_def split: irqstate.split_asm)
apply (simp add: getSlotCap_def bind_assoc)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ get_irq_slot_corres])
apply simp
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ get_cap_corres,
where R="\<lambda>rv. einvs and valid_cap rv"
and R'="\<lambda>rv. invs' and valid_cap' (cteCap rv)"])
apply (rule corres_split'[where r'=dc])
apply (case_tac xb, simp_all add: doMachineOp_return)[1]
apply (clarsimp simp add: when_def doMachineOp_return)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp, rule send_signal_corres)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_cap_def valid_cap'_def do_machine_op_bind doMachineOp_bind)+
apply ( rule corres_split)
apply (rule corres_machine_op, rule corres_eq_trivial ; (simp add: no_fail_maskInterrupt no_fail_bind no_fail_ackInterrupt)+)+
apply ((wp |simp)+)
apply clarsimp
apply fastforce
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split)
apply simp
apply (rule corres_split [OF corres_machine_op timerTick_corres])
apply (rule corres_eq_trivial, simp+)
apply (rule corres_machine_op)
apply (rule corres_eq_trivial, (simp add: no_fail_ackInterrupt)+)
apply wp+
apply clarsimp
apply clarsimp
lemma invs_ChooseNewThread:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> invs' (s\<lparr>ksSchedulerAction := ChooseNewThread\<rparr>)"
by (rule invs'_update_cnt)
lemma ksDomainTime_invs[simp]:
"invs' (a\<lparr>ksDomainTime := t\<rparr>) = invs' a"
by (simp add:invs'_def valid_state'_def
cur_tcb'_def ct_not_inQ_def ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def
tcb_in_cur_domain'_def valid_machine_state'_def)
lemma valid_machine_state'_ksDomainTime[simp]:
"valid_machine_state' (a\<lparr>ksDomainTime := t\<rparr>) = valid_machine_state' a"
by (simp add:valid_machine_state'_def)
lemma cur_tcb'_ksDomainTime[simp]:
"cur_tcb' (a\<lparr>ksDomainTime := 0\<rparr>) = cur_tcb' a"
by (simp add:cur_tcb'_def)
lemma ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_ksDomainTime[simp]:
"ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' (a\<lparr>ksDomainTime := t \<rparr>) = ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' a"
by (simp add:ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def)
lemma threadSet_ksDomainTime[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)\<rbrace> threadSet f ptr \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (ksDomainTime s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: threadSet_def setObject_def split_def)
apply (wp crunch_wps | simp add:updateObject_default_def)+
crunch ksDomainTime[wp]: rescheduleRequired "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp:tcbSchedEnqueue_def wp:hoare_unless_wp)
crunch ksDomainTime[wp]: tcbSchedAppend "\<lambda>s. P (ksDomainTime s)"
(simp:tcbSchedEnqueue_def wp:hoare_unless_wp)
lemma updateTimeSlice_valid_pspace[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_pspace'\<rbrace> threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r. valid_pspace'\<rbrace>"
apply (wp threadSet_valid_pspace'T)
apply (auto simp:tcb_cte_cases_def)
lemma updateTimeSlice_sch_act_wf[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s \<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s\<rbrace>"
by (wp threadSet_sch_act,simp)
lemma updateTimeSlice_valid_queues[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. Invariants_H.valid_queues s \<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. Invariants_H.valid_queues s\<rbrace>"
apply (wp threadSet_valid_queues,simp)
apply (clarsimp simp:obj_at'_def inQ_def)
lemma updateTimeSlice_sym_refs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)\<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: threadSet_def setObject_def split_def)
apply (wp crunch_wps getObject_tcb_wp
| simp add: updateObject_default_def loadObject_default_def
| wpc)+
apply (clarsimp simp:state_refs_of'_def
obj_at'_def lookupAround2_known1)
apply (subst lookupAround2_known1)
apply simp
apply (erule_tac f1 = sym_refs in arg_cong[THEN iffD1,rotated])
apply (rule ext)
apply (subst option.sel)
apply (subst fst_conv)+
apply (clarsimp simp:projectKO_eq projectKO_opt_tcb split:Structures_H.kernel_object.splits)
apply (simp add:objBits_simps)
apply (frule_tac s' = s and
v' = "(KOTCB (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts') obj))" in ps_clear_updE)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp:fun_upd_def)
apply (rule set_eqI)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp split:option.splits if_split_asm)
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac s' = s and y = thread and x = x and
v' = "(KOTCB (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts') obj))"
in ps_clear_updE[rotated])
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp:fun_upd_def)
apply (clarsimp split:option.splits if_split_asm)
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac y = thread and x = x and s' = s and
v' = "KOTCB obj"
in ps_clear_updE)
apply simp
apply (simp add:fun_upd_def[symmetric])
apply (subgoal_tac "s\<lparr>ksPSpace := ksPSpace s(thread \<mapsto> KOTCB obj)\<rparr> = s")
apply simp
apply (case_tac s)
apply simp
apply (rule ext,simp)
lemma updateTimeSlice_if_live_then_nonz_cap'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. if_live_then_nonz_cap' s\<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. if_live_then_nonz_cap' s\<rbrace>"
apply (wp threadSet_iflive'T)
apply (simp add:tcb_cte_cases_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:if_live_then_nonz_cap'_def
apply (intro conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp:obj_at'_real_def)+
lemma updateTimeSlice_if_unsafe_then_cap'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. if_unsafe_then_cap' s\<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. if_unsafe_then_cap' s\<rbrace>"
apply (wp threadSet_ifunsafe'T)
apply (simp add:tcb_cte_cases_def)+
lemma updateTimeSlice_valid_idle'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_idle' s\<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. valid_idle' s\<rbrace>"
apply (wp threadSet_idle'T)
apply (simp add:tcb_cte_cases_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:valid_idle'_def)
lemma updateTimeSlice_valid_global_refs'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_global_refs' s\<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. valid_global_refs' s\<rbrace>"
apply (wp threadSet_idle'T)
apply (simp add:tcb_cte_cases_def)+
lemma updateTimeSlice_valid_irq_node'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s\<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply wps
apply (simp add: valid_irq_node'_def
| wp hoare_vcg_all_lift)+
lemma updateTimeSlice_irq_handlers'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_irq_handlers' s\<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. valid_irq_handlers' s\<rbrace>"
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp threadSet_irq_handlers' |
simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def)+
lemma updateTimeSlice_valid_queues'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_queues' s \<rbrace>
threadSet (tcbTimeSlice_update (\<lambda>_. ts')) thread
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. valid_queues' s\<rbrace>"
apply (wp threadSet_valid_queues')
apply (auto simp:inQ_def)
lemma rescheduleRequired_valid_irq_node'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s\<rbrace> rescheduleRequired
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s \<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:rescheduleRequired_def valid_irq_node'_def)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_all_lift | wpc |simp)+
apply (simp add:tcbSchedEnqueue_def)
apply (wp hoare_unless_wp)
apply (wp threadSet_typ_at_lifts | wps)+
apply simp
lemma rescheduleRequired_cur_tcb'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. cur_tcb' s\<rbrace> rescheduleRequired
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. cur_tcb' s \<rbrace>"
apply (simp add:rescheduleRequired_def)
apply wp
apply (simp add:cur_tcb'_def)
apply (wp|wpc)+
apply simp
lemma timerTick_invs'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> timerTick \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: numDomains_def timerTick_def)
apply (wp threadSet_invs_trivial threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state
| simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def numDomains_def invs_ChooseNewThread
| wpc)+
apply (simp add:decDomainTime_def)
apply wp
apply simp
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv. invs'"
in hoare_post_imp)
apply (clarsimp simp add:invs'_def valid_state'_def)
apply (wp threadGet_wp threadSet_cur threadSet_timeslice_invs
hoare_vcg_imp_lift threadSet_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'
|wpc | simp)+
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post[OF tcbSchedAppend_invs_but_ct_not_inQ'])
apply (clarsimp simp:valid_pspace'_def sch_act_wf_weak)
apply wp
apply (wp threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state threadSet_tcbDomain_triv
threadSet_valid_objs' threadSet_timeslice_invs
| simp)+
apply (wp threadGet_wp)
apply (wp gts_wp')+
apply (clarsimp simp:invs'_def st_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def
valid_state'_def numDomains_def)
lemma resetTimer_invs'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> doMachineOp resetTimer \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (wp dmo_invs' no_irq no_irq_resetTimer)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac Q="%_ b. underlying_memory b p = underlying_memory m p"
in use_valid)
apply (simp add: resetTimer_def
machine_op_lift_def machine_rest_lift_def split_def)
apply wp
apply clarsimp+
lemma dmo_ackInterrupt[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> doMachineOp (ackInterrupt irq) \<lbrace>\<lambda>y. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (wp dmo_invs' no_irq no_irq_ackInterrupt)
apply safe
apply (drule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ m'. underlying_memory m' p = underlying_memory m p"
in use_valid)
apply ((clarsimp simp: ackInterrupt_def machine_op_lift_def
machine_rest_lift_def split_def | wp)+)[3]
lemma hint_invs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> handleInterrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handleInterrupt_def getSlotCap_def
cong: irqstate.case_cong)
apply (rule conjI; rule impI)
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt_True getCTE_wp'
| wpc | simp add: doMachineOp_bind )+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv. invs'" in hoare_post_imp)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of ex_nonz_cap_to'_def)
apply fastforce
apply (wp threadSet_invs_trivial | simp add: inQ_def handleReservedIRQ_def)+
apply (wp hoare_post_comb_imp_conj hoare_drop_imp getIRQState_inv)
apply (assumption)+
crunch st_tcb_at'[wp]: timerTick "st_tcb_at' P t"
(wp: threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state)
lemma handleInterrupt_runnable:
"\<lbrace>st_tcb_at' runnable' t\<rbrace> handleInterrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. st_tcb_at' runnable' t\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handleInterrupt_def)
apply (rule conjI; rule impI)
apply (wp sai_st_tcb' hoare_vcg_all_lift hoare_drop_imps
threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state getIRQState_inv haskell_fail_wp
|wpc|simp add: handleReservedIRQ_def)+

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory Invocations_R
imports Invariants_H
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma invocation_type_eq[simp]:
"invocationType = invocation_type"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: invocationType_def invocation_type_def Let_def)
apply safe
apply (frule from_to_enum)
apply blast
apply (cut_tac x=v in maxBound_is_bound)
apply simp
declare resolveAddressBits.simps[simp del]

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

proof/refine/X64/Ipc_R.thy Normal file

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proof/refine/X64/KHeap_R.thy Normal file

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@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
(* Kernel init refinement. Currently axiomatised.
theory KernelInit_R
(* Axiomatisation of the rest of the initialisation code *)
axiomatization where
"Init_H \<subseteq> lift_state_relation state_relation `` Init_A"
axiomatization where
"\<forall>((tc,s),x) \<in> Init_H. vs_valid_duplicates' (ksPSpace s)"
axiomatization where
"\<forall>((tc,s),x) \<in> Init_H. invs' s"
axiomatization where
"((tc,s),x) \<in> Init_H \<Longrightarrow> ksSchedulerAction s = ResumeCurrentThread"
axiomatization where
"((tc,s),x) \<in> Init_H \<Longrightarrow> ct_running' s"
axiomatization where
"((tc,s),x) \<in> Init_H \<Longrightarrow> ksDomainTime s \<noteq> 0"
axiomatization where
"((tc,s),x) \<in> Init_H \<Longrightarrow> length (ksDomSchedule s) > 0 \<and> (\<forall>(d,time) \<in> set (ksDomSchedule s). time > 0)"

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@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory LevityCatch
(* Try again, clagged from Include *)
no_notation bind_drop (infixl ">>" 60)
lemma no_fail_getCurThread:
"no_fail \<top> getCurThread"
by (clarsimp simp: getCurThread_def no_fail_def gets_def
bind_def return_def get_def)
lemma no_fail_getSchedulerAction:
"no_fail \<top> getSchedulerAction"
by (auto simp: getSchedulerAction_def)
lemma projectKO_def2:
"projectKO x = assert_opt (projectKO_opt x)"
by (simp add: assert_opt_def projectKO_def)
lemma magnitudeCheck_assert:
"magnitudeCheck x y n = assert (case y of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some z \<Rightarrow> 1 << n \<le> z - x)"
apply (simp add: magnitudeCheck_def assert_def when_def
split: option.split)
apply fastforce
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemmas makeObject_simps =
makeObject_endpoint makeObject_notification makeObject_cte
makeObject_tcb makeObject_user_data makeObject_pde makeObject_pte
"diminished' cap cap' \<equiv> \<exists>R. cap = maskCapRights R cap'"
lemma projectKO_inv : "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> projectKO ko \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. P\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: projectKO_def fail_def valid_def return_def
split: option.splits)
(****** From GeneralLib *******)
lemma alignCheck_assert:
"alignCheck ptr n = assert (is_aligned ptr n)"
by (simp add: is_aligned_mask alignCheck_def assert_def
alignError_def unless_def when_def)
lemma magnitudeCheck_inv: "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> magnitudeCheck x y n \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. P\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp add: magnitudeCheck_def split: option.splits)
apply (wp hoare_when_wp)
apply simp
lemma alignCheck_inv:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> alignCheck x n \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. P\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: alignCheck_def unless_def alignError_def)
apply (wp hoare_when_wp)
apply simp
lemma updateObject_default_inv:
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> updateObject_default obj ko x y n \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. P\<rbrace>"
unfolding updateObject_default_def
by (simp, wp magnitudeCheck_inv alignCheck_inv projectKO_inv, simp)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma to_from_apiType [simp]: "toAPIType (fromAPIType x) = Some x"
by (cases x) (auto simp add: fromAPIType_def ARM_H.fromAPIType_def
toAPIType_def ARM_H.toAPIType_def)

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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
Properties of machine operations.
theory Machine_R
imports Bits_R
definition "irq_state_independent_H (P :: kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool)\<equiv>
\<forall>(f :: nat \<Rightarrow> nat) (s :: kernel_state). P s \<longrightarrow> P (s\<lparr>ksMachineState := ksMachineState s
\<lparr>irq_state := f (irq_state (ksMachineState s))\<rparr>\<rparr>)"
lemma irq_state_independent_HI[intro!, simp]:
"\<lbrakk>\<And>s f. P (s\<lparr>ksMachineState := ksMachineState s
\<lparr>irq_state := f (irq_state (ksMachineState s))\<rparr>\<rparr>) = P s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> irq_state_independent_H P"
by (simp add: irq_state_independent_H_def)
lemma irq_state_independent_H_conjI[intro!]:
"\<lbrakk>irq_state_independent_H P; irq_state_independent_H Q\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> irq_state_independent_H (P and Q)"
"\<lbrakk>irq_state_independent_H P; irq_state_independent_H Q\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> irq_state_independent_H (\<lambda>s. P s \<and> Q s)"
by (simp add: irq_state_independent_H_def)+
lemma irq_state_independent_H_disjI[intro]:
"\<lbrakk>irq_state_independent_H P; irq_state_independent_H Q\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> irq_state_independent_H (P or Q)"
"\<lbrakk>irq_state_independent_H P; irq_state_independent_H Q\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> irq_state_independent_H (\<lambda>s. P s \<or> Q s)"
by (simp add: irq_state_independent_H_def)+
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma dmo_getirq_inv[wp]:
"irq_state_independent_H P \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> doMachineOp getActiveIRQ \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. P\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: getActiveIRQ_def doMachineOp_def split_def exec_gets
select_f_select[simplified liftM_def]
select_modify_comm gets_machine_state_modify)
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: irq_state_independent_H_def in_monad return_def split: if_splits)
lemma getActiveIRQ_masked:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_irq_masks' table (irq_masks s)\<rbrace> getActiveIRQ
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. \<forall>irq. rv = Some irq \<longrightarrow> table irq \<noteq> IRQInactive\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: getActiveIRQ_def)
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_irq_masks'_def)
lemma dmo_maskInterrupt:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksMachineState_update (irq_masks_update (\<lambda>t. t (irq := m))) s)\<rbrace>
doMachineOp (maskInterrupt m irq) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: doMachineOp_def split_def)
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: maskInterrupt_def in_monad)
apply (erule rsubst [where P=P])
apply simp
lemma dmo_maskInterrupt_True:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> doMachineOp (maskInterrupt True irq) \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt)
apply (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
apply (simp add: valid_irq_masks'_def valid_machine_state'_def
ct_not_inQ_def ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def)
lemma setIRQState_irq_states':
setIRQState state irq
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. valid_irq_states'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: setIRQState_def setInterruptState_def getInterruptState_def)
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt)
apply (simp add: valid_irq_masks'_def)
lemma getActiveIRQ_le_maxIRQ:
"\<lbrace>irqs_masked' and valid_irq_states'\<rbrace> doMachineOp getActiveIRQ \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. \<forall>x. rv = Some x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> maxIRQ\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: doMachineOp_def split_def)
apply wp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule use_valid, rule getActiveIRQ_le_maxIRQ')
prefer 2
apply simp
apply (simp add: irqs_masked'_def valid_irq_states'_def)
(* FIXME: follows already from getActiveIRQ_le_maxIRQ *)
lemma getActiveIRQ_neq_Some0xFF:
"\<lbrace>\<top>\<rbrace> doMachineOp getActiveIRQ \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. rv \<noteq> Some 0x3FF\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: doMachineOp_def split_def)
apply wp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule use_valid, rule getActiveIRQ_neq_Some0xFF')
apply auto

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proof/refine/X64/RAB_FN.thy Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory RAB_FN
"only_cnode_caps ctes =
option_map ((\<lambda>x. if isCNodeCap x then x else NullCap) o cteCap) o ctes"
definition locateSlotFun_def:
"locateSlotFun cnode offset \<equiv> cnode + 2 ^ cte_level_bits * offset"
"cnode_caps_gsCNodes cts cns
= (\<forall>cap \<in> ran cts. isCNodeCap cap
\<longrightarrow> cns (capCNodePtr cap) = Some (capCNodeBits cap))"
abbreviation (input)
"cnode_caps_gsCNodes' s \<equiv> cnode_caps_gsCNodes (only_cnode_caps (ctes_of s)) (gsCNodes s)"
resolveAddressBitsFn ::
"capability \<Rightarrow> cptr \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<Rightarrow> capability option)
\<Rightarrow> (lookup_failure + (machine_word * nat))"
"resolveAddressBitsFn a b c =
(\<lambda>x0 capptr bits caps. (let nodeCap = x0 in
if isCNodeCap nodeCap
then (let
radixBits = capCNodeBits nodeCap;
guardBits = capCNodeGuardSize nodeCap;
levelBits = radixBits + guardBits;
offset = (fromCPtr capptr `~shiftR~` (bits-levelBits)) &&
(mask radixBits);
guard = (fromCPtr capptr `~shiftR~` (bits-guardBits)) &&
(mask guardBits);
bitsLeft = bits - levelBits;
slot = locateSlotFun (capCNodePtr nodeCap) offset
if levelBits = 0 then Inr (0, 0)
else if \<not> (guardBits \<le> bits \<and> guard = capCNodeGuard nodeCap)
then Inl $ GuardMismatch_ \<lparr>
guardMismatchBitsLeft= bits,
guardMismatchGuardFound= capCNodeGuard nodeCap,
guardMismatchGuardSize= guardBits \<rparr>
else if (levelBits > bits) then Inl $ DepthMismatch_ \<lparr>
depthMismatchBitsLeft= bits,
depthMismatchBitsFound= levelBits \<rparr>
else if (bitsLeft = 0)
then Inr (slot, 0)
else (case caps slot of Some NullCap
\<Rightarrow> Inr (slot, bitsLeft)
| Some nextCap
\<Rightarrow> resolveAddressBitsFn nextCap capptr bitsLeft caps
| None \<Rightarrow> Inr (0, 0))
else Inl InvalidRoot
a b c"
by auto
apply (relation "measure (snd o snd)")
apply (auto split: if_split_asm)
declare resolveAddressBitsFn.simps[simp del]
lemma isCNodeCap_capUntypedPtr_capCNodePtr:
"isCNodeCap c \<Longrightarrow> capUntypedPtr c = capCNodePtr c"
by (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps)
lemma resolveAddressBitsFn_eq:
"monadic_rewrite F E (\<lambda>s. (isCNodeCap cap \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>slot. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = cap) slot s))
\<and> valid_objs' s \<and> cnode_caps_gsCNodes' s)
(resolveAddressBits cap capptr bits)
(gets (resolveAddressBitsFn cap capptr bits o only_cnode_caps o ctes_of))"
(is "monadic_rewrite F E (?P cap) (?f cap bits) (?g cap capptr bits)")
proof (induct cap capptr bits rule: resolveAddressBits.induct)
case (1 cap cref depth)
note resolveAddressBits.simps[simp del] resolveAddressBitsFn.simps[simp del]
show ?case
apply (subst resolveAddressBits.simps, subst resolveAddressBitsFn.simps)
apply (simp only: Let_def haskell_assertE_def K_bind_def)
apply (rule monadic_rewrite_name_pre)
apply (rule monadic_rewrite_imp)
apply (rule_tac P="op = s" in monadic_rewrite_trans)
(* step 1, apply the induction hypothesis on the lhs *)
apply (rule monadic_rewrite_named_if monadic_rewrite_named_bindE
monadic_rewrite_refl[THEN monadic_rewrite_imp, where f="returnOk y" for y]
monadic_rewrite_refl[THEN monadic_rewrite_imp, where f="x $ y" for x y]
monadic_rewrite_refl[THEN monadic_rewrite_imp, where f="assertE P" for P s]
apply (rule_tac g="case nextCap of CNodeCap a b c d
\<Rightarrow> ?g nextCap cref bitsLeft
| _ \<Rightarrow> returnOk (slot, bitsLeft)" in monadic_rewrite_imp)
apply (wpc | rule monadic_rewrite_refl "1.hyps"
| simp only: capability.case haskell_assertE_def simp_thms)+
apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad locateSlot_conv getSlotCap_def
dest!: in_getCTE fst_stateAssertD)
apply (fastforce elim: cte_wp_at_weakenE')
apply (rule monadic_rewrite_refl[THEN monadic_rewrite_imp], simp)
(* step 2, split and match based on the lhs structure *)
apply (simp add: locateSlot_conv liftE_bindE unlessE_def whenE_def
if_to_top_of_bindE assertE_def stateAssert_def bind_assoc
assert_def if_to_top_of_bind getSlotCap_def
split del: if_split cong: if_cong)
apply (rule monadic_rewrite_if_lhs monadic_rewrite_symb_exec_l'[OF get_wp]
empty_fail_get no_fail_get impI
monadic_rewrite_refl get_wp
| simp add: throwError_def returnOk_def locateSlotFun_def if_not_P
cong: if_cong split del: if_split)+
apply (rule monadic_rewrite_symb_exec_l'[OF getCTE_inv _ _ _ getCTE_cte_wp_at])
apply simp
apply (rule impI, rule no_fail_getCTE)
apply (simp add: monadic_rewrite_def simpler_gets_def return_def returnOk_def
only_cnode_caps_def cte_wp_at_ctes_of isCap_simps
locateSlotFun_def isCNodeCap_capUntypedPtr_capCNodePtr
split: capability.split)
apply (rule monadic_rewrite_name_pre[where P="\<lambda>_. False" and f=fail]
monadic_rewrite_refl get_wp
| simp add: throwError_def returnOk_def locateSlotFun_def if_not_P
cong: if_cong split del: if_split)+
(* step 3, prove the non-failure conditions *)
apply (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps)
apply (frule(1) cte_wp_at_valid_objs_valid_cap')
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_level_bits_def valid_cap_simps'
real_cte_at' isCap_simps)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of only_cnode_caps_def ball_Un
cnode_caps_gsCNodes_def ran_map_option o_def)
apply (drule bspec, rule IntI, erule ranI, simp add: isCap_simps)
apply (simp add: isCap_simps capAligned_def word_bits_def and_mask_less')
lemma resolveAddressBitsFn_real_cte_at':
"resolveAddressBitsFn cap addr depth (only_cnode_caps (ctes_of s)) = Inr rv
\<Longrightarrow> (isCNodeCap cap \<longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>cte. cteCap cte = cap) slot s)
\<Longrightarrow> cnode_caps_gsCNodes (only_cnode_caps (ctes_of s)) (gsCNodes s)
\<Longrightarrow> valid_objs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_cap' cap s
\<Longrightarrow> real_cte_at' (fst rv) s"
using monadic_rewrite_refine_validE_R[where F=False and P''=\<top>,
OF resolveAddressBitsFn_eq resolveAddressBits_real_cte_at']
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_def validE_R_def validE_def simpler_gets_def)
apply (cases rv, clarsimp)
apply metis

proof/refine/X64/Refine.thy Normal file

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
The refinement relation between abstract and concrete states
theory StateRelation
imports Invariants_H
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
cte_map :: "cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> word32"
"cte_map \<equiv> \<lambda>(oref, cref). oref + (of_bl cref * 16)"
lookup_failure_map :: "ExceptionTypes_A.lookup_failure \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.lookup_failure"
"lookup_failure_map \<equiv> \<lambda>lf. case lf of
ExceptionTypes_A.InvalidRoot \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.InvalidRoot
| ExceptionTypes_A.MissingCapability n \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.MissingCapability n
| ExceptionTypes_A.DepthMismatch n m \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.DepthMismatch n m
| ExceptionTypes_A.GuardMismatch n g \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.GuardMismatch n (of_bl g) (length g)"
arch_fault_map :: "Machine_A.ARM_A.arch_fault \<Rightarrow> ArchFault_H.ARM_H.arch_fault"
"arch_fault_map (Machine_A.ARM_A.VMFault ptr msg) = ArchFault_H.ARM_H.VMFault ptr msg"
fault_map :: "ExceptionTypes_A.fault \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.fault"
"fault_map (ExceptionTypes_A.CapFault ref bool failure) =
Fault_H.CapFault ref bool (lookup_failure_map failure)"
| "fault_map (ExceptionTypes_A.ArchFault arch_fault) =
Fault_H.ArchFault (arch_fault_map arch_fault)"
| "fault_map (ExceptionTypes_A.UnknownSyscallException n) =
Fault_H.UnknownSyscallException n"
| "fault_map (ExceptionTypes_A.UserException x y) =
Fault_H.UserException x y"
text {*
A pspace and a tree are related if every object in the pspace
corresponds to an object in the tree. Some abstract objects
like CapTables correspond to multiple concrete ones, thus we
have to make cuts.
type_synonym obj_relation_cut = "Structures_A.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> Structures_H.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> bool"
type_synonym obj_relation_cuts = "(word32 \<times> obj_relation_cut) set"
vmrights_map :: "rights set \<Rightarrow> vmrights"
"vmrights_map S \<equiv> if AllowRead \<in> S
then (if AllowWrite \<in> S then VMReadWrite else VMReadOnly)
else VMKernelOnly"
zbits_map :: "nat option \<Rightarrow> zombie_type"
"zbits_map N \<equiv> case N of Some n \<Rightarrow> ZombieCNode n
| None \<Rightarrow> ZombieTCB"
acap_relation :: "arch_cap \<Rightarrow> arch_capability \<Rightarrow> bool"
"acap_relation (arch_cap.ASIDPoolCap x y) c = (c =
arch_capability.ASIDPoolCap x y)"
| "acap_relation (arch_cap.ASIDControlCap) c = (c =
| "acap_relation (arch_cap.PageCap dev word rghts sz data) c = (c =
arch_capability.PageCap dev word (vmrights_map rghts) sz data)"
| "acap_relation (arch_cap.PageTableCap word data) c = (c =
arch_capability.PageTableCap word data)"
| "acap_relation (arch_cap.PageDirectoryCap word data) c = (c =
arch_capability.PageDirectoryCap word data)"
cap_relation :: "cap \<Rightarrow> capability \<Rightarrow> bool"
"cap_relation Structures_A.NullCap c = (c =
| "cap_relation Structures_A.DomainCap c = (c =
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.UntypedCap dev ref n f) c = (c =
Structures_H.UntypedCap dev ref n f)"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.EndpointCap ref b r) c = (c =
Structures_H.EndpointCap ref b (AllowSend \<in> r)
(AllowRecv \<in> r) (AllowGrant \<in> r))"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.NotificationCap ref b r) c = (c =
Structures_H.NotificationCap ref b (AllowSend \<in> r) (AllowRecv \<in> r))"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.CNodeCap ref n L) c = (c =
Structures_H.CNodeCap ref n (of_bl L) (length L))"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.ThreadCap ref) c = (c =
Structures_H.ThreadCap ref)"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.ReplyCap ref master) c = (c =
Structures_H.ReplyCap ref master)"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.IRQControlCap) c = (c =
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.IRQHandlerCap irq) c = (c =
Structures_H.IRQHandlerCap irq)"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.ArchObjectCap a) c = (\<exists>a'.
acap_relation a a' \<and> c = Structures_H.ArchObjectCap a')"
| "cap_relation (Structures_A.Zombie p b n) c = (c =
Structures_H.Zombie p (zbits_map b) n)"
cte_relation :: "cap_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_relation_cut"
"cte_relation y \<equiv> \<lambda>ko ko'. \<exists>sz cs cte cap. ko = CNode sz cs \<and> ko' = KOCTE cte
\<and> cs y = Some cap \<and> cap_relation cap (cteCap cte)"
asid_pool_relation :: "(10 word \<rightharpoonup> word32) \<Rightarrow> asidpool \<Rightarrow> bool"
"asid_pool_relation \<equiv> \<lambda>p p'. p = inv ASIDPool p' o ucast"
ntfn_relation :: "Structures_A.notification \<Rightarrow> Structures_H.notification \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ntfn_relation \<equiv> \<lambda>ntfn ntfn'.
(case ntfn_obj ntfn of
Structures_A.IdleNtfn \<Rightarrow> ntfnObj ntfn' = Structures_H.IdleNtfn
| Structures_A.WaitingNtfn q \<Rightarrow> ntfnObj ntfn' = Structures_H.WaitingNtfn q
| Structures_A.ActiveNtfn b \<Rightarrow> ntfnObj ntfn' = Structures_H.ActiveNtfn b)
\<and> ntfn_bound_tcb ntfn = ntfnBoundTCB ntfn'"
ep_relation :: "Structures_A.endpoint \<Rightarrow> Structures_H.endpoint \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ep_relation \<equiv> \<lambda>ep ep'. case ep of
Structures_A.IdleEP \<Rightarrow> ep' = Structures_H.IdleEP
| Structures_A.RecvEP q \<Rightarrow> ep' = Structures_H.RecvEP q
| Structures_A.SendEP q \<Rightarrow> ep' = Structures_H.SendEP q"
fault_rel_optionation :: "ExceptionTypes_A.fault option \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.fault option \<Rightarrow> bool"
"fault_rel_optionation \<equiv> \<lambda>f f'. f' = option_map fault_map f"
thread_state_relation :: "Structures_A.thread_state \<Rightarrow> Structures_H.thread_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"thread_state_relation (Structures_A.Running) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.Running)"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.Restart) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.Restart)"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.Inactive) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.Inactive)"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.IdleThreadState) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.IdleThreadState)"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.BlockedOnReply) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.BlockedOnReply)"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.BlockedOnReceive oref) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive oref)"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.BlockedOnSend oref sp) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.BlockedOnSend oref (sender_badge sp)
(sender_can_grant sp) (sender_is_call sp))"
| "thread_state_relation (Structures_A.BlockedOnNotification oref) ts'
= (ts' = Structures_H.BlockedOnNotification oref)"
arch_tcb_relation :: "Structures_A.arch_tcb \<Rightarrow> Structures_H.arch_tcb \<Rightarrow> bool"
"arch_tcb_relation \<equiv> \<lambda>atcb atcb'.
tcb_context atcb = atcbContext atcb'"
tcb_relation :: "Structures_A.tcb \<Rightarrow> Structures_H.tcb \<Rightarrow> bool"
"tcb_relation \<equiv> \<lambda>tcb tcb'.
tcb_fault_handler tcb = to_bl (tcbFaultHandler tcb')
\<and> tcb_ipc_buffer tcb = tcbIPCBuffer tcb'
\<and> arch_tcb_relation (tcb_arch tcb) (tcbArch tcb')
\<and> thread_state_relation (tcb_state tcb) (tcbState tcb')
\<and> fault_rel_optionation (tcb_fault tcb) (tcbFault tcb')
\<and> cap_relation (tcb_ctable tcb) (cteCap (tcbCTable tcb'))
\<and> cap_relation (tcb_vtable tcb) (cteCap (tcbVTable tcb'))
\<and> cap_relation (tcb_reply tcb) (cteCap (tcbReply tcb'))
\<and> cap_relation (tcb_caller tcb) (cteCap (tcbCaller tcb'))
\<and> cap_relation (tcb_ipcframe tcb) (cteCap (tcbIPCBufferFrame tcb'))
\<and> tcb_bound_notification tcb = tcbBoundNotification tcb'
\<and> tcb_mcpriority tcb = tcbMCP tcb'"
other_obj_relation :: "Structures_A.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> Structures_H.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> bool"
"other_obj_relation obj obj' \<equiv>
(case (obj, obj') of
(TCB tcb, KOTCB tcb') \<Rightarrow> tcb_relation tcb tcb'
| (Endpoint ep, KOEndpoint ep') \<Rightarrow> ep_relation ep ep'
| (Notification ntfn, KONotification ntfn') \<Rightarrow> ntfn_relation ntfn ntfn'
| (ArchObj (ARM_A.ASIDPool pool), KOArch (KOASIDPool pool'))
\<Rightarrow> asid_pool_relation pool pool'
| _ \<Rightarrow> False)"
pde_relation' :: "ARM_A.pde \<Rightarrow> ARM_H.pde \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pde_relation' ARM_A.InvalidPDE x = (x = ARM_H.InvalidPDE)"
| "pde_relation' (ARM_A.PageTablePDE ptr atts domain) x
= (x = ARM_H.PageTablePDE ptr (ParityEnabled \<in> atts) domain)"
| "pde_relation' (ARM_A.SectionPDE ptr atts domain rghts) x
= (x = ARM_H.SectionPDE ptr (ParityEnabled \<in> atts) domain
(PageCacheable \<in> atts) (Global \<in> atts) (XNever \<in> atts) (vmrights_map rghts))"
| "pde_relation' (ARM_A.SuperSectionPDE ptr atts rghts) x
= (x = ARM_H.SuperSectionPDE ptr (ParityEnabled \<in> atts)
(PageCacheable \<in> atts) (Global \<in> atts) (XNever \<in> atts) (vmrights_map rghts))"
pte_relation' :: "ARM_A.pte \<Rightarrow> ARM_H.pte \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pte_relation' ARM_A.InvalidPTE x = (x = ARM_H.InvalidPTE)"
| "pte_relation' (ARM_A.LargePagePTE ptr atts rghts) x
= (x = ARM_H.LargePagePTE ptr (PageCacheable \<in> atts) (Global \<in> atts)
(XNever \<in> atts) (vmrights_map rghts))"
| "pte_relation' (ARM_A.SmallPagePTE ptr atts rghts) x
= (x = ARM_H.SmallPagePTE ptr (PageCacheable \<in> atts) (Global \<in> atts)
(XNever \<in> atts) (vmrights_map rghts))"
pde_align' :: "ARM_H.pde \<Rightarrow> nat"
"pde_align' pde \<equiv>
case pde of ARM_H.pde.SuperSectionPDE _ _ _ _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> 4 | _ \<Rightarrow> 0"
lemmas pde_align_simps[simp] =
pde_align'_def[split_simps ARM_A.pde.split]
pte_align' :: "ARM_H.pte \<Rightarrow> nat"
"pte_align' pte \<equiv> case pte of ARM_H.pte.LargePagePTE _ _ _ _ _ \<Rightarrow> 4 | _ \<Rightarrow> 0"
lemmas pte_align_simps[simp] =
pte_align'_def[split_simps ARM_A.pte.split]
"pde_relation_aligned y pde pde' \<equiv>
if is_aligned y (pde_align' pde') then pde_relation' pde pde'
else pde = ARM_A.InvalidPDE"
"pte_relation_aligned y pte pte' \<equiv>
if is_aligned y (pte_align' pte') then pte_relation' pte pte'
else pte = ARM_A.InvalidPTE"
"pte_relation y \<equiv> \<lambda>ko ko'. \<exists>pt pte. ko = ArchObj (PageTable pt) \<and> ko' = KOArch (KOPTE pte)
\<and> pte_relation_aligned y (pt y) pte"
"pde_relation y \<equiv> \<lambda>ko ko'. \<exists>pd pde. ko = ArchObj (PageDirectory pd) \<and> ko' = KOArch (KOPDE pde)
\<and> pde_relation_aligned y (pd y) pde"
aobj_relation_cuts :: "ARM_A.arch_kernel_obj \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> obj_relation_cuts"
"aobj_relation_cuts (DataPage dev sz) x =
{(x + n * 2 ^ pageBits, \<lambda>_ obj. obj = (if dev then KOUserDataDevice else KOUserData) ) | n . n < 2 ^ (pageBitsForSize sz - pageBits) }"
| "aobj_relation_cuts (ARM_A.ASIDPool pool) x =
{(x, other_obj_relation)}"
| "aobj_relation_cuts (PageTable pt) x =
(\<lambda>y. (x + (ucast y << 2), pte_relation y)) ` UNIV"
| "aobj_relation_cuts (PageDirectory pd) x =
(\<lambda>y. (x + (ucast y << 2), pde_relation y)) ` UNIV"
obj_relation_cuts :: "Structures_A.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> obj_relation_cuts"
"obj_relation_cuts (CNode sz cs) x =
(if well_formed_cnode_n sz cs
then {(cte_map (x, y), cte_relation y) | y. y \<in> dom cs}
else {(x, \<bottom>\<bottom>)})"
| "obj_relation_cuts (TCB tcb) x = {(x, other_obj_relation)}"
| "obj_relation_cuts (Endpoint ep) x = {(x, other_obj_relation)}"
| "obj_relation_cuts (Notification ntfn) x = {(x, other_obj_relation)}"
| "obj_relation_cuts (ArchObj ao) x = aobj_relation_cuts ao x"
lemma obj_relation_cuts_def2:
"obj_relation_cuts ko x =
(case ko of CNode sz cs \<Rightarrow> if well_formed_cnode_n sz cs
then {(cte_map (x, y), cte_relation y) | y. y \<in> dom cs}
else {(x, \<bottom>\<bottom>)}
| ArchObj (PageTable pt) \<Rightarrow> (\<lambda>y. (x + (ucast y << 2), pte_relation y))
` (UNIV :: word8 set)
| ArchObj (PageDirectory pd) \<Rightarrow> (\<lambda>y. (x + (ucast y << 2), pde_relation y))
` (UNIV :: 12 word set)
| ArchObj (DataPage dev sz) \<Rightarrow>
{(x + n * 2 ^ pageBits, \<lambda>_ obj. obj =(if dev then KOUserDataDevice else KOUserData)) | n . n < 2 ^ (pageBitsForSize sz - pageBits) }
| _ \<Rightarrow> {(x, other_obj_relation)})"
by (simp split: Structures_A.kernel_object.split
lemma obj_relation_cuts_def3:
"obj_relation_cuts ko x =
(case (a_type ko) of
ACapTable n \<Rightarrow> {(cte_map (x, y), cte_relation y) | y. length y = n}
| AArch APageTable \<Rightarrow> (\<lambda>y. (x + (ucast y << 2), pte_relation y))
` (UNIV :: word8 set)
| AArch APageDirectory \<Rightarrow> (\<lambda>y. (x + (ucast y << 2), pde_relation y))
` (UNIV :: 12 word set)
| AArch (AUserData sz) \<Rightarrow> {(x + n * 2 ^ pageBits, \<lambda>_ obj. obj = KOUserData) | n . n < 2 ^ (pageBitsForSize sz - pageBits) }
| AArch (ADeviceData sz) \<Rightarrow> {(x + n * 2 ^ pageBits, \<lambda>_ obj. obj = KOUserDataDevice ) | n . n < 2 ^ (pageBitsForSize sz - pageBits) }
| AGarbage _ \<Rightarrow> {(x, \<bottom>\<bottom>)}
| _ \<Rightarrow> {(x, other_obj_relation)})"
apply (simp add: obj_relation_cuts_def2 a_type_def
split: Structures_A.kernel_object.split
apply (clarsimp simp: well_formed_cnode_n_def length_set_helper)
"is_other_obj_relation_type tp \<equiv>
case tp of
ACapTable n \<Rightarrow> False
| AArch APageTable \<Rightarrow> False
| AArch APageDirectory \<Rightarrow> False
| AArch (AUserData _) \<Rightarrow> False
| AArch (ADeviceData _) \<Rightarrow> False
| AGarbage _ \<Rightarrow> False
| _ \<Rightarrow> True"
lemma is_other_obj_relation_type_CapTable:
"\<not> is_other_obj_relation_type (ACapTable n)"
by (simp add: is_other_obj_relation_type_def)
lemma is_other_obj_relation_type_UserData:
"\<not> is_other_obj_relation_type (AArch (AUserData sz))"
unfolding is_other_obj_relation_type_def by simp
lemma is_other_obj_relation_type_DeviceData:
"\<not> is_other_obj_relation_type (AArch (ADeviceData sz))"
unfolding is_other_obj_relation_type_def by simp
lemma is_other_obj_relation_type:
"is_other_obj_relation_type (a_type ko) \<Longrightarrow>
obj_relation_cuts ko x = {(x, other_obj_relation)}"
by (simp add: obj_relation_cuts_def3 is_other_obj_relation_type_def
split: a_type.splits aa_type.splits)
pspace_dom :: "Structures_A.kheap \<Rightarrow> word32 set"
"pspace_dom ps \<equiv> \<Union>x\<in>dom ps. fst ` (obj_relation_cuts (the (ps x)) x)"
pspace_relation :: "Structures_A.kheap \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<rightharpoonup> Structures_H.kernel_object) \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pspace_relation ab con \<equiv>
(pspace_dom ab = dom con) \<and>
(\<forall>x \<in> dom ab. \<forall>(y, P) \<in> obj_relation_cuts (the (ab x)) x.
P (the (ab x)) (the (con y)))"
definition etcb_relation :: "etcb \<Rightarrow> Structures_H.tcb \<Rightarrow> bool"
"etcb_relation \<equiv> \<lambda>etcb tcb'.
tcb_priority etcb = tcbPriority tcb'
\<and> tcb_time_slice etcb = tcbTimeSlice tcb'
\<and> tcb_domain etcb = tcbDomain tcb'"
ekheap_relation :: "(obj_ref \<Rightarrow> etcb option) \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<rightharpoonup> Structures_H.kernel_object) \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ekheap_relation ab con \<equiv>
\<forall>x \<in> dom ab. \<exists>tcb'. con x = Some (KOTCB tcb') \<and> etcb_relation (the (ab x)) tcb'"
sched_act_relation :: "Deterministic_A.scheduler_action \<Rightarrow> Structures_H.scheduler_action \<Rightarrow> bool"
"sched_act_relation resume_cur_thread a' = (a' = ResumeCurrentThread)" |
"sched_act_relation choose_new_thread a' = (a' = ChooseNewThread)" |
"sched_act_relation (switch_thread x) a' = (a' = SwitchToThread x)"
ready_queues_relation :: "(Deterministic_A.domain \<Rightarrow> Structures_A.priority \<Rightarrow> Deterministic_A.ready_queue)
\<Rightarrow> (domain \<times> priority \<Rightarrow> KernelStateData_H.ready_queue) \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ready_queues_relation qs qs' \<equiv> \<forall>d p. (qs d p = qs' (d, p))"
ghost_relation :: "Structures_A.kheap \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<rightharpoonup> vmpage_size) \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<rightharpoonup> nat) \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ghost_relation h ups cns \<equiv>
(\<forall>a sz. (\<exists>dev. h a = Some (ArchObj (DataPage dev sz))) \<longleftrightarrow> ups a = Some sz) \<and>
(\<forall>a n. (\<exists>cs. h a = Some (CNode n cs) \<and> well_formed_cnode_n n cs) \<longleftrightarrow>
cns a = Some n)"
cdt_relation :: "(cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> cdt \<Rightarrow> cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"cdt_relation \<equiv> \<lambda>cte_at m m'.
\<forall>c. cte_at c \<longrightarrow> cte_map ` descendants_of c m = descendants_of' (cte_map c) m'"
cdt_list_relation :: "cdt_list \<Rightarrow> cdt \<Rightarrow> cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"cdt_list_relation \<equiv> \<lambda>t m m'.
\<forall>c cap node. m' (cte_map c) = Some (CTE cap node)
\<longrightarrow> (case next_slot c t m of None \<Rightarrow> True
| Some next \<Rightarrow> mdbNext node = cte_map next)"
revokable_relation :: "(cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> (cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> cap option) \<Rightarrow> cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"revokable_relation revo cs m' \<equiv>
\<forall>c cap node. cs c \<noteq> None \<longrightarrow>
m' (cte_map c) = Some (CTE cap node) \<longrightarrow>
revo c = mdbRevocable node"
irq_state_relation :: "irq_state \<Rightarrow> irqstate \<Rightarrow> bool"
"irq_state_relation irq irq' \<equiv> case (irq, irq') of
(irq_state.IRQInactive, irqstate.IRQInactive) \<Rightarrow> True
| (irq_state.IRQSignal, irqstate.IRQSignal) \<Rightarrow> True
| (irq_state.IRQTimer, irqstate.IRQTimer) \<Rightarrow> True
| _ \<Rightarrow> False"
interrupt_state_relation :: "(irq \<Rightarrow> obj_ref) \<Rightarrow> (irq \<Rightarrow> irq_state) \<Rightarrow> interrupt_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"interrupt_state_relation node_map irqs is \<equiv>
(\<exists>node irqs'. is = InterruptState node irqs'
\<and> (\<forall>irq. node_map irq = node + (ucast irq << cte_level_bits))
\<and> (\<forall>irq. irq_state_relation (irqs irq) (irqs' irq)))"
arch_state_relation :: "(arch_state \<times> ARM_H.kernel_state) set"
"arch_state_relation \<equiv> {(s, s') .
arm_asid_table s = armKSASIDTable s' o ucast
\<and> arm_global_pd s = armKSGlobalPD s'
\<and> arm_hwasid_table s = armKSHWASIDTable s'
\<and> arm_global_pts s = armKSGlobalPTs s'
\<and> arm_next_asid s = armKSNextASID s'
\<and> arm_asid_map s = armKSASIDMap s'
\<and> arm_kernel_vspace s = armKSKernelVSpace s'}"
(* NOTE: this map discards the Ident right, needed on endpoints only *)
rights_mask_map :: "rights set \<Rightarrow> Types_H.cap_rights"
"rights_mask_map \<equiv> \<lambda>rs. CapRights (AllowWrite \<in> rs) (AllowRead \<in> rs) (AllowGrant \<in> rs)"
lemma obj_relation_cutsE:
"\<lbrakk> (y, P) \<in> obj_relation_cuts ko x; P ko ko';
\<And>sz cs z cap cte. \<lbrakk> ko = CNode sz cs; well_formed_cnode_n sz cs; y = cte_map (x, z);
ko' = KOCTE cte; cs z = Some cap; cap_relation cap (cteCap cte) \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> R;
\<And>pt (z :: word8) pte'. \<lbrakk> ko = ArchObj (PageTable pt); y = x + (ucast z << 2);
ko' = KOArch (KOPTE pte'); pte_relation_aligned z (pt z) pte' \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> R;
\<And>pd (z :: 12 word) pde'. \<lbrakk> ko = ArchObj (PageDirectory pd); y = x + (ucast z << 2);
ko' = KOArch (KOPDE pde'); pde_relation_aligned z (pd z) pde' \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> R;
\<And>sz dev n. \<lbrakk> ko = ArchObj (DataPage dev sz); ko' = (if dev then KOUserDataDevice else KOUserData);
y = x + n * 2 ^ pageBits; n < 2 ^ (pageBitsForSize sz - pageBits) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R;
\<lbrakk> y = x; other_obj_relation ko ko'; is_other_obj_relation_type (a_type ko) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
apply (simp add: obj_relation_cuts_def2 is_other_obj_relation_type_def
split: Structures_A.kernel_object.split_asm if_split_asm
apply ((clarsimp split: if_splits,
force simp: cte_relation_def pte_relation_def pde_relation_def)+)[5]
lemma eq_trans_helper:
"\<lbrakk> x = y; P y = Q \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P x = Q"
by simp
lemma cap_relation_case':
"cap_relation cap cap'
= (case cap of cap.ArchObjectCap arch_cap.ASIDControlCap \<Rightarrow> cap_relation cap cap'
| _ \<Rightarrow> cap_relation cap cap')"
by (simp split: cap.split arch_cap.split)
schematic_goal cap_relation_case:
"cap_relation cap cap' = ?P"
apply (subst cap_relation_case')
apply (clarsimp cong: cap.case_cong arch_cap.case_cong)
apply (rule refl)
lemmas cap_relation_split =
eq_trans_helper [where P=P, OF cap_relation_case cap.split[where P=P]] for P
lemmas cap_relation_split_asm =
eq_trans_helper [where P=P, OF cap_relation_case cap.split_asm[where P=P]] for P
text {* Relations on other data types that aren't stored but
used as intermediate values in the specs. *}
message_info_map :: "Structures_A.message_info \<Rightarrow> Types_H.message_info"
"message_info_map (Structures_A.MI a b c d) = (Types_H.MI a b c d)"
lemma mi_map_label[simp]: "msgLabel (message_info_map mi) = mi_label mi"
by (cases mi, simp)
syscall_error_map :: "ExceptionTypes_A.syscall_error \<Rightarrow> Fault_H.syscall_error"
"syscall_error_map (ExceptionTypes_A.InvalidArgument n) = Fault_H.InvalidArgument n"
| "syscall_error_map (ExceptionTypes_A.InvalidCapability n) = (Fault_H.InvalidCapability n)"
| "syscall_error_map ExceptionTypes_A.IllegalOperation = Fault_H.IllegalOperation"
| "syscall_error_map (ExceptionTypes_A.RangeError n m) = Fault_H.RangeError n m"
| "syscall_error_map ExceptionTypes_A.AlignmentError = Fault_H.AlignmentError"
| "syscall_error_map (ExceptionTypes_A.FailedLookup b lf) = Fault_H.FailedLookup b (lookup_failure_map lf)"
| "syscall_error_map ExceptionTypes_A.TruncatedMessage = Fault_H.TruncatedMessage"
| "syscall_error_map ExceptionTypes_A.DeleteFirst = Fault_H.DeleteFirst"
| "syscall_error_map ExceptionTypes_A.RevokeFirst = Fault_H.RevokeFirst"
| "syscall_error_map (ExceptionTypes_A.NotEnoughMemory n) = Fault_H.syscall_error.NotEnoughMemory n"
APIType_map :: "Structures_A.apiobject_type \<Rightarrow> ARM_H.object_type"
"APIType_map ty \<equiv> case ty of
Structures_A.Untyped \<Rightarrow> APIObjectType ArchTypes_H.Untyped
| Structures_A.TCBObject \<Rightarrow> APIObjectType ArchTypes_H.TCBObject
| Structures_A.EndpointObject \<Rightarrow> APIObjectType ArchTypes_H.EndpointObject
| Structures_A.NotificationObject \<Rightarrow> APIObjectType ArchTypes_H.NotificationObject
| Structures_A.CapTableObject \<Rightarrow> APIObjectType ArchTypes_H.CapTableObject
| ArchObject ao \<Rightarrow> (case ao of
SmallPageObj \<Rightarrow> SmallPageObject
| LargePageObj \<Rightarrow> LargePageObject
| SectionObj \<Rightarrow> SectionObject
| SuperSectionObj \<Rightarrow> SuperSectionObject
| PageTableObj \<Rightarrow> PageTableObject
| PageDirectoryObj \<Rightarrow> PageDirectoryObject)"
lemma get_tcb_at: "tcb_at t s \<Longrightarrow> (\<exists>tcb. get_tcb t s = Some tcb)"
by (simp add: tcb_at_def)
state_relation :: "(det_state \<times> kernel_state) set"
"state_relation \<equiv> {(s, s').
pspace_relation (kheap s) (ksPSpace s')
\<and> ekheap_relation (ekheap s) (ksPSpace s')
\<and> sched_act_relation (scheduler_action s) (ksSchedulerAction s')
\<and> ready_queues_relation (ready_queues s) (ksReadyQueues s')
\<and> ghost_relation (kheap s) (gsUserPages s') (gsCNodes s')
\<and> cdt_relation (swp cte_at s) (cdt s) (ctes_of s')
\<and> cdt_list_relation (cdt_list s) (cdt s) (ctes_of s')
\<and> revokable_relation (is_original_cap s) (null_filter (caps_of_state s)) (ctes_of s')
\<and> (arch_state s, ksArchState s') \<in> arch_state_relation
\<and> interrupt_state_relation (interrupt_irq_node s) (interrupt_states s) (ksInterruptState s')
\<and> (cur_thread s = ksCurThread s')
\<and> (idle_thread s = ksIdleThread s')
\<and> (machine_state s = ksMachineState s')
\<and> (work_units_completed s = ksWorkUnitsCompleted s')
\<and> (domain_index s = ksDomScheduleIdx s')
\<and> (domain_list s = ksDomSchedule s')
\<and> (cur_domain s = ksCurDomain s')
\<and> (domain_time s = ksDomainTime s')}"
text {* Rules for using states in the relation. *}
lemma curthread_relation:
"(a, b) \<in> state_relation \<Longrightarrow> ksCurThread b = cur_thread a"
by (simp add: state_relation_def)
lemma workunitscompleted_relation:
"(a, b) \<in> state_relation \<Longrightarrow> ksWorkUnitsCompleted b = work_units_completed a"
by (simp add: state_relation_def)
lemma state_relation_pspace_relation[elim!]:
"(s,s') \<in> state_relation \<Longrightarrow> pspace_relation (kheap s) (ksPSpace s')"
by (simp add: state_relation_def)
lemma state_relation_ekheap_relation[elim!]:
"(s,s') \<in> state_relation \<Longrightarrow> ekheap_relation (ekheap s) (ksPSpace s')"
by (simp add: state_relation_def)
(* intro/dest/elim for state_relation *)
lemma state_relationI [intro?]:
"\<And>s s'. \<lbrakk> pspace_relation (kheap s) (ksPSpace s');
ekheap_relation (ekheap s) (ksPSpace s');
sched_act_relation (scheduler_action s) (ksSchedulerAction s');
ready_queues_relation (ready_queues s) (ksReadyQueues s');
ghost_relation (kheap s) (gsUserPages s') (gsCNodes s');
cdt_relation (swp cte_at s) (cdt s) (ctes_of s');
cdt_list_relation (cdt_list s) (cdt s) (ctes_of s');
revokable_relation (is_original_cap s) (null_filter (caps_of_state s)) (ctes_of s');
(arch_state s, ksArchState s') \<in> arch_state_relation;
interrupt_state_relation (interrupt_irq_node s) (interrupt_states s) (ksInterruptState s');
cur_thread s = ksCurThread s';
idle_thread s = ksIdleThread s';
machine_state s = ksMachineState s';
work_units_completed s = ksWorkUnitsCompleted s';
domain_index s = ksDomScheduleIdx s';
domain_list s = ksDomSchedule s';
cur_domain s = ksCurDomain s';
domain_time s = ksDomainTime s' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(s, s') \<in> state_relation"
unfolding state_relation_def by blast
lemma state_relationD:
assumes sr: "(s, s') \<in> state_relation"
shows "pspace_relation (kheap s) (ksPSpace s') \<and>
ekheap_relation (ekheap s) (ksPSpace s') \<and>
sched_act_relation (scheduler_action s) (ksSchedulerAction s') \<and>
ready_queues_relation (ready_queues s) (ksReadyQueues s') \<and>
ghost_relation (kheap s) (gsUserPages s') (gsCNodes s') \<and>
cdt_relation (swp cte_at s) (cdt s) (ctes_of s') \<and>
cdt_list_relation (cdt_list s) (cdt s) (ctes_of s') \<and>
revokable_relation (is_original_cap s) (null_filter (caps_of_state s)) (ctes_of s') \<and>
(arch_state s, ksArchState s') \<in> arch_state_relation \<and>
interrupt_state_relation (interrupt_irq_node s) (interrupt_states s) (ksInterruptState s') \<and>
cur_thread s = ksCurThread s' \<and>
idle_thread s = ksIdleThread s' \<and>
machine_state s = ksMachineState s' \<and>
work_units_completed s = ksWorkUnitsCompleted s' \<and>
domain_index s = ksDomScheduleIdx s' \<and>
domain_list s = ksDomSchedule s' \<and>
cur_domain s = ksCurDomain s' \<and>
domain_time s = ksDomainTime s'"
using sr unfolding state_relation_def by simp
lemma state_relationE [elim?]:
assumes sr: "(s, s') \<in> state_relation"
and rl: "\<lbrakk>pspace_relation (kheap s) (ksPSpace s');
ekheap_relation (ekheap s) (ksPSpace s');
sched_act_relation (scheduler_action s) (ksSchedulerAction s');
ready_queues_relation (ready_queues s) (ksReadyQueues s');
ghost_relation (kheap s) (gsUserPages s') (gsCNodes s');
cdt_relation (swp cte_at s) (cdt s) (ctes_of s') \<and>
revokable_relation (is_original_cap s) (null_filter (caps_of_state s)) (ctes_of s');
cdt_list_relation (cdt_list s) (cdt s) (ctes_of s');
(arch_state s, ksArchState s') \<in> arch_state_relation;
interrupt_state_relation (interrupt_irq_node s) (interrupt_states s) (ksInterruptState s');
cur_thread s = ksCurThread s';
idle_thread s = ksIdleThread s';
machine_state s = ksMachineState s';
work_units_completed s = ksWorkUnitsCompleted s';
domain_index s = ksDomScheduleIdx s';
domain_list s = ksDomSchedule s';
cur_domain s = ksCurDomain s';
domain_time s = ksDomainTime s' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
shows "R"
using sr by (blast intro!: rl dest: state_relationD)
text {* This isn't defined for arch objects *}
lemma objBits_obj_bits:
assumes rel: "other_obj_relation obj obj'"
shows "obj_bits obj = objBitsKO obj'"
using rel
by (simp add: other_obj_relation_def objBitsKO_simps pageBits_def
split: Structures_A.kernel_object.split_asm
lemma replicate_length_cong:
"x = y \<Longrightarrow> replicate x n = replicate y n" by simp
lemmas isCap_defs =
isZombie_def isArchObjectCap_def
isThreadCap_def isCNodeCap_def isNotificationCap_def
isEndpointCap_def isUntypedCap_def isNullCap_def
isIRQHandlerCap_def isIRQControlCap_def isReplyCap_def
isPageCap_def isPageTableCap_def isPageDirectoryCap_def
isASIDControlCap_def isASIDPoolCap_def isArchPageCap_def
lemma isCNodeCap_cap_map [simp]:
"cap_relation c c' \<Longrightarrow> isCNodeCap c' = is_cnode_cap c"
apply (cases c, simp_all add: isCap_defs split: sum.splits)
apply clarsimp+
lemma isNullCap_cap_map [simp]:
"cap_relation c c' \<Longrightarrow> isNullCap c' = (c = cap.NullCap)"
apply (cases c, simp_all add: isCap_defs split: sum.splits)
apply clarsimp+
lemma revokable_relation_eqI:
assumes r: "revokable_relation (is_original_cap s) (null_filter (caps_of_state s)) m"
assumes c: "\<And>P p. cte_wp_at P p s'' \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at P p s"
assumes m: "\<And>p. is_original_cap s' p = is_original_cap s p"
shows "revokable_relation (is_original_cap s') (null_filter (caps_of_state s'')) m" using r
apply (clarsimp simp add: m revokable_relation_def null_filter_def)
apply (drule caps_of_state_cteD)
apply (drule c)
apply (simp add: cte_wp_at_caps_of_state)
lemma sts_rel_idle :
"thread_state_relation st IdleThreadState = (st = Structures_A.IdleThreadState)"
by (cases st, auto)
lemma pspace_relation_absD:
"\<lbrakk> ab x = Some y; pspace_relation ab con \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<forall>(x', P) \<in> obj_relation_cuts y x. \<exists>z. con x' = Some z \<and> P y z"
apply (clarsimp simp add: pspace_relation_def)
apply (drule bspec, erule domI)
apply simp
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (subgoal_tac "a \<in> pspace_dom ab")
apply clarsimp
apply (simp(no_asm) add: pspace_dom_def)
apply (rule rev_bexI, erule domI)
apply (simp add: image_def rev_bexI)
lemma ekheap_relation_absD:
"\<lbrakk> ab x = Some y; ekheap_relation ab con \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>tcb'. con x = Some (KOTCB tcb') \<and> etcb_relation y tcb'"
by (force simp add: ekheap_relation_def)
lemma in_related_pspace_dom:
"\<lbrakk> s' x = Some y; pspace_relation s s' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x \<in> pspace_dom s"
by (clarsimp simp add: pspace_relation_def)
lemma pspace_dom_revE:
"\<lbrakk> x \<in> pspace_dom ps; \<And>ko y P. \<lbrakk> ps y = Some ko; (x, P) \<in> obj_relation_cuts ko y \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
by (clarsimp simp add: pspace_dom_def)
lemma pspace_dom_relatedE:
"\<lbrakk> s' x = Some ko'; pspace_relation s s';
\<And>y ko P. \<lbrakk> s y = Some ko; (x, P) \<in> obj_relation_cuts ko y; P ko ko' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
apply (rule pspace_dom_revE [OF in_related_pspace_dom],
apply (frule(1) pspace_relation_absD)
apply fastforce
lemma ghost_relation_typ_at:
"ghost_relation (kheap s) ups cns \<equiv>
(\<forall>a sz. data_at sz a s = (ups a = Some sz)) \<and>
(\<forall>a n. typ_at (ACapTable n) a s = (cns a = Some n))"
apply (rule eq_reflection)
apply (clarsimp simp: ghost_relation_def typ_at_eq_kheap_obj data_at_def)
apply (intro conjI impI iffI allI,simp_all)
apply (auto elim!: allE)

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* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory SubMonad_R
imports KHeap_R EmptyFail
(* SubMonadLib *)
lemma submonad_doMachineOp:
"submonad ksMachineState (ksMachineState_update \<circ> K) \<top> doMachineOp"
apply (unfold_locales)
apply (clarsimp simp: ext stateAssert_def doMachineOp_def o_def gets_def
get_def bind_def return_def submonad_fn_def)+
interpretation submonad_doMachineOp:
submonad ksMachineState "(ksMachineState_update \<circ> K)" \<top> doMachineOp
by (rule submonad_doMachineOp)
lemma corres_machine_op:
assumes P: "corres_underlying Id False True r \<top> \<top> x x'"
shows "corres r \<top> \<top> (do_machine_op x) (doMachineOp x')"
apply (rule corres_submonad [OF submonad_do_machine_op submonad_doMachineOp _ _ P])
apply (simp_all add: state_relation_def swp_def)
lemma doMachineOp_mapM:
assumes "\<And>x. empty_fail (m x)"
shows "doMachineOp (mapM m l) = mapM (doMachineOp \<circ> m) l"
apply (rule submonad_mapM [OF submonad_doMachineOp submonad_doMachineOp,
apply (rule assms)
lemma doMachineOp_mapM_x:
assumes "\<And>x. empty_fail (m x)"
shows "doMachineOp (mapM_x m l) = mapM_x (doMachineOp \<circ> m) l"
apply (rule submonad_mapM_x [OF submonad_doMachineOp submonad_doMachineOp,
apply (rule assms)
lemma submonad_args_ksPSpace:
"submonad_args ksPSpace (ksPSpace_update o (\<lambda>x _. x)) \<top>"
by (simp add: submonad_args_def)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
"asUser_fetch \<equiv> \<lambda>t s. case (ksPSpace s t) of
Some (KOTCB tcb) \<Rightarrow> (atcbContextGet o tcbArch) tcb
| None \<Rightarrow> undefined"
"asUser_replace \<equiv> \<lambda>t uc s.
let obj = case (ksPSpace s t) of
Some (KOTCB tcb) \<Rightarrow> Some (KOTCB (tcb \<lparr>tcbArch := atcbContextSet uc (tcbArch tcb)\<rparr>))
| obj \<Rightarrow> obj
in s \<lparr> ksPSpace := (ksPSpace s) (t := obj) \<rparr>"
lemma threadGet_stateAssert_gets_asUser:
"threadGet (atcbContextGet o tcbArch) t = do stateAssert (tcb_at' t) []; gets (asUser_fetch t) od"
apply (rule is_stateAssert_gets [OF _ _ empty_fail_threadGet no_fail_threadGet])
apply (clarsimp simp: threadGet_def liftM_def, wp)
apply (simp add: threadGet_def liftM_def, wp getObject_tcb_at')
apply (simp add: threadGet_def liftM_def, wp)
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post, wp getObject_obj_at')
apply (simp add: objBits_def objBitsKO_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def asUser_fetch_def projectKOs atcbContextGet_def)+
lemma threadSet_modify_asUser:
"tcb_at' t st \<Longrightarrow>
threadSet (\<lambda>tcb. tcb\<lparr> tcbArch := atcbContextSet uc (tcbArch tcb)\<rparr>) t st = modify (asUser_replace t uc) st"
apply (rule is_modify [OF _ empty_fail_threadSet no_fail_threadSet])
apply (clarsimp simp: threadSet_def setObject_def split_def
apply wp
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv. obj_at' (op = rv) t and (op = st)" in hoare_post_imp)
apply (clarsimp simp: asUser_replace_def Let_def obj_at'_def
projectKOs fun_upd_def
split: option.split kernel_object.split)
apply (wp getObject_obj_at' | clarsimp simp: objBits_def objBitsKO_def atcbContextSet_def)+
lemma atcbContext_get_eq[simp] : "atcbContextGet (atcbContextSet x atcb) = x"
by(simp add: atcbContextGet_def atcbContextSet_def)
lemma atcbContext_set_eq[simp] : "atcbContextSet (atcbContextGet t) t = t"
by (cases t, simp add: atcbContextGet_def atcbContextSet_def)
lemma atcbContext_set_set[simp] : "atcbContextSet x (atcbContextSet y atcb) = atcbContextSet x atcb"
by (cases atcb ,simp add: atcbContextSet_def)
lemma submonad_asUser:
"submonad (asUser_fetch t) (asUser_replace t) (tcb_at' t) (asUser t)"
apply (unfold_locales)
apply (clarsimp simp: asUser_fetch_def asUser_replace_def
Let_def obj_at'_def projectKOs
split: kernel_object.split option.split)
apply (clarsimp simp: asUser_replace_def Let_def
split: kernel_object.split option.split)
apply (rename_tac tcb)
apply (case_tac tcb, simp)
apply (clarsimp simp: asUser_fetch_def asUser_replace_def Let_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits)
apply (rename_tac tcb)
apply (case_tac tcb, simp add: map_upd_triv atcbContextSet_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def asUser_replace_def
Let_def projectKOs atcbContextSet_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits)
apply (rename_tac tcb)
apply (case_tac tcb, simp add: objBitsKO_def ps_clear_def)
apply (rule ext)
apply (clarsimp simp: submonad_fn_def asUser_def bind_assoc split_def)
apply (subst threadGet_stateAssert_gets_asUser, simp add: bind_assoc, rule ext)
apply (rule bind_apply_cong [OF refl])+
apply (rule bind_apply_cong [OF threadSet_modify_asUser])
apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad stateAssert_def select_f_def)
apply (rule refl)
global_interpretation submonad_asUser:
submonad "asUser_fetch t" "asUser_replace t" "tcb_at' t" "asUser t"
by (rule submonad_asUser)
lemma asUser_doMachineOp_comm:
"\<lbrakk> empty_fail m; empty_fail m' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
do x \<leftarrow> asUser t m; y \<leftarrow> doMachineOp m'; n x y od =
do y \<leftarrow> doMachineOp m'; x \<leftarrow> asUser t m; n x y od"
apply (rule submonad_comm [OF submonad.axioms(1) [OF submonad_asUser]
submonad.axioms(1) [OF submonad_doMachineOp]])
apply (simp add: submonad.fn_is_sm [OF submonad_asUser])
apply (simp add: submonad.fn_is_sm [OF submonad_doMachineOp])
apply (simp add: asUser_replace_def Let_def)
apply simp
apply (rule refl)
apply assumption+
lemma doMachineOp_nosch [wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (ksSchedulerAction s)\<rbrace> doMachineOp m \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (ksSchedulerAction s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: doMachineOp_def split_def)
apply (wp select_f_wp)
apply simp

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

proof/refine/X64/Tcb_R.thy Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff