x64: spec: update machine functions, invocations, set_vm_root for new

kernel version
This commit is contained in:
Joel Beeren 2017-01-20 16:18:49 +11:00
parent 3504b119a4
commit b35c50c481
7 changed files with 159 additions and 112 deletions

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@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ where
(attribs_from_word attr) vspace;
ensure_safe_mapping entries;
returnOk $ InvokePage $ PageMap
(ArchObjectCap $ PageCap dev p R map_type pgsz (Some (asid,vaddr))) cte entries
(ArchObjectCap $ PageCap dev p R map_type pgsz (Some (asid,vaddr))) cte entries vspace
else throwError TruncatedMessage
else if invocation_type label = ArchInvocationLabel X64PageRemap then
@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ where
check_vp_alignment pgsz vaddr;
entries \<leftarrow> create_mapping_entries (addrFromPPtr p) vaddr pgsz vm_rights
(attribs_from_word attr) vspace;
returnOk $ InvokePage $ PageRemap entries
returnOk $ InvokePage $ PageRemap entries asid vspace
else throwError TruncatedMessage
else if invocation_type label = ArchInvocationLabel X64PageUnmap then
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ where
unlessE (old_pdpte = InvalidPDPTE) $ throwError DeleteFirst;
pdpte \<leftarrow> returnOk (PageDirectoryPDPTE (addrFromPPtr p)
(filter_frame_attrs $ attribs_from_word attr) vm_read_write);
returnOk $ InvokePageDirectory $ PageDirectoryMap cap' cte pdpte pdpt_slot
returnOk $ InvokePageDirectory $ PageDirectoryMap cap' cte pdpte pdpt_slot pml
else throwError TruncatedMessage
else if invocation_type label = ArchInvocationLabel X64PageDirectoryUnmap then doE
@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ where
returnOk $ InvokePageTable $
(ArchObjectCap $ PageTableCap p (Some (asid,vaddr')))
cte pde pd_slot
cte pde pd_slot pml
else throwError TruncatedMessage
else if invocation_type label = ArchInvocationLabel X64PageTableUnmap then doE
@ -454,18 +454,18 @@ where
+ ptTranslationBits + ptTranslationBits;
vaddr' \<leftarrow> returnOk $ vaddr && ~~ mask shift_bits;
whenE (vaddr' \<ge> kernel_base) $ throwError IllegalOperation;
(pml,asid) \<leftarrow> (case vspace_cap of
(vspace,asid) \<leftarrow> (case vspace_cap of
ArchObjectCap (PML4Cap pml (Some asid)) \<Rightarrow> returnOk (pml,asid)
| _ \<Rightarrow> throwError $ InvalidCapability 0);
pml' \<leftarrow> lookup_error_on_failure False $ find_vspace_for_asid (asid);
whenE (pml \<noteq> pml) $ throwError $ InvalidCapability 0;
pml_slot \<leftarrow> returnOk $ lookup_pml4_slot pml vaddr;
vspace' \<leftarrow> lookup_error_on_failure False $ find_vspace_for_asid (asid);
whenE (vspace' \<noteq> vspace) $ throwError $ InvalidCapability 0;
pml_slot \<leftarrow> returnOk $ lookup_pml4_slot vspace vaddr;
old_pml4e \<leftarrow> liftE $ get_pml4e pml_slot;
cap' <- returnOk $ ArchObjectCap $ PDPointerTableCap p $ Some (asid,vaddr');
unlessE (old_pml4e = InvalidPML4E) $ throwError DeleteFirst;
pml4e \<leftarrow> returnOk (PDPointerTablePML4E (addrFromPPtr p)
(filter_frame_attrs $ attribs_from_word attr) vm_read_write);
returnOk $ InvokePDPT $ PDPTMap cap' cte pml4e pml_slot
returnOk $ InvokePDPT $ PDPTMap cap' cte pml4e pml_slot vspace
else throwError TruncatedMessage
else if invocation_type label = ArchInvocationLabel X64PDPTUnmap then doE

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@ -45,15 +45,15 @@ x64-specific system calls. Selectors are defined for various fields
for convenience elsewhere. *}
datatype pdpt_invocation =
PDPTMap cap cslot_ptr pml4e obj_ref
PDPTMap cap cslot_ptr pml4e obj_ref obj_ref
| PDPTUnmap cap cslot_ptr
datatype page_directory_invocation =
PageDirectoryMap cap cslot_ptr pdpte obj_ref
PageDirectoryMap cap cslot_ptr pdpte obj_ref obj_ref
| PageDirectoryUnmap cap cslot_ptr
datatype page_table_invocation =
PageTableMap cap cslot_ptr pde obj_ref
PageTableMap cap cslot_ptr pde obj_ref obj_ref
| PageTableUnmap cap cslot_ptr
datatype asid_control_invocation =
@ -67,8 +67,11 @@ datatype page_invocation
(page_map_cap: cap)
(page_map_ct_slot: cslot_ptr)
(page_map_entries: "vm_page_entry \<times> obj_ref")
(page_map_vspace: obj_ref)
| PageRemap
(page_remap_entries: "vm_page_entry \<times> obj_ref")
(page_remap_asid: asid)
(page_remap_vspace: obj_ref)
| PageUnmap
(page_unmap_cap: arch_cap)
(page_unmap_cap_slot: cslot_ptr)

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@ -148,14 +148,42 @@ where
| X64InstructionFault \<Rightarrow> throwError $ ArchFault $ VMFault addr [1, fault && mask 5]
(* FIXME x64: should be a machine interface op/imported from Haskell *)
setCurrentVSpaceRoot_impl :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> unit machine_rest_monad"
setCurrentVSpaceRoot :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad" where
"setCurrentVSpaceRoot pml4 asid = machine_op_lift (setCurrentVSpaceRoot_impl pml4 asid)"
getCurrentCR3 :: "(CR3, 'z::state_ext) s_monad"
"getCurrentCR3 \<equiv> gets (x64_current_cr3 \<circ> arch_state)"
setCurrentCR3 :: "CR3 \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad"
"setCurrentCR3 cr3 \<equiv> do
modify (\<lambda>s. s \<lparr>arch_state := (arch_state s) \<lparr>x64_current_cr3 := cr3\<rparr>\<rparr>);
do_machine_op $ writeCR3 (CR3BaseAddress cr3) (CR3pcid cr3)
invalidateLocalPageStructureCacheASID :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> (unit, 'z::state_ext) s_monad"
"invalidateLocalPageStructureCacheASID vspace asid \<equiv> do
curCR3 \<leftarrow> getCurrentCR3;
setCurrentCR3 (CR3 vspace asid);
setCurrentCR3 curCR3
abbreviation "invalidatePageStructureCacheASID \<equiv> invalidateLocalPageStructureCacheASID"
getCurrentVSpaceRoot :: "(obj_ref, 'z::state_ext) s_monad"
"getCurrentVSpaceRoot \<equiv> do
cur \<leftarrow> getCurrentCR3;
return $ CR3BaseAddress cur
setCurrentVSpaceRoot :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> (unit, 'z::state_ext) s_monad"
"setCurrentVSpaceRoot vspace asid \<equiv> setCurrentCR3 $ CR3 vspace asid"
text {* Switch into the address space of a given thread or the global address
space if none is correctly configured. *}
@ -168,12 +196,14 @@ definition
ArchObjectCap (PML4Cap pml4 (Some asid)) \<Rightarrow> doE
pml4' \<leftarrow> find_vspace_for_asid asid;
whenE (pml4 \<noteq> pml4') $ throwError InvalidRoot;
liftE $ do_machine_op $ setCurrentVSpaceRoot (addrFromPPtr pml4) asid
curCR3 \<leftarrow> liftE $ getCurrentCR3;
whenE (CR3BaseAddress curCR3 \<noteq> pml4 \<and> CR3pcid curCR3 \<noteq> asid) $
liftE $ setCurrentCR3 $ CR3 (addrFromPPtr pml4) asid
| _ \<Rightarrow> throwError InvalidRoot) <catch>
(\<lambda>_. do
global_pml4 \<leftarrow> gets (x64_global_pml4 \<circ> arch_state);
do_machine_op $ setCurrentVSpaceRoot (addrFromKPPtr global_pml4) 0
setCurrentVSpaceRoot (addrFromKPPtr global_pml4) 0
@ -196,7 +226,7 @@ definition
delete_asid :: "asid \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"delete_asid asid pml4 \<equiv> do
asid_table \<leftarrow> gets (x64_asid_table \<circ> arch_state);
do_machine_op $ hwASIDInvalidate asid;
do_machine_op $ hwASIDInvalidate asid pml4;
case asid_table (asid_high_bits_of asid) of
None \<Rightarrow> return ()
| Some pool_ptr \<Rightarrow> do
@ -211,42 +241,32 @@ delete_asid :: "asid \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_
flush_all :: "(unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"flush_all = do_machine_op resetCR3"
flush_all :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"flush_all vspace asid \<equiv> do_machine_op $ invalidateASID vspace asid "
flush_pdpt :: "(unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
flush_pdpt :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"flush_pdpt \<equiv> flush_all"
flush_pd :: "(unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
flush_pd :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"flush_pd \<equiv> flush_all"
text {* Flush mappings associated with a page table. *}
flush_table :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> vspace_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"flush_table pml4_ref vptr pt_ref \<equiv> do
flush_table :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> vspace_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"flush_table pml4_ref vptr pt_ref asid \<equiv> do
assert (vptr && mask (ptTranslationBits + pageBits) = 0);
tcb \<leftarrow> gets cur_thread;
thread_root_slot \<leftarrow> return (tcb, tcb_cnode_index 1);
thread_root \<leftarrow> get_cap thread_root_slot;
case thread_root of
ArchObjectCap (PML4Cap pml4_ref' (Some _)) \<Rightarrow>
when (pml4_ref = pml4_ref') $ do
pt \<leftarrow> get_pt pt_ref;
forM_x [0 .e. (-1::9 word)] (\<lambda>index. do
pte \<leftarrow> return $ pt index;
case pte of
InvalidPTE \<Rightarrow> return ()
| _ \<Rightarrow> do_machine_op $ invalidateTLBEntry (vptr + (ucast index << pageBits))
| _ \<Rightarrow> do_machine_op $ invalidateTranslationSingleASID (vptr + (ucast index << pageBits)) asid
| _ \<Rightarrow> return ()
text {* Unmap a Page Directory Pointer Table from a PML4. *}
unmap_pdpt :: "asid \<Rightarrow> vspace_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
@ -255,11 +275,11 @@ unmap_pdpt :: "asid \<Rightarrow> vspace_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow>
pm_slot \<leftarrow> returnOk $ lookup_pml4_slot vspace vaddr;
pml4e \<leftarrow> liftE $ get_pml4e pm_slot;
case pml4e of
PDPointerTablePML4E pt' _ _ \<Rightarrow>
PDPointerTablePML4E pt' _ _ \<Rightarrow>
if pt' = addrFromPPtr pdpt then returnOk () else throwError InvalidRoot
| _ \<Rightarrow> throwError InvalidRoot;
liftE $ do
flush_pdpt vspace asid;
store_pml4e pm_slot InvalidPML4E
odE <catch> (K $ return ())"
@ -272,13 +292,13 @@ unmap_pd :: "asid \<Rightarrow> vspace_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> (
pdpt_slot \<leftarrow> lookup_pdpt_slot vspace vaddr;
pdpte \<leftarrow> liftE $ get_pdpte pdpt_slot;
case pdpte of
PageDirectoryPDPTE pd' _ _ \<Rightarrow>
PageDirectoryPDPTE pd' _ _ \<Rightarrow>
if pd' = addrFromPPtr pd then returnOk () else throwError InvalidRoot
| _ \<Rightarrow> throwError InvalidRoot;
liftE $ do
flush_pd vspace asid;
store_pdpte pdpt_slot InvalidPDPTE;
do_machine_op invalidatePageStructureCache
invalidatePageStructureCacheASID (addrFromPPtr vspace) asid
odE <catch> (K $ return ())"
@ -290,13 +310,13 @@ unmap_page_table :: "asid \<Rightarrow> vspace_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Right
pd_slot \<leftarrow> lookup_pd_slot vspace vaddr;
pde \<leftarrow> liftE $ get_pde pd_slot;
case pde of
PageTablePDE addr _ _ \<Rightarrow>
PageTablePDE addr _ _ \<Rightarrow>
if addrFromPPtr pt = addr then returnOk () else throwError InvalidRoot
| _ \<Rightarrow> throwError InvalidRoot;
liftE $ do
flush_table vspace vaddr pt;
liftE $ do
flush_table vspace vaddr pt asid;
store_pde pd_slot InvalidPDE;
do_machine_op $ invalidatePageStructureCache
invalidatePageStructureCacheASID (addrFromPPtr vspace) asid
odE <catch> (K $ return ())"
@ -339,16 +359,7 @@ unmap_page :: "vmpage_size \<Rightarrow> asid \<Rightarrow> vspace_ref \<Rightar
unlessE (check_mapping_pptr pptr (VMPDPTE pdpte)) $ throwError InvalidRoot;
liftE $ store_pdpte pdpt_slot InvalidPDPTE
liftE $ do
tcb \<leftarrow> gets cur_thread;
(* FIXME: duplication, pull this pattern out into a function; also in Haskell/C *)
thread_root_slot \<leftarrow> return (tcb, tcb_cnode_index 1);
thread_root \<leftarrow> get_cap thread_root_slot;
case thread_root of
ArchObjectCap (PML4Cap vspace' (Some _ )) \<Rightarrow>
when (vspace' = vspace) $ do_machine_op $ invalidateTLBEntry vptr
| _ \<Rightarrow> return ()
liftE $ do_machine_op $ invalidateTranslationSingleASID vptr asid
odE <catch> (K $ return ())"
@ -502,7 +513,7 @@ attribs_from_word :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> frame_attrs" where
text {* Update the mapping data saved in a page or page table capability. *}
update_map_data :: "arch_cap \<Rightarrow> (asid \<times> vspace_ref) option \<Rightarrow> arch_cap" where
"update_map_data cap m \<equiv> case cap of
"update_map_data cap m \<equiv> case cap of
PageCap dev p R mt sz _ \<Rightarrow> PageCap dev p R mt sz m
| PageTableCap p _ \<Rightarrow> PageTableCap p m
| PageDirectoryCap p _ \<Rightarrow> PageDirectoryCap p m

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@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Entry point for architecture dependent definitions.
@ -91,10 +91,10 @@ text {* The ASIDPool capability confers the authority to assign a virtual ASID
to a page directory. *}
perform_asid_pool_invocation :: "asid_pool_invocation \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"perform_asid_pool_invocation iv \<equiv> case iv of Assign asid pool_ptr ct_slot \<Rightarrow>
"perform_asid_pool_invocation iv \<equiv> case iv of Assign asid pool_ptr ct_slot \<Rightarrow>
pml4_cap \<leftarrow> get_cap ct_slot;
case pml4_cap of
case pml4_cap of
ArchObjectCap (PML4Cap pml4_base _) \<Rightarrow> do
pool \<leftarrow> get_asid_pool pool_ptr;
pool' \<leftarrow> return (pool (ucast asid \<mapsto> pml4_base));
@ -128,19 +128,25 @@ in. *}
perform_page_invocation :: "page_invocation \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"perform_page_invocation iv \<equiv> (case iv of
PageMap cap ct_slot entries \<Rightarrow> do
PageMap cap ct_slot entries vspace \<Rightarrow> do
set_cap cap ct_slot;
case entries
(case entries
of (VMPTE pte, slot) \<Rightarrow> store_pte slot pte
| (VMPDE pde, slot) \<Rightarrow> store_pde slot pde
| (VMPDPTE pdpte, slot) \<Rightarrow> store_pdpte slot pdpte
| _ \<Rightarrow> fail
| _ \<Rightarrow> fail);
asid <- case cap of ArchObjectCap (PageCap _ _ _ _ _ (Some (as, _))) \<Rightarrow> return as
| _ \<Rightarrow> fail;
invalidatePageStructureCacheASID (addrFromPPtr vspace) asid
| PageRemap entries \<Rightarrow> (case entries
| PageRemap entries asid vspace \<Rightarrow> do
(case entries
of (VMPTE pte, slot) \<Rightarrow> store_pte slot pte
| (VMPDE pde, slot) \<Rightarrow> store_pde slot pde
| (VMPDPTE pdpte, slot) \<Rightarrow> store_pdpte slot pdpte
| _ \<Rightarrow> fail)
| _ \<Rightarrow> fail);
invalidatePageStructureCacheASID (addrFromPPtr vspace) asid
| PageUnmap cap ct_slot \<Rightarrow>
(case cap
of PageCap dev base rights map_type sz mapped \<Rightarrow>
@ -160,11 +166,13 @@ text {* PageTable capabilities confer the authority to map and unmap page
tables. *}
perform_page_table_invocation :: "page_table_invocation \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"perform_page_table_invocation iv \<equiv>
case iv of PageTableMap cap ct_slot pde pd_slot \<Rightarrow> do
"perform_page_table_invocation iv \<equiv>
case iv of PageTableMap cap ct_slot pde pd_slot vspace \<Rightarrow> do
set_cap cap ct_slot;
store_pde pd_slot pde;
do_machine_op $ invalidatePageStructureCache
asid <- case cap of ArchObjectCap (PageTableCap _ (Some (as, _))) \<Rightarrow> return as
| _ \<Rightarrow> fail;
invalidatePageStructureCacheASID (addrFromPPtr vspace) asid
| PageTableUnmap (ArchObjectCap (PageTableCap p mapped_address)) ct_slot \<Rightarrow> do
case mapped_address of Some (asid, vaddr) \<Rightarrow> do
@ -182,18 +190,20 @@ text {* PageDirectory capabilities confer the authority to map and unmap page
tables. *}
perform_page_directory_invocation :: "page_directory_invocation \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"perform_page_directory_invocation iv \<equiv>
case iv of PageDirectoryMap cap ct_slot pdpte pdpt_slot \<Rightarrow> do
"perform_page_directory_invocation iv \<equiv>
case iv of PageDirectoryMap cap ct_slot pdpte pdpt_slot vspace \<Rightarrow> do
set_cap cap ct_slot;
store_pdpte pdpt_slot pdpte;
do_machine_op $ invalidatePageStructureCache
asid <- case cap of ArchObjectCap (PageDirectoryCap _ (Some (as, _))) \<Rightarrow> return as
| _ \<Rightarrow> fail;
invalidatePageStructureCacheASID (addrFromPPtr vspace) asid
| PageDirectoryUnmap (ArchObjectCap (PageDirectoryCap p mapped_address)) ct_slot \<Rightarrow> do
case mapped_address of Some (asid, vaddr) \<Rightarrow> do
unmap_pd asid vaddr p;
pde_bits \<leftarrow> return word_size_bits;
slots \<leftarrow> return [p, p + (1 << pde_bits) .e. p + (1 << pd_bits) - 1];
mapM_x (swp store_pde InvalidPDE) slots
mapM_x (swp store_pde InvalidPDE) slots
od | None \<Rightarrow> return ();
cap \<leftarrow> liftM the_arch_cap $ get_cap ct_slot;
set_cap (ArchObjectCap $ update_map_data cap None) ct_slot
@ -204,11 +214,13 @@ text {* PageDirectory capabilities confer the authority to map and unmap page
tables. *}
perform_pdpt_invocation :: "pdpt_invocation \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"perform_pdpt_invocation iv \<equiv>
case iv of PDPTMap cap ct_slot pml4e pml4_slot \<Rightarrow> do
"perform_pdpt_invocation iv \<equiv>
case iv of PDPTMap cap ct_slot pml4e pml4_slot vspace \<Rightarrow> do
set_cap cap ct_slot;
store_pml4e pml4_slot pml4e;
do_machine_op $ invalidatePageStructureCache
asid <- case cap of ArchObjectCap (PDPointerTableCap _ (Some (as, _))) \<Rightarrow> return as
| _ \<Rightarrow> fail;
invalidatePageStructureCacheASID (addrFromPPtr vspace) asid
| PDPTUnmap (ArchObjectCap (PDPointerTableCap p mapped_address)) ct_slot \<Rightarrow> do
case mapped_address of Some (asid, vaddr) \<Rightarrow> do

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@ -32,7 +32,6 @@ type_synonym asid = "machine_word"
type_synonym io_port = "16 word"
type_synonym io_asid = "16 word"
section {* Architecture-specific capabilities *}
text {* The x64 kernel supports capabilities for ASID pools and an ASID controller capability,
@ -64,6 +63,21 @@ definition
asid_bits :: nat where
"asid_bits \<equiv> 12 :: nat"
(* CR3 Stuff *)
datatype CR3 = CR3 obj_ref asid
primrec CR3BaseAddress where
"CR3BaseAddress (CR3 v0 _) = v0"
primrec CR3BaseAddress_update where
"CR3BaseAddress_update f (CR3 v0 v1) = (CR3 (f v0) v1)"
primrec CR3pcid where
"CR3pcid (CR3 _ v1) = v1"
primrec CR3pcid_update where
"CR3pcid_update f (CR3 v0 v1) = (CR3 v0 (f v1))"
section {* Architecture-specific objects *}
datatype table_attr = Accessed | CacheDisabled | WriteThrough | ExecuteDisable
@ -280,6 +294,7 @@ record arch_state =
x64_global_pdpts :: "obj_ref list"
x64_global_pds :: "obj_ref list"
x64_asid_map :: "X64_A.asid \<rightharpoonup> obj_ref" (* FIXME x64: do we need this? *)
x64_current_cr3 :: "X64_A.CR3"
(* FIXME x64-vtd:
x64_num_io_domain_bits :: "16 word"

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@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ begin
section "Wrapping and Lifting Machine Operations"
text {*
Most of the machine operations below work on the underspecified
part of the machine state @{typ machine_state_rest} and cannot fail.
Most of the machine operations below work on the underspecified
part of the machine state @{typ machine_state_rest} and cannot fail.
We could express the latter by type (leaving out the failure flag),
but if we later wanted to implement them,
we'd have to set up a new hoare-logic
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ definition
storeWord :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
where "storeWord p w \<equiv> do
where "storeWord p w \<equiv> do
assert (p && mask 3 = 0);
modify (underlying_memory_update (
fold (\<lambda>i m. m((p + (of_int i)) := word_rsplit w ! (nat i))) [0 .. 7]))
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ lemma upto0_7_def:
lemma loadWord_storeWord_is_return:
"p && mask 3 = 0 \<Longrightarrow> (do w \<leftarrow> loadWord p; storeWord p w od) = return ()"
apply (rule ext)
by (simp add: loadWord_def storeWord_def bind_def assert_def return_def
by (simp add: loadWord_def storeWord_def bind_def assert_def return_def
modify_def gets_def get_def eval_nat_numeral put_def upto0_7_def
word_rsplit_rcat_size word_size)
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ consts'
configureTimer :: "irq machine_monad"
"configureTimer \<equiv> do
"configureTimer \<equiv> do
machine_op_lift configureTimer_impl;
gets configureTimer_val
@ -142,10 +142,10 @@ where
-- "Interrupt controller operations"
text {*
text {*
@{term getActiveIRQ} is now derministic.
It 'updates' the irq state to the reflect the passage of
time since last the irq was gotten, then it gets the active
time since last the irq was gotten, then it gets the active
IRQ (if there is one).
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ where
maskInterrupt :: "bool \<Rightarrow> irq \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
"maskInterrupt m irq \<equiv>
"maskInterrupt m irq \<equiv>
modify (\<lambda>s. s \<lparr> irq_masks := (irq_masks s) (irq := m) \<rparr>)"
text {* Does nothing on imx31 *}
@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ definition
clearMemory :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
"clearMemory ptr bytelength \<equiv> mapM_x (\<lambda>p. storeWord p 0) [ptr, ptr + word_size .e. ptr + (of_nat bytelength) - 1]"
clearMemoryVM :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
@ -221,35 +221,34 @@ type_synonym user_context = "register \<Rightarrow> machine_word"
type_synonym 'a user_monad = "(user_context, 'a) nondet_monad"
getRegister :: "register \<Rightarrow> machine_word user_monad"
getRegister :: "register \<Rightarrow> machine_word user_monad"
"getRegister r \<equiv> gets (\<lambda>uc. uc r)"
setRegister :: "register \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit user_monad"
setRegister :: "register \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit user_monad"
"setRegister r v \<equiv> modify (\<lambda>uc. uc (r := v))"
"getRestartPC \<equiv> getRegister FaultInstruction"
"getRestartPC \<equiv> getRegister FaultInstruction"
"setNextPC \<equiv> setRegister NextIP"
initL2Cache_impl :: "unit machine_rest_monad"
initL2Cache :: "unit machine_monad"
where "initL2Cache \<equiv> machine_op_lift initL2Cache_impl"
definition getCurrentCR3 :: "Platform.X64.cr3 machine_monad"
writeCR3_impl :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit machine_rest_monad"
definition writeCR3 :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
"getCurrentCR3 \<equiv> undefined"
definition setCurrentCR3 :: "Platform.X64.cr3 \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
"setCurrentCR3 \<equiv> undefined"
"writeCR3 vspace pcid \<equiv> machine_op_lift (writeCR3_impl vspace pcid)"
mfence_impl :: "unit machine_rest_monad"
@ -266,15 +265,24 @@ where
"invalidateTLBEntry vptr \<equiv> machine_op_lift (invalidateTLBEntry_impl vptr)"
invalidatePageStructureCache_impl :: "unit machine_rest_monad"
invalidateTranslationSingleASID_impl :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit machine_rest_monad"
invalidatePageStructureCache :: "unit machine_monad" where
"invalidatePageStructureCache \<equiv> machine_op_lift invalidatePageStructureCache_impl"
invalidateTranslationSingleASID :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
"invalidateTranslationSingleASID vptr asid \<equiv> machine_op_lift (invalidateTranslationSingleASID_impl vptr asid)"
invalidateASID_impl :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit machine_rest_monad"
invalidateASID :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
"invalidateASID vspace asid \<equiv> machine_op_lift (invalidateASID_impl vspace asid)"
resetCR3_impl :: "unit machine_rest_monad"
resetCR3 :: "unit machine_monad" where
"resetCR3 \<equiv> machine_op_lift resetCR3_impl "
@ -291,12 +299,10 @@ where
"numIODomainIDBits \<equiv> undefined"
hwASIDInvalidate_impl :: "word64 \<Rightarrow> unit machine_rest_monad"
hwASIDInvalidate :: "word64 \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
hwASIDInvalidate :: "word64 \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> unit machine_monad"
"hwASIDInvalidate asid \<equiv> machine_op_lift (hwASIDInvalidate_impl asid)"
"hwASIDInvalidate \<equiv> invalidateASID"
@ -346,10 +352,10 @@ ioapicMapPinToVector :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> m
"ioapicMapPinToVector ioapic pin level polarity vector \<equiv> machine_op_lift (ioapicMapPinToVector_impl ioapic pin level polarity vector)"
datatype X64IRQState =
datatype X64IRQState =
| IRQReserved
(MSIBus : machine_word)
(MSIDev : machine_word)
(MSIFunc : machine_word)
@ -360,7 +366,7 @@ datatype X64IRQState =
(IRQLevel : machine_word)
(IRQPolarity : machine_word)
(IRQMasked : bool)
updateIRQState_impl :: "irq \<Rightarrow> X64IRQState \<Rightarrow> unit machine_rest_monad"

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@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ definition
maxIRQ :: "irq" where
"maxIRQ \<equiv> 63"
datatype cr3 = X64CR3 word64 word64
datatype cr3 = X64CR3 word64 (*pml4*) word64 (*asid*)
primrec CR3BaseAddress where
"CR3BaseAddress (X64CR3 v0 _) = v0"