arm-hyp refine: (Fix) Correctly defining setCurrentPD

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Alejandro Gomez-Londono 2017-04-05 18:04:31 +10:00 committed by Alejandro Gomez-Londono
parent cab9f2880b
commit b96877f244
1 changed files with 15 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -663,10 +663,6 @@ lemma find_pd_for_asid_pd_at_asid_again:
apply clarsimp+
lemmas setCurrentPD_no_fails = no_fail_dsb no_fail_isb no_fail_writeTTBR0
lemmas setCurrentPD_no_irqs = no_irq_dsb no_irq_isb no_irq_writeTTBR0
(* TODO: move? *)
lemma corres_add_noop_rhs:
"corres_underlying sr nf nf' r P P' g (return () >>= (\<lambda>_. f))
@ -995,19 +991,18 @@ lemma vcpuSwitch_corres' : "corres dc (\<lambda>s. (vcpu \<noteq> None \<longrig
apply (rule aligned_distinct_relation_vcpu_atI'; assumption)
lemma no_fail_setCurrentPDPL2: "no_fail \<top> (setCurrentPDPL2 w)"
by (simp add: set_current_pd_def setCurrentPDPL2_def)
lemma setCurrentPD_corres:
"addr = addr' \<Longrightarrow> corres dc \<top> \<top> (do_machine_op (setCurrentPD addr)) (doMachineOp (setCurrentPD addr'))"
apply (simp add: setCurrentPD_def)
"addr = addr' \<Longrightarrow> corres dc \<top> \<top> (do_machine_op (set_current_pd addr)) (doMachineOp (setCurrentPD addr'))"
apply (simp add: setCurrentPD_def set_current_pd_def)
apply (rule corres_machine_op)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split_eqr)
apply (rule corres_split_eqr)
apply (rule corres_rel_imp)
apply (wp
| rule corres_underlying_trivial
| rule setCurrentPD_no_fails
| rule setCurrentPD_no_irqs
| simp add: dc_def)+
apply (rule corres_rel_imp)
apply (rule corres_underlying_trivial)
apply (rule no_fail_setCurrentPDPL2)
apply simp+
crunch tcb_at'[wp]: armv_contextSwitch "tcb_at' t"
@ -1044,7 +1039,7 @@ proof -
have Q: "\<And>P P'. corres dc P P'
(throwError ExceptionTypes_A.lookup_failure.InvalidRoot <catch>
(\<lambda>_. do global_us_pd \<leftarrow> gets (arm_us_global_pd \<circ> arch_state);
do_machine_op $ setCurrentPD $ addrFromPPtr global_us_pd
do_machine_op $ set_current_pd $ addrFromPPtr global_us_pd
(throwError Fault_H.lookup_failure.InvalidRoot <catch>
(\<lambda>_ . do globalPD \<leftarrow> gets (armUSGlobalPD \<circ> ksArchState);
@ -3345,6 +3340,9 @@ lemma armv_contextSwitch_invs_no_cicd':
apply (clarsimp simp: machine_op_lift_def machine_rest_lift_def split_def armv_ctxt_sw_defs | wp)+
lemma no_irq_setCurrentPD: "no_irq (setCurrentPD addr)"
by (simp add: setCurrentPD_def setCurrentPDPL2_def)
lemma dmo_setCurrentPD_invs'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> doMachineOp (setCurrentPD addr) \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (wp dmo_invs' no_irq_setCurrentPD no_irq)
@ -3352,7 +3350,7 @@ lemma dmo_setCurrentPD_invs'[wp]:
apply (drule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ m'. underlying_memory m' p = underlying_memory m p"
in use_valid)
apply (clarsimp simp: setCurrentPD_def machine_op_lift_def writeTTBR0_def dsb_def isb_def
machine_rest_lift_def split_def | wp)+
setCurrentPDPL2_def machine_rest_lift_def split_def | wp)+
lemma dmo_setCurrentPD_invs_no_cicd':
@ -3362,7 +3360,7 @@ lemma dmo_setCurrentPD_invs_no_cicd':
apply (drule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ m'. underlying_memory m' p = underlying_memory m p"
in use_valid)
apply (clarsimp simp: setCurrentPD_def machine_op_lift_def writeTTBR0_def dsb_def isb_def
machine_rest_lift_def split_def | wp)+
machine_rest_lift_def split_def setCurrentPDPL2_def| wp)+
lemma dmo_writeContextIDAndPD_invs'[wp]: