x64: haskell: remove VMWriteOnly

This commit is contained in:
Joel Beeren 2017-03-23 16:48:20 +11:00
parent e6fcfaf476
commit b9e7e99e8e
4 changed files with 10 additions and 23 deletions

View File

@ -28,7 +28,6 @@ datatype vmrights =
| VMReadOnly
| VMReadWrite
| VMWriteOnly
datatype pml4e =
@ -686,9 +685,8 @@ definition
vmRightsToBits :: "vmrights \<Rightarrow> machine_word"
"vmRightsToBits x0\<equiv> (case x0 of
VMKernelOnly \<Rightarrow> 0x0
VMKernelOnly \<Rightarrow> 0x01
| VMReadOnly \<Rightarrow> 0x10
| VMWriteOnly \<Rightarrow> 0x01
| VMReadWrite \<Rightarrow> 0x11
@ -699,7 +697,6 @@ where
VMKernelOnly \<Rightarrow> False
| VMReadOnly \<Rightarrow> False
| VMReadWrite \<Rightarrow> True
| VMWriteOnly \<Rightarrow> True
@ -707,9 +704,8 @@ allowRead :: "vmrights \<Rightarrow> bool"
"allowRead x0\<equiv> (case x0 of
VMKernelOnly \<Rightarrow> False
| VMReadOnly \<Rightarrow> False
| VMReadOnly \<Rightarrow> True
| VMReadWrite \<Rightarrow> True
| VMWriteOnly \<Rightarrow> False
@ -718,8 +714,7 @@ where
"getVMRights x0 x1\<equiv> (case (x0, x1) of
(True, True) \<Rightarrow> VMReadWrite
| (True, False) \<Rightarrow> VMReadOnly
| (False, True) \<Rightarrow> VMWriteOnly
| (False, False) \<Rightarrow> VMKernelOnly
| (_, _) \<Rightarrow> VMKernelOnly

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@ -1,15 +1,11 @@
Built from git repo at /home/joelb/work/verification/l4v/spec/haskell by joelb
Generated from changeset:
263ebe9 x64: s/ARM/X64/g proof/refine/X64/*.thy
e6fcfaf x64: refine: ArchAcc_R done
Warning - uncomitted changes used:
M ../../proof/refine/X64/ArchAcc_R.thy
M ../../proof/refine/X64/Invariants_H.thy
M ../../proof/refine/X64/StateRelation.thy
M ../design/X64/Hardware_H.thy
M ../design/skel/X64/Hardware_H.thy
M ../../proof/refine/X64/CSpace_I.thy
M ../design/version
M ../../tools/haskell-translator/caseconvs
M src/SEL4/Machine/Hardware/X64.lhs
M ../../tools/haskell-translator/make_spec.sh

View File

@ -530,32 +530,27 @@ Page entries -- any of PTEs, PDEs or PDPTEs.
> = VMKernelOnly
> | VMReadOnly
> | VMReadWrite
> | VMWriteOnly
> deriving (Show, Eq)
> vmRightsToBits :: VMRights -> Word
> vmRightsToBits VMKernelOnly = 0x0
> vmRightsToBits VMKernelOnly = 0x01
> vmRightsToBits VMReadOnly = 0x10
> vmRightsToBits VMWriteOnly = 0x01
> vmRightsToBits VMReadWrite = 0x11
> allowWrite :: VMRights -> Bool
> allowWrite VMKernelOnly = False
> allowWrite VMReadOnly = False
> allowWrite VMReadWrite = True
> allowWrite VMWriteOnly = True
> allowRead :: VMRights -> Bool
> allowRead VMKernelOnly = False
> allowRead VMReadOnly = False
> allowRead VMReadOnly = True
> allowRead VMReadWrite = True
> allowRead VMWriteOnly = False
> getVMRights :: Bool -> Bool -> VMRights
> getVMRights True True = VMReadWrite
> getVMRights True False = VMReadOnly
> getVMRights False True = VMWriteOnly
> getVMRights False False = VMKernelOnly
> getVMRights _ _ = VMKernelOnly
> vmRightsFromBits :: Word -> VMRights
> vmRightsFromBits rw = getVMRights (testBit rw 1) (testBit rw 0)

View File

@ -223,6 +223,7 @@ Deletion of a final capability to a page table that has been mapped requires tha
> isPhysicalCap :: ArchCapability -> Bool
> isPhysicalCap ASIDControlCap = False
> isPhysicalCap (IOPortCap _ _) = False
> isPhysicalCap _ = True
> sameObjectAs :: ArchCapability -> ArchCapability -> Bool