WIP: autocorres: VER-517 prototype for heap lifting

Heap lifting is annoying because we need to join all intermediate L2 results
before defining the lifted heap and proving heap lemmas.
This has been refactored into a new prepare_heap_lift stage that runs between
L2 conversion and HL proper.
This commit is contained in:
Japheth Lim 2016-06-20 18:51:58 +10:00
parent 08c3475a09
commit bbf889882e
6 changed files with 1034 additions and 20 deletions

View File

@ -130,6 +130,7 @@ ML_file "autocorres_data.ML"
ML_file "statistics.ML"
ML_file "program_info.ML"
ML_file "function_info.ML"
ML_file "function_info2.ML"
ML_file "prog.ML"
ML_file "autocorres_util.ML"
ML_file "exception_rewrite.ML"
@ -146,10 +147,10 @@ ML_file "type_strengthen.ML"
ML_file "autocorres.ML"
declare [[ML_print_depth=27]]
ML_file "function_info2.ML"
ML_file "autocorres_util2.ML"
ML_file "simpl_conv2.ML"
ML_file "local_var_extract2.ML"
ML_file "heap_lift2.ML"
ML_file "word_abstract2.ML"
ML_file "type_strengthen2.ML"

View File

@ -586,14 +586,17 @@ let
(* Use basic_fn_info so that our generated heap will work for all functions,
* even if the user selected a subset for this run *)
NONE => let val (heap_info, lthy) =
HeapLiftBase.setup prog_info basic_fn_info
HeapLiftBase.setup prog_info (FunctionInfo2.init_function_info lthy filename)
make_lifted_globals_field_name gen_word_heaps lthy
(* Save the heap info to the theory data. *)
val lthy = Local_Theory.background_theory (
HeapInfo.map (fn tbl =>
Symtab.update (filename, heap_info) tbl)) lthy
let val HL_setup = {heap_info = heap_info,
lifted_heap_lemmas = [],
heap_syntax_rewrs = []};
in Symtab.update (filename, HL_setup) tbl end)) lthy
in (heap_info, lthy) end
| SOME heap_info => (heap_info, lthy)
| SOME HL_setup => (#heap_info HL_setup, lthy)
in HeapLift.system_heap_lift filename prog_info fn_info heap_info
no_heap_abs force_heap_abs
heap_abs_syntax keep_going

View File

@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
* Rewrite L2 specifications to use a higher-level ("lifted") heap representation.
structure HeapLift2 =
(* Convenience shortcuts. *)
val warning = Utils.ac_warning
val apply_tac = Utils.apply_tac
val the' = Utils.the'
(* Print the current goal state then fail hard. *)
exception ProofFailed of string
fun fail_tac ctxt s = (print_tac ctxt s THEN (fn _ => Seq.single (raise (ProofFailed s))))
type heap_info = HeapLiftBase.heap_info
(* Return the function for fetching an object of a particular type. *)
fun get_heap_getter (heap_info : heap_info) T =
case Typtab.lookup (#heap_getters heap_info) T of
SOME x => Const x
| NONE => Utils.invalid_typ "heap type for getter" T
(* Return the function for updating an object of a particular type. *)
fun get_heap_setter (heap_info : heap_info) T =
case Typtab.lookup (#heap_setters heap_info) T of
SOME x => Const x
| NONE => Utils.invalid_typ "heap type for setter" T
(* Return the function for determining if a given pointer is valid for a type. *)
fun get_heap_valid_getter (heap_info : heap_info) T =
case Typtab.lookup (#heap_valid_getters heap_info) T of
SOME x => Const x
| NONE => Utils.invalid_typ "heap type for valid getter" T
(* Return the function for updating if a given pointer is valid for a type. *)
fun get_heap_valid_setter (heap_info : heap_info) T =
case Typtab.lookup (#heap_valid_setters heap_info) T of
SOME x => Const x
| NONE => Utils.invalid_typ "heap type for valid setter" T
(* Return the heap type used by a function. *)
fun get_expected_fn_state_type heap_info is_function_lifted fn_name =
if is_function_lifted fn_name then
#globals_type heap_info
#old_globals_type heap_info
(* Get a state translation function for the given function. *)
fun get_expected_st heap_info is_function_lifted fn_name =
if is_function_lifted fn_name then
(#lift_fn_full heap_info)
@{mk_term "id :: ?'a => ?'a" ('a)} (#old_globals_type heap_info)
(* Get the expected type of a function from its name. *)
fun get_expected_hl_fn_type prog_info l2_infos (heap_info : HeapLiftBase.heap_info)
is_function_lifted fn_name =
val fn_def = the (Symtab.lookup l2_infos fn_name)
val fn_params_typ = map snd (#args fn_def)
(* Fill in the measure argument and return type *)
val globals_typ = get_expected_fn_state_type heap_info is_function_lifted fn_name
val fn_ret_typ = #return_type fn_def
val measure_typ = @{typ "nat"}
val fn_typ = (measure_typ :: fn_params_typ)
---> LocalVarExtract.mk_l2monadT globals_typ fn_ret_typ @{typ unit}
(* Get the expected theorem that will be generated about a function. *)
fun get_expected_hl_fn_thm prog_info l2_infos (heap_info : HeapLiftBase.heap_info)
is_function_lifted ctxt fn_name function_free fn_args _ measure_var =
(* Get L2 const *)
val l2_def = the (Symtab.lookup l2_infos fn_name)
val l2_term = betapplys (#const l2_def, measure_var :: fn_args)
(* Get expected HL const. *)
val hl_term = betapplys (function_free, measure_var :: fn_args)
@{mk_term "Trueprop (L2Tcorres ?st ?A ?C)" (st, A, C)}
(get_expected_st heap_info is_function_lifted fn_name, hl_term, l2_term)
(* Get arguments passed into the function. *)
fun get_expected_hl_fn_args prog_info l2_infos fn_name =
#args (the (Symtab.lookup l2_infos fn_name))
* Guess whether a function can be lifted.
* For example, we probably can't lift functions that introspect the heap-type
* data "hrs_htd".
fun can_lift_function lthy prog_info fn_info =
val t = #definition fn_info |> Thm.prop_of |> Utils.rhs_of
(* Determine if everything in term "t" appears valid for lifting. *)
val bad_consts = [@{const_name hrs_htd}, @{const_name hrs_htd_update}, @{const_name ptr_retyp}]
fun term_contains_const_name c t =
exists_Const (fn (const_name, _) => c = const_name) t
not (exists (fn c => term_contains_const_name c t) bad_consts)
* Convert a cterm from the format "f a (b n) c" into "((f $ a) $ (b $ n)) $ c".
* Return a "thm" of the form "old = new".
fun mk_first_order ctxt ct =
fun expand_conv ct =
Utils.named_cterm_instantiate ctxt
[("a", Thm.dest_fun ct),("b", Thm.dest_arg ct)] @{lemma "a b == (a $ b)" by simp}
Conv.bottom_conv (K (Conv.try_conv expand_conv)) ctxt ct
(* The opposite to "mk_first_order" *)
fun dest_first_order ctxt ct =
Conv.bottom_conv (K (Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv
@{lemma "(op $) == (%a b. a b)" by (rule meta_ext, rule ext, simp)}))) ctxt ct
* Resolve "base_thm" with "subgoal_thm" in all assumptions it is possible to
* do so.
* Return a tuple: (<new thm>, <a change was made>).
fun greedy_thm_instantiate base_thm subgoal_thm =
val asms = Thm.prop_of base_thm |> Logic.strip_assums_hyp
fold (fn (i, asm) => fn (thm, change_made) =>
if (Term.could_unify (asm, Thm.concl_of subgoal_thm)) then
(subgoal_thm RSN (i, thm), true) handle (THM _ ) => (thm, change_made)
(thm, change_made)) (tag_list 1 asms) (base_thm, false)
(* Return a list of thm's where "base_thm" has been successfully resolved with
* one of "subgoal_thms". *)
fun instantiate_against_thms base_thm subgoal_thms =
map (greedy_thm_instantiate base_thm) subgoal_thms
|> filter snd
|> map fst
* Modify a list of thms to instantiate assumptions where ever possible.
fun cross_instantiate base_thms subgoal_thm_lists =
fun iterate_base subgoal_thms base_thms =
map (fn thm => (instantiate_against_thms thm subgoal_thms) @ [thm]) base_thms
|> List.concat
fold iterate_base subgoal_thm_lists base_thms
* EXPERIMENTAL: define wrappers and syntax for common heap operations.
* We use the notations "s[p]->r" for {p->r} and "s[p->r := q]" for {p->r = q}.
* For non-fields, "s[p]" and "s[p := q]".
* The wrappers are named like "get_type_field" and "update_type_field".
* Known issues:
* * Every pair of getter/setter and valid/setter lemmas should be generated.
* If you find yourself expanding one of the wrapper definitions, then
* something wasn't generated correctly.
* * On that note, lemmas relating structs and struct fields
* (foo vs foo.field) are not being generated.
* * TODO: this problem appears in Suzuki.thy
* * The syntax looks as terrible as c-parser's. Well, at least you won't need
* to subscript greek letters.
* * Isabelle doesn't like overloaded syntax. Issue VER-412
exception NO_GETTER_SETTER (* Not visible externally *)
(* Define getter/setter and syntax for one struct field.
Returns the getter/setter and their definitions. *)
fun field_syntax (heap_info : HeapLiftBase.heap_info)
(struct_info : HeapLiftBase.struct_info)
(field_info: HeapLiftBase.field_info)
(new_getters, new_setters, lthy) =
fun unsuffix' suffix str = if String.isSuffix suffix str then unsuffix suffix str else str
val struct_pname = unsuffix' "_C" (#name struct_info)
val field_pname = unsuffix' "_C" (#name field_info)
val struct_typ = #struct_type struct_info
val state_var = ("s", #globals_type heap_info)
val ptr_var = ("ptr", Type (@{type_name "ptr"}, [struct_typ]))
val val_var = ("val", #field_type field_info)
val struct_getter = case Typtab.lookup (#heap_getters heap_info) struct_typ of
SOME getter => Const getter
| _ => raise NO_GETTER_SETTER
val struct_setter = case Typtab.lookup (#heap_setters heap_info) struct_typ of
SOME setter => Const setter
| _ => raise NO_GETTER_SETTER
(* We will modify lthy soon, so may not exit with NO_GETTER_SETTER after this point *)
(* Define field accessor function *)
val field_getter_term = @{mk_term "?field_get (?heap_get s ptr)" (heap_get, field_get)}
(struct_getter, #getter field_info)
val new_heap_get_name = "get_" ^ struct_pname ^ "_" ^ field_pname
val (new_heap_get, new_heap_get_thm, lthy) =
Utils.define_const_args new_heap_get_name false field_getter_term
[state_var, ptr_var] lthy
val field_getter = @{mk_term "?get s ptr" (get)} new_heap_get
val field_getter_typ = type_of (fold lambda (rev [Free state_var, Free ptr_var]) field_getter)
(* Define field update function *)
val field_setter_term = @{mk_term "?heap_update (%old. old(ptr := ?field_update (%_. val) (old ptr))) s"
(heap_update, field_update)} (struct_setter, #setter field_info)
val new_heap_update_name = "update_" ^ struct_pname ^ "_" ^ field_pname
val (new_heap_update, new_heap_update_thm, lthy) =
Utils.define_const_args new_heap_update_name false field_setter_term
[state_var, ptr_var, val_var] lthy
val field_setter = @{mk_term "?update s ptr new" (update)} new_heap_update
val field_setter_typ = type_of (fold lambda (rev [Free state_var, Free ptr_var, Free val_var]) field_setter)
val getter_mixfix = Mixfix ("_[_]\<rightarrow>" ^ (Syntax_Ext.escape field_pname), [1000], 1000)
val setter_mixfix = Mixfix ("_[_\<rightarrow>" ^ (Syntax_Ext.escape field_pname) ^ " := _]", [1000], 1000)
val lthy = Specification.notation true Syntax.mode_default [
(new_heap_get, getter_mixfix),
(new_heap_update, setter_mixfix)] lthy
(* The struct_pname returned here must match the type_pname returned in heap_syntax.
* new_heap_update_thm relies on this to determine what kind of thm to generate. *)
val new_getters = Symtab.update_new (new_heap_get_name,
(struct_pname, field_pname, new_heap_get, SOME new_heap_get_thm)) new_getters
val new_setters = Symtab.update_new (new_heap_update_name,
(struct_pname, field_pname, new_heap_update, SOME new_heap_update_thm)) new_setters
(new_getters, new_setters, lthy)
handle NO_GETTER_SETTER => (new_getters, new_setters, lthy)
(* Define syntax for one C type. This also creates new wrappers for heap updates. *)
fun heap_syntax (heap_info : HeapLiftBase.heap_info)
(heap_type : typ)
(new_getters, new_setters, lthy) =
val getter = case Typtab.lookup (#heap_getters heap_info) heap_type of
SOME x => x
| NONE => raise TYPE ("heap_lift/heap_syntax: no getter", [heap_type], [])
val setter = case Typtab.lookup (#heap_setters heap_info) heap_type of
SOME x => x
| NONE => raise TYPE ("heap_lift/heap_syntax: no setter", [heap_type], [])
fun replace_C (#"_" :: #"C" :: xs) = replace_C xs
| replace_C (x :: xs) = x :: replace_C xs
| replace_C [] = []
val type_pname = HeapLiftBase.name_from_type heap_type
|> String.explode |> replace_C |> String.implode
val state_var = ("s", #globals_type heap_info)
val heap_ptr_type = Type (@{type_name "ptr"}, [heap_type])
val ptr_var = ("ptr", heap_ptr_type)
val val_var = ("val", heap_type)
val setter_def = @{mk_term "?heap_update (%old. old(ptr := val)) s" heap_update} (Const setter)
val new_heap_update_name = "update_" ^ type_pname
val (new_heap_update, new_heap_update_thm, lthy) =
Utils.define_const_args new_heap_update_name false setter_def
[state_var, ptr_var, val_var] lthy
val getter_mixfix = Mixfix ("_[_]", [1000], 1000)
val setter_mixfix = Mixfix ("_[_ := _]", [1000], 1000)
val lthy = Specification.notation true Syntax.mode_default
[(Const getter, getter_mixfix), (new_heap_update, setter_mixfix)] lthy
val new_getters = Symtab.update_new (Long_Name.base_name (fst getter), (type_pname, "", Const getter, NONE)) new_getters
val new_setters = Symtab.update_new (new_heap_update_name, (type_pname, "", new_heap_update, SOME new_heap_update_thm)) new_setters
(new_getters, new_setters, lthy)
(* Make all heap syntax and collect the results. *)
fun make_heap_syntax heap_info lthy =
(Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty, lthy)
(* struct fields *)
|> Symtab.fold (fn (_, struct_info) =>
fold (field_syntax heap_info struct_info)
(#field_info struct_info)
) (#structs heap_info)
(* types *)
|> fold (heap_syntax heap_info) (Typtab.keys (#heap_getters heap_info))
(* Prove lemmas for the new getter/setter definitions. *)
fun new_heap_update_thm (getter_type_name, getter_field_name, getter, getter_def)
(setter_type_name, setter_field_name, setter, setter_def)
lthy =
(* TODO: also generate lemmas relating whole-struct updates to field updates *)
if getter_type_name = setter_type_name
andalso not ((getter_field_name = "") = (setter_field_name = "")) then NONE else
let val lhs = @{mk_term "?get (?set s p v)" (get, set)} (getter, setter)
val rhs = if getter_type_name = setter_type_name andalso
getter_field_name = setter_field_name
(* functional update *)
then @{mk_term "(?get s) (p := v)" (get)} getter
(* separation *)
else @{mk_term "?get s" (get)} getter
val prop = @{mk_term "Trueprop (?lhs = ?rhs)" (lhs, rhs)} (lhs, rhs)
val defs = the_list getter_def @ the_list setter_def
val thm = Goal.prove_future lthy ["s", "p", "v"] [] prop
(fn params => (simp_tac ((#context params) addsimps
@{thms ext fun_upd_apply} @ defs) 1))
in SOME thm end
fun new_heap_valid_thm valid_term (_, _, setter, NONE) lthy = NONE
| new_heap_valid_thm valid_term (_, _, setter, SOME setter_def) lthy =
let val prop = @{mk_term "Trueprop (?valid (?set s p v) q = ?valid s q)" (valid, set)}
(Const valid_term, setter)
val thm = Goal.prove_future lthy ["s", "p", "v", "q"] [] prop
(fn params => (simp_tac ((#context params) addsimps
[@{thm fun_upd_apply}, setter_def]) 1))
in SOME thm end
(* Take a definition and eta contract the RHS:
lhs = rhs s ==> (%s. lhs) = rhs
This allows us to rewrite a heap update even if the state is eta contracted away. *)
fun eta_rhs lthy thm = let
val Const (@{const_name "Pure.eq"}, typ) $ lhs $ (rhs $ Var (("s", s_n), s_typ)) = term_of_thm thm
val abs_term = @{mk_term "?a == ?b" (a, b)} (lambda (Var (("s", s_n), s_typ)) lhs, rhs)
val thm' = Goal.prove_future lthy [] [] abs_term
(fn params => simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss (#context params) addsimps thm :: @{thms atomize_eq ext}) 1)
in thm' end
(* Extract the abstract term out of a L2Tcorres thm. *)
fun dest_L2Tcorres_term_abs @{term_pat "L2Tcorres _ ?t _"} = t
fun get_body_of_thm ctxt thm =
Thm.concl_of (Variable.gen_all ctxt thm)
|> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop
|> dest_L2Tcorres_term_abs
(* Generate lifted_globals lemmas and instantiate them into the heap lifting rules. *)
fun lifted_globals_lemmas prog_info heap_info lthy = let
(* Tactic to solve subgoals below. *)
(* Fetch simp rules generated by the C Parser about structures. *)
val struct_simpset = UMM_Proof_Theorems.get (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy)
fun lookup_the t k = case Symtab.lookup t k of SOME x => x | NONE => []
val struct_simps =
(lookup_the struct_simpset "typ_name_simps")
@ (lookup_the struct_simpset "typ_name_itself")
@ (lookup_the struct_simpset "fl_ti_simps")
@ (lookup_the struct_simpset "fl_simps")
@ (lookup_the struct_simpset "fg_cons_simps")
val base_ss = simpset_of @{theory_context HeapLift}
val record_ss = RecordUtils.get_record_simpset lthy
val merged_ss = merge_ss (base_ss, record_ss)
(* Generate a simpset containing everything we need. *)
val ss =
(Context_Position.set_visible false lthy)
|> put_simpset merged_ss
|> (fn ctxt => ctxt
addsimps [#lift_fn_thm heap_info]
@ @{thms typ_simple_heap_simps}
@ @{thms valid_globals_field_def}
@ @{thms the_fun_upd_lemmas}
@ struct_simps)
|> simpset_of
fun subgoal_solver_tac ctxt =
(fast_force_tac (put_simpset ss ctxt) 1)
ORELSE (CHANGED (Method.try_intros_tac ctxt [@{thm conjI}, @{thm ext}] []
THEN clarsimp_tac (put_simpset ss ctxt) 1))
(* Generate "valid_typ_heap" predicates for each heap type we have. *)
fun mk_valid_typ_heap_thm typ =
@{mk_term "Trueprop (valid_typ_heap ?st ?getter ?setter ?valid_getter ?valid_setter ?t_hrs ?t_hrs_update)"
(st, getter, setter, valid_getter, valid_setter, t_hrs, t_hrs_update)}
(#lift_fn_full heap_info,
get_heap_getter heap_info typ,
get_heap_setter heap_info typ,
get_heap_valid_getter heap_info typ,
get_heap_valid_setter heap_info typ,
#t_hrs_getter prog_info,
#t_hrs_setter prog_info)
|> (fn prop => Goal.prove_future lthy [] [] prop
(fn params =>
((resolve_tac lthy @{thms valid_typ_heapI} 1) THEN (
REPEAT (subgoal_solver_tac (#context params))))))
(* Make thms for all types. *)
(* FIXME: these are currently auto-parallelised using prove_future, but perhaps
* we should exercise finer control over the evaluation, as prove_futures
* persist long after the AutoCorres command actually returns. *)
val heap_types = (#heap_getters heap_info |> Typtab.dest |> map fst)
val valid_typ_heap_thms = map mk_valid_typ_heap_thm heap_types
(* Generate "valid_typ_heap" thms for signed words. *)
val valid_typ_heap_thms =
@ (map_product
(fn a => fn b => try (fn _ => a OF [b]) ())
@{thms signed_valid_typ_heaps}
|> map_filter I)
(* Generate "valid_struct_field" for each field of each struct. *)
fun mk_valid_struct_field_thm struct_name typ (field_info : HeapLiftBase.field_info) =
@{mk_term "Trueprop (valid_struct_field ?st [?fname] ?fgetter ?fsetter ?t_hrs ?t_hrs_update)"
(st, fname, fgetter, fsetter, t_hrs, t_hrs_update) }
(#lift_fn_full heap_info,
Utils.encode_isa_string (#name field_info),
#getter field_info,
#setter field_info,
#t_hrs_getter prog_info,
#t_hrs_setter prog_info)
|> (fn prop =>
(* HACK: valid_struct_field currently works only for packed types,
* so typecheck the prop first *)
case try (Syntax.check_term lthy) prop of
SOME _ =>
[Goal.prove_future lthy [] [] prop
(fn params =>
(resolve_tac lthy @{thms valid_struct_fieldI} 1) THEN
(* Need some extra thms from the records package for our struct type. *)
(EqSubst.eqsubst_tac lthy [0]
[hd (Proof_Context.get_thms lthy (struct_name ^ "_idupdates")) RS @{thm sym}] 1
THEN asm_full_simp_tac lthy 1) THEN
(FIRST (Proof_Context.get_thms lthy (struct_name ^ "_fold_congs")
|> map (fn t => resolve_tac lthy [t OF @{thms refl refl}] 1))
THEN asm_full_simp_tac lthy 1) THEN
(REPEAT (subgoal_solver_tac (#context params))))]
| NONE => [])
(* Generate "valid_struct_field_legacy" for each field of each struct. *)
fun mk_valid_struct_field_legacy_thm typ (field_info : HeapLiftBase.field_info) =
@{mk_term "Trueprop (valid_struct_field_legacy ?st [?fname] ?fgetter (%v. ?fsetter (%_. v)) ?getter ?setter ?valid_getter ?valid_setter ?t_hrs ?t_hrs_update)"
(st, fname, fgetter, fsetter, getter, setter, valid_getter, valid_setter, t_hrs, t_hrs_update) }
(#lift_fn_full heap_info,
Utils.encode_isa_string (#name field_info),
#getter field_info,
#setter field_info,
get_heap_getter heap_info typ,
get_heap_setter heap_info typ,
get_heap_valid_getter heap_info typ,
get_heap_valid_setter heap_info typ,
#t_hrs_getter prog_info,
#t_hrs_setter prog_info)
|> (fn prop => Goal.prove_future lthy [] [] prop
(fn params =>
(resolve_tac lthy @{thms valid_struct_field_legacyI} 1) THEN (
REPEAT (subgoal_solver_tac (#context params)))))
(* Make thms for all fields of structs in our heap. *)
fun valid_struct_abs_thms T =
case (Typtab.lookup (#struct_types heap_info) T) of
NONE => []
| SOME struct_info =>
map (fn field =>
mk_valid_struct_field_thm (#name struct_info) T field
@ [mk_valid_struct_field_legacy_thm T field])
(#field_info struct_info)
|> List.concat
val valid_field_thms =
map valid_struct_abs_thms heap_types |> List.concat
(* Generate conversions from globals embedded directly in the "globals" and
* "lifted_globals" record. *)
fun mk_valid_globals_field_thm name =
@{mk_term "Trueprop (valid_globals_field ?st ?old_get ?old_set ?new_get ?new_set)"
(st, old_get, old_set, new_get, new_set)}
(#lift_fn_full heap_info,
Symtab.lookup (#global_field_getters heap_info) name |> the |> fst,
Symtab.lookup (#global_field_setters heap_info) name |> the |> fst,
Symtab.lookup (#global_field_getters heap_info) name |> the |> snd,
Symtab.lookup (#global_field_setters heap_info) name |> the |> snd)
|> (fn prop => Goal.prove_future lthy [] [] prop (fn params => subgoal_solver_tac (#context params)))
val valid_global_field_thms = map (#1 #> mk_valid_globals_field_thm) (#global_fields heap_info)
(* At this point, the lemmas are ready to be instantiated into the generic
* heap_abs rules (which will be fetched from the most recent lthy). *)
[ valid_typ_heap_thms, valid_field_thms, valid_global_field_thms ]
* Prepare for the heap lifting phase.
* We need to:
* - define a lifted_globals type
* - prove generic heap lifting lemmas for the lifted_globals type
* - define heap syntax and rewrite rules (if heap_abs_syntax is set)
* - store these new results into the HeapInfo theory data
* Note that because we are adding definitions that are required by all
* conversions, we need to wait for all previous L2 conversions to finish,
* limiting parallelism somewhat. This requires us to modify l2_results by
* updating its intermediate lthys.
* These results are cached in the local theory, so we attempt to fetch an
* existing definition (in the case that we are resuming a previous run).
* In this scenario, we don't have to modify l2_results.
fun prepare_heap_lift
(filename : string)
(prog_info : ProgramInfo.prog_info)
(l2_results : (symset * (local_theory * FunctionInfo2.function_info Symtab.table) future) list)
(* An initial lthy, used to check for an existing heap_lift_setup.
* Also used as fallback target in the unlikely case where l2_results = [] *)
(lthy0 : local_theory)
(* Settings *)
(make_lifted_globals_field_name : string -> string)
(gen_word_heaps : bool)
(heap_abs_syntax : bool)
: ((symset * (local_theory * FunctionInfo2.function_info Symtab.table) future) list
* HeapLiftBase.heap_lift_setup) =
(* Get target lthy for adding new definitions.
* This is the most recent l2_results lthy, except if there are no results,
* in which case the fallback lthy is used. *)
fun get_target_lthy [] NONE = lthy0
| get_target_lthy [] (SOME target_lthy) = target_lthy
| get_target_lthy l2_results _ = fst (Future.join (snd (hd (rev l2_results))));
fun update_results lthy = map (apsnd (Future.map (fn (_, f_infos) => (lthy, f_infos))));
(* Set up heap_info and associated lemmas *)
val (l2_results, HL_setup, fallback_lthy) =
case Symtab.lookup (HeapInfo.get (Proof_Context.theory_of lthy0)) filename of
SOME HL_setup => (l2_results, HL_setup, NONE)
| NONE => let
val lthy = get_target_lthy l2_results NONE;
(* We define the lifted heap for all functions in the program, even if they are
* not included in this translation. This allows heap lifting to work with
* incremental translations. *)
val fn_infos0 = (FunctionInfo2.init_function_info lthy filename);
val (heap_info, lthy) = HeapLiftBase.setup prog_info fn_infos0
make_lifted_globals_field_name gen_word_heaps lthy;
val lifted_heap_lemmas = lifted_globals_lemmas prog_info heap_info lthy;
val HL_setup = { heap_info = heap_info,
lifted_heap_lemmas = lifted_heap_lemmas,
heap_syntax_rewrs = [] };
val lthy = Local_Theory.background_theory (
HeapInfo.map (fn tbl => Symtab.update (filename, HL_setup) tbl)) lthy;
in (update_results lthy l2_results, HL_setup, SOME lthy) end;
(* Do some extra lifting and create syntax (see field_syntax comment).
* We do this separately because heap_abs_syntax could be enabled halfway
* through an incremental translation. *)
val (l2_results, HL_setup, fallback_lthy) =
if not heap_abs_syntax orelse not (null (#heap_syntax_rewrs HL_setup))
then (l2_results, HL_setup, fallback_lthy)
let val lthy = get_target_lthy l2_results fallback_lthy;
val (heap_syntax_rewrs, lthy) =
Utils.exec_background_result (fn lthy => let
val optcat = List.mapPartial I
val heap_info = #heap_info HL_setup
(* Define the new heap operations and their syntax. *)
val (new_getters, new_setters, lthy) =
make_heap_syntax heap_info lthy
(* Make simplification thms and add them to the simpset. *)
val update_thms = map (fn get => map (fn set => new_heap_update_thm get set lthy)
(Symtab.dest new_setters |> map snd))
(Symtab.dest new_getters |> map snd)
|> List.concat
val valid_thms = map (fn valid => map (fn set => new_heap_valid_thm valid set lthy)
(Symtab.dest new_setters |> map snd))
(Typtab.dest (#heap_valid_getters heap_info) |> map snd)
|> List.concat
val thms = update_thms @ valid_thms |> optcat
val lthy = Utils.simp_add thms lthy
(* Name the thms. (FIXME: do this elsewhere?) *)
val (_, lthy) = Utils.define_lemmas "heap_abs_simps" thms lthy
(* Rewrite rules for converting the program. *)
val getter_thms = Symtab.dest new_getters |> map (#4 o snd) |> optcat
val setter_thms = Symtab.dest new_setters |> map (#4 o snd) |> optcat
val eta_setter_thms = map (eta_rhs lthy) setter_thms
val rewrite_thms = map (fn thm => @{thm symmetric} OF [thm])
(getter_thms @ eta_setter_thms)
in (rewrite_thms, lthy) end) lthy;
val HL_setup = { heap_info = #heap_info HL_setup,
lifted_heap_lemmas = #lifted_heap_lemmas HL_setup,
heap_syntax_rewrs = heap_syntax_rewrs };
val lthy = Local_Theory.background_theory (
HeapInfo.map (fn tbl => Symtab.update (filename, HL_setup) tbl)) lthy;
in (update_results lthy l2_results, HL_setup, SOME lthy) end;
in (l2_results, HL_setup) end;
(* Convert a program to use a lifted heap. *)
fun system_heap_lift
(filename : string)
(prog_info : ProgramInfo.prog_info)
(l2_results: (symset * (local_theory * FunctionInfo2.function_info Symtab.table) future) list)
(HL_setup : HeapLiftBase.heap_lift_setup)
(no_heap_abs : Symset.key Symset.set)
(force_heap_abs : Symset.key Symset.set)
(heap_abs_syntax : bool)
(keep_going : bool)
(trace_funcs : string list)
(do_opt : bool)
(trace_opt : bool)
(hl_function_name : string -> string)
(* lthy for conversion rules. This needs to be (at latest) the earliest lthy
* result so that the rules can be used in all conversions *)
val lthy0 = fst (Future.join (snd (hd l2_results)));
val heap_info = #heap_info HL_setup;
* Fetch rules from the theory, instantiating any rule with the
* lifted_globals lemmas for "valid_globals_field", "valid_typ_heap" etc.
* that we generated previously.
val base_rules = Utils.get_rules lthy0 @{named_theorems heap_abs}
val rules =
cross_instantiate base_rules (#lifted_heap_lemmas HL_setup)
(* Remove rules that haven't been fully instantiated *)
|> filter_out (Thm.prop_of #> exists_subterm (fn x =>
case x of Const (@{const_name "valid_globals_field"}, _) => true
| Const (@{const_name "valid_struct_field"}, _) => true
| Const (@{const_name "valid_struct_field_legacy"}, _) => true
| Const (@{const_name "valid_typ_heap"}, _) => true
| _ => false));
(* We only use this blanket rule for non-lifted functions;
* liftable functions can be handled by struct_rewrite rules *)
val nolift_rules = @{thms struct_rewrite_expr_id}
(* Results for individual functions *)
val l2_results' = maps (fn (f_names, r) =>
Symset.dest f_names ~~ replicate (Symset.card f_names) r) l2_results;
val get_l2_result = let
val table = Symtab.make l2_results';
in fn f => the' ("HL: missing lazy result for function: " ^ f) (Symtab.lookup table f) end;
(* Cache answers for which functions we are lifting. *)
val all_functions = maps (Symset.dest o fst) l2_results;
val is_function_lifted = all_functions |> map (fn f_name => Future.fork (fn () => let
val (lthy, f_infos) = Future.join (get_l2_result f_name);
val can_lift =
if can_lift_function lthy prog_info (the (Symtab.lookup f_infos f_name))
then not (Symset.contains no_heap_abs f_name)
else if Symset.contains force_heap_abs f_name
then true
else (* Report functions that we're not lifting,
* but not if the user has overridden explicitly *)
(if Symset.contains no_heap_abs f_name then () else
writeln ("HL: disabling heap lift for: " ^ f_name ^
" (use force_heap_abs to enable)");
in can_lift end));
val is_function_lifted = let
val cached = Symtab.make (all_functions ~~ is_function_lifted);
in fn f => Future.join (the (Symtab.lookup cached f)) end;
(* Convert to new heap format. *)
fun convert f =
(* Info for f and its callees *)
val (lthy, f_l2_infos) = Future.join (get_l2_result f);
val callee_l2_infos = Symset.dest (FunctionInfo2.all_callees (the (Symtab.lookup f_l2_infos f)))
|> map (fn callee => snd (Future.join (get_l2_result callee)));
val l2_infos = LocalVarExtract2.symtab_merge true (f_l2_infos :: callee_l2_infos);
val old_f_info = the (Symtab.lookup l2_infos f);
(* Fix measure variable. *)
val ([measure_var_name], lthy) = Variable.variant_fixes ["rec_measure'"] lthy;
val measure_var = Free (measure_var_name, LocalVarExtract2.measureT);
(* Fix argument variables. *)
val new_fn_args = get_expected_hl_fn_args prog_info l2_infos f;
val (arg_names, lthy) = Variable.variant_fixes (map fst new_fn_args) lthy;
val arg_frees = map Free (arg_names ~~ map snd new_fn_args);
val (lthy, export_thm, callee_terms) =
AutoCorresUtil2.assume_called_functions_corres lthy
(#callees old_f_info) (#rec_callees old_f_info)
(get_expected_hl_fn_type prog_info l2_infos heap_info is_function_lifted)
(get_expected_hl_fn_thm prog_info l2_infos heap_info is_function_lifted)
(get_expected_hl_fn_args prog_info l2_infos)
(* Fetch the function definition. *)
val l2_body_def =
#definition old_f_info
(* Instantiate the arguments. *)
|> Utils.inst_args lthy (map (Thm.cterm_of lthy) (measure_var :: arg_frees))
(* Get L2 body definition with function arguments. *)
val l2_term = betapplys (#const old_f_info, measure_var :: arg_frees)
(* Get our state translation function. *)
val st = get_expected_st heap_info is_function_lifted f
(* Generate a schematic goal. *)
val goal = @{mk_term "Trueprop (L2Tcorres ?st ?A ?C)" (st, C)}
(st, l2_term)
|> Thm.cterm_of lthy
|> Goal.init
|> Utils.apply_tac "unfold RHS" (EqSubst.eqsubst_tac lthy [0] [l2_body_def] 1)
val callee_mono_thms =
callee_terms |> map fst
|> List.mapPartial (fn callee =>
if FunctionInfo2.is_function_recursive (the (Symtab.lookup l2_infos callee))
then #mono_thm (the (Symtab.lookup l2_infos callee))
else NONE)
val rules = rules @ (map (snd #> #3) callee_terms) @ callee_mono_thms
val rules = if is_function_lifted f then rules else rules @ nolift_rules
val fo_rules = Utils.get_rules lthy @{named_theorems heap_abs_fo}
(* Apply a conversion to the concrete side of the given L2T term.
* By convention, the concrete side is the last argument (index ~1). *)
fun l2t_conc_body_conv conv =
Conv.params_conv (~1) (K (Conv.arg_conv (Utils.nth_arg_conv (~1) conv)))
(* Standard tactics. *)
val print_debug = f = ""
fun rtac_all r n = (APPEND_LIST (map (fn thm =>
resolve_tac lthy [thm] n THEN (fn x =>
(if print_debug then @{trace} thm else ();
Seq.succeed x))) r))
fun print1_tac label t =
(@{trace} (
label ^ ": subgoal 1 of " ^ Int.toString (Logic.count_prems (term_of_thm t)),
Logic.get_goal (term_of_thm t) 1 |> Thm.cterm_of lthy);
all_tac t)
(* Convert the concrete side of the given L2T term to/from first-order form. *)
val l2t_to_fo_tac = CONVERSION (Drule.beta_eta_conversion then_conv l2t_conc_body_conv (mk_first_order lthy) lthy)
val l2t_from_fo_tac = CONVERSION (l2t_conc_body_conv (dest_first_order lthy then_conv Drule.beta_eta_conversion) lthy)
val fo_tac = ((l2t_to_fo_tac THEN' rtac_all fo_rules) THEN_ALL_NEW l2t_from_fo_tac) 1
(* If debugging enabled, print goal states when we backtrack. *)
val error_printed = ref 0
fun print_n_tac printed_ref t =
(if false orelse (!printed_ref >= ML_Options.get_print_depth ()) then
(printed_ref := (!printed_ref) + 1; print_tac lthy "Error solving subgoal")) t
* Recursively solve subgoals.
* We allow backtracking in order to solve a particular subgoal, but once a
* subgoal is completed we don't ever try to solve it in a different way.
* This allows us to try different approaches to solving subgoals without
* leading to exponential explosion (of many different combinations of
* "good solutions") once we hit an unsolvable subgoal.
fun solve_tac n =
(if print_debug then print1_tac f else all_tac) THEN
((K (CHANGED ((rtac_all rules 1) APPEND (fo_tac)))) THEN_ALL_NEW solve_tac) 1))
ORELSE (print_n_tac error_printed THEN no_tac))
val tactics =
if #is_simpl_wrapper old_f_info
then (* Solver for trivial simpl wrappers. *)
[(@{thm L2Tcorres_id}, resolve_tac lthy [@{thm L2Tcorres_id}] 1)]
else map (fn rule => (rule, resolve_tac lthy [rule] 1)) rules
@ [(@{thm fun_app_def}, fo_tac)]
val _ = @{trace} ("HL checkpoint 1", f)
val replay_failure_start = 1
val replay_failures = Unsynchronized.ref replay_failure_start
val (thm, trace) =
case AutoCorresTrace.maybe_trace_solve_tac lthy (member (op =) trace_funcs f)
true false (K tactics) goal NONE replay_failures of
NONE => (* intentionally generate a TRACE_SOLVE_TAC_FAIL *)
(AutoCorresTrace.trace_solve_tac lthy false false (K tactics) goal NONE (Unsynchronized.ref 0);
(* never reached *) error "heap_lift fail tac: impossible")
| SOME (thm, [trace]) => (Goal.finish lthy thm, trace)
val _ = if !replay_failures < replay_failure_start then
warning ("HL: " ^ f ^ ": reverted to slow replay " ^
Int.toString(replay_failure_start - !replay_failures) ^ " time(s)") else ()
val _ = @{trace} ("HL checkpoint 2", f)
(* DEBUG: make sure that all uses of field_lvalue and c_guard are rewritten.
* Also make sure that we cleaned up internal constants. *)
fun contains_const name = exists_subterm (fn x => case x of Const (n, _) => n = name | _ => false)
fun const_gone term name =
if not (contains_const name term) then ()
else Utils.TERM_non_critical keep_going
("Heap lift: could not remove " ^ name ^ " in " ^ f ^ ".") [term]
fun const_old_heap term name =
if not (contains_const name term) then ()
else warning ("Heap lift: could not remove " ^ name ^ " in " ^ f ^
". Output program may be unprovable.")
val _ = if not (is_function_lifted f) then []
else (map (const_gone (term_of_thm thm))
[@{const_name "heap_lift__h_val"}];
map (const_old_heap (term_of_thm thm))
[@{const_name "field_lvalue"}, @{const_name "c_guard"}]
(* Gather statistics. *)
val _ = Statistics.gather lthy "HL" f
(Thm.prop_of thm |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> (fn t => Utils.term_nth_arg t 1))
(* Apply peephole optimisations to the theorem. *)
val _ = writeln ("Simplifying (HL) " ^ f)
val (thm, opt_traces) = L2Opt.cleanup_thm_tagged lthy thm (if do_opt then 0 else 2) 2 trace_opt "HL"
(* If we created extra heap wrappers, apply them now.
* Our simp rules don't seem to be enough for L2Opt,
* so we cannot change the program before that. *)
val thm = if not heap_abs_syntax then thm else
Raw_Simplifier.rewrite_rule lthy (#heap_syntax_rewrs HL_setup) thm
(* Gather post-simplification statistics. *)
val _ = Statistics.gather lthy "HLsimp" f
(Thm.prop_of thm |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> (fn t => Utils.term_nth_arg t 1))
(get_body_of_thm lthy thm, Morphism.thm export_thm (Variable.gen_all lthy thm),
dest_Free measure_var :: new_fn_args,
(if member (op =) trace_funcs f then [("HL", AutoCorresData.RuleTrace trace)] else []) @ opt_traces)
(* Define a previously-converted function (or recursive function group).
* lthy must include all definitions from l2_callees. *)
fun define
(lthy: local_theory)
(l2_infos: FunctionInfo2.function_info Symtab.table)
(hl_callees: FunctionInfo2.function_info Symtab.table)
(funcs: (string * thm * (string * typ) list) list) (* name, corres, arg frees *)
: FunctionInfo2.function_info Symtab.table * local_theory = let
(* FIXME: dedup with convert, LocalVarExtract *)
(* FIXME: pass this from assume_called_functions_corres, etc. *)
fun guess_callee_var thm callee = let
val base_name = hl_function_name callee;
val mentioned_vars = Term.add_vars (Thm.prop_of thm) [];
in hd (filter (fn ((v, _), _) => v = base_name) mentioned_vars) end;
fun prepare_fn_body (fn_name, corres_thm, arg_frees) = let
val _ = @{trace} ("HL prepare_fn_body", fn_name, corres_thm);
val @{term_pat "Trueprop (L2Tcorres _ ?body _)"} = Thm.concl_of corres_thm;
val (callees, recursive_callees) = AutoCorresUtil2.get_callees l2_infos fn_name;
val calls = map (fn c => Var (guess_callee_var corres_thm c)) callees;
val recursive_calls = map (fn c => Var (guess_callee_var corres_thm c)) recursive_callees;
* The returned body will have free variables as placeholders for the function's
* measure parameter and other arguments, and schematic variables for the functions it calls.
* We modify the body to be of the form:
* %fun1 fun2 rec1 rec2 measure arg1 arg2. f <...>
* That is, all non-recursive calls are abstracted out the front, followed by
* recursive calls, followed by the measure variable, followed by function
* arguments. This is the format expected by define_funcs.
val abs_body = body
|> fold lambda (rev (map Free arg_frees))
|> fold lambda (rev recursive_calls)
|> fold lambda (rev calls);
in abs_body end;
val funcs' = funcs |>
map (fn (name, thm, frees) =>
(name, (* FIXME: define_funcs needs this currently *)
(Thm.generalize ([], map fst frees) (Thm.maxidx_of thm + 1) thm,
prepare_fn_body (name, thm, frees))));
val _ = @{trace} ("HL.define", map (fn (name, (thm, body)) => (name, thm, Thm.cterm_of lthy body)) funcs');
val (new_thms, (), lthy') =
AutoCorresUtil2.define_funcs FunctionInfo2.HL filename l2_infos
(get_expected_hl_fn_type prog_info l2_infos heap_info is_function_lifted)
(get_expected_hl_fn_thm prog_info l2_infos heap_info is_function_lifted)
(get_expected_hl_fn_args prog_info l2_infos)
@{thm L2Tcorres_recguard_0}
lthy (Symtab.map (K #corres_thm) hl_callees) ()
val new_infos = Symtab.map (fn f_name => fn (const, def, corres_thm) => let
val old_info = the (Symtab.lookup l2_infos f_name);
in old_info
|> FunctionInfo2.function_info_upd_phase FunctionInfo2.HL
|> FunctionInfo2.function_info_upd_const const
|> FunctionInfo2.function_info_upd_definition def
|> FunctionInfo2.function_info_upd_corres_thm corres_thm
|> FunctionInfo2.function_info_upd_mono_thm NONE (* added later *)
end) new_thms;
in (new_infos, lthy') end;
val function_groups = map fst l2_results;
(* All conversions can run in parallel.
* Each conversion depends only on the previous define phase
* (which necessarily also includes definitions of callees). *)
val converted_funcs =
maps Symset.dest function_groups
|> map (fn f => (f, Future.value (convert f)))
|> Symtab.make;
val _ = Symtab.dest converted_funcs |> map snd |> map Future.join
(* Definitions update lthy sequentially.
* We use the arbitrary (but deterministic) ordering defined by get_topo_sorted_functions.
* Each definition step produces a lthy that has a prefix of the update sequence,
* and can be used subsequently to convert a function that depends only on that prefix.
* Hence we produce the intermediate lthys lazily for maximum parallelism. *)
fun add_def f_names accum = Future.fork (fn _ => let
(* Wait for previous definition to finish *)
val (lthy, _, defined_so_far) = Future.join accum;
(* Wait for conversions to finish *)
val f_convs = map (fn f => let
val conv = the' ("didn't convert function: " ^ quote f ^ "??") (Symtab.lookup converted_funcs f);
val (hl_body, corres_thm, arg_frees, traces) = Future.join conv;
in (f, corres_thm, arg_frees) end) f_names;
(* Get L2 phase results (should be a no-op at this point) *)
val (_, l2_infos) = Future.join (get_l2_result (hd f_names));
val (new_defs, lthy') = define lthy l2_infos defined_so_far f_convs;
in (lthy', new_defs, Symtab.merge (K false) (defined_so_far, new_defs)) end);
(* Get initial lthy from end of L2 defs *)
val l2_def_context = Future.map (fn (lthy, _) => (lthy, Symtab.empty, Symtab.empty))
(snd (hd (rev l2_results)));
(* Chain of intermediate states: (lthy, new_defs, accumulator) *)
val (def_results, _) = Utils.accumulate add_def l2_def_context
(map Symset.dest function_groups);
(* Produce a mapping from each function group to its L1 phase_infos and the
* earliest intermediate lthy where it is defined. *)
val results =
|> map (Future.map (fn (lthy, f_defs, _ (* discard accum here *)) => let
(* Add monad_mono proofs. These are done in parallel as well
* (though in practice, they already run pretty quickly). *)
val mono_thms = if FunctionInfo2.is_function_recursive (snd (hd (Symtab.dest f_defs)))
then LocalVarExtract2.l2_monad_mono lthy f_defs
else Symtab.empty;
val f_defs' = f_defs |> Symtab.map (fn f =>
FunctionInfo2.function_info_upd_mono_thm (Symtab.lookup mono_thms f));
in (lthy, f_defs') end));
in function_groups ~~ results end

View File

@ -48,7 +48,17 @@ type heap_info =
lift_fn_simp_thms : thm list,
structs : struct_info Symtab.table,
struct_types : struct_info Typtab.table
type heap_lift_setup =
heap_info : heap_info,
(* Thms that depend only on heap types and can be pre-generated. *)
(* Groups of instantiation lemmas. FIXME: does cross_instantiate really need grouping? *)
lifted_heap_lemmas : thm list list,
(* Empty if no syntax consts have been defined yet *)
heap_syntax_rewrs : thm list
* Attempt to generate a pleasant name for the record
@ -107,7 +117,7 @@ in
(* Determine what heap types the given program accesses. *)
fun get_program_heap_types prog_info fn_info gen_word_heaps lthy =
fun get_program_heap_types prog_info fn_infos gen_word_heaps lthy =
(* Map the type "T" into a (possibly different) type that should appear in
* our new heap. *)
@ -131,7 +141,7 @@ let
(* Process a function. *)
fun process fn_name =
(* Fetch body of "fn_name". *)
FunctionInfo.get_phase_info fn_info FunctionInfo.CP fn_name
the (Symtab.lookup fn_infos fn_name)
|> #definition
|> Thm.prop_of
|> Utils.rhs_of_eq
@ -150,7 +160,7 @@ let
val word_typs = if not gen_word_heaps then Typset.empty else
Typset.make [@{typ word8}, @{typ word16}, @{typ word32}, @{typ word64}]
Typset.union_sets (word_typs :: AutoCorresUtil.map_all lthy fn_info (fn n => K (process n)))
Typset.union_sets (word_typs :: map process (Symtab.keys fn_infos))
(* Get fields from the globals type that should be copied from the
@ -409,12 +419,15 @@ in
} : heap_info
fun setup prog_info fn_info make_lifted_globals_field_name gen_word_heaps lthy =
fun setup
(fn_infos: FunctionInfo2.function_info Symtab.table)
make_lifted_globals_field_name gen_word_heaps lthy =
val old_globalsT = #globals_type prog_info
(* Generate a new globals structure. *)
val heapTs = get_program_heap_types prog_info fn_info gen_word_heaps lthy
val heapTs = get_program_heap_types prog_info fn_infos gen_word_heaps lthy
val ((lifted_globalsT, heap_getters_setters, global_fields), lthy)
= Local_Theory.raw_theory_result (
gen_new_heap make_lifted_globals_field_name old_globalsT (Typset.dest heapTs)) lthy
@ -437,15 +450,13 @@ in
(heap_info, lthy)
(* Save heap information into the theory. *)
structure HeapInfo = Theory_Data(
type T = HeapLiftBase.heap_info Symtab.table;
type T = HeapLiftBase.heap_lift_setup Symtab.table;
val empty = Symtab.empty;
val extend = I;
fun merge (l, r) =
Symtab.merge (fn _ => true) (l, r);

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@ -54,24 +54,48 @@ fn lthy =>
let val filename = "type_strengthen.c";
val simpl_info = FunctionInfo2.init_function_info lthy filename;
val prog_info = ProgramInfo.get_prog_info lthy filename;
val do_opt = true;
val trace_opt = false;
val keep_going = false;
val l1_results =
SimplConv2.translate filename prog_info simpl_info
true true false (fn f => "l1_" ^ f ^ "'") lthy;
val l2_results =
LocalVarExtract2.translate filename prog_info l1_results
true false (fn f => "l2_" ^ f ^ "'");
do_opt trace_opt (fn f => "l2_" ^ f ^ "'");
val gen_word_heaps = false;
val heap_abs_syntax = true;
val (l2_results', HL_setup) =
HeapLift2.prepare_heap_lift filename prog_info l2_results lthy
(fn fld => fld ^ "'") gen_word_heaps heap_abs_syntax;
val hl_results =
HeapLift2.system_heap_lift filename prog_info l2_results' HL_setup
Symset.empty Symset.empty heap_abs_syntax keep_going
[] do_opt trace_opt (fn f => "hl_" ^ f ^ "'");
val wa_results =
WordAbstract2.translate filename prog_info l2_results Symset.empty Symset.empty []
true false (fn f => "wa_" ^ f ^ "'");
WordAbstract2.translate filename prog_info hl_results (Symset.make ["opt_a"]) Symset.empty []
do_opt trace_opt (fn f => "wa_" ^ f ^ "'");
val ts_rules = Monad_Types.get_ordered_rules [] (Context.Proof lthy);
val ts_results =
TypeStrengthen2.translate ts_rules Symtab.empty filename prog_info
wa_results (fn f => f ^ "'") true true;
wa_results (fn f => f ^ "'") keep_going do_opt;
in ts_results |> rev |> hd |> fst end
thm opt_a'.simps opt_a2'_def
(* heap_abs_syntax test *)
thm st_i'.simps
thm exc_f'_def
(* gen_word_heaps test *)
term is_valid_w64
ML \<open>
FunctionInfo2.init_function_info @{context} "type_strengthen.c"
|> Symtab.dest

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@ -185,10 +185,10 @@ let
fun convert f =
(* Info for f and its callees *)
val (lthy, f_l2_info) = Future.join (get_l2_result f);
val callee_l1_infos = Symset.dest (FunctionInfo2.all_callees (the (Symtab.lookup f_l2_info f)))
val (lthy, f_l2_infos) = Future.join (get_l2_result f);
val callee_l2_infos = Symset.dest (FunctionInfo2.all_callees (the (Symtab.lookup f_l2_infos f)))
|> map (fn callee => snd (Future.join (get_l2_result callee)));
val l2_infos = LocalVarExtract2.symtab_merge true (f_l2_info :: callee_l1_infos);
val l2_infos = LocalVarExtract2.symtab_merge true (f_l2_infos :: callee_l2_infos);
val old_fn_info = the (Symtab.lookup l2_infos f);
val wa_rules = rules_for f
@ -260,6 +260,7 @@ let
* Fetch rules from the theory.
* FIXME: move this out of convert?
val rules = Utils.get_rules lthy @{named_theorems word_abs}
@ List.concat (map #rules wa_rules)