lib: add ML_goal command

Sometimes we want to prove a fact, but the fact is painful or
error-prone to type out manually. In these cases, we'd like to construct
the goal fact using ML and then immediately enter a proof block.

Previously, we could achieve something like this through careful use of
`Thm.trivial` and `schematic_goal`, but this would clutter up the ML
namespace and wouln't handle meta conjuncts (`&&&`). The new `ML_goal`
command addresses both of these issues.

Signed-off-by: Edward Pierzchalski <>
This commit is contained in:
Edward Pierzchalski 2020-05-07 22:45:01 +10:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent b153cb9571
commit bd4392d132
3 changed files with 256 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ imports

lib/ML_Goal.thy Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory ML_Goal
imports Main
keywords "ML_goal" :: thy_goal_stmt
Defines a new command `ML_goal`. `ML_goal` is similar to @{command lemma}
and @{command theorem} in that it specifies a goal and enters a proof state
for you prove that goal.
However, instead of parsing goal terms from user input, `ML_goal` uses
an ML block to produce a list of ML terms, and then sets up the proof state
to prove those terms as goals.
Each goal term must be an instance of either @{typ bool} or @{typ prop}.
There are some concrete examples in @{file ML_Goal_Test.thy}.
ML \<open>
structure ML_goal_data = Proof_Data(
type T = term list
val init = K []
Why are we stashing something into a `Proof_Data` and then immediately
taking it out again?
In @{ML "fn (pos, source, ctxt: Context.generic) =>
ML_Context.expression pos source ctxt"},
`source` is a fragment of ML code which gets evaluated in the ML context
associated with `ctxt`, which in this case should be the proof context
associated with the call to `ML_goal`. The result is a new generic context
with a new ML context, updated with the effects of evaluating `source`.
This means the only way to extract information out of `source` is via
its side-effects on the ML context. We have two main options:
- Declare an @{ML "Unsynchronized.ref"} in this file (ML_Goal), and stash
the value described by `source` into that.
- This is unlikely to play well with deferred or concurrent proofs.
- Use an instance of `Proof_Data` to declare some new state that's
associated with all proof contexts (in this case "the result of
the ML block passed to `ML_goal`"), and evaluate `source` in such a way
as to store the result there.
- This has more overhead compared to the `ref` solution, but it's
still negligible.
- This is the 'preferred' way to store 'local state' in contexts.
- This is safe for deferred or concurrent proofs.
fun evaluate_goals source =
(Input.pos_of source)
( "Theory.local_setup (ML_goal_data.put (("
@ ML_Lex.read_source source
@ "): term list))")
|> Context.proof_map
#> ML_goal_data.get;
fun err_msg_bad_type goal (typ: typ) ctxt =
"The goal " ^ (@{make_string} (Syntax.pretty_term ctxt goal)) ^ " " ^
"has unsupported type " ^ (@{make_string} typ) ^ ". " ^
"The ML_goal command expects either a " ^ (@{make_string} @{typ bool}) ^ " " ^
"or a " ^ (@{make_string} @{typ prop}) ^ ".";
fun begin_proof ((name, attrs): Attrib.binding, ml_block: Input.source) ctxt =
In the very common case that a goal is a @{typ bool}, we wrap
it in @{term Trueprop} to keep the Proof.theorem command happy.
fun prop_wrap goal =
case Term.type_of goal of
@{typ bool} => goal |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
| @{typ prop} => goal
| other => error (err_msg_bad_type goal other ctxt);
val goals =
evaluate_goals ml_block ctxt
|> prop_wrap
\<comment>\<open> Ensures free variables are type-consistent. \<close>
|> Syntax.check_props ctxt
|> (rpair []);
Figures out that the `folded` in `[folded foo]` means
@{attribute folded}. Required for attributes to work.
val parsed_attrs = map (Attrib.check_src ctxt) attrs;
val binding = (name, parsed_attrs);
val start_pos = Position.thread_data ();
fun after_qed (results: thm list list) ctxt =
val thms = results |> hd;
val ((res_name, res), ctxt') =
Local_Theory.note (binding, thms) ctxt;
val _ =
Proof_Display.print_results true start_pos ctxt'
(("theorem", res_name), [("", res)])
in ctxt' end
Proof.theorem NONE
[goals] ctxt
val ML_goal_cmd =
Scan.optional (Parse_Spec.opt_thm_name ":") Binding.empty_atts
-- Parse.ML_source
>> begin_proof
val _ =
"ML-provided goal"
in end

lib/ML_Goal_Test.thy Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory ML_Goal_Test
experiment begin
Basic usage.
ML_goal test: \<open>
[@{term "(P \<longrightarrow> Q) \<and> P \<longrightarrow> Q"}]
apply clarsimp
thm test
A goal that we definitely don't want to write out by hand.
In this case, we're going to show that if x is less than 10,
we "only" need to consider the cases when x = 0, or x = 1, or...
ML_goal big_goal: \<open>
val var_x = Free ("x", @{typ nat});
val var_P = Free ("P", @{typ bool});
val max = 10;
@{ML "HOLogic.mk_nat"} produces nested Suc's, which are pretty
ugly, so we use this instead.
val mk_nat = HOLogic.mk_number @{typ nat};
Turns (i: int) into @{term "x = i \<Longrightarrow> P"}.
fun mk_case i =
val prem = HOLogic.mk_eq (var_x, mk_nat i) |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop;
val conc = var_P |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop;
in Logic.mk_implies (prem, conc) end
val x_cases =
ListExtras.range 0 max
|> map mk_case;
val assm =
HOLogic.mk_binrel @{const_name "less"}
(mk_nat max))
|> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop;
val goal =
Logic.list_implies (assm :: x_cases, var_P |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop)
in [goal] end
by force
Names are optional.
ML_goal \<open>
[@{term "True"}]
by (rule TrueI)
Multiple goals are supported, and result in similar
"list of fact" lemmas
ML_goal multiple_goals: \<open>
[@{term "(P \<Longrightarrow> Q \<Longrightarrow> P)"}, @{term "(P \<Longrightarrow> Q \<Longrightarrow> Q)"}]
by simp+
thm multiple_goals[OF TrueI]
Handles mixes of @{typ bool} and @{typ prop}.
ML_goal \<open>
[@{term "PROP A \<Longrightarrow> PROP A"}, @{term "B \<longrightarrow> B"}]
by simp+
Turns out a lemma name can refer to nothing as well!
ML_goal nothing: \<open>[]\<close>
thm nothing[OF TrueI]
Attributes can be applied, just like normal lemmas.
definition magic where "magic = (5 :: nat)"
ML_goal declared_with_an_attribute[folded magic_def, simp]: \<open>
[@{term "(5 :: nat) = 2 + 3"}]
by simp
lemma uses_our_new_magic_simp_rule:
"magic = 1 + 4"
by simp