x64: fix ARM build after merge

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Brecknell 2017-01-12 12:55:44 +11:00
parent a1b5f16ed6
commit c1782fc155
4 changed files with 8 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ lemma update_cap_data_closedform:
simp_all only: cap.simps update_cap_data_def is_ep_cap.simps if_False if_True
is_ntfn_cap.simps is_cnode_cap.simps is_arch_cap_def word_size
cap_ep_badge.simps badge_update_def o_def cap_rights_update_def
simp_thms cap_rights.simps Let_def split_def badge_bits_def
simp_thms cap_rights.simps Let_def split_def
the_cnode_cap_def fst_conv snd_conv fun_app_def the_arch_cap_def
cong: if_cong)
apply (auto simp: word_bits_def cnode_padding_bits_def cnode_guard_size_bits_def)
apply (auto simp: word_bits_def)
lemma cap_asid_PageCap_None [simp]:

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@ -3149,11 +3149,11 @@ locale Untyped_AI_nonempty_table =
assumes nonempty_table_caps_of:
"\<And>S ko. nonempty_table S ko \<Longrightarrow> caps_of ko = {}"
assumes init_arch_objects_nonempty_table:
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. \<not> (obj_at (nonempty_table (set (arch_state.arm_global_pts (arch_state s)))) r s)
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. \<not> (obj_at (nonempty_table (set (second_level_tables (arch_state s)))) r s)
\<and> valid_global_objs s \<and> valid_arch_state s \<and> pspace_aligned s) and
K (\<forall>ref\<in>set refs. is_aligned ref (obj_bits_api tp us))\<rbrace>
init_arch_objects tp ptr bits us refs
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. \<lambda>s :: 'state_ext state. \<not> (obj_at (nonempty_table (set (arch_state.arm_global_pts (arch_state s)))) r s)\<rbrace>"
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. \<lambda>s :: 'state_ext state. \<not> (obj_at (nonempty_table (set (second_level_tables (arch_state s)))) r s)\<rbrace>"
crunch valid_global_objs[wp]: create_cap "valid_global_objs"
(simp: crunch_simps)

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@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ context Arch begin global_naming ARM_A
definition cnode_guard_size_bits :: "nat"
"cnode_guard_size_bits \<equiv> 5"
cnode_guard_size_bits_def [simp]: "cnode_guard_size_bits \<equiv> 5"
definition cnode_padding_bits :: "nat"
"cnode_padding_bits \<equiv> 3"
cnode_padding_bits_def [simp]: "cnode_padding_bits \<equiv> 3"
text {* On a user request to modify a cnode capability, extract new guard bits and guard. *}

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@ -264,8 +264,9 @@ where
text {* For implementation reasons the badge word has differing amounts of bits *}
badge_bits :: nat where
"badge_bits \<equiv> 28"
badge_bits_def [simp]: "badge_bits \<equiv> 28"
section "Arch-specific tcb"