aarch64 haskell: global state component naming

Set the naming convention for global state components to armKS..
This overlaps with ARM and ARM_HYP, but so do the concepts as well
as the C convention.

Signed-off-by: Gerwin Klein <gerwin.klein@proofcraft.systems>
This commit is contained in:
Gerwin Klein 2022-01-31 10:58:23 +11:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent aada0b9166
commit c3a2f39762
2 changed files with 15 additions and 15 deletions

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@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ ipcBufferSizeBits = 10
copyGlobalMappings :: PPtr PTE -> Kernel ()
copyGlobalMappings newPT = do
globalPT <- gets (riscvKSGlobalPT . ksArchState)
globalPT <- gets (armKSGlobalPT . ksArchState)
let base = ptIndex maxPTLevel pptrBase
let ptSize = 1 `shiftL` ptTranslationBits -- number of entries in table
forM_ [base .. ptSize - 1] $ \index -> do
@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ getASIDPoolEntry :: ASID -> Kernel (Maybe ASIDPoolEntry)
getASIDPoolEntry asid = do
assert (asid > 0) "ASID 0 is used for objects that are not mapped"
assert (asid <= snd asidRange) "ASID out of range"
asidTable <- gets (riscvKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
asidTable <- gets (armKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
let poolPtr = asidTable!(asidHighBitsOf asid)
maybePool <- case poolPtr of
Just ptr -> liftM Just $ getObject ptr
@ -201,12 +201,12 @@ deleteASIDPool :: ASID -> PPtr ASIDPool -> Kernel ()
deleteASIDPool base ptr = do
assert (base .&. mask asidLowBits == 0)
"ASID pool's base must be aligned"
asidTable <- gets (riscvKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
asidTable <- gets (armKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
when (asidTable ! (asidHighBitsOf base) == Just ptr) $ do
ASIDPool pool <- getObject ptr
let asidTable' = asidTable//[(asidHighBitsOf base, Nothing)]
modify (\s -> s {
ksArchState = (ksArchState s) { riscvKSASIDTable = asidTable' }})
ksArchState = (ksArchState s) { armKSASIDTable = asidTable' }})
tcb <- getCurThread
setVMRoot tcb
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ deleteASIDPool base ptr = do
-- match with C (the flush might get in the way)
deleteASID :: ASID -> PPtr PTE -> Kernel ()
deleteASID asid pt = do
asidTable <- gets (riscvKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
asidTable <- gets (armKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
case asidTable!(asidHighBitsOf asid) of
Nothing -> return ()
Just poolPtr -> do
@ -301,7 +301,7 @@ setVMRoot tcb = do
setVSpaceRoot (addrFromPPtr pt) (fromASID asid)
_ -> throw InvalidRoot)
(\_ -> do
globalPT <- gets (riscvKSGlobalPT . ksArchState)
globalPT <- gets (armKSGlobalPT . ksArchState)
doMachineOp $ setVSpaceRoot (addrFromKPPtr globalPT) 0)
-- FIXME AARCH64: based on ARM_HYP
@ -549,7 +549,7 @@ decodeRISCVASIDControlInvocation label args ASIDControlCap extraCaps =
case (invocationType label, args, extraCaps) of
(ArchInvocationLabel RISCVASIDControlMakePool, index:depth:_,
(untyped,parentSlot):(croot,_):_) -> do
asidTable <- withoutFailure $ gets (riscvKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
asidTable <- withoutFailure $ gets (armKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
let free = filter (\(x,y) -> x <= (1 `shiftL` asidHighBits) - 1 && isNothing y) $ assocs asidTable
when (null free) $ throw DeleteFirst
let base = (fst $ head free) `shiftL` asidLowBits
@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ decodeRISCVASIDPoolInvocation label cap@(ASIDPoolCap {}) extraCaps =
case vspaceCap of
ArchObjectCap (PageTableCap { capPTMappedAddress = Nothing })
-> do
asidTable <- withoutFailure $ gets (riscvKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
asidTable <- withoutFailure $ gets (armKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
let base = capASIDBase cap
let poolPtr = asidTable!(asidHighBitsOf base)
when (isNothing poolPtr) $ throw $ FailedLookup False InvalidRoot
@ -670,10 +670,10 @@ performASIDControlInvocation (MakePool frame slot parent base) = do
cteInsert (ArchObjectCap $ ASIDPoolCap poolPtr base) parent slot
assert (base .&. mask asidLowBits == 0)
"ASID pool's base must be aligned"
asidTable <- gets (riscvKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
asidTable <- gets (armKSASIDTable . ksArchState)
let asidTable' = asidTable//[(asidHighBitsOf base, Just poolPtr)]
modify (\s -> s {
ksArchState = (ksArchState s) { riscvKSASIDTable = asidTable' }})
ksArchState = (ksArchState s) { armKSASIDTable = asidTable' }})
performASIDPoolInvocation :: ASIDPoolInvocation -> Kernel ()

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@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ data RISCVVSpaceRegionUse
| RISCVVSpaceDeviceWindow
data KernelState = RISCVKernelState {
riscvKSASIDTable :: Array ASID (Maybe (PPtr ASIDPool)),
riscvKSGlobalPTs :: Int -> [PPtr PTE],
riscvKSKernelVSpace :: PPtr Word -> RISCVVSpaceRegionUse,
armKSASIDTable :: Array ASID (Maybe (PPtr ASIDPool)),
armKSGlobalPTs :: Int -> [PPtr PTE],
armKSKernelVSpace :: PPtr Word -> RISCVVSpaceRegionUse,
armKSHWASIDTable :: Array VMID (Maybe ASID), -- FIXME AARCH64: should be armKSVMIDTable
armKSNextASID :: VMID -- FIXME AARCH64: naming
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ data KernelState = RISCVKernelState {
maxPTLevel :: Int
maxPTLevel = 2
riscvKSGlobalPT :: KernelState -> PPtr PTE
riscvKSGlobalPT s = head (riscvKSGlobalPTs s maxPTLevel)
armKSGlobalPT :: KernelState -> PPtr PTE
armKSGlobalPT s = head (armKSGlobalPTs s maxPTLevel)
newKernelState :: PAddr -> (KernelState, [PAddr])
newKernelState _ = error "No initial state defined for RISC-V"