lib/apply_debug: show protected subgoals

This overrides the default proof state printing function to also
show any subgoals which have been hidden (protected).

This makes proof states shown during apply_debug more
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Matichuk 2017-04-06 11:24:25 +10:00
parent 366460e76c
commit cccb7033b8
1 changed files with 61 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ val apply_debug : break_opts -> Method.text_range -> Proof.state -> Proof.state;
val continue : int option -> (context_state -> context_state option) option -> Proof.state -> Proof.state;
val finish : Proof.state -> Proof.state;
val pretty_state: Toplevel.state -> Pretty.T option;
structure Apply_Debug : APPLY_DEBUG =
@ -822,6 +824,65 @@ val _ =
Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword finish} "finish debugging"
(Scan.succeed (Toplevel.proof (continue NONE (SOME (fn _ => NONE)))))
fun pretty_hidden_goals ctxt0 thm =
val ctxt = ctxt0
|> Config.put show_types (Config.get ctxt0 show_types orelse Config.get ctxt0 show_sorts)
|> Config.put show_sorts false;
val prt_term =
singleton (Syntax.uncheck_terms ctxt) #>
Type_Annotation.ignore_free_types #>
Syntax.unparse_term ctxt;
val prt_subgoal = prt_term
fun pretty_subgoal s A =
Pretty.markup (Markup.subgoal s) [Pretty.str (" " ^ s ^ ". "), prt_subgoal A];
fun pretty_subgoals n = map_index (fn (i, A) => pretty_subgoal (string_of_int (i + n)) A);
fun collect_extras prop =
case try Logic.unprotect prop of
SOME prop' =>
(if Logic.count_prems prop' > 0 then
(case try Logic.strip_horn prop'
of SOME (As, B) => As :: collect_extras B
| NONE => [])
else [])
| NONE => []
val (As,B) = Logic.strip_horn (Thm.prop_of thm);
val extras' = collect_extras B;
val extra_goals_limit = Int.max (Config.get ctxt0 Goal_Display.goals_limit - length As, 0);
val all_extras = flat (take (length extras' - 1) extras');
val extras = take extra_goals_limit all_extras;
val pretty = pretty_subgoals (length As + 1) extras @
(if extra_goals_limit < length all_extras then
[Pretty.str ("A total of " ^ (string_of_int (length all_extras)) ^ " hidden subgoals...")]
else [])
in pretty end
fun pretty_state state =
if Toplevel.is_proof state
val st = Toplevel.proof_of state;
val {goal, context, ...} = Proof.raw_goal st;
val pretty = Toplevel.pretty_state state;
val hidden = pretty_hidden_goals context goal;
val out = pretty @
(if length hidden > 0 then [Pretty.keyword1 "hidden goals"] @ hidden else []);
in SOME (Pretty.chunks out) end
else NONE
ML \<open>val _ =
Query_Operation.register {name = "print_state", pri = Task_Queue.urgent_pri}
(fn {state = st, output_result, ...} =>
case Apply_Debug.pretty_state st of
SOME prt => output_result (Markup.markup Markup.state (Pretty.string_of prt))
| NONE => ());\<close>