SELFOUR-420: Verification of maxIRQ check in handle_interrupt.

This commit is contained in:
Sophie Taylor 2016-02-09 13:34:35 +11:00 committed by Sophie Taylor
parent ff270121c9
commit d7fd88727a
20 changed files with 421 additions and 169 deletions

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@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ lemma handle_interrupt_pas_refined:
handle_interrupt irq
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. pas_refined aag\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule conjI; rule impI;rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp send_signal_pas_refined get_cap_wp
| wpc
| simp add: get_irq_slot_def get_irq_state_def)+
@ -522,7 +522,7 @@ lemma handle_interrupt_integrity_autarch:
handle_interrupt irq
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def cong: irq_state.case_cong maskInterrupt_def ackInterrupt_def resetTimer_def )
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule conjI; rule impI; rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp_once send_signal_respects get_cap_auth_wp [where aag = aag] dmo_mol_respects
| simp add: get_irq_slot_def get_irq_state_def ackInterrupt_def resetTimer_def
| wp dmo_no_mem_respects
@ -546,7 +546,7 @@ lemma handle_interrupt_integrity:
handle_interrupt irq
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. integrity aag X st\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def maskInterrupt_def ackInterrupt_def resetTimer_def cong: irq_state.case_cong bind_cong)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule conjI; rule impI; rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp_once send_signal_respects get_cap_wp dmo_mol_respects dmo_no_mem_respects
| wpc
| simp add: get_irq_slot_def get_irq_state_def ackInterrupt_def resetTimer_def)+
@ -958,6 +958,7 @@ lemma schedule_pas_refined:
lemma handle_interrupt_arch_state [wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s :: det_ext state. P (arch_state s)\<rbrace> handle_interrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (arch_state s)\<rbrace>"
unfolding handle_interrupt_def
apply (rule hoare_if)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply clarsimp
apply (wp get_cap_inv dxo_wp_weak send_signal_arch_state | wpc | simp add: get_irq_state_def)+

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@ -1625,14 +1625,171 @@ lemma ucast_eq_0[OF refl]:
apply (drule inj_eq[where x=x and y=0], simp)
lemma is_up_compose':
fixes uc :: "('a::len) word \<Rightarrow> ('b::len) word"
and uc' :: "'b word \<Rightarrow> ('c::len) sword"
"\<lbrakk>is_up uc; is_up uc'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> is_up (uc' \<circ> uc)"
unfolding is_up_def by (simp add: Word.target_size Word.source_size)
lemma is_up_compose:
"\<lbrakk>is_up uc; is_up uc'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> is_up (uc' \<circ> uc)"
unfolding is_up_def by (simp add: Word.target_size Word.source_size)
lemma uint_is_up_compose:
fixes uc :: "('a::len) word \<Rightarrow> ('b::len) word"
and uc' :: "'b word \<Rightarrow> ('c::len) sword"
assumes "uc = ucast"
and "uc' = ucast"
and " uuc = uc' \<circ> uc"
"\<lbrakk> is_up uc; is_up uc' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> uint (uuc b) = uint b"
apply (simp add: assms)
apply (frule is_up_compose)
apply (simp_all )
apply (simp only: Word.uint_up_ucast)
lemma uint_is_up_compose_pred:
fixes uc :: "('a::len) word \<Rightarrow> ('b::len) word"
and uc' :: "'b word \<Rightarrow> ('c::len) sword"
assumes "uc = ucast"
and "uc' = ucast"
and " uuc = uc' \<circ> uc"
"\<lbrakk> is_up uc; is_up uc' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (uint (uuc b)) \<longleftrightarrow> P( uint b)"
apply (simp add: assms)
apply (frule is_up_compose)
apply (simp_all )
apply (simp only: Word.uint_up_ucast)
lemma is_down_up_sword:
fixes uc :: "('a::len) word \<Rightarrow> ('b::len) sword"
shows "\<lbrakk>uc = ucast; len_of TYPE('a) < len_of TYPE('b) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> is_up uc = (\<not> is_down uc)"
by (simp add: target_size source_size is_up_def is_down_def )
lemma is_not_down_compose:
fixes uc :: "('a::len) word \<Rightarrow> ('b::len) word"
and uc' :: "'b word \<Rightarrow> ('c::len) sword"
"\<lbrakk>uc = ucast; uc' = ucast; len_of TYPE('a) < len_of TYPE('c)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<not> is_down (uc' \<circ> uc) "
unfolding is_down_def
by (simp add: Word.target_size Word.source_size)
lemma sint_ucast_uint:
fixes uc :: "('a::len) word \<Rightarrow> ('b::len) word"
and uc' :: "'b word \<Rightarrow> ('c::len) sword"
assumes "uc = ucast" and " uc' = ucast" and "uuc=uc' \<circ> uc " and "len_of TYPE('a) < len_of TYPE('c signed)"
"\<lbrakk> is_up uc; is_up uc'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> sint (uuc b) = uint b"
apply (simp add: assms)
apply (frule is_up_compose')
apply simp_all
apply (simp add: ucast_ucast_b )
apply (rule WordLemmaBucket.sint_ucast_eq_uint )
apply (insert assms)
apply (simp add: is_down_def target_size source_size )
lemma sint_ucast_uint_pred:
fixes uc :: "('a::len) word \<Rightarrow> ('b::len) word"
and uc' :: "'b word \<Rightarrow> ('c::len) sword"
and uuc :: "'a word \<Rightarrow> 'c sword"
assumes "uc = ucast" and " uc' = ucast" and "uuc=uc' \<circ> uc " and "len_of TYPE('a) < len_of TYPE('c )"
shows "\<lbrakk>is_up uc; is_up uc'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (uint b) \<longleftrightarrow> P (sint (uuc b))"
apply (simp add: assms )
apply (insert sint_ucast_uint[where uc=uc and uc'=uc' and uuc=uuc and b = b])
apply (simp add: assms)
lemma sint_uucast_uint_uucast_pred:
fixes uc :: "('a::len) word \<Rightarrow> ('b::len) word"
and uc' :: "'b word \<Rightarrow> ('c::len) sword"
assumes "uc = ucast" and " uc' = ucast" and "uuc=uc' \<circ> uc " and "len_of TYPE('a) < len_of TYPE('c )"
shows "\<lbrakk>is_up uc; is_up uc'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (uint(uuc b)) \<longleftrightarrow> P (sint (uuc b))"
apply (simp add: assms )
apply (insert sint_ucast_uint[where uc=uc and uc'=uc' and uuc=uuc and b = b])
apply (insert uint_is_up_compose_pred[where uc=uc and uc'=uc' and uuc=uuc and b=b])
apply (simp add: assms uint_is_up_compose_pred)
lemma scast_maxIRQ_is_less:
fixes uc :: "irq \<Rightarrow> 16 word"
and uc' :: "16 word\<Rightarrow> 32 sword"
and b :: irq
"(Kernel_C.maxIRQ) <s (ucast \<circ> (ucast :: irq \<Rightarrow> 16 word)) b \<Longrightarrow> scast Kernel_C.maxIRQ < b"
apply (simp add: maxIRQ_def word_sless_def word_sle_def, uint_arith, clarify,simp)
apply (subgoal_tac "sint (ucast Kernel_C.maxIRQ :: 32 sword) \<le> uint b"; (simp only: Kernel_C.maxIRQ_def)?)
apply (subgoal_tac "sint (ucast Kernel_C.maxIRQ :: 32 sword) \<noteq> uint b"; (simp only: Kernel_C.maxIRQ_def)?)
apply (simp )
apply (subst uint_is_up_compose[where uc="(ucast :: irq \<Rightarrow> 16 word)" and uc' = "(ucast :: 16 word \<Rightarrow> 32 sword)",symmetric];
(simp add: is_up_def target_size source_size )?)
apply fastforce
apply (subst sint_ucast_uint_pred[where uc="(ucast :: irq \<Rightarrow> 16 word)" and uc' = "(ucast :: 16 word \<Rightarrow> 32 sword)"];
(simp add: is_up_def target_size source_size )?)
apply fastforce
lemma validIRQcastingLess: "Kernel_C.maxIRQ <s (ucast((ucast (b :: irq))::word16)) \<Longrightarrow> Platform.maxIRQ < b"
by (simp add: Platform_maxIRQ scast_maxIRQ_is_less is_up_def target_size source_size)
lemma scast_maxIRQ_is_not_less: "(\<not> (Kernel_C.maxIRQ) <s (ucast \<circ> (ucast :: irq \<Rightarrow> 16 word)) b) \<Longrightarrow> \<not> (scast Kernel_C.maxIRQ < b)"
apply (subgoal_tac "sint (ucast Kernel_C.maxIRQ :: 32 sword) \<ge> sint (ucast (ucast b))";
(simp only: Kernel_C.maxIRQ_def word_sless_def word_sle_def )?)
apply (simp add: maxIRQ_def word_sless_def word_sle_def, uint_arith, clarify,simp)
apply (subst (asm) sint_ucast_uint[where b=b and 'c = 32 and 'b = 16 and uc=ucast and uc' = ucast and uuc = "ucast \<circ> ucast" , simplified];
(simp add: is_up_def target_size source_size)?)
apply (subst (asm) uint_is_up_compose[where 'b = 16 and uuc="ucast \<circ> ucast", simplified];
(simp add: is_up_def target_size source_size)?)
apply (simp add: maxIRQ_def word_sless_def word_sle_def, uint_arith, clarify,simp)
apply (subst (asm) (2) sint_ucast_uint_pred[where 'a = 10 and 'b = 16 and 'c = 32 and uuc = "ucast \<circ> ucast", simplified,symmetric ];
((simp add: is_up_def target_size source_size)?))
apply (subst sint_ucast_uint_pred[where 'a = 10 and 'b = 16 and 'c = 32 and uuc = "ucast \<circ> ucast", simplified,symmetric ];
((simp add: is_up_def target_size source_size)?))
apply (subst (asm) (2) uint_is_up_compose[where 'b = 16 and uuc="ucast \<circ> ucast", simplified];
(simp add: is_up_def target_size source_size)?)
apply (uint_arith)
lemma handleInterrupt_ccorres:
"ccorres dc xfdc
(invs' and K (irq \<le> ucast maxIRQ))
(UNIV \<inter> \<lbrace>\<acute>irq = ucast irq\<rbrace>)
(handleInterrupt irq)
(Call handleInterrupt_'proc)"
(Call handleInterrupt_'proc)"
apply (cinit lift: irq_' cong: call_ignore_cong)
apply (rule ccorres_Cond_rhs_Seq)
apply (simp add: Platform_maxIRQ del: Collect_const)
apply (drule scast_maxIRQ_is_less[simplified])
apply (simp del: Collect_const)
apply (rule ccorres_rhs_assoc)+
apply (simp del: Collect_const)
apply (subst doMachineOp_bind)
apply (rule maskInterrupt_empty_fail)
apply (rule ackInterrupt_empty_fail)
apply (ctac add: maskInterrupt_ccorres[unfolded dc_def])
apply (subst bind_return_unit[where f="doMachineOp (ackInterrupt irq)"])
apply (ctac add: ackInterrupt_ccorres[unfolded dc_def])
apply (rule ccorres_split_throws)
apply (rule ccorres_return_void_C[unfolded dc_def])
apply vcg
apply wp
apply (vcg exspec=ackInterrupt_modifies)
apply wp
apply (vcg exspec=maskInterrupt_modifies)
apply (simp add: scast_maxIRQ_is_not_less Platform_maxIRQ del: Collect_const)
apply (rule ccorres_pre_getIRQState)
apply wpc
apply simp
@ -1644,7 +1801,7 @@ lemma handleInterrupt_ccorres:
apply csymbr
apply (rule getIRQSlot_ccorres3)
apply (rule ccorres_getSlotCap_cte_at)
apply (rule_tac P="cte_at' rva" in ccorres_cross_over_guard)
apply (rule_tac P="cte_at' rv" in ccorres_cross_over_guard)
apply (rule ptr_add_assertion_irq_guard[unfolded dc_def])
apply (rule ccorres_move_array_assertion_irq ccorres_move_c_guard_cte)+
apply ctac
@ -1669,8 +1826,7 @@ lemma handleInterrupt_ccorres:
apply (simp del: Collect_const)
apply (rule ccorres_cond_true_seq)
apply (rule ccorres_rhs_assoc)+
apply csymbr
apply csymbr
apply csymbr+
apply (rule ccorres_cond_false_seq)
apply simp
apply (ctac (no_vcg) add: maskInterrupt_ccorres)
@ -1678,16 +1834,15 @@ lemma handleInterrupt_ccorres:
apply wp
apply (rule_tac P=\<top> and P'="{s. ret__int_' s = 0 \<and> cap_get_tag cap \<noteq> scast cap_notification_cap}" in ccorres_inst)
apply (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps simp del: Collect_const)
apply (case_tac rvb, simp_all del: Collect_const)[1]
prefer 3
apply metis
apply ((rule ccorres_guard_imp2,
rule ccorres_cond_false_seq, simp,
apply (case_tac rva, simp_all del: Collect_const)[1]
prefer 3
apply metis
apply ((rule ccorres_guard_imp2,
rule ccorres_cond_false_seq, simp,
rule ccorres_cond_false_seq, simp,
ctac (no_vcg) add: maskInterrupt_ccorres,
ctac (no_vcg) add: ackInterrupt_ccorres [unfolded dc_def],
wp, simp)+)
apply simp
apply (wp getSlotCap_wp)
apply simp
apply vcg
@ -1699,37 +1854,34 @@ lemma handleInterrupt_ccorres:
apply (rule ccorres_rhs_assoc)+
apply (ctac (no_vcg) add: timerTick_ccorres)
apply (ctac (no_vcg) add: resetTimer_ccorres)
apply (ctac add: ackInterrupt_ccorres)
apply (ctac add: ackInterrupt_ccorres )
apply wp
apply (simp add: sint_ucast_eq_uint is_down uint_up_ucast is_up)
apply (simp add: sint_ucast_eq_uint is_down uint_up_ucast is_up )
apply (clarsimp simp: word_sless_alt word_less_alt word_le_def maxIRQ_def uint_up_ucast is_up_def
source_size_def target_size_def word_size
sint_ucast_eq_uint is_down is_up word_0_sle_from_less)
source_size_def target_size_def word_size
sint_ucast_eq_uint is_down is_up word_0_sle_from_less)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of ucast_up_ucast is_up)
apply (intro conjI allI)
apply (clarsimp simp add: if_1_0_0 Collect_const_mem)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of )
apply (clarsimp simp add: if_1_0_0 Collect_const_mem )
apply (clarsimp simp: Kernel_C.IRQTimer_def Kernel_C.IRQSignal_def
cte_wp_at_ctes_of ucast_ucast_b is_up)
cte_wp_at_ctes_of ucast_ucast_b is_up)
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule(1) cmap_relationE1[OF cmap_relation_cte])
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps')
apply (simp add: cap_get_tag_isCap)
apply (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps)
apply (frule cap_get_tag_isCap_unfolded_H_cap)
apply (frule cap_get_tag_to_H, assumption)
apply (clarsimp simp: to_bool_def)
apply (cut_tac un_ui_le[where b = 159 and a = irq,
simplified word_size])
apply (simp add: ucast_eq_0 is_up_def source_size_def
target_size_def word_size unat_gt_0
| subst array_assertion_abs_irq[rule_format, OF conjI])+
apply clarsimp
apply (erule(1) cmap_relationE1[OF cmap_relation_cte])
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_heap_simps')
apply (simp add: cap_get_tag_isCap)
apply (clarsimp simp: isCap_simps)
apply (frule cap_get_tag_isCap_unfolded_H_cap)
apply (frule cap_get_tag_to_H, assumption)
apply (clarsimp simp: to_bool_def)
apply (cut_tac un_ui_le[where b = 159 and a = irq,
simplified word_size])
apply (simp add: ucast_eq_0 is_up_def source_size_def
target_size_def word_size unat_gt_0
| subst array_assertion_abs_irq[rule_format, OF conjI])+
apply (erule(1) rf_sr_cte_at_valid[OF ctes_of_cte_at])
apply (clarsimp simp:nat_le_iff)

View File

@ -281,6 +281,12 @@ lemma handle_interrupt_corres:
"dcorres dc \<top> (invs and valid_etcbs) (Interrupt_D.handle_interrupt x) (Interrupt_A.handle_interrupt x)"
apply (clarsimp simp:Interrupt_A.handle_interrupt_def)
apply (clarsimp simp:get_irq_state_def gets_def bind_assoc)
apply (rule conjI; rule impI)
apply (subst Interrupt_D.handle_interrupt_def, simp)
apply (subst Retype_AI.do_machine_op_bind)
apply (rule maskInterrupt_empty_fail)
apply (rule ackInterrupt_empty_fail)
using corres_guard2_imp handle_interrupt_corres_branch apply blast
apply (rule dcorres_absorb_get_r)+
apply (clarsimp split:irq_state.splits simp:corres_free_fail | rule conjI)+
apply (simp add:Interrupt_D.handle_interrupt_def bind_assoc)

View File

@ -1132,10 +1132,9 @@ lemma handle_preemption_if_irq_masks:
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)) and domain_sep_inv False st\<rbrace>
handle_preemption_if tc
\<lbrace>\<lambda>_ s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)\<rbrace>"
apply(simp add: handle_preemption_if_def | wp handle_interrupt_irq_masks)+
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ s. P (irq_masks_of_state s) \<and> domain_sep_inv False st s" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply(wp | simp)+
by blast
apply(simp add: handle_preemption_if_def | wp handle_interrupt_irq_masks[where st=st])+
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_masks_of_state s) \<and> domain_sep_inv False st s \<and> (\<forall>x. rv = Some x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> maxIRQ) " in hoare_strengthen_post)
by(wp | simp)+
crunch valid_list[wp]: handle_preemption_if "valid_list"
(ignore: getActiveIRQ)
@ -1720,8 +1719,9 @@ lemma handle_interrupt_domain_time_sched_action:
"num_domains > 1 \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. domain_time s > 0\<rbrace>
handle_interrupt e
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. domain_time s = 0 \<longrightarrow> scheduler_action s = choose_new_thread\<rbrace>"
apply(simp add: handle_interrupt_def)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. domain_time s = 0 \<longrightarrow> scheduler_action s = choose_new_thread\<rbrace>"
apply(simp add: handle_interrupt_def split del: split_if)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (wp)
apply(case_tac "st \<noteq> IRQTimer")
apply((wp hoare_vcg_imp_lift' | simp | wpc)+)[1]

View File

@ -3153,6 +3153,7 @@ lemma handle_recv_silc_inv:
lemma handle_interrupt_silc_inv:
"\<lbrace>silc_inv aag st\<rbrace> handle_interrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. silc_inv aag st\<rbrace>"
unfolding handle_interrupt_def
apply (rule hoare_if)
apply(wp | wpc | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+

View File

@ -83,14 +83,18 @@ crunch irq_masks[wp]: machine_op_lift "\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks s)"
lemma handle_interrupt_irq_masks:
notes no_irq[wp del]
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)) and domain_sep_inv False st\<rbrace>
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)) and domain_sep_inv False st and K (irq \<le> maxIRQ)\<rbrace>
handle_interrupt irq
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)\<rbrace>"
apply(simp add: handle_interrupt_def)
apply(wp dmo_wp | simp add: ackInterrupt_def maskInterrupt_def when_def
split del: split_if | wpc | simp add: get_irq_state_def |wp_once hoare_drop_imp)+
apply(fastforce simp: domain_sep_inv_def)
apply (rule hoare_gen_asm)
apply(simp add: handle_interrupt_def split del: split_if)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule hoare_if)
apply simp
apply(wp dmo_wp | simp add: ackInterrupt_def maskInterrupt_def when_def split del: split_if | wpc | simp add: get_irq_state_def | wp_once hoare_drop_imp)+
apply (fastforce simp: domain_sep_inv_def)
crunch irq_masks[wp]: cap_swap_for_delete "\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)"
@ -396,12 +400,27 @@ crunch irq_masks[wp]: handle_vm_fault "\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)"
lemma dmo_getActiveIRQ_irq_masks[wp]:
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s))\<rbrace>
do_machine_op getActiveIRQ
\<lbrace>\<lambda>x s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)\<rbrace>"
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_masks_of_state s) \<rbrace>"
apply(rule hoare_pre, rule dmo_wp)
apply(simp add: getActiveIRQ_def | wp | simp add: no_irq_def | clarsimp)+
lemma dmo_getActiveIRQ_return_axiom[wp]:
do_machine_op getActiveIRQ
\<lbrace>(\<lambda>rv s. (\<forall>x. rv = Some x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> maxIRQ)) \<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: getActiveIRQ_def)
apply(rule hoare_pre, rule dmo_wp)
apply (insert irq_oracle_max_irq)
apply (wp alternative_wp select_wp dmo_getActiveIRQ_irq_masks)
apply clarsimp
lemma handle_yield_irq_masks_of_state[wp]: "\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)) and domain_sep_inv False st and invs\<rbrace> handle_yield \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)\<rbrace>"
lemma handle_yield_irq_masks_of_state[wp]:
"\<lbrace>(\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)) and domain_sep_inv False st and invs\<rbrace>
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handle_yield_def)
apply wp
apply simp
@ -412,9 +431,20 @@ lemma handle_event_irq_masks:
handle_event ev
\<lbrace> \<lambda> rv s. P (irq_masks_of_state s) \<rbrace>"
apply(case_tac ev)
apply (rename_tac syscall)
apply(case_tac syscall)
apply(simp add: handle_send_def handle_call_def | wp handle_invocation_irq_masks[where st=st] handle_interrupt_irq_masks[where st=st] hoare_vcg_all_lift | wpc | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
prefer 4
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply simp
apply (wp handle_interrupt_irq_masks[where st=st] | wpc | simp )+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_masks_of_state s) \<and> domain_sep_inv False st s \<and> (\<forall>x. rv = Some x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> maxIRQ)" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (wp | clarsimp)+
apply (rename_tac syscall)
apply (case_tac syscall)
apply (simp add: handle_send_def handle_call_def
| wp handle_invocation_irq_masks[where st=st] handle_interrupt_irq_masks[where st=st] hoare_vcg_all_lift
| wpc
| wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
crunch irq_masks[wp]: activate_thread "\<lambda>s. P (irq_masks_of_state s)"
@ -428,8 +458,8 @@ lemma call_kernel_irq_masks:
\<lbrace> \<lambda> rv s. P (irq_masks_of_state s) \<rbrace>"
apply(simp add: call_kernel_def)
apply (wp handle_interrupt_irq_masks[where st=st])+
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda>_ s. P (irq_masks_of_state s) \<and> domain_sep_inv False st s" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply(wp | simp)+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_masks_of_state s) \<and> domain_sep_inv False st s \<and> (\<forall>x. rv = Some x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> maxIRQ)" in hoare_strengthen_post)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply(rule_tac Q="\<lambda> x s. P (irq_masks_of_state s) \<and> domain_sep_inv False st s" and F="E" for E in hoare_post_impErr)
apply(rule valid_validE)
apply(wp handle_event_irq_masks[where st=st] valid_validE[OF handle_event_domain_sep_inv] | simp)+

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@ -3225,7 +3225,18 @@ lemma confidentiality_part_not_PSched:
apply(fastforce dest: non_PSched_steps_run_in_lock_step)
lemma getActiveIRQ_ret_no_dmo[wp]: "\<lbrace>\<lambda>_. True\<rbrace> getActiveIRQ \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. \<forall>x. rv = Some x \<longrightarrow> x \<le> maxIRQ\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: getActiveIRQ_def)
apply(rule hoare_pre)
apply (insert irq_oracle_max_irq)
apply (wp alternative_wp select_wp dmo_getActiveIRQ_irq_masks)
apply clarsimp
lemma try_some_magic: "(\<forall>x. y = Some x \<longrightarrow> P x) = ((\<exists>x. y = Some x) \<longrightarrow> P (the y))"
by auto
lemma preemption_interrupt_scheduler_invisible:
"equiv_valid_2 (scheduler_equiv aag) (scheduler_affects_equiv aag l) (scheduler_affects_equiv aag l) (\<lambda>r r'. r = uc \<and> snd r' = uc')
(einvs and pas_refined aag and guarded_pas_domain aag and domain_sep_inv False st and silc_inv aag st' and (\<lambda>s. irq_masks_of_state st = irq_masks_of_state s) and (\<lambda>s. ct_idle s \<longrightarrow> uc = idle_context s)
@ -3237,22 +3248,19 @@ lemma preemption_interrupt_scheduler_invisible:
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_bind_right)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_bind_right)
apply (simp add: liftE_def bind_assoc)
apply (simp only: option.case_eq_if)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_bind_pre[where R'="op ="])
apply simp
apply (case_tac "rv'")
prefer 2
apply simp
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_bind_pre[where R'="op =" and Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>"])
apply (rule return_ev2)
apply simp
apply (rule equiv_valid_2)
apply (rule handle_interrupt_reads_respects_scheduler)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply (rule return_ev2)
apply simp
apply (simp add: when_def split del: split_if)
apply (subst if_swap)
apply (simp split del: split_if)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_bind_pre[where R'="op =" and Q="\<top>\<top>" and Q'="\<top>\<top>"])
apply (rule return_ev2)
apply simp
apply (rule equiv_valid_2)
apply (wp handle_interrupt_reads_respects_scheduler[where st=st] | simp)+
apply (rule equiv_valid_2)
apply (rule dmo_getActive_IRQ_reads_respect_scheduler)
apply (wp | simp | elim conjE | intro conjI)+
apply (wp dmo_getActiveIRQ_return_axiom[simplified try_some_magic] | simp add: imp_conjR | elim conjE | intro conjI | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply (subst thread_set_as_user)
apply (wp guarded_pas_domain_lift)
apply ((simp | wp | force)+)[7]
@ -3275,8 +3283,8 @@ lemma handle_preemption_agnostic_ret: "\<lbrace>\<top>\<rbrace> handle_preemptio
lemma handle_preemption_reads_respects_scheduler:
"reads_respects_scheduler aag l (einvs and pas_refined aag and guarded_pas_domain aag and domain_sep_inv False st and silc_inv aag st' and (\<lambda>s. irq_masks_of_state st = irq_masks_of_state s)) (handle_preemption_if uc)"
apply (simp add: handle_preemption_if_def)
apply (wp when_ev handle_interrupt_reads_respects_scheduler
dmo_getActive_IRQ_reads_respect_scheduler | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply (wp when_ev handle_interrupt_reads_respects_scheduler dmo_getActiveIRQ_return_axiom[simplified try_some_magic]
dmo_getActive_IRQ_reads_respect_scheduler | simp add: imp_conjR| wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply force
@ -3298,8 +3306,8 @@ lemma kernel_entry_scheduler_equiv_2:
apply (rule equiv_valid_2_bind_pre[where R'="op ="])
apply (rule equiv_valid_2)
apply simp
apply (wp del: no_irq add: handle_interrupt_reads_respects_scheduler
dmo_getActive_IRQ_reads_respect_scheduler hoare_vcg_all_lift | wpc | simp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply (wp del: no_irq add: handle_interrupt_reads_respects_scheduler[where st=st]
dmo_getActive_IRQ_reads_respect_scheduler | wpc | simp add: imp_conjR all_conj_distrib | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
apply (rule context_update_cur_thread_snippit)
apply (wp thread_set_invs_trivial guarded_pas_domain_lift
thread_set_pas_refined thread_set_not_state_valid_sched | simp add: tcb_cap_cases_def)+
@ -3315,15 +3323,15 @@ lemma kernel_entry_if_reads_respects_scheduler:
apply (rule bind_ev_pre)
apply wp_once
apply (rule bind_ev_pre)
apply ((wp del: no_irq add: when_ev handle_interrupt_reads_respects_scheduler dmo_getActive_IRQ_reads_respect_scheduler hoare_vcg_all_lift liftE_ev | simp | wpc | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+)[1]
apply ((wp del: no_irq add: when_ev handle_interrupt_reads_respects_scheduler[where st=st] dmo_getActive_IRQ_reads_respect_scheduler liftE_ev | simp add: imp_conjR all_conj_distrib | wpc | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+)[1]
apply (rule reads_respects_scheduler_cases')
prefer 3
apply (rule reads_respects_scheduler_unobservable'')
apply ((wp thread_set_scheduler_equiv | simp | elim conjE)+)[3]
apply ((wp | simp | elim conjE)+)[2]
apply (clarsimp simp: guarded_pas_domain_def)
apply (wp thread_set_invs_trivial guarded_pas_domain_lift
thread_set_pas_refined thread_set_not_state_valid_sched | simp add: tcb_cap_cases_def)+
apply ((wp thread_set_invs_trivial guarded_pas_domain_lift hoare_vcg_all_lift
thread_set_pas_refined thread_set_not_state_valid_sched | simp add: tcb_cap_cases_def)+)
apply (clarsimp simp: cur_thread_idle cur_thread_not_SilcLabel)
apply force

View File

@ -2167,16 +2167,22 @@ lemma ackInterrupt_reads_respects_scheduler:
lemma handle_interrupt_reads_respects_scheduler:
"reads_respects_scheduler aag l (invs and guarded_pas_domain aag and pas_refined aag and valid_sched and domain_sep_inv False st) (handle_interrupt irq)"
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def)
apply (wp | rule ackInterrupt_reads_respects_scheduler)+
apply (rule_tac Q="rv = IRQTimer \<or> rv = IRQInactive" in gen_asm_ev(2))
apply (elim disjE)
apply (wp timer_tick_reads_respects_scheduler
"reads_respects_scheduler aag l (invs and guarded_pas_domain aag and pas_refined aag and valid_sched and domain_sep_inv False st and K (irq \<le> maxIRQ)) (handle_interrupt irq)"
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def )
apply (rule conjI; rule impI )
apply (rule gen_asm_ev)
apply simp
apply (wp modify_wp | simp )+
apply (rule ackInterrupt_reads_respects_scheduler)
apply (rule_tac Q="rv = IRQTimer \<or> rv = IRQInactive" in gen_asm_ev(2))
apply (elim disjE)
apply (wp timer_tick_reads_respects_scheduler
fail_ev irq_inactive_or_timer | simp add: | wpc)+
fail_ev irq_inactive_or_timer | simp )+
apply force

View File

@ -907,13 +907,20 @@ declare gts_st_tcb_at[wp del]
lemma handle_interrupt_globals_equiv:
"\<lbrace>globals_equiv (st :: det_ext state) and invs\<rbrace> handle_interrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>r. globals_equiv st\<rbrace>"
unfolding handle_interrupt_def
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt_globals_equiv
apply (rule hoare_if)
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt_globals_equiv
| wpc | simp add: ackInterrupt_def resetTimer_def invs_imps invs_valid_idle)+
| wpc | simp add: Interrupt_AI.empty_fail_ackInterrupt dmo_bind_valid ackInterrupt_def resetTimer_def invs_imps invs_valid_idle)+

View File

@ -4117,10 +4117,10 @@ interpretation timer_tick_extended: is_extended "timer_tick"
lemma handle_interrupt_valid_list[wp]:
"\<lbrace>valid_list\<rbrace> handle_interrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>_.valid_list\<rbrace>"
unfolding handle_interrupt_def
apply (wp get_cap_wp | wpc | simp add: get_irq_slot_def get_irq_state_def)+
"\<lbrace>valid_list \<rbrace> handle_interrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>_.valid_list\<rbrace>"
unfolding handle_interrupt_def ackInterrupt_def
apply (rule hoare_pre)
by (wp get_cap_wp do_machine_op_valid_list | wpc | simp add: get_irq_slot_def | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
crunch valid_list[wp]: handle_send,handle_reply valid_list

View File

@ -203,13 +203,15 @@ lemma get_irq_slot_ex_cte:
apply clarsimp
lemma maskInterrupt_invs:
"\<lbrace>invs and (\<lambda>s. interrupt_states s irq \<noteq> IRQInactive)\<rbrace>
"\<lbrace>invs and (\<lambda>s. \<not>b \<longrightarrow> interrupt_states s irq \<noteq> IRQInactive)\<rbrace>
do_machine_op (maskInterrupt b irq)
\<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: do_machine_op_def split_def maskInterrupt_def)
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad invs_def valid_state_def all_invs_but_valid_irq_states_for_def valid_irq_states_but_def valid_irq_masks_but_def valid_machine_state_def cur_tcb_def valid_irq_states_def valid_irq_masks_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad invs_def valid_state_def all_invs_but_valid_irq_states_for_def
valid_irq_states_but_def valid_irq_masks_but_def valid_machine_state_def cur_tcb_def valid_irq_states_def valid_irq_masks_def)
crunch pspace_aligned[wp]: set_irq_state "pspace_aligned"
@ -370,16 +372,23 @@ lemma send_signal_interrupt_states[wp_unsafe]:
apply (auto simp: pred_tcb_at_def obj_at_def receive_blocked_def)
lemma handle_interrupt_invs[wp]:
lemma empty_fail_ackInterrupt[simp, intro!]: "empty_fail (ackInterrupt irq)"
by (wp | simp add: ackInterrupt_def)+
lemma empty_fail_maskInterrupt[simp, intro!]: "empty_fail (maskInterrupt f irq)"
by (wp | simp add: maskInterrupt_def)+
lemma handle_interrupt_invs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs\<rbrace> handle_interrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. invs\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def)
apply (wp maskInterrupt_invs | wpc)+
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def )
apply (rule conjI; rule impI)
apply (simp add: do_machine_op_bind)
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt_invs maskInterrupt_invs dmo_ackInterrupt | wpc | simp)+
apply (wp get_cap_wp send_signal_interrupt_states )
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv. invs and (\<lambda>s. st = interrupt_states s irq)" in hoare_post_imp)
apply (clarsimp simp: ex_nonz_cap_to_def invs_valid_objs)
apply (intro allI exI, erule cte_wp_at_weakenE)
apply (clarsimp simp: is_cap_simps)
apply (wp hoare_drop_imps | simp add: get_irq_state_def)+

View File

@ -1253,7 +1253,7 @@ lemma he_invs[wp]:
apply (case_tac e, simp_all)
apply (rename_tac syscall)
apply (case_tac syscall, simp_all)
apply ((rule hoare_pre, wp hvmf_active hr_invs hy_inv) |
apply ((rule hoare_pre, wp hvmf_active hr_invs hy_inv ) |
wpc | wp hoare_drop_imps hoare_vcg_all_lift |
fastforce simp: tcb_at_invs ct_in_state_def valid_fault_def
elim!: st_tcb_ex_cap)+

View File

@ -550,24 +550,29 @@ lemma timerTick_corres:
apply simp
lemmas corres_eq_trivial = corres_Id[where f = h and g = h for h, simplified]
thm corres_Id
lemma handle_interrupt_corres:
"corres dc
(einvs) (invs' and (\<lambda>s. intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s) irq \<noteq> IRQInactive))
(handle_interrupt irq) (handleInterrupt irq)"
(is "corres dc (einvs) ?P' ?f ?g")
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def handleInterrupt_def)
apply (simp add: handle_interrupt_def handleInterrupt_def )
apply (rule conjI[rotated]; rule impI)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split [OF _ get_irq_state_corres,
where R="\<lambda>rv. einvs"
and R'="\<lambda>rv. invs' and (\<lambda>s. rv \<noteq> IRQInactive)"])
and R'="\<lambda>rv. invs' and (\<lambda>s. rv \<noteq> IRQInactive)"])
apply (wp getIRQState_prop getIRQState_inv)
apply simp+
apply (rule corres_gen_asm2)
apply (rule corres_split'[where r'=dc, rotated])
apply (rule corres_machine_op)
apply (rule corres_Id, simp+)
apply wp
apply (wp getIRQState_prop getIRQState_inv do_machine_op_bind doMachineOp_bind | simp add: do_machine_op_bind doMachineOp_bind )+
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split)
apply (rule corres_machine_op, rule corres_eq_trivial ; (simp add: dc_def no_fail_maskInterrupt no_fail_bind no_fail_ackInterrupt)+)+
apply ((wp | simp)+)[4]
apply (rule corres_gen_asm2)
apply (case_tac st, simp_all add: irq_state_relation_def split: irqstate.split_asm)
apply (simp add: getSlotCap_def bind_assoc)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
@ -577,24 +582,29 @@ lemma handle_interrupt_corres:
where R="\<lambda>rv. einvs and valid_cap rv"
and R'="\<lambda>rv. invs' and valid_cap' (cteCap rv)"])
apply (rule corres_split'[where r'=dc])
apply (case_tac cap, simp_all add: when_False when_True doMachineOp_return)[1]
apply (case_tac xb, simp_all add: when_False doMachineOp_return )[1]
apply (clarsimp simp add: when_def doMachineOp_return)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp, rule send_signal_corres)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_cap_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_cap'_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: doMachineOp_return)
apply (rule corres_machine_op)
apply (rule corres_Id, simp+)
apply (wp | simp)+
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_cap_def valid_cap'_def do_machine_op_bind doMachineOp_bind)+
apply ( rule corres_split)
apply (rule corres_machine_op, rule corres_eq_trivial ; (simp add: no_fail_maskInterrupt no_fail_bind no_fail_ackInterrupt)+)+
apply ((wp |simp)+)
apply clarsimp
apply fastforce
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split)
apply simp
apply (rule corres_split [OF corres_machine_op timerTick_corres])
apply (rule corres_eq_trivial, simp+)
apply (rule corres_machine_op)
apply (rule corres_eq_trivial, (simp add: no_fail_ackInterrupt)+)
apply wp
apply clarsimp
apply clarsimp
apply fastforce
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split [OF corres_machine_op timerTick_corres])
apply (rule corres_Id, simp+)
apply wp
apply (clarsimp simp: invs_def valid_state_def valid_sched_def
valid_sched_action_def weak_valid_sched_action_def)+
lemma invs_ChooseNewThread:
@ -847,16 +857,20 @@ lemma dmo_ackInterrupt[wp]:
lemma hint_invs[wp]:
"\<lbrace>invs'\<rbrace> handleInterrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. invs'\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handleInterrupt_def getSlotCap_def
cong: irqstate.case_cong)
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt_True getCTE_wp'
| wpc | simp)+
cong: irqstate.case_cong)
apply (rule conjI; rule impI)
apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt_True getCTE_wp'
| wpc | simp add: doMachineOp_bind )+
apply (rule_tac Q="\<lambda>rv. invs'" in hoare_post_imp)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at_ctes_of ex_nonz_cap_to'_def)
apply fastforce
apply (wp threadSet_invs_trivial | simp add: inQ_def)+
apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post, rule getIRQState_inv)
apply (auto simp add: tcb_at_invs')
apply (wp hoare_post_comb_imp_conj hoare_drop_imp getIRQState_inv)
apply (assumption)
crunch st_tcb_at'[wp]: timerTick "st_tcb_at' P t"
(wp: threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state)
@ -864,7 +878,7 @@ crunch st_tcb_at'[wp]: timerTick "st_tcb_at' P t"
lemma handleInterrupt_runnable:
"\<lbrace>st_tcb_at' runnable' t\<rbrace> handleInterrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. st_tcb_at' runnable' t\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handleInterrupt_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule conjI; rule impI)
apply (wp sai_st_tcb' hoare_vcg_all_lift hoare_drop_imps
threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state getIRQState_inv haskell_fail_wp

View File

@ -2519,7 +2519,7 @@ lemma handleInterrupt_valid_duplicates'[wp]:
"\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. vs_valid_duplicates' (ksPSpace s)\<rbrace>
handleInterrupt irq \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. vs_valid_duplicates' (ksPSpace s)\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: handleInterrupt_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (rule conjI; rule impI)
apply (wp sai_st_tcb' hoare_vcg_all_lift hoare_drop_imps
threadSet_pred_tcb_no_state getIRQState_inv haskell_fail_wp

View File

@ -82,22 +82,27 @@ definition timer_tick :: "unit det_ext_monad" where
handle_interrupt :: "irq \<Rightarrow> (unit,'z::state_ext) s_monad" where
"handle_interrupt irq \<equiv> do
st \<leftarrow> get_irq_state irq;
case st of
IRQSignal \<Rightarrow> do
slot \<leftarrow> get_irq_slot irq;
cap \<leftarrow> get_cap slot;
when (is_ntfn_cap cap \<and> AllowSend \<in> cap_rights cap)
$ send_signal (obj_ref_of cap) (cap_ep_badge cap);
do_machine_op $ maskInterrupt True irq
"handle_interrupt irq \<equiv>
if (irq > maxIRQ) then do_machine_op $ do
maskInterrupt True irq;
ackInterrupt irq
| IRQTimer \<Rightarrow> do
do_extended_op timer_tick;
do_machine_op resetTimer
| IRQInactive \<Rightarrow> fail (* not meant to be able to get IRQs from inactive lines *);
do_machine_op $ ackInterrupt irq
else do
st \<leftarrow> get_irq_state irq;
case st of
IRQSignal \<Rightarrow> do
slot \<leftarrow> get_irq_slot irq;
cap \<leftarrow> get_cap slot;
when (is_ntfn_cap cap \<and> AllowSend \<in> cap_rights cap)
$ send_signal (obj_ref_of cap) (cap_ep_badge cap);
do_machine_op $ maskInterrupt True irq
| IRQTimer \<Rightarrow> do
do_extended_op timer_tick;
do_machine_op resetTimer
| IRQInactive \<Rightarrow> fail (* not meant to be able to get IRQs from inactive lines *);
do_machine_op $ ackInterrupt irq

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
theory Interrupt_D
imports Endpoint_D
imports Endpoint_D "../machine/$L4V_ARCH/Platform"
(* Return the currently pending IRQ. *)
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ where
handle_interrupt :: "cdl_irq \<Rightarrow> unit k_monad"
"handle_interrupt irq \<equiv>
"handle_interrupt irq \<equiv> if (irq > maxIRQ) then return () else
irq_slot \<leftarrow> gets $ get_irq_slot irq;
c \<leftarrow> gets $ opt_cap irq_slot;

View File

@ -128,28 +128,35 @@ defs initInterruptController_def:
defs handleInterrupt_def:
"handleInterrupt irq\<equiv> (do
st \<leftarrow> getIRQState irq;
(case st of
IRQSignal \<Rightarrow> (do
slot \<leftarrow> getIRQSlot irq;
cap \<leftarrow> getSlotCap slot;
(case cap of
NotificationCap _ _ True _ \<Rightarrow>
sendSignal (capNtfnPtr cap) (capNtfnBadge cap)
| _ \<Rightarrow> doMachineOp $ debugPrint $
[] @ show irq
doMachineOp $ maskInterrupt True irq
"handleInterrupt irq\<equiv> (
if (irq > maxIRQ) then doMachineOp $ ((do
maskInterrupt True irq;
ackInterrupt irq
else (do
st \<leftarrow> getIRQState irq;
(case st of
IRQSignal \<Rightarrow> (do
slot \<leftarrow> getIRQSlot irq;
cap \<leftarrow> getSlotCap slot;
(case cap of
NotificationCap _ _ True _ \<Rightarrow>
sendSignal (capNtfnPtr cap) (capNtfnBadge cap)
| _ \<Rightarrow> doMachineOp $ debugPrint $
[] @ show irq
doMachineOp $ maskInterrupt True irq
| IRQTimer \<Rightarrow> (do
doMachineOp resetTimer
| IRQTimer \<Rightarrow> (do
doMachineOp resetTimer
| IRQInactive \<Rightarrow> haskell_fail $ [] @ show irq
doMachineOp $ ackInterrupt irq
| IRQInactive \<Rightarrow> haskell_fail $ [] @ show irq
doMachineOp $ ackInterrupt irq
defs isIRQActive_def:
"isIRQActive irq\<equiv> liftM (\<lambda>x. x \<noteq>IRQInactive) $ getIRQState irq"

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@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ record
consts irq_oracle :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 10 word"
axiomatization irq_oracle_max_irqInst where
irq_oracle_max_irq: "\<forall> n. (irq_oracle n) <= maxIRQ"
text {*
The machine monad is used for operations on the state defined above.

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Built from git repo at /home/xgao/verification/seL4/haskell by xgao
Built from git repo at /home/spacekitteh/verification/seL4/haskell by spacekitteh
Generated from changeset:
007e805 fix for asmrefine
0d0cf20 Fixed comments due to buggy haskell translator

View File

@ -181,6 +181,9 @@ record
consts irq_oracle :: "nat \<Rightarrow> 10 word"
axiomatization irq_oracle_max_irqInst where
irq_oracle_max_irq: "\<forall> n. (irq_oracle n) <= maxIRQ"
text {*
The machine monad is used for operations on the state defined above.