crefine: arm-hyp: add word lemma FIXMEs

Various potential improvements that became apparent during the word
lemma move.
This commit is contained in:
Edward Pierzchalski 2018-09-17 16:43:20 +10:00
parent c4dc578bc3
commit d8552fa97d
5 changed files with 17 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -352,6 +352,7 @@ lemma projectKO_opt_UserData [simp]:
"projectKO_opt KOUserData = Some UserData"
by (simp add: projectKO_opts_defs)
(* FIXME: rewrite using ucast_ucast_mask_shift *)
lemma ucast_ucast_mask_pageBits_shift:
"ucast (ucast (p && mask pageBits >> 2) :: 10 word) = p && mask pageBits >> 2"
apply (rule word_eqI)
@ -362,6 +363,7 @@ definition
"processMemory s \<equiv> (ksMachineState s) \<lparr>underlying_memory := option_to_0 \<circ> (user_mem' s)\<rparr>"
(* FIXME: rewrite using unat_ucast_mask_shift *)
lemma unat_ucast_mask_pageBits_shift:
"unat (ucast (p && mask pageBits >> 2) :: 10 word) = unat ((p::word32) && mask pageBits >> 2)"
apply (simp only: unat_ucast)
@ -373,6 +375,7 @@ lemma unat_ucast_mask_pageBits_shift:
apply (simp add: pageBits_def mask_def)
(* FIXME: rewrite using mask_shift_sum *)
lemma mask_pageBits_shift_sum:
"unat n = unat (p && mask 2) \<Longrightarrow>
(p && ~~ mask pageBits) + (p && mask pageBits >> 2) * 4 + n = (p::word32)"

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@ -1590,10 +1590,12 @@ lemma pte_sadness:
apply (cases pte', cases pte, simp)
(* FIXME: move to Lib *)
lemma hd_in_zip_set:
"slots \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> (hd slots, 0) \<in> set (zip slots [0.e.of_nat (length slots - Suc 0)::machine_word])"
by (cases slots; simp add: upto_enum_word upto_0_to_n2 del: upt_Suc)
(* FIXME: move to Lib *)
lemma last_in_zip_set:
"\<lbrakk> slots \<noteq> []; length js = length slots \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (last slots, last js) \<in> set (zip slots js)"
apply (simp add: in_set_zip last_conv_nth)
@ -1845,6 +1847,7 @@ lemma pde_align_ptBits:
apply (simp add: table_bits_defs)
(* FIXME: consider generalising and moving to Word_Lemmas *)
lemma vaddr_segment_nonsense3_folded:
"is_aligned (p :: word32) pageBits \<Longrightarrow>
(p + ((vaddr >> pageBits) && mask (pt_bits - pte_bits) << pte_bits) && ~~ mask pt_bits) = p"
@ -1897,6 +1900,7 @@ lemma createMappingEntries_valid_pte_slots'2:
apply (wp | simp add:valid_pte_slots'2_def)+
(* FIXME: rewrite using 'unat_shiftr_shiftl_mask_zero *)
(* FIXME: move *)
(* this one is specialised to a PDE for a supersection *)
lemma vaddr_segment_nonsense6:
@ -2711,6 +2715,7 @@ lemma framesize_from_H_eq_eq:
lemmas framesize_from_H_eq_eqs = framesize_from_H_eq_eq trans [OF eq_commute framesize_from_H_eq_eq]
(* FIXME: generalise, move to Word_Lib, and/or rewrite using 'shift_then_mask_eq_shift_low_bits' *)
lemma shiftr_asid_low_bits_mask_asid_high_bits:
"(asid :: word32) \<le> mask asid_bits
\<Longrightarrow> (asid >> asid_low_bits) && mask asid_high_bits = asid >> asid_low_bits"
@ -2721,6 +2726,7 @@ lemma shiftr_asid_low_bits_mask_asid_high_bits:
apply (simp add: asid_bits_def)
(* FIXME: generalise, move to Word_Lib, and/or rewrite using 'leq_low_bits_iff_zero' *)
lemma shiftr_asid_low_bits_mask_eq_0:
"\<lbrakk> (asid :: word32) \<le> mask asid_bits; asid >> asid_low_bits = 0 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (asid && mask asid_low_bits = 0) = (asid = 0)"
@ -2779,7 +2785,7 @@ lemma ivc_label_flush_case:
= D"
by (auto split: invocation_label.split arch_invocation_label.split)
(* FIXME: move to Lib *)
lemma list_length_less:
"(args = [] \<or> length args \<le> Suc 0) = (length args < 2)"
by (case_tac args,simp_all)
@ -2875,6 +2881,7 @@ lemma setVMRootForFlush_ccorres2:
apply (auto simp: cap_get_tag_isCap_ArchObject2)
(* FIXME: move to Lib *)
lemma at_least_2_args:
"\<not> length args < 2 \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>a b c. args = a#b#c"
apply (case_tac args)
@ -3855,6 +3862,8 @@ lemma maskCapRights_eq_Untyped [simp]:
(* FIXME: generalise, move to Word_Lib, and/or rewrite using
'leq_high_bits_shiftr_low_bits_leq_bits' *)
lemma le_mask_asid_bits_helper:
"x \<le> 2 ^ asid_high_bits - 1 \<Longrightarrow> (x::word32) << asid_low_bits \<le> mask asid_bits"
apply (simp add: mask_def)
@ -3976,6 +3985,7 @@ lemma framesize_from_H_mask2:
(* FIXME: move to Lib *)
lemma rel_option_alt_def:
"rel_option f a b = (
(a = None \<and> b = None)

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@ -157,6 +157,7 @@ lemma Arch_maskCapRights_ccorres [corres]:
apply (cases arch_cap)
by (fastforce simp add: cap_get_tag_isCap isCap_simps simp del: not_ex omgwtfbbq)+
(* FIXME: move to Wellformed_C (or move to_bool_bf out of Wellformed_C) *)
lemma to_bool_mask_to_bool_bf:
"to_bool (x && mask (Suc 0)) = to_bool_bf (x::word32)"
apply (simp add: to_bool_bf_def to_bool_def)

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@ -1785,6 +1785,7 @@ lemma name_seq_bound_helper:
apply (rule ccontr, simp add: linorder_not_le)
(* FIXME: what's being proven here? it's a pure word lemma - should it go in Word_Lib? *)
lemma reset_name_seq_bound_helper:
fixes sz
fixes v :: "('a :: len) word"

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@ -3490,6 +3490,7 @@ definition
"cfault_rel2 \<equiv> \<lambda>ft exnvar err. exnvar = (scast EXCEPTION_FAULT :: machine_word) \<and>
cfault_rel (Some ft) (errfault err) (errlookup_fault err)"
(* FIXME: move to Lib *)
lemma takeWhile_eq:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>m. \<lbrakk> m < length ys \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (xs ! m);
length ys < length xs \<Longrightarrow> \<not> P (xs ! length ys);