Isabelle2016: InfoFlow updated

This commit is contained in:
Matthew Brecknell 2016-02-01 17:23:26 +11:00
parent a333cd3d52
commit d93ab3cf20
1 changed files with 47 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -1282,7 +1282,7 @@ end
sublocale valid_initial_state \<subseteq>
ni: complete_unwinding_system
ni?: complete_unwinding_system
"big_step_ADT_A_if utf" (* the ADT that we prove infoflow for *)
s0 (* initial state *)
"\<lambda>e s. part s" (* dom function *)
@ -2339,8 +2339,12 @@ lemma uwr_PSched_cur_domain:
apply(fastforce simp: uwr_def sameFor_def sameFor_scheduler_def domain_fields_equiv_def)
lemma check_active_irq_A_if_confidentiality_helper:
reads_respects_irq =
use_ev[OF check_active_irq_if_reads_respects_f_g[
where st=s0_internal and st'=s0_internal and irq=timer_irq]]
"\<lbrakk>(s, t) \<in> uwr PSched; (s, t) \<in> uwr (part s); (s, t) \<in> uwr u;
invs_if s; invs_if t; silc_inv (current_aag (internal_state_if s')) s0_internal (internal_state_if s');
(part s, u) \<in> policyFlows (pasPolicy initial_aag);
@ -2356,7 +2360,10 @@ lemma check_active_irq_A_if_confidentiality_helper:
apply(case_tac s, case_tac t, simp_all)
apply(case_tac u, simp_all)
apply(frule (6) uwr_reads_equiv_f_g_affects_equiv)
apply(frule_tac s=ya and t=yb in use_ev[OF check_active_irq_if_reads_respects_f_g[where st=s0_internal and st'=s0_internal and irq=timer_irq]])
apply (match premises in "s = ((_, p), _)" and "t = ((_, q), _)" and
H: "(_, _) \<in> fst (check_active_irq_if _ p)"
for p q \<Rightarrow>
\<open>rule revcut_rl[OF reads_respects_irq[where s=p and t=q, OF H]]\<close>)
apply assumption
apply(clarsimp simp: invs_if_def Invs_def)
apply assumption
@ -2452,6 +2459,14 @@ lemma partitionIntegrity_irq_state_update[simp]:
lemma do_user_op_A_if_confidentiality:
read_respects_irq =
use_ev[OF check_active_irq_if_reads_respects_f_g[
where st=s0_internal and st'=s0_internal and irq=timer_irq]] and
read_respects_user_op =
use_ev[OF do_user_op_if_reads_respects_f_g[
where aag="current_aag (internal_state_if s)" and st="s0_internal"]]
"\<lbrakk>(s, t) \<in> uwr PSched; (s, t) \<in> uwr (part s); (s, t) \<in> uwr u;
invs_if s; invs_if t; invs_if s'; invs_if t';
(part s, u) \<in> policyFlows (pasPolicy initial_aag);
@ -2467,7 +2482,9 @@ lemma do_user_op_A_if_confidentiality:
apply(case_tac s, case_tac t, simp_all)
apply(case_tac u, simp_all)
apply(frule (6) uwr_reads_equiv_f_g_affects_equiv)
apply(frule_tac s=y and t=yb in use_ev[OF check_active_irq_if_reads_respects_f_g[where st=s0_internal and st'=s0_internal and irq=timer_irq]])
apply (match premises in "s = ((_,p),_)" and "t = ((_,q),_)" and
H: "(_,_) \<in> fst (check_active_irq_if _ p)"
for p q \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule revcut_rl[OF read_respects_irq[where t=q, OF H]]\<close>)
apply assumption
apply (clarsimp simp: invs_if_def Invs_def)
apply assumption
@ -2477,9 +2494,12 @@ lemma do_user_op_A_if_confidentiality:
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply(simp add: do_user_op_A_if_def | elim exE conjE)+
apply(frule_tac s=ya and t=yc in use_ev[OF do_user_op_if_reads_respects_f_g[where aag="current_aag (internal_state_if s)" and st="s0_internal"]])
apply (match premises in "s_aux = (_,p)" and "t_aux = (_,q)" and
H: "(_,_) \<in> fst (do_user_op_if _ _ p)"
for p q \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule revcut_rl[OF read_respects_user_op[where t=q, OF H]]\<close>)
apply assumption
apply (frule_tac s=y in use_valid[OF _ check_active_irq_if_User_det_inv])
apply (match premises in "s = ((_,p),_)" and H: "(_,_) \<in> fst (check_active_irq_if _ p)"
for p \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule revcut_rl[OF use_valid[OF H check_active_irq_if_User_det_inv]]\<close>)
apply (clarsimp simp: invs_if_def Invs_def cur_thread_context_of_def)
apply simp
apply (erule use_valid)
@ -2488,18 +2508,21 @@ lemma do_user_op_A_if_confidentiality:
apply(clarsimp simp: invs_if_def Invs_def)
apply (rule guarded_pas_is_subject_current_aag[rule_format])
apply (simp add: active_from_running)+
apply (frule_tac s'=yc in use_valid[OF _ check_active_irq_if_User_det_inv])
apply (match premises in "t_aux = (_,q)" and H: "(_,q) \<in> fst (check_active_irq_if _ _)"
for q \<Rightarrow> \<open>rule revcut_rl[OF use_valid[OF H check_active_irq_if_User_det_inv]]\<close>)
apply (clarsimp simp: invs_if_def Invs_def cur_thread_context_of_def)
apply simp
apply(erule_tac s'=yc in use_valid)
apply(wp check_active_irq_if_wp)
apply simp
apply(clarsimp simp: invs_if_def Invs_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "current_aag y = current_aag yb")
apply(subgoal_tac "current_aag y = current_aag ya")
apply simp
apply(frule_tac s=yb in ct_running_cur_thread_not_idle_thread[OF invs_valid_idle])
apply (match premises in "t = ((_,q),_)" and H: "invs q" for q \<Rightarrow>
\<open>rule revcut_rl[OF ct_running_cur_thread_not_idle_thread[OF invs_valid_idle[OF H]]]\<close>)
apply assumption
apply(cut_tac t=yb in current_aag_def)
apply (match premises in "t = ((_,q),_)" for q \<Rightarrow>
\<open>rule revcut_rl[OF current_aag_def[where t=q]]\<close>)
apply (rule guarded_pas_is_subject_current_aag[rule_format])
apply (simp add: active_from_running)+
apply(drule uwr_PSched_cur_domain, simp add: current_aag_def)
@ -2518,7 +2541,8 @@ lemma do_user_op_A_if_confidentiality:
apply(erule_tac s'=yc in use_valid[OF _ check_active_irq_if_wp])
apply(clarsimp simp: invs_if_def Invs_def)
apply(frule_tac s=yb in ct_running_cur_thread_not_idle_thread[OF invs_valid_idle])
apply (match premises in "t = ((_,q),_)" and H: "invs q" for q \<Rightarrow>
\<open>rule revcut_rl[OF ct_running_cur_thread_not_idle_thread[OF invs_valid_idle[OF H]]]\<close>)
apply assumption
apply (rule guarded_pas_is_subject_current_aag[rule_format])
apply (simp add: active_from_running)+
@ -3427,7 +3451,18 @@ lemma scheduler_step_1_confidentiality:
apply ((clarsimp simp: blob)+)[2]
apply (rule scheduler_affects_equiv_uwr,simp+)
apply (clarsimp simp: blob)
apply (rule equiv_valid_2E[where s="internal_state_if s" and t="internal_state_if t", OF ev2_sym[where R'="\<lambda>r r'. r' = user_context_of t \<and> snd r = user_context_of s", OF _ _ _ _ preemption_interrupt_scheduler_invisible[where aag="initial_aag" and st="s0_internal" and st'="s0_internal" and uc="user_context_of t" and uc'="user_context_of s" and l="label_for_partition u"], OF scheduler_equiv_sym scheduler_affects_equiv_sym scheduler_affects_equiv_sym, simplified]],simp,simp,simp,simp,assumption,assumption)
apply (rule
where s="internal_state_if s" and t="internal_state_if t",
OF ev2_sym[
where R'="\<lambda>r r'. r' = user_context_of t \<and> snd r = user_context_of s",
OF _ _ _ _
where aag="initial_aag" and st="s0_internal" and st'="s0_internal" and
uc="user_context_of t" and uc'="user_context_of s" and
l="label_for_partition u"],
OF scheduler_equiv_sym scheduler_affects_equiv_sym scheduler_affects_equiv_sym, simplified]])
apply (fastforce+)[2]
apply (rule uwr_scheduler_affects_equiv,assumption+)
apply ((clarsimp simp: blob)+)[2]
apply (rule scheduler_affects_equiv_uwr,simp+)