aarch64 aspec+ainvs: symbolic vs_index_len

Making vs_index_len a sybmolic value instead of a plain number means we
have to unfold config_ARM_PA_SIZE_BITS_40 less often (instead, we need
to consider both cases, which forces us to stay generic).

This also makes sure the type vs_index_len is always distinct from
pt_index_len (even if the sizes are the same), which was only
guaranteed in one of the two configurations before.

Signed-off-by: Gerwin Klein <gerwin.klein@proofcraft.systems>
This commit is contained in:
Gerwin Klein 2022-04-27 09:25:09 +10:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent a997a65464
commit db70e3ea75
2 changed files with 51 additions and 23 deletions

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@ -549,7 +549,9 @@ lemmas valid_asid_table_def = valid_asid_table_2_def
definition arch_obj_bits_type :: "aa_type \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"arch_obj_bits_type T \<equiv> case T of
AASIDPool \<Rightarrow> arch_kobj_size (ASIDPool undefined)
| APageTable vsp \<Rightarrow> arch_kobj_size (PageTable ((if vsp then VSRootPT else NormalPT) undefined))
| APageTable vsp \<Rightarrow> arch_kobj_size (PageTable (if vsp
then VSRootPT undefined
else NormalPT undefined))
| AUserData sz \<Rightarrow> arch_kobj_size (DataPage False sz)
| ADeviceData sz \<Rightarrow> arch_kobj_size (DataPage True sz)
| AVCPU \<Rightarrow> arch_kobj_size (VCPU undefined)"
@ -726,10 +728,12 @@ context
includes machine_bit_simps
lemmas simple_bit_simps = table_size word_size_bits_def ptTranslationBits_def pageBits_def vcpuBits_def
lemmas table_bits_simps = pt_bits_def[simplified] pte_bits_def[unfolded word_size_bits_def]
lemmas simple_bit_simps =
table_size word_size_bits_def ptTranslationBits_def pageBits_def vcpuBits_def
lemmas table_bits_simps =
pt_bits_def[simplified] pte_bits_def[unfolded word_size_bits_def] vs_index_bits_def
named_theorems bit_simps
named_theorems bit_simps (* FIXME AARCH64: shadows Word_Lib bit_simps *)
lemmas [bit_simps] = table_bits_simps simple_bit_simps ipa_size_def valid_vs_slot_bits_def
@ -1931,18 +1935,14 @@ lemma table_index_plus_ucast_pt[simp]:
lemma table_index_plus_ucast_vs[simp]:
"is_aligned pt_ptr (pt_bits True) \<Longrightarrow>
table_index True (pt_ptr + (ucast (i::vs_index) << pte_bits)) = i"
by (rule table_index_plus_ucast;
simp add: bit_simps Kernel_Config.config_ARM_PA_SIZE_BITS_40_def)
(* FIXME AARCH64: occasionally we need the config value to relate the (fixed per config) type to
the (conditional) constant. *)
by (rule table_index_plus_ucast; simp add: bit_simps)
lemma table_index_offset_pt_bits_left_vs:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned pt_ref (pt_bits True); lvl = max_pt_level \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(table_index True (pt_slot_offset lvl pt_ref vref)::vs_index) =
ucast (vref >> pt_bits_left lvl)"
by (simp add: table_index_plus_ucast pt_slot_offset_def pt_index_def
ptTranslationBits_def ucast_ucast_mask[where 'a=vs_index_len, simplified, symmetric])
by (auto simp: table_index_plus_ucast pt_slot_offset_def pt_index_def vs_index_ptTranslationBits
ucast_ucast_mask[where 'a=vs_index_len, simplified, symmetric])
lemma table_index_offset_pt_bits_left_pt:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned pt_ref (pt_bits False); lvl \<noteq> max_pt_level \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
@ -2537,7 +2537,7 @@ lemma table_index_pt_slot_offset_vs:
vsroot_index (pt_slot_offset level p (vref_for_level_idx vref idx level)) = idx"
for idx :: vs_index
using table_index_pt_slot_offset[where level=max_pt_level and 'a=vs_index_len]
by (simp add: bit_simps Kernel_Config.config_ARM_PA_SIZE_BITS_40_def)
by (simp add: bit_simps)
lemma vs_lookup_vref_for_level_eq1:
"vref_for_level vref' (bot_level+1) = vref_for_level vref (bot_level+1) \<Longrightarrow>
@ -2629,12 +2629,11 @@ lemma vs_lookup_table_pt_step:
apply (subst vs_lookup_vref_for_level_eq1)
prefer 2
apply assumption
apply (simp add: bit_simps Kernel_Config.config_ARM_PA_SIZE_BITS_40_def)
apply (simp add: bit_simps)
apply (fastforce simp: ptes_of_Some_distinct in_omonad is_aligned_pt_slot_offset_pte
apply (prop_tac "idx \<notin> invalid_mapping_slots", clarsimp simp: valid_pt_range_def)
apply (simp add: user_region_def vref_for_level_idx_canonical_user bit_simps
apply (simp add: user_region_def vref_for_level_idx_canonical_user bit_simps)
apply (rename_tac ptn idx)
apply (rule_tac x="vref_for_level vref (level+1) ||
(ucast (idx::pt_index) << pt_bits_left level)" in exI)

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@ -76,22 +76,51 @@ datatype pte =
(pte_base_addr : paddr)
(* A dependent-ish type in Isabelle: *)
value_type vs_index_len = "if config_ARM_PA_SIZE_BITS_40 then 10 else (9::nat)"
type_synonym vs_index = "vs_index_len word"
definition vs_index_bits :: nat where
"vs_index_bits \<equiv> if config_ARM_PA_SIZE_BITS_40 then 10 else (9::nat)"
(* Use vs_index_len instead of vs_index_len_def in generic proofs *)
lemma vs_index_len:
"vs_index_len = (if config_ARM_PA_SIZE_BITS_40 then 10 else (9::nat))"
by (simp add: vs_index_len_def Kernel_Config.config_ARM_PA_SIZE_BITS_40_def)
lemma vs_index_bits_ge0[simp, intro!]: "0 < vs_index_bits"
by (simp add: vs_index_bits_def)
(* A dependent-ish type in Isabelle. We use typedef here instead of value_type so that we can
retain a symbolic value (vs_index_bits) for the size of the type instead of getting a plain
number such as 9 or 10. *)
typedef vs_index_len = "{n :: nat. n < vs_index_bits}" by auto
instantiation AARCH64_A.vs_index_len :: len0
interpretation Arch .
definition len_of_vs_index_len: "len_of (x::vs_index_len itself) \<equiv> CARD(vs_index_len)"
instance ..
instantiation AARCH64_A.vs_index_len :: len
interpretation Arch .
show "0 < LENGTH(vs_index_len)"
by (simp add: len_of_vs_index_len type_definition.card[OF type_definition_vs_index_len])
context Arch begin global_naming AARCH64_A
type_synonym vs_index = "vs_index_len word"
type_synonym pt_index_len = 9
type_synonym pt_index = "pt_index_len word"
text \<open>Sanity check:\<close>
lemma length_vs_index_len[simp]:
"LENGTH(vs_index_len) = vs_index_bits"
by (simp add: len_of_vs_index_len type_definition.card[OF type_definition_vs_index_len])
lemma vs_index_ptTranslationBits:
"ptTranslationBits True = LENGTH(vs_index_len)"
by (simp add: ptTranslationBits_def Kernel_Config.config_ARM_PA_SIZE_BITS_40_def)
by (simp add: ptTranslationBits_def vs_index_bits_def)
lemma pt_index_ptTranslationBits:
"ptTranslationBits False = LENGTH(pt_index_len)"