autocorres: fix rules for heap lifting of arrays.

Should resolve JIRA VER-423.
This commit is contained in:
Japheth Lim 2015-07-21 18:54:59 +10:00
parent b085351fe9
commit ddb13653fa
2 changed files with 59 additions and 14 deletions

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@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ lemma heap_abs_expr_c_guard_array [heap_abs]:
apply simp
(* begin machinery for abs_array_update *)
(* begin machinery for heap_abs_array_update *)
lemma fold_over_st:
"\<lbrakk> xs = ys; P s;
\<And>s x. x \<in> set xs \<and> P s \<Longrightarrow> P (g x s) \<and> f x (st s) = st (g x s)
@ -1601,18 +1601,21 @@ lemma fourthousand_index:
rule fourthousand_size)+
(* end machinery for abs_array_update *)
(* end machinery for heap_abs_array_update *)
theorem abs_array_update [heap_abs]:
"\<lbrakk> valid_typ_heap st (getter :: 's \<Rightarrow> 'a ptr \<Rightarrow> 'a) setter
vgetter vsetter t_hrs t_hrs_update;
abs_expr st Pb b' b \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
abs_modifies st (\<lambda>s. Pb s \<and> n < CARD('b) \<and>
theorem heap_abs_array_update [heap_abs]:
"\<lbrakk> valid_typ_heap st (getter :: 's \<Rightarrow> 'a ptr \<Rightarrow> 'a) setter
vgetter vsetter t_hrs t_hrs_update;
abs_expr st Pb b' b;
abs_expr st Pn n' n;
abs_expr st Pv v' v
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
abs_modifies st (\<lambda>s. Pb s \<and> Pn s \<and> Pv s \<and> n' s < CARD('b) \<and>
(\<forall>ptr \<in> set (array_addrs (ptr_coerce (b' s)) CARD('b)). (vgetter s ptr)))
(\<lambda>s. setter (\<lambda>v. v(ptr_coerce (b' s) +\<^sub>p int n := val)) s)
(\<lambda>s. t_hrs_update (hrs_mem_update (
(\<lambda>s. setter (\<lambda>v. v(ptr_coerce (b' s) +\<^sub>p int (n' s) := v' s)) s)
(\<lambda>s. t_hrs_update (hrs_mem_update (
heap_update (b s) (Arrays.update ((h_val (hrs_mem (t_hrs s)) (b s))
:: ('a::oneMB_size)['b::fourthousand_count]) n val))) s)"
:: ('a::oneMB_size)['b::fourthousand_count]) (n s) (v s)))) s)"
apply (clarsimp simp: abs_modifies_def abs_expr_def)
(* rewrite heap_update of array *)
apply (subst array_update_split
@ -1624,9 +1627,9 @@ theorem abs_array_update [heap_abs]:
(* rewrite array reads to pointer reads *)
apply (subst fold_cong[OF refl refl,
where g = "\<lambda>i. setter (\<lambda>x. x(ptr_coerce (b' (st s)) +\<^sub>p int i :=
if i = n then val else getter (st s) (ptr_coerce (b' (st s)) +\<^sub>p int i)))"])
if i = n' (st s) then v' (st s) else getter (st s) (ptr_coerce (b' (st s)) +\<^sub>p int i)))"])
apply (rule_tac f = setter in arg_cong)
apply (case_tac "x = n")
apply (case_tac "x = n' (st s)")
apply simp
apply (subst index_update2)
apply simp
@ -1638,7 +1641,7 @@ theorem abs_array_update [heap_abs]:
apply metis
(* split away the indices that don't change *)
apply (subst split_upt_on_n[where n = n])
apply (subst split_upt_on_n[where n = "n s"])
apply simp
apply clarsimp
@ -1663,7 +1666,7 @@ theorem abs_array_update [heap_abs]:
apply (subst read_write_valid_def1[where r = getter and w = setter])
apply assumption
apply (clarsimp simp: ptr_add_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "of_nat (i * size_of TYPE('a)) \<noteq> of_nat (n * size_of TYPE('a))")
apply (subgoal_tac "of_nat (i * size_of TYPE('a)) \<noteq> of_nat (n s * size_of TYPE('a))")
apply force
apply (subst fourthousand_index[symmetric])
apply assumption
@ -1672,6 +1675,23 @@ theorem abs_array_update [heap_abs]:
apply simp
(* Array access, which is considerably simpler than updating. *)
lemma heap_abs_array_access[heap_abs]:
"\<lbrakk> valid_typ_heap st (getter :: 's \<Rightarrow> ('a::mem_type) ptr \<Rightarrow> 'a) setter
vgetter vsetter t_hrs t_hrs_update;
abs_expr st Pb b' b;
abs_expr st Pn n' n
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
abs_expr st (\<lambda>s. Pb s \<and> Pn s \<and> n' s < CARD('b::finite) \<and> vgetter s (ptr_coerce (b' s) +\<^sub>p int (n' s)))
(\<lambda>s. getter s (ptr_coerce (b' s) +\<^sub>p int (n' s)))
(\<lambda>s. index (h_val (hrs_mem (t_hrs s)) (b s :: ('a['b]) ptr)) (n s))"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_typ_heap_def abs_expr_def)
apply (subst heap_access_Array_element)
apply simp
apply (simp add: set_array_addrs)
lemma the_fun_upd_lemma1:
"(\<lambda>x. the (f x))(p := v) = (\<lambda>x. the ((f (p := Some v)) x))"
by auto

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@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
* Heap lifting for arrays.
* Regression: JIRA VER-423.
* Unlike {read,write}_to_global_array.c, this takes the address of foo,
* forcing C-parser to place it in symbol_table and not the globals record.
* This tests the ability of AutoCorres to translate to the correct
* heap access constructs on the lifted heap.
unsigned int foo[10];
unsigned int bar(void) {
foo[1] = 42;
return foo[1];
unsigned int baz(void) {
unsigned int *qux = foo;
return qux[1];
unsigned int fuzz(unsigned int bizz[][10]) {
return bizz[1][1];