riscv refine: ArchAcc_R sorry-free

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Gerwin Klein 2019-07-20 18:47:52 +10:00
parent 11bcbc1675
commit e44423d6bb
1 changed files with 308 additions and 35 deletions

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@ -16,22 +16,29 @@ theory ArchAcc_R
imports SubMonad_R
context Arch begin global_naming RISCV64 (*FIXME: arch_split*)
(* RISCV FIXME: move to Lib.More_Numeral_Type *)
context mod_size_order
lemma asid_pool_at_ko:
"asid_pool_at p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>pool. ko_at (ArchObj (RISCV64_A.ASIDPool pool)) p s"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at_def a_type_def)
apply (case_tac ko, simp_all split: if_split_asm)
apply (rename_tac arch_kernel_obj)
apply (case_tac arch_kernel_obj, auto split: if_split_asm)
lemma size_minus[simp]:
"y \<le> (x::'a) \<Longrightarrow> size (x - y) = size x - size y"
unfolding definitions Rep_Abs_mod
using Rep size0
by (simp flip: nat_diff_distrib add: eq_nat_nat_iff pos_mod_sign mod_sub_if_z split: if_split_asm)
lemma size_minus_one[simp]:
"0 < (x::'a) \<Longrightarrow> size (x - 1) = size x - Suc 0"
by simp
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
declare if_cong[cong]
declare if_cong[cong] (* FIXME: if_cong *)
lemma asid_pool_at_ko:
"asid_pool_at p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>pool. ko_at (ArchObj (RISCV64_A.ASIDPool pool)) p s"
by (clarsimp simp: asid_pools_at_eq obj_at_def)
lemma corres_gets_asid:
"corres (\<lambda>a c. a = c o ucast) \<top> \<top> (gets (riscv_asid_table \<circ> arch_state)) (gets (riscvKSASIDTable \<circ> ksArchState))"
@ -789,32 +796,302 @@ lemma lookupPTSlotFromLevel_inv:
apply (wpsimp simp: pteAtIndex_def wp: getPTE_wp|assumption)+
(* FIXME RISCV: something like this *)
lemma size_maxPTLevel[simp]:
"size max_pt_level = maxPTLevel"
by (simp add: maxPTLevel_def level_defs)
lemma ptBitsLeft_0[simp]:
"ptBitsLeft 0 = pageBits"
by (simp add: ptBitsLeft_def)
(* FIXME RISCV: move to NondetMonad *)
lemma gets_the_Some[simp]:
"gets_the (\<lambda>_. Some x) = return x"
by (simp add: gets_the_def)
lemma ptBitsLeft_eq[simp]:
"ptBitsLeft (size level) = pt_bits_left level"
by (simp add: ptBitsLeft_def pt_bits_left_def)
lemma ptIndex_eq[simp]:
"ptIndex (size level) = pt_index level"
by (fastforce simp: ptIndex_def pt_index_def)
lemma ptSlotIndex_eq[simp]:
"ptSlotIndex (size level) = pt_slot_offset level"
by (fastforce simp: ptSlotIndex_def pt_slot_offset_def)
lemmas ptSlotIndex_0[simp] = ptSlotIndex_eq[where level=0, simplified]
(* FIXME RISCV: move to NondetMonad *)
lemma gets_the_oapply_comp[simp]:
"gets_the (oapply x \<circ> f) = gets_map f x"
by (fastforce simp: gets_map_def gets_the_def o_def exec_gets)
lemma pteAtIndex_corres:
"level' = size level \<Longrightarrow>
corres pte_relation'
(pte_at (pt_slot_offset level pt vptr) and pspace_aligned and pspace_distinct)
(get_pte (pt_slot_offset level pt vptr))
(pteAtIndex level' pt vptr)"
by (simp add: pteAtIndex_def) (rule get_pte_corres)
(* FIXME RISCV: move to NondetMonad *)
lemma gets_the_if_distrib:
"gets_the (if P then f else g) = (if P then gets_the f else gets_the g)"
by simp
(* FIXME RISCV: move to Corres *)
lemma corres_if3:
"\<lbrakk> G = G'; G \<Longrightarrow> corres r P P' a c; \<not> G' \<Longrightarrow> corres r Q Q' b d \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> corres r (if G then P else Q) (if G' then P' else Q') (if G then a else b) (if G' then c else d)"
by simp
lemma user_region_or:
"\<lbrakk> vref \<in> user_region; vref' \<in> user_region \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> vref || vref' \<in> user_region"
by (simp add: user_region_def canonical_user_def le_mask_high_bits word_size)
(* FIXME RISCV: replace vref_for_level_pt_index_idem in ArchAcc_AI *)
lemma vref_for_level_pt_index_idem:
assumes "level' \<le> max_pt_level" and "level'' \<le> level'"
shows "vref_for_level
(vref_for_level vref (level'' + 1) || (pt_index level vref' << pt_bits_left level''))
(level' + 1)
= vref_for_level vref (level' + 1)"
proof -
have dist_zero_right':
"\<And>w x y. \<lbrakk> (w::('a::len) word) = y; x = 0\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> w || x = y"
by auto
show ?thesis using assms
unfolding vref_for_level_def pt_index_def
apply (subst word_ao_dist)
apply (rule dist_zero_right')
apply (subst mask_lower_twice)
apply (rule pt_bits_left_mono, erule (1) vm_level_le_plus_1_mono, rule refl)
apply (simp add: mask_shifl_overlap_zero pt_bits_left_def)
lemma lookup_pt_slot_from_level_corres:
"\<lbrakk> level' = size level; pt' = pt \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
corres (\<lambda>(level, p) (bits, p'). bits = pt_bits_left level \<and> p' = p)
(pspace_aligned and pspace_distinct and valid_vspace_objs and valid_asid_table and
\<exists>\<rhd> (level, pt) and K (vptr \<in> user_region \<and> level \<le> max_pt_level))
(gets_the (pt_lookup_slot_from_level level 0 pt vptr \<circ> ptes_of))
(lookupPTSlotFromLevel level' pt' vptr)"
proof (induct level arbitrary: pt pt' level')
case 0
thus ?case by (simp add: lookupPTSlotFromLevel.simps pt_bits_left_def)
case (minus level)
from `0 < level`
obtain nlevel where nlevel: "level = nlevel + 1" by (auto intro: that[of "level-1"])
with `0 < level`
have nlevel1: "nlevel < nlevel + 1" using bit0.pred by fastforce
with nlevel
have level: "size level = Suc (size nlevel)" by simp
define vref_step where
"vref_step vref \<equiv>
vref_for_level vref (level+1) || (pt_index level vptr << pt_bits_left level)"
for vref
have vref_for_level_step[simp]:
"level \<le> max_pt_level \<Longrightarrow>
vref_for_level (vref_step vref) (level + 1) = vref_for_level vref (level + 1)"
for vref
unfolding vref_step_def
using vref_for_level_pt_index_idem[of level level vref level vptr] by simp
have pt_walk_vref[simp]:
"level \<le> max_pt_level \<Longrightarrow>
pt_walk max_pt_level level pt (vref_step vref) =
pt_walk max_pt_level level pt vref" for pt vref
by (rule pt_walk_vref_for_level_eq; simp)
have vref_step_user_region[simp]:
"\<lbrakk> vref \<in> user_region; vptr \<in> user_region; level \<le> max_pt_level \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> vref_step vref \<in> user_region"
for vref
unfolding vref_step_def
using nlevel1 nlevel
by (auto intro!: user_region_or vref_for_level_user_region
simp: pt_bits_left_def bit_simps canonical_bit_def user_region_def
pt_index_def canonical_user_def le_mask_high_bits word_eqI_solve_simps
dest!: max_pt_level_enum)
have pt_slot_offset_step[simp]:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned pt pt_bits; vref \<in> user_region \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
pt_slot_offset level pt (vref_step vref) = pt_slot_offset level pt vptr" for vref
unfolding vref_step_def using nlevel1 nlevel
by (auto simp: pt_slot_offset_or_def user_region_def canonical_user_def le_mask_high_bits
canonical_bit_def word_eqI_solve_simps pt_index_def bit_simps pt_bits_left_def
dest!: max_pt_level_enum
intro!: word_eqI)
from `0 < level` `level' = size level` `pt' = pt` level
show ?case
apply (subst pt_lookup_slot_from_level_rec)
apply (simp add: lookupPTSlotFromLevel.simps Let_def obind_comp_dist if_comp_dist
apply (rule corres_guard_imp, rule corres_split[where r'=pte_relation'])
apply (rule corres_if3)
apply (rename_tac pte pte', case_tac pte; (simp add: isPageTablePTE_def))
apply (rule minus(1))
apply (simp add: nlevel)
apply (clarsimp simp: is_PageTablePTE_def pptr_from_pte_def getPPtrFromHWPTE_def
apply (rule corres_inst[where P=\<top> and P'=\<top>])
apply (clarsimp simp: ptSlotIndex_def pt_slot_offset_def pt_index_def pt_bits_left_def
ptIndex_def ptBitsLeft_def)
apply (rule pteAtIndex_corres, simp)
apply wpsimp+
apply (frule (5) vs_lookup_table_is_aligned)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (drule (5) valid_vspace_objs_strongD)
apply (clarsimp simp: pte_at_def obj_at_def)
apply (simp add: pt_slot_offset_def)
apply (rule is_aligned_add)
apply (erule is_aligned_weaken)
apply (simp add: bit_simps)
apply (rule is_aligned_shiftl, simp)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x=asid in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="vref_step vref" in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: vs_lookup_table_def in_omonad split: if_split_asm)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: level_defs)
apply (subst pt_walk_split_Some[where level'=level]; simp?)
apply (drule bit0.pred)
apply simp
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply (simp add: in_omonad)
apply simp
lemma lookup_pt_slot_corres:
"corres (\<lambda>(level, p) (level', p'). level' = size level \<and> p' = p)
"corres (\<lambda>(level, p) (bits, p'). bits = pt_bits_left level \<and> p' = p)
(pspace_aligned and pspace_distinct and valid_vspace_objs
and valid_arch_state and (\<exists>\<rhd> (level,pt)) and K (vptr \<in> user_region))
and valid_asid_table and \<exists>\<rhd>(max_pt_level,pt)
and K (vptr \<in> user_region))
(gets_the (pt_lookup_slot pt vptr \<circ> ptes_of)) (lookupPTSlot pt vptr)"
sorry (*
apply (simp add: lookup_pt_slot_def lookupPTSlot_def)
apply (rule corres_guard_imp)
apply (rule corres_split_eqrE[OF _ lookup_pd_slot_corres])
apply (rule corres_splitEE
[where R'="\<lambda>_. pspace_distinct'" and R="\<lambda>r. valid_pde r and pspace_aligned"])
prefer 2
apply (simp, rule get_pde_corres')
apply (case_tac pde; simp add: lookup_failure_map_def bit_simps lookupPTSlotFromPT_def
split: pde.splits)
apply (simp add: returnOk_liftE checkPTAt_def)
apply (rule corres_stateAssert_implied[where P=\<top>, simplified])
apply clarsimp
apply clarsimp
apply (rule page_table_at_state_relation)
apply fastforce
apply simp+
apply (wpsimp wp: getPDE_wp | wp_once hoare_drop_imps)+
done *)
unfolding lookupPTSlot_def pt_lookup_slot_def
by (corressimp corres: lookup_pt_slot_from_level_corres)
declare lookupPTFromLevel.simps[simp del]
lemma pt_lookup_from_level_corres:
"\<lbrakk> level' = size level; pt' = pt \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
corres (lfr \<oplus> (=))
(pspace_aligned and pspace_distinct and valid_vspace_objs
and valid_asid_table and \<exists>\<rhd>(level,pt)
and K (vptr \<in> user_region \<and> level \<le> max_pt_level))
(pt_lookup_from_level level pt vptr target)
(lookupPTFromLevel level' pt' vptr target)"
proof (induct level arbitrary: level' pt pt')
case 0
then show ?case
apply (subst lookupPTFromLevel.simps, subst pt_lookup_from_level_simps)
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_failure_map_def)
case (minus level)
(* FIXME RISCV: unfortunate duplication from lookup_pt_slot_from_level_corres *)
from `0 < level`
obtain nlevel where nlevel: "level = nlevel + 1" by (auto intro: that[of "level-1"])
with `0 < level`
have nlevel1: "nlevel < nlevel + 1" using bit0.pred by fastforce
with nlevel
have level: "size level = Suc (size nlevel)" by simp
define vref_step where
"vref_step vref \<equiv>
vref_for_level vref (level+1) || (pt_index level vptr << pt_bits_left level)"
for vref
have vref_for_level_step[simp]:
"level \<le> max_pt_level \<Longrightarrow>
vref_for_level (vref_step vref) (level + 1) = vref_for_level vref (level + 1)"
for vref
unfolding vref_step_def
using vref_for_level_pt_index_idem[of level level vref level vptr] by simp
have pt_walk_vref[simp]:
"level \<le> max_pt_level \<Longrightarrow>
pt_walk max_pt_level level pt (vref_step vref) =
pt_walk max_pt_level level pt vref" for pt vref
by (rule pt_walk_vref_for_level_eq; simp)
have vref_step_user_region[simp]:
"\<lbrakk> vref \<in> user_region; vptr \<in> user_region; level \<le> max_pt_level \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> vref_step vref \<in> user_region"
for vref
unfolding vref_step_def
using nlevel1 nlevel
by (auto intro!: user_region_or vref_for_level_user_region
simp: pt_bits_left_def bit_simps canonical_bit_def user_region_def
pt_index_def canonical_user_def le_mask_high_bits word_eqI_solve_simps
dest!: max_pt_level_enum)
have pt_slot_offset_step[simp]:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned pt pt_bits; vref \<in> user_region \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
pt_slot_offset level pt (vref_step vref) = pt_slot_offset level pt vptr" for vref
unfolding vref_step_def using nlevel1 nlevel
by (auto simp: pt_slot_offset_or_def user_region_def canonical_user_def le_mask_high_bits
canonical_bit_def word_eqI_solve_simps pt_index_def bit_simps pt_bits_left_def
dest!: max_pt_level_enum
intro!: word_eqI)
from minus.prems
show ?case
apply (subst lookupPTFromLevel.simps, subst pt_lookup_from_level_simps)
apply (simp add: unlessE_whenE not_less)
apply (rule corres_initial_splitE[where r'=dc])
apply (corressimp simp: lookup_failure_map_def)
apply (rule corres_splitEE[where r'=pte_relation'])
apply (rule whenE_throwError_corres)
apply (simp add: lookup_failure_map_def)
apply (rename_tac pte pte', case_tac pte; simp add: isPageTablePTE_def)
apply (rule corres_if)
apply (clarsimp simp: is_PageTablePTE_def pptr_from_pte_def getPPtrFromHWPTE_def
apply (rule corres_returnOk[where P=\<top> and P'=\<top>], rule refl)
apply (rule minus.hyps)
apply (simp add: minus.hyps(2))
apply (clarsimp simp: is_PageTablePTE_def pptr_from_pte_def getPPtrFromHWPTE_def
apply (simp, rule get_pte_corres)
apply wpsimp+
apply (simp add: bit0.neq_0_conv)
apply (frule (5) vs_lookup_table_is_aligned)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (drule (5) valid_vspace_objs_strongD)
apply (clarsimp simp: pte_at_def obj_at_def)
apply (simp add: pt_slot_offset_def)
apply (rule is_aligned_add)
apply (erule is_aligned_weaken)
apply (simp add: bit_simps)
apply (rule is_aligned_shiftl, simp)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x=asid in exI)
apply (rule_tac x="vref_step vref" in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: vs_lookup_table_def in_omonad split: if_split_asm)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: level_defs)
apply (subst pt_walk_split_Some[where level'=level]; simp?)
apply (drule bit0.pred)
apply simp
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply (simp add: in_omonad)
apply wpsimp
declare in_set_zip_refl[simp]
@ -838,10 +1115,6 @@ crunch typ_at'[wp]: copyGlobalMappings "\<lambda>s. P (typ_at' T p s)"
lemmas copyGlobalMappings_typ_ats[wp] = typ_at_lifts [OF copyGlobalMappings_typ_at']
lemma size_maxPTLevel[simp]:
"size max_pt_level = maxPTLevel"
by (simp add: maxPTLevel_def level_defs)
lemma corres_gets_global_pt [corres]:
"corres (=) valid_global_arch_objs \<top>
(gets global_pt) (gets (riscvKSGlobalPT \<circ> ksArchState))"