aarch64 ainvs: close last sorry in ArchAcc_AI

- reduce assumptions of some of the no-loop helper lemmas
- factor out common reasoning for vs_lookup_table/pt_walk stitching
- close last sorry

Co-authored-by: Rafal Kolanski <rafal.kolanski@proofcraft.systems>
Signed-off-by: Gerwin Klein <gerwin.klein@proofcraft.systems>
This commit is contained in:
Gerwin Klein 2022-07-15 08:38:10 +10:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent 6116655954
commit eb093957eb
1 changed files with 149 additions and 158 deletions

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@ -467,9 +467,7 @@ lemma no_loop_vs_lookup_table_helper:
vref_for_level vref' (max (level+1) (level'+1)) = vref_for_level vref (max (level+1) (level'+1));
vref \<in> user_region; vref' \<in> user_region;
level \<le> max_pt_level; level' \<le> max_pt_level; level' < level;
unique_table_refs s; valid_vs_lookup s;
valid_vspace_objs s; valid_asid_table s; pspace_aligned s; pspace_distinct s;
valid_caps (caps_of_state s) s \<rbrakk>
valid_vspace_objs s; valid_asid_table s; pspace_aligned s; pspace_distinct s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> level' = level"
apply (drule (1) vs_lookup_table_same_for_different_levels; simp?)
apply (frule (1) vm_level_less_plus_1_mono)
@ -497,9 +495,7 @@ lemma no_loop_vs_lookup_table:
vs_lookup_table level' asid vref' s = Some (level', p);
vref_for_level vref' (max (level+1) (level'+1)) = vref_for_level vref (max (level+1) (level'+1));
vref \<in> user_region; vref' \<in> user_region;
unique_table_refs s; valid_vs_lookup s;
valid_vspace_objs s; valid_asid_table s; pspace_aligned s; pspace_distinct s;
valid_caps (caps_of_state s) s \<rbrakk>
valid_vspace_objs s; valid_asid_table s; pspace_aligned s; pspace_distinct s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> level' = level"
apply (case_tac "level = asid_pool_level"; simp)
apply (case_tac "level' = asid_pool_level"; simp)
@ -1384,7 +1380,7 @@ lemma vs_lookup_table_upd_idem:
lemma vs_lookup_table_Some_upd_idem:
"\<lbrakk> vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, obj_ref);
vref \<in> user_region; pspace_aligned s; pspace_distinct s; valid_vspace_objs s;
valid_asid_table s; unique_table_refs s; valid_vs_lookup s; valid_caps (caps_of_state s) s \<rbrakk>
valid_asid_table s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> vs_lookup_table level asid vref (s\<lparr>kheap := kheap s(obj_ref \<mapsto> ko)\<rparr>)
= vs_lookup_table level asid vref s"
by (subst vs_lookup_table_upd_idem; simp?)
@ -1801,9 +1797,8 @@ lemma vs_lookup_target_unreachable_upd_idem':
lemma vs_lookup_table_fun_upd_deep_idem:
"\<lbrakk> vs_lookup_table level asid vref (s\<lparr>kheap := kheap s(p \<mapsto> ko)\<rparr>) = Some (level, p');
vs_lookup_table level' asid vref s = Some (level', p);
level' \<le> level; vref \<in> user_region; unique_table_refs s; valid_vs_lookup s;
valid_vspace_objs s; valid_asid_table s; pspace_aligned s; pspace_distinct s;
valid_caps (caps_of_state s) s \<rbrakk>
level' \<le> level; vref \<in> user_region;
valid_vspace_objs s; valid_asid_table s; pspace_aligned s; pspace_distinct s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, p')"
apply (case_tac "level=asid_pool_level")
apply (simp add: pool_for_asid_vs_lookup pool_for_asid_def)
@ -2288,6 +2283,108 @@ lemma isPageTablePTE_apply_upd_InvalidPTED:
idx' \<noteq> idx"
by (auto simp add: pt_apply_def pt_upd_def split: pt.splits if_splits)
lemma pt_index_table_index_slot_offset_eq:
"\<lbrakk> pt_index level vref = table_index level p; is_aligned p pte_bits \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> pt_slot_offset level (table_base level p) vref = p" for level :: vm_level
using mask_pt_bits_inner_beauty pt_slot_offset_def
by force
(* FIXME AARCH64: move *)
lemma mask_shiftr_mask_eq:
"m \<le> m' + n \<Longrightarrow> (w && mask m >> n) && mask m' = w && mask m >> n" for w :: "'a::len word"
by word_eqI_solve
(* FIXME AARCH64: move *)
lemma pt_index_mask_eq:
"pt_index level vref && mask (ptTranslationBits level) = pt_index level vref"
by (simp add: pt_index_def bit_simps)
(* FIXME AARCH64: move *)
lemma table_index_mask_eq:
"table_index pt_t p && mask (ptTranslationBits pt_t) = table_index pt_t p"
by (auto simp add: pt_bits_def bit_simps mask_shiftr_mask_eq)
(* FIXME AARCH64: move *)
lemma pt_apply_upd_eq:
"pt_type pt = level_type level \<Longrightarrow>
pt_apply (pt_upd pt (table_index (level_type level) p) pte) (pt_index level vref) =
(if table_index (level_type level) p = pt_index level vref
then pte
else pt_apply pt (pt_index level vref))"
unfolding pt_apply_def pt_upd_def
using pt_index_mask_eq[of max_pt_level] pt_index_mask_eq[where level=level and vref=vref]
using table_index_mask_eq[where pt_t=NormalPT_T] table_index_mask_eq[where pt_t=VSRootPT_T]
apply (cases pt; clarsimp simp: ucast_eq_mask vs_index_ptTranslationBits pt_index_ptTranslationBits)
apply (prop_tac "level_type level = NormalPT_T", simp add: level_type_def)
apply (simp del: level_type_eq add: ptTranslationBits_def)
(* If you start with a lookup from asid down to level, and you split off a walk at level', then an
update at level' does not affect the extended pt_walk from level'-1 down to level. *)
(* FIXME: we should do the same on RISCV64 *)
lemma pt_walk_below_pt_upd_idem:
"\<lbrakk> vs_lookup_table level' asid vref s = Some (level', table_base (level_type level') p);
vref \<in> user_region;
pt_type pt = level_type level';
pspace_aligned s; pspace_distinct s; valid_vspace_objs s; valid_asid_table s;
ako_at (PageTable pt) (table_base (level_type level') p) s;
level' \<le> max_pt_level; level < level';
is_PageTablePTE (pt_apply (pt_upd pt (table_index (level_type level') p) pte) (pt_index level' vref));
is_aligned (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base (level_type level') p) vref) pte_bits;
table_index (level_type level') p \<noteq> pt_index level' vref \<rbrakk>
pt_walk (level' - 1) level (pptr_from_pte (pt_apply (pt_upd pt (table_index
(level_type level') p) pte)
(pt_index level' vref))) vref
(\<lambda>pt_t pa. level_pte_of pt_t pa (pts_of s(table_base (level_type level') p \<mapsto>
pt_upd pt (table_index (level_type level') p) pte)))
= pt_walk (level' - 1) level (pptr_from_pte (pt_apply (pt_upd pt (table_index
(level_type level') p) pte)
(pt_index level' vref))) vref (ptes_of s)"
apply (subst pt_walk_pt_upd_idem; clarsimp?)
apply (rename_tac level'')
apply (prop_tac "level'' < level'")
apply (drule pt_walk_max_level)
apply (simp add: vm_level_leq_minus1_less)
apply (prop_tac "pt_walk level' level'' (table_base level' p) vref (ptes_of s) =
Some (level'', table_base level' p)")
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad obj_at_def pt_apply_upd_eq)
apply (rule_tac x="pt_apply pt (table_index level' (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base level' p) vref))" in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: ptes_of_def in_omonad)
apply (prop_tac "vs_lookup_table level'' asid vref s = Some (level'', table_base level' p)")
apply (erule (2) vs_lookup_table_extend)
apply (drule (1) no_loop_vs_lookup_table; simp?)
apply (clarsimp simp: pptr_from_pte_aligned_pt_bits)
(* Building on the result of pt_walk_below_pt_upd_idem, we can reassemble a vs_lookup_table from
asid down to level, using a vs_lookup_table down to level', an updated page table at level' and
a pt_walk from level'-1 down to level, if the update is not on the lookup path at level'. *)
(* FIXME: we should do the same on RISCV64 *)
lemma vs_lookup_table_step_pt_walk_extend:
"\<lbrakk> vs_lookup_table level' asid vref s = Some (level', table_base level' p);
pt_type pt = level_type level';
ako_at (PageTable pt) (table_base level' p) s;
level < level'; level' \<le> max_pt_level;
is_PageTablePTE (pt_apply (pt_upd pt (table_index level' p) pte) (pt_index level' vref));
pt_walk (level' - 1) level (pptr_from_pte (pt_apply (pt_upd pt (table_index level' p) pte)
(pt_index level' vref))) vref (ptes_of s)
= Some (level, p');
is_aligned (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base level' p) vref) pte_bits;
pt_index level' vref \<noteq> table_index level' p\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, p')"
apply (prop_tac "pt_walk level' level (table_base level' p) vref (ptes_of s) = Some (level, p')")
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad obj_at_def)
apply (rule_tac x="pt_apply pt (table_index level' (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base level' p)
vref))" in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: ptes_of_def in_omonad pt_apply_upd_eq)
apply (erule (2) vs_lookup_table_extend)
lemma store_pte_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
"\<lbrace> valid_vs_lookup
and pspace_aligned and pspace_distinct and valid_vspace_objs
@ -2392,35 +2489,10 @@ lemma store_pte_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
apply (case_tac "table_index level' (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base level' p) vref) =
table_index level' p"; clarsimp)
(* staying on old path; we can't hit table_base p again *)
(* this transform copied from elsewhere, FIXME RISCV might be useful to extract *)
apply (subst (asm) pt_walk_pt_upd_idem; clarsimp?)
apply (rename_tac level'')
apply (prop_tac "pt_walk level' level'' (table_base level' p) vref (ptes_of s) =
Some (level'', table_base level' p)")
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply clarsimp
apply (prop_tac "level'' < level'")
apply (drule pt_walk_max_level)
apply (simp add: bit1.leq_minus1_less)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad obj_at_def)
apply (rule_tac x="pt_apply pt (table_index level' (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base level' p) vref))" in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: ptes_of_def in_omonad dest!: isPageTablePTE_apply_upd_InvalidPTED)
apply (prop_tac "level'' < level'")
apply (drule pt_walk_max_level)
apply (simp add: vm_level_leq_minus1_less)
apply (prop_tac "vs_lookup_table level'' asid vref s = Some (level'', table_base level' p)")
apply (erule (2) vs_lookup_table_extend)
apply (drule (1) no_loop_vs_lookup_table; simp?)
apply (clarsimp dest!: isPageTablePTE_apply_upd_InvalidPTED simp: pptr_from_pte_aligned_pt_bits)
apply (subst (asm) pt_walk_below_pt_upd_idem; (assumption|simp)?)
(* pt_walk is now on pts_of s, can stitch it back together into a vs_lookup_table *)
(* FIXME RISCV again useful transform from elsewhere *)
apply (prop_tac "pt_walk level' level (table_base level' p) vref (ptes_of s) = Some (level, table_ptr)")
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad obj_at_def)
apply (rule_tac x="pt_apply pt (table_index level' (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base level' p) vref))" in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: ptes_of_def in_omonad dest!: isPageTablePTE_apply_upd_InvalidPTED)
apply (prop_tac "vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, table_ptr)")
apply (erule (2) vs_lookup_table_extend)
apply (erule vs_lookup_table_step_pt_walk_extend; assumption)
(* now specifically to vs_lookup_target reconstruction, we get through pte_of ref_of stuff *)
apply (subst (asm) level_pte_of_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad fun_upd_apply)
@ -2435,42 +2507,6 @@ lemma store_pte_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
apply (drule valid_vs_lookupD; assumption?; clarsimp)
lemma pt_index_table_index_slot_offset_eq:
"\<lbrakk> pt_index level vref = table_index level p; is_aligned p pte_bits \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> pt_slot_offset level (table_base level p) vref = p" for level :: vm_level
using mask_pt_bits_inner_beauty pt_slot_offset_def
by force
(* FIXME AARCH64: move *)
lemma mask_shiftr_mask_eq:
"m \<le> m' + n \<Longrightarrow> (w && mask m >> n) && mask m' = w && mask m >> n" for w :: "'a::len word"
by word_eqI_solve
(* FIXME AARCH64: move *)
lemma pt_index_mask_eq:
"pt_index level vref && mask (ptTranslationBits level) = pt_index level vref"
by (simp add: pt_index_def bit_simps)
(* FIXME AARCH64: move *)
lemma table_index_mask_eq:
"table_index pt_t p && mask (ptTranslationBits pt_t) = table_index pt_t p"
by (auto simp add: pt_bits_def bit_simps mask_shiftr_mask_eq)
(* FIXME AARCH64: move *)
lemma pt_apply_upd_eq:
"pt_type pt = level_type level \<Longrightarrow>
pt_apply (pt_upd pt (table_index (level_type level) p) pte) (pt_index level vref) =
(if table_index (level_type level) p = pt_index level vref
then pte
else pt_apply pt (pt_index level vref))"
unfolding pt_apply_def pt_upd_def
using pt_index_mask_eq[of max_pt_level] pt_index_mask_eq[where level=level and vref=vref]
using table_index_mask_eq[where pt_t=NormalPT_T] table_index_mask_eq[where pt_t=VSRootPT_T]
apply (cases pt; clarsimp simp: ucast_eq_mask vs_index_ptTranslationBits pt_index_ptTranslationBits)
apply (prop_tac "level_type level = NormalPT_T", simp add: level_type_def)
apply (simp del: level_type_eq add: ptTranslationBits_def)
lemma store_pte_non_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
"\<lbrace> valid_vs_lookup
and pspace_aligned and pspace_distinct and valid_vspace_objs
@ -2597,35 +2633,10 @@ lemma store_pte_non_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
apply (fastforce simp: pptr_from_pte_def in_omonad fun_upd_apply
intro!: pt_index_table_index_slot_offset_eq)
(* staying on old path; we can't hit table_base p again *)
(* this transform copied from elsewhere, FIXME RISCV might be useful to extract *)
apply (subst (asm) pt_walk_pt_upd_idem; clarsimp?)
apply (rename_tac level'')
apply (prop_tac "pt_walk level' level'' (table_base level' p) vref (ptes_of s) =
Some (level'', table_base level' p)")
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply clarsimp
apply (prop_tac "level'' < level'")
apply (drule pt_walk_max_level)
apply (simp add: bit1.leq_minus1_less)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad obj_at_def pt_apply_upd_eq)
apply (rule_tac x="pt_apply pt (table_index level' (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base level' p) vref))" in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: ptes_of_def in_omonad)
apply (prop_tac "level'' < level'")
apply (drule pt_walk_max_level)
apply (simp add: vm_level_leq_minus1_less)
apply (prop_tac "vs_lookup_table level'' asid vref s = Some (level'', table_base level' p)")
apply (erule (2) vs_lookup_table_extend)
apply (drule (1) no_loop_vs_lookup_table; simp?)
apply (clarsimp dest!: isPageTablePTE_apply_upd_InvalidPTED simp: pptr_from_pte_aligned_pt_bits)
apply (subst (asm) pt_walk_below_pt_upd_idem; (assumption|simp)?)
(* pt_walk is now on pts_of s, can stitch it back together into a vs_lookup_table *)
(* FIXME RISCV again useful transform from elsewhere *)
apply (prop_tac "pt_walk level' level (table_base level' p) vref (ptes_of s) = Some (level, table_ptr)")
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad obj_at_def)
apply (rule_tac x="pt_apply pt (table_index level' (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base level' p) vref))" in exI)
apply (clarsimp simp: ptes_of_def in_omonad pt_apply_upd_eq)
apply (prop_tac "vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, table_ptr)")
apply (erule (2) vs_lookup_table_extend)
apply (erule vs_lookup_table_step_pt_walk_extend; assumption)
(* now specifically to vs_lookup_target reconstruction, we get through pte_of ref_of stuff *)
apply (subst (asm) level_pte_of_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad fun_upd_apply)
@ -2640,12 +2651,18 @@ lemma store_pte_non_InvalidPTE_valid_vs_lookup:
apply (drule valid_vs_lookupD; assumption?; clarsimp)
(* FIXME AARCH64: move *)
lemma vspace_objs_of_ako_at_Some:
"(vspace_objs_of s p = Some (PageTable pt)) = ako_at (PageTable pt) p s"
by (simp add: obj_at_def in_opt_map_eq vspace_obj_of_Some)
(* NOTE: should be able to derive the (pte_ref pte) \<noteq> table_base p) from
the (pte_ref pte) being unreachable anywhere in the original state
(this should come from having an unmapped cap to it) *)
lemma store_pte_PageTablePTE_valid_vspace_objs:
"\<lbrace> valid_vspace_objs
and pspace_aligned and valid_asid_table and unique_table_refs and valid_vs_lookup
and pspace_aligned and pspace_distinct
and valid_asid_table and unique_table_refs and valid_vs_lookup
and (\<lambda>s. valid_caps (caps_of_state s) s)
and K (is_PageTablePTE pte)
and (\<lambda>s. \<forall>level. \<exists>\<rhd> (level, table_base pt_t p) s
@ -2662,11 +2679,10 @@ lemma store_pte_PageTablePTE_valid_vspace_objs:
apply (rule valid_vspace_obj_same_type; simp?)
apply (fastforce simp: obj_at_def)
apply simp
sorry (* FIXME AARCH64
apply (simp add: obj_at_def)
apply (drule vs_lookup_level)
(* if table_base p is unreachable, we are not updating anything relevant *)
apply (case_tac "\<forall>level. vs_lookup_table level asid vref s \<noteq> Some (level, table_base p)")
apply (case_tac "\<forall>level. vs_lookup_table level asid vref s \<noteq> Some (level, table_base pt_t p)")
apply (subst (asm) vs_lookup_table_unreachable_upd_idem; simp?)
apply (fastforce simp: fun_upd_apply valid_vspace_objs_def split: if_splits)
(* we are changing the reachable page table at table_base p *)
@ -2680,8 +2696,8 @@ lemma store_pte_PageTablePTE_valid_vspace_objs:
apply (clarsimp simp: fun_upd_apply split: if_splits)
apply (prop_tac "level' = level", fastforce dest: no_loop_vs_lookup_table)
apply (rule valid_vspace_obj_valid_pte_upd; simp?)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_vspace_objs_def aobjs_of_ako_at_Some)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_vspace_objs_def aobjs_of_ako_at_Some)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_vspace_objs_def vspace_objs_of_ako_at_Some)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_vspace_objs_def vspace_objs_of_ako_at_Some)
(* we are updating at table_base p, which is within the original lookup path *)
apply (clarsimp simp: not_le)
(* to use vs_lookup_splitD, need asid_pool_level taken care of *)
@ -2698,64 +2714,40 @@ lemma store_pte_PageTablePTE_valid_vspace_objs:
apply (rename_tac pt_ptr)
(* update now occurs in pt_walk stage *)
apply (drule (1) vs_lookup_table_fun_upd_deep_idem; assumption?; simp)
apply (prop_tac "valid_pte level' pte s \<and> pts_of s (the (pte_ref pte)) = Some empty_pt
\<and> the (pte_ref pte) \<noteq> table_base p", fastforce)
apply (prop_tac "valid_pte level' pte s \<and> pts_of s (the (pte_ref pte)) = Some (empty_pt NormalPT_T)
\<and> the (pte_ref pte) \<noteq> table_base pt_t p", fastforce)
apply (prop_tac "pt_type pt = level_type level'")
apply (fastforce simp: in_omonad obj_at_def dest!: valid_vspace_objs_strongD)
(* handle the actual update, happening on next step of pt_walk *)
apply (subst (asm) pt_walk.simps, clarsimp simp: in_omonad split: if_splits)
apply (rename_tac pte')
apply (erule disjE; clarsimp)
apply (clarsimp simp: fun_upd_apply)
apply (subst (asm) pte_of_def)
apply (subst (asm) level_pte_of_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad)
apply (rename_tac pt')
apply (clarsimp simp: fun_upd_apply)
apply (case_tac "table_index (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base p) vref) = table_index p"; clarsimp)
prefer 2
(* staying on old path; we can't hit table_base p again *)
(* this transform copied from elsewhere, FIXME RISCV might be useful to extract *)
apply (subst (asm) pt_walk_pt_upd_idem; simp?)
apply clarsimp
apply (rename_tac level'')
apply (prop_tac "pt_walk level' level'' (table_base p) vref (ptes_of s) = Some (level'', table_base p)")
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply clarsimp
apply (prop_tac "level'' < level'")
apply (drule pt_walk_max_level)
apply (simp add: bit0.leq_minus1_less)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad obj_at_def)
apply (rule_tac x="(pt (table_index (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base p) vref)))" in exI)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: ptes_of_def in_omonad)
apply (prop_tac "level'' < level'")
apply (drule pt_walk_max_level)
apply (simp add: bit0.leq_minus1_less)
apply (prop_tac "vs_lookup_table level'' asid vref s = Some (level'', table_base p)")
apply (erule (2) vs_lookup_table_extend)
apply (drule (1) no_loop_vs_lookup_table; simp?)
(* pt_walk is now on pts_of s, can stitch it back together into a vs_lookup_table *)
(* FIXME RISCV again useful transform from elsewhere *)
apply (prop_tac "pt_walk level' level (table_base p) vref (ptes_of s) = Some (level, p')")
apply (subst pt_walk.simps)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: in_omonad obj_at_def)
apply (rule_tac x="(pt (table_index (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base p) vref)))" in exI)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: ptes_of_def in_omonad)
apply (prop_tac "vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, p')")
apply (erule (2) vs_lookup_table_extend)
(* p' can't equal table_base p since we see it earlier in the lookup *)
apply (prop_tac "p' \<noteq> table_base p")
apply clarsimp
apply (drule (1) no_loop_vs_lookup_table, simp+)
(* finally can use valid_vspace_objs *)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_vspace_objs_def)
(* we could not have arrived at our new empty table through a non-empty table and from
precondition, we are not creating a loop *)
apply (drule_tac pt=empty_pt in pt_walk_non_empty_ptD; simp add: in_omonad fun_upd_apply)
apply (cases pte; clarsimp simp: pptr_from_pte_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (cases pte; clarsimp simp: pptr_from_pte_def in_omonad valid_vspace_obj.simps)
done *)
apply (case_tac "table_index level' (pt_slot_offset level' (table_base level' p) vref) =
table_index level' p"; clarsimp)
(* we could not have arrived at our new empty table through a non-empty table and from
precondition, we are not creating a loop *)
apply (drule_tac pt="empty_pt (level' - 1)" in pt_walk_non_empty_ptD;
simp add: in_omonad fun_upd_apply pptr_from_pte_aligned_pt_bits)
apply (cases pte; clarsimp simp: pptr_from_pte_def)
apply (drule (1) pt_index_table_index_slot_offset_eq; simp add: level_type_minus_one)
apply (cases pte; clarsimp simp: pptr_from_pte_def in_omonad valid_vspace_obj.simps)
(* staying on old path; we can't hit table_base p again *)
apply (subst (asm) pt_walk_below_pt_upd_idem; (assumption|simp)?)
(* pt_walk is now on pts_of s, can stitch it back together into a vs_lookup_table *)
apply (prop_tac "vs_lookup_table level asid vref s = Some (level, p')")
apply (erule vs_lookup_table_step_pt_walk_extend; assumption)
(* p' can't equal table_base p since we see it earlier in the lookup *)
apply (prop_tac "p' \<noteq> table_base pt_t p")
apply clarsimp
apply (drule (1) no_loop_vs_lookup_table, simp+)
(* finally can use valid_vspace_objs *)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_vspace_objs_def)
lemma store_pte_valid_vspace_objs:
"\<lbrace> valid_vspace_objs
@ -2874,8 +2866,7 @@ lemma vs_lookup_table_vspace:
apply (frule_tac level=level and level'=max_pt_level in unique_vs_lookup_table, assumption; clarsimp?)
apply (fastforce intro: valid_objs_caps)
apply (drule (1) no_loop_vs_lookup_table; clarsimp?)
apply (rule vref_for_level_eq_max_mono[symmetric], simp)
apply (fastforce intro: valid_objs_caps)
apply (rule vref_for_level_eq_max_mono[symmetric], simp)
lemma pspace_respects_device_region_dmo: