lib: add time_methods method for comparing proof tactic speeds

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Japheth Lim 2018-04-27 16:42:47 +10:00
parent 0e780ace82
commit f224e2392d
2 changed files with 132 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ imports
(* Solves_Tac *) (* Solves_Tac *)
Rule_By_Method Rule_By_Method
Eisbach_Methods Eisbach_Methods
Insulin Insulin
ShowTypes ShowTypes
AutoLevity_Hooks AutoLevity_Hooks

lib/Time_Methods_Cmd.thy Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
* Copyright 2018, Data61, CSIRO
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
theory Time_Methods_Cmd imports
text \<open>
Utility that runs several methods on the same proof goal, printing the
running time of each one.
apply (time_methods [(no_check)]
[name1:] \<open>method1\<close>
[name2:] \<open>method2\<close>
See the examples at the end of this theory.
ML {*
method_setup time_methods =
(* Work around Isabelle running every apply method on an empty proof state *)
fun skip_dummy_state tactic = fn st =>
case Thm.prop_of st of
Const ("Pure.prop", _) $ (Const ("Pure.term", _) $ Const ("Pure.dummy_pattern", _)) =>
Seq.succeed st
| _ => tactic st;
Scan.lift (Scan.optional (Args.parens (Parse.reserved "no_check") >> K true) false) --
Scan.repeat1 (Scan.option (Scan.lift (Parse.liberal_name --| Parse.$$$ ":")) -- Method.text_closure) >>
(fn (no_check, maybe_named_methods) => fn ctxt => fn facts => let
val named_methods = tag_list 1 maybe_named_methods
|> map (fn (i, (maybe_name, method)) =>
case maybe_name of SOME name => (name, method)
| NONE => ("[method " ^ string_of_int i ^ "]", method))
fun tac st = let
fun run name method =
Timing.timing (fn () => case method_evaluate method ctxt facts st |> Seq.pull of
NONE => (NONE, Seq.empty)
| SOME (st', sts') => (SOME st', Seq.cons st' sts')) ()
val results = named_methods |> map (fn (name, method) =>
let val (time, (st', results)) = run name method
val _ = warning (name ^ ": " ^ Timing.message time)
in {name = name, state = st', results = results} end)
val canonical_result = hd results
val other_results = tl results
if no_check then #results canonical_result else
case other_results |> filter (fn result => Thm.full_prop_of (#state result) <> Thm.full_prop_of (#state canonical_result)) of
[] => #results canonical_result
| (bad::_) => raise THM ("methods \"" ^ #name canonical_result ^
"\" and \"" ^ #name bad ^ "\" have different results",
1, the_list (#state canonical_result) @ the_list (#state bad))
in SIMPLE_METHOD (skip_dummy_state tac) [] end)
text \<open>Examples\<close>
experiment begin
"a = b \<Longrightarrow> b = c \<Longrightarrow> a = c"
apply (time_methods
\<open>rule back_subst[where P="op= a"], assumption+\<close>
\<open>rule trans, assumption+\<close>)
"a = b \<Longrightarrow> b = c \<Longrightarrow> a = c"
apply (time_methods (no_check)
\<open>rule back_subst[where P="op= a"]\<close>
\<open>rule trans\<close>)
text \<open>no_check prevents failing even though the method results differ\<close>
apply assumption+
text \<open>
Fast and slow list reversals
lemma list_eval_rev_append:
"rev xs = rev xs @ []"
"rev [] @ ys = ys"
"rev (x # xs) @ ys = rev xs @ (x # ys)"
by auto
lemma "rev [10..90] = map (op- 100) [10..90]"
"rev [10..290] = map (op- 300) [10..290]"
text \<open>evaluate everything but @{term rev}\<close>
apply (all \<open>match conclusion in "rev x = y" for x y \<Rightarrow>
\<open>rule subst[where t = x], simp\<close>\<close>)
apply (all \<open>match conclusion in "rev x = y" for x y \<Rightarrow>
\<open>rule subst[where t = y], simp\<close>\<close>)
text \<open>evaluate @{term rev}\<close>
apply (time_methods
simp: \<open>simp\<close>
slow: \<open>simp only: rev.simps append.simps\<close>
fast: \<open>subst list_eval_rev_append(1), simp only: list_eval_rev_append(2-3)\<close>
apply (time_methods
simp: \<open>simp\<close>
slow: \<open>simp only: rev.simps append.simps\<close>
fast: \<open>subst list_eval_rev_append(1), simp only: list_eval_rev_append(2-3)\<close>
text \<open>Other tests\<close>
lemma "A"
-- "simp should fail and time_methods should propagate the failure"
apply (fails \<open>time_methods \<open>simp\<close>\<close>)