autocorres: remove obsolete trace recording mechanism

This commit is contained in:
Japheth Lim 2016-06-30 01:48:25 +10:00
parent b7f8aa0ba3
commit f67c6146ef
1 changed files with 1 additions and 88 deletions

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@ -13,69 +13,25 @@
val get_thm: theory -> string -> string -> string -> thm option
val add_thm: string -> string -> string -> thm -> theory -> theory
val get_def: theory -> string -> string -> string -> thm option
val add_def: string -> string -> string -> thm -> theory -> theory
datatype Trace =
RuleTrace of thm AutoCorresTrace.RuleTrace
| SimpTrace of AutoCorresTrace.SimpTrace
(* Actual storage for traces. See below for documentation *)
structure Traces: THEORY_DATA
val add_trace: string -> string -> string -> Trace -> theory -> theory
val get_trace: theory -> string -> string -> string -> Trace option
val debug : theory -> ((string * string * string) * thm) list * ((string * string * string) * Trace) list
structure AutoCorresData : AUTOCORRES_DATA =
(* Construct an ordering for 3-ples. *)
fun triple_ord a b c ((x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2)) =
prod_ord (prod_ord a b) c (((x1, y1), z1), ((x2, y2), z2))
(* Symbol table with three string inputs. *)
structure Symtab3 = Table(
type key = string * string * string
val ord = triple_ord fast_string_ord fast_string_ord fast_string_ord
* Container type for various trace data.
* TODO: consolidate these in a better way.
datatype Trace =
RuleTrace of thm AutoCorresTrace.RuleTrace (* HeapLift and WordAbstract main stages *)
| SimpTrace of AutoCorresTrace.SimpTrace (* simp lemma bucket for L2Opt and TypeStrengthen *)
(* AutoCorres Context Data. *)
type ac_record = {
proofs : thm Symtab3.table,
traces : Trace Symtab3.table
datatype ac_data = ACData of ac_record;
fun dest_ac_data (ACData x) = x
(* Instantiate AutoCorres Data. *)
structure Terms = Theory_Data(
type T = ac_data;
val empty = ACData { proofs = Symtab3.empty, traces = Symtab3.empty };
val extend = I;
fun merge (ACData ts1, ACData ts2) =
ACData {
proofs = Symtab3.merge Thm.eq_thm (#proofs ts1, #proofs ts2),
traces = Symtab3.merge (K true) (#traces ts1, #traces ts2)
(* Function translation traces.
* These are for informational or debugging usage. *)
structure Traces = Theory_Data (
@ -89,49 +45,6 @@ structure Traces = Theory_Data (
val merge = Utils.symtab_merge_with (Utils.symtab_merge_with (Utils.symtab_merge_with snd));
(* Fetch a trace. *)
fun get_trace thy filename module fn_name =
Terms.get thy
|> dest_ac_data
|> #traces
|> (fn x => Symtab3.lookup x (filename, module, fn_name))
(* Add a trace. *)
fun add_trace filename module fn_name trace = (fn ACData x =>
ACData {
proofs = #proofs x,
traces = Symtab3.update_new
((filename, module, fn_name), trace) (#traces x)
(* Fetch a theorem. *)
fun get_thm thy filename module fn_name =
Terms.get thy
|> dest_ac_data
|> #proofs
|> (fn x => Symtab3.lookup x (filename, module, fn_name))
(* Add a theorem. *)
fun add_thm filename module fn_name thm thy = (fn ACData x =>
ACData {
proofs = Symtab3.update_new
((filename, module, fn_name), thm) (#proofs x),
traces = #traces x
}) thy
(* Fetch a definition. *)
fun get_def thy filename module fn_name =
get_thm thy filename (module ^ "'def") fn_name
(* Add a definition. *)
fun add_def filename module fn_name =
add_thm filename (module ^ "'def") fn_name
(* Dump everything. *)
fun debug thy = Terms.get thy |> dest_ac_data |> (fn x => (Symtab3.dest (#proofs x), Symtab3.dest (#traces x)))
end (* structure AutoCorresData *)
(* Function translation information.