c-parser: provide AARCH64 setup

The setup for L4V_ARCH=AARCH64 is identical to RISCV64, i.e. same word
length, encoding, and endianness. The setup includes the standalone
parser used for compile and preprocess checks in the seL4 repo.

Signed-off-by: Gerwin Klein <gerwin.klein@proofcraft.systems>
This commit is contained in:
Gerwin Klein 2022-02-03 15:50:22 +11:00 committed by Gerwin Klein
parent d3ecd0e451
commit ffcaff6af9
9 changed files with 431 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ globalmakevars.local

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ The C parser supports multiple target architectures:
- X64

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@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ fi
# Get the directory that this script is running in.
CPARSER_DIR=$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )
TOPLEVEL_DIR=$( git -C ${CPARSER_DIR} rev-parse --show-toplevel)
pushd "${TOPLEVEL_DIR}"
# Ensure that our working directory is clean.

View File

@ -17,21 +17,26 @@ STP_INCLUDED=true
.PHONY: all cparser_tools stp_all standalone-cparser standalone-tokenizer
@ -58,16 +63,19 @@ ifeq ($(SML_COMPILER),mlton)
ARM_MLB_PATH := -mlb-path-var 'L4V_ARCH ARM'
ARM_HYP_MLB_PATH := -mlb-path-var 'L4V_ARCH ARM_HYP'
AARCH64_MLB_PATH := -mlb-path-var 'L4V_ARCH AARCH64'
X64_MLB_PATH := -mlb-path-var 'L4V_ARCH X64'
RISCV64_MLB_PATH := -mlb-path-var 'L4V_ARCH RISCV64'
PARSER_DEPS_ARM := $(shell mlton $(ARM_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/c-parser.mlb)
PARSER_DEPS_ARM_HYP := $(shell mlton $(ARM_HYP_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/c-parser.mlb)
PARSER_DEPS_AARCH64 := $(shell mlton $(AARCH64_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/c-parser.mlb)
PARSER_DEPS_X64 := $(shell mlton $(X64_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/c-parser.mlb)
PARSER_DEPS_RISCV64 := $(shell mlton $(RISCV64_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/c-parser.mlb)
TOKENIZER_DEPS_ARM := $(shell mlton $(ARM_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/tokenizer.mlb)
TOKENIZER_DEPS_ARM_HYP := $(shell mlton $(ARM_HYP_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/tokenizer.mlb)
TOKENIZER_DEPS_AARCH64 := $(shell mlton $(AARCH64_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/tokenizer.mlb)
TOKENIZER_DEPS_X64 := $(shell mlton $(X64_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/tokenizer.mlb)
TOKENIZER_DEPS_RISCV64 := $(shell mlton $(RISCV64_MLB_PATH) -stop f $(STP_PFX)/tokenizer.mlb)
@ -77,6 +85,9 @@ $(STPARSER_ARM): $(PARSER_DEPS_ARM) | $(ARM_DIR)
mlton $(ARM_HYP_MLB_PATH) -output $@ $<
mlton $(AARCH64_MLB_PATH) -output $@ $<
$(STPARSER_X64): $(PARSER_DEPS_X64) | $(X64_DIR)
mlton $(X64_MLB_PATH) -output $@ $<
@ -89,6 +100,9 @@ $(TOKENIZER_ARM): $(TOKENIZER_DEPS_ARM) | $(ARM_DIR)
mlton $(ARM_HYP_MLB_PATH) -output $@ $<
mlton $(AARCH64_MLB_PATH) -output $@ $<
mlton $(X64_MLB_PATH) -output $@ $<

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory MachineWords
imports "CParser.CTranslation"
type_synonym machine_word_len = "64"
type_synonym machine_word = "machine_word_len word"
abbreviation "machine_word_bytes \<equiv> 8 :: nat"
lemma of_nat_machine_word_bytes[simp]: "of_nat machine_word_bytes = 8"
by simp

View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
(* License: BSD, terms see file ./LICENSE *)
theory Addr_Type
imports "Word_Lib.WordSetup"
type_synonym addr_bitsize = "64"
type_synonym addr = "addr_bitsize word"
definition addr_bitsize :: nat where "addr_bitsize \<equiv> 64"
definition addr_align :: nat where "addr_align \<equiv> 3"
declare addr_align_def[simp]
definition addr_card :: nat where
"addr_card \<equiv> card (UNIV::addr set)"
declare addr_bitsize_def[simp]
lemma addr_card:
"addr_card = 2^addr_bitsize"
by (simp add: addr_card_def card_word)
lemma len_of_addr_card:
"2 ^ len_of TYPE(addr_bitsize) = addr_card"
by (simp add: addr_card)
lemma of_nat_addr_card [simp]:
"of_nat addr_card = (0::addr)"
by (simp add: addr_card)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory ArchArraysMemInstance
imports ArraysMemInstance
(* Showing arrays are in mem_type requires maximum sizes for objects,
and maximum counts for elements *)
class array_outer_max_size = mem_type +
assumes array_outer_max_size_ax: "size_of TYPE('a::c_type) < 2 ^ 26"
class array_max_count = finite +
assumes array_max_count_ax: "CARD ('a) <= 2 ^ 20"
instance array :: (array_outer_max_size, array_max_count) mem_type
apply intro_classes
apply simp
apply (subgoal_tac "addr_card = 2 ^ (addr_bitsize - 26) * 2 ^ 26")
apply (erule ssubst)
apply (rule less_le_trans[where y = "card (UNIV::'b set) * 2 ^ 26"])
apply (rule mult_less_mono2)
apply (rule array_outer_max_size_ax)
apply simp
apply (rule mult_le_mono1)
apply (rule le_trans[where j = "2 ^ 20"])
apply (rule array_max_count_ax)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (simp add: addr_card)
class array_inner_max_size = array_outer_max_size +
assumes array_inner_max_size_ax: "size_of TYPE('a::c_type) < 2 ^ 6"
instance array :: (array_inner_max_size, array_max_count) array_outer_max_size
apply intro_classes
apply simp
apply (rule order_less_le_trans)
apply (rule mult_le_less_imp_less)
apply (rule array_max_count_ax)
apply (rule array_inner_max_size_ax)
apply simp
apply simp
apply simp
instance word :: (len8) array_outer_max_size
apply intro_classes
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "len_of TYPE('a) \<le> 128")
apply simp
apply(rule len8_width)
instance word :: (len8) array_inner_max_size
apply intro_classes
apply(simp add: size_of_def)
apply(subgoal_tac "len_of TYPE('a) \<le> 128")
apply simp
apply(rule len8_width)
instance ptr :: (c_type) array_outer_max_size
apply intro_classes
apply (simp add: size_of_def)
instance ptr :: (c_type) array_inner_max_size
apply intro_classes
apply (simp add: size_of_def)
class lt19 = finite +
assumes lt19_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 19"
class lt18 = lt19 +
assumes lt18_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 18"
class lt17 = lt18 +
assumes lt17_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 17"
class lt16 = lt17 +
assumes lt16_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 16"
class lt15 = lt16 +
assumes lt15_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 15"
class lt14 = lt15 +
assumes lt14_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 14"
class lt13 = lt14 +
assumes lt13_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 13"
class lt12 = lt13 +
assumes lt12_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 12"
class lt11 = lt12 +
assumes lt11_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 11"
class lt10 = lt11 +
assumes lt10_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 10"
class lt9 = lt10 +
assumes lt9_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 9"
class lt8 = lt9 +
assumes lt8_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 8"
class lt7 = lt8 +
assumes lt7_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 7"
class lt6 = lt7 +
assumes lt6_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 6"
class lt5 = lt6 +
assumes lt5_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 5"
class lt4 = lt5 +
assumes lt4_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 4"
class lt3 = lt4 +
assumes lt3_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 3"
class lt2 = lt3 +
assumes lt2_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 2"
class lt1 = lt2 +
assumes lt1_ax: "CARD ('a) < 2 ^ 1"
instance bit0 :: (lt19) array_max_count
using lt19_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt19) array_max_count
using lt19_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt18) lt19
using lt18_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt18) lt19
using lt18_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt17) lt18
using lt17_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt17) lt18
using lt17_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt16) lt17
using lt16_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt16) lt17
using lt16_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt15) lt16
using lt15_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt15) lt16
using lt15_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt14) lt15
using lt14_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt14) lt15
using lt14_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt13) lt14
using lt13_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt13) lt14
using lt13_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt12) lt13
using lt12_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt12) lt13
using lt12_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt11) lt12
using lt11_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt11) lt12
using lt11_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt10) lt11
using lt10_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt10) lt11
using lt10_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt9) lt10
using lt9_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt9) lt10
using lt9_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt8) lt9
using lt8_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt8) lt9
using lt8_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt7) lt8
using lt7_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt7) lt8
using lt7_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt6) lt7
using lt6_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt6) lt7
using lt6_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt5) lt6
using lt5_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt5) lt6
using lt5_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt4) lt5
using lt4_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt4) lt5
using lt4_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt3) lt4
using lt3_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt3) lt4
using lt3_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt2) lt3
using lt2_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt2) lt3
using lt2_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit0 :: (lt1) lt2
using lt1_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance bit1 :: (lt1) lt2
using lt1_ax[where 'a='a] by intro_classes simp
instance num1 :: lt1
by (intro_classes, simp_all)
(* don't understand why this also seems to be necessary *)
instance num1 :: array_max_count
by (intro_classes, simp)
(* introduce hackish handling of 8192 type by making a copy of the type
under a constructor, and then manually showing that it is an instance of
array_max_count *)
datatype array_max_count_ty = array_max_count_ty "1048576"
(* ML c-parser code also needs to know at which array size to use this type *)
ML \<open>
structure ArchArrayMaxCount = struct
val array_max_count = 1048576
lemma univ_array_max_count_ty:
"(UNIV::array_max_count_ty set) = image array_max_count_ty (UNIV::1048576 set)"
apply (simp add: set_eq_iff image_iff)
apply (rule_tac allI)
apply (rule_tac array_max_count_ty.induct)
apply simp
instance "array_max_count_ty" :: finite
apply intro_classes
apply (simp add: univ_array_max_count_ty)
lemma card_array_max_count_ty[simp]: "CARD(array_max_count_ty) = CARD(1048576)"
apply (simp add: univ_array_max_count_ty card_image inj_on_def)
instance "array_max_count_ty" :: array_max_count
by intro_classes simp

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@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
structure ImplementationNumbers : IMPLEMENTATION_NUMBERS =
open IntInf
fun exp (n, ex) = if ex = 0 then 1
else let
val q = ex div 2
val r = if ex mod 2 = 1 then n else 1
val qex = exp (n, q)
qex * qex * r
val boolWidth = fromInt 8
val charWidth = 8
val shortWidth = 16
val intWidth = 32
val longWidth = 64
val llongWidth = 64
val ptrWidth : int = 64
val ptr_t = BaseCTypes.Long
val CHAR_BIT : int = 8
fun umax width = exp(2, width) - 1
fun max width = exp(2, width - 1) - 1
fun min width = ~(exp(2, width - 1))
val UCHAR_MAX = umax charWidth
val USHORT_MAX = umax shortWidth
val UINT_MAX = umax intWidth
val ULONG_MAX = umax longWidth
val ULLONG_MAX = umax llongWidth
val SCHAR_MAX = max intWidth
val SHORT_MAX = max shortWidth
val INT_MAX = max intWidth
val LONG_MAX = max longWidth
val LLONG_MAX = max llongWidth
val SCHAR_MIN = min charWidth
val SHORT_MIN = min shortWidth
val INT_MIN = min intWidth
val LONG_MIN = min longWidth
val LLONG_MIN = min llongWidth
val char_signedp = false
val CHAR_MIN = IntInf.fromInt 0
open CharLitUtil
val charliteral_conversion = uchar_conv {umax=UCHAR_MAX}

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
theory Word_Mem_Encoding
imports Vanilla32_Preliminaries
(* Little-endian encoding *)
word_tag :: "'a::len8 word itself \<Rightarrow> 'a word typ_info"
"word_tag (w::'a::len8 word itself) \<equiv>
TypDesc (TypScalar (len_of TYPE('a) div 8)
(len_exp TYPE('a))
\<lparr> field_access = \<lambda>v bs. (rev o word_rsplit) v,
field_update = \<lambda>bs v. (word_rcat (rev bs)::'a::len8 word) \<rparr>)
(''word'' @ nat_to_bin_string (len_of TYPE('a)))"