# [The L4.verified Proofs][1] This is the L4.verified git repository with formal specifications and proofs for the seL4 microkernel. Most proofs in this repository are conducted in the interactive proof assistant [Isabelle/HOL][2]. For an introduction to Isabelle, see its [official website][2] and [documentation][3]. ## Repository Setup This repository is meant to be used as part of a google [repo][4] setup. Instead of cloning it directly, please go to the following repository and follow the instructions there: https://github.com/seL4/verification-manifest For setting up the theorem prover, please see the section [Isabelle Setup](#isabelle-setup) below. ## Overview The repository is organised as follows. * `spec`: a number of different formal specifications of seL4 * `abstract`: the functional abstract specification of seL4 * `design`: the Haskell-generated design-level specification of seL4 * `machine`: the machine interface of these two specifications * `cspec`: the entry point for automatically translating the seL4 C code into Isabelle * `capDL`: a specification of seL4 that abstracts from memory content and concrete execution behaviour, modelling the protection state of the system in terms of capabilities. This specification corresponds to the capability distribution language `capDL` that can be used to initialise user-level systems on top of seL4. * `take-grant`: a formalisation of the classical take-grant security model, applied to seL4, but not connected to the code of seL4. * `proof`: the seL4 proofs * `invariant-abstract`: invariants of the seL4 abstract specification * `refine`: refinement between abstract and design specifications * `crefine`: refinement between design specification and C semantics * `access-control`: integrity and authority confinement proofs * `infoflow`: confidentiality and intransitive non-interference proofs * `asmrefine`: Isabelle/HOL part of the seL4 binary verification * `drefine`: refinement between capDL and abstract specifiation * `sep-capDL`: a separation logic instance on capDL * `capDL-api`: separation logic specifications of selected seL4 APIs * `lib`: generic proof libraries, proof methods and tools. Among these, further libraries for fixed-size machine words, a formalisation of state monads with nondeterminism and exceptions, a generic verification condition generator for monads, a recursive invariant prover for these (`crunch`), an abstract separation logic formalisation, a prototype of the Eisbach proof method language, a prototype `levity` refactoring tool, and others. * `tools`: larger, self-contained proof tools * `asmrefine`: the generic Isabelle/HOL part of the binary verification tool * `c-parser`: a parser from C into the Simpl language in Isabelle/HOL. Includes a C memory model. * `autocorres`: an automated, proof-producing abstraction tool from C into higher-level Isabelle/HOL functions, based on the C parser above * `haskell-translator`: a basic python script for converting the Haskell prototype of seL4 into the executable design specification in Isabelle/HOL. * `misc`: miscellaneous scripts and build tools * `camkes`: an initial formalisation of the CAmkES component platform on seL4. Work in progress. * `sys-init`: specification of a capDL-based, user-level system initialiser for seL4, with proof that the specification leads to correctly initialised systems. ## Isabelle Setup The proofs in this repository use `Isabelle2013-2`. A copy of Isabelle is included in the repository setup. After the repository is set up in google repo, you should have following directory structure, where `l4v` is the repository you are currently looking at: verification/ isabelle/ l4v/ seL4/ To set up Isabelle for use in `l4v/`, assuming you have no previous installation of Isabelle, run the following commands in the directory `verification/l4v/`: mkdir -p ~/.isabelle/etc cp -i misc/etc/settings ~/.isabelle/etc/settings ./isabelle/bin/isabelle components -a ./isabelle/bin/isabelle jedit -bf ./isabelle/bin/isabelle build HOL-Word These commands perform the following steps: * create an Isabelle user settings directory. * install L4.verified Isabelle settings. These settings initialise the Isabelle installation to use the standard Isabelle `contrib` tools from the Munich Isabelle repository and set up paths such that multiple Isabelle repository installations can be used side by side without interfering with each other. * download `contrib` components from the Munich repository. This includes Scala, a Java JDK, PolyML, and multiple external provers. You should download these, even if you have these tools previously installed elsewhere to make sure you have the right versions. Depending on your internet connection, this may take some time. * compile and build the Isabelle PIDE jedit interface. * build basic Isabelle images, including `HOL-Word` to ensure that the installation works. This may take a few minutes. Alternatively, it is possible to use the official Isabelle2013-2 release bundle for your platform from the [Isabelle website][2]. In this case, the installation steps above can be skipped, and you would replace the directory `verification/isabelle/` with a symbolic link to the Isabelle home directory of the release version. Note that this is not recommended for development, since google `repo` will overwrite this link when you synchronise repositories and Isabelle upgrades will have to be performed manually as development progresses. ## Running the Proofs If Isabelle is set up correctly, a full test for the proofs in this repository can be run with the command ./run_tests from the directory `l4v/`. Proof sessions that do not depend on the C code can be built directly with ./isabelle/bin/isabelle build -d . -v -b from the directory `l4v/`. For available sessions, see the corresponding `ROOT` files in this repository. There is roughly one session corresponding to each major directory in the repository. For proof sessions that depend on the C code, for instance `CSpec`, `CRefine`, or `CBaseRefine`, go for instance to the directory `l4v/proof` and run `make CRefine` See the `HEAPS` variable in the corresponding `Makefile` for available targets. The `make` command should also work for sessions that do not depend on C code. For interactively exploring, say the invariant proof of the abstract specification with a pre-built logic image for the abstract specification, run `./isabelle/bin/isabelle jedit -d . -l ASpec` and open one of the files in `spec/invariant-abstract`. # License The files in this repository are released under standard open source licenses. Please see the individual file headers and `LICENSE_GPLv2.txt` and `LICENSE_BSD2.txt` files for details. [1]: https://github.com/seL4/l4v "L4.verified Repository" [2]: http://isabelle.in.tum.de "Isabelle Website" [3]: http://isabelle.in.tum.de/documentation.html "Isabelle Documentation" [4]: http://source.android.com/source/downloading.html#installing-repo "google repo installation"