#!/usr/bin/env python # # # Copyright 2017, Data61 # Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) # ABN 41 687 119 230. # # This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of # the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. # See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details. # # @TAG(DATA61_BSD) # import os import sys import argparse import subprocess # Settings L4V_ARCH_DEFAULT="ARM" L4V_ARCH_LIST=["ARM","ARM_HYP","X64","RISCV64"] # Fetch directory this script is stored in. DIR=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # Add repo version of Isabelle to our path. os.environ["PATH"] += os.pathsep + DIR # enable timing logs in isabelle builds and set report interval to 3 seconds os.environ["ISABELLE_TIMING_LOG"]="3.0s" # Enable quick_and_dirty mode for various images if os.environ.has_key("QUICK_AND_DIRTY"): os.environ["AINVS_QUICK_AND_DIRTY"]=1 os.environ["REFINE_QUICK_AND_DIRTY"]=1 os.environ["CREFINE_QUICK_AND_DIRTY"]=1 print "Testing with QUICK_AND_DIRTY" # Lists of excluded tests for diferent archs EXCLUDE={} EXCLUDE["ARM_HYP"]=[ "Access", "Bisim", "DRefine", "RefineOrphanage", "SimplExportAndRefine"] EXCLUDE["ARM"]=[] EXCLUDE["X64"]=[ "Access", "AutoCorresSEL4", "Bisim", "CamkesDarpaReport", "CamkesGlueProofs", "DBaseRefine", "DSpec", "RefineOrphanage", "SepTacticsExamples", "SimplExportAndRefine", "AsmRefine" ] EXCLUDE["RISCV64"]=[ "AInvs", "ASepSpec", "DSpec", "c-kernel", "CKernel", "CSpec", "CamkesDarpaReport", "CamkesGlueProofs", "RefineOrphanage", "AsmRefine" ] # Check EXCLUDE is exhaustive over the available architectures if not set(L4V_ARCH_LIST) <= set(EXCLUDE.keys()): sys.exit("[INTERNAL ERROR] exclusion lists are non-exhaustive") parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False) parser.add_argument('--l4v-arches', metavar='ARCH,...', type=str, help='test multiple L4V_ARCHs (comma-separated)') parser.add_argument('--l4v-arch-all', dest='l4v_arches', action='store_const', const=','.join(L4V_ARCH_LIST), help='test all L4V_ARCHes') parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='store_true', help=argparse.SUPPRESS) args, passthrough_args = parser.parse_known_args() if args.l4v_arches: archs = args.l4v_arches.split(',') elif os.environ.has_key("L4V_ARCH"): archs = [os.environ["L4V_ARCH"]] else: archs = [L4V_ARCH_DEFAULT] for arch in archs: if arch not in L4V_ARCH_LIST: sys.exit("Unknown architecture: %s" % arch) if args.help: parser.print_help() print('Now printing help for main regression script:') print('--------') passthrough_args += ['--help'] archs = archs[:1] returncode = 0 for arch in archs: print "Testing for L4V_ARCH=%s:" % arch os.environ["L4V_ARCH"] = arch # Test Orphanage when L4V_ARCH=ARM; # we need to set this flag here to test the above equality in the ROOT file. # To be removed when we finish proving Orphanage for ARM_HYP and X64 if arch == "ARM": os.environ["L4V_ARCH_IS_ARM"] = arch print "Testing Orphanage for ARM" # Arguments: args = ['./misc/regression/run_tests.py'] # Script name args += [r for t in EXCLUDE[arch] for r in ['-r', t]] # Exclusion list args += passthrough_args # Other arguments # Run the tests from the script directory. # Also collect the last non-zero return code. returncode = subprocess.call(args, cwd=DIR) or returncode sys.exit(returncode)