(* * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause *) (* What is crunch? Crunch is for proving easily proved properties over various functions within a (shallow monadic) specification. Suppose we have a toplevel specification function f and some simple notion of correctness, P \ f, which we want to prove. However f is defined in terms of subfunctions g etc. To prove P \ f, we will first show many lemmas P \ g, which crunch lets us do easily. As a first step, crunch must discover "crunch rules" which structure the proof. For instance, if f is a constant with a definition, crunch may discover the definition "f == f_body" and derive the crunch rule "P \ f_body \ P \ f". A crunch rule will be used if all its premises are either proofs of the same notion of correctness (P \ ?f) or can be solved trivially by wp/simp. The user can supply crunch rules with the rule: section or crunch_rule attribute, which will be tried both as rewrites and as introduction rules. Crunch also has a number of builtin strategies for finding definitional rules in the context. Once a crunch rule for P \ f is found, crunch will recursively apply to almost all monadic constants in all of the premises. (The exploration terminates where crunch rules can be found without premises.) Crunch will obtain proofs e.g. P \ g for all f's dependencies, then finally try to prove P \ f using the crunch rule, wp (with the given dependencies) and simp. Additional wp and simp rules can also be given with the wp: and simp: sections. When obtaining proofs for f's dependencies, crunch will first determine whether a rule already exists for that goal (P \ g). It does this by checking whether a) crunch has already proven a rule for that constant, b) a rule in the wp set can be used to solve the goal, or c) a rule already exists with the name that crunch would use. In the case of c), crunch will fail if the found rule cannot be applied to the goal. There are some monadic constants that it does not make sense to apply crunch to. These are added to a crunch_ignore set, and are removed from f's dependencies if they are ever found. The command crunch_ignore (add: ) can be used to add new constants, along with the ignore: section of a specific crunch invocation. *) (* Tracing debug. *) val crunch_debug = Unsynchronized.ref false fun debug_trace_pf pref f = if (!crunch_debug) then tracing (pref ^ f ()) else () fun debug_trace s = if (!crunch_debug) then tracing s else () fun debug_trace_bl bl = if (!crunch_debug) then tracing (Pretty.string_of (Pretty.block (map (fn f => f ()) bl))) else () fun funkysplit [_,b,c] = [b,c] | funkysplit [_,c] = [c] | funkysplit l = l fun real_base_name name = name |> Long_Name.explode |> funkysplit |> Long_Name.implode (*Handles locales properly-ish*) fun handle_int exn func = if Exn.is_interrupt exn then Exn.reraise exn else func val Thm : (Facts.ref * Token.src list) -> ((Facts.ref * Token.src list), xstring) sum = Inl val Constant : xstring -> ((Facts.ref * Token.src list), xstring) sum = Inr val thms = lefts val constants = rights val wp_sect = ("wp", Parse.thm >> Thm); val wp_del_sect = ("wp_del", Parse.thm >> Thm); val wps_sect = ("wps", Parse.thm >> Thm); val ignore_sect = ("ignore", Parse.const >> Constant); val ignore_del_sect = ("ignore_del", Parse.const >> Constant); val simp_sect = ("simp", Parse.thm >> Thm); val simp_del_sect = ("simp_del", Parse.thm >> Thm); val rule_sect = ("rule", Parse.thm >> Thm); val rule_del_sect = ("rule_del", Parse.thm >> Thm); fun read_const ctxt = Proof_Context.read_const {proper = true, strict = false} ctxt; fun gen_term_eq (f $ x, f' $ x') = gen_term_eq (f, f') andalso gen_term_eq (x, x') | gen_term_eq (Abs (_, _, t), Abs (_, _, t')) = gen_term_eq (t, t') | gen_term_eq (Const (nm, _), Const (nm', _)) = (nm = nm') | gen_term_eq (Free (nm, _), Free (nm', _)) = (nm = nm') | gen_term_eq (Var (nm, _), Var (nm', _)) = (nm = nm') | gen_term_eq (Bound i, Bound j) = (i = j) | gen_term_eq _ = false fun ae_conv (t, t') = gen_term_eq (Envir.beta_eta_contract t, Envir.beta_eta_contract t') (* Crunch can be instantiated to prove different properties about monadic specifications. For several examples of this instantiation see Crunch_Instances_NonDet. *) signature CrunchInstance = sig (* The name of the property. *) val name : string; (* The type of any parameters of the property beyond a (optional) precondition and the function being crunched. *) type extra; (* Equality of the extra parameter, often uses ae_conv. *) val eq_extra : extra * extra -> bool; (* How to parse anything after the list of specifications to be crunched, returns a precondition and extra field. *) val parse_extra : Proof.context -> string -> term * extra; (* Whether the property has preconditions. *) val has_preconds : bool; (* Construct the property out of a precondition, function and extra. *) val mk_term : term -> term -> extra -> term; (* Deconstruct the property. *) val dest_term : term -> (term * term * extra) option; (* Put a new precondition into an instance of the property. *) val put_precond : term -> term -> term; (* Theorems used to modify the precondition of the property. An empty list if the property has no preconditions. *) val pre_thms : thm list; (* The wpc_tactic used, normally wp_cases_tactic_weak. See BCorres_UL for an alternative. *) val wpc_tactic : Proof.context -> int -> tactic; (* The wps_tactic used, normally wps_tac when applicable and no_tac when not. *) val wps_tactic : Proof.context -> thm list -> int -> tactic; val magic : term; (* Get the type of the state a monadic specification is operating on. Returns NONE when given the wrong type. See get_nondet_monad_state_type in Crunch_Instances_NonDet for an example. *) val get_monad_state_type : typ -> typ option end signature CRUNCH = sig type extra; (* Crunch configuration: theory, naming scheme, name space, wp rules, wps_rules, constants to ignore, simp rules, constants to not ignore, unfold rules*) type crunch_cfg = {ctxt: local_theory, prp_name: string, nmspce: string option, wp_rules: (string * thm) list, wps_rules: thm list, igs: string list, simps: thm list, ig_dels: string list, rules: thm list}; (* Crunch takes a configuration, a precondition, any extra information needed, a debug stack, a constant name, and a list of previously proven theorems, and returns a theorem for this constant and a list of new theorems (which may be empty if the result had already been proven). *) val crunch : crunch_cfg -> term -> extra -> string list -> string -> (string * thm) list -> (thm option * (string * thm) list); val crunch_x : Token.src list -> string -> string -> (string * ((Facts.ref * Token.src list), xstring) sum) list -> string list -> local_theory -> local_theory; val crunch_ignore_add_del : string list -> string list -> theory -> theory val mism_term_trace : (term * extra) list Unsynchronized.ref end functor Crunch (Instance : CrunchInstance) = struct type extra = Instance.extra; type crunch_cfg = {ctxt: local_theory, prp_name: string, nmspce: string option, wp_rules: (string * thm) list, wps_rules: thm list, igs: string list, simps: thm list, ig_dels: string list, rules: thm list}; structure CrunchIgnore = Theory_Data (struct type T = string list val empty = [] val extend = I val merge = Library.merge (op =); end); fun crunch_ignore_add thms thy = CrunchIgnore.map (curry (Library.merge (op =)) thms) thy fun crunch_ignore_del thms thy = CrunchIgnore.map (Library.subtract (op =) thms) thy fun crunch_ignore_add_del adds dels = crunch_ignore_add adds #> crunch_ignore_del dels fun crunch_ignores cfg ctxt = subtract (op =) (#ig_dels cfg) (#igs cfg @ CrunchIgnore.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)) val def_sfx = "_def"; val induct_sfx = ".induct"; val simps_sfx = ".simps"; val param_name = "param_a"; val dummy_monad_name = "__dummy__"; fun def_of n = n ^ def_sfx; fun induct_of n = n ^ induct_sfx; fun simps_of n = n ^ simps_sfx; fun num_args t = length (binder_types t) - 1; fun real_const_from_name const nmspce ctxt = let val qual::locale::nm::nil = Long_Name.explode const; val SOME some_nmspce = nmspce; val nm = Long_Name.implode (some_nmspce :: nm :: nil); val _ = read_const ctxt nm; in nm end handle exn => handle_int exn const; fun get_monad ctxt f xs = if is_Const f then (* we need the type of the underlying constant to avoid polymorphic constants like If, case_option, K_bind being considered monadic *) let val T = dest_Const f |> fst |> read_const ctxt |> type_of; fun is_product v p = Option.getOpt (Option.map (fn v' => v = v') (Instance.get_monad_state_type p), false) fun num_args (Type ("fun", [v,p])) n = if is_product v p then SOME n else num_args p (n + 1) | num_args _ _ = NONE in case num_args T 0 of NONE => [] | SOME n => [list_comb (f, Library.take n (xs @ map Bound (1 upto n)))] end else []; fun monads_of ctxt t = case strip_comb t of (Const f, xs) => get_monad ctxt (Const f) xs @ maps (monads_of ctxt) xs | (Abs (_, _, t), []) => monads_of ctxt t | (Abs a, xs) => monads_of ctxt (betapplys (Abs a, xs)) | (_, xs) => maps (monads_of ctxt) xs; val get_thm = Proof_Context.get_thm val get_thms = Proof_Context.get_thms val get_thms_from_facts = Attrib.eval_thms fun maybe_thms thy name = get_thms thy name handle ERROR _ => [] fun thy_maybe_thms thy name = Global_Theory.get_thms thy name handle ERROR _ => [] fun add_thm thm atts name ctxt = Local_Theory.notes [((Binding.name name, atts), [([thm], atts)])] ctxt |> #2 fun get_thm_name (cfg : crunch_cfg) const_name = if read_const (#ctxt cfg) (Long_Name.base_name const_name) = read_const (#ctxt cfg) const_name then Long_Name.base_name const_name ^ "_" ^ (#prp_name cfg) else space_implode "_" (space_explode "." const_name @ [#prp_name cfg]) fun get_stored cfg n = get_thm (#ctxt cfg) (get_thm_name cfg n) fun mapM _ [] y = y | mapM f (x::xs) y = mapM f xs (f x y) fun dest_equals t = t |> Logic.dest_equals handle TERM _ => t |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> HOLogic.dest_eq; fun const_is_lhs const nmspce ctxt def = let val (lhs, _) = def |> Thm.prop_of |> dest_equals; val (nm, _) = dest_Const const; val (nm', _) = dest_Const (head_of lhs); in (real_const_from_name nm nmspce ctxt) = (real_const_from_name nm' nmspce ctxt) end handle TERM _ => false fun deep_search_thms ctxt defn const nmspce = let val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt val thys = thy :: Theory.ancestors_of thy; val filt = filter (const_is_lhs const nmspce ctxt); fun search [] = error("not found: const: " ^ @{make_string} const ^ " defn: " ^ @{make_string} defn) | search (t::ts) = (case (filt (thy_maybe_thms t defn)) of [] => search ts | thms => thms); in case filt (maybe_thms ctxt defn) of [] => search thys | defs => defs end; (* When making recursive crunch calls we want to identify and collect preconditions about parameters of the functions we are crunching. To assist with this we attempt to turn bound variables into free variables by simplifying with rules like Let_def, return_bind and bind_assoc. One example of this named_theorem being populated can be found in Crunch_Instances_NonDet. *) fun unfold_get_params ctxt = Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems crunch_param_rules} fun def_from_ctxt ctxt const = let val crunch_defs = Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems crunch_def} val abs_def = Local_Defs.meta_rewrite_rule ctxt #> Drule.abs_def; fun do_filter thm = try (abs_def #> Thm.prop_of #> Logic.dest_equals #> fst #> dest_Const #> fst) thm = SOME const in case crunch_defs |> filter do_filter of [x] => SOME x | [] => NONE | _ => raise Fail ("Multiple definitions declared for:" ^ const) end fun unfold ctxt const triple nmspce = let val _ = debug_trace "unfold" val const_term = read_const ctxt const; val const_defn = const |> Long_Name.base_name |> def_of; val const_def = deep_search_thms ctxt const_defn const_term nmspce |> hd |> Simpdata.safe_mk_meta_eq; val _ = debug_trace_bl [K (Pretty.str "const_def:"), fn () => Pretty.str (@{make_string} const_defn), fn () => Thm.pretty_thm ctxt const_def] val trivial_rule = Thm.trivial triple val _ = debug_trace_bl [K (Pretty.str "trivial_rule :"), fn () => Thm.pretty_thm ctxt trivial_rule] val unfold_rule = trivial_rule |> Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt [const_def]; val _ = debug_trace_bl [K (Pretty.str "unfold_rule :"), fn () => Thm.pretty_thm ctxt unfold_rule] val ms = unfold_rule |> Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt (unfold_get_params ctxt) |> Thm.prems_of |> maps (monads_of ctxt); in if Thm.eq_thm_prop (trivial_rule, unfold_rule) then error ("Unfold rule generated for " ^ const ^ " does not apply") else (ms, unfold_rule) end fun mk_apps t n m = if n = 0 then t else mk_apps t (n-1) (m+1) $ Bound m fun mk_abs t n = if n = 0 then t else Abs ("_", dummyT, mk_abs t (n-1)) fun eq_cname (Const (s, _)) (Const (t, _)) = (s = t) | eq_cname _ _ = false fun resolve_abbreviated ctxt abbrev = let val (abbrevn,_) = dest_Const abbrev val origin = (head_of (snd ((Consts.the_abbreviation o Proof_Context.consts_of) ctxt abbrevn))); val (originn,_) = dest_Const origin; val (_::_::_::nil) = Long_Name.explode originn; in origin end handle exn => handle_int exn abbrev fun map_consts f = let fun map_aux (Const a) = f (Const a) | map_aux (t $ u) = map_aux t $ map_aux u | map_aux x = x in map_aux end; fun map_unvarifyT t = map_types Logic.unvarifyT_global t fun dummy_fix ctxt vars = let val nns = Name.invent Name.context "dummy_var_a" (length vars) val frees = map Free (nns ~~ map fastype_of vars) |> map (Thm.cterm_of ctxt) in Drule.infer_instantiate ctxt (map (fst o dest_Var) vars ~~ frees) end fun induct_inst ctxt const goal nmspce = let val _ = debug_trace "induct_inst" val base_const = Long_Name.base_name const; val _ = debug_trace_pf "base_const: " (fn () => @{make_string} base_const) val induct_thm = base_const |> induct_of |> get_thm ctxt; val _ = debug_trace_pf "induct_thm: " (fn () => @{make_string} induct_thm) val act_goal = HOLogic.dest_Trueprop (Thm.term_of goal) val goal_f = case Instance.dest_term act_goal of NONE => (warning "induct_inst: dest_term failed"; error "induct_inst: dest_term failed") | SOME (_, goal_f, _) => goal_f val params = map_filter (fn Free (s, _) => (if String.isPrefix "param" s then SOME s else NONE) | _ => NONE) (snd (strip_comb goal_f)) val _ = debug_trace ("induct_inst params: " ^ commas params) val induct_thm_params = induct_thm |> Thm.concl_of |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> strip_comb |> snd val induct_thm_inst = dummy_fix ctxt (drop (length params) induct_thm_params) induct_thm val trivial_rule = Thm.trivial goal; val tac = Induct_Tacs.induct_tac ctxt [map SOME params] (SOME [induct_thm_inst]) 1 val induct_inst = tac trivial_rule |> Seq.hd val _ = debug_trace_pf "induct_inst: " (fn () => Syntax.string_of_term ctxt (Thm.prop_of induct_inst)) val simp_thms = deep_search_thms ctxt (base_const |> simps_of) (head_of goal_f) nmspce; val induct_inst_simplified = induct_inst |> Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt (map Simpdata.safe_mk_meta_eq simp_thms); val ms = maps (monads_of ctxt) (Thm.prems_of induct_inst_simplified); val ms' = filter_out (eq_cname (resolve_abbreviated ctxt (head_of goal_f)) o head_of) ms; in if Thm.eq_thm_prop (trivial_rule, induct_inst) then error ("Unfold rule generated for " ^ const ^ " does not apply") else (ms', induct_inst_simplified) end fun unfold_data ctxt constn goal nmspce NONE = ( induct_inst ctxt constn goal nmspce handle exn => handle_int exn unfold ctxt constn goal nmspce handle exn => handle_int exn error ("unfold_data: couldn't find defn or induct rule for " ^ constn)) | unfold_data ctxt constn goal _ (SOME thm) = let val trivial_rule = Thm.trivial goal val unfold_rule = Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt [safe_mk_meta_eq thm] trivial_rule; val ms = unfold_rule |> Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt (unfold_get_params ctxt) |> Thm.prems_of |> maps (monads_of ctxt); in if Thm.eq_thm_prop (trivial_rule, unfold_rule) then error ("Unfold rule given for " ^ constn ^ " does not apply") else (ms, unfold_rule) end fun get_unfold_rule ctxt const cgoal namespace = unfold_data ctxt const cgoal namespace (def_from_ctxt ctxt const) val split_if = @{thm "if_split"} fun maybe_cheat_tac ctxt thm = if (Goal.skip_proofs_enabled ()) then ALLGOALS (Skip_Proof.cheat_tac ctxt) thm else all_tac thm; fun get_precond t = if Instance.has_preconds then case Instance.dest_term t of SOME (pre, _, _) => pre | _ => error ("get_precond: not a " ^ Instance.name ^ " term") else error ("crunch (" ^ Instance.name ^ ") should not be calling get_precond") fun var_precond v = if Instance.has_preconds then Instance.put_precond (Var (("Precond", 0), get_precond v |> fastype_of)) v else v; fun is_proof_of cfg const (name, _) = get_thm_name cfg const = name fun get_inst_precond ctxt pre extra (mapply, goal) = let val (c, xs) = strip_comb mapply; fun replace_vars (t, n) = if exists_subterm (fn t => is_Bound t orelse is_Var t) t then Free ("ignore_me" ^ string_of_int n, dummyT) else t val ys = map replace_vars (xs ~~ (1 upto (length xs))); val goal2 = Instance.mk_term pre (list_comb (c, ys)) extra |> Syntax.check_term ctxt |> var_precond |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt; val spec = goal RS Thm.trivial goal2; val precond = Thm.concl_of spec |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> get_precond; in SOME precond end (* in rare cases the tuple extracted from the naming scheme doesn't match what we were trying to prove, thus a THM exception from RS *) handle THM _ => NONE; fun split_precond (Const (@{const_name pred_conj}, _) $ P $ Q) = split_precond P @ split_precond Q | split_precond (Abs (n, T, @{const "HOL.conj"} $ P $ Q)) = maps (split_precond o Envir.eta_contract) [Abs (n, T, P), Abs (n, T, Q)] | split_precond t = [t]; val precond_implication_term = Syntax.parse_term @{context} "%P Q. (!! s. (P s ==> Q s))"; fun precond_needed ctxt pre css pre' = let val imp = Syntax.check_term ctxt (precond_implication_term $ pre $ pre'); in not (can (Goal.prove ctxt [] [] imp) (fn _ => clarsimp_tac css 1)) end fun combine_preconds ctxt pre pres = let val pres' = maps (split_precond o Envir.beta_eta_contract) pres |> filter_out (exists_subterm (fn t => is_Var t orelse (is_Free t andalso is_prefix (op =) (String.explode "ignore_me") (String.explode (fst (dest_Free t)))))) |> remove (op aconv) pre |> distinct (op aconv) |> filter (precond_needed ctxt pre ctxt); val T = fastype_of pre; val conj = Const (@{const_name pred_conj}, T --> T --> T) in case pres' of [] => pre | _ => let val precond = foldl1 (fn (a, b) => conj $ a $ b) pres' in if precond_needed ctxt precond ctxt pre then conj $ pre $ precond else precond end end; (* the crunch function is designed to be foldable with this custom fold to crunch over a list of constants *) fun funkyfold _ [] _ = ([], []) | funkyfold f (x :: xs) thms = let val (z, thms') = f x thms val (zs, thms'') = funkyfold f xs (thms' @ thms) in (z :: zs, thms' @ thms'') end exception WrongType fun make_goal const_term const pre extra ctxt = let val nns = const_term |> fastype_of |> num_args |> Name.invent Name.context param_name; val parse = Syntax.parse_term ctxt; val check = Syntax.check_term ctxt; val body = parse (String.concat (separate " " (const :: nns))); in check (Instance.mk_term pre body extra) end; fun unify_helper rs n t = case Thm.cprem_of t n |> Thm.term_of |> snd (#trips rs) (Thm.theory_of_thm t) |> Envir.beta_eta_contract |> Logic.strip_assums_concl handle THM _ => @{const True} of Const (@{const_name Trueprop}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name triple_judgement}, _) $ _ $ f $ _) => SOME f | _ => NONE fun get_wp_rules ctxt n goal = let val wp_data = WeakestPre.debug_get ctxt val f = unify_helper wp_data n goal in case f of SOME f => Net.unify_term (#1 (#rules wp_data)) f |> order_list |> rev | NONE => map snd (#3 (#rules wp_data)) end (*rule can either solve thm or can be applied and refers to the same const*) fun can_solve_or_apply ctxt goal thm rule = let fun body term = term |> Instance.dest_term |> Option.map (Term.term_name o Term.head_of o #2) val const' = rule |> Thm.concl_of |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> body handle TERM _ => NONE val thm' = SINGLE (resolve_tac ctxt [rule] 1) thm fun changed st' = not (Thm.eq_thm (thm, st')); fun solved st' = Thm.nprems_of st' < Thm.nprems_of thm in if is_some thm' then solved (the thm') orelse (body goal = const' andalso changed (the thm')) else false end fun test_thm_applies ctxt goal thm = SINGLE (CHANGED (resolve_tac ctxt [thm] 1)) goal fun crunch_known_rule cfg const thms goal = let val ctxt = #ctxt cfg val vgoal_prop = goal |> var_precond |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop val cgoal_in = Goal.init (Thm.cterm_of ctxt vgoal_prop) (*first option: previously crunched thm*) val thms_proof = Seq.filter (is_proof_of cfg const) (Seq.of_list thms) fun used_rule thm = (Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "found a rule for this constant:" [ThmExtras.pretty_thm false ctxt thm]); thm) (*second option: thm with same name*) val stored_rule = try (get_stored cfg) const val stored_rule_applies = Option.mapPartial (test_thm_applies ctxt cgoal_in) stored_rule |> is_some val stored_rule_error = if is_some stored_rule andalso not stored_rule_applies then Pretty.big_list "the generated goal does not match the existing rule:" [ThmExtras.pretty_thm false ctxt (the stored_rule)] |> Pretty.string_of |> SOME else NONE val stored = if stored_rule_applies then Seq.single (the stored_rule) |> Seq.map used_rule else Seq.empty (*third option: thm in wp set*) val wp_rules = get_wp_rules ctxt 1 cgoal_in val rules = map snd (thms @ #wp_rules cfg) @ wp_rules val wps = filter (can_solve_or_apply ctxt goal cgoal_in) rules val wps' = Seq.map used_rule (Seq.of_list wps) (*error if no thm found and thm with same name does not apply*) fun error'' (SOME opt) = SOME opt | error'' NONE = Option.mapPartial error stored_rule_error val seq = Seq.append (Seq.map snd thms_proof) (Seq.append stored wps') in Seq.pull seq |> Option.map fst |> error'' end val mism_term_trace = Unsynchronized.ref [] fun seq_try_apply f x = Seq.map_filter (try f) (Seq.single x) fun wp ctxt rules = WeakestPre.apply_rules_tac_n false ctxt rules fun wpsimp ctxt wp_rules simp_rules = let val ctxt' = Config.put Method.old_section_parser true ctxt in Method.NO_CONTEXT_TACTIC ctxt' (Method_Closure.apply_method ctxt' @{method wpsimp} [] [wp_rules, [], simp_rules] [] ctxt' []) end fun crunch_rule cfg const goal extra thms = let (* first option: produce a trivial rule as constant is being ignored *) val ctxt = #ctxt cfg val goal_prop = goal |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop val ignore_seq = if member (op =) (crunch_ignores cfg ctxt) const then goal_prop |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt |> Thm.trivial |> Seq.single |> Seq.map (pair NONE) else Seq.empty (* second option: produce a terminal rule via wpsimp *) fun wpsimp' rules = wpsimp ctxt (map snd (thms @ #wp_rules cfg) @ rules) (#simps cfg) val vgoal_prop = goal |> var_precond |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop val ctxt' = Variable.auto_fixes goal_prop (Variable.auto_fixes vgoal_prop ctxt) val wp_seq = seq_try_apply (Goal.prove ctxt' [] [] goal_prop) (fn _ => TRY (wpsimp' [])) |> Seq.map (singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt' ctxt)) |> Seq.map (pair NONE) (* third option: apply a supplied rule *) val cgoal = vgoal_prop |> Thm.cterm_of ctxt val base_rule = Thm.trivial cgoal fun app_rew r t = Seq.single (Simplifier.rewrite_goals_rule ctxt [r] t) |> Seq.filter (fn t' => not (Thm.eq_thm_prop (t, t'))) val supplied_apps = Seq.of_list (#rules cfg) |> Seq.maps (fn r => resolve_tac ctxt [r] 1 base_rule) val supplied_app_rews = Seq.of_list (#rules cfg) |> Seq.maps (fn r => app_rew r base_rule) val supplied_seq = Seq.append supplied_apps supplied_app_rews |> Seq.map (pair NONE) (* fourth option: builtins *) val builtin_seq = seq_try_apply (get_unfold_rule ctxt' const cgoal) (#nmspce cfg) |> Seq.map (apfst SOME) val seq = foldr1 (uncurry Seq.append) [ignore_seq, wp_seq, supplied_seq, builtin_seq] fun fail_tac t _ _ = (writeln "discarding crunch rule, unsolved premise:"; Syntax.pretty_term ctxt t |> Pretty.writeln; mism_term_trace := (t, extra) :: (! mism_term_trace); Seq.empty) val goal_extra = goal |> Instance.dest_term |> the |> #3 val finalise = ALLGOALS (SUBGOAL (fn (t, i) => if try (Logic.strip_assums_concl #> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop #> Instance.dest_term #> the #> #3 #> curry Instance.eq_extra goal_extra) t = SOME true then all_tac else DETERM (((fn i => wpsimp' []) THEN_ALL_NEW fail_tac t) i))) val seq = Seq.maps (fn (ms, t) => Seq.map (pair ms) (finalise t)) seq val (ms, thm) = case Seq.pull seq of SOME ((ms, thm), _) => (ms, thm) | NONE => error ("could not find crunch rule for " ^ const) val _ = debug_trace_bl [K (Pretty.str "crunch rule: "), fn () => Thm.pretty_thm ctxt thm] val ms = case ms of SOME ms => ms | NONE => Thm.prems_of thm |> maps (monads_of ctxt) in (ms, thm) end fun warn_helper_thms wp ctxt t = let val simp_thms = maybe_thms ctxt "crunch_simps" val ctxt' = ctxt addsimps simp_thms val wp_thms = maybe_thms ctxt "crunch_wps" fun can_tac tac = (is_some o SINGLE (HEADGOAL (CHANGED_GOAL tac))) t in if can_tac (clarsimp_tac ctxt') then warning "Using crunch_simps makes more progress" else (); if can_tac (wp wp_thms) then warning "Using crunch_wps makes more progress" else () end; fun warn_const_ignored const cfg ctxt = if member (op =) (crunch_ignores cfg ctxt) const then warning ("constant " ^ const ^ " is being ignored") else (); fun warn_stack const stack ctxt = Pretty.big_list "Crunch call stack:" (map (Proof_Context.pretty_const ctxt) (const::stack)) |> Pretty.string_of |> warning; fun proof_failed_warnings const stack cfg wp ctxt t = if Thm.no_prems t then all_tac t else (warn_const_ignored const cfg ctxt; warn_helper_thms wp ctxt t; warn_stack const stack ctxt; all_tac t) fun crunch cfg pre extra stack const' thms = let val ctxt = #ctxt cfg |> Context_Position.set_visible false; val const = real_const_from_name const' (#nmspce cfg) ctxt; in let val _ = "crunching constant: " ^ const |> writeln; val const_term = read_const ctxt const; val goal = make_goal const_term const pre extra ctxt handle exn => handle_int exn (raise WrongType); val goal_prop = HOLogic.mk_Trueprop goal; in (* first check: has this constant already been done or supplied? *) case crunch_known_rule cfg const thms goal of SOME thm => (SOME thm, []) | NONE => let (* not already known, find a crunch rule. *) val (ms, rule) = crunch_rule cfg const goal extra thms (* and now crunch *) val ctxt' = Variable.auto_fixes goal ctxt; val ms = ms |> map (fn t => (real_const_from_name (fst (dest_Const (head_of t))) (#nmspce cfg) ctxt', t)) |> subtract (fn (a, b) => a = (fst b)) (crunch_ignores cfg ctxt) |> filter_out (fn (s, _) => s = const'); val stack' = const :: stack; val _ = if (length stack' > 20) then (writeln "Crunch call stack:"; map writeln (const::stack); error("probably infinite loop")) else (); val (goals, thms') = funkyfold (crunch cfg pre extra stack') (map fst ms) thms; val goals' = map_filter I goals val ctxt'' = ctxt' addsimps ((#simps cfg) @ goals') |> Splitter.del_split split_if fun collect_preconds pre = let val preconds = map_filter (fn (x, SOME y) => SOME (x, y) | (_, NONE) => NONE) (map snd ms ~~ goals) |> map_filter (get_inst_precond ctxt'' pre extra); val precond = combine_preconds ctxt'' (get_precond goal) preconds; in Instance.put_precond precond goal |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop end; val goal_prop2 = if Instance.has_preconds then collect_preconds pre else goal_prop; val ctxt''' = ctxt'' |> Variable.auto_fixes goal_prop2 val _ = writeln ("attempting: " ^ Syntax.string_of_term ctxt''' goal_prop2); fun wp' wp_rules = wp ctxt (map snd (thms @ #wp_rules cfg) @ goals' @ wp_rules) val thm = Goal.prove_future ctxt''' [] [] goal_prop2 ( (*DupSkip.goal_prove_wrapper *) (fn _ => resolve_tac ctxt''' [rule] 1 THEN maybe_cheat_tac ctxt''' THEN ALLGOALS (simp_tac ctxt''') THEN ALLGOALS (fn n => TRY (resolve_tac ctxt''' Instance.pre_thms n) THEN REPEAT_DETERM (( WPFix.tac ctxt ORELSE' wp' [] ORELSE' CHANGED_GOAL (clarsimp_tac ctxt''') ORELSE' assume_tac ctxt''' ORELSE' Instance.wpc_tactic ctxt''' ORELSE' Instance.wps_tactic ctxt''' (#wps_rules cfg) ORELSE' SELECT_GOAL (safe_tac ctxt''') ORELSE' CHANGED_GOAL (simp_tac ctxt''') ) n)) THEN proof_failed_warnings const stack cfg wp' ctxt''' )) |> singleton (Proof_Context.export ctxt''' ctxt) in (SOME thm, (get_thm_name cfg const, thm) :: thms') end end handle WrongType => let val _ = writeln ("The constant " ^ const ^ " has the wrong type and is being ignored") in (NONE, []) end end (*Todo: Remember mapping from locales to theories*) fun get_locale_origins full_const_names ctxt = let fun get_locale_origin abbrev = let (*Check if the given const is an abbreviation*) val (origin,_) = dest_Const (head_of (snd ((Consts.the_abbreviation o Proof_Context.consts_of) ctxt abbrev))); (*Check that the origin can be broken into 3 parts (i.e. it is from a locale) *) val [_,_,_] = Long_Name.explode origin; (*Remember the theory for the abbreviation*) val [qual,nm] = Long_Name.explode abbrev in SOME qual end handle exn => handle_int exn NONE in fold (curry (fn (abbrev,qual) => case (get_locale_origin abbrev) of SOME q => SOME q | NONE => NONE)) full_const_names NONE end fun crunch_x atts extra prp_name wpigs consts ctxt = let fun const_name const = dest_Const (read_const ctxt const) |> #1 val wp_rules' = wpigs |> filter (fn (s,_) => s = #1 wp_sect) |> map #2 |> thms val wp_dels' = wpigs |> filter (fn (s,_) => s = #1 wp_del_sect) |> map #2 |> thms val wps_rules = wpigs |> filter (fn (s,_) => s = #1 wps_sect) |> map #2 |> thms |> get_thms_from_facts ctxt val simps = wpigs |> filter (fn (s,_) => s = #1 simp_sect) |> map #2 |> thms |> get_thms_from_facts ctxt val simp_dels = wpigs |> filter (fn (s,_) => s = #1 simp_del_sect) |> map #2 |> thms |> get_thms_from_facts ctxt val igs = wpigs |> filter (fn (s,_) => s = #1 ignore_sect) |> map #2 |> constants |> map const_name val ig_dels = wpigs |> filter (fn (s,_) => s = #1 ignore_del_sect) |> map #2 |> constants |> map const_name val rules = wpigs |> filter (fn (s,_) => s = #1 rule_sect) |> map #2 |> thms |> get_thms_from_facts ctxt val rules = rules @ Named_Theorems.get ctxt @{named_theorems crunch_rules} fun mk_wp thm = let val ms = Thm.prop_of thm |> monads_of ctxt; val m = if length ms = 1 then hd ms |> head_of |> dest_Const |> fst else dummy_monad_name; in (m, thm) end; val wp_rules = get_thms_from_facts ctxt wp_rules' |> map mk_wp; val full_const_names = map const_name consts; val nmspce = get_locale_origins full_const_names ctxt; val (pre', extra') = Instance.parse_extra ctxt extra handle ERROR s => error ("parsing parameters for " ^ prp_name ^ ": " ^ s) (* check that the given constants match the type of the given property*) val const_terms = map (read_const ctxt) full_const_names; val _ = map (fn (const_term, const) => make_goal const_term const pre' extra' ctxt) (const_terms ~~ full_const_names) val wp_dels = get_thms_from_facts ctxt wp_dels'; val ctxt' = fold (fn thm => fn ctxt => Thm.proof_attributes [WeakestPre.wp_del] thm ctxt |> snd) wp_dels ctxt; val ctxt'' = ctxt' delsimps simp_dels; val (_, thms) = funkyfold (crunch {ctxt = ctxt'', prp_name = prp_name, nmspce = nmspce, wp_rules = wp_rules, wps_rules = wps_rules, igs = igs, simps = simps, ig_dels = ig_dels, rules = rules} pre' extra' []) full_const_names []; val _ = if null thms then warning "crunch: no theorems proven" else (); val atts' = map (Attrib.check_src ctxt) atts; val ctxt''' = fold (fn (name, thm) => add_thm thm atts' name) thms ctxt; in Pretty.writeln (Pretty.big_list "proved:" (map (fn (n,t) => Pretty.block [Pretty.str (n ^ ": "), Syntax.pretty_term ctxt (Thm.prop_of t)]) thms)); ctxt''' end end