(* * Copyright 2021, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only *) theory Init_R imports KHeap_R begin context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*) (* This provides a very simple witness that the state relation used in the first refinement proof is non-trivial, by exhibiting a pair of related states. This helps guard against silly mistakes in the state relation, since we currently assume that the system starts in a state satisfying invariants and state relations. Note that the states we exhibit are not intended to be useful states. They are just the simplest possible states that prove non-triviality of the state relation. In particular, these states do not satisfy the respective invariant conditions. In future, this could be improved by exhibiting a tuple of more realistic states that are related across all levels of the refinement, and that also satisfy respective invariant. Ultimately, we would like to prove functional correctness of kernel initialisation. That would allow us to start from a minimal but real configuration that would allow us to make a much smaller set of assumptions about the initial configuration of the system. *) definition zeroed_arch_abstract_state :: arch_state where "zeroed_arch_abstract_state \ \ arm_asid_table = Map.empty, arm_hwasid_table = Map.empty, arm_next_asid = 0, arm_asid_map = Map.empty, arm_global_pd = 0, arm_global_pts = [], arm_kernel_vspace = K ArmVSpaceUserRegion \" definition zeroed_main_abstract_state :: abstract_state where "zeroed_main_abstract_state \ \ kheap = Map.empty, cdt = Map.empty, is_original_cap = (K True), cur_thread = 0, idle_thread = 0, machine_state = init_machine_state, interrupt_irq_node = (\irq. ucast irq << cte_level_bits), interrupt_states = (K irq_state.IRQInactive), arch_state = zeroed_arch_abstract_state \" definition zeroed_extended_state :: det_ext where "zeroed_extended_state \ \ work_units_completed_internal = 0, scheduler_action_internal = resume_cur_thread, ekheap_internal = K None, domain_list_internal = [], domain_index_internal = 0, cur_domain_internal = 0, domain_time_internal = 0, ready_queues_internal = (\_ _. []), cdt_list_internal = K [] \" definition zeroed_abstract_state :: det_state where "zeroed_abstract_state \ abstract_state.extend zeroed_main_abstract_state (state.fields zeroed_extended_state)" definition zeroed_arch_intermediate_state :: Arch.kernel_state where "zeroed_arch_intermediate_state \ ARMKernelState Map.empty Map.empty 0 Map.empty 0 [] (K ArmVSpaceUserRegion)" definition zeroed_intermediate_state :: global.kernel_state where "zeroed_intermediate_state \ \ ksPSpace = Map.empty, gsUserPages = Map.empty, gsCNodes = Map.empty, gsUntypedZeroRanges = {}, gsMaxObjectSize = 0, ksDomScheduleIdx = 0, ksDomSchedule = [], ksCurDomain = 0, ksDomainTime = 0, ksReadyQueues = K [], ksReadyQueuesL1Bitmap = K 0, ksReadyQueuesL2Bitmap = K 0, ksCurThread = 0, ksIdleThread = 0, ksSchedulerAction = ResumeCurrentThread, ksInterruptState = (InterruptState 0 (K IRQInactive)), ksWorkUnitsCompleted = 0, ksArchState = zeroed_arch_intermediate_state, ksMachineState = init_machine_state \" lemmas zeroed_state_defs = zeroed_main_abstract_state_def zeroed_abstract_state_def zeroed_arch_abstract_state_def zeroed_extended_state_def zeroed_intermediate_state_def abstract_state.defs zeroed_arch_intermediate_state_def lemma non_empty_refine_state_relation: "(zeroed_abstract_state, zeroed_intermediate_state) \ state_relation" apply (clarsimp simp: state_relation_def zeroed_state_defs state.defs) apply (intro conjI) apply (clarsimp simp: pspace_relation_def pspace_dom_def) apply (clarsimp simp: ekheap_relation_def) apply (clarsimp simp: ready_queues_relation_def) apply (clarsimp simp: ghost_relation_def) apply (fastforce simp: cdt_relation_def swp_def dest: cte_wp_at_domI) apply (clarsimp simp: cdt_list_relation_def map_to_ctes_def) apply (clarsimp simp: revokable_relation_def map_to_ctes_def) apply (clarsimp simp: zeroed_state_defs arch_state_relation_def) apply (clarsimp simp: interrupt_state_relation_def irq_state_relation_def cte_level_bits_def) done end end