This file describes each file in the c-parser directory Absyn-CType.ML, Absyn-Expr.ML, Absyn-StmtDecl.ML, Absyn.ML Code implementing an "abstract syntax" for C programs, along with a few functions for performing simple analyses of that syntax. For example, there is a (polymorphic) type 'a ctype that corresponds to the possible types in a C program. For example, Signed Int is a ctype, as is Pointer Void. The ctype is polymorphic because the result of parsing an array results in a constant expression being used as the size of the array. For example int array[1 << SOME_CONST]; The parser is not capable of calculating the value of this constant, so the abstract syntax it produces is an expr ctype. Later, when the technology is in place to evaluate constant expressions, the expression will turn into a number, and the value will be of type int ctype. Absyn-Serial.ML Serialisation for all of the AST types from the other Absyn*. basics.ML Some declarations of useful functions, mostly bound up in the L4Basics structure. Some of these depend on the standard Isabelle library. For this reason, the standalone-parser code has its own version of this file. Binaryset.ML An implementation of an ordered set with a binary tree. Ultimately from the SML/NJ library (via Moscow ML in this case). calculate_state.ML Responsible for making the Isabelle type declarations to set up the program state in the Hoare environment. For example, if the C program declares a struct-type, there has to be a corresponding type available in the Hoare environment. Declaring such a type is ultimately an operation on Isabelle theories. Additionally, all non-basic types (arrays, and structs), have to be shown to be "mem types" (our basic axiomatic type class). This module is responsible for making the calls to the proof routines for doing this. complit.ML Code for analysing compound literal expressions and initialisors. These are inordinately complicated because of the way it is permitted to switch from "labelled" mode, where you write things like (struct foo){.fld = 3, ...} into specifying things in order of layout. Thus: (struct foo){.fld = 3, 4, 5, 6} will stick 4, 5 and 6 into the fields following fld. This doesn't respect hierarchical boundaries either, so that if you have struct foo { int fld1, fld2; }; struct bar { char c; struct foo f; int z; }; It's legitimate to write struct bar b = {.f.fld2 = 3, 4}; with the result being that b's z field gets value 4. CProof.thy The first Isabelle theory with a connection to the c-parser. Some print translations, some theorems, and declarations of the "exception" (Break, Return and Continue) and "guard" (Div_0, ArrayBounds etc) types. CTranslation.thy The master theory for the c-parser. Uses all the necessary ML code, references the appropriate ancestor theories, including CProof. Includes a couple of random theorems. doc/ Contains an as-yet incomplete detailed description of the translation process. expression_translation.ML Code handling the translation of expressions in the C abstract syntax into Isabelle expressions. These expressions are encapsulated in the expr_info (for which see the comment at the top of the file). C expressions have to turn into Isabelle terms of type ``:state -> value_type``, where value_types depend on the form of the expression. expression_typing.ML Code to assign types to C expressions. Most uses go via the cse_typing function of the ProgramAnalysis module. Feedback.ML Simple routines for emitting feedback to the user as translation is performed. There is a reference variable verbosity_level, which controls the degree to which output is produced. This use of a reference is bad style, and will probably get fixed. FunctionalRecordUpdate.ML Implementation, from the website, of a method for generating functional record updates within core SML. Works well, even though it's completely incomprehensible. General.ML Adjusts the standard "top-level" Isabelle/ML environment to look a little more like the Basis-specified SML top-level. globalmakevars For inclusion in Makefiles. This file specifies defaults for some standard Make variables. heapstatetype.ML Code that proves a record of global variables is indeed an instance of the typeclass SepFrame.heap_state_type Simpl/ Directory containing a version of Norbert Schirmer's SIMPL-based VCG environment. We use record-based states rather than Schirmer's statespace approach. HPInter.ML Code controlling the translation of a series of functions into the VCG environment. This code sets up the various locales and calls the translation function in stmt_translation. It also manages the automatic proofs that functions only modify certain elements of the global state. hp_termstypes.ML ML bindings for creating and taking apart Isabelle terms and types. This module includes terms and types that are specific to Schirmer's "Hoare Package", hence the "hp" prefix. INSTALL Installation instructions, mainly on how to invoke isabelle make. IsaMakefile The top-level IsaMakefile for this code. It recursively includes makefiles for building versions of ml-yacc and ml-lex, as well as the L4 word extensions. isar_install.ML The top-level SML code, implementing the Isar command "install_C_file" with its various options, and coordinating the calls to the lower level functions. The basic flow is 1. parse C file (StrictCParser.ML) 2. do "program analysis" (program_analysis.ML) 3. Isabelle declarations for file's types (calculate_state.ML) 4. make declarations for functions (HPInter.ML) isa_termstypes.ML ML bindings for creating and taking apart Isabelle terms and types. This module includes terms and types for core Isabelle. StrictC.grm ml-yacc grammar for our subset of C. ml-yacc generates StrictC.grm.{desc,sig,sml} files when run on this. StrictC.lex ml-lex file for C tokens. ml-lex generates StrictC.lex.sml. There is considerable complexity in handling the standard ambiguity between type-names (as introduced by typedef) and normal identifiers. This is more complicated than usual because of the desire to keep the ml-yacc grammar side-effect free in its effects. This enables the %pure annotation in StrictC.grm, and nice error reports for parse errors. StrictCParser.ML This includes the standard functor-heavy ml-lex/ml-yacc boilerplate for producing a parser out of the products of ml-lex and ml-yacc. recursive_records/ A directory containing a bare-bones implementation of a record package suitable for modelling C structs. In particular, C structs can be mutually recursive (as long as the recursion is via a pointer type of course). The standard Isabelle record package does not allow this, so we use this package instead. MANIFEST This file. Recursion, whee! MemoryModelExtras.ML The standard instantiation of the signature in MemoryModelExtras-sig.ML. This instantiation sets up new types in accordance with the Isabelle theories in the umm_heap directory. MemoryModelExtras-sig.ML A specification of the interface that a memory model implementation must provide. The translation process is supposed to be agnostic about the way in which values are laid out in the heap, rather making calls to appropriate functions as necessary. The comments in this file detail the necessary functionality. MLton-LICENSE A copy of the MLton source-code license (BSDish). We use MLton derived source code in Region.ML, SourceFile.ML and SourcePos.ML modifies_proofs.ML Code for automatically proving that functions do only modify the globals that the ProgramAnalysis claims. name_generation.ML Code designed to collect up all those places where translation has to generate names for various forms of entity. For example, translation has to create Isabelle types corresponding to structs. This module embodies the decision that such types should have the same name with a _C appended. openUnsynch.ML A source file that does "open Unsynchronized" at the top-level. This gives subsequent Isabelle/ML code access to the reference type constructor "ref", which is otherwise inaccessible. PackedTypes.thy A theory about "packed types", i.e. those structs that do not have any padding. PrettyProgs.thy Isabelle syntax to make C/SIMPL programs print prettily. program_analysis.ML A module for performing the most important analyses over C source code. The results of most of these are stored in the csenv ("C state environment") type. A value of this type is produced through the call process_decls. It can then be queried in a number of different ways. Region.ML Code from the MLton compiler for representing regions of text in a source-file. Important for the production of good error messages. RegionExtras.ML Some extra code for combining region/position information with abstract syntax trees. smlnj-license.ML A copy of the (BSD-ish) copyright notice for SML/NJ code. SML/NJ is the source of the Binaryset.ML code. SourceFile.ML, SourcePos.ML Files from the MLton compiler implementing the notion of positions within source-files. Used by Region.ML standalone-parser/ Directory containing code implementing a "standalone" parser for our C subset. In its default mode, the parser just checks that code is syntactically OK. It can also be asked to report on various of the analyses performed by program_analysis.ML. This parser uses a substantial amount of code from the c-parser directory, pretty well all that which is not Isabelle specific. static-fun.ML, StaticFun.thy Used to create a balanced binary tree mapping function identifiers to their bodies. This is used in HPInter.ML to create the characterisation of the \ variable that is part of the standard VCG environment locale. stmt_translation.ML Used to turn C statement values (of type Absyn.stmt) into statements of Schirmer's Hoare package. Calls out to the expression_translation.ML code as necessary. Function calls are handled here because they are statement forms in our dialect. syntax_transforms.ML Implementation of two important transformations on abstract syntax: expansion of typedefs and removal of embedded function calls. Handling embedded function calls is more complicated because it can call for the creation of new (local) variables in which to store the results of function calls. Target-ARM32.ML Implementation numbers (principally type sizes, but also the signedness of the char type) for 32-bit ARM targets (char is unsigned; chars are 8 bits wide, shorts are 16 bit, ints and longs are 32 bit, and long longs are 64 bits. Strictly speaking this is not just a function of the architecture but the compiler as well. Target-generic32.ML Implementation numbers for a "generic" 32 bit architecture. For the moment, this is the same as ARM32 except that char is signed. TargetNumbers-sig.ML A signature specifying the values that a Target file should provide to describe an architecture's important values. termstypes.ML ML bindings for creating and taking apart Isabelle terms and types. This module combines other termstypes modules (isa_termstypes and hp_termstypes), and adds in code that is core to the translation, such as manipulations for creating terms of UMM pointer types. It also includes an IntInfo substructure for dealing with Isabelle-analogues of C's various integral types. This latter builds on numbers in the appropriate TargetNumbers module. (This dependency could be expressed with a functor, but isn't.) termstypes-sig.ML Specifies the interface that termstypes.ML must export. testfiles/ Lots of regression tests. Most just check that an install_C_file call succeeds. A theory file foo.thy checks that install_C_file "foo.c" succeeds, and may also perform other tests, such as proving simple theorems. tools/ Implementations of ml-lex and ml-yacc that build into standalone executables when using either Poly/ML or MLton. topo_sort.ML An implementation of Tarjan's algorithm for finding strongly connected components, which also provides a topological sort of the given graph. umm_heap/ This directory contains the theories implementing the "unified memory model". Most of this work is described in fair detail by Harvey Tuch's PhD. UMM_Proofs.ML Code implementing automatic proofs that types (arrays, and structs) are indeed in the relevant typeclasses. UMM_termstypes.ML ML bindings for creating and taking apart Isabelle terms and types. The terms and types here are those specific to details of the code in UMM_Proofs.ML and heapstatetype.ML use.ML The little ML script that arranges for CTranslation.thy to be loaded when the vcg heap is built.