(* * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause *) (*Alternate apply command which displays "used" theorems in refinement step*) theory Apply_Trace_Cmd imports Apply_Trace keywords "apply_trace" :: prf_script begin ML\ val _ = Outer_Syntax.command @{command_keyword "apply_trace"} "initial refinement step (unstructured)" (Args.mode "only_names" -- (Scan.option (Parse.position Parse.cartouche)) -- Method.parse >> (fn ((on,query),text) => Toplevel.proofs (Apply_Trace.apply_results {silent_fail = false} (Pretty.writeln ooo (Apply_Trace.pretty_deps on query)) text))); \ lemmas [no_trace] = protectI protectD TrueI Eq_TrueI eq_reflection (* Test. *) lemma "(a \ b) = (b \ a)" apply_trace auto oops (* Test. *) lemma "(a \ b) = (b \ a)" apply_trace \intro\ auto oops (* Local assumptions might mask real facts (or each other). Probably not an issue in practice.*) lemma assumes X: "b = a" assumes Y: "b = a" shows "b = a" apply_trace (rule Y) oops (* If any locale facts are accessible their local variant is assumed to the one that is used. *) locale Apply_Trace_foo = fixes b a assumes X: "b = a" begin lemma shows "b = a" "b = a" apply - apply_trace (rule Apply_Trace_foo.X) prefer 2 apply_trace (rule X) oops end experiment begin text \Example of trace for grouped lemmas\ definition ex :: "nat set" where "ex = {1,2,3,4}" lemma v1: "1 \ ex" by (simp add: ex_def) lemma v2: "2 \ ex" by (simp add: ex_def) lemma v3: "3 \ ex" by (simp add: ex_def) text \Group several lemmas in a single one\ lemmas vs = v1 v2 v3 lemma "2 \ ex" apply_trace (simp add: vs) oops end end