(* * Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only *) theory Syscall_IF imports "ArchPasUpdates" (*Only needed for idle thread stuff*) "ArchTcb_IF" "ArchInterrupt_IF" "ArchDecode_IF" begin definition authorised_for_globals_inv :: "invocation \ ('z::state_ext) state \ bool" where "authorised_for_globals_inv oper \ \s. case oper of InvokeArchObject ai \ authorised_for_globals_arch_inv ai s | _ \ True" definition authorised_invocation_extra where "authorised_invocation_extra aag invo \ case invo of InvokeTCB ti \ authorised_tcb_inv_extra aag ti | _ \ True" lemma tcb_context_merge[simp]: "arch_tcb_context_get (tcb_arch (tcb_registers_caps_merge tcb tcb')) = arch_tcb_context_get (tcb_arch tcb)" by (simp add: tcb_registers_caps_merge_def) crunch_ignore (add: OR_choice set_scheduler_action) crunch valid_global_objs[wp]: cap_move valid_global_objs (wp: cap_move_ext.valid_global_objs dxo_wp_weak) locale Syscall_IF_1 = fixes aag :: "'a subject_label PAS" assumes globals_equiv_irq_state_update[simp]: "\f. globals_equiv st (s\machine_state := machine_state s\irq_state := f (irq_state (machine_state s))\\) = globals_equiv st s" and thread_set_globals_equiv': "\f. \globals_equiv s and valid_arch_state and (\s. tptr \ idle_thread s)\ thread_set f tptr \\_. globals_equiv s\" and sts_authorised_for_globals_inv: "\f. set_thread_state d f \\s :: det_state. authorised_for_globals_inv oper s\" and dmo_maskInterrupt_globals_equiv[wp]: "do_machine_op (maskInterrupt b irq) \globals_equiv s\" and dmo_ackInterrupt_globals_equiv[wp]: "do_machine_op (ackInterrupt irq) \globals_equiv s\" and dmo_resetTimer_globals_equiv[wp]: "do_machine_op resetTimer \globals_equiv s\" and arch_mask_irq_signal_globals_equiv[wp]: "arch_mask_irq_signal irq \globals_equiv st\" and handle_reserved_irq_globals_equiv[wp]: "handle_reserved_irq irq \globals_equiv st\" and handle_vm_fault_reads_respects: "reads_respects aag l (K (is_subject aag thread)) (handle_vm_fault thread vmfault_type)" and handle_hypervisor_fault_reads_respects: "reads_respects aag l \ (handle_hypervisor_fault thread hypfault_type)" and handle_vm_fault_globals_equiv: "\globals_equiv st and valid_arch_state and (\s. thread \ idle_thread s)\ handle_vm_fault thread vmfault_type \\_. globals_equiv st\" and handle_hypervisor_fault_globals_equiv: "handle_hypervisor_fault thread hypfault_type \globals_equiv st\" and arch_activate_idle_thread_globals_equiv[wp]: "arch_activate_idle_thread t \globals_equiv st\" and select_f_setNextPC_reads_respects[wp]: "reads_respects aag l \ (select_f (setNextPC pc f))" and select_f_getRestartPC_reads_respects[wp]: "reads_respects aag l \ (select_f (getRestartPC f))" and arch_activate_idle_thread_reads_respects[wp]: "reads_respects aag l \ (arch_activate_idle_thread t)" and decode_arch_invocation_authorised_for_globals: "\invs and cte_wp_at ((=) (ArchObjectCap acap)) slot and (\s :: det_state. \(cap, slot) \ set excaps. cte_wp_at ((=) cap) slot s)\ arch_decode_invocation label msg x_slot slot acap excaps \\rv. authorised_for_globals_arch_inv rv\, -" begin lemma cap_revoke_globals_equiv: "\globals_equiv st and invs\ cap_revoke slot \\_. globals_equiv st\" apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post, rule validE_valid, rule cap_revoke_preservation_desc_of[where Q="\_. emptyable"]) by (wp cap_delete_globals_equiv preemption_point_inv | fastforce simp: emptyable_def dest: reply_slot_not_descendant)+ lemma invoke_cnode_globals_equiv: "\globals_equiv st and invs and valid_cnode_inv cinv\ invoke_cnode cinv \\_. globals_equiv st\" unfolding invoke_cnode_def without_preemption_def fun_app_def apply (wp cap_insert_globals_equiv cap_move_globals_equiv cap_revoke_globals_equiv cap_delete_globals_equiv cap_swap_globals_equiv hoare_vcg_all_lift cancel_badged_sends_globals_equiv | wpc | wp (once) hoare_drop_imps | simp add: invs_valid_global_objs)+ apply (case_tac cinv; clarsimp simp: real_cte_emptyable_strg) done end (* The contents of the delete_confidentiality locale *) lemma cap_delete_reads_respects_f: assumes domains_distinct[wp]: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and only_timer_irq_inv irq st' and einvs and simple_sched_action and emptyable slot and pas_refined aag and cdt_change_allowed' aag slot) (cap_delete slot)" unfolding cap_delete_def by (wp rec_del_CTEDeleteCall_reads_respects_f) force (* FIXME move *) lemma spec_gen_asm: "(Q \ spec_equiv_valid st D A B P f) \ spec_equiv_valid st D A B (P and K Q) f" by (simp add: spec_equiv_valid_def equiv_valid_2_def) (* FIXME move *) lemma select_ev: "equiv_valid_inv I A (K(S \ {} \ (\x. S = {x}))) (select S)" apply (clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_def spec_equiv_valid_def equiv_valid_2_def select_def) apply blast done lemma next_revoke_eq: notes split_paired_All[simp del] split_paired_Ex[simp del] shows "equiv_for ((aag_can_read aag or aag_can_affect aag l) \ fst) cdt_list rv rv' \ is_subject aag (fst src_slot) \ next_revoke_cap src_slot rv = next_revoke_cap src_slot rv'" by (clarsimp simp: next_child_def equiv_for_def next_revoke_cap_def) lemma next_revoke_eq': "\ reads_equiv_f aag s t; is_subject aag (fst src_slot) \ \ next_revoke_cap src_slot s = next_revoke_cap src_slot t" apply (rule next_revoke_eq) apply (fastforce simp: reads_equiv_f_def reads_equiv_def2 states_equiv_for_def equiv_for_def) apply simp done lemma cap_revoke_spec_reads_respects_f: assumes domains_distinct[wp]: "pas_domains_distinct aag" notes drop_spec_valid[wp_split del] drop_spec_validE[wp_split del] drop_spec_ev[wp_split del] rec_del.simps[simp del] split_paired_All[simp del] split_paired_Ex[simp del] shows "spec_reads_respects_f s aag l (silc_inv aag st and only_timer_irq_inv irq st' and einvs and simple_sched_action and pas_refined aag and K (is_subject aag (fst slot))) (cap_revoke slot)" proof (induct rule: cap_revoke.induct[where ?a1.0=s]) case (1 slot s) show ?case apply (rule spec_gen_asm) apply (rule spec_equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (subst cap_revoke.simps) apply (subst spec_equiv_valid_def2) apply (subst rel_sum_comb_equals[symmetric]) apply (rule_tac R'="(=)" in spec_equiv_valid_2_inv_bindE) apply (rule_tac R'="equiv_for ((aag_can_read aag or aag_can_affect aag l) \ fst) id" in spec_equiv_valid_2_inv_bindE) apply (rule_tac R'="(=)" in spec_equiv_valid_2_inv_bindE) apply (simp add: rel_sum_comb_equals del: Inr_in_liftE_simp without_preemption_def fun_app_def) apply (rule spec_equiv_valid_2_inv_by_spec_equiv_valid[OF _ refl refl refl]) apply (wp whenE_spec_ev) apply (rule "1.hyps") apply (assumption | erule | simp)+ apply (wp drop_spec_ev[OF preemption_point_reads_respects_f] drop_spec_ev[OF cap_delete_reads_respects_f[where st=st]] select_ext_ev preemption_point_inv' cap_delete_pas_refined cap_delete_silc_inv[where st=st] cap_delete_only_timer_irq_inv[where st=st' and irq=irq] drop_spec_ev[OF assertE_ev] drop_spec_ev[OF liftE_ev] get_cap_wp select_ev drop_spec_ev2_inv[OF liftE_ev2] reads_respects_f[OF get_cap_rev, where st=st and aag=aag] | simp (no_asm) add: returnOk_def | rule next_revoke_eq' | (simp add: pred_conj_def, erule conjE, assumption) | (rule irq_state_independent_A_conjI, simp)+)+ apply (rule_tac P="K(all_children (\x. aag_can_read aag (fst x)) rva)" and P'="K(all_children (\x. aag_can_read aag (fst x)) rv'a)" in drop_spec_ev2_inv[OF return_ev2]) apply simp apply (rule_tac P="\x. aag_can_read aag (fst x)" in all_children_descendants_equal) apply (frule aag_can_read_self) apply (simp add: equiv_for_def split del: if_split)+ apply (wp drop_spec_ev2_inv[OF liftE_ev2] gets_evrv | simp)+ apply (wp drop_spec_ev2_inv[OF liftE_ev2] gets_evrv reads_respects_f[OF get_cap_rev, where st=st and Q=\,simplified equiv_valid_def2]) apply clarsimp+ apply (frule all_children_subjectReads[simplified comp_def]) apply clarsimp apply (rule conjI) apply (force simp: reads_equiv_f_def intro: equiv_forI elim: reads_equivE affects_equivE equiv_forD) apply clarsimp apply (rule conjI, erule(1) all_children_descendants_of, force) apply (clarsimp simp: conj_comms) apply (intro conjI) by (case_tac "next_revoke_cap slot s", force simp: emptyable_def dest: reply_slot_not_descendant | force elim: all_children_descendants_of[OF cdt_change_allowed_all_children])+ qed lemmas cap_revoke_reads_respects_f = use_spec_ev[OF cap_revoke_spec_reads_respects_f] lemma cancel_badged_sends_reads_respects_f: assumes domains_distinct: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and is_subject aag \ cur_thread and pas_refined aag and invs and K (is_subject aag ptr)) (cancel_badged_sends ptr badge)" apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (rule reads_respects_f) apply (rule cancel_badged_sends_reads_respects[OF domains_distinct]) apply (wp cancel_badged_sends_silc_inv[where st=st] | simp | elim conjE, assumption)+ apply fastforce done lemma cap_revoke_only_timer_irq_inv: "\only_timer_irq_inv irq (st :: det_state)\ cap_revoke slot \\_. only_timer_irq_inv irq st\" apply (simp add: only_timer_irq_inv_def) apply (rule hoare_wp_simps) apply (rule hoare_conjI) apply (wp only_timer_irq_pres[where P="\"] cap_revoke_irq_masks | force)+ done lemma invoke_cnode_reads_respects_f: assumes domains_distinct[wp]: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and only_timer_irq_inv irq st' and pas_refined aag and einvs and simple_sched_action and valid_cnode_inv ci and (\s. is_subject aag (cur_thread s)) and cnode_inv_auth_derivations ci and authorised_cnode_inv aag ci) (invoke_cnode ci)" unfolding invoke_cnode_def apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | wp reads_respects_f[OF cap_insert_reads_respects] cap_insert_silc_inv reads_respects_f[OF cap_move_reads_respects] cap_move_silc_inv get_cap_auth_wp cap_revoke_reads_respects_f cap_delete_reads_respects_f cap_swap_silc_inv reads_respects_f[OF cap_swap_reads_respects] cap_move_cte_wp_at_other reads_respects_f[OF get_cap_rev] cancel_badged_sends_reads_respects_f | simp add: when_def split del: if_split | elim conjE, assumption)+ apply (clarsimp simp: cnode_inv_auth_derivations_def authorised_cnode_inv_def) apply (auto intro: real_cte_emptyable_strg[rule_format] simp: silc_inv_def reads_equiv_f_def requiv_cur_thread_eq caps_of_state_cteD aag_cap_auth_recycle_EndpointCap cte_wp_at_weak_derived_ReplyCap ) done lemma cap_swap_reads_respects_g: "reads_respects_g aag l (\s. is_subject aag (fst slot1) \ is_subject aag (fst slot2) \ valid_global_objs s \ valid_arch_state s) (cap_swap cap1 slot1 cap2 slot2)" by (wp equiv_valid_guard_imp[OF reads_respects_g] cap_swap_reads_respects doesnt_touch_globalsI cap_swap_globals_equiv | simp)+ lemma cap_insert_reads_respects_g: "reads_respects_g aag l (\s. is_subject aag (fst src_slot) \ is_subject aag (fst dest_slot) \ valid_global_objs s \ valid_arch_state s) (cap_insert new_cap src_slot dest_slot)" by (wp equiv_valid_guard_imp[OF reads_respects_g] cap_insert_reads_respects doesnt_touch_globalsI cap_insert_globals_equiv | simp)+ lemma cap_move_reads_respects_g: "reads_respects_g aag l (\s. is_subject aag (fst src_slot) \ is_subject aag (fst dest_slot) \ valid_global_objs s \ valid_arch_state s) (cap_move new_cap src_slot dest_slot)" by (wp equiv_valid_guard_imp[OF reads_respects_g] cap_move_reads_respects doesnt_touch_globalsI cap_move_globals_equiv | simp)+ (* FIXME: MOVE *) lemma reads_respects_f_g': "\ reads_respects_g aag l P f; \silc_inv aag st and Q\ f \\_. silc_inv aag st\ \ \ reads_respects_f_g aag l (silc_inv aag st and P and Q) f" apply (clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_def2 equiv_valid_2_def reads_equiv_f_g_def reads_equiv_g_def) apply (rule conjI, fastforce) apply (rule conjI, fastforce) apply (rule conjI, fastforce) apply (subst conj_commute, rule conjI, fastforce) apply (rule silc_dom_equiv_trans) apply (rule silc_dom_equiv_sym) apply (rule silc_inv_silc_dom_equiv) apply (erule (1) use_valid, simp) apply (rule silc_inv_silc_dom_equiv) apply (erule (1) use_valid, simp) done lemma invoke_domain_reads_respects_f_g: "reads_respects_f_g aag l \ (invoke_domain thread domain)" by (clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_def spec_equiv_valid_def equiv_valid_2_def) context Syscall_IF_1 begin lemma invoke_cnode_reads_respects_f_g: assumes domains_distinct: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_f_g aag l (silc_inv aag st and only_timer_irq_inv irq st' and pas_refined aag and einvs and simple_sched_action and valid_cnode_inv ci and (\s. is_subject aag (cur_thread s)) and cnode_inv_auth_derivations ci and authorised_cnode_inv aag ci) (invoke_cnode ci)" apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (rule reads_respects_f_g) apply (rule invoke_cnode_reads_respects_f[where st=st, OF domains_distinct]) apply (rule doesnt_touch_globalsI) apply (wp invoke_cnode_globals_equiv) apply force+ done lemma perform_invocation_reads_respects_f_g: assumes domains_distinct[wp]: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_f_g aag l (silc_inv aag st and only_timer_irq_inv irq st' and pas_refined aag and pas_cur_domain aag and einvs and schact_is_rct and valid_invocation oper and ct_active and authorised_invocation aag oper and is_subject aag \ cur_thread and authorised_for_globals_inv oper and K (authorised_invocation_extra aag oper)) (perform_invocation blocking calling oper)" proof (cases oper) case InvokeUntyped then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF invoke_untyped_reads_respects_g] invoke_untyped_silc_inv)+ by (simp add: authorised_invocation_def) next case InvokeEndpoint then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF send_ipc_reads_respects_g] send_ipc_silc_inv)+ by (fastforce intro: read_reply_thread_read_thread_rev[OF reads_lrefl] simp: authorised_invocation_def reads_equiv_f_g_def) next case InvokeNotification then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF send_signal_reads_respects_g, where Q="\"])+ by (fastforce simp: authorised_invocation_def valid_sched_def) next case InvokeReply then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp do_reply_transfer_reads_respects_f_g)+ by (fastforce intro: read_reply_thread_read_thread_rev[OF reads_lrefl] emptyable_cte_wp_atD simp: reads_equiv_f_g_def authorised_invocation_def is_cap_simps dest: emptyable_cte_wp_atD) next case InvokeTCB then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp invoke_tcb_reads_respects_f_g)+ by (fastforce simp: authorised_invocation_def authorised_invocation_extra_def) next case InvokeDomain then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp invoke_domain_reads_respects_f_g)+ by (simp add: authorised_invocation_def) next case InvokeCNode then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp invoke_cnode_reads_respects_f_g)+ by (fastforce simp: authorised_invocation_def) next case InvokeIRQControl then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF invoke_irq_control_reads_respects_g] invoke_irq_control_silc_inv)+ by (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def authorised_invocation_def) next case InvokeIRQHandler then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp invoke_irq_handler_reads_respects_f_g)+ by (fastforce simp: authorised_invocation_def) next case InvokeArchObject then show ?thesis apply simp apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (wpc | simp | wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF arch_perform_invocation_reads_respects_g] arch_perform_invocation_silc_inv)+ by (fastforce simp: authorised_invocation_def authorised_for_globals_inv_def) qed end crunch valid_arch_state[wp]: reply_from_kernel valid_arch_state (simp: crunch_simps) lemma syscall_reads_respects_f_g: assumes reads_res_m_fault: "reads_respects_f_g aag l P m_fault" assumes reads_res_m_error: "\v. reads_respects_f_g aag l (Q'' v) (m_error v)" assumes reads_res_h_fault: "\v. reads_respects_f_g aag l (Q' v) (h_fault v)" assumes reads_res_m_finalise: "\v. reads_respects_f_g aag l (R'' v) (m_finalise v)" assumes reads_res_h_error: "\v. reads_respects_f_g aag l (R' v) (h_error v)" assumes m_fault_hoare: "\P\ m_fault \case_sum Q' Q''\" assumes m_error_hoare: "\v. \Q'' v\ m_error v \case_sum R' R''\" shows "reads_respects_f_g aag l P (syscall m_fault h_fault m_error h_error m_finalise)" unfolding Syscall_A.syscall_def without_preemption_def fun_app_def by (wp assms equiv_valid_guard_imp[OF liftE_bindE_ev] | rule hoare_strengthen_post[OF m_error_hoare] | rule hoare_strengthen_post[OF m_fault_hoare] | wpc | fastforce)+ (*FIXME: move *) lemma syscall_requiv_f_g: "\ reads_respects_f_g aag l P m_fault; \v. reads_respects_f_g aag l (R' v) (h_error v); \v. reads_respects_f_g aag l (R'' v) (m_finalise v); \v. reads_respects_f_g aag l (Q'' v) (m_error v); \v. reads_respects_f_g aag l (Q' v) (h_fault v); \v. \Q''' v\ m_error v \R''\, \R'\; \P\ m_fault \\rv. Q'' rv and Q''' rv\, \Q'\ \ \ reads_respects_f_g aag l P (syscall m_fault h_fault m_error h_error m_finalise)" apply (rule syscall_reads_respects_f_g[where Q''="\rv. Q'' rv and Q''' rv"]) apply (unfold validE_def) apply (assumption)+ apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp, assumption, simp) apply assumption+ apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post) apply assumption apply (simp split: sum.splits) apply (rule hoare_strengthen_post, rule hoare_pre) apply assumption apply simp apply (simp split: sum.splits) done (*FIXME: Move to base*) lemma requiv_g_cur_thread_eq: "reads_equiv_g aag s t \ (cur_thread s) = (cur_thread t)" apply (frule reads_equiv_gD) apply (clarsimp simp add: requiv_cur_thread_eq) done (* Weird hack. Not sure why this is necessary. Something is getting instantiated too early*) lemma lookup_cap_and_slot_reads_respects_g': "reads_equiv_valid_g_inv (affects_equiv aag l) aag (pas_refined aag and K (is_subject aag t) and P) (lookup_cap_and_slot t cptr)" apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (rule lookup_cap_and_slot_reads_respects_g) apply simp done lemma authorised_for_globals_triv: "\x y. f x \ InvokeArchObject y \ \\\ m \authorised_for_globals_inv \ f\, -" by (clarsimp simp: validE_R_def validE_def valid_def authorised_for_globals_inv_def split: invocation.splits sum.splits) lemma set_thread_state_reads_respects_g: assumes domains_distinct: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_g aag (l :: 'a subject_label) (is_subject aag \ cur_thread and valid_arch_state) (set_thread_state ref ts)" apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (rule reads_respects_g) apply (rule set_thread_state_reads_respects[OF domains_distinct]) apply (rule doesnt_touch_globalsI) apply (rule set_thread_state_globals_equiv) apply simp done lemmas get_thread_state_reads_respects_g = reads_respects_g_from_inv[OF get_thread_state_rev get_thread_state_inv] lemma decode_invocation_authorised_extra: "\K (is_subject aag (fst slot))\ decode_invocation info_label args ptr slot cap excaps \\rv s. authorised_invocation_extra aag rv\,-" unfolding decode_invocation_def authorised_invocation_extra_def apply (rule hoare_pre) apply (wp decode_tcb_invocation_authorised_extra | wpc | simp add: split_def o_def uncurry_def)+ apply auto done lemma sts_schact_is_rct_runnable: "\schact_is_rct and K (runnable b)\ set_thread_state a b \\_. schact_is_rct\" apply (simp add: set_thread_state_def set_scheduler_action_def) apply (wpsimp wp: set_object_wp) apply (simp add: set_thread_state_ext_def) apply (wp modify_wp set_scheduler_action_wp gts_wp) apply (wpsimp wp: set_object_wp) apply wp apply (clarsimp simp: schact_is_rct_def st_tcb_at_def obj_at_def gets_the_def gets_def) done lemma set_thread_state_only_timer_irq_inv: "\only_timer_irq_inv irq (st :: det_state)\ set_thread_state ref ts \\_. only_timer_irq_inv irq st\" apply (simp add: only_timer_irq_inv_def) apply (wp only_timer_irq_pres | force)+ done lemma ct_active_cur_thread_not_idle_thread: "\ valid_idle s; ct_active s \ \ cur_thread s \ idle_thread s" by (clarsimp simp: invs_def valid_idle_def ct_in_state_def pred_tcb_at_def obj_at_def) lemma ct_active_not_idle: "\ invs s; ct_active s \ \ cur_thread s \ idle_thread s" by (clarsimp simp: ct_active_cur_thread_not_idle_thread invs_valid_idle) context Syscall_IF_1 begin lemma decode_invocation_authorised_globals_inv: "\invs and cte_wp_at ((=) cap) slot and (\s :: det_state. \x\set excaps. cte_wp_at ((=) (fst x)) (snd x) s)\ decode_invocation info_label args ptr slot cap excaps \authorised_for_globals_inv\, -" unfolding decode_invocation_def apply (rule hoare_pre) apply wpc apply ((wp authorised_for_globals_triv | wpc | simp add: uncurry_def)+)[11] apply (unfold authorised_for_globals_inv_def) apply wp apply (unfold comp_def) apply simp apply (wp decode_arch_invocation_authorised_for_globals) apply (intro impI conjI allI | clarsimp simp add: authorised_for_globals_inv_def)+ apply (erule_tac x="(a, aa, b)" in ballE) apply simp+ done lemma handle_invocation_reads_respects_g: assumes domains_distinct[wp]: "pas_domains_distinct aag" notes gts_st_tcb[wp del] gts_st_tcb_at[wp del] notes get_message_info_reads_respects_g = reads_respects_g_from_inv[OF get_message_info_rev get_mi_inv] shows "reads_respects_f_g aag l (silc_inv aag st and only_timer_irq_inv irq st' and einvs and schact_is_rct and ct_active and pas_refined aag and pas_cur_domain aag and is_subject aag \ cur_thread and K (\ pasMaySendIrqs aag)) (handle_invocation calling blocking)" apply (rule gen_asm_ev) apply (simp add: handle_invocation_def split_def) apply (wpc | simp add: tcb_at_st_tcb_at[symmetric] split del: if_split | intro impI | erule conjE | rule doesnt_touch_globalsI | (wp syscall_requiv_f_g gts_inv when_ev reads_respects_f_g'[OF lookup_extra_caps_reads_respects_g, where Q="\" and st=st] reads_respects_f_g'[OF lookup_ipc_buffer_reads_respects_g, where Q="\" and st=st] reads_respects_f_g'[OF cap_fault_on_failure_rev_g, where Q="\" and st=st] valid_validE_R[OF wp_post_taut] lookup_ipc_buffer_has_read_auth' lookup_cap_and_slot_reads_respects_g' decode_invocation_reads_respects_f_g get_mrs_reads_respects_g handle_fault_reads_respects_g reads_respects_f_g'[OF set_thread_state_reads_respects_g, where st=st and Q="\"] reads_respects_f_g'[OF get_thread_state_reads_respects_g, where st=st and Q="\"] reads_respects_f_g'[OF reads_respects_g[OF reply_from_kernel_reads_respects], where st=st] get_thread_state_reads_respects_g perform_invocation_reads_respects_f_g set_thread_state_pas_refined sts_first_restart set_thread_state_ct_st lookup_extra_caps_authorised lookup_extra_caps_auth handle_fault_globals_equiv set_thread_state_globals_equiv reply_from_kernel_globals_equiv)+ | rule hoare_drop_imps)+ apply (rule_tac Q'="\r s. silc_inv aag st s \ invs s \ is_subject aag rv \ is_subject aag (cur_thread s) \ rv \ idle_thread s" in hoare_post_imp_R) apply (wp pinv_invs perform_invocation_silc_inv) apply (simp add: invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_def) apply (wpsimp wp: reads_respects_f_g' set_thread_state_reads_respects_g[OF domains_distinct]) apply (wp when_ev set_thread_state_only_timer_irq_inv[where st=st'] set_thread_state_reads_respects_g set_thread_state_globals_equiv sts_Restart_invs set_thread_state_pas_refined set_thread_state_ct_st set_thread_state_runnable_valid_sched sts_authorised_for_globals_inv sts_schact_is_rct_runnable decode_invocation_reads_respects_f_g reads_respects_f_g'[OF get_mrs_reads_respects_g, where Q="\" and st=st] reads_respects_f_g'[OF handle_fault_reads_respects_g] decode_invocation_authorised decode_invocation_authorised_globals_inv decode_invocation_authorised_extra lec_valid_fault lookup_extra_caps_authorised lookup_extra_caps_auth lookup_ipc_buffer_has_read_auth' lookup_cap_and_slot_valid_fault3 lookup_cap_and_slot_authorised lookup_cap_and_slot_cur_auth as_user_silc_inv reads_respects_f_g'[OF reads_respects_g[OF as_user_reads_respects], where Q=\ and st=st] reads_respects_f_g'[OF get_message_info_reads_respects_g, where Q="\" and st=st] as_user_globals_equiv user_getreg_inv get_mi_inv get_mi_length get_mi_length' | simp add: o_def | rule doesnt_touch_globalsI | clarify, assumption | wp (once) hoare_drop_imps)+ apply (rule conjI) apply (clarsimp simp: requiv_g_cur_thread_eq simp: reads_equiv_f_g_conj) apply (clarsimp simp: det_getRegister invs_sym_refs invs_def valid_state_def valid_pspace_vo valid_pspace_distinct) apply (rule context_conjI) apply (simp add: ct_active_cur_thread_not_idle_thread) apply (clarsimp simp: valid_pspace_def ct_in_state_def) apply (rule conjI) apply (fastforce intro: reads_lrefl) apply (rule conjI, fastforce)+ apply (simp add: conj_comms) apply (rule conjI) apply (clarsimp elim!: schact_is_rct_simple) apply (rule conjI) apply (rule st_tcb_ex_cap) apply simp+ apply (case_tac "sta",clarsimp+) apply (force simp: only_timer_irq_inv_def runnable_eq_active) done end lemma delete_caller_cap_reads_respects_f: assumes domains_distinct: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and invs and pas_refined aag and K (is_subject aag (fst (x, tcb_cnode_index 3)))) (delete_caller_cap x)" unfolding delete_caller_cap_def by (rule cap_delete_one_reads_respects_f[OF domains_distinct]) lemma delete_caller_cap_globals_equiv: "\globals_equiv st and valid_arch_state\ delete_caller_cap x \\r. globals_equiv st\" unfolding delete_caller_cap_def by (wp cap_delete_one_globals_equiv) lemma lookup_cap_cap_fault: "\invs\ lookup_cap c b -, \\f s. valid_fault (CapFault x y f)\" apply (simp add: lookup_cap_def) apply wp apply (case_tac xa) apply (simp add: validE_E_def) apply (wp) apply (fold validE_E_def) apply (wp lookup_slot_for_thread_cap_fault) apply assumption done lemma cap_fault_on_failure_ev': "equiv_valid_inv (reads_equiv_f aag) A P f \ equiv_valid_inv (reads_equiv_f aag) A P (cap_fault_on_failure cptr rp f)" unfolding cap_fault_on_failure_def handleE'_def by (wp | wpc | simp add: o_def)+ lemma delete_caller_cap_valid_ep_cap[wp]: "delete_caller_cap t \\s. s \ EndpointCap a b c\" apply (clarsimp simp: delete_caller_cap_def valid_cap_def) apply (rule hoare_pre) apply wp apply clarsimp done lemma handle_recv_reads_respects_f: fixes st aag assumes domains_distinct[wp]: "pas_domains_distinct aag" notes mywp = domains_distinct cap_fault_on_failure_ev' receive_ipc_silc_inv[where st=st] reads_respects_f[OF receive_ipc_reads_respects, where st=st] delete_caller_cap_reads_respects_f[where st=st] delete_caller_cap_silc_inv[where st=st] reads_respects_f_inv[OF receive_signal_reads_respects receive_signal_silc_inv, where st=st] reads_respects_f[OF lookup_slot_for_thread_rev, where st=st and Q=\] reads_respects_f_inv[OF get_cap_rev get_cap_inv, where st=st] get_cap_auth_wp[where aag=aag] reads_respects_f[OF get_simple_ko_reads_respects, where st=st and Q=\] lookup_slot_for_thread_authorised get_simple_ko_wp shows "reads_respects_f aag l (silc_inv aag st and einvs and ct_active and pas_refined aag and pas_cur_domain aag and is_subject aag \ cur_thread) (handle_recv is_blocking)" apply (simp add: handle_recv_def Let_def lookup_cap_def split_def) apply (wp mywp | wpc | assumption | simp | clarsimp | strengthen aag_can_read_self[where x ="fst (fst y)" for y])+ apply (rule_tac Q'="\r s. silc_inv aag st s \ einvs s \ pas_refined aag s \ tcb_at rv s \ pas_cur_domain aag s \ cte_wp_at \ (fst r) s \ is_subject aag rv \ is_subject aag (cur_thread s) \ is_subject aag (fst (fst r))" in hoare_post_imp_R) apply ((wp lookup_slot_for_thread_authorised lookup_slot_cte_at_wp | simp)+)[1] apply (clarsimp simp: silc_inv_not_subject[symmetric] invs_mdb invs_valid_objs) apply (auto intro: caps_of_state_valid reads_ep simp: aag_cap_auth_def cap_auth_conferred_def cap_rights_to_auth_def)[1] apply (wp reads_respects_f[OF handle_fault_reads_respects,where st=st]) apply (wpsimp wp: get_simple_ko_wp get_cap_wp)+ apply (rule VSpaceEntries_AI.hoare_vcg_all_liftE) apply (rule_tac Q="\r s. silc_inv aag st s \ einvs s \ pas_refined aag s \ tcb_at rv s \ pas_cur_domain aag s \ is_subject aag rv \ is_subject aag (cur_thread s) \ is_subject aag (fst (fst r))" and E=E and F=E for E in hoare_post_impErr) apply (wp lookup_slot_for_thread_authorised lookup_slot_for_thread_cap_fault) apply ((fastforce simp add:valid_fault_def)+)[3] apply (wp reads_respects_f[OF as_user_reads_respects,where st=st and Q=\]) apply simp apply (wp as_user_silc_inv[where st=st] | simp)+ by (fastforce simp: det_getRegister invs_valid_objs tcb_at_invs) lemma handle_recv_globals_equiv: "\globals_equiv (st :: det_state) and invs and ct_active\ handle_recv is_blocking \\_. globals_equiv st\" unfolding handle_recv_def apply (wp handle_fault_globals_equiv get_simple_ko_wp | wpc | simp add: Let_def)+ apply (rule_tac Q="\r s. invs s \ globals_equiv st s" and E = "\r s. valid_fault (CapFault (of_bl ep_cptr) True r)" in hoare_post_impErr) apply (rule hoare_vcg_E_elim) apply (wp lookup_cap_cap_fault receive_ipc_globals_equiv receive_signal_globals_equiv delete_caller_cap_invs delete_caller_cap_globals_equiv | wpc | simp add: Let_def invs_imps invs_valid_idle valid_fault_def | rule_tac Q="\rv s. invs s \ thread \ idle_thread s \ globals_equiv st s" in hoare_strengthen_post, wp, clarsimp simp: invs_valid_objs invs_valid_global_objs invs_arch_state invs_distinct)+ apply (rule_tac Q'="\r s. invs s \ globals_equiv st s \ thread \ idle_thread s \ tcb_at thread s \ cur_thread s = thread" in hoare_post_imp_R) apply (wp as_user_globals_equiv | simp add: invs_imps valid_fault_def)+ apply (wp delete_caller_cap_invs delete_caller_cap_globals_equiv | simp add: invs_imps invs_valid_idle ct_active_not_idle)+ done lemma handle_recv_reads_respects_f_g: assumes domains_distinct: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_f_g aag l (silc_inv aag st and einvs and ct_active and pas_refined aag and pas_cur_domain aag and is_subject aag \ cur_thread) (handle_recv is_blocking)" apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (rule reads_respects_f_g) apply (wp handle_recv_reads_respects_f[where st=st, OF domains_distinct]) apply (rule doesnt_touch_globalsI) apply (wp handle_recv_globals_equiv) apply simp+ done lemma dmo_return_reads_respects: "reads_respects aag l \ (do_machine_op (return ()))" apply (rule use_spec_ev) apply (rule do_machine_op_spec_reads_respects; wp) done lemma dmo_return_globals_equiv: "do_machine_op (return ()) \globals_equiv st\" by simp lemma get_irq_slot_reads_respects': "reads_respects aag l (K (aag_can_read_label aag (pasIRQAbs aag irq))) (get_irq_slot irq)" unfolding get_irq_slot_def apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (rule gets_ev) apply (simp add: reads_equiv_def states_equiv_for_def equiv_for_def affects_equiv_def) done lemma get_irq_slot_can_read_from_slot: "\K (aag_can_read_label aag (pasIRQAbs aag irq)) and pas_refined aag\ get_irq_slot irq \\r. K (aag_can_read_label aag (pasObjectAbs aag (fst r)))\" unfolding get_irq_slot_def apply (wp gets_wp) apply (simp add: pas_refined_def policy_wellformed_def irq_map_wellformed_aux_def) done lemma get_irq_state_rev': "reads_equiv_valid_inv A aag (K (aag_can_read_label aag (pasIRQAbs aag irq))) (get_irq_state irq)" unfolding get_irq_state_def apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp[OF gets_ev]) apply (fastforce simp: reads_equiv_def2 elim: states_equiv_forE_interrupt_states intro: aag_can_read_irq_self) done lemma handle_yield_reads_respects: assumes domains_distinct: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects aag (l :: 'a subject_label) (pas_refined aag) handle_yield" by (wpsimp wp: domains_distinct tcb_sched_action_reads_respects simp: handle_yield_def reads_equiv_def) crunch silc_inv[wp]: handle_yield "silc_inv aag st" crunch globals_equiv[wp]: handle_yield "globals_equiv st" (simp_del: reschedule_required_ext_extended.dxo_eq tcb_sched_action_extended.dxo_eq) lemma equiv_valid_hoist_guard: assumes a: "Q \ equiv_valid_inv I A P f" assumes b: "\s. P s \ Q" shows "equiv_valid_inv I A P f" using assms by (fastforce simp: equiv_valid_def2 equiv_valid_2_def) lemma as_user_reads_respects_g: "reads_respects_g aag k (valid_arch_state and (\s. thread \ idle_thread s) and K (det f \ is_subject aag thread)) (as_user thread f)" apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (rule reads_respects_g) apply (rule as_user_reads_respects) apply (rule doesnt_touch_globalsI) apply (wp as_user_globals_equiv) apply simp+ done crunch globals_equiv[wp]: invoke_domain "globals_equiv st" (wp: dxo_wp_weak ignore: reschedule_required set_domain simp_del: set_domain_extended.dxo_eq) lemma handle_fault_globals_equiv': "\invs and globals_equiv st and K (valid_fault ex)\ handle_fault thread ex \\_. globals_equiv st\" by (wpsimp wp: handle_fault_globals_equiv simp: invs_imps) context Syscall_IF_1 begin lemma handle_interrupt_globals_equiv: "\globals_equiv (st :: det_state) and invs\ handle_interrupt irq \\_. globals_equiv st\" unfolding handle_interrupt_def apply (rule hoare_if) apply (wp dmo_maskInterrupt_globals_equiv dmo_return_globals_equiv send_signal_globals_equiv hoare_vcg_if_lift2 hoare_drop_imps dxo_wp_weak no_fail_bind bind_known_operation_eq | wpc | simp add: dmo_bind_valid invs_imps invs_valid_idle)+ done lemma handle_vm_fault_reads_respects_g: "reads_respects_g aag l (K (is_subject aag t) and (valid_arch_state and (\s. t \ idle_thread s))) (handle_vm_fault t vmfault_type)" apply (rule reads_respects_g) apply (rule handle_vm_fault_reads_respects) apply (rule doesnt_touch_globalsI) apply (wp handle_vm_fault_globals_equiv) apply simp done lemma handle_hypervisor_fault_reads_respects_g: "reads_respects_g aag l \ (handle_hypervisor_fault thread hyp)" apply (rule reads_respects_g[where P="\" and Q="\", simplified]) apply (rule handle_hypervisor_fault_reads_respects) apply (rule doesnt_touch_globalsI) apply (wp handle_hypervisor_fault_globals_equiv) apply simp done (* we explicitly exclude the case where ev is Interrupt since this is a scheduler action *) lemma handle_event_reads_respects_f_g: assumes domains_distinct[wp]: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_f_g aag l (silc_inv aag st and only_timer_irq_inv irq st' and einvs and schact_is_rct and is_subject aag \ cur_thread and domain_sep_inv (pasMaySendIrqs aag) st' and (\s. ev \ Interrupt \ (ct_active s)) and pas_refined aag and pas_cur_domain aag and K (\ pasMaySendIrqs aag)) (handle_event ev)" apply (rule gen_asm_ev) apply (rule_tac Q="ev \ Interrupt" in equiv_valid_hoist_guard) prefer 2 apply fastforce apply (case_tac ev; simp) apply (rename_tac syscall) apply (case_tac syscall, simp_all add: handle_send_def handle_call_def) apply ((wp handle_invocation_reads_respects_g[simplified] handle_recv_reads_respects_f_g[where st=st] handle_reply_valid_sched reads_respects_f_g[OF reads_respects_f[where st=st and aag=aag and Q=\, OF handle_yield_reads_respects] doesnt_touch_globalsI] handle_reply_reads_respects_g handle_reply_silc_inv[where st=st] | simp add: invs_imps | rule equiv_valid_guard_imp | force)+)[8] apply ((wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF handle_fault_reads_respects_g, where st=st] | clarsimp simp: reads_equiv_f_g_conj requiv_g_cur_thread_eq schact_is_rct_simple | wpc | intro impI conjI allI)+)[3] apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply ((wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF handle_vm_fault_reads_respects_g, where Q="\" and st=st] handle_vm_fault_silc_inv | simp)+)[1] prefer 2 apply ((wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF handle_fault_reads_respects_g, where st=st] | simp)+)[1] prefer 2 apply (simp add: validE_E_def) apply (rule_tac E="\r s. invs s \ is_subject aag rv \ is_subject aag (cur_thread s) \ valid_fault r \ pas_refined aag s \ pas_cur_domain aag s \ silc_inv aag st s \ rv \ idle_thread s" and Q="\\" in hoare_post_impErr) apply (rule hoare_vcg_E_conj) apply (wp hv_invs handle_vm_fault_silc_inv)+ apply (simp add: invs_imps invs_mdb invs_valid_idle)+ apply wp+ apply (clarsimp simp: requiv_g_cur_thread_eq reads_equiv_f_g_conj ct_active_not_idle) apply (wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF handle_fault_reads_respects_g, where st=st] | clarsimp simp: reads_equiv_f_g_conj requiv_g_cur_thread_eq schact_is_rct_simple | wpc | intro impI conjI allI)+ apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply ((wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF handle_hypervisor_fault_reads_respects_g, where Q=\] handle_hypervisor_fault_silc_inv | simp)+)[1] prefer 2 apply ((wp reads_respects_f_g'[OF handle_fault_reads_respects_g, where st=st] | simp)+)[1] apply (simp add: validE_E_def) apply (wp hv_invs handle_vm_fault_silc_inv)+ apply (simp add: invs_imps invs_mdb invs_valid_idle)+ apply (fastforce simp: requiv_g_cur_thread_eq reads_equiv_f_g_conj ct_active_not_idle) done lemma activate_thread_reads_respects: assumes domains_distinct[wp]: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects aag (l :: 'a subject_label) (cur_tcb and (\s. aag_can_read_label aag (pasObjectAbs aag (cur_thread s)))) activate_thread" apply (simp add: activate_thread_def) apply (wpsimp wp: set_thread_state_runnable_reads_respects get_thread_state_rev) by (wp set_object_reads_respects get_thread_state_rev | simp add: as_user_def select_f_returns tcb_at_st_tcb_at[symmetric] cur_tcb_def | rule hoare_drop_imps conjI requiv_cur_thread_eq requiv_get_tcb_eq' | clarsimp simp: st_tcb_at_def obj_at_def is_tcb_def)+ lemma activate_thread_globals_equiv: "\globals_equiv st and valid_arch_state and valid_idle\ activate_thread \\_. globals_equiv st\" unfolding activate_thread_def by (wpsimp wp: set_thread_state_globals_equiv gts_wp simp: valid_idle_def pred_tcb_at_def obj_at_def) lemma activate_thread_reads_respects_g: assumes domains_distinct: "pas_domains_distinct aag" shows "reads_respects_g aag (l :: 'a subject_label) (invs and (\s. aag_can_read_label aag (pasObjectAbs aag (cur_thread s)))) activate_thread" apply (rule equiv_valid_guard_imp) apply (rule reads_respects_g) apply (rule activate_thread_reads_respects[OF domains_distinct]) apply (rule doesnt_touch_globalsI) apply (rule hoare_pre) apply (rule activate_thread_globals_equiv) apply (simp add: invs_imps invs_valid_idle)+ done lemma perform_invocation_globals_equiv: "\invs and ct_active and valid_invocation oper and globals_equiv (st :: det_state) and authorised_for_globals_inv oper\ perform_invocation blocking calling oper \\_. globals_equiv st\" by (cases oper ; wpsimp wp: invoke_untyped_globals_equiv send_ipc_globals_equiv send_signal_globals_equiv arch_perform_invocation_globals_equiv do_reply_transfer_globals_equiv invoke_tcb_globals_equiv invoke_irq_control_globals_equiv invoke_cnode_globals_equiv invoke_irq_handler_globals_equiv ; fastforce simp: invs_imps authorised_for_globals_inv_def) lemma handle_invocation_globals_equiv: "\invs and ct_active and globals_equiv st\ handle_invocation calling blocking \\_. globals_equiv (st :: det_state)\" apply (simp add: handle_invocation_def ts_Restart_case_helper liftE_liftM_liftME liftME_def bindE_assoc) apply (wp syscall_valid handle_fault_globals_equiv reply_from_kernel_globals_equiv set_thread_state_globals_equiv hoare_vcg_all_lift | simp split del: if_split | wp (once) hoare_drop_imps)+ apply (rule_tac Q="\r. invs and globals_equiv st and (\s. thread \ idle_thread s)" and E="\_. globals_equiv st" in hoare_post_impErr) apply (wp pinv_invs perform_invocation_globals_equiv requiv_get_tcb_eq' set_thread_state_globals_equiv sts_authorised_for_globals_inv decode_invocation_authorised_globals_inv | simp add: crunch_simps invs_imps)+ apply (auto intro: st_tcb_ex_cap simp: ct_active_not_idle ct_in_state_def) done lemma handle_event_globals_equiv: "\invs and (\s. ev \ Interrupt \ ct_active s) and globals_equiv st\ handle_event ev \\_. globals_equiv (st :: det_state)\" apply (case_tac ev) by (wp hoare_weaken_pre[OF receive_ipc_globals_equiv, where P="globals_equiv st and invs"] hoare_weaken_pre[OF receive_signal_globals_equiv, where P="globals_equiv st and invs"] handle_invocation_globals_equiv handle_fault_globals_equiv' handle_recv_globals_equiv handle_reply_globals_equiv handle_interrupt_globals_equiv handle_vm_fault_globals_equiv handle_hypervisor_fault_globals_equiv | wpc | simp add: handle_send_def handle_call_def Let_def | wp (once) hoare_drop_imps | clarsimp simp: invs_imps invs_valid_idle ct_active_not_idle)+ end lemma dmo_ev: "(\s s'. equiv_valid (\ms ms'. I (s\machine_state := ms\) (s'\machine_state := ms'\)) (\ms ms'. A (s\machine_state := ms\) (s'\machine_state := ms'\)) (\ms ms'. B (s\machine_state := ms\) (s'\machine_state := ms'\)) (K (P s \ P s')) f) \ equiv_valid I A B P (do_machine_op f)" apply (clarsimp simp: do_machine_op_def bind_def equiv_valid_def2 equiv_valid_2_def gets_def get_def select_f_def modify_def put_def return_def split_def) apply atomize apply (erule_tac x=s in allE) apply (erule_tac x=t in allE) apply simp apply (erule_tac x="machine_state s" in allE) apply (erule_tac x="machine_state t" in allE) apply fastforce done lemma ev_modify: "(\s t. \P s; P t; A s t; I s t\ \ I (f s) (f t) \ B (f s) (f t)) \ equiv_valid I A B P (modify f)" by (clarsimp simp: equiv_valid_def2 equiv_valid_2_def simpler_modify_def) end