(* * Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems * * This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of * the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided. * See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details. * * @TAG(GD_GPL) *) theory Cache imports "~~/src/HOL/Main" begin text {* Enable the proof cache, both skipping from it and recording to it. *} ML {* DupSkip.record_proofs := true *} ML {* proofs := 1 *} ML {* DupSkip.skip_dup_proofs := true *} text {* If executed in reverse order, save the cache *} ML {* val cache_thy_save_cache = ref false; *} ML {* if (! cache_thy_save_cache) then File.open_output (XML_Syntax.output_forest (XML_Syntax.xml_forest_of_cache (! DupSkip.the_cache))) (Path.basic "proof_cache.xml") else () *} ML {* cache_thy_save_cache := true *} ML {* cache_thy_save_cache := false *} text {* Load the proof cache - can take up to a minute *} ML {* DupSkip.the_cache := XML_Syntax.cache_of_xml_forest ( File.open_input (XML_Syntax.input_forest) (Path.basic "proof_cache.xml")) *} end