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* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the GNU General Public License version 2. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_GPLv2.txt" for details.
theory Invariants_H
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
section "Invariants on Executable Spec"
"ps_clear p n s \<equiv> ({p .. p + (1 << n) - 1} - {p}) \<inter> dom (ksPSpace s) = {}"
"pspace_no_overlap' ptr bits \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. \<forall>x ko. ksPSpace s x = Some ko \<longrightarrow>
({x .. x + (2 ^ objBitsKO ko) - 1}) \<inter> {ptr .. (ptr &&~~ mask bits) + (2 ^ bits - 1)} = {}"
"ko_wp_at' P p s \<equiv>
\<exists>ko. ksPSpace s p = Some ko \<and> is_aligned p (objBitsKO ko) \<and> P ko \<and>
ps_clear p (objBitsKO ko) s"
obj_at' :: "('a::pspace_storable \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
where obj_at'_real_def:
"obj_at' P p s \<equiv>
ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. \<exists>obj. projectKO_opt ko = Some obj \<and> P obj) p s"
typ_at' :: "kernel_object_type \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"typ_at' T \<equiv> ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. koTypeOf ko = T)"
"ep_at' \<equiv> obj_at' ((\<lambda>x. True) :: endpoint \<Rightarrow> bool)"
"ntfn_at' \<equiv> obj_at' ((\<lambda>x. True) :: Structures_H.notification \<Rightarrow> bool)"
"tcb_at' \<equiv> obj_at' ((\<lambda>x. True) :: tcb \<Rightarrow> bool)"
"real_cte_at' \<equiv> obj_at' ((\<lambda>x. True) :: cte \<Rightarrow> bool)"
"ko_at' v \<equiv> obj_at' (\<lambda>k. k = v)"
"pde_at' \<equiv> typ_at' (ArchT PDET)"
"pte_at' \<equiv> typ_at' (ArchT PTET)"
record itcb' =
itcbState :: thread_state
itcbFaultHandler :: cptr
itcbIPCBuffer :: vptr
itcbBoundNotification :: "word32 option"
itcbPriority :: priority
itcbFault :: "fault option"
itcbTimeSlice :: nat
definition "tcb_to_itcb' tcb \<equiv> \<lparr> itcbState = tcbState tcb,
itcbFaultHandler = tcbFaultHandler tcb,
itcbIPCBuffer = tcbIPCBuffer tcb,
itcbBoundNotification = tcbBoundNotification tcb,
itcbPriority = tcbPriority tcb,
itcbFault = tcbFault tcb,
itcbTimeSlice = tcbTimeSlice tcb \<rparr>"
lemma [simp]: "itcbState (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbState tcb"
by (auto simp: tcb_to_itcb'_def)
lemma [simp]: "itcbFaultHandler (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbFaultHandler tcb"
by (auto simp: tcb_to_itcb'_def)
lemma [simp]: "itcbIPCBuffer (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbIPCBuffer tcb"
by (auto simp: tcb_to_itcb'_def)
lemma [simp]: "itcbBoundNotification (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbBoundNotification tcb"
by (auto simp: tcb_to_itcb'_def)
lemma [simp]: "itcbPriority (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbPriority tcb"
by (auto simp: tcb_to_itcb'_def)
lemma [simp]: "itcbFault (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbFault tcb"
by (auto simp: tcb_to_itcb'_def)
lemma [simp]: "itcbTimeSlice (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbTimeSlice tcb"
by (auto simp: tcb_to_itcb'_def)
pred_tcb_at' :: "(itcb' \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pred_tcb_at' proj test \<equiv> obj_at' (\<lambda>ko. test (proj (tcb_to_itcb' ko)))"
abbreviation "st_tcb_at' \<equiv> pred_tcb_at' itcbState"
abbreviation "bound_tcb_at' \<equiv> pred_tcb_at' itcbBoundNotification"
lemma st_tcb_at'_def:
"st_tcb_at' test \<equiv> obj_at' (test \<circ> tcbState)"
by (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def o_def)
text {* cte with property at *}
"cte_wp_at' P p s \<equiv> \<exists>cte::cte. fst (getObject p s) = {(cte,s)} \<and> P cte"
"cte_at' \<equiv> cte_wp_at' \<top>"
tcb_cte_cases :: "word32 \<rightharpoonup> ((tcb \<Rightarrow> cte) \<times> ((cte \<Rightarrow> cte) \<Rightarrow> tcb \<Rightarrow> tcb))"
"tcb_cte_cases \<equiv> [ 0 \<mapsto> (tcbCTable, tcbCTable_update),
16 \<mapsto> (tcbVTable, tcbVTable_update),
32 \<mapsto> (tcbReply, tcbReply_update),
48 \<mapsto> (tcbCaller, tcbCaller_update),
64 \<mapsto> (tcbIPCBufferFrame, tcbIPCBufferFrame_update) ]"
max_ipc_words :: word32
"max_ipc_words \<equiv> capTransferDataSize + msgMaxLength + msgMaxExtraCaps + 2"
tcb_st_refs_of' :: "Structures_H.thread_state \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> reftype) set"
"tcb_st_refs_of' z \<equiv> case z of (Running) => {}
| (Inactive) => {}
| (Restart) => {}
| (BlockedOnReceive x) => {(x, TCBBlockedRecv)}
| (BlockedOnSend x a b c) => {(x, TCBBlockedSend)}
| (BlockedOnNotification x) => {(x, TCBSignal)}
| (BlockedOnReply) => {}
| (IdleThreadState) => {}"
ep_q_refs_of' :: "Structures_H.endpoint \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> reftype) set"
"ep_q_refs_of' x \<equiv> case x of
IdleEP => {}
| (RecvEP q) => set q \<times> {EPRecv}
| (SendEP q) => set q \<times> {EPSend}"
ntfn_q_refs_of' :: "Structures_H.ntfn \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> reftype) set"
"ntfn_q_refs_of' x \<equiv> case x of IdleNtfn => {}
| (WaitingNtfn q) => set q \<times> {NTFNSignal}
| (ActiveNtfn b) => {}"
ntfn_bound_refs' :: "word32 option \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> reftype) set"
"ntfn_bound_refs' t \<equiv> set_option t \<times> {NTFNBound}"
tcb_bound_refs' :: "word32 option \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> reftype) set"
"tcb_bound_refs' a \<equiv> set_option a \<times> {TCBBound}"
refs_of' :: "Structures_H.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> reftype) set"
"refs_of' x \<equiv> case x of
(KOTCB tcb) => tcb_st_refs_of' (tcbState tcb) \<union> tcb_bound_refs' (tcbBoundNotification tcb)
| (KOCTE cte) => {}
| (KOEndpoint ep) => ep_q_refs_of' ep
| (KONotification ntfn) => ntfn_q_refs_of' (ntfnObj ntfn) \<union> ntfn_bound_refs' (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn)
| (KOUserData) => {}
| (KOKernelData) => {}
| (KOArch ako) => {}"
state_refs_of' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> reftype) set"
"state_refs_of' s \<equiv> (\<lambda>x. case (ksPSpace s x)
of None \<Rightarrow> {}
| Some ko \<Rightarrow>
(if is_aligned x (objBitsKO ko) \<and> ps_clear x (objBitsKO ko) s
then refs_of' ko
else {}))"
live' :: "Structures_H.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> bool"
"live' (KOTCB tcb) =
(bound (tcbBoundNotification tcb) \<or>
(tcbState tcb \<noteq> Inactive \<and> tcbState tcb \<noteq> IdleThreadState) \<or> tcbQueued tcb)"
| "live' (KOCTE cte) = False"
| "live' (KOEndpoint ep) = (ep \<noteq> IdleEP)"
| "live' (KONotification ntfn) = (bound (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn) \<or> (\<exists>ts. ntfnObj ntfn = WaitingNtfn ts))"
| "live' (KOUserData) = False"
| "live' (KOKernelData) = False"
| "live' (KOArch ako) = False"
zobj_refs' :: "capability \<Rightarrow> word32 set"
"zobj_refs' NullCap = {}"
| "zobj_refs' DomainCap = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (UntypedCap d r n f) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (EndpointCap r badge x y z) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (NotificationCap r badge x y) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (CNodeCap r b g gsz) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (ThreadCap r) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (Zombie r b n) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (ArchObjectCap ac) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (IRQControlCap) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (IRQHandlerCap irq) = {}"
| "zobj_refs' (ReplyCap tcb m) = {}"
ex_nonz_cap_to' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ex_nonz_cap_to' ref \<equiv>
(\<lambda>s. \<exists>cref. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>c. ref \<in> zobj_refs' (cteCap c)) cref s)"
if_live_then_nonz_cap' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<equiv>
\<forall>ptr. ko_wp_at' live' ptr s \<longrightarrow> ex_nonz_cap_to' ptr s"
cte_refs' :: "capability \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 set"
"cte_refs' (UntypedCap d p n f) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (NullCap) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (DomainCap) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (EndpointCap ref badge s r g) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (NotificationCap ref badge s r) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (CNodeCap ref bits g gs) x =
(\<lambda>x. ref + (x * 16)) ` {0 .. 2 ^ bits - 1}"
| "cte_refs' (ThreadCap ref) x =
(\<lambda>x. ref + x) ` (dom tcb_cte_cases)"
| "cte_refs' (Zombie r b n) x =
(\<lambda>x. r + (x * 16)) ` {0 ..< of_nat n}"
| "cte_refs' (ArchObjectCap cap) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (IRQControlCap) x = {}"
| "cte_refs' (IRQHandlerCap irq) x = {x + (ucast irq) * 16}"
| "cte_refs' (ReplyCap tcb m) x = {}"
"irq_node' s \<equiv> intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s)"
ex_cte_cap_wp_to' :: "(capability \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P ptr \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<exists>cref.
cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>c. P (cteCap c)
\<and> ptr \<in> cte_refs' (cteCap c) (irq_node' s)) cref s"
"ex_cte_cap_to' \<equiv> ex_cte_cap_wp_to' \<top>"
if_unsafe_then_cap' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"if_unsafe_then_cap' s \<equiv> \<forall>cref. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>c. cteCap c \<noteq> NullCap) cref s \<longrightarrow> ex_cte_cap_to' cref s"
section "Valid caps and objects (Haskell)"
acapBits :: "arch_capability \<Rightarrow> nat"
"acapBits (ASIDPoolCap x y) = asidLowBits + 2"
| "acapBits ASIDControlCap = asidHighBits + 2"
| "acapBits (PageCap d x y sz z) = pageBitsForSize sz"
| "acapBits (PageTableCap x y) = 10"
| "acapBits (PageDirectoryCap x y) = 14"
zBits :: "zombie_type \<Rightarrow> nat"
"zBits (ZombieCNode n) = objBits (undefined::cte) + n"
| "zBits (ZombieTCB) = 9"
capBits :: "capability \<Rightarrow> nat"
"capBits NullCap = 0"
| "capBits DomainCap = 0"
| "capBits (UntypedCap d r b f) = b"
| "capBits (EndpointCap r b x y z) = objBits (undefined::endpoint)"
| "capBits (NotificationCap r b x y) = objBits (undefined::Structures_H.notification)"
| "capBits (CNodeCap r b g gs) = objBits (undefined::cte) + b"
| "capBits (ThreadCap r) = objBits (undefined::tcb)"
| "capBits (Zombie r z n) = zBits z"
| "capBits (IRQControlCap) = 0"
| "capBits (IRQHandlerCap irq) = 0"
| "capBits (ReplyCap tcb m) = objBits (undefined :: tcb)"
| "capBits (ArchObjectCap x) = acapBits x"
"capAligned c \<equiv>
is_aligned (capUntypedPtr c) (capBits c) \<and> capBits c < word_bits"
"obj_range' (p::word32) ko \<equiv> {p .. p + 2 ^ objBitsKO ko - 1}"
primrec (nonexhaustive)
usableUntypedRange :: "capability \<Rightarrow> word32 set"
"usableUntypedRange (UntypedCap d p n f) =
(if f < 2^n then {p+of_nat f .. p + 2 ^ n - 1} else {})"
"valid_untyped' d ptr bits idx s \<equiv>
\<forall>ptr'. \<not> ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. {ptr .. ptr + 2 ^ bits - 1} \<subset> obj_range' ptr' ko
\<or> obj_range' ptr' ko \<inter> usableUntypedRange(UntypedCap d ptr bits idx) \<noteq> {}) ptr' s"
page_table_at' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"page_table_at' x \<equiv> \<lambda>s. is_aligned x ptBits
\<and> (\<forall>y < 2 ^ 8. typ_at' (ArchT PTET) (x + (y << 2)) s)"
page_directory_at' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"page_directory_at' x \<equiv> \<lambda>s. is_aligned x pdBits
\<and> (\<forall>y < 2 ^ 12. typ_at' (ArchT PDET) (x + (y << 2)) s)"
"asid_pool_at' \<equiv> typ_at' (ArchT ASIDPoolT)"
(* FIXME: duplicated with vmsz_aligned *)
"vmsz_aligned' ref sz \<equiv> is_aligned ref (pageBitsForSize sz)"
zombieCTEs :: "zombie_type \<Rightarrow> nat"
"zombieCTEs ZombieTCB = 5"
| "zombieCTEs (ZombieCNode n) = (2 ^ n)"
valid_cap' :: "capability \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
where valid_cap'_def:
"valid_cap' c s \<equiv> capAligned c \<and>
(case c of
Structures_H.NullCap \<Rightarrow> True
| Structures_H.DomainCap \<Rightarrow> True
| Structures_H.UntypedCap d r n f \<Rightarrow>
valid_untyped' d r n f s \<and> r \<noteq> 0 \<and> 4\<le> n \<and> n \<le> 30 \<and> f \<le> 2^n \<and> is_aligned (of_nat f :: word32) 4
| Structures_H.EndpointCap r badge x y z \<Rightarrow> ep_at' r s
| Structures_H.NotificationCap r badge x y \<Rightarrow> ntfn_at' r s
| Structures_H.CNodeCap r bits guard guard_sz \<Rightarrow>
bits \<noteq> 0 \<and> bits + guard_sz \<le> word_bits \<and>
guard && mask guard_sz = guard \<and>
(\<forall>addr. real_cte_at' (r + 16 * (addr && mask bits)) s)
| Structures_H.ThreadCap r \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' r s
| Structures_H.ReplyCap r m \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' r s
| Structures_H.IRQControlCap \<Rightarrow> True
| Structures_H.IRQHandlerCap irq \<Rightarrow> irq \<le> maxIRQ
| Structures_H.Zombie r b n \<Rightarrow> n \<le> zombieCTEs b \<and> zBits b < word_bits
\<and> (case b of ZombieTCB \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' r s | ZombieCNode n \<Rightarrow> n \<noteq> 0
\<and> (\<forall>addr. real_cte_at' (r + 16 * (addr && mask n)) s))
| Structures_H.ArchObjectCap ac \<Rightarrow> (case ac of
ArchStructures_H.ASIDPoolCap pool asid \<Rightarrow>
typ_at' (ArchT ASIDPoolT) pool s \<and> is_aligned asid asid_low_bits \<and> asid \<le> 2^asid_bits - 1
| ArchStructures_H.ASIDControlCap \<Rightarrow> True
| ArchStructures_H.PageCap d ref rghts sz mapdata \<Rightarrow> ref \<noteq> 0 \<and>
(\<forall>p < 2 ^ (pageBitsForSize sz - pageBits). typ_at' UserDataT (ref + p * 2 ^ pageBits) s) \<and>
(case mapdata of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some (asid, ref) \<Rightarrow>
0 < asid \<and> asid \<le> 2 ^ asid_bits - 1 \<and> vmsz_aligned' ref sz \<and> ref < kernelBase)
| ArchStructures_H.PageTableCap ref mapdata \<Rightarrow>
page_table_at' ref s \<and>
(case mapdata of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some (asid, ref) \<Rightarrow>
0 < asid \<and> asid \<le> 2^asid_bits - 1 \<and> ref < kernelBase)
| ArchStructures_H.PageDirectoryCap ref mapdata \<Rightarrow>
page_directory_at' ref s \<and>
case_option True (\<lambda>asid. 0 < asid \<and> asid \<le> 2^asid_bits - 1) mapdata))"
abbreviation (input)
valid_cap'_syn :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> capability \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile>' _" [60, 60] 61)
"s \<turnstile>' c \<equiv> valid_cap' c s"
valid_cte' :: "cte \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_cte' cte s \<equiv> s \<turnstile>' (cteCap cte)"
valid_tcb_state' :: "Structures_H.thread_state \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_tcb_state' ts s \<equiv> case ts of
Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive ref \<Rightarrow> ep_at' ref s
| Structures_H.BlockedOnSend ref b d c \<Rightarrow> ep_at' ref s
| Structures_H.BlockedOnNotification ref \<Rightarrow> ntfn_at' ref s
| _ \<Rightarrow> True"
valid_ipc_buffer_ptr' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_ipc_buffer_ptr' a s \<equiv> is_aligned a msg_align_bits \<and> typ_at' UserDataT (a && ~~ mask pageBits) s"
valid_bound_ntfn' :: "word32 option \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_bound_ntfn' ntfn_opt s \<equiv> case ntfn_opt of
None \<Rightarrow> True
| Some a \<Rightarrow> ntfn_at' a s"
valid_tcb' :: "Structures_H.tcb \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_tcb' t s \<equiv> (\<forall>(getF, setF) \<in> ran tcb_cte_cases. s \<turnstile>' cteCap (getF t))
\<and> valid_tcb_state' (tcbState t) s
\<and> is_aligned (tcbIPCBuffer t) msg_align_bits
\<and> valid_bound_ntfn' (tcbBoundNotification t) s
\<and> tcbDomain t \<le> maxDomain
\<and> tcbPriority t \<le> maxPriority"
valid_ep' :: "Structures_H.endpoint \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_ep' ep s \<equiv> case ep of
Structures_H.IdleEP \<Rightarrow> True
| Structures_H.SendEP ts \<Rightarrow> (ts \<noteq> [] \<and> (\<forall>t \<in> set ts. tcb_at' t s) \<and> distinct ts)
| Structures_H.RecvEP ts \<Rightarrow> (ts \<noteq> [] \<and> (\<forall>t \<in> set ts. tcb_at' t s) \<and> distinct ts)"
valid_bound_tcb' :: "word32 option \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_bound_tcb' tcb_opt s \<equiv> case tcb_opt of
None \<Rightarrow> True
| Some t \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' t s"
valid_ntfn' :: "Structures_H.notification \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_ntfn' ntfn s \<equiv> (case ntfnObj ntfn of
Structures_H.IdleNtfn \<Rightarrow> True
| Structures_H.WaitingNtfn ts \<Rightarrow>
(ts \<noteq> [] \<and> (\<forall>t \<in> set ts. tcb_at' t s) \<and> distinct ts
\<and> (case ntfnBoundTCB ntfn of Some tcb \<Rightarrow> ts = [tcb] | _ \<Rightarrow> True))
| Structures_H.ActiveNtfn b \<Rightarrow> True)
\<and> valid_bound_tcb' (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn) s"
valid_mapping' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> vmpage_size \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_mapping' x sz s \<equiv> is_aligned x (pageBitsForSize sz)
\<and> Platform.ptrFromPAddr x \<noteq> 0"
valid_pte' :: "Hardware_H.pte \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_pte' (InvalidPTE) = \<top>"
| "valid_pte' (LargePagePTE ptr _ _ _ _) = (valid_mapping' ptr ARMLargePage)"
| "valid_pte' (SmallPagePTE ptr _ _ _ _) = (valid_mapping' ptr ARMSmallPage)"
valid_pde' :: "Hardware_H.pde \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_pde' (InvalidPDE) = \<top>"
| "valid_pde' (SectionPDE ptr _ _ _ _ _ _) = (valid_mapping' ptr ARMSection)"
| "valid_pde' (SuperSectionPDE ptr _ _ _ _ _) = (valid_mapping' ptr ARMSuperSection)"
| "valid_pde' (PageTablePDE ptr _ _) = (\<lambda>_. is_aligned ptr ptBits)"
valid_asid_pool' :: "asidpool \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_asid_pool' (ASIDPool pool)
= (\<lambda>s. dom pool \<subseteq> {0 .. 2^asid_low_bits - 1}
\<and> 0 \<notin> ran pool \<and> (\<forall>x \<in> ran pool. is_aligned x pdBits))"
valid_arch_obj' :: "arch_kernel_object \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_arch_obj' (KOASIDPool pool) = valid_asid_pool' pool"
| "valid_arch_obj' (KOPDE pde) = valid_pde' pde"
| "valid_arch_obj' (KOPTE pte) = valid_pte' pte"
valid_obj' :: "Structures_H.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_obj' ko s \<equiv> case ko of
KOEndpoint endpoint \<Rightarrow> valid_ep' endpoint s
| KONotification notification \<Rightarrow> valid_ntfn' notification s
| KOKernelData \<Rightarrow> False
| KOUserData \<Rightarrow> True
| KOTCB tcb \<Rightarrow> valid_tcb' tcb s
| KOCTE cte \<Rightarrow> valid_cte' cte s
| KOArch arch_kernel_object \<Rightarrow> valid_arch_obj' arch_kernel_object s"
pspace_aligned' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pspace_aligned' s \<equiv>
\<forall>x \<in> dom (ksPSpace s). is_aligned x (objBitsKO (the (ksPSpace s x)))"
pspace_distinct' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pspace_distinct' s \<equiv>
\<forall>x \<in> dom (ksPSpace s). ps_clear x (objBitsKO (the (ksPSpace s x))) s"
valid_objs' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_objs' s \<equiv> \<forall>obj \<in> ran (ksPSpace s). valid_obj' obj s"
type_synonym cte_heap = "word32 \<Rightarrow> cte option"
map_to_ctes :: "(word32 \<rightharpoonup> kernel_object) \<Rightarrow> cte_heap"
"map_to_ctes m \<equiv> \<lambda>x.
let cte_bits = objBitsKO (KOCTE undefined);
tcb_bits = objBitsKO (KOTCB undefined);
y = (x && (~~ mask tcb_bits))
if \<exists>cte. m x = Some (KOCTE cte) \<and> is_aligned x cte_bits
\<and> {x + 1 .. x + (1 << cte_bits) - 1} \<inter> dom m = {}
then case m x of Some (KOCTE cte) \<Rightarrow> Some cte
else if \<exists>tcb. m y = Some (KOTCB tcb)
\<and> {y + 1 .. y + (1 << tcb_bits) - 1} \<inter> dom m = {}
then case m y of Some (KOTCB tcb) \<Rightarrow>
option_map (\<lambda>(getF, setF). getF tcb) (tcb_cte_cases (x - y))
else None"
"ctes_of s \<equiv> map_to_ctes (ksPSpace s)"
mdb_next :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 option"
"mdb_next s c \<equiv> option_map (mdbNext o cteMDBNode) (s c)"
mdb_next_rel :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> (word32 \<times> word32) set"
"mdb_next_rel m \<equiv> {(x, y). mdb_next m x = Some y}"
mdb_next_direct :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<leadsto> _" [60,0,60] 61)
"m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto> b \<equiv> (a, b) \<in> mdb_next_rel m"
mdb_next_trans :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ _" [60,0,60] 61)
"m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ b \<equiv> (a,b) \<in> (mdb_next_rel m)\<^sup>+"
mdb_next_rtrans :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<leadsto>\<^sup>* _" [60,0,60] 61)
"m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto>\<^sup>* b \<equiv> (a,b) \<in> (mdb_next_rel m)\<^sup>*"
"valid_badges m \<equiv>
\<forall>p p' cap node cap' node'.
m p = Some (CTE cap node) \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE cap' node') \<longrightarrow>
(m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto> p') \<longrightarrow>
(sameRegionAs cap cap') \<longrightarrow>
(isEndpointCap cap \<longrightarrow>
capEPBadge cap \<noteq> capEPBadge cap' \<longrightarrow>
capEPBadge cap' \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow>
mdbFirstBadged node')
(isNotificationCap cap \<longrightarrow>
capNtfnBadge cap \<noteq> capNtfnBadge cap' \<longrightarrow>
capNtfnBadge cap' \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow>
mdbFirstBadged node')"
function (sequential)
untypedRange :: "capability \<Rightarrow> word32 set"
"untypedRange (UntypedCap d p n f) = {p .. p + 2 ^ n - 1}"
| "untypedRange c = {}"
by pat_completeness auto
termination by lexicographic_order
acapClass :: "arch_capability \<Rightarrow> capclass"
"acapClass (ASIDPoolCap x y) = PhysicalClass"
| "acapClass ASIDControlCap = ASIDMasterClass"
| "acapClass (PageCap d x y sz z) = PhysicalClass"
| "acapClass (PageTableCap x y) = PhysicalClass"
| "acapClass (PageDirectoryCap x y) = PhysicalClass"
capClass :: "capability \<Rightarrow> capclass"
"capClass (NullCap) = NullClass"
| "capClass (DomainCap) = DomainClass"
| "capClass (UntypedCap d p n f) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (EndpointCap ref badge s r g) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (NotificationCap ref badge s r) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (CNodeCap ref bits g gs) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (ThreadCap ref) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (Zombie r b n) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (IRQControlCap) = IRQClass"
| "capClass (IRQHandlerCap irq) = IRQClass"
| "capClass (ReplyCap tcb m) = ReplyClass tcb"
| "capClass (ArchObjectCap cap) = acapClass cap"
"capRange cap \<equiv>
if capClass cap \<noteq> PhysicalClass then {}
else {capUntypedPtr cap .. capUntypedPtr cap + 2 ^ capBits cap - 1}"
"caps_contained' m \<equiv>
\<forall>p p' c n c' n'.
m p = Some (CTE c n) \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE c' n') \<longrightarrow>
\<not>isUntypedCap c' \<longrightarrow>
capRange c' \<inter> untypedRange c \<noteq> {} \<longrightarrow>
capRange c' \<subseteq> untypedRange c"
valid_dlist :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_dlist m \<equiv>
\<forall>p cte. m p = Some cte \<longrightarrow>
(let prev = mdbPrev (cteMDBNode cte);
next = mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte)
in (prev \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>cte'. m prev = Some cte' \<and> mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte') = p)) \<and>
(next \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>cte'. m next = Some cte' \<and> mdbPrev (cteMDBNode cte') = p)))"
"no_0 m \<equiv> m 0 = None"
"no_loops m \<equiv> \<forall>c. \<not> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c"
"mdb_chain_0 m \<equiv> \<forall>x \<in> dom m. m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ 0"
"class_links m \<equiv> \<forall>p p' cte cte'.
m p = Some cte \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some cte' \<longrightarrow>
m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto> p' \<longrightarrow>
capClass (cteCap cte) = capClass (cteCap cte')"
"is_chunk m cap p p' \<equiv>
\<forall>p''. m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p'' \<longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> p'' \<leadsto>\<^sup>* p' \<longrightarrow>
(\<exists>cap'' n''. m p'' = Some (CTE cap'' n'') \<and> sameRegionAs cap cap'')"
"mdb_chunked m \<equiv> \<forall>p p' cap cap' n n'.
m p = Some (CTE cap n) \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE cap' n') \<longrightarrow>
sameRegionAs cap cap' \<longrightarrow>
p \<noteq> p' \<longrightarrow>
(m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p' \<or> m \<turnstile> p' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p) \<and>
(m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p' \<longrightarrow> is_chunk m cap p p') \<and>
(m \<turnstile> p' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p \<longrightarrow> is_chunk m cap' p' p)"
parentOf :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ parentOf _")
"s \<turnstile> c' parentOf c \<equiv>
\<exists>cte' cte. s c = Some cte \<and> s c' = Some cte' \<and> isMDBParentOf cte' cte"
notes [[inductive_internals =true]]
subtree :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<rightarrow> _" [60,0,60] 61)
for s :: cte_heap and c :: word32
"\<lbrakk> s \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'; c' \<noteq> 0; s \<turnstile> c parentOf c'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s \<turnstile> c \<rightarrow> c'"
"\<lbrakk> s \<turnstile> c \<rightarrow> c'; s \<turnstile> c' \<leadsto> c''; c'' \<noteq> 0; s \<turnstile> c parentOf c'' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s \<turnstile> c \<rightarrow> c''"
"descendants_of' c s \<equiv> {c'. s \<turnstile> c \<rightarrow> c'}"
"untyped_mdb' m \<equiv>
\<forall>p p' c n c' n'.
m p = Some (CTE c n) \<longrightarrow> isUntypedCap c \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE c' n') \<longrightarrow> \<not> isUntypedCap c' \<longrightarrow>
capRange c' \<inter> untypedRange c \<noteq> {} \<longrightarrow>
p' \<in> descendants_of' p m"
"untyped_inc' m \<equiv>
\<forall>p p' c c' n n'.
m p = Some (CTE c n) \<longrightarrow> isUntypedCap c \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE c' n') \<longrightarrow> isUntypedCap c' \<longrightarrow>
(untypedRange c \<subseteq> untypedRange c' \<or>
untypedRange c' \<subseteq> untypedRange c \<or>
untypedRange c \<inter> untypedRange c' = {}) \<and>
(untypedRange c \<subset> untypedRange c' \<longrightarrow> (p \<in> descendants_of' p' m \<and> untypedRange c \<inter> usableUntypedRange c' ={})) \<and>
(untypedRange c' \<subset> untypedRange c \<longrightarrow> (p' \<in> descendants_of' p m \<and> untypedRange c' \<inter> usableUntypedRange c ={})) \<and>
(untypedRange c = untypedRange c' \<longrightarrow> (p' \<in> descendants_of' p m \<and> usableUntypedRange c={}
\<or> p \<in> descendants_of' p' m \<and> usableUntypedRange c' = {} \<or> p = p'))"
"valid_nullcaps m \<equiv> \<forall>p n. m p = Some (CTE NullCap n) \<longrightarrow> n = nullMDBNode"
"ut_revocable' m \<equiv> \<forall>p cap n. m p = Some (CTE cap n) \<longrightarrow> isUntypedCap cap \<longrightarrow> mdbRevocable n"
"irq_control m \<equiv>
\<forall>p n. m p = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n) \<longrightarrow>
mdbRevocable n \<and>
(\<forall>p' n'. m p' = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n') \<longrightarrow> p' = p)"
isArchPageCap :: "capability \<Rightarrow> bool"
"isArchPageCap cap \<equiv> case cap of ArchObjectCap (PageCap d ref rghts sz data) \<Rightarrow> True | _ \<Rightarrow> False"
distinct_zombie_caps :: "(word32 \<Rightarrow> capability option) \<Rightarrow> bool"
"distinct_zombie_caps caps \<equiv> \<forall>ptr ptr' cap cap'. caps ptr = Some cap
\<and> caps ptr' = Some cap' \<and> ptr \<noteq> ptr' \<and> isZombie cap
\<and> capClass cap' = PhysicalClass \<and> \<not> isUntypedCap cap' \<and> \<not> isArchPageCap cap'
\<and> capBits cap = capBits cap' \<longrightarrow> capUntypedPtr cap \<noteq> capUntypedPtr cap'"
distinct_zombies :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"distinct_zombies m \<equiv> distinct_zombie_caps (option_map cteCap \<circ> m)"
reply_masters_rvk_fb :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"reply_masters_rvk_fb ctes \<equiv> \<forall>cte \<in> ran ctes.
isReplyCap (cteCap cte) \<and> capReplyMaster (cteCap cte)
\<longrightarrow> mdbRevocable (cteMDBNode cte) \<and> mdbFirstBadged (cteMDBNode cte)"
valid_mdb_ctes :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_mdb_ctes \<equiv> \<lambda>m. valid_dlist m \<and> no_0 m \<and> mdb_chain_0 m \<and>
valid_badges m \<and> caps_contained' m \<and>
mdb_chunked m \<and> untyped_mdb' m \<and>
untyped_inc' m \<and> valid_nullcaps m \<and>
ut_revocable' m \<and> class_links m \<and> distinct_zombies m
\<and> irq_control m \<and> reply_masters_rvk_fb m"
valid_mdb' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_mdb' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_mdb_ctes (ctes_of s)"
"no_0_obj' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. ksPSpace s 0 = None"
vs_ptr_align :: "Structures_H.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"vs_ptr_align obj \<equiv>
case obj of KOArch (KOPTE (Hardware_H.pte.LargePagePTE _ _ _ _ _)) \<Rightarrow> 6
| KOArch (KOPDE (Hardware_H.pde.SuperSectionPDE _ _ _ _ _ _)) \<Rightarrow> 6
| _ \<Rightarrow> 0"
definition "vs_valid_duplicates' \<equiv> \<lambda>h.
\<forall>x y. case h x of None \<Rightarrow> True
| Some ko \<Rightarrow> is_aligned y 2 \<longrightarrow>
x && ~~ mask (vs_ptr_align ko) = y && ~~ mask (vs_ptr_align ko) \<longrightarrow>
h x = h y"
valid_pspace' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_pspace' \<equiv> valid_objs' and
pspace_aligned' and
pspace_distinct' and
no_0_obj' and
runnable' :: "Structures_H.thread_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"runnable' (Structures_H.Running) = True"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.Inactive) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.Restart) = True"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.IdleThreadState) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive a) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnReply) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnSend a b c d) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnNotification x) = False"
inQ :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> tcb \<Rightarrow> bool"
"inQ d p tcb \<equiv> tcbQueued tcb \<and> tcbPriority tcb = p \<and> tcbDomain tcb = d"
(* for given domain and priority, the scheduler bitmap indicates a thread is in the queue *)
bitmapQ :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"bitmapQ d p s \<equiv> ksReadyQueuesL1Bitmap s d !! prioToL1Index p
\<and> ksReadyQueuesL2Bitmap s (d, prioToL1Index p) !! unat (p && mask wordRadix)"
valid_queues_no_bitmap :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_queues_no_bitmap \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
(\<forall>d p. (\<forall>t \<in> set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p)). obj_at' (inQ d p and runnable' \<circ> tcbState) t s)
\<and> distinct (ksReadyQueues s (d, p))
\<and> (d > maxDomain \<or> p > maxPriority \<longrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) = []))"
(* A priority is used as a two-part key into the bitmap structure. If an L2 bitmap entry
is set without an L1 entry, updating the L1 entry (shared by many priorities) may make
unexpected threads schedulable *)
bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
\<forall>d i j. ksReadyQueuesL2Bitmap s (d, i) !! j \<longrightarrow> (ksReadyQueuesL1Bitmap s d !! i)"
(* If the scheduler finds a set bit in L1 of the bitmap, it must find some bit set in L2
when it looks there. This lets it omit a check.
L2 entries have wordBits bits each. That means the L1 word only indexes
a small number of L2 entries, despite being stored in a wordBits word.
We allow only bits corresponding to L2 indices to be set.
bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
\<forall>d i. ksReadyQueuesL1Bitmap s d !! i \<longrightarrow> ksReadyQueuesL2Bitmap s (d, i) \<noteq> 0 \<and>
i < numPriorities div wordBits"
valid_bitmapQ :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_bitmapQ \<equiv> \<lambda>s. (\<forall>d p. bitmapQ d p s \<longleftrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) \<noteq> [])"
valid_queues :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_queues \<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_queues_no_bitmap s \<and> valid_bitmapQ s \<and>
bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans s \<and> bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans s"
(* when a thread gets added to / removed from a queue, but before bitmap updated *)
valid_bitmapQ_except :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_bitmapQ_except d' p' \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
(\<forall>d p. (d \<noteq> d' \<or> p \<noteq> p') \<longrightarrow> (bitmapQ d p s \<longleftrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) \<noteq> []))"
lemmas bitmapQ_defs = valid_bitmapQ_def valid_bitmapQ_except_def bitmapQ_def
bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans_def bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans_def
valid_queues' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_queues' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<forall>d p t. obj_at' (inQ d p) t s \<longrightarrow> t \<in> set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p))"
definition tcb_in_cur_domain' :: "32 word \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"tcb_in_cur_domain' t \<equiv> \<lambda>s. obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. ksCurDomain s = tcbDomain tcb) t s"
ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. ksSchedulerAction s = ResumeCurrentThread \<longrightarrow>
ksCurThread s = ksIdleThread s \<or> tcb_in_cur_domain' (ksCurThread s) s"
"ct_in_state' test \<equiv> \<lambda>s. st_tcb_at' test (ksCurThread s) s"
"ct_not_inQ \<equiv> \<lambda>s. ksSchedulerAction s = ResumeCurrentThread
\<longrightarrow> obj_at' (Not \<circ> tcbQueued) (ksCurThread s) s"
"idle' \<equiv> \<lambda>st. st = Structures_H.IdleThreadState"
"activatable' st \<equiv> runnable' st \<or> idle' st"
sch_act_wf :: "scheduler_action \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"sch_act_wf ResumeCurrentThread = ct_in_state' activatable'"
| "sch_act_wf ChooseNewThread = \<top>"
| "sch_act_wf (SwitchToThread t) = (\<lambda>s. st_tcb_at' runnable' t s \<and> tcb_in_cur_domain' t s)"
sch_act_simple :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"sch_act_simple \<equiv> \<lambda>s. (ksSchedulerAction s = ResumeCurrentThread) \<or>
(ksSchedulerAction s = ChooseNewThread)"
sch_act_sane :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"sch_act_sane \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. \<forall>t. ksSchedulerAction s = SwitchToThread t \<longrightarrow> t \<noteq> ksCurThread s"
"sch_act_not t \<equiv> \<lambda>s. ksSchedulerAction s \<noteq> SwitchToThread t"
abbreviation "idle_tcb_at' \<equiv> pred_tcb_at' (\<lambda>t. (itcbState t, itcbBoundNotification t))"
valid_idle' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_idle' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. idle_tcb_at' (\<lambda>p. idle' (fst p) \<and> snd p = None) (ksIdleThread s) s"
valid_irq_node' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_irq_node' x \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. is_aligned x 12 \<and> (\<forall>irq :: irq. real_cte_at' (x + 16 * (ucast irq)) s)"
valid_refs' :: "word32 set \<Rightarrow> cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_refs' R \<equiv> \<lambda>m. \<forall>c \<in> ran m. R \<inter> capRange (cteCap c) = {}"
page_directory_refs' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 set"
"page_directory_refs' x \<equiv> (\<lambda>y. x + (y << 2)) ` {y. y < 2 ^ 12}"
page_table_refs' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 set"
"page_table_refs' x \<equiv> (\<lambda>y. x + (y << 2)) ` {y. y < 2 ^ 8}"
global_refs' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> obj_ref set"
"global_refs' \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
{ksIdleThread s, armKSGlobalsFrame (ksArchState s)} \<union>
page_directory_refs' (armKSGlobalPD (ksArchState s)) \<union>
(\<Union>pt \<in> set (armKSGlobalPTs (ksArchState s)). page_table_refs' pt) \<union>
range (\<lambda>irq :: irq. irq_node' s + 16 * ucast irq)"
valid_cap_sizes' :: "nat \<Rightarrow> cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_cap_sizes' n hp = (\<forall>cte \<in> ran hp. 2 ^ capBits (cteCap cte) \<le> n)"
valid_global_refs' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_global_refs' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_refs' kernel_data_refs (ctes_of s)
\<and> global_refs' s \<subseteq> kernel_data_refs
\<and> valid_cap_sizes' (gsMaxObjectSize s) (ctes_of s)"
pspace_domain_valid :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pspace_domain_valid = (\<lambda>s. \<forall>x ko. ksPSpace s x = Some ko \<longrightarrow>
({x .. x + (2 ^ objBitsKO ko) - 1}) \<inter> kernel_data_refs = {})"
valid_asid_table' :: "(asid \<rightharpoonup> word32) \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_asid_table' table \<equiv> \<lambda>s. dom table \<subseteq> {0 .. 2^asid_high_bits - 1}
\<and> 0 \<notin> ran table"
valid_global_pts' :: "word32 list \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_global_pts' pts \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<forall>p \<in> set pts. page_table_at' p s"
valid_asid_map' :: "(word32 \<rightharpoonup> word8 \<times> word32) \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_asid_map' m \<equiv> inj_on (option_map snd o m) (dom m)
\<and> dom m \<subseteq> ({0 .. mask asid_bits} - {0})"
valid_arch_state' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_arch_state' \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
typ_at' UserDataT (armKSGlobalsFrame (ksArchState s)) s \<and>
valid_asid_table' (armKSASIDTable (ksArchState s)) s \<and>
page_directory_at' (armKSGlobalPD (ksArchState s)) s \<and>
valid_global_pts' (armKSGlobalPTs (ksArchState s)) s \<and>
is_inv (armKSHWASIDTable (ksArchState s))
(option_map fst o armKSASIDMap (ksArchState s)) \<and>
valid_asid_map' (armKSASIDMap (ksArchState s))"
irq_issued' :: "irq \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"irq_issued' irq \<equiv> \<lambda>s. intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s) irq = IRQSignal"
cteCaps_of :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> capability option"
"cteCaps_of s \<equiv> option_map cteCap \<circ> ctes_of s"
valid_irq_handlers' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_irq_handlers' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<forall>cap \<in> ran (cteCaps_of s). \<forall>irq.
cap = IRQHandlerCap irq \<longrightarrow> irq_issued' irq s"
"irqs_masked' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<forall>irq > maxIRQ. intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s) irq = IRQInactive"
pd_asid_slot :: word32
"pd_asid_slot \<equiv> 0xff0"
(* ideally, all mappings above kernel_base are global and kernel-only, and
of them one particular mapping is clear. at the moment all we can easily say
is that the mapping is clear. *)
valid_pde_mapping_offset' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_pde_mapping_offset' offset \<equiv> offset \<noteq> pd_asid_slot * 4"
valid_pde_mapping' :: "word32 \<Rightarrow> pde \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_pde_mapping' offset pde \<equiv> pde = InvalidPDE \<or> valid_pde_mapping_offset' offset"
valid_pde_mappings' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_pde_mappings' \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
\<forall>x pde. ko_at' pde x s
\<longrightarrow> valid_pde_mapping' (x && mask pdBits) pde"
"valid_irq_masks' table masked \<equiv> \<forall>irq. table irq = IRQInactive \<longrightarrow> masked irq"
"valid_irq_states' s \<equiv>
valid_irq_masks' (intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s)) (irq_masks (ksMachineState s))"
defs pointerInUserData_def:
"pointerInUserData p \<equiv> typ_at' UserDataT (p && ~~ mask pageBits)"
"valid_machine_state' \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. \<forall>p. pointerInUserData p s \<or> underlying_memory (ksMachineState s) p = 0"
(* FIXME: this really should be a definition like the above. *)
(* The schedule is invariant. *)
"valid_dom_schedule' \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. ksDomSchedule s \<noteq> [] \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>set (ksDomSchedule s). dschDomain x \<le> maxDomain \<and> 0 < dschLength x)
\<and> ksDomSchedule s = ksDomSchedule (newKernelState undefined)
\<and> ksDomScheduleIdx s < length (ksDomSchedule (newKernelState undefined))"
valid_state' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_state' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_pspace' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s
\<and> valid_queues s \<and> sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)
\<and> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<and> if_unsafe_then_cap' s
\<and> valid_idle' s
\<and> valid_global_refs' s \<and> valid_arch_state' s
\<and> valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s
\<and> valid_irq_handlers' s
\<and> valid_irq_states' s
\<and> valid_machine_state' s
\<and> irqs_masked' s
\<and> valid_queues' s
\<and> ct_not_inQ s
\<and> ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' s
\<and> valid_pde_mappings' s
\<and> pspace_domain_valid s
\<and> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain
\<and> valid_dom_schedule' s"
"cur_tcb' s \<equiv> tcb_at' (ksCurThread s) s"
invs' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"invs' \<equiv> valid_state' and cur_tcb'"
subsection "Derived concepts"
"awaiting_reply' ts \<equiv> ts = Structures_H.BlockedOnReply"
(* x-symbol doesn't have a reverse leadsto.. *)
mdb_prev :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> word32 \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<leftarrow> _" [60,0,60] 61)
"m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c' \<equiv> (\<exists>z. m c' = Some z \<and> c = mdbPrev (cteMDBNode z))"
makeObjectT :: "kernel_object_type \<Rightarrow> kernel_object"
"makeObjectT tp \<equiv> case tp of
EndpointT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: endpoint)
| NotificationT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: Structures_H.notification)
| CTET \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: cte)
| TCBT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: tcb)
| UserDataT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: user_data)
| KernelDataT \<Rightarrow> KOKernelData
| ArchT atp \<Rightarrow> (case atp of
PDET \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: pde)
| PTET \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: pte)
| ASIDPoolT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: asidpool))"
objBitsT :: "kernel_object_type \<Rightarrow> nat"
"objBitsT tp \<equiv> objBitsKO (makeObjectT tp)"
"active' st \<equiv> st = Structures_H.Running \<or> st = Structures_H.Restart"
"simple' st \<equiv> st = Structures_H.Inactive \<or>
st = Structures_H.Running \<or>
st = Structures_H.Restart \<or>
idle' st \<or> awaiting_reply' st"
"ct_active' \<equiv> ct_in_state' active'"
"ct_running' \<equiv> ct_in_state' (\<lambda>st. st = Structures_H.Running)"
\<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_pspace' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s
\<and> valid_queues s \<and> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<and> if_unsafe_then_cap' s
\<and> valid_idle' s \<and> valid_global_refs' s \<and> valid_arch_state' s
\<and> valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s \<and> valid_irq_handlers' s
\<and> valid_irq_states' s \<and> irqs_masked' s \<and> valid_machine_state' s
\<and> cur_tcb' s \<and> valid_queues' s \<and> ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' s \<and> valid_pde_mappings' s
\<and> pspace_domain_valid s
\<and> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain
\<and> valid_dom_schedule' s"
\<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_pspace' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s
\<and> valid_queues s \<and> sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)
\<and> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<and> if_unsafe_then_cap' s
\<and> valid_idle' s \<and> valid_global_refs' s \<and> valid_arch_state' s
\<and> valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s \<and> valid_irq_handlers' s
\<and> valid_irq_states' s \<and> irqs_masked' s \<and> valid_machine_state' s
\<and> cur_tcb' s \<and> valid_queues' s \<and> ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' s \<and> valid_pde_mappings' s
\<and> pspace_domain_valid s
\<and> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain
\<and> valid_dom_schedule' s"
lemma all_invs_but_sym_refs_not_ct_inQ_check':
"(all_invs_but_sym_refs_ct_not_inQ' and sym_refs \<circ> state_refs_of' and ct_not_inQ) = invs'"
by (simp add: pred_conj_def conj_commute conj_left_commute invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma all_invs_but_not_ct_inQ_check':
"(all_invs_but_ct_not_inQ' and ct_not_inQ) = invs'"
by (simp add: pred_conj_def conj_commute conj_left_commute invs'_def valid_state'_def)
\<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_pspace' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s
\<and> valid_queues s \<and> sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)
\<and> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<and> if_unsafe_then_cap' s
\<and> valid_idle' s \<and> valid_global_refs' s \<and> valid_arch_state' s
\<and> valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s \<and> valid_irq_handlers' s
\<and> valid_irq_states' s \<and> irqs_masked' s \<and> valid_machine_state' s
\<and> cur_tcb' s \<and> valid_queues' s \<and> ct_not_inQ s \<and> valid_pde_mappings' s
\<and> pspace_domain_valid s
\<and> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain
\<and> valid_dom_schedule' s"
lemmas invs_no_cicd'_def = all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def
lemma all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain_check':
"(all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' and ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain') = invs'"
by (simp add: all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def pred_conj_def
conj_left_commute conj_commute invs'_def valid_state'_def)
abbreviation (input)
"invs_no_cicd' \<equiv> all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'"
lemma invs'_to_invs_no_cicd'_def:
"invs' = (all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' and ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain')"
by (fastforce simp: invs'_def all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def valid_state'_def )
locale mdb_next =
fixes m :: cte_heap
fixes greater_eq
defines "greater_eq a b \<equiv> m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto>\<^sup>* b"
fixes greater
defines "greater a b \<equiv> m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ b"
locale mdb_order = mdb_next +
assumes no_0: "no_0 m"
assumes chain: "mdb_chain_0 m"
section "Lemmas"
lemma valid_bound_ntfn'_None[simp]:
"valid_bound_ntfn' None = \<top>"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_ntfn'_def)
lemma valid_bound_ntfn'_Some[simp]:
"valid_bound_ntfn' (Some x) = ntfn_at' x"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_ntfn'_def)
lemma valid_bound_tcb'_None[simp]:
"valid_bound_tcb' None = \<top>"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_tcb'_def)
lemma valid_bound_tcb'_Some[simp]:
"valid_bound_tcb' (Some x) = tcb_at' x"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_tcb'_def)
lemmas objBits_simps = objBits_def objBitsKO_def word_size_def
lemmas objBitsKO_simps = objBitsKO_def word_size_def objBits_simps
lemmas wordRadix_def' = wordRadix_def[simplified]
lemma valid_duplicates'_D:
"\<lbrakk>vs_valid_duplicates' m; m (p::word32) = Some ko;is_aligned p' 2;
p && ~~ mask (vs_ptr_align ko) = p' && ~~ mask (vs_ptr_align ko)\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> m p' = Some ko "
apply (clarsimp simp:vs_valid_duplicates'_def)
apply (drule_tac x = p in spec)
apply auto
lemma ps_clear_def2:
"p \<le> p + 1 \<Longrightarrow> ps_clear p n s = ({p + 1 .. p + (1 << n) - 1} \<inter> dom (ksPSpace s) = {})"
apply (simp add: ps_clear_def)
apply safe
apply (drule_tac a=x in equals0D)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule mp, simp)
apply (erule disjE)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac a=x in equals0D)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "p + 1 \<le> x")
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: linorder_not_le)
apply (drule plus_one_helper, simp)
lemma projectKO_stateI:
"fst (projectKO e s) = {(obj, s)} \<Longrightarrow> fst (projectKO e s') = {(obj, s')}"
unfolding projectKO_def
by (auto simp: fail_def return_def valid_def split: option.splits)
lemma singleton_in_magnitude_check:
"(x, s) \<in> fst (magnitudeCheck a b c s') \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>s'. fst (magnitudeCheck a b c s') = {(x, s')}"
by (simp add: magnitudeCheck_def when_def in_monad return_def
split: split_if_asm option.split_asm)
lemma wordSizeCase_simp [simp]: "wordSizeCase a b = a"
by (simp add: wordSizeCase_def wordBits_def word_size)
lemma projectKO_eq:
"(fst (projectKO ko c) = {(obj, c)}) = (projectKO_opt ko = Some obj)"
by (simp add: projectKO_def fail_def return_def split: option.splits)
lemma lookupBefore_None:
"(lookupBefore x m = None) = (\<forall>y \<le> x. m y = None)"
by (simp add: lookupBefore_def Let_def dom_def, fastforce)
lemma lookupBefore_exact:
"m x = Some y \<Longrightarrow> lookupBefore x m = Some (x, y)"
apply (simp add: lookupBefore_def Let_def cong: conj_cong)
apply (rule context_conjI)
apply (rule exI[where x=x])
apply (simp add: domI)
apply (rule order_antisym)
apply simp
apply (rule Max_ge)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (simp add: domI)
lemma obj_at'_def':
"obj_at' P p s = (\<exists>ko obj. ksPSpace s p = Some ko \<and> is_aligned p (objBitsKO ko)
\<and> fst (projectKO ko s) = {(obj,s)} \<and> P obj
\<and> ps_clear p (objBitsKO ko) s)"
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def ko_wp_at'_def projectKO_eq
True_notin_set_replicate_conv objBits_def)
apply fastforce
lemma obj_at'_def:
"obj_at' P p s \<equiv> \<exists>ko obj. ksPSpace s p = Some ko \<and> is_aligned p (objBitsKO ko)
\<and> fst (projectKO ko s) = {(obj,s)} \<and> P obj
\<and> ps_clear p (objBitsKO ko) s"
by (simp add: obj_at'_def')
lemma obj_atE' [elim?]:
assumes objat: "obj_at' P ptr s"
and rl: "\<And>ko obj.
\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s ptr = Some ko; is_aligned ptr (objBitsKO ko);
fst (projectKO ko s) = {(obj,s)}; P obj;
ps_clear ptr (objBitsKO ko) s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
shows "R"
using objat unfolding obj_at'_def by (auto intro!: rl)
lemma obj_atI' [intro?]:
"\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s ptr = Some ko; is_aligned ptr (objBitsKO ko);
fst (projectKO ko s) = {(obj, s)}; P obj;
ps_clear ptr (objBitsKO ko) s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_at' P ptr s"
unfolding obj_at'_def by (auto)
lemma cte_at'_def:
"cte_at' p s \<equiv> \<exists>cte::cte. fst (getObject p s) = {(cte,s)}"
by (simp add: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemma tcb_cte_cases_simps[simp]:
"tcb_cte_cases 0 = Some (tcbCTable, tcbCTable_update)"
"tcb_cte_cases 16 = Some (tcbVTable, tcbVTable_update)"
"tcb_cte_cases 32 = Some (tcbReply, tcbReply_update)"
"tcb_cte_cases 48 = Some (tcbCaller, tcbCaller_update)"
"tcb_cte_cases 64 = Some (tcbIPCBufferFrame, tcbIPCBufferFrame_update)"
by (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def)+
lemma refs_of'_simps[simp]:
"refs_of' (KOTCB tcb) = tcb_st_refs_of' (tcbState tcb) \<union> tcb_bound_refs' (tcbBoundNotification tcb)"
"refs_of' (KOCTE cte) = {}"
"refs_of' (KOEndpoint ep) = ep_q_refs_of' ep"
"refs_of' (KONotification ntfn) = ntfn_q_refs_of' (ntfnObj ntfn) \<union> ntfn_bound_refs' (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn)"
"refs_of' (KOUserData) = {}"
"refs_of' (KOKernelData) = {}"
"refs_of' (KOArch ako) = {}"
by (auto simp: refs_of'_def)
lemma tcb_st_refs_of'_simps[simp]:
"tcb_st_refs_of' (Running) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (Inactive) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (Restart) = {}"
"\<And>x. tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnReceive x) = {(x, TCBBlockedRecv)}"
"\<And>x c. tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnSend x a b c) = {(x, TCBBlockedSend)}"
"\<And>x. tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnNotification x) = {(x, TCBSignal)}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnReply) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (IdleThreadState) = {}"
by (auto simp: tcb_st_refs_of'_def)
lemma ep_q_refs_of'_simps[simp]:
"ep_q_refs_of' IdleEP = {}"
"ep_q_refs_of' (RecvEP q) = set q \<times> {EPRecv}"
"ep_q_refs_of' (SendEP q) = set q \<times> {EPSend}"
by (auto simp: ep_q_refs_of'_def)
lemma ntfn_q_refs_of'_simps[simp]:
"ntfn_q_refs_of' IdleNtfn = {}"
"ntfn_q_refs_of' (WaitingNtfn q) = set q \<times> {NTFNSignal}"
"ntfn_q_refs_of' (ActiveNtfn b) = {}"
by (auto simp: ntfn_q_refs_of'_def)
lemma ntfn_bound_refs'_simps[simp]:
"ntfn_bound_refs' (Some t) = {(t, NTFNBound)}"
"ntfn_bound_refs' None = {}"
by (auto simp: ntfn_bound_refs'_def)
lemma tcb_bound_refs'_simps[simp]:
"tcb_bound_refs' (Some a) = {(a, TCBBound)}"
"tcb_bound_refs' None = {}"
by (auto simp: tcb_bound_refs'_def)
lemma refs_of_rev':
"(x, TCBBlockedRecv) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> tcbState tcb = BlockedOnReceive x)"
"(x, TCBBlockedSend) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> (\<exists>a b c. tcbState tcb = BlockedOnSend x a b c))"
"(x, TCBSignal) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> tcbState tcb = BlockedOnNotification x)"
"(x, EPRecv) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>ep. ko = KOEndpoint ep \<and> (\<exists>q. ep = RecvEP q \<and> x \<in> set q))"
"(x, EPSend) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>ep. ko = KOEndpoint ep \<and> (\<exists>q. ep = SendEP q \<and> x \<in> set q))"
"(x, NTFNSignal) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>ntfn. ko = KONotification ntfn \<and> (\<exists>q. ntfnObj ntfn = WaitingNtfn q \<and> x \<in> set q))"
"(x, TCBBound) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> (tcbBoundNotification tcb = Some x))"
"(x, NTFNBound) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>ntfn. ko = KONotification ntfn \<and> (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn = Some x))"
by (auto simp: refs_of'_def
split: Structures_H.kernel_object.splits
lemma ko_wp_at'_weakenE:
"\<lbrakk> ko_wp_at' P p s; \<And>ko. P ko \<Longrightarrow> Q ko \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ko_wp_at' Q p s"
by (clarsimp simp: ko_wp_at'_def)
lemma projectKO_opt_tcbD:
"projectKO_opt ko = Some (tcb :: tcb) \<Longrightarrow> ko = KOTCB tcb"
by (cases ko, simp_all add: projectKO_opt_tcb)
lemma st_tcb_at_refs_of_rev':
"ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (x, TCBBlockedRecv) \<in> refs_of' ko) t s
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. ts = BlockedOnReceive x ) t s"
"ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (x, TCBBlockedSend) \<in> refs_of' ko) t s
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. \<exists>a b c. ts = BlockedOnSend x a b c) t s"
"ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (x, TCBSignal) \<in> refs_of' ko) t s
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. ts = BlockedOnNotification x) t s"
by (fastforce simp: refs_of_rev' pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_real_def
projectKO_opt_tcb[where e="KOTCB y" for y]
elim!: ko_wp_at'_weakenE
dest!: projectKO_opt_tcbD)+
lemma state_refs_of'_elemD:
"\<lbrakk> ref \<in> state_refs_of' s x \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>obj. ref \<in> refs_of' obj) x s"
by (clarsimp simp add: state_refs_of'_def ko_wp_at'_def
split: option.splits split_if_asm)
lemma state_refs_of'_eqD:
"\<lbrakk> state_refs_of' s x = S; S \<noteq> {} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>obj. refs_of' obj = S) x s"
by (clarsimp simp add: state_refs_of'_def ko_wp_at'_def
split: option.splits split_if_asm)
lemma obj_at_state_refs_ofD':
"obj_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>obj. P obj \<and> state_refs_of' s p = refs_of' (injectKO obj)"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_real_def project_inject ko_wp_at'_def conj_commute)
apply (rule exI, erule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: state_refs_of'_def)
lemma ko_at_state_refs_ofD':
"ko_at' ko p s \<Longrightarrow> state_refs_of' s p = refs_of' (injectKO ko)"
by (clarsimp dest!: obj_at_state_refs_ofD')
tcb_ntfn_is_bound' :: "word32 option \<Rightarrow> tcb \<Rightarrow> bool"
"tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfn tcb \<equiv> tcbBoundNotification tcb = ntfn"
lemma st_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD':
"st_tcb_at' P t s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ts ntfnptr. P ts \<and> obj_at' (tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfnptr) t s
\<and> state_refs_of' s t = (tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr)"
by (auto simp: pred_tcb_at'_def tcb_ntfn_is_bound'_def obj_at'_def projectKO_eq
project_inject state_refs_of'_def)
lemma bound_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD':
"bound_tcb_at' P t s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ts ntfnptr. P ntfnptr \<and> obj_at' (tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfnptr) t s
\<and> state_refs_of' s t = (tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr)"
by (auto simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def tcb_ntfn_is_bound'_def projectKO_eq
project_inject state_refs_of'_def)
lemma sym_refs_obj_atD':
"\<lbrakk> obj_at' P p s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>obj. P obj \<and> state_refs_of' s p = refs_of' (injectKO obj)
\<and> (\<forall>(x, tp)\<in>refs_of' (injectKO obj). ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (p, symreftype tp) \<in> refs_of' ko) x s)"
apply (drule obj_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (erule exEI, clarsimp)
apply (drule sym, simp)
apply (drule(1) sym_refsD)
apply (erule state_refs_of'_elemD)
lemma sym_refs_ko_atD':
"\<lbrakk> ko_at' ko p s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
state_refs_of' s p = refs_of' (injectKO ko) \<and>
(\<forall>(x, tp)\<in>refs_of' (injectKO ko). ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (p, symreftype tp) \<in> refs_of' ko) x s)"
by (drule(1) sym_refs_obj_atD', simp)
lemma sym_refs_st_tcb_atD':
"\<lbrakk> st_tcb_at' P t s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>ts ntfnptr. P ts \<and> obj_at' (tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfnptr) t s
\<and> state_refs_of' s t = tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr
\<and> (\<forall>(x, tp)\<in>tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr. ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (t, symreftype tp) \<in> refs_of' ko) x s)"
apply (drule st_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (erule exE)+
apply (rule_tac x=ts in exI)
apply (rule_tac x=ntfnptr in exI)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule obj_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (drule (1)sym_refs_obj_atD')
apply auto
lemma sym_refs_bound_tcb_atD':
"\<lbrakk> bound_tcb_at' P t s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>ts ntfnptr. P ntfnptr \<and> obj_at' (tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfnptr) t s
\<and> state_refs_of' s t = tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr
\<and> (\<forall>(x, tp)\<in>tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr. ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (t, symreftype tp) \<in> refs_of' ko) x s)"
apply (drule bound_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (erule exE)+
apply (rule_tac x=ts in exI)
apply (rule_tac x=ntfnptr in exI)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule obj_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (drule (1)sym_refs_obj_atD')
apply auto
lemma ex_nonz_cap_toE':
"\<lbrakk> ex_nonz_cap_to' p s; \<And>cref. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>c. p \<in> zobj_refs' (cteCap c)) cref s \<Longrightarrow> Q \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> Q"
by (fastforce simp: ex_nonz_cap_to'_def)
lemma refs_of_live':
"refs_of' ko \<noteq> {} \<Longrightarrow> live' ko"
apply (cases ko, simp_all)
apply clarsimp
apply (rename_tac notification)
apply (case_tac "ntfnObj notification"; simp)
apply fastforce+
lemma if_live_then_nonz_capE':
"\<lbrakk> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s; ko_wp_at' live' p s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ex_nonz_cap_to' p s"
by (fastforce simp: if_live_then_nonz_cap'_def)
lemma if_live_then_nonz_capD':
assumes x: "if_live_then_nonz_cap' s" "ko_wp_at' P p s"
assumes y: "\<And>obj. \<lbrakk> P obj; ksPSpace s p = Some obj; is_aligned p (objBitsKO obj) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> live' obj"
shows "ex_nonz_cap_to' p s" using x
by (clarsimp elim!: if_live_then_nonz_capE' y
simp: ko_wp_at'_def)
lemma if_live_state_refsE:
"\<lbrakk> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s;
state_refs_of' s p \<noteq> {} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ex_nonz_cap_to' p s"
by (clarsimp simp: state_refs_of'_def ko_wp_at'_def
split: option.splits split_if_asm
elim!: refs_of_live' if_live_then_nonz_capE')
lemmas ex_cte_cap_to'_def = ex_cte_cap_wp_to'_def
lemma if_unsafe_then_capD':
"\<lbrakk> cte_wp_at' P p s; if_unsafe_then_cap' s; \<And>cte. P cte \<Longrightarrow> cteCap cte \<noteq> NullCap \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ex_cte_cap_to' p s"
unfolding if_unsafe_then_cap'_def
apply (erule allE, erule mp)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemmas valid_cap_simps' =
valid_cap'_def[split_simps capability.split arch_capability.split]
lemma max_ipc_words:
"max_ipc_words = 0x80"
unfolding max_ipc_words_def
by (simp add: msgMaxLength_def msgLengthBits_def msgMaxExtraCaps_def msgExtraCapBits_def capTransferDataSize_def)
lemma valid_objsI' [intro]:
"(\<And>obj x. ksPSpace s x = Some obj \<Longrightarrow> valid_obj' obj s) \<Longrightarrow> valid_objs' s"
unfolding valid_objs'_def by (auto elim: ranE)
lemma valid_objsE' [elim]:
"\<lbrakk> valid_objs' s; ksPSpace s x = Some obj; valid_obj' obj s \<Longrightarrow> R \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
unfolding valid_objs'_def by auto
lemma pspace_distinctD':
"\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s x = Some v; pspace_distinct' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ps_clear x (objBitsKO v) s"
apply (simp add: pspace_distinct'_def)
apply (drule bspec, erule domI)
apply simp
lemma pspace_alignedD':
"\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s x = Some v; pspace_aligned' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> is_aligned x (objBitsKO v)"
apply (simp add: pspace_aligned'_def)
apply (drule bspec, erule domI)
apply simp
lemma next_unfold:
"mdb_next s c =
(case s c of Some cte \<Rightarrow> Some (mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte)) | None \<Rightarrow> None)"
by (simp add: mdb_next_def split: option.split)
"(capClass cap = PhysicalClass) =
(case cap of NullCap \<Rightarrow> False
| DomainCap \<Rightarrow> False
| IRQControlCap \<Rightarrow> False
| IRQHandlerCap irq \<Rightarrow> False
| ReplyCap r m \<Rightarrow> False
| ArchObjectCap ASIDControlCap \<Rightarrow> False
| _ \<Rightarrow> True)"
by (simp split: capability.splits arch_capability.splits zombie_type.splits)
lemma sch_act_sane_not:
"sch_act_sane s = sch_act_not (ksCurThread s) s"
by (auto simp: sch_act_sane_def)
lemma objBits_cte_conv:
"objBits (cte :: cte) = 4"
by (simp add: objBits_def objBitsKO_def wordSizeCase_def word_size)
lemma valid_pde_mapping'_simps[simp]:
"valid_pde_mapping' offset (InvalidPDE) = True"
"valid_pde_mapping' offset (SectionPDE ptr a b c d e w)
= valid_pde_mapping_offset' offset"
"valid_pde_mapping' offset (SuperSectionPDE ptr a' b' c' d' w)
= valid_pde_mapping_offset' offset"
"valid_pde_mapping' offset (PageTablePDE ptr x z'')
= valid_pde_mapping_offset' offset"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_pde_mapping'_def)+
lemmas valid_irq_states'_def = valid_irq_masks'_def
lemma valid_pspaceI' [intro]:
"\<lbrakk>valid_objs' s; pspace_aligned' s; pspace_distinct' s; valid_mdb' s; no_0_obj' s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_pspace' s" unfolding valid_pspace'_def by simp
lemma valid_pspaceE' [elim]:
"\<lbrakk>valid_pspace' s;
\<lbrakk> valid_objs' s; pspace_aligned' s; pspace_distinct' s; no_0_obj' s;
valid_mdb' s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
unfolding valid_pspace'_def by simp
lemma idle'_no_refs:
"valid_idle' s \<Longrightarrow> state_refs_of' s (ksIdleThread s) = {}"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_idle'_def pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def tcb_ntfn_is_bound'_def
projectKO_eq project_inject state_refs_of'_def)
lemma idle'_not_queued':
"\<lbrakk>valid_idle' s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s);
state_refs_of' s ptr = insert t queue \<times> {rt}\<rbrakk>\<Longrightarrow>
ksIdleThread s \<notin> queue"
by (frule idle'_no_refs, fastforce simp: valid_idle'_def sym_refs_def)
lemma idle'_not_queued:
"\<lbrakk>valid_idle' s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s);
state_refs_of' s ptr = queue \<times> {rt}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
ksIdleThread s \<notin> queue"
by (frule idle'_no_refs, fastforce simp: valid_idle'_def sym_refs_def)
lemma obj_at_conj':
"\<lbrakk> obj_at' P p s; obj_at' Q p s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' (\<lambda>k. P k \<and> Q k) p s"
by (auto simp: obj_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at_conj':
"\<lbrakk> pred_tcb_at' proj P t s; pred_tcb_at' proj Q t s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> pred_tcb_at' proj (\<lambda>a. P a \<and> Q a) t s"
apply (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def)
apply (erule (1) obj_at_conj')
lemma obj_at_False' [simp]:
"obj_at' (\<lambda>k. False) t s = False"
by (simp add: obj_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at_False' [simp]:
"pred_tcb_at' proj (\<lambda>st. False) t s = False"
by (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma obj_at'_pspaceI:
"obj_at' t ref s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' t ref s'"
by (auto intro!: projectKO_stateI simp: obj_at'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma cte_wp_at'_pspaceI:
"\<lbrakk>cte_wp_at' P p s; ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' P p s'"
apply (clarsimp simp add: cte_wp_at'_def getObject_def)
apply (drule equalityD2)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad loadObject_cte gets_def
get_def bind_def return_def split_def)
apply (case_tac b)
apply (simp_all add: in_monad typeError_def)
prefer 2
apply (simp add: in_monad return_def alignError_def assert_opt_def
alignCheck_def magnitudeCheck_def when_def bind_def
split: split_if_asm option.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad return_def alignError_def fail_def assert_opt_def
alignCheck_def bind_def when_def
objBits_cte_conv tcbCTableSlot_def tcbVTableSlot_def
split: split_if_asm
dest!: singleton_in_magnitude_check)
lemma valid_untyped'_pspaceI:
"\<lbrakk>ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s'; valid_untyped' d p n idx s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_untyped' d p n idx s'"
by (simp add: valid_untyped'_def ko_wp_at'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma typ_at'_pspaceI:
"typ_at' T p s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> typ_at' T p s'"
by (simp add: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma valid_cap'_pspaceI:
"s \<turnstile>' cap \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> s' \<turnstile>' cap"
unfolding valid_cap'_def
by (cases cap)
(force intro: obj_at'_pspaceI[rotated]
cte_wp_at'_pspaceI valid_untyped'_pspaceI
simp: page_table_at'_def page_directory_at'_def
split: arch_capability.split zombie_type.split option.splits)+
lemma valid_arch_obj'_pspaceI:
"valid_arch_obj' obj s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> valid_arch_obj' obj s'"
apply (cases obj; simp)
apply (rename_tac asidpool)
apply (case_tac asidpool,
auto simp: page_directory_at'_def intro: typ_at'_pspaceI[rotated])[1]
apply (rename_tac pte)
apply (case_tac pte; simp add: valid_mapping'_def)
apply (rename_tac pde)
apply (case_tac pde;
auto simp: page_table_at'_def valid_mapping'_def
intro: typ_at'_pspaceI[rotated])
lemma valid_obj'_pspaceI:
"valid_obj' obj s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> valid_obj' obj s'"
unfolding valid_obj'_def
by (cases obj)
(auto simp: valid_ep'_def valid_ntfn'_def valid_tcb'_def valid_cte'_def
valid_tcb_state'_def valid_arch_obj'_pspaceI valid_bound_tcb'_def
split: Structures_H.endpoint.splits Structures_H.notification.splits
Structures_H.thread_state.splits ntfn.splits option.splits
intro: obj_at'_pspaceI valid_cap'_pspaceI)
lemma valid_objs'_pspaceI:
"\<lbrakk>valid_objs' s; ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> valid_objs' s'"
by (auto simp: valid_objs'_def intro: valid_obj'_pspaceI)
lemma pred_tcb_at'_pspaceI:
"pred_tcb_at' proj P t s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> pred_tcb_at' proj P t s'"
unfolding pred_tcb_at'_def by (fast intro: obj_at'_pspaceI)
lemma valid_mdb'_pspaceI:
"valid_mdb' s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> valid_mdb' s'"
unfolding valid_mdb'_def by simp
lemma state_refs_of'_pspaceI:
"P (state_refs_of' s) \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> P (state_refs_of' s')"
unfolding state_refs_of'_def ps_clear_def by simp
lemma if_live_then_nonz_cap'_pspaceI:
"if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s'"
unfolding if_live_then_nonz_cap'_def ex_nonz_cap_to'_def
apply (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def ps_clear_def)
apply (erule allEI)
apply (fastforce intro: cte_wp_at'_pspaceI)
lemma no_0_obj_pspaceI:
"no_0_obj' s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> no_0_obj' s'"
by (simp add: no_0_obj'_def)
lemma valid_pspace':
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> valid_pspace' s'"
by (auto simp add: valid_pspace'_def valid_objs'_def pspace_aligned'_def
pspace_distinct'_def ps_clear_def no_0_obj'_def ko_wp_at'_def
intro: valid_obj'_pspaceI valid_mdb'_pspaceI)
lemma ex_cte_cap_to_pspaceI'[elim]:
"ex_cte_cap_to' p s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow>
intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s) = intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s')
\<Longrightarrow> ex_cte_cap_to' p s'"
by (fastforce simp: ex_cte_cap_to'_def elim: cte_wp_at'_pspaceI)
lemma ifunsafe_valid_pspaceI'[elim]:
"if_unsafe_then_cap' s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow>
intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s) = intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s')
\<Longrightarrow> if_unsafe_then_cap' s'"
by (fastforce simp: if_unsafe_then_cap'_def intro: cte_wp_at'_pspaceI)
lemma valid_idle'_pspace_itI[elim]:
"\<lbrakk> valid_idle' s; ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s'; ksIdleThread s = ksIdleThread s' \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_idle' s'"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_idle'_def ex_nonz_cap_to'_def)
apply (erule pred_tcb_at'_pspaceI, assumption)
lemma obj_at'_weaken:
assumes x: "obj_at' P t s"
assumes y: "\<And>obj. P obj \<Longrightarrow> P' obj"
shows "obj_at' P' t s"
by (insert x, clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def y)
lemma cte_wp_at_weakenE':
"\<lbrakk>cte_wp_at' P t s; \<And>c. P c \<Longrightarrow> P' c\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' P' t s"
by (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemma obj_at'_weakenE:
"\<lbrakk> obj_at' P p s; \<And>k. P k \<Longrightarrow> P' k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' P' p s"
by (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb'_weakenE:
"\<lbrakk> pred_tcb_at' proj P t s; \<And>st. P st \<Longrightarrow> P' st \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> pred_tcb_at' proj P' t s"
apply (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def)
apply (erule obj_at'_weakenE)
apply clarsimp
lemma lookupBefore_fst_snd:
"lookupBefore x s = Some v \<Longrightarrow> snd v = the (s (fst v))"
by (clarsimp simp add: lookupBefore_def Let_def split: split_if_asm)
lemma lookupBefore_exact2:
"\<lbrakk> lookupBefore x s = Some v; fst v = x \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s x = Some (snd v)"
apply (cases v)
apply (clarsimp simp add: lookupBefore_def Let_def split: split_if_asm)
apply (drule subst[where P="\<lambda>x. x \<in> y" for y, OF _ Max_in])
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
lemma lookupBefore_char:
"(lookupBefore x s = Some (y, v)) = (y \<le> x \<and> s y = Some v \<and> (\<forall>z. z \<le> x \<and> y < z \<longrightarrow> s z = None))"
apply (simp add: lookupBefore_def Let_def cong: conj_cong)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: dom_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule conjE)
apply (frule subst[where P="\<lambda>x. x \<in> y'" for y', OF _ Max_in])
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule ccontr, clarsimp)
apply (subst(asm) Max_less_iff)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply (drule_tac x=z in bspec)
apply fastforce
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (rule order_antisym)
apply (subst Max_le_iff)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply (rule Max_ge)
apply simp
apply fastforce
lemma lookupAround2_char1:
"(fst (lookupAround2 x s) = Some (y, v)) =
(y \<le> x \<and> s y = Some v \<and> (\<forall>z. y < z \<and> z \<le> x \<longrightarrow> s z = None))"
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_def Let_def split_def lookupAround_def
split del: split_if
split: option.split)
apply (intro conjI impI iffI)
apply (clarsimp split: split_if_asm)
apply (rule Max_prop)
apply (simp add: order_less_imp_le)
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp split: split_if_asm)
apply (rule Max_prop)
apply clarsimp
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp split: split_if_asm)
apply (subst(asm) Max_less_iff)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply (fastforce intro: order_neq_le_trans)
apply (clarsimp cong: conj_cong)
apply (rule conjI)
apply fastforce
apply (rule order_antisym)
apply (subst Max_le_iff)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (fastforce simp add: linorder_not_le)
apply (rule Max_ge)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply (intro allI impI iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule spec[where x=x])
apply simp
lemma lookupAround2_None1:
"(fst (lookupAround2 x s) = None) = (\<forall>y \<le> x. s y = None)"
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_def Let_def split_def lookupAround_def
split del: split_if
split: option.split)
apply safe
apply (fastforce split: split_if_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: order_less_imp_le)
apply fastforce
lemma lookupAround2_None2:
"(snd (lookupAround2 x s) = None) = (\<forall>y. x < y \<longrightarrow> s y = None)"
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_def Let_def split_def del: maybe_def
split: option.splits)
apply (simp add: o_def map_option_is_None [where f=fst, unfolded map_option_case])
apply (simp add: lookupAround_def Let_def)
apply fastforce
lemma lookupAround2_char2:
"(snd (lookupAround2 x s) = Some y) = (x < y \<and> s y \<noteq> None \<and> (\<forall>z. x < z \<and> z < y \<longrightarrow> s z = None))"
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_def Let_def split_def o_def
del: maybe_def
split: option.splits)
apply (simp add: o_def map_option_is_None [where f=fst, unfolded map_option_case])
apply (simp add: lookupAround_def Let_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule iffI)
apply (frule subst[where P="\<lambda>x. x \<in> y2" for y2, OF _ Min_in])
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (subst(asm) Min_gr_iff, simp, fastforce, simp(no_asm_use), fastforce)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule order_antisym)
apply (fastforce intro: Min_le)
apply (subst Min_ge_iff)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule ccontr, simp add: linorder_not_le)
lemma ps_clearI:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned p n; (1 :: word32) < 2 ^ n;
\<And>x. \<lbrakk> x > p; x \<le> p + 2 ^ n - 1 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s x = None \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ps_clear p n s"
apply (subgoal_tac "p \<le> p + 1")
apply (simp add: ps_clear_def2)
apply (rule ccontr, erule nonemptyE, clarsimp)
apply (drule minus_one_helper[where x="z + 1" for z])
apply clarsimp
apply simp
apply (erule is_aligned_get_word_bits)
apply (erule(1) is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply simp
lemma ps_clear_lookupAround2:
"\<lbrakk> ps_clear p' n s; ksPSpace s p' = Some x;
p' \<le> p; p \<le> p' + 2 ^ n - 1;
\<lbrakk> fst (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s)) = Some (p', x);
case_option True (\<lambda>x. x - p' >= 2 ^ n) (snd (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s)))
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s))"
apply (drule meta_mp)
apply (cases "fst (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s))")
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_None1)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupAround2_char1)
apply (frule spec[where x=p'])
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less ps_clear_def)
apply (drule_tac f="\<lambda>S. a \<in> S" in arg_cong)
apply (simp add: domI)
apply (frule(1) order_trans, simp)
apply (erule meta_mp)
apply (clarsimp split: option.split)
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupAround2_char2 ps_clear_def)
apply (drule_tac a=x2 in equals0D)
apply (simp add: domI)
apply (subst(asm) order_less_imp_le[OF order_le_less_trans[where y=p]],
assumption, assumption)
apply simp
apply (erule impCE, simp_all)
apply (simp add: linorder_not_le)
apply (subst(asm) add_diff_eq[symmetric],
subst(asm) add.commute,
drule word_l_diffs(2),
fastforce simp only: field_simps)
apply (rule ccontr, simp add: linorder_not_le)
apply (drule minus_one_helper3, fastforce)
lemma in_magnitude_check:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned x n; (1 :: word32) < 2 ^ n; ksPSpace s x = Some y \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
((v, s') \<in> fst (magnitudeCheck x (snd (lookupAround2 x (ksPSpace s))) n s))
= (s' = s \<and> ps_clear x n s)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: magnitudeCheck_def in_monad lookupAround2_None2
split: option.split_asm)
apply (erule(1) ps_clearI)
apply simp
apply (erule(1) ps_clearI)
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less)
apply (drule minus_one_helper[where x="2 ^ n"])
apply (clarsimp simp: power_overflow)
apply (drule word_l_diffs)
apply simp
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule is_aligned_get_word_bits)
apply (erule(1) ps_clear_lookupAround2)
apply simp
apply (simp add: is_aligned_no_overflow)
apply (clarsimp simp add: magnitudeCheck_def in_monad
split: option.split_asm)
apply simp
apply (simp add: power_overflow)
lemma in_magnitude_check3:
"\<lbrakk> \<forall>z. x < z \<and> z \<le> y \<longrightarrow> ksPSpace s z = None; is_aligned x n;
(1 :: word32) < 2 ^ n; ksPSpace s x = Some v; x \<le> y; y - x < 2 ^ n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
fst (magnitudeCheck x (snd (lookupAround2 y (ksPSpace s))) n s)
= (if ps_clear x n s then {((), s)} else {})"
apply (rule set_eqI, rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: magnitudeCheck_def lookupAround2_char2
lookupAround2_None2 in_monad
split: option.split_asm)
apply (drule(1) range_convergence1)
apply (erule(1) ps_clearI)
apply simp
apply (erule is_aligned_get_word_bits)
apply (drule(1) range_convergence2)
apply (erule(1) ps_clearI)
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less)
apply (drule minus_one_helper[where x="2 ^ n" for n], simp)
apply (drule word_l_diffs, simp)
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (simp add: power_overflow)
apply (clarsimp split: split_if_asm)
apply (erule(1) ps_clear_lookupAround2)
apply simp
apply (drule minus_one_helper3[where x="y - x"])
apply (drule word_plus_mono_right[where x=x and y="y - x"])
apply (erule is_aligned_get_word_bits)
apply (simp add: field_simps is_aligned_no_overflow)
apply simp
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (simp add: magnitudeCheck_def return_def
iffD2[OF linorder_not_less] when_def
split: option.split_asm)
lemma in_alignCheck[simp]:
"((v, s') \<in> fst (alignCheck x n s)) = (s' = s \<and> is_aligned x n)"
by (simp add: alignCheck_def in_monad is_aligned_mask[symmetric]
alignError_def conj_comms
cong: conj_cong)
lemma tcb_space_clear:
"\<lbrakk> tcb_cte_cases (y - x) = Some (getF, setF);
is_aligned x 9; ps_clear x 9 s;
ksPSpace s x = Some (KOTCB tcb); ksPSpace s y = Some v;
\<lbrakk> x = y; getF = tcbCTable; setF = tcbCTable_update \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
apply (cases "x = y")
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: ps_clear_def)
apply (drule_tac a=y in equals0D)
apply (simp add: domI)
apply (subgoal_tac "\<exists>z. y = x + z \<and> z < 2 ^ 9")
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (frule(1) is_aligned_no_wrap'[rotated, rotated])
apply (simp add: word_bits_conv)
apply (erule notE, subst field_simps, rule word_plus_mono_right)
apply (drule minus_one_helper3,simp,erule is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply (simp add: word_bits_conv)
apply simp
apply (rule_tac x="y - x" in exI)
apply (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def split: split_if_asm)
lemma tcb_ctes_clear:
"\<lbrakk> tcb_cte_cases (y - x) = Some (getF, setF);
is_aligned x 9; ps_clear x 9 s;
ksPSpace s x = Some (KOTCB tcb) \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<not> ksPSpace s y = Some (KOCTE cte)"
apply clarsimp
apply (erule(4) tcb_space_clear)
apply simp
lemma cte_wp_at_cases':
shows "cte_wp_at' P p s =
((\<exists>cte. ksPSpace s p = Some (KOCTE cte) \<and> is_aligned p cte_level_bits
\<and> P cte \<and> ps_clear p 4 s) \<or>
(\<exists>n tcb getF setF. ksPSpace s (p - n) = Some (KOTCB tcb) \<and> is_aligned (p - n) 9
\<and> tcb_cte_cases n = Some (getF, setF) \<and> P (getF tcb) \<and> ps_clear (p - n) 9 s))"
(is "?LHS = ?RHS")
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at'_def split_def
getObject_def bind_def simpler_gets_def
assert_opt_def return_def fail_def
split: option.splits
del: disjCI)
apply (clarsimp simp: loadObject_cte typeError_def alignError_def
fail_def return_def objBits_simps
is_aligned_mask[symmetric] alignCheck_def
tcbVTableSlot_def field_simps tcbCTableSlot_def
tcbReplySlot_def tcbCallerSlot_def
cte_level_bits_def Ball_def
unless_def when_def bind_def
split: kernel_object.splits split_if_asm option.splits
del: disjCI)
apply (subst(asm) in_magnitude_check3, simp+,
simp split: split_if_asm, (rule disjI2)?, intro exI, rule conjI,
erule rsubst[where P="\<lambda>x. ksPSpace s x = v" for s v],
fastforce simp add: field_simps, simp)+
apply (subst(asm) in_magnitude_check3, simp+)
apply (simp split: split_if_asm)
apply (simp add: cte_wp_at'_def getObject_def split_def
bind_def simpler_gets_def return_def
assert_opt_def fail_def
split: option.splits)
apply (elim disjE conjE exE)
apply (erule(1) ps_clear_lookupAround2)
apply simp
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (erule is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply (simp add: cte_level_bits_def word_bits_conv)
apply (simp add: cte_level_bits_def)
apply (simp add: loadObject_cte unless_def alignCheck_def
is_aligned_mask[symmetric] objBits_simps
cte_level_bits_def magnitudeCheck_def
return_def fail_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def return_def when_def fail_def
split: option.splits)
apply simp
apply (erule(1) ps_clear_lookupAround2)
prefer 3
apply (simp add: loadObject_cte unless_def alignCheck_def
is_aligned_mask[symmetric] objBits_simps
cte_level_bits_def magnitudeCheck_def
return_def fail_def tcbCTableSlot_def tcbVTableSlot_def
tcbIPCBufferSlot_def tcbReplySlot_def tcbCallerSlot_def
split: option.split_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def tcb_cte_cases_def split: split_if_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def tcb_cte_cases_def iffD2[OF linorder_not_less]
when_False return_def
split: split_if_asm)
apply (subgoal_tac "p - n \<le> (p - n) + n", simp)
apply (erule is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply (simp add: word_bits_conv)
apply (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def split: split_if_asm)
apply (subgoal_tac "(p - n) + n \<le> (p - n) + 511")
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (rule word_plus_mono_right)
apply (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def split: split_if_asm)
apply (erule is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply simp
lemma tcb_at_cte_at':
"tcb_at' t s \<Longrightarrow> cte_at' t s"
apply (clarsimp simp add: cte_wp_at_cases' obj_at'_def projectKO_def
del: disjCI)
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (simp_all add: projectKO_opt_tcb fail_def)
apply (rule exI[where x=0])
apply (clarsimp simp add: return_def objBits_simps)
lemma cte_wp_atE' [consumes 1, case_names CTE TCB]:
assumes cte: "cte_wp_at' P ptr s"
and r1: "\<And>cte.
\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s ptr = Some (KOCTE cte); ps_clear ptr cte_level_bits s;
is_aligned ptr cte_level_bits; P cte \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
and r2: "\<And> tcb ptr' getF setF.
\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s ptr' = Some (KOTCB tcb); ps_clear ptr' 9 s; is_aligned ptr' 9;
tcb_cte_cases (ptr - ptr') = Some (getF, setF); P (getF tcb) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
shows "R"
by (rule disjE [OF iffD1 [OF cte_wp_at_cases' cte]])
(auto intro: r1 r2 simp: cte_level_bits_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_cteI':
assumes "ksPSpace s ptr = Some (KOCTE cte)"
assumes "is_aligned ptr cte_level_bits"
assumes "ps_clear ptr cte_level_bits s"
assumes "P cte"
shows "cte_wp_at' P ptr s"
using assms by (simp add: cte_wp_at_cases' cte_level_bits_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_tcbI':
assumes "ksPSpace s ptr' = Some (KOTCB tcb)"
assumes "is_aligned ptr' 9"
assumes "ps_clear ptr' 9 s"
and "tcb_cte_cases (ptr - ptr') = Some (getF, setF)"
and "P (getF tcb)"
shows "cte_wp_at' P ptr s"
using assms
apply (simp add: cte_wp_at_cases')
apply (rule disjI2, rule exI[where x="ptr - ptr'"])
apply simp
lemma obj_at_ko_at':
"obj_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko. ko_at' ko p s \<and> P ko"
by (auto simp add: obj_at'_def)
lemma obj_at_aligned':
fixes P :: "('a :: pspace_storable) \<Rightarrow> bool"
assumes oat: "obj_at' P p s"
and oab: "\<And>(v :: 'a) (v' :: 'a). objBits v = objBits v'"
shows "is_aligned p (objBits (obj :: 'a))"
using oat
apply (clarsimp simp add: obj_at'_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: projectKO_def fail_def return_def
project_inject objBits_def[symmetric]
split: option.splits)
apply (erule subst[OF oab])
(* locateSlot *)
lemma locateSlot_conv:
"locateSlotBasic A B = return (A + 2 ^ cte_level_bits * B)"
"locateSlotTCB = locateSlotBasic"
"locateSlotCNode A bits B = (do
x \<leftarrow> stateAssert (\<lambda>s. case (gsCNodes s A) of None \<Rightarrow> False | Some n \<Rightarrow> n = bits \<and> B < 2 ^ n) [];
locateSlotBasic A B od)"
"locateSlotCap c B = (do
x \<leftarrow> stateAssert (\<lambda>s. ((isCNodeCap c \<or> (isZombie c \<and> capZombieType c \<noteq> ZombieTCB))
\<and> (case gsCNodes s (capUntypedPtr c) of None \<Rightarrow> False
| Some n \<Rightarrow> (isCNodeCap c \<and> n = capCNodeBits c
\<or> isZombie c \<and> n = zombieCTEBits (capZombieType c)) \<and> B < 2 ^ n))
\<or> isThreadCap c \<or> (isZombie c \<and> capZombieType c = ZombieTCB)) [];
locateSlotBasic (capUntypedPtr c) B od)"
apply (simp_all add: locateSlotCap_def locateSlotTCB_def fun_eq_iff)
apply (simp add: locateSlotBasic_def objBits_simps cte_level_bits_def)
apply (simp add: locateSlotCNode_def stateAssert_def)
apply (cases c, simp_all add: locateSlotCNode_def isZombie_def isThreadCap_def
isCNodeCap_def capUntypedPtr_def stateAssert_def
bind_assoc exec_get locateSlotTCB_def
split: zombie_type.split)
lemma typ_at_tcb':
"typ_at' TCBT = tcb_at'"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def)
apply (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_tcb)[8]
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_tcb)
lemma typ_at_ep:
"typ_at' EndpointT = ep_at'"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def)
apply (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_ep)[8]
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_ep)
lemma typ_at_ntfn:
"typ_at' NotificationT = ntfn_at'"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def)
apply (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_ntfn)[7]
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_ntfn)
lemma typ_at_cte:
"typ_at' CTET = real_cte_at'"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def)
apply (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_cte)[7]
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_cte)
lemma cte_at_typ':
"cte_at' c = (\<lambda>s. typ_at' CTET c s \<or> (\<exists>n. typ_at' TCBT (c - n) s \<and> n \<in> dom tcb_cte_cases))"
proof -
have P: "\<And>ko. (koTypeOf ko = CTET) = (\<exists>cte. ko = KOCTE cte)"
"\<And>ko. (koTypeOf ko = TCBT) = (\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb)"
by (case_tac ko, simp_all)+
have Q: "\<And>P f. (\<exists>x. (\<exists>y. x = f y) \<and> P x) = (\<exists>y. P (f y))"
by fastforce
show ?thesis
by (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at_cases' obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def
ko_wp_at'_def objBits_simps P Q conj_comms cte_level_bits_def)
lemma typ_at_lift_tcb':
"\<lbrace>typ_at' TCBT p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' TCBT p\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>tcb_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. tcb_at' p\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: typ_at_tcb')
lemma typ_at_lift_ep':
"\<lbrace>typ_at' EndpointT p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' EndpointT p\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>ep_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. ep_at' p\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: typ_at_ep)
lemma typ_at_lift_ntfn':
"\<lbrace>typ_at' NotificationT p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' NotificationT p\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>ntfn_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. ntfn_at' p\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: typ_at_ntfn)
lemma typ_at_lift_cte':
"\<lbrace>typ_at' CTET p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' CTET p\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>real_cte_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. real_cte_at' p\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: typ_at_cte)
lemma typ_at_lift_cte_at':
assumes x: "\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>cte_at' c\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. cte_at' c\<rbrace>"
apply (simp only: cte_at_typ')
apply (wp hoare_vcg_disj_lift hoare_vcg_ex_lift x)
lemma typ_at_lift_page_directory_at':
assumes x: "\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>page_directory_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. page_directory_at' p\<rbrace>"
unfolding page_directory_at'_def All_less_Ball
by (wp hoare_vcg_const_Ball_lift x)
lemma typ_at_lift_page_table_at':
assumes x: "\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>page_table_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. page_table_at' p\<rbrace>"
unfolding page_table_at'_def All_less_Ball
by (wp hoare_vcg_const_Ball_lift x)
lemma ko_wp_typ_at':
"ko_wp_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>T. typ_at' T p s"
by (clarsimp simp: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def)
lemma koType_obj_range':
"koTypeOf k = koTypeOf k' \<Longrightarrow> obj_range' p k = obj_range' p k'"
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (simp add: obj_range'_def objBitsKO_def archObjSize_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_object.splits)
lemma typ_at_lift_valid_untyped':
assumes P: "\<And>T p. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<not>typ_at' T p s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. \<not>typ_at' T p s\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_untyped' d p n idx s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. valid_untyped' d p n idx s\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_untyped'_def split del:split_if)
apply (rule hoare_vcg_all_lift)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_def split del:split_if)
apply (frule ko_wp_typ_at')
apply clarsimp
apply (cut_tac T=T and p=ptr' in P)
apply (simp add: valid_def)
apply (erule_tac x=s in allE)
apply (erule impE)
prefer 2
apply (drule (1) bspec)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def simp del:atLeastAtMost_iff)
apply (elim disjE)
apply (clarsimp simp:psubset_eq simp del:atLeastAtMost_iff)
apply (drule_tac p=ptr' in koType_obj_range')
apply (erule impE)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (drule_tac p = ptr' in koType_obj_range')
apply (clarsimp split:if_splits)
declare capability.splits[split del]
lemma typ_at_lift_valid_cap':
assumes P: "\<And>P T p. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_cap' cap s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. valid_cap' cap s\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: valid_cap'_def)
apply wp
apply (case_tac cap;
simp add: valid_cap'_def P [where P=id, simplified] typ_at_lift_tcb'
hoare_vcg_prop typ_at_lift_ep'
typ_at_lift_ntfn' typ_at_lift_cte_at'
hoare_vcg_conj_lift [OF typ_at_lift_cte_at'])
apply (rename_tac zombie_type nat)
apply (case_tac zombie_type; simp)
apply (wp typ_at_lift_tcb' P hoare_vcg_all_lift typ_at_lift_cte')
apply (rename_tac arch_capability)
apply (case_tac arch_capability,
simp_all add: P [where P=id, simplified] page_table_at'_def
hoare_vcg_prop page_directory_at'_def All_less_Ball)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_const_Ball_lift P)
apply (wp typ_at_lift_valid_untyped' [OF P])
apply (wp hoare_vcg_all_lift typ_at_lift_cte' P)
lemma typ_at_lift_asid_at':
"(\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>) \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>asid_pool_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. asid_pool_at' p\<rbrace>"
by simp
lemma typ_at_lift_valid_irq_node':
assumes P: "\<And>P T p. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>valid_irq_node' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_irq_node' p\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: valid_irq_node'_def)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_all_lift P typ_at_lift_cte')
lemma valid_pde_lift':
assumes x: "\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_pde' pde s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. valid_pde' pde s\<rbrace>"
by (cases pde) (simp add: valid_mapping'_def|wp x typ_at_lift_page_table_at')+
lemma valid_pte_lift':
assumes x: "\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_pte' pte s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. valid_pte' pte s\<rbrace>"
by (cases pte) (simp add: valid_mapping'_def|wp x typ_at_lift_page_directory_at')+
lemma valid_asid_pool_lift':
assumes x: "\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_asid_pool' ap s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. valid_asid_pool' ap s\<rbrace>"
by (cases ap) (simp|wp x typ_at_lift_page_directory_at' hoare_vcg_const_Ball_lift)+
lemma valid_bound_tcb_lift:
"(\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>) \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>valid_bound_tcb' tcb\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_bound_tcb' tcb\<rbrace>"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_tcb'_def valid_def typ_at_tcb'[symmetric] split: option.splits)
lemmas typ_at_lifts = typ_at_lift_tcb' typ_at_lift_ep'
typ_at_lift_ntfn' typ_at_lift_cte'
lemma mdb_next_unfold:
"s \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c' = (\<exists>z. s c = Some z \<and> c' = mdbNext (cteMDBNode z))"
by (auto simp add: mdb_next_rel_def mdb_next_def)
lemma valid_dlist_prevD:
"\<lbrakk> valid_dlist m; c \<noteq> 0; c' \<noteq> 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c' = m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'"
by (fastforce simp add: valid_dlist_def Let_def mdb_next_unfold mdb_prev_def)
lemma no_0_simps [simp]:
assumes "no_0 m"
shows "((m 0 = Some cte) = False) \<and> ((Some cte = m 0) = False)"
using assms by (simp add: no_0_def)
lemma valid_dlist_def2:
"no_0 m \<Longrightarrow> valid_dlist m = (\<forall>c c'. c \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> c' \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c' = m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c')"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: valid_dlist_prevD)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_dlist_def Let_def mdb_next_unfold mdb_prev_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "p\<noteq>0")
prefer 2
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule_tac x="mdbPrev (cteMDBNode cte)" in allE)
apply simp
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)
apply clarsimp
apply clarsimp
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)
apply simp
apply (erule_tac x="mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte)" in allE)
apply clarsimp
lemma valid_dlist_def3:
"valid_dlist m = ((\<forall>c c'. m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c' \<longrightarrow> c' \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c') \<and>
(\<forall>c c'. m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c' \<longrightarrow> c \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'))"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: valid_dlist_def Let_def mdb_next_unfold mdb_prev_def)
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp simp add: valid_dlist_def Let_def mdb_next_unfold mdb_prev_def)
apply fastforce
lemma vdlist_prevD:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'; m c = Some cte; valid_dlist m; no_0 m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'"
by (fastforce simp: valid_dlist_def3)
lemma vdlist_nextD:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'; m c' = Some cte; valid_dlist m; no_0 m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'"
by (fastforce simp: valid_dlist_def3)
lemma vdlist_prevD0:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'; c \<noteq> 0; valid_dlist m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'"
by (fastforce simp: valid_dlist_def3)
lemma vdlist_nextD0:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'; c' \<noteq> 0; valid_dlist m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'"
by (fastforce simp: valid_dlist_def3)
lemma vdlist_prev_src_unique:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> p \<leftarrow> x; m \<turnstile> p \<leftarrow> y; p \<noteq> 0; valid_dlist m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x = y"
by (drule (2) vdlist_prevD0)+ (clarsimp simp: mdb_next_unfold)
lemma vdlist_next_src_unique:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto> p; m \<turnstile> y \<leadsto> p; p \<noteq> 0; valid_dlist m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x = y"
by (drule (2) vdlist_nextD0)+ (clarsimp simp: mdb_prev_def)
lemma cte_at_cte_wp_atD:
"cte_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>cte. cte_wp_at' (op = cte) p s"
by (clarsimp simp add: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemma cte_at_cte_wp_atE:
"\<lbrakk> cte_at' p s; \<And>cte. cte_wp_at' (op = cte) p s \<Longrightarrow> P \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (blast dest: cte_at_cte_wp_atD)
lemma valid_pspace_no_0 [elim]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> no_0 (ctes_of s)"
by (auto simp: valid_pspace'_def valid_mdb'_def valid_mdb_ctes_def)
lemma valid_pspace_dlist [elim]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_dlist (ctes_of s)"
by (auto simp: valid_pspace'_def valid_mdb'_def valid_mdb_ctes_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_conj':
"\<lbrakk> cte_wp_at' P p s; cte_wp_at' Q p s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' (P and Q) p s"
by (fastforce simp add: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemma next_rtrancl_tranclE [consumes 1, case_names eq trancl]:
assumes major: "m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto>\<^sup>* y"
and r1: "x = y \<Longrightarrow> P"
and r2: "\<lbrakk> x \<noteq> y; m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ y \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
shows "P"
using major
by (auto dest: rtranclD intro: r1 r2)
lemmas trancl_induct' [induct set] = trancl_induct [consumes 1, case_names base step]
lemma next_single_value:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto> y; m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto> z \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> y = z"
unfolding mdb_next_rel_def by simp
lemma loop_split:
assumes loop: "m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c"
and split: "m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c'"
shows "m \<turnstile> c' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c"
using split loop
proof induct
case base
thus ?case
by (auto dest: next_single_value elim: tranclE2)
case (step y z)
hence "m \<turnstile> y \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c" by simp
hence "m \<turnstile> z \<leadsto>\<^sup>* c" using step.hyps
by (auto dest: next_single_value elim: tranclE2 intro: trancl_into_rtrancl)
thus ?case using step.prems
by (cases rule: next_rtrancl_tranclE, simp_all)
lemma no_0_lhs:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> y; no_0 m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> c \<noteq> 0"
unfolding no_0_def
by (erule contrapos_pn, simp add: mdb_next_unfold)
lemma no_0_lhs_trancl:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ y; no_0 m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> c \<noteq> 0"
by (erule tranclE2, (rule no_0_lhs, simp_all)+)
lemma mdb_chain_0_no_loops:
assumes asm: "mdb_chain_0 m"
and no0: "no_0 m"
shows "no_loops m"
proof -
fix c
assume mc: "m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c"
with asm have "m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ 0"
unfolding mdb_chain_0_def
apply -
apply (erule bspec, erule tranclE2)
apply (auto intro: domI simp: mdb_next_unfold)
with mc have "m \<turnstile> 0 \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c" by (rule loop_split)
hence False using no0
by (clarsimp dest!: no_0_lhs_trancl)
thus "no_loops m" unfolding no_loops_def by auto
lemma valid_mdb_ctesE [elim]:
"\<lbrakk>valid_mdb_ctes m;
\<lbrakk> valid_dlist m; no_0 m; mdb_chain_0 m; valid_badges m;
caps_contained' m; mdb_chunked m; untyped_mdb' m;
untyped_inc' m; valid_nullcaps m; ut_revocable' m;
class_links m; distinct_zombies m; irq_control m;
reply_masters_rvk_fb m \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
unfolding valid_mdb_ctes_def by auto
lemma valid_mdb_ctesI [intro]:
"\<lbrakk>valid_dlist m; no_0 m; mdb_chain_0 m; valid_badges m;
caps_contained' m; mdb_chunked m; untyped_mdb' m;
untyped_inc' m; valid_nullcaps m; ut_revocable' m;
class_links m; distinct_zombies m; irq_control m;
reply_masters_rvk_fb m \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_mdb_ctes m"
unfolding valid_mdb_ctes_def by auto
lemma mdb_next_fold:
"(m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto> c) = (mdb_next m p = Some c)"
unfolding mdb_next_rel_def
by simp
locale PSpace_update_eq =
fixes f :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> kernel_state"
assumes pspace: "ksPSpace (f s) = ksPSpace s"
lemma state_refs_of'_eq[iff]:
"state_refs_of' (f s) = state_refs_of' s"
by (rule state_refs_of'_pspaceI [OF _ pspace], rule refl)
lemma valid_space_update [iff]:
"valid_pspace' (f s) = valid_pspace' s"
by (fastforce simp: valid_pspace' pspace)
lemma obj_at_update [iff]:
"obj_at' P p (f s) = obj_at' P p s"
by (fastforce intro: obj_at'_pspaceI simp: pspace)
lemma ko_wp_at_update [iff]:
"ko_wp_at' P p (f s) = ko_wp_at' P p s"
by (simp add: pspace ko_wp_at'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_update [iff]:
"cte_wp_at' P p (f s) = cte_wp_at' P p s"
by (fastforce intro: cte_wp_at'_pspaceI simp: pspace)
lemma ex_nonz_cap_to_eq'[iff]:
"ex_nonz_cap_to' p (f s) = ex_nonz_cap_to' p s"
by (simp add: ex_nonz_cap_to'_def)
lemma iflive_update [iff]:
"if_live_then_nonz_cap' (f s) = if_live_then_nonz_cap' s"
by (simp add: if_live_then_nonz_cap'_def ex_nonz_cap_to'_def)
lemma valid_objs_update [iff]:
"valid_objs' (f s) = valid_objs' s"
apply (simp add: valid_objs'_def pspace)
apply (fastforce intro: valid_obj'_pspaceI simp: pspace)
lemma pspace_aligned_update [iff]:
"pspace_aligned' (f s) = pspace_aligned' s"
by (simp add: pspace pspace_aligned'_def)
lemma pspace_distinct_update [iff]:
"pspace_distinct' (f s) = pspace_distinct' s"
by (simp add: pspace pspace_distinct'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at_update [iff]:
"pred_tcb_at' proj P p (f s) = pred_tcb_at' proj P p s"
by (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def)
lemma valid_cap_update [iff]:
"(f s) \<turnstile>' c = s \<turnstile>' c"
by (auto intro: valid_cap'_pspaceI simp: pspace)
lemma typ_at_update' [iff]:
"typ_at' T p (f s) = typ_at' T p s"
by (simp add: typ_at'_def)
lemma valid_asid_table_update' [iff]:
"valid_asid_table' t (f s) = valid_asid_table' t s"
by (simp add: valid_asid_table'_def)
lemma page_table_at_update' [iff]:
"page_table_at' p (f s) = page_table_at' p s"
by (simp add: page_table_at'_def)
lemma page_directory_at_update' [iff]:
"page_directory_at' p (f s) = page_directory_at' p s"
by (simp add: page_directory_at'_def)
lemma valid_global_pts_update' [iff]:
"valid_global_pts' pts (f s) = valid_global_pts' pts s"
by (simp add: valid_global_pts'_def)
lemma no_0_obj'_update [iff]:
"no_0_obj' (f s) = no_0_obj' s"
by (simp add: no_0_obj'_def pspace)
lemma valid_pde_mappings'_update [iff]:
"valid_pde_mappings' (f s) = valid_pde_mappings' s"
by (simp add: valid_pde_mappings'_def)
lemma pointerInUserData_update[iff]:
"pointerInUserData p (f s) = pointerInUserData p s"
by (simp add: pointerInUserData_def)
lemma pspace_domain_valid_update [iff]:
"pspace_domain_valid (f s) = pspace_domain_valid s"
by (simp add: pspace_domain_valid_def pspace)
locale Arch_Idle_update_eq =
fixes f :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> kernel_state"
assumes arch: "ksArchState (f s) = ksArchState s"
assumes idle: "ksIdleThread (f s) = ksIdleThread s"
assumes int_nd: "intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState (f s))
= intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s)"
assumes maxObj: "gsMaxObjectSize (f s) = gsMaxObjectSize s"
lemma global_refs_update' [iff]:
"global_refs' (f s) = global_refs' s"
by (simp add: global_refs'_def arch idle int_nd)
locale P_Arch_Idle_update_eq = PSpace_update_eq + Arch_Idle_update_eq
lemma valid_global_refs_update' [iff]:
"valid_global_refs' (f s) = valid_global_refs' s"
by (simp add: valid_global_refs'_def pspace arch idle maxObj)
lemma valid_arch_state_update' [iff]:
"valid_arch_state' (f s) = valid_arch_state' s"
by (simp add: valid_arch_state'_def arch)
lemma valid_idle_update' [iff]:
"valid_idle' (f s) = valid_idle' s"
by (auto simp: pspace idle)
lemma ifunsafe_update [iff]:
"if_unsafe_then_cap' (f s) = if_unsafe_then_cap' s"
by (simp add: if_unsafe_then_cap'_def ex_cte_cap_to'_def int_nd)
locale Int_update_eq =
fixes f :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> kernel_state"
assumes int: "ksInterruptState (f s) = ksInterruptState s"
lemma irqs_masked_update [iff]:
"irqs_masked' (f s) = irqs_masked' s"
by (simp add: irqs_masked'_def int)
lemma irq_issued_update'[iff]:
"irq_issued' irq (f s) = irq_issued' irq s"
by (simp add: irq_issued'_def int)
locale P_Cur_update_eq = PSpace_update_eq +
assumes curt: "ksCurThread (f s) = ksCurThread s"
assumes curd: "ksCurDomain (f s) = ksCurDomain s"
lemma sch_act_wf[iff]:
"sch_act_wf ks (f s) = sch_act_wf ks s"
apply (cases ks)
apply (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def st_tcb_at'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def curt curd)
locale P_Int_update_eq = PSpace_update_eq + Int_update_eq
lemma valid_irq_handlers_update'[iff]:
"valid_irq_handlers' (f s) = valid_irq_handlers' s"
by (simp add: valid_irq_handlers'_def cteCaps_of_def pspace)
locale P_Int_Cur_update_eq =
P_Int_update_eq + P_Cur_update_eq
locale P_Arch_Idle_Int_update_eq =
P_Arch_Idle_update_eq + P_Int_update_eq
locale P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq =
P_Arch_Idle_Int_update_eq + P_Cur_update_eq
interpretation sa_update:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksSchedulerAction_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ready_queue_update:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksReadyQueues_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ready_queue_bitmap1_update:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksReadyQueuesL1Bitmap_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ready_queue_bitmap2_update:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksReadyQueuesL2Bitmap_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation cur_thread_update':
P_Arch_Idle_Int_update_eq "ksCurThread_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation machine_state_update':
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksMachineState_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation interrupt_state_update':
P_Cur_update_eq "ksInterruptState_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation idle_update':
P_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksIdleThread_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation arch_state_update':
P_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksArchState_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation wu_update':
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksWorkUnitsCompleted_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation gsCNodes_update: P_Arch_Idle_update_eq "gsCNodes_update f"
by unfold_locales simp_all
interpretation gsUserPages_update: P_Arch_Idle_update_eq "gsUserPages_update f"
by unfold_locales simp_all
lemma ko_wp_at_aligned:
"ko_wp_at' (op = ko) p s \<Longrightarrow> is_aligned p (objBitsKO ko)"
by (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
interpretation ksCurDomain:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_update_eq "ksCurDomain_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ksDomScheduleIdx:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksDomScheduleIdx_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ksDomSchedule:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksDomSchedule_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ksDomainTime:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksDomainTime_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
lemma ko_wp_at_norm:
"ko_wp_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko. P ko \<and> ko_wp_at' (op = ko) p s"
by (auto simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
lemma valid_mdb'_queues [iff]:
"valid_mdb' (ksReadyQueues_update f s) = valid_mdb' s"
by (simp add: valid_mdb'_def)
lemma valid_mdb_machine_state [iff]:
"valid_mdb' (ksMachineState_update f s) = valid_mdb' s"
by (simp add: valid_mdb'_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_norm':
"cte_wp_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>cte. cte_wp_at' (op = cte) p s \<and> P cte"
by (simp add: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at'_disj:
"(pred_tcb_at' proj P t s \<or> pred_tcb_at' proj Q t s) = pred_tcb_at' proj (\<lambda>a. P a \<or> Q a) t s"
by (fastforce simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at' [elim!]:
"pred_tcb_at' proj P t s \<Longrightarrow> tcb_at' t s"
by (auto simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma valid_pspace_mdb' [elim!]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_mdb' s"
by (simp add: valid_pspace'_def)
lemmas hoare_use_eq_irq_node' = hoare_use_eq[where f=irq_node']
lemma ex_cte_cap_to'_pres:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>P p. \<lbrace>cte_wp_at' P p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. cte_wp_at' P p\<rbrace>;
\<And>P. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (irq_node' s)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_node' s)\<rbrace> \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P p\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: ex_cte_cap_wp_to'_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (erule hoare_use_eq_irq_node')
apply (rule hoare_vcg_ex_lift)
apply assumption
apply simp
lemma page_directory_pde_atI':
"\<lbrakk> page_directory_at' p s; x < 2 ^ pageBits \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> pde_at' (p + (x << 2)) s"
by (simp add: page_directory_at'_def pageBits_def)
lemma page_table_pte_atI':
"\<lbrakk> page_table_at' p s; x < 2^(ptBits - 2) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> pte_at' (p + (x << 2)) s"
by (simp add: page_table_at'_def pageBits_def ptBits_def)
lemma valid_global_refsD':
"\<lbrakk> ctes_of s p = Some cte; valid_global_refs' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
kernel_data_refs \<inter> capRange (cteCap cte) = {} \<and> global_refs' s \<subseteq> kernel_data_refs"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_global_refs'_def valid_refs'_def ran_def) blast
lemma no_0_prev:
"no_0 m \<Longrightarrow> \<not> m \<turnstile> p \<leftarrow> 0"
by (simp add: mdb_prev_def)
lemma ut_revocableD':
"\<lbrakk>m p = Some (CTE cap n); isUntypedCap cap; ut_revocable' m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> mdbRevocable n"
unfolding ut_revocable'_def by blast
lemma nullcapsD':
"\<lbrakk>m p = Some (CTE NullCap n); valid_nullcaps m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> n = nullMDBNode"
unfolding valid_nullcaps_def by blast
lemma untyped_mdbD':
"\<lbrakk>m p = Some (CTE c n); isUntypedCap c;
m p' = Some (CTE c' n'); \<not>isUntypedCap c';
capRange c' \<inter> untypedRange c \<noteq> {}; untyped_mdb' m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
p' \<in> descendants_of' p m"
unfolding untyped_mdb'_def by blast
lemma untyped_incD':
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE c n); isUntypedCap c;
m p' = Some (CTE c' n'); isUntypedCap c'; untyped_inc' m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(untypedRange c \<subseteq> untypedRange c' \<or> untypedRange c' \<subseteq> untypedRange c \<or> untypedRange c \<inter> untypedRange c' = {}) \<and>
(untypedRange c \<subset> untypedRange c' \<longrightarrow> (p \<in> descendants_of' p' m \<and> untypedRange c \<inter> usableUntypedRange c' = {})) \<and>
(untypedRange c' \<subset> untypedRange c \<longrightarrow> (p' \<in> descendants_of' p m \<and> untypedRange c' \<inter> usableUntypedRange c = {})) \<and>
(untypedRange c = untypedRange c' \<longrightarrow> (p' \<in> descendants_of' p m \<and> usableUntypedRange c = {}
\<or> p \<in> descendants_of' p' m \<and> usableUntypedRange c' = {} \<or> p = p'))"
unfolding untyped_inc'_def
apply (drule_tac x = p in spec)
apply (drule_tac x = p' in spec)
apply (elim allE impE)
apply simp+
lemma caps_containedD':
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE c n); m p' = Some (CTE c' n');
\<not> isUntypedCap c'; capRange c' \<inter> untypedRange c \<noteq> {};
caps_contained' m\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> capRange c' \<subseteq> untypedRange c"
unfolding caps_contained'_def by blast
lemma class_linksD:
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some cte; m p' = Some cte'; m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto> p'; class_links m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
capClass (cteCap cte) = capClass (cteCap cte')"
using class_links_def by blast
lemma mdb_chunkedD:
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE cap n); m p' = Some (CTE cap' n');
sameRegionAs cap cap'; p \<noteq> p'; mdb_chunked m \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p' \<or> m \<turnstile> p' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p) \<and>
(m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p' \<longrightarrow> is_chunk m cap p p') \<and>
(m \<turnstile> p' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p \<longrightarrow> is_chunk m cap' p' p)"
using mdb_chunked_def by blast
lemma irq_controlD:
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n); m p' = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n');
irq_control m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> p' = p"
unfolding irq_control_def by blast
lemma irq_revocable:
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n); irq_control m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> mdbRevocable n"
unfolding irq_control_def by blast
lemma sch_act_wf_arch [simp]:
"sch_act_wf sa (ksArchState_update f s) = sch_act_wf sa s"
by (cases sa) (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def)
lemma valid_queues_arch [simp]:
"valid_queues (ksArchState_update f s) = valid_queues s"
by (simp add: valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def bitmapQ_defs)
lemma if_unsafe_then_cap_arch' [simp]:
"if_unsafe_then_cap' (ksArchState_update f s) = if_unsafe_then_cap' s"
by (simp add: if_unsafe_then_cap'_def ex_cte_cap_to'_def)
lemma valid_idle_arch' [simp]:
"valid_idle' (ksArchState_update f s) = valid_idle' s"
by (simp add: valid_idle'_def)
lemma valid_irq_node_arch' [simp]:
"valid_irq_node' w (ksArchState_update f s) = valid_irq_node' w s"
by (simp add: valid_irq_node'_def)
lemma sch_act_wf_machine_state [simp]:
"sch_act_wf sa (ksMachineState_update f s) = sch_act_wf sa s"
by (cases sa) (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def)
lemma valid_queues_machine_state [simp]:
"valid_queues (ksMachineState_update f s) = valid_queues s"
by (simp add: valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def bitmapQ_defs)
lemma valid_queues_arch' [simp]:
"valid_queues' (ksArchState_update f s) = valid_queues' s"
by (simp add: valid_queues'_def)
lemma valid_queues_machine_state' [simp]:
"valid_queues' (ksMachineState_update f s) = valid_queues' s"
by (simp add: valid_queues'_def)
lemma valid_irq_node'_machine_state [simp]:
"valid_irq_node' x (ksMachineState_update f s) = valid_irq_node' x s"
by (simp add: valid_irq_node'_def)
(* these should be reasonable safe for automation because of the 0 pattern *)
lemma no_0_ko_wp' [elim!]:
"\<lbrakk> ko_wp_at' Q 0 s; no_0_obj' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def no_0_obj'_def)
lemma no_0_obj_at' [elim!]:
"\<lbrakk> obj_at' Q 0 s; no_0_obj' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (simp add: obj_at'_def no_0_obj'_def)
lemma no_0_typ_at' [elim!]:
"\<lbrakk> typ_at' T 0 s; no_0_obj' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (clarsimp simp: typ_at'_def)
lemma no_0_ko_wp'_eq [simp]:
"no_0_obj' s \<Longrightarrow> ko_wp_at' P 0 s = False"
by (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def no_0_obj'_def)
lemma no_0_obj_at'_eq [simp]:
"no_0_obj' s \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' P 0 s = False"
by (simp add: obj_at'_def no_0_obj'_def)
lemma no_0_typ_at'_eq [simp]:
"no_0_obj' s \<Longrightarrow> typ_at' P 0 s = False"
by (simp add: typ_at'_def)
lemma valid_pspace_valid_objs'[elim!]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_objs' s"
by (simp add: valid_pspace'_def)
declare badgeBits_def [simp]
lemma ex_cte_cap_to'_pres_asm:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>P p. \<lbrace>cte_wp_at' P p and Q\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. cte_wp_at' P p\<rbrace>;
\<And>P. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (irq_node' s)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_node' s)\<rbrace> \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P p and Q\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P p\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: ex_cte_cap_to'_def pred_conj_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre, erule hoare_use_eq_irq_node')
apply (rule hoare_vcg_ex_lift, assumption)
apply simp
lemma simple_sane_strg:
"sch_act_simple s \<longrightarrow> sch_act_sane s"
by (simp add: sch_act_sane_def sch_act_simple_def)
lemma sch_act_wf_cases:
"sch_act_wf action = (case action of
ResumeCurrentThread \<Rightarrow> ct_in_state' activatable'
| ChooseNewThread \<Rightarrow> \<top>
| SwitchToThread t \<Rightarrow> \<lambda>s. st_tcb_at' runnable' t s \<and> tcb_in_cur_domain' t s)"
by (cases action) auto
lemma (in PSpace_update_eq) cteCaps_of_update[iff]: "cteCaps_of (f s) = cteCaps_of s"
by (simp add: cteCaps_of_def pspace)
lemma vms_sch_act_update'[iff]:
"valid_machine_state' (ksSchedulerAction_update f s) =
valid_machine_state' s"
by (simp add: valid_machine_state'_def )
lemma objBitsT_simps:
"objBitsT EndpointT = 4"
"objBitsT NotificationT = 4"
"objBitsT CTET = 4"
"objBitsT TCBT = 9"
"objBitsT UserDataT = pageBits"
"objBitsT KernelDataT = pageBits"
"objBitsT (ArchT PDET) = 2"
"objBitsT (ArchT PTET) = 2"
"objBitsT (ArchT ASIDPoolT) = pageBits"
unfolding objBitsT_def makeObjectT_def
by (simp_all add: makeObject_simps objBits_simps archObjSize_def)
lemma objBitsT_koTypeOf :
"(objBitsT (koTypeOf ko)) = objBitsKO ko"
apply (cases ko; simp add: objBits_simps objBitsT_simps)
apply (rename_tac arch_kernel_object)
apply (case_tac arch_kernel_object; simp add: archObjSize_def objBitsT_simps)
lemma sane_update [intro!]:
"sch_act_sane (s\<lparr>ksSchedulerAction := ChooseNewThread\<rparr>)"
by (simp add: sch_act_sane_def)
lemma typ_at_aligned':
"\<lbrakk> typ_at' tp p s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> is_aligned p (objBitsT tp)"
by (clarsimp simp add: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def objBitsT_koTypeOf)
lemma valid_queues_obj_at'D:
"\<lbrakk> t \<in> set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p)); valid_queues s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_at' (inQ d p) t s"
apply (unfold valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def)
apply (elim conjE)
apply (drule_tac x=d in spec)
apply (drule_tac x=p in spec)
apply (clarsimp)
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (erule obj_at'_weakenE)
apply (clarsimp)
lemma obj_at'_and:
"obj_at' (P and P') t s = (obj_at' P t s \<and> obj_at' P' t s)"
by (rule iffI, (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def)+)
lemma valid_queues_no_bitmap_def':
"valid_queues_no_bitmap =
(\<lambda>s. \<forall>d p. (\<forall>t\<in>set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p)).
obj_at' (inQ d p) t s \<and> st_tcb_at' runnable' t s) \<and>
distinct (ksReadyQueues s (d, p)) \<and> (d > maxDomain \<or> p > maxPriority \<longrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) = []))"
apply (rule ext, rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def obj_at'_and pred_tcb_at'_def o_def
elim!: obj_at'_weakenE)+
lemma valid_queues_running:
assumes Q: "t \<in> set(ksReadyQueues s (d, p))" "valid_queues s"
shows "st_tcb_at' runnable' t s"
using assms by (clarsimp simp add: valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def')
lemma valid_refs'_cteCaps:
"valid_refs' S (ctes_of s) = (\<forall>c \<in> ran (cteCaps_of s). S \<inter> capRange c = {})"
by (fastforce simp: valid_refs'_def cteCaps_of_def elim!: ranE)
lemma valid_cap_sizes_cteCaps:
"valid_cap_sizes' n (ctes_of s) = (\<forall>c \<in> ran (cteCaps_of s). 2 ^ capBits c \<le> n)"
apply (simp add: valid_cap_sizes'_def cteCaps_of_def)
apply (fastforce elim!: ranE)
lemma cte_at_valid_cap_sizes_0:
"valid_cap_sizes' n ctes \<Longrightarrow> ctes p = Some cte \<Longrightarrow> 0 < n"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_cap_sizes'_def)
apply (drule bspec, erule ranI)
apply (rule Suc_le_lessD, erule order_trans[rotated])
apply simp
lemma invs_valid_stateI' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_state' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def)
lemma tcb_at_invs' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> tcb_at' (ksCurThread s) s"
by (simp add: invs'_def cur_tcb'_def)
lemma invs_valid_objs' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_objs' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma invs_pspace_aligned' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> pspace_aligned' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma invs_pspace_distinct' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> pspace_distinct' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma invs_valid_pspace' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_pspace' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_arch_state' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_arch_state' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_cur' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> cur_tcb' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def)
lemma invs_mdb' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_mdb' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma valid_mdb_no_loops [elim!]:
"valid_mdb_ctes m \<Longrightarrow> no_loops m"
by (auto intro: mdb_chain_0_no_loops)
lemma invs_no_loops [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> no_loops (ctes_of s)"
apply (rule valid_mdb_no_loops)
apply (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def valid_mdb'_def)
lemma invs_iflive'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_unsafe_then_cap' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> if_unsafe_then_cap' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_sym' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_sch_act_wf' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_queues [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_queues s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_valid_idle'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_idle' s"
by (fastforce simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_valid_global'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_global_refs' s"
by (fastforce simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_ksCurDomain_maxDomain' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma simple_st_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD':
"st_tcb_at' simple' t s \<Longrightarrow> bound_tcb_at' (\<lambda>x. tcb_bound_refs' x = state_refs_of' s t) t s"
by (fastforce simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def state_refs_of'_def
projectKO_eq project_inject)
lemma cur_tcb_arch' [iff]:
"cur_tcb' (ksArchState_update f s) = cur_tcb' s"
by (simp add: cur_tcb'_def)
lemma cur_tcb'_machine_state [simp]:
"cur_tcb' (ksMachineState_update f s) = cur_tcb' s"
by (simp add: cur_tcb'_def)
lemma invs_no_0_obj'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> no_0_obj' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma invs'_ksSchedulerAction:
"\<lbrakk> invs' s; sch_act_wf sa s; sa \<noteq> ResumeCurrentThread \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
invs' (s \<lparr>ksSchedulerAction := sa\<rparr>)"
by (clarsimp simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def
bitmapQ_defs valid_irq_node'_def valid_queues'_def cur_tcb'_def
ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def ct_not_inQ_def)
lemma invs'_gsCNodes_update[simp]:
"invs' (gsCNodes_update f s') = invs' s'"
apply (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def
valid_queues'_def valid_irq_node'_def valid_irq_handlers'_def
irq_issued'_def irqs_masked'_def valid_machine_state'_def
apply (cases "ksSchedulerAction s'")
apply (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def ct_not_inQ_def)
lemma invs'_gsUserPages_update[simp]:
"invs' (gsUserPages_update f s') = invs' s'"
apply (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def
valid_queues'_def valid_irq_node'_def valid_irq_handlers'_def
irq_issued'_def irqs_masked'_def valid_machine_state'_def
apply (cases "ksSchedulerAction s'")
apply (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def ct_not_inQ_def)
lemma invs_queues_tcb_in_cur_domain':
"\<lbrakk> ksReadyQueues s (d, p) = x # xs; invs' s; d = ksCurDomain s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_in_cur_domain' x s"
apply (subgoal_tac "x \<in> set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p))")
apply (drule (1) valid_queues_obj_at'D[OF _ invs_queues])
apply (auto simp: inQ_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def elim: obj_at'_weakenE)
lemma invs_no_cicd_queues_tcb_in_cur_domain':
"\<lbrakk> ksReadyQueues s (d, p) = x # xs; all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' s; d = ksCurDomain s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_in_cur_domain' x s"
apply (simp add: all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def valid_pspace'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def)
apply (elim conjE)
apply (subgoal_tac "x \<in> set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p))")
apply (drule (1) valid_queues_obj_at'D)
apply (auto simp: inQ_def elim: obj_at'_weakenE)
lemma pred_tcb'_neq_contra:
"\<lbrakk> pred_tcb_at' proj P p s; pred_tcb_at' proj Q p s; \<And>st. P st \<noteq> Q st \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> False"
by (clarsimp simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma invs'_ksDomSchedule:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> KernelStateData_H.ksDomSchedule s = KernelStateData_H.ksDomSchedule (newKernelState undefined)"
unfolding invs'_def valid_state'_def by clarsimp
lemma invs'_ksDomScheduleIdx:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> KernelStateData_H.ksDomScheduleIdx s < length (KernelStateData_H.ksDomSchedule (newKernelState undefined))"
unfolding invs'_def valid_state'_def by clarsimp
lemma valid_bitmap_valid_bitmapQ_exceptE:
"\<lbrakk> valid_bitmapQ_except d p s ; (bitmapQ d p s \<longleftrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) \<noteq> []) ;
bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_bitmapQ s"
unfolding valid_bitmapQ_def valid_bitmapQ_except_def
by force
lemma valid_bitmap_valid_bitmapQ_exceptI[intro]:
"valid_bitmapQ s \<Longrightarrow> valid_bitmapQ_except d p s"
unfolding valid_bitmapQ_except_def valid_bitmapQ_def
by simp
(* The normalise_obj_at' tactic was designed to simplify situations similar to:
ko_at' ko p s \<Longrightarrow>
obj_at' (complicated_P (obj_at' (complicated_Q (obj_at' ...)) p s)) p s
It seems to also offer assistance in cases where there is lots of st_tcb_at', ko_at', obj_at'
confusion. If your goal looks like that kind of mess, try it out. It can help to not unfold
obj_at'_def which speeds up proofs.
context begin
private definition
"ko_at'_defn v \<equiv> ko_at' v"
private lemma ko_at_defn_unique:
"ko_at'_defn ko p s \<Longrightarrow> (obj_at' P p s = P ko)"
unfolding ko_at'_defn_def
by (auto simp: obj_at'_def)
method normalise_obj_at' =
(clarsimp?, elim obj_at_ko_at'[folded ko_at'_defn_def, elim_format],
clarsimp simp: ko_at_defn_unique, clarsimp simp: ko_at'_defn_def)