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* Copyright 2023, Proofcraft Pty Ltd
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
(* Equations between monads. Conclusions of the form "f = g" where f and g are monads.
Should not be Hoare triples (those go into a different theory). *)
theory Monad_Equations
imports Monads.MonadEq_Lemmas
lemmas assertE_assert = assertE_liftE
lemma assert_def2:
"assert v = assert_opt (if v then Some () else None)"
by (cases v; simp add: assert_def assert_opt_def)
lemma return_returnOk:
"return (Inr x) = returnOk x"
unfolding returnOk_def by simp
lemma exec_modify:
"(modify f >>= g) s = g () (f s)"
by (simp add: bind_def simpler_modify_def)
lemma bind_return_eq:
"(a >>= return) = (b >>= return) \<Longrightarrow> a = b"
apply (clarsimp simp:bind_def)
apply (rule ext)
apply (drule_tac x= x in fun_cong)
apply (auto simp:return_def split_def)
lemma bindE_bind_linearise:
"((f >>=E g) >>= h) =
(f >>= case_sum (h o Inl) (\<lambda>rv. g rv >>= h))"
apply (simp add: bindE_def bind_assoc)
apply (rule ext, rule bind_apply_cong, rule refl)
apply (simp add: lift_def throwError_def split: sum.split)
lemma throwError_bind:
"(throwError e >>= f) = (f (Inl e))"
by (simp add: throwError_def)
lemma bind_bindE_assoc:
"((f >>= g) >>=E h)
= f >>= (\<lambda>rv. g rv >>=E h)"
by (simp add: bindE_def bind_assoc)
lemma returnOk_bind:
"returnOk v >>= f = (f (Inr v))"
by (simp add: returnOk_def)
lemma liftE_bind:
"(liftE m >>= m') = (m >>= (\<lambda>rv. m' (Inr rv)))"
by (simp add: liftE_def)
lemma catch_throwError: "catch (throwError ft) g = g ft"
by (simp add: catch_def throwError_bind)
lemma cart_singleton_image:
"S \<times> {s} = (\<lambda>v. (v, s)) ` S"
by auto
lemma select_bind_eq2:
"\<lbrakk> v = v'; \<And>x. x \<in> fst v \<Longrightarrow> f x s = g x s' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(select_f v >>= f) s = (select_f v' >>= g) s'"
by (simp add: select_f_def bind_def split_def
cart_singleton_image image_image
cong: image_cong)
lemmas select_bind_eq = select_bind_eq2[OF refl]
lemma select_f_singleton_return:
"select_f ({v}, False) = return v"
by (simp add: select_f_def return_def)
lemma select_f_returns:
"select_f (return v s) = return (v, s)"
"select_f (get s) = return (s, s)"
"select_f (gets f s) = return (f s, s)"
"select_f (modify g s) = return ((), g s)"
by (simp add: select_f_def return_def get_def
simpler_gets_def simpler_modify_def)+
lemma select_eq_select_f:
"select S = select_f (S, False)"
by (simp add: select_def select_f_def)
lemma select_f_select_f:
"select_f (select_f v s) = liftM (swp Pair s) (select_f v)"
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: select_f_def liftM_def swp_def
bind_def return_def split_def
image_image image_constant_conv)
apply fastforce
lemma select_f_select:
"select_f (select S s) = liftM (swp Pair s) (select S)"
unfolding select_eq_select_f by (rule select_f_select_f)
lemmas select_f_selects = select_f_select_f select_f_select
lemma select_f_asserts:
"select_f (fail s) = fail"
"select_f (assert P s) = do assert P; return ((), s) od"
"select_f (assert_opt v s) = do v' \<leftarrow> assert_opt v; return (v', s) od"
by (simp add: select_f_def fail_def assert_def return_def bind_def
assert_opt_def split: if_split option.split)+
lemma liftE_bindE_handle:
"((liftE f >>=E (\<lambda>x. g x)) <handle> h)
= f >>= (\<lambda>x. g x <handle> h)"
by (simp add: liftE_bindE handleE_def handleE'_def
lemma catch_liftE:
"catch (liftE g) h = g"
by (simp add: catch_def liftE_def)
lemma catch_liftE_bindE:
"catch (liftE g >>=E (\<lambda>x. f x)) h = g >>= (\<lambda>x. catch (f x) h)"
by (simp add: liftE_bindE catch_def bind_assoc)
lemma returnOk_catch_bind:
"catch (returnOk v) h >>= g = g v"
by (simp add: returnOk_liftE catch_liftE)
lemma liftE_bindE_assoc:
"(liftE f >>=E g) >>= h = f >>= (\<lambda>x. g x >>= h)"
by (simp add: liftE_bindE bind_assoc)
lemma unlessE_throw_catch_If:
"catch (unlessE P (throwError e) >>=E f) g
= (if P then catch (f ()) g else g e)"
by (simp add: unlessE_def catch_throwError split: if_split)
lemma whenE_bindE_throwError_to_if:
"whenE P (throwError e) >>=E (\<lambda>_. b) = (if P then (throwError e) else b)"
unfolding whenE_def bindE_def
by (auto simp: NonDetMonad.lift_def throwError_def returnOk_def)
lemma alternative_liftE_returnOk:
"(liftE m \<sqinter> returnOk v) = liftE (m \<sqinter> return v)"
by (simp add: liftE_def alternative_def returnOk_def bind_def return_def)
lemma alternative_left_readonly_bind:
"\<lbrakk> \<lbrace>(=) s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. (=) s\<rbrace>; fst (f s) \<noteq> {} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
alternative (f >>= (\<lambda>x. g x)) h s
= (f >>= (\<lambda>x. alternative (g x) h)) s"
apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>x \<in> fst (f s). snd x = s")
apply (clarsimp simp: alternative_def bind_def split_def)
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (drule(1) use_valid, simp_all)
lemma gets_the_return:
"(return x = gets_the f) = (\<forall>s. f s = Some x)"
apply (subst fun_eq_iff)
apply (simp add: return_def gets_the_def exec_gets
assert_opt_def fail_def
split: option.split)
apply auto
lemma gets_the_returns:
"(return x = gets_the f) = (\<forall>s. f s = Some x)"
"(returnOk x = gets_the g) = (\<forall>s. g s = Some (Inr x))"
"(throwError x = gets_the h) = (\<forall>s. h s = Some (Inl x))"
by (simp_all add: returnOk_def throwError_def
lemma all_rv_choice_fn_eq_pred:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>rv. P rv \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>fn. f rv = g fn \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>fn. \<forall>rv. P rv \<longrightarrow> f rv = g (fn rv)"
apply (rule_tac x="\<lambda>rv. SOME h. f rv = g h" in exI)
apply (clarsimp split: if_split)
by (meson someI_ex)
lemma all_rv_choice_fn_eq:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>rv. \<exists>fn. f rv = g fn \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>fn. f = (\<lambda>rv. g (fn rv))"
using all_rv_choice_fn_eq_pred[where f=f and g=g and P=\<top>]
by (simp add: fun_eq_iff)
lemma gets_the_eq_bind:
"\<lbrakk> \<exists>fn. f = gets_the (fn o fn'); \<And>rv. \<exists>fn. g rv = gets_the (fn o fn') \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>fn. (f >>= g) = gets_the (fn o fn')"
apply (clarsimp dest!: all_rv_choice_fn_eq)
apply (rule_tac x="\<lambda>s. case (fn s) of None \<Rightarrow> None | Some v \<Rightarrow> fna v s" in exI)
apply (simp add: gets_the_def bind_assoc exec_gets
assert_opt_def fun_eq_iff
split: option.split)
lemma gets_the_eq_bindE:
"\<lbrakk> \<exists>fn. f = gets_the (fn o fn'); \<And>rv. \<exists>fn. g rv = gets_the (fn o fn') \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>fn. (f >>=E g) = gets_the (fn o fn')"
apply (simp add: bindE_def)
apply (erule gets_the_eq_bind)
apply (simp add: lift_def gets_the_returns split: sum.split)
apply fastforce
lemma gets_the_fail:
"(fail = gets_the f) = (\<forall>s. f s = None)"
by (simp add: gets_the_def exec_gets assert_opt_def
fail_def return_def fun_eq_iff
split: option.split)
lemma gets_the_asserts:
"(fail = gets_the f) = (\<forall>s. f s = None)"
"(assert P = gets_the g) = (\<forall>s. g s = (if P then Some () else None))"
"(assertE P = gets_the h) = (\<forall>s. h s = (if P then Some (Inr ()) else None))"
by (simp add: assert_def assertE_def gets_the_fail gets_the_returns
split: if_split)+
lemma ex_const_function:
"\<exists>f. \<forall>s. f (f' s) = v"
by force
lemma gets_the_condsE:
"(\<exists>fn. whenE P f = gets_the (fn o fn'))
= (P \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>fn. f = gets_the (fn o fn')))"
"(\<exists>fn. unlessE P g = gets_the (fn o fn'))
= (\<not> P \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>fn. g = gets_the (fn o fn')))"
by (simp add: whenE_def unlessE_def gets_the_returns ex_const_function
split: if_split)+
lemma let_into_return:
"(let f = x in m f) = (do f \<leftarrow> return x; m f od)"
by simp
lemma liftME_return:
"liftME f (returnOk v) = returnOk (f v)"
by (simp add: liftME_def)
lemma fold_bindE_into_list_case:
"(doE v \<leftarrow> f; case_list (g v) (h v) x odE)
= (case_list (doE v \<leftarrow> f; g v odE) (\<lambda>x xs. doE v \<leftarrow> f; h v x xs odE) x)"
by (simp split: list.split)
lemma whenE_liftE:
"whenE P (liftE f) = liftE (when P f)"
by (simp add: whenE_def when_def returnOk_liftE)
lemma whenE_whenE_body:
"whenE P (throwError f) >>=E (\<lambda>_. whenE Q (throwError f) >>=E r) = whenE (P \<or> Q) (throwError f) >>=E r"
apply (cases P)
apply (simp add: whenE_def)
apply simp
lemma whenE_whenE_same:
"whenE P (throwError f) >>=E (\<lambda>_. whenE P (throwError g) >>=E r) = whenE P (throwError f) >>=E r"
apply (cases P)
apply (simp add: whenE_def)
apply simp
lemma exec_select_f_singleton:
"(select_f ({v},False) >>= f) = f v"
by (simp add: select_f_def bind_def)
lemma maybe_fail_bind_fail:
"unless P fail >>= (\<lambda>_. fail) = fail"
"when P fail >>= (\<lambda>_. fail) = fail"
by (clarsimp simp: bind_def fail_def return_def
unless_def when_def)+
lemma select_singleton[simp]:
"select {x} = return x"
by (fastforce simp add: fun_eq_iff select_def return_def)
lemma return_modify:
"return () = modify id"
by (simp add: return_def simpler_modify_def)
lemma liftE_liftM_liftME:
"liftE (liftM f m) = liftME f (liftE m)"
by (simp add: liftE_liftM liftME_liftM liftM_def)
lemma bind_return_unit:
"f = (f >>= (\<lambda>x. return ()))"
by simp
lemma modify_id_return:
"modify id = return ()"
by (simp add: simpler_modify_def return_def)
lemma liftE_bind_return_bindE_returnOk:
"liftE (v >>= (\<lambda>rv. return (f rv)))
= (liftE v >>=E (\<lambda>rv. returnOk (f rv)))"
by (simp add: liftE_bindE, simp add: liftE_def returnOk_def)
lemma bind_eqI:
"g = g' \<Longrightarrow> f >>= g = f >>= g'" by simp
lemma unlessE_throwError_returnOk:
"(if P then returnOk v else throwError x)
= (unlessE P (throwError x) >>=E (\<lambda>_. returnOk v))"
by (cases P, simp_all add: unlessE_def)
lemma gets_the_bind_eq:
"\<lbrakk> f s = Some x; g x s = h s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (gets_the f >>= g) s = h s"
by (simp add: gets_the_def bind_assoc exec_gets assert_opt_def)
lemma zipWithM_x_modify:
"zipWithM_x (\<lambda>a b. modify (f a b)) as bs
= modify (\<lambda>s. foldl (\<lambda>s (a, b). f a b s) s (zip as bs))"
apply (simp add: zipWithM_x_def zipWith_def sequence_x_def)
apply (induct ("zip as bs"))
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def return_def)
apply (rule ext)
apply (simp add: simpler_modify_def bind_def split_def)
lemma bind_return_subst:
assumes r: "\<And>r. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P x = r\<rbrace> f x \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. Q rv = r\<rbrace>"
"do a \<leftarrow> f x;
g (Q a)
od =
do _ \<leftarrow> f x;
g (P x)
proof -
have "do a \<leftarrow> f x;
return (Q a)
od =
do _ \<leftarrow> f x;
return (P x)
using r
apply (subst fun_eq_iff)
apply (fastforce simp: bind_def valid_def return_def)
hence "do a \<leftarrow> f x;
return (Q a)
od >>= g =
do _ \<leftarrow> f x;
return (P x)
od >>= g"
by (rule bind_cong, simp)
thus ?thesis
by simp
lemma assert2:
"(do v1 \<leftarrow> assert P; v2 \<leftarrow> assert Q; c od)
= (do v \<leftarrow> assert (P \<and> Q); c od)"
by (simp add: assert_def split: if_split)
lemma assert_opt_def2:
"assert_opt v = (do assert (v \<noteq> None); return (the v) od)"
by (simp add: assert_opt_def split: option.split)
lemma gets_assert:
"(do v1 \<leftarrow> assert v; v2 \<leftarrow> gets f; c v1 v2 od)
= (do v2 \<leftarrow> gets f; v1 \<leftarrow> assert v; c v1 v2 od)"
by (simp add: simpler_gets_def return_def assert_def fail_def bind_def
split: if_split)
lemma modify_assert:
"(do v2 \<leftarrow> modify f; v1 \<leftarrow> assert v; c v1 od)
= (do v1 \<leftarrow> assert v; v2 \<leftarrow> modify f; c v1 od)"
by (simp add: simpler_modify_def return_def assert_def fail_def bind_def
split: if_split)
lemma gets_fold_into_modify:
"do x \<leftarrow> gets f; modify (g x) od = modify (\<lambda>s. g (f s) s)"
"do x \<leftarrow> gets f; _ \<leftarrow> modify (g x); h od
= do modify (\<lambda>s. g (f s) s); h od"
by (simp_all add: fun_eq_iff modify_def bind_assoc exec_gets
exec_get exec_put)
lemma bind_assoc2:
"(do x \<leftarrow> a; _ \<leftarrow> b; c x od) = (do x \<leftarrow> (do x' \<leftarrow> a; _ \<leftarrow> b; return x' od); c x od)"
by (simp add: bind_assoc)
lemma if_bind:
"(if P then (a >>= (\<lambda>_. b)) else return ()) =
(if P then a else return ()) >>= (\<lambda>_. if P then b else return ())"
by (cases P; simp)
lemma bind_liftE_distrib: "(liftE (A >>= (\<lambda>x. B x))) = (liftE A >>=E (\<lambda>x. liftE (\<lambda>s. B x s)))"
by (clarsimp simp: liftE_def bindE_def lift_def bind_assoc)
lemma condition_apply_cong:
"\<lbrakk> c s = c' s'; s = s'; \<And>s. c' s \<Longrightarrow> l s = l' s ; \<And>s. \<not> c' s \<Longrightarrow> r s = r' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> condition c l r s = condition c' l' r' s'"
by monad_eq
lemma condition_cong [cong, fundef_cong]:
"\<lbrakk> c = c'; \<And>s. c' s \<Longrightarrow> l s = l' s; \<And>s. \<not> c' s \<Longrightarrow> r s = r' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> condition c l r = condition c' l' r'"
by monad_eq
lemma lift_Inr [simp]: "(lift X (Inr r)) = (X r)"
by monad_eq
lemma lift_Inl [simp]: "lift C (Inl a) = throwError a"
by monad_eq
lemma returnOk_def2: "returnOk a = return (Inr a)"
by monad_eq
lemma liftE_fail[simp]: "liftE fail = fail"
by monad_eq
lemma catch_bind_distrib:
"do _ <- m <catch> h; f od = (doE m; liftE f odE <catch> (\<lambda>x. do h x; f od))"
by (force simp: catch_def bindE_def bind_assoc liftE_def NonDetMonad.lift_def bind_def
split_def return_def throwError_def
split: sum.splits)
lemma if_catch_distrib:
"((if P then f else g) <catch> h) = (if P then f <catch> h else g <catch> h)"
by (simp split: if_split)
lemma will_throw_and_catch:
"f = throwError e \<Longrightarrow> (f <catch> (\<lambda>_. g)) = g"
by (simp add: catch_def throwError_def)
lemma catch_is_if:
"(doE x <- f; g x odE <catch> h) =
rv <- f;
if sum.isl rv then h (projl rv) else g (projr rv) <catch> h
apply (simp add: bindE_def catch_def bind_assoc cong: if_cong)
apply (rule bind_cong, rule refl)
apply (clarsimp simp: NonDetMonad.lift_def throwError_def split: sum.splits)
lemma liftE_K_bind: "liftE ((K_bind (\<lambda>s. A s)) x) = K_bind (liftE (\<lambda>s. A s)) x"
by clarsimp
lemma monad_eq_split:
assumes "\<And>r s. Q r s \<Longrightarrow> f r s = f' r s"
"\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> g \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. Q r s\<rbrace>"
"P s"
shows "(g >>= f) s = (g >>= f') s"
proof -
have pre: "\<And>rv s'. \<lbrakk>(rv, s') \<in> fst (g s)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> f rv s' = f' rv s'"
using assms unfolding valid_def
by (erule_tac x=s in allE) auto
show ?thesis
by (simp add: bind_def image_def case_prod_unfold pre)
lemma monad_eq_split2:
assumes eq: " g' s = g s"
assumes tail:"\<And>r s. Q r s \<Longrightarrow> f r s = f' r s"
and hoare: "\<lbrace>P\<rbrace> g \<lbrace>\<lambda>r s. Q r s\<rbrace>" "P s"
shows "(g >>= f) s = (g' >>= f') s"
proof -
have pre: "\<And>aa bb. \<lbrakk>(aa, bb) \<in> fst (g s)\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> Q aa bb"
using hoare by (auto simp: valid_def)
show ?thesis
by (simp add:bind_def eq image_def case_prod_unfold pre surjective_pairing tail)
lemma monad_eq_split_tail:
"\<lbrakk>f = g; a s = b s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (a >>= f) s = ((b >>= g) s)"
by (simp add:bind_def)
lemma double_gets_drop_regets:
"(do x \<leftarrow> gets f;
xa \<leftarrow> gets f;
m xa x
od) =
(do xa \<leftarrow> gets f;
m xa xa
by monad_eq
lemma bind_inv_inv_comm_weak:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>s. \<lbrace>(=) s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. (=) s\<rbrace>; \<And>s. \<lbrace>(=) s\<rbrace> g \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. (=) s\<rbrace>;
empty_fail f; empty_fail g \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
do x \<leftarrow> f; y \<leftarrow> g; n od = do y \<leftarrow> g; x \<leftarrow> f; n od"
apply (rule ext)
apply (fastforce simp: bind_def valid_def empty_fail_def split_def image_def)
lemma state_assert_false[simp]: "state_assert (\<lambda>_. False) = fail"
by monad_eq
lemma no_fail_state_assert[wp]: "no_fail P (state_assert P)"
by (monad_eq simp: no_fail_def state_assert_def)
lemma condition_fail_rhs: "condition C X fail = (state_assert C >>= (\<lambda>_. X))"
by (monad_eq simp: Bex_def)
lemma condition_swap: "condition C A B = condition (\<lambda>s. \<not> C s) B A"
by monad_eq auto
lemma condition_fail_lhs: "condition C fail X = (state_assert (\<lambda>s. \<not> C s) >>= (\<lambda>_. X))"
by (metis condition_fail_rhs condition_swap)
lemma condition_bind_fail[simp]:
"(condition C A B >>= (\<lambda>_. fail)) = condition C (A >>= (\<lambda>_. fail)) (B >>= (\<lambda>_. fail))"
by monad_eq blast
lemma bind_fail_propagates:
"empty_fail A \<Longrightarrow> A >>= (\<lambda>_. fail) = fail"
by (monad_eq simp: empty_fail_def) fastforce
lemma simple_bind_fail [simp]:
"(state_assert X >>= (\<lambda>_. fail)) = fail"
"(modify M >>= (\<lambda>_. fail)) = fail"
"(return X >>= (\<lambda>_. fail)) = fail"
"(gets X >>= (\<lambda>_. fail)) = fail"
by (auto intro!: bind_fail_propagates)
lemma bind_inv_inv_comm:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>P. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>; \<And>P. \<lbrace>P\<rbrace> g \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. P\<rbrace>;
empty_fail f; empty_fail g \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
do x \<leftarrow> f; y \<leftarrow> g; n x y od = do y \<leftarrow> g; x \<leftarrow> f; n x y od"
apply (rule ext)
apply (rename_tac s)
apply (rule_tac s="(do (x, y) \<leftarrow> do x \<leftarrow> f; y \<leftarrow> (\<lambda>_. g s) ; (\<lambda>_. return (x, y) s) od;
n x y od) s" in trans)
apply (simp add: bind_assoc)
apply (intro bind_apply_cong, simp_all)[1]
apply (metis in_inv_by_hoareD)
apply (simp add: return_def bind_def)
apply (metis in_inv_by_hoareD)
apply (rule_tac s="(do (x, y) \<leftarrow> do y \<leftarrow> g; x \<leftarrow> (\<lambda>_. f s) ; (\<lambda>_. return (x, y) s) od;
n x y od) s" in trans[rotated])
apply (simp add: bind_assoc)
apply (intro bind_apply_cong, simp_all)[1]
apply (metis in_inv_by_hoareD)
apply (simp add: return_def bind_def)
apply (metis in_inv_by_hoareD)
apply (rule bind_apply_cong, simp_all)
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def split_def return_def)
apply (auto | drule(1) empty_failD3)+
lemma bind_known_operation_eq:
"\<lbrakk> no_fail P f; \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. rv = x \<and> s = t\<rbrace>; P s; Q s; empty_fail f \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (f >>= g) s = g x t"
apply (drule(1) no_failD)
apply (subgoal_tac "fst (f s) = {(x, t)}")
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def)
apply (fastforce simp: valid_def empty_fail_def)