
338 lines
9.3 KiB
Standard ML

* Copyright 2014, NICTA
* This software may be distributed and modified according to the terms of
* the BSD 2-Clause license. Note that NO WARRANTY is provided.
* See "LICENSE_BSD2.txt" for details.
(* Theory data which records which attributes should be saved,
* and how to do so. *)
structure Attrib_Fetchers = Theory_Data(
type T = (Proof.context -> (string * string) list) Symtab.table;
val empty = Symtab.empty;
val extend = I;
val merge = Symtab.merge (K true)
(*** Encoding / Decoding into XML ***)
* Convert attribute data into XML.
* <attrib_trace name="MyTheory">
* <ancestors>
* <ancestor>Foo</ancestor>
* <ancestor>Bar</ancestor>
* <ancestor>Cow</ancestor>
* </ancestors>
* <sets>
* <set name="simp">
* <rule name="Foo.my_rule1">(?a = ?b) = (?b = ?a)</rule>
* <rule name="Foo.my_rule2">2 + 2 = 4</rule>
* </set>
* </sets>
* </attrib_trace>
fun attrib_data_to_xml (name, ancestors, attribs) =
xml_list "attrib_trace" [("name", name)] [
(* Ancestor list. *)
xml_list "ancestors" [] (
map (xml_node "ancestor") ancestors
(* Set of rules. *)
xml_list "sets" [] (
map (fn (name, vals) =>
xml_list "set" [("name", name)] (
map (fn (name, rule) =>
xml_attrib_node "rule" [("name", name)] rule)
vals)) (Symtab.dest attribs)
(* Convert XML into attrib data. *)
fun xml_to_attrib_data root =
val name =
xml_get_attrib "name" root
val ancestors =
xml_get_child "ancestors" root
|> hd
|> xml_get_child "ancestor"
|> map xml_get_text
val attrib_sets =
xml_get_child "sets" root
|> hd
|> xml_get_child "set"
|> map (fn n =>
(xml_get_attrib "name" n,
xml_get_child "rule" n
|> map (fn n =>
(xml_get_attrib "name" n, xml_get_text n))
|> Symtab.make
(name, ancestors, attrib_sets)
(*** Fetching theory data. ***)
(* Ugly print (i.e., not pretty-print) a type. *)
fun ugly_print_type T =
case T of
Type (s, Ts) =>
"[" ^ commas (s :: map ugly_print_type Ts) ^ "]"
| TFree (n, S) =>
n ^ "::{" ^ commas S ^ "}"
| TVar ((n,i),S) =>
"?" ^ n ^ "/" ^ string_of_int i ^ "::{" ^ commas S ^ "}"
(* Ugly print (i.e., not pretty-print) a term. *)
fun ugly_print_term t =
case t of
Free (n, T) =>
"(F " ^ n ^ " :: " ^ (ugly_print_type T) ^ ")"
| Var ((n, i), T) =>
"(V " ^ n ^ "/" ^ string_of_int i ^ " :: " ^ (ugly_print_type T) ^ ")"
| Const (n, T) =>
"(C " ^ n ^ " :: " ^ (ugly_print_type T) ^ ")"
| Abs (_, T, t') =>
"(%x :: " ^ (ugly_print_type T) ^ ". " ^ (ugly_print_term t') ^ ")"
| Bound n =>
"(B " ^ (string_of_int n) ^ ")"
| a $ b =>
"(" ^ ugly_print_term a ^ " $ " ^ ugly_print_term b ^ ")"
(* Render a thm to a string. *)
fun render_thm _ thm =
prop_of thm
|> ugly_print_term
|> SHA1.digest
|> SHA1.rep
* Guess the name of a list of thms.
* The "filter" is a set of theorem names which we ignore when trying
* to come up with a name. For instance, the simplifier often munges
* theorems together before placing them into the simpset; the filter
* should be a list of theorems that the simplifier uses (and hence,
* we should ignore).
fun guess_thm_names filter thms =
(* Attempt to introspect the thm to find a name. *)
val filter = Symtab.make_set filter
fun guess_name_from_introspection filter thm =
fun thms_of (PBody {thms,...}) = thms
fun proof_body_descend' (_,("",_,body)) =
fold (append o proof_body_descend') (thms_of (Future.join body)) []
| proof_body_descend' (_,(nm,t,_)) = [(nm,t)]
fun used_facts thm =
fold (append o proof_body_descend')
(thms_of (Thm.proof_body_of thm)) []
used_facts thm
|> map fst
|> filter_out (Symtab.defined filter)
(* Get a single thm's name *)
fun guess_thm_name thm =
(* Attempt to get a name hint directly. Failing that, introspect the thm. *)
if Thm.has_name_hint thm then
SOME (Thm.get_name_hint thm)
else case (guess_name_from_introspection filter thm) of
[x] => SOME x
| _ => NONE
map guess_thm_name thms
(* Convert the list of theorems into an attribute set. *)
fun get_attrib_set ctxt filter_thms thms =
(guess_thm_names filter_thms thms ~~ thms)
|> filter (fn (name, thm) => name <> NONE)
|> map (fn (name, thm) => (the name, render_thm ctxt thm))
|> sort (fn ((nameA, _), (nameB, _)) => string_ord (nameA, nameB))
(* Get the data for attribute sets. *)
fun get_attrib_data ctxt =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
(* Get theory name. *)
val my_name = Context.theory_name thy
(* Get ancestor names. *)
val ancestors =
Context.ancestors_of thy
|> map Context.theory_name
|> sort string_ord
(* Fetch attributes. *)
val attrib_sets =
Attrib_Fetchers.get (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt)
|> Symtab.dest
|> map (apsnd (fn f => f ctxt))
|> Symtab.make
(my_name, ancestors, attrib_sets)
(* Convert a path into one relative to the given theory. *)
fun mk_thy_relative thy filename =
if OS.Path.isRelative filename then
OS.Path.concat(Path.implode (Resources.master_directory thy), filename)
(* Write all attribute information to a file. *)
fun save_attribs_xml ctxt filename =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val target_file = Path.explode (mk_thy_relative thy filename)
get_attrib_data ctxt
|> attrib_data_to_xml
|> XML.string_of
|> File.write target_file
(* Load attribute information from a file. *)
fun load_attribs_xml ctxt filename =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val target_file = Path.explode (mk_thy_relative thy filename)
File.read target_file
|> XML.parse
|> xml_to_attrib_data
(* Get default trace filename for given theory. *)
fun get_theory_trace_filename thy =
"." ^ Context.theory_name thy ^ ".attrib_trace"
(*** Diffing Old and New ***)
* Get all facts currently defined.
* Clagged from "Find_Theorems.all_facts_of".
fun all_facts_of ctxt =
val local_facts = Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt;
val global_facts = Global_Theory.facts_of (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt);
maps Facts.selections
(Facts.dest_static false [global_facts] local_facts @
Facts.dest_static false [] global_facts)
(* Diff attrib data, showing what commands will convert "new" into "old". *)
fun diff_attrib_data ctxt (_, old_ancestors, old_sets) (_, new_ancestors, new_sets) =
(* Discard attribute sets which are not common to both old and new. *)
val common_sets =
(Symset.make (Symtab.keys new_sets))
(Symset.make (Symtab.keys old_sets))
fun filter_common_sets set =
Symtab.dest set
|> filter (fn (n, _) => Symset.contains common_sets n)
|> sort (prod_ord string_ord (fn _ => EQUAL))
val new_sets = filter_common_sets new_sets
val old_sets = filter_common_sets old_sets
(* Simpset filter *)
fun filter_simp_rule ctxt thm =
try (Simplifier.mksimps ctxt #> hd) thm
(* Congset filter *)
fun filter_cong_rule thm =
try (fn rl =>
(let val rl' = Seq.hd (TRYALL (fn i => fn st =>
rtac (lift_meta_eq_to_obj_eq i st) i st) rl)
in mk_meta_eq rl' handle THM _ =>
if can Logic.dest_equals (concl_of rl') then rl'
else error "Conclusion of congruence rules must be =-equality"
end)) thm
(* Fetch all facts, and create simp-mangled and cong-mangled versions of them. *)
val all_facts =
all_facts_of ctxt
|> map (apfst Facts.string_of_ref)
fun filter_snd_none xs =
map_filter (fn (a, b) => case b of NONE => NONE | SOME x => SOME (a, x)) xs
val all_facts_variants =
(Par_List.map (apsnd filter_cong_rule) all_facts |> filter_snd_none)
@ (Par_List.map (apsnd (filter_simp_rule ctxt)) all_facts |> filter_snd_none)
@ all_facts
(* Create a table for looking up theorem names from their ugly-printted
* version. *)
val all_facts_table = all_facts_variants
|> Par_List.map (apsnd (render_thm ctxt))
|> map swap
|> (fn xs => fold Symtab.update xs Symtab.empty)
(* Diff a paritcular set of attributes. *)
fun diff_sets ((old_name, old), (_, new)) =
(* Convert ugly thm's into theorem names. *)
fun pretty_thm_names thms = thms
|> map (Symtab.lookup all_facts_table)
|> map_filter I
|> sort string_ord
val old = Symset.make (map snd old)
val new = Symset.make (map snd new)
Symset.subtract old new |> Symset.dest |> pretty_thm_names,
Symset.subtract new old |> Symset.dest |> pretty_thm_names)
map diff_sets (new_sets ~~ old_sets)
fun render_diffs diffs =
fun render_diff (name, needed_adds, needed_dels) =
val adds =
if length needed_adds > 0 then
["lemmas [" ^ name ^ "] = "]
@ (map (fn x => " " ^ x) needed_adds)
@ [""]
val dels =
if length needed_dels > 0 then
["lemmas [" ^ name ^ " del] = "]
@ (map (fn x => " " ^ x) needed_dels)
@ [""]
adds @ dels
map render_diff diffs
|> List.concat
|> (fn x => ["(* Approximate commands to restore old attrib sets. *)", ""] @ x @ [""])
|> cat_lines