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Standard ML

* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
(* Title: Tactics for abstract separation algebras
Authors: Gerwin Klein and Rafal Kolanski, 2012
Maintainers: Gerwin Klein <kleing at cse.unsw.edu.au>
Rafal Kolanski <rafal.kolanski at nicta.com.au>
(* Separating Conjunction (and Top, AKA sep_true) {{{
This defines the constants and theorems necessary for the conjunct
selection and cancelling tactic, as well as utility functions.
structure SepConj =
val sep_conj_term = @{term sep_conj}
val sep_conj_str = "**"
val sep_conj_ac = @{thms sep_conj_ac}
val sep_conj_impl = @{thm sep_conj_impl}
fun is_sep_conj_const (Const (@{const_name sep_conj}, _)) = true
| is_sep_conj_const _ = false
fun is_sep_conj_term (Const t $ _ $ _ $ _) = is_sep_conj_const (Const t)
| is_sep_conj_term _ = false
fun is_sep_conj_prop (Const _ $ t) = is_sep_conj_term t
| is_sep_conj_prop _ = false
fun strip_sep_conj (Const (@{const_name sep_conj},_) $ t1 $ t2 $ _) =
[t1] @ (strip_sep_conj t2)
| strip_sep_conj (Const (@{const_name sep_conj},_) $ t1 $ t2) =
[t1] @ (strip_sep_conj t2)
(* dig through eta exanded terms: *)
| strip_sep_conj (Abs (_, _, t $ Bound 0)) = strip_sep_conj t
| strip_sep_conj t = [t]
fun is_sep_true_term (Abs (_, _, Const (@{const_name True}, _))) = true
| is_sep_true_term _ = false
fun mk_sep_conj (t1, t2) = sep_conj_term $ t1 $ t2
(* Types of conjuncts and name of state type, for term construction *)
val sep_conj_cjt_typ = type_of sep_conj_term |> domain_type
val sep_conj_state_typn = domain_type sep_conj_cjt_typ |> dest_TFree |> #1
(* }}} *)
(* Function application terms {{{ *)
(* Dealing with function applications of the type
Const/Free(name,type) $ arg1 $ arg2 $ ... $ last_arg *)
structure FunApp =
(* apply a function term to a Free with given name *)
fun fun_app_free t free_name = t $ Free (free_name, type_of t |> domain_type)
end (* }}} *)
(* Selecting Conjuncts in Premise or Conclusion {{{ *)
(* Constructs a rearrangement lemma of the kind:
(A ** B ** C) s ==> (C ** A ** B) s
When cjt_select = 2 (0-based index of C) and
cjt_select = 3 (number of conjuncts to use), conclusion = true
"conclusion" specifies whether the rearrangement occurs in conclusion
(for dtac) or the premise (for rtac) of the rule.
fun mk_sep_select_rule ctxt conclusion (cjt_count, cjt_selects) =
fun variants nctxt names = fold_map Name.variant names nctxt
val (state, nctxt0) = Name.variant "s" (Variable.names_of ctxt)
fun mk_cjt n = Free (n, type_of SepConj.sep_conj_term |> domain_type)
fun sep_conj_prop cjts =
FunApp.fun_app_free (foldr1 SepConj.mk_sep_conj (map mk_cjt cjts)) state |> HOLogic.mk_Trueprop
(* concatenate string and string of an int *)
fun conc_str_int str int = str ^ Int.toString int
(* make the conjunct names *)
val (cjts, _) = 1 upto cjt_count |> map (conc_str_int "a") |> variants nctxt0
(* make normal-order separation conjunction terms *)
val orig = sep_conj_prop cjts
(* make reordered separation conjunction terms *)
(* We gather the needed conjuncts, and then append it the original list with those conjuncts removed *)
fun dropit n (x::xs) is = if exists (fn y => y = n) is then dropit (n+1) xs is else x :: dropit (n+1) xs is
| dropit _ [] _ = []
fun nths_to_front idxs xs = map (nth xs) idxs @ dropit 0 xs idxs
val reordered = sep_conj_prop (nths_to_front cjt_selects cjts)
val goal = Logic.mk_implies (if conclusion then (orig, reordered) else (reordered, orig))
(* simp add: sep_conj_ac *)
val sep_conj_ac_tac = Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac
(put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps SepConj.sep_conj_ac)
Goal.prove ctxt [] [] goal (fn _ => sep_conj_ac_tac 1)
|> Drule.generalize (Names.make_set [SepConj.sep_conj_state_typn], Names.make_set (state :: cjts))
fun conj_length ctxt ct =
val ((_, ct'), _) = Variable.focus_cterm NONE ct ctxt
val concl = ct' |> Drule.strip_imp_concl |> Thm.term_of
concl |> HOLogic.dest_Trueprop |> SepConj.strip_sep_conj |> length
fun all_uniq xs = forall (fn x => length (filter (fn y => x = y) xs) = 1 ) xs
fun sep_selects_tac ctxt ns =
fun sep_select_tac' ctxt ns (ct, i) =
fun th ns = mk_sep_select_rule ctxt false ((conj_length ctxt ct),ns)
if not (all_uniq ns)
then error ("Duplicate numbers in arguments")
else resolve0_tac [th ns] i handle Subscript => no_tac
CSUBGOAL (sep_select_tac' ctxt (map (fn m => m - 1) ns))
fun UNSOLVED' tac i st =
tac i st |> Seq.filter (fn st' => Thm.nprems_of st' = Thm.nprems_of st)
fun sep_flatten ctxt =
fun simptac i =
CHANGED_PROP (full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps [@{thm sep_conj_assoc}]) i)
UNSOLVED' simptac
fun sep_select_tactic lens_tac ns ctxt =
val sep_select = sep_selects_tac ctxt
val iffI = @{thm iffI}
val sep_conj_ac_tac =
Simplifier.asm_full_simp_tac (put_simpset HOL_basic_ss ctxt addsimps SepConj.sep_conj_ac)
lens_tac THEN'
resolve0_tac [iffI] THEN'
sep_select ns THEN'
assume_tac ctxt THEN'