
1956 lines
81 KiB

* Copyright 2014, General Dynamics C4 Systems
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
theory KernelInitSep_AI
(* UNFINISHED; paused project *)
text \<open>Migration candidates\<close>
lemma hoare_gen_asmE':
(* XXX: this should be the non-' version really, which is misnamed *)
"(P \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P'\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>E\<rbrace>) \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>P' and (K P)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>Q\<rbrace>,\<lbrace>E\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: validE_R_def validE_def valid_def) blast
lemma unat_less_power_n:
"n = 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a) \<Longrightarrow> unat (x::'a::len word) < n"
by (simp add: unat_less_power)
lemma subset_union:
"S \<subset> T \<Longrightarrow> (S \<union> T) = T"
by blast
lemma singleton_subsetI:
"\<lbrakk> i \<in> S ; S - {i} \<noteq> {} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> {i} \<subset> S"
by blast
lemma bl_length_set_equal:
fixes i :: "bool list"
shows "{x. length x = length i} = {i} \<Longrightarrow> i = []"
apply (cases i, clarsimp)
apply (drule_tac x="(\<not>a) # list" in eqset_imp_iff)
apply simp
lemma bl_length_set_singleton_subset:
fixes i :: "bool list"
assumes notnil: "i \<noteq> []"
shows "{i} \<subset> {x. length x = length i}" (is "_ \<subset> ?s")
using notnil
proof -
from notnil obtain b bs where i: "i = b # bs" by (cases i, simp)
have b: "b # bs \<in> ?s" using i by simp
have notb: "(\<not>b) # bs \<in> ?s" using i by simp
from b notb have "?s - {b # bs} \<noteq> {}" by blast
thus ?thesis using i by (auto intro!: singleton_subsetI)
lemma insert_same_length_id:
"insert i {x. length x = length i} = {x. length x = length i}"
by auto
text \<open>
Recursive sequence of length n along a ring, starting at p.
Wrapping permitted.\<close>
len_seq :: "'a::ring_1 \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> 'a list"
"len_seq p 0 = []"
| "len_seq p (Suc n) = p # (len_seq (p + 1) n)"
lemma len_seq_length [simp]:
fixes p :: "'a::ring_1"
shows "length (len_seq p sz) = sz"
by (induct sz arbitrary: p, auto)
lemma len_seq_Cons:
"0 < sz \<Longrightarrow> len_seq p sz = p # len_seq (p+1) (sz - 1)"
by (induct sz arbitrary: p, auto)
lemma map_fun_Suc_upt_Cons:
assumes xn: "x \<le> n"
assumes gf: "\<And>n. g (Suc n) = f n"
shows "map g [x..<Suc n] = (g x) # map f [x..<n]"
proof -
have ss: "[Suc x..<Suc n] = map Suc [x..<n]"
by (subst map_Suc_upt[symmetric], rule refl)
show ?thesis using xn
by (simp add: upt_conv_Cons ss gf del: upt_Suc)
lemma len_seq_map_upt_eq:
fixes p :: "'a::ring_1"
shows "len_seq p sz = map (\<lambda>n. p + of_nat n) [0..<sz]"
proof (induct sz arbitrary: p)
case 0 thus ?case by simp
case (Suc sz)
hence IH: "len_seq (p + 1) sz = map (\<lambda>n. p + 1 + of_nat n) [0..<sz]" by simp
show ?case
by (simp only: len_seq.simps IH map_fun_Suc_upt_Cons) fastforce
lemma len_seq_no_wrap:
fixes p :: "'a :: len word"
assumes sz: "n < 2 ^ len_of TYPE('a)"
shows "p \<notin> set (len_seq (p + 1) n)"
proof (rule ccontr, simp)
assume pin: "p \<in> set (len_seq (p + 1) n)"
then obtain q where q: "p + 1 + of_nat q = p" and qn: "q < n"
by (auto simp: len_seq_map_upt_eq)
hence "of_nat q + 1 = (0 :: 'a word)" by (simp add: add.commute)
from qn have "of_nat q + (1::'a word) \<noteq> 0" using sz
by (fastforce intro!: less_is_non_zero_p1[where k="of_nat n :: 'a word"]
intro: word_of_nat_less simp: unat_of_nat_eq)
ultimately show False by blast
section \<open>Definitions\<close>
subsection \<open>Partial Validity of Kernel Objects (i.e. cnodes)\<close>
text \<open>Same as @{term "well_formed_cnode_n"}, but allow gaps.\<close>
bounded_cnode_n :: "nat \<Rightarrow> cnode_contents \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"bounded_cnode_n n \<equiv> \<lambda>cs. \<forall>x \<in> dom cs. length x = n"
text \<open>Same as @{term "valid_cs_size"}, but allowing gaps\<close>
bounded_cs_size :: "nat \<Rightarrow> cnode_contents \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"bounded_cs_size sz cs \<equiv> sz < word_bits - cte_level_bits
\<and> bounded_cnode_n sz cs"
text \<open>
Kernel object respects bounds set by its own size. This is only a problem
for cnodes.
bounded_ko :: "kernel_object \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"bounded_ko ko = (case ko of CNode sz cs \<Rightarrow> bounded_cs_size sz cs
| _ \<Rightarrow> True)"
subsection \<open>
Types and sizes of abstract kernel objects without checking any
text \<open>Like @{term "a_type"}, but don't check wellformed on cnodes\<close>
a_base_type :: "Structures_A.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> a_type" where
"a_base_type ko \<equiv> case ko of
CNode sz cspace \<Rightarrow> ACapTable sz
| TCB tcb \<Rightarrow> ATCB
| Endpoint endpoint \<Rightarrow> AEndpoint
| Notification notification \<Rightarrow> ANTFN
| ArchObj ao \<Rightarrow> AArch (case ao of
PageTable pt \<Rightarrow> APageTable
| PageDirectory pd \<Rightarrow> APageDirectory
| DataPage sz \<Rightarrow> AIntData sz
| Arch_Structs_A.ASIDPool f \<Rightarrow> AASIDPool)"
lemmas a_base_type_simps [simp] =
a_base_type_def [split_simps kernel_object.split arch_kernel_obj.split]
text \<open>
These correspond to @{term "arch_kobj_size"} and @{term "obj_bits"}, but
since we can derive all the information necessary from the type, we use the
We provide abbreviations for convenience;
@{text "a_base_type_bits (a_base_type ...)"} is rather verbose.
aa_base_type_bits :: "aa_type \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"aa_base_type_bits t \<equiv>
case t of APageTable \<Rightarrow> 10
| APageDirectory \<Rightarrow> 14
| AIntData sz \<Rightarrow> pageBitsForSize sz
| AASIDPool \<Rightarrow> pageBits"
lemmas aa_base_type_bits_simps [simp] =
aa_base_type_bits_def [split_simps aa_type.split]
a_base_type_bits :: "a_type \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"a_base_type_bits t \<equiv>
case t of ACapTable sz \<Rightarrow> cte_level_bits + sz
| ATCB \<Rightarrow> 9
| AEndpoint \<Rightarrow> 4
| ANTFN \<Rightarrow> 4
| AArch aot \<Rightarrow> aa_base_type_bits aot"
lemmas a_base_type_bits_simps [simp] =
a_base_type_bits_def [split_simps a_type.split]
"t_obj_bits ko \<equiv> a_base_type_bits (a_base_type ko)"
lemmas t_obj_bits_def = a_base_type_bits_def
text \<open>
Whether an index is a valid cnode index for the given type, i.e.\ can we set
that cap to something and end up with a bounded object.
abt_valid_cnode_index :: "a_type \<Rightarrow> cnode_index \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"abt_valid_cnode_index atyp i \<equiv> (case atyp
of ACapTable sz \<Rightarrow> length i = sz
| ATCB \<Rightarrow> i \<in> tcb_cnode_index ` {0,1,2,3,4}
| _ \<Rightarrow> False)"
"valid_cnode_index ko \<equiv> abt_valid_cnode_index (a_base_type ko)"
lemmas valid_cnode_index_def = abt_valid_cnode_index_def
subsection \<open>Component structure of objects\<close>
text \<open>
Components available for given object types.
text \<open>
What components are available for a given kernel object
(we should see a subset of these in the ghost state).
Note that [] is the ``fields'' component, containing unsplittable information for a
given object, such as non-cap fields of a tcb or all fields of an endpoint.\<close>
aa_base_type_components :: "aa_type \<Rightarrow> component set" where
"aa_base_type_components AASIDPool = {x. length x = 10}" (* 2^10 components *)
| "aa_base_type_components APageTable = {x. length x = 8}" (* 2^8 components *)
| "aa_base_type_components APageDirectory = {x. length x = 12}" (* 2^12 components *)
| "aa_base_type_components (AIntData sz) = {}" (* no core, type only *)
a_base_type_components :: "a_type \<Rightarrow> component set" where
"a_base_type_components (ACapTable sz) = {x. length x = sz}"
| "a_base_type_components ATCB = insert [] (tcb_cnode_index ` {0,1,2,3,4})"
(* core & 5 caps *)
| "a_base_type_components AEndpoint = {[]}" (* core only *)
| "a_base_type_components ANTFN = {[]}" (* core only *)
| "a_base_type_components (AArch aot) = aa_base_type_components aot"
"ko_components ko \<equiv> a_base_type_components (a_base_type ko)"
text \<open>Relationship between caps and components.\<close>
(* XXX: see @{text "nat_to_cref"} *)
a_base_type_cmp_of :: "a_type \<Rightarrow> cnode_index \<Rightarrow> component" where
"a_base_type_cmp_of atyp i \<equiv> case atyp of ACapTable _ \<Rightarrow> i
| ATCB \<Rightarrow> i"
"cmp_of ko \<equiv> a_base_type_cmp_of (a_base_type ko)"
subsection \<open>Component-wise Combining of Kernel Objects\<close>
text \<open>
Combining objects of the same type (strictly speaking it's a right override,
although realistically it only makes sense if the first object's components
are disjoint from those of the second). Crucially, NOT DEFINED for two
objects of different types, as that makes no sense whatsoever.\<close>
ao_override :: "arch_kernel_obj \<Rightarrow> arch_kernel_obj \<Rightarrow> component set
\<Rightarrow> arch_kernel_obj" where
"ao_override obj1 obj2 cmps \<equiv>
(case obj1
of ASIDPool o1 \<Rightarrow>
(case obj2 of ASIDPool o2 \<Rightarrow>
ASIDPool (\<lambda>bs. if to_bl bs \<in> cmps then o2 bs else o1 bs))
| PageTable o1 \<Rightarrow>
(case obj2 of PageTable o2 \<Rightarrow>
PageTable (\<lambda>bs. if to_bl bs \<in> cmps then o2 bs else o1 bs))
| PageDirectory o1 \<Rightarrow>
(case obj2 of PageDirectory o2 \<Rightarrow>
PageDirectory (\<lambda>bs. if to_bl bs \<in> cmps then o2 bs else o1 bs))
| DataPage o1 \<Rightarrow> (case obj2 of DataPage o2 \<Rightarrow> DataPage o2))"
(* DataPage has no core, type only *)
tcb_override :: "Structures_A.tcb \<Rightarrow> Structures_A.tcb \<Rightarrow> component set
\<Rightarrow> Structures_A.tcb" where
(* 6 fields counted as "core" (component []), plus 5 caps (tcb_cnode_index 0..4) *)
"tcb_override t1 t2 cmps \<equiv>
t1\<lparr> tcb_state := tcb_state (if [] \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_fault_handler := tcb_fault_handler (if [] \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_ipc_buffer := tcb_ipc_buffer (if [] \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_context := tcb_context (if [] \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_fault := tcb_fault (if [] \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_bound_notification := tcb_bound_notification (if [] \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_ctable := tcb_ctable (if tcb_cnode_index 0 \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_vtable := tcb_vtable (if tcb_cnode_index 1 \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_reply := tcb_reply (if tcb_cnode_index 2 \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_caller := tcb_caller (if tcb_cnode_index 3 \<in> cmps then t2 else t1),
tcb_ipcframe := tcb_ipcframe (if tcb_cnode_index 4 \<in> cmps then t2 else t1)
ko_override :: "Structures_A.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> Structures_A.kernel_object
\<Rightarrow> component set \<Rightarrow> Structures_A.kernel_object" where
"ko_override obj1 obj2 cmps =
(case obj1
of CNode sz o1 \<Rightarrow>
(case obj2 of CNode sz2 o2 \<Rightarrow>
CNode sz2 (\<lambda>bs. if bs \<in> cmps then o2 bs else o1 bs))
| TCB o1 \<Rightarrow> (case obj2 of TCB o2 \<Rightarrow> TCB (tcb_override o1 o2 cmps))
| Endpoint o1 \<Rightarrow>
(case obj2 of Endpoint o2 \<Rightarrow>
Endpoint (if [] \<in> cmps then o2 else o1)) (* core only *)
| Notification o1 \<Rightarrow>
(case obj2 of Notification o2 \<Rightarrow>
Notification (if [] \<in> cmps then o2 else o1) (* core only *))
| ArchObj ao1 \<Rightarrow>
(case obj2 of ArchObj ao2 \<Rightarrow> ArchObj (ao_override ao1 ao2 cmps)))"
text \<open>
Object ``cleaning'', i.e. getting the components we don't have into a known
state. Otherwise if we combine @{text "(cnode1,{to_bl 2, to_bl 3})"} and
@{text "(cnode2,{to_bl 4, to_bl 5})"} we don't
know anything about component @{text "to_bl 1"}, and so can't claim commutativity.
Using undefined everywhere, as expected, except for CNodes where
CNode undefined is not necessarily well-formed, which affects its type.
ao_clean :: "arch_kernel_obj \<Rightarrow> component set \<Rightarrow> arch_kernel_obj" where
"ao_clean ao cmps \<equiv>
(case ao
of Arch_Structs_A.ASIDPool aobj \<Rightarrow>
ao_override (Arch_Structs_A.ASIDPool undefined) ao cmps
| PageTable aobj \<Rightarrow> ao_override (PageTable undefined) ao cmps
| PageDirectory aobj \<Rightarrow> ao_override (PageDirectory undefined) ao cmps
| DataPage aobj \<Rightarrow> DataPage aobj)" (* type only *)
ko_clean :: "kernel_object \<Rightarrow> component set \<Rightarrow> kernel_object" where
"ko_clean ko cmps \<equiv>
(case ko
of CNode sz obj \<Rightarrow> ko_override (CNode sz empty) ko cmps
| TCB obj \<Rightarrow> ko_override (TCB undefined) ko cmps
| Endpoint obj \<Rightarrow> ko_override (Endpoint undefined) ko cmps
| Notification obj \<Rightarrow> ko_override (Notification undefined) ko cmps
| ArchObj obj \<Rightarrow> ArchObj (ao_clean obj cmps))"
text \<open>Combining objects\<close>
ko_combine :: "(kernel_object \<times> component set)
\<Rightarrow> (kernel_object \<times> component set)
\<Rightarrow> (kernel_object \<times> component set)" where
"ko_combine kcmp1 kcmp2 \<equiv>
(case kcmp1 of (o1,cs1) \<Rightarrow> (case kcmp2 of (o2,cs2) \<Rightarrow>
(ko_override (ko_clean o1 cs1) (ko_clean o2 cs2) cs2, cs1 \<union> cs2)))"
text \<open>Updating a cap in a specific kernel object\<close>
text \<open>
This is the non-monadic counterpart to @{term set_cap_local}.
We use silent failure here, since we want generic lemmas to hold, such
as that @{term set_ko_cap} preserves the kernel object type. If we returned
undefined, we can't prove those without the extra assumption everywhere that
@{term "cap_of ko i = Some c"}.
definition (* non-monadic counterpart to set_cap(_local) *)
set_ko_cap :: "kernel_object \<Rightarrow> cnode_index \<Rightarrow> cap \<Rightarrow> kernel_object" where
"set_ko_cap ko i cap \<equiv>
(case ko of CNode sz cn \<Rightarrow> CNode sz (cn(i \<mapsto> cap))
| TCB tcb \<Rightarrow>
(if i = tcb_cnode_index 0 then
TCB $ tcb \<lparr> tcb_ctable := cap \<rparr>
else if i = tcb_cnode_index 1 then
TCB $ tcb \<lparr> tcb_vtable := cap \<rparr>
else if i = tcb_cnode_index 2 then
TCB $ tcb \<lparr> tcb_reply := cap \<rparr>
else if i = tcb_cnode_index 3 then
TCB $ tcb \<lparr> tcb_caller := cap \<rparr>
else if i = tcb_cnode_index 4 then
TCB $ tcb \<lparr> tcb_ipcframe := cap \<rparr>
| _ \<Rightarrow> ko)"
subsection \<open>Object-component Maps\<close>
text \<open>
When we annotate the abstract kernel heap with the components of kernel
objects we are allowed to access at each address, we get an
object-component map. This map is the core of the separation logic, since
it allows us to perform local reasoning beyond the granularity of a kernel
object. In other words, if we have a kernel object at address p in two
kheaps, we can still call the heaps disjoint if they are annotated with
disjoint components.
In lemmas, ``object-component map'' is typically abbreviated to ``ocm''.
obj_comp_map = "paddr \<rightharpoonup> (kernel_object \<times> component set)"
ko_has_cap :: "kernel_object \<Rightarrow> component set \<Rightarrow> cnode_index \<Rightarrow> cap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"ko_has_cap ko cmps i c \<equiv> cap_of (ko_clean ko cmps) i = Some c \<and>
(cmp_of ko i) \<in> cmps"
"ocm_has_cap ocm p ko cmps i c \<equiv> ocm p = Some (ko, cmps) \<and>
ko_has_cap ko cmps i c"
obj_comp_map_add :: "obj_comp_map \<Rightarrow> obj_comp_map \<Rightarrow> obj_comp_map" where
"obj_comp_map_add h1 h2 \<equiv>
(\<lambda>p. (case h1 p
of Some oc1 \<Rightarrow> (case h2 p
of Some oc2 \<Rightarrow> Some (ko_combine oc1 oc2)
| None \<Rightarrow> Some oc1)
| None \<Rightarrow> h2 p))"
text \<open>
Disjunction (per address):
If it's in one heap but not the other (or in neither),
consider the object maps disjoint.
Looking at the objects through only the components we have:
If the objects have different types, they are not disjoint.
If the objects have the same type, but the different heaps cover different
components, then they are disjoint.
Exceptions to the above when both objects have the same type:
If an object is structurally unsound (i.e. is a cnode with entries not of
the right length), we treat the component coverage as if it was
@{term "UNIV"}.
If a component set is either @{term "{}"} or includes components outside
of sane values for the given object type, we treat it as @{term "UNIV"}.
We need the exceptions in order to be able to define a predicate that says
``we have the entire object and all information about it'', and be able to
detype/retype this object while preserving the frame rule. If we can
construct anything separate from the entire object that also talks about the
object's type, we cannot prove the frame rule. This means no objects with no
components or ficticious components (they convey no information except the
object type at that address). This also means no magical cnodes where a
cnode of size 2 can suddenly develop a entry over 9000.
"sane_components ko cmps \<equiv> bounded_ko ko \<and> cmps \<noteq> {}
\<and> cmps \<subseteq> ko_components ko"
"check_components ko cmps \<equiv> if sane_components ko cmps then cmps else UNIV"
obj_comp_map_disj :: "obj_comp_map \<Rightarrow> obj_comp_map \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"obj_comp_map_disj h1 h2 \<equiv>
(\<forall>p. case (h1 p, h2 p)
of (Some (o1,c1), Some (o2,c2))
\<Rightarrow> a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2
\<and> check_components (ko_clean o1 c1) c1
\<inter> check_components (ko_clean o2 c2) c2 = {}
| _ \<Rightarrow> True)"
subsection \<open>
State used for separation algebra; encompasses the object-component map, as well as free and available memory.
datatype sep_state = SepState obj_comp_map "obj_ref set" "obj_ref set"
(* comp. map free mem avail mem *)
sep_assert = "sep_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
(type) "sep_assert" <= (type) "sep_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
text \<open>SepState accessors\<close>
sep_state_ocm :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> obj_comp_map" where
"sep_state_ocm s \<equiv> case s of SepState ocm _ _ \<Rightarrow> ocm"
sep_state_free :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> obj_ref set" where
"sep_state_free s \<equiv> case s of SepState _ free _ \<Rightarrow> free"
sep_state_avail :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> obj_ref set" where
"sep_state_avail s \<equiv> case s of SepState _ _ avail \<Rightarrow> avail"
lemmas sep_state_accessors =
sep_state_ocm_def sep_state_free_def sep_state_avail_def
lift_sep_state :: "'z ki_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state" where
"lift_sep_state ki \<equiv>
let kh = kheap (ki_kernel_state ki)
in SepState (\<lambda>p. case kh p
of Some obj \<Rightarrow> Some (ko_clean obj (ki_components ki p),
ki_components ki p)
| _ \<Rightarrow> None)
(ki_free_mem ki)
(ki_available_mem ki)"
text \<open>
Lifting a kernel state @{text "s"} onto an existing kernel init state
@{text "kis"}.\<close>
"kis_lift kis s \<equiv> lift_sep_state (kis\<lparr>ki_kernel_state := s\<rparr>)"
kheap_shadow :: "obj_comp_map \<Rightarrow> paddr \<Rightarrow> paddr set" where
"kheap_shadow kh p \<equiv>
set (len_seq (p+1) (2 ^ t_obj_bits (fst (the (kh p))) - 1))"
"kheap_shadows kh \<equiv> \<Union>(kheap_shadow kh ` dom kh)"
text \<open>Addresses used up by objects in the kernel heap\<close>
kheap_dom :: "(obj_comp_map) \<Rightarrow> paddr set" where
"kheap_dom kh \<equiv> dom kh \<union> kheap_shadows kh"
sep_disj :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
(* if we try to combine two sane heaps, a region can't end up being:
- free in one and available in the other
- free/available in one and in the heap in the other
- in both heaps with the same component
- an object in one heap and a shadow (the Nones that follow an object
until its last memory address) in the other
"sep_disj s1 s2 =
(case s1 of SepState kh1 free1 avail1 \<Rightarrow>
(case s2 of SepState kh2 free2 avail2 \<Rightarrow>
((free1 \<union> avail1) \<inter> (free2 \<union> avail2) = {} \<and>
kheap_dom kh1 \<inter> (free2 \<union> avail2) = {} \<and>
kheap_dom kh2 \<inter> (free1 \<union> avail1) = {} \<and>
obj_comp_map_disj kh1 kh2 \<and>
kheap_shadows kh1 \<inter> dom kh2 = {} \<and>
kheap_shadows kh2 \<inter> dom kh1 = {}) ))"
sep_add :: "sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state" where
"sep_add s1 s2 =
(case s1 of SepState kh1 free1 avail1 \<Rightarrow>
(case s2 of SepState kh2 free2 avail2 \<Rightarrow>
SepState (obj_comp_map_add kh1 kh2) (free1 \<union> free2) (avail1 \<union> avail2)
sep_empty :: "sep_state" where
"sep_empty = SepState empty {} {}"
subsection \<open>Maps-to Predicates\<close>
text \<open>pretty raw function to talk about a single object's components at a given address\<close>
sep_map_base :: "paddr \<Rightarrow> kernel_object \<Rightarrow> component set \<Rightarrow> sep_assert" where
"sep_map_base p ko cmps s \<equiv> (case s of SepState ocm free avail \<Rightarrow>
ocm p = Some (ko_clean ko cmps, cmps) \<and>
sane_components (ko_clean ko cmps) cmps \<and>
dom ocm = {p} \<and> (* sep_conj takes care of shadow intersections *)
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko) \<and>
free = {} \<and>
avail = {})"
(* XXX: can this be the same as the empty assertion when cmps = {}? *)
text \<open>same thing, but talking about the entire object at an address\<close>
sep_map_ko :: "paddr \<Rightarrow> kernel_object \<Rightarrow> sep_assert" where
"sep_map_ko p ko \<equiv> sep_map_base p ko (ko_components ko)"
text \<open>
An object of the specified type with a set cap. We need to specify the type
in order to be able to reassemble cnodes, and also to not have to prove
things such as that @{const set_cap} doesn't change the object's type.\<close>
sep_map_cap :: "a_type \<Rightarrow> cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> cap \<Rightarrow> sep_assert" where
"sep_map_cap atyp cptr cap \<equiv> case cptr of (p,i) \<Rightarrow>
(\<lambda>s. \<exists>ko. sep_map_base p ko {cmp_of ko i} s \<and>
a_base_type ko = atyp \<and>
cap_of ko i = Some cap)"
text \<open>declaring a region of memory is free (unallocated)\<close>
sep_free :: "paddr \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> sep_assert" where
"sep_free p sz s = (case s of SepState ocm free avail \<Rightarrow>
(dom ocm = {} \<and> free = set (len_seq p sz) \<and> avail = {}))"
text \<open>declaring a region of memory is available (allocated but untyped)\<close>
sep_available :: "paddr \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> sep_assert" where
"sep_available p sz s = (case s of SepState ocm free avail \<Rightarrow>
(dom ocm = {} \<and> free = {} \<and> avail = set (len_seq p sz)))"
subsection \<open>Cap-level Updates of the Kernel Init State\<close>
text \<open>
The @{term sep_update_cap} function is equivalent to what
@{term set_cap_local} does at the monadic kernel state level, but phrased
non-monadically and more conveniently for the separation state level.
sep_update_cap :: "cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> cap \<Rightarrow> sep_state \<Rightarrow> sep_state" where
"sep_update_cap cp cap s \<equiv> (case cp of (p,i) \<Rightarrow>
(case s of SepState ocm f a \<Rightarrow>
SepState (ocm(p \<mapsto> (set_ko_cap (fst (the (ocm p))) i cap,
snd (the (ocm p))))) f a ))"
section \<open>Proofs\<close> (* ------------------------------------------------- *)
subsection \<open>Component structure of objects\<close>
lemma bounded_ko_t_obj_bits:
"bounded_ko ko \<Longrightarrow> t_obj_bits ko < word_bits"
by (clarsimp simp: bounded_ko_def cte_level_bits_def word_bits_def
bounded_cs_size_def a_base_type_bits_def a_base_type_def
pageBitsForSize_def pageBits_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits
lemma tcb_eq: (* so the simplifier doesn't barf on tcb_override_commute *)
"\<lbrakk> tcb_state (tcb1::Structures_A.tcb) = tcb_state (tcb2::Structures_A.tcb) ;
tcb_fault_handler tcb1 = tcb_fault_handler tcb2 ;
tcb_ipc_buffer tcb1 = tcb_ipc_buffer tcb2 ;
tcb_context tcb1 = tcb_context tcb2 ;
tcb_fault tcb1 = tcb_fault tcb2 ;
tcb_ctable tcb1 = tcb_ctable tcb2 ;
tcb_vtable tcb1 = tcb_vtable tcb2 ;
tcb_reply tcb1 = tcb_reply tcb2 ;
tcb_caller tcb1 = tcb_caller tcb2 ;
tcb_ipcframe tcb1 = tcb_ipcframe tcb2 ;
tcb_bound_notification tcb1 = tcb_bound_notification tcb2 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> tcb1 = tcb2"
by (cases tcb1, cases tcb2) auto
lemma tcb_cnode_index_not_Nil:
"tcb_cnode_index i \<noteq> []"
by (clarsimp simp: tcb_cnode_index_def)
lemma tcb_cnode_index_Nil_False [simp]:
"(tcb_cnode_index i = []) = False"
"([] = tcb_cnode_index i) = False"
by (auto simp: tcb_cnode_index_not_Nil tcb_cnode_index_not_Nil[symmetric])
subsection \<open>Component-wise Combining of Kernel Objects\<close>
lemma tcb_override_index_simps:
"tcb_override tcb tcb' {tcb_cnode_index 0}
= tcb \<lparr>tcb_ctable := tcb_ctable tcb'\<rparr>"
"tcb_override tcb tcb' {tcb_cnode_index (Suc 0)}
= tcb \<lparr>tcb_vtable := tcb_vtable tcb'\<rparr>"
"tcb_override tcb tcb' {tcb_cnode_index 2}
= tcb \<lparr>tcb_reply := tcb_reply tcb'\<rparr>"
"tcb_override tcb tcb' {tcb_cnode_index 3}
= tcb \<lparr>tcb_caller := tcb_caller tcb'\<rparr>"
"tcb_override tcb tcb' {tcb_cnode_index 4}
= tcb \<lparr>tcb_ipcframe := tcb_ipcframe tcb'\<rparr>"
by (simp_all add: tcb_override_def)
lemma tcb_field_cmp_right_simps:
"[] \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_state (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps) = tcb_state tcb'"
"[] \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_fault_handler (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps)
= tcb_fault_handler tcb'"
"[] \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_ipc_buffer (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps)
= tcb_ipc_buffer tcb'"
"[] \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_context (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps)
= tcb_context tcb'"
"[] \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_fault (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps)
= tcb_fault tcb'"
"[] \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_bound_notification (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps) = tcb_bound_notification tcb'"
"tcb_cnode_index 0 \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_ctable (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps)
= tcb_ctable tcb'"
"tcb_cnode_index (Suc 0) \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_vtable (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps)
= tcb_vtable tcb'"
"tcb_cnode_index 2 \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_reply (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps)
= tcb_reply tcb'"
"tcb_cnode_index 3 \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_caller (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps)
= tcb_caller tcb'"
"tcb_cnode_index 4 \<in> cmps \<Longrightarrow> tcb_ipcframe (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps)
= tcb_ipcframe tcb'"
by (simp_all add: tcb_override_def)
lemma tcb_override_index_cmps_simps:
"tcb_cnode_index 0 \<in> cmps
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_override ko (ko'\<lparr>tcb_ctable := cap\<rparr>) cmps
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr>tcb_ctable := cap\<rparr>"
"tcb_cnode_index (Suc 0) \<in> cmps
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_override ko (ko'\<lparr>tcb_vtable := cap\<rparr>) cmps
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr>tcb_vtable := cap\<rparr>"
"tcb_cnode_index 2 \<in> cmps
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_override ko (ko'\<lparr>tcb_reply := cap\<rparr>) cmps
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr>tcb_reply := cap\<rparr>"
"tcb_cnode_index 3 \<in> cmps
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_override ko (ko'\<lparr>tcb_caller := cap\<rparr>) cmps
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr>tcb_caller := cap\<rparr>"
"tcb_cnode_index 4 \<in> cmps
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_override ko (ko'\<lparr>tcb_ipcframe := cap\<rparr>) cmps
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr>tcb_ipcframe := cap\<rparr>"
by (simp_all add: tcb_override_def)
lemma tcb_override_index_sub_cmps_simps:
"tcb_override ko ko' (cmps - {tcb_cnode_index 0}) \<lparr> tcb_ctable := cap \<rparr>
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr> tcb_ctable := cap \<rparr>"
"tcb_override ko ko' (cmps - {tcb_cnode_index (Suc 0)}) \<lparr> tcb_vtable := cap \<rparr>
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr> tcb_vtable := cap \<rparr>"
"tcb_override ko ko' (cmps - {tcb_cnode_index 2}) \<lparr> tcb_reply := cap \<rparr>
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr> tcb_reply := cap \<rparr>"
"tcb_override ko ko' (cmps - {tcb_cnode_index 3}) \<lparr> tcb_caller := cap \<rparr>
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr> tcb_caller := cap \<rparr>"
"tcb_override ko ko' (cmps - {tcb_cnode_index 4}) \<lparr> tcb_ipcframe := cap \<rparr>
= tcb_override ko ko' cmps \<lparr> tcb_ipcframe := cap \<rparr>"
by (simp_all add: tcb_override_def)
text \<open>
Unfolding @{text tcb_override_def} the index is known is a really bad idea
in terms of simplifier performance in actual lemmas. These rules help avoid
that scenario.\<close>
lemmas tcb_override_index_assist = tcb_override_index_simps
tcb_override_index_cmps_simps tcb_override_index_sub_cmps_simps
lemma ko_clean_preserves_type [simp]:
"a_base_type (ko_clean ko cmps) = a_base_type ko"
by (auto simp: ko_clean_def ko_override_def ao_clean_def ao_override_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
lemma t_obj_bits_ko_clean_simp [simp]:
"t_obj_bits (ko_clean ko cmps) = t_obj_bits ko"
by (clarsimp split: Structures_A.kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
lemma ko_components_ko_clean_simp [simp]:
"ko_components (ko_clean ko cmps) = ko_components ko"
by (clarsimp split: Structures_A.kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
lemma ko_override_a_base_type [simp]:
"a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2
\<Longrightarrow> a_base_type (ko_override o1 o2 c2) = a_base_type o2"
by (clarsimp simp: a_base_type_def ko_override_def ao_override_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
lemma ao_clean_twice [simp]:
"ao_clean (ao_clean ao cmps) cmps = ao_clean ao cmps"
by (fastforce split: arch_kernel_obj.splits
simp: ao_clean_def ao_override_def)
lemma ko_clean_twice_subset:
"\<lbrakk> cmps' \<subseteq> cmps \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ko_clean (ko_clean ko cmps) cmps' = ko_clean ko cmps'"
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_clean_def ao_clean_def ko_override_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
apply (fastforce intro!: tcb_eq simp: tcb_override_def)
lemma ko_clean_twice [simp]:
"ko_clean (ko_clean ko cmps) cmps = ko_clean ko cmps"
by (simp add: ko_clean_twice_subset)
lemma ko_clean_id:
"bounded_ko ko \<Longrightarrow> ko_clean ko (ko_components ko) = ko"
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_clean_def ko_override_def ao_clean_def
ao_override_def bounded_ko_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
apply (clarsimp intro!: ext simp: bounded_cs_size_def bounded_cnode_n_def)
apply (case_tac "fun bs", simp, clarsimp simp: unat_of_bl_length dom_def)
apply (fastforce intro!: tcb_eq simp: tcb_override_index_assist)
lemma ko_clean_ko_override_id:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko' ; cmps \<inter> cmps' = {} \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ko_clean (ko_override ko ko' cmps) cmps' = ko_clean ko cmps'"
apply (cases ko)
apply (simp_all add: ko_clean_def ko_override_def a_base_type_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
apply fastforce
apply (rule tcb_eq | fastforce simp: tcb_override_def)+
apply (case_tac arch_kernel_obj)
apply (fastforce split: arch_kernel_obj.splits
simp: ao_clean_def ao_override_def)+
lemma ao_override_pull_out_ao_clean [simp]:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type (ArchObj ao1) = a_base_type (ArchObj ao2) \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ao_override (ao_clean ao1 cmps1) ao2 cmps2
= ao_clean (ao_override ao1 ao2 cmps2) (cmps1 \<union> cmps2)"
by (auto simp: ao_clean_def ao_override_def
split: arch_kernel_obj.splits)
lemma ko_override_pull_out_ko_clean [simp]:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type ko1 = a_base_type ko2 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ko_override (ko_clean ko1 cmps1) ko2 cmps2
= ko_clean (ko_override ko1 ko2 cmps2) (cmps1 \<union> cmps2)"
by (clarsimp simp: ko_clean_def ko_override_def a_base_type_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
(auto simp: tcb_override_def)
lemma ko_override_ko_clean_right [simp]:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type ko1 = a_base_type ko2 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (ko_override ko1 (ko_clean ko2 cmps2) cmps2)
= (ko_override ko1 ko2 cmps2) "
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_clean_def ko_override_def a_base_type_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
apply (fastforce simp: tcb_override_def)+
apply (fastforce simp: ao_override_def ao_clean_def
split: arch_kernel_obj.splits)
lemma ko_override_self [simp]:
"ko_override ko ko cmps = ko"
by (cases ko)
(auto simp: ko_override_def tcb_override_def ao_override_def
split: arch_kernel_obj.splits)
lemma cap_of_ko_cleanD:
"\<lbrakk> cap_of (ko_clean ko cmps) i = Some c ; (cmp_of ko i) \<in> cmps \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> cap_of ko i = Some c"
unfolding cap_of_def ko_clean_def
by (clarsimp simp: ko_override_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def tcb_cnode_map_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits if_split_asm)
lemma cap_of_ko_clean_contained_cap:
"cmp_of ko i \<in> cmps
\<Longrightarrow> cap_of (ko_clean ko cmps) i = cap_of ko i"
unfolding cap_of_def ko_clean_def
by (clarsimp simp: ko_override_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
(fastforce simp: tcb_cnode_map_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
lemma cap_of_ko_clean_same_cap [simp]:
"cap_of (ko_clean ko {cmp_of ko i}) i = cap_of ko i"
by (clarsimp simp: cap_of_ko_clean_contained_cap)
lemma ko_clean_one_cap_eq:
"\<lbrakk> cap_of ko i = Some cap ; cap_of ko' i = Some cap ;
a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko' ;
cmp = {cmp_of ko' i} \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ko_clean ko cmp = ko_clean ko' cmp"
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_clean_def a_base_type_def cap_of_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
apply (fastforce simp: ko_override_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
split: if_split_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: tcb_cnode_map_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
ko_override_def tcb_override_index_assist
split: if_split_asm)
lemma tcb_override_commute:
"c1 \<inter> c2 = {}
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_override (tcb_override undefined tcb1 c1)
(tcb_override undefined tcb2 c2) c2
= tcb_override (tcb_override undefined tcb2 c2)
(tcb_override undefined tcb1 c1) c1"
by (rule tcb_eq)
(fastforce simp: tcb_override_def)+
lemma tcb_override_assoc:
"tcb_override (tcb_override (a::Structures_A.tcb) b cs1) c cs2
= tcb_override a (tcb_override b c cs2) (cs1 \<union> cs2)"
by (fastforce simp: tcb_override_def)
lemma tcb_override_twice_same [simp]:
"tcb_override x (tcb_override (x::Structures_A.tcb) y cmps) cmps =
tcb_override x y cmps"
by (fastforce simp: tcb_override_def intro!: tcb_eq)
lemma tcb_cnode_map_tcb_override_left:
"i \<notin> cmps
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_cnode_map (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps) i = tcb_cnode_map tcb i"
apply (clarsimp simp: tcb_cnode_map_def tcb_override_def
split: if_split_asm option.splits)
apply (rule conjI | clarsimp simp: eval_nat_numeral)+
lemma tcb_cnode_map_tcb_override_right:
"i \<in> cmps
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_cnode_map (tcb_override tcb tcb' cmps) i = tcb_cnode_map tcb' i"
by (fastforce simp: tcb_cnode_map_def tcb_override_index_assist
split: if_split_asm option.splits)
lemmas tcb_cnode_map_tcb_overrides = tcb_cnode_map_tcb_override_right
lemma cap_of_ko_override_left:
"\<lbrakk> cmp_of ko i \<notin> cmps ; a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko' \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> cap_of (ko_override ko ko' cmps) i = cap_of ko i"
by (clarsimp simp: a_base_type_def cap_of_def ko_clean_def
ko_override_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits)
lemma cap_of_ko_override_right:
"\<lbrakk> cmp_of ko i \<in> cmps ; a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko' \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> cap_of (ko_override ko ko' cmps) i = cap_of ko' i"
by (clarsimp simp: a_base_type_def cap_of_def ko_clean_def
ko_override_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits)
lemmas cap_of_ko_overrides = cap_of_ko_override_right cap_of_ko_override_left
lemma cap_of_ko_clean:
"\<lbrakk> cmp_of ko i \<in> cmps \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> cap_of (ko_clean ko cmps) i = cap_of ko i"
by (clarsimp simp: cap_of_def ko_clean_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
a_base_type_def tcb_cnode_map_tcb_overrides
split: kernel_object.splits)+
lemma bounded_ko_clean:
"bounded_ko ko \<Longrightarrow> bounded_ko (ko_clean ko cmps)"
by (auto simp: bounded_ko_def ko_clean_def ko_override_def
bounded_cs_size_def bounded_cnode_n_def
split: kernel_object.splits if_split_asm)
lemma bounded_ko_override:
"\<lbrakk> bounded_ko o1 ; bounded_ko o2 ; a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> bounded_ko (ko_override o1 o2 cmps)"
by (fastforce simp: bounded_ko_def ko_override_def bounded_cs_size_def
a_base_type_def bounded_cnode_n_def
split: kernel_object.splits if_split_asm)
lemma bounded_ko_clean_ko_override:
"\<lbrakk> bounded_ko (ko_clean o1 c1) ; bounded_ko (ko_clean o2 c2) ;
a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> bounded_ko (ko_clean (ko_override o1 o2 c2) (c1 \<union> c2))"
by (fastforce simp: bounded_ko_def ko_clean_def ko_override_def
a_base_type_def bounded_cs_size_def bounded_cnode_n_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits if_split_asm)
(* XXX: long-running proof *)
lemma sane_components_ko_clean_ko_override:
"\<lbrakk> sane_components (ko_clean o1 c1) c1 ; sane_components (ko_clean o2 c2) c2;
a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sane_components (ko_clean (ko_override o1 o2 c2) (c1 \<union> c2)) (c1 \<union> c2)"
by (clarsimp simp: sane_components_def bounded_ko_clean_ko_override)
lemma bounded_ko_clean_ko_overrideD:
"\<lbrakk> bounded_ko (ko_clean (ko_override o1 o2 c2) (c1 \<union> c2)) ;
c1 \<inter> c2 = {} ; a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> bounded_ko (ko_clean o1 c1) \<and> bounded_ko (ko_clean o2 c2)"
by (fastforce simp: bounded_ko_def a_base_type_def ko_clean_def
ko_override_def bounded_cs_size_def bounded_cnode_n_def
split: kernel_object.splits if_split_asm)
lemma sane_components_ko_clean_ko_overrideD:
"\<lbrakk> sane_components (ko_clean (ko_override o1 o2 c2) (c1 \<union> c2)) (c1 \<union> c2) ;
c1 \<inter> c2 = {} ; c1 \<noteq> {} ; c2 \<noteq> {} ; a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sane_components (ko_clean o1 c1) c1 \<and>
sane_components (ko_clean o2 c2) c2"
by (fastforce simp: sane_components_def dest!: bounded_ko_clean_ko_overrideD)
lemma ko_override_assoc:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2 ; a_base_type o2 = a_base_type o3 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ko_override (ko_override o1 o2 cs1) o3 cs2
= ko_override o1 (ko_override o2 o3 cs2) (cs1 \<union> cs2)"
unfolding a_base_type_def
apply (clarsimp split: kernel_object.splits)
apply (clarsimp intro!: ext simp: ko_override_def tcb_override_assoc)+
apply (clarsimp split: arch_kernel_obj.splits)
apply (clarsimp intro!: ext simp: ao_override_def)+
lemma ko_combine_assoc:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2 ; a_base_type o2 = a_base_type o3 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ko_combine (ko_combine (o1,c1) (o2,c2)) (o3,c3)
= ko_combine (o1,c1) (ko_combine (o2,c2) (o3,c3))"
by (clarsimp simp: ko_combine_def ko_override_assoc Un_assoc)
lemma ko_combine_commute:
"\<lbrakk> check_components (ko_clean o1 c1) c1
\<inter> check_components (ko_clean o2 c2) c2 = {} ;
a_base_type o1 = a_base_type o2 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ko_combine (o1,c1) (o2,c2) = ko_combine (o2,c2) (o1,c1)"
unfolding ko_combine_def
by (clarsimp simp: Un_commute ko_override_def ko_clean_def
tcb_override_commute ao_clean_def sane_components_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits if_split_asm)
\<comment> \<open>ao_override_def is too much for auto/fastforce above\<close>
(auto intro!: ext simp: ao_override_def split: if_split_asm)
subsection \<open>
Check on Kernel Object and Components for Considering Disjunction\<close>
lemma check_components_id:
"\<lbrakk> bounded_ko ko ; cmps \<subseteq> ko_components ko ; cmps \<noteq> {} \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> check_components ko cmps = cmps"
by (clarsimp simp: check_components_def sane_components_def)
lemma check_components_UNIV:
"check_components ko {} = UNIV"
"\<not> bounded_ko ko \<Longrightarrow> check_components ko cmps = UNIV"
"\<not> (cmps \<subseteq> ko_components ko) \<Longrightarrow> check_components ko cmps = UNIV"
by (auto simp: check_components_def sane_components_def)
lemma check_components_not_empty:
"check_components ko cmps \<noteq> {}"
by (clarsimp simp: check_components_def sane_components_def)
lemma check_components_Int_emptyD:
assumes int: "check_components o1 c1 \<inter> check_components o2 c2 = {}"
shows "c1 \<noteq> {} \<and> c2 \<noteq> {} \<and> bounded_ko o1 \<and> bounded_ko o2 \<and>
c1 \<subseteq> ko_components o1 \<and> c2 \<subseteq> ko_components o2 \<and> c1 \<inter> c2 = {}"
proof -
from int have noteq: "c1 \<noteq> {} \<and> c2 \<noteq> {}"
by (auto simp: check_components_UNIV check_components_not_empty)
from int have bounded: "bounded_ko o1 \<and> bounded_ko o2"
by (auto intro: ccontr
simp: check_components_UNIV check_components_not_empty)
from int have subs: "c1 \<subseteq> ko_components o1" "c2 \<subseteq> ko_components o2"
by - (rule ccontr,
simp add: check_components_UNIV check_components_not_empty)+
ultimately show ?thesis using int
by (simp add: check_components_id)
subsection \<open>Updating a cap in a specific kernel object\<close>
lemma a_base_type_set_ko_cap [simp]:
"a_base_type (set_ko_cap ko i cap) = a_base_type ko"
by (cases ko, auto simp: set_ko_cap_def cap_of_def tcb_cnode_map_def)
lemma cap_of_set_ko_cap [simp]:
"cap_of ko i = Some c \<Longrightarrow> cap_of (set_ko_cap ko i cap) i = Some cap"
by (cases ko, auto simp: set_ko_cap_def cap_of_def tcb_cnode_map_def
split: if_split_asm)
lemma cap_of_set_ko_cap_via_other:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko' ; cap_of ko' i = Some cap' \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> cap_of (set_ko_cap ko i cap) i = Some cap"
by (clarsimp simp: cap_of_def set_ko_cap_def a_base_type_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
lemma bounded_set_ko_cap:
"\<lbrakk> bounded_ko ko ; cap_of ko i = Some c \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> bounded_ko (set_ko_cap ko i cap)"
by (fastforce simp: bounded_ko_def set_ko_cap_def cap_of_def
tcb_cnode_map_def bounded_cs_size_def bounded_cnode_n_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
lemma bounded_ko_clean_set_ko_cap:
"\<lbrakk> bounded_ko (ko_clean ko cmps) ; cap_of ko i = Some c ; cmp_of ko i \<in> cmps \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> bounded_ko (ko_clean (set_ko_cap ko i cap) cmps)"
by (fastforce simp: bounded_ko_def set_ko_cap_def cap_of_def ko_clean_def
ko_override_def tcb_cnode_map_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
bounded_cs_size_def bounded_cnode_n_def
split: kernel_object.splits if_split_asm)
lemma ko_override_is_set_ko_cap:
"\<lbrakk> cap_of ko' i = Some cap' ; a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko' \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ko_override ko ko' {cmp_of ko' i} = set_ko_cap ko i cap'"
apply (clarsimp simp: set_ko_cap_def cap_of_def ko_override_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
apply (clarsimp intro!: ext simp: a_base_type_cmp_of_def)
apply (fastforce simp: tcb_cnode_map_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
lemma ko_override_with_set_ko_cap:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko' ; valid_cnode_index ko' i \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ko_override ko (set_ko_cap ko' i cap) {cmp_of ko' i}
= set_ko_cap ko i cap"
apply (clarsimp simp: set_ko_cap_def abt_valid_cnode_index_def
a_base_type_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
apply (fastforce simp: ko_override_def tcb_override_index_assist)+
lemma ko_override_set_ko_cap:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko' ; cmp_of ko i \<in> cmps ;
cmps \<inter> cmps' = {} ; cap_of (ko_clean ko cmps) i = Some c \<rbrakk>
(ko_override (ko_clean (set_ko_cap ko i cap) cmps)
(ko_clean ko' cmps') cmps')
= (set_ko_cap (ko_override (ko_clean ko cmps)
(ko_clean ko' cmps') cmps') i cap)"
apply (frule (1) cap_of_ko_cleanD)
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_clean_def ko_override_def a_base_type_def
a_base_type_cmp_of_def cap_of_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits)
apply (fastforce simp: set_ko_cap_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: set_ko_cap_def tcb_cnode_map_def split: if_split_asm)
apply (rule tcb_eq | fastforce simp: tcb_override_def)+
(* XXX: long-running proof *)
lemma ko_clean_set_ko_cap:
"\<lbrakk> cmp_of ko i \<in> cmps \<rbrakk>
ko_clean (set_ko_cap ko i cap) cmps = set_ko_cap (ko_clean ko (cmps)) i cap"
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_clean_def a_base_type_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
cap_of_def ko_override_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits)
apply (fastforce simp: set_ko_cap_def)
apply (simp_all add: set_ko_cap_def)
apply (fastforce simp: tcb_override_index_assist)
lemma ko_clean_set_ko_cap': (* more specific version *)
"\<lbrakk> cmp_of ko i \<in> cmps ; cap_of (set_ko_cap ko i cap) i = Some cap \<rbrakk>
ko_clean (set_ko_cap ko i cap) cmps
= set_ko_cap (ko_clean ko (cmps - {cmp_of ko i})) i cap"
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_clean_def a_base_type_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
cap_of_def ko_override_def
split: kernel_object.splits option.splits)
apply (fastforce simp: set_ko_cap_def)
apply (simp_all add: set_ko_cap_def)
apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply (simp add: tcb_override_index_assist tcb_cnode_map_def)+
lemma ko_clean_set_ko_cap_id:
"\<lbrakk> cmp_of ko i \<notin> cmps \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ko_clean (set_ko_cap ko i cap) cmps = ko_clean ko cmps"
apply (cases ko)
apply (clarsimp simp: set_ko_cap_def ko_clean_def ko_override_def
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp simp: set_ko_cap_def ko_clean_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
split: if_split_asm)
apply (rule conjI | rule tcb_eq | fastforce simp: tcb_override_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp: set_ko_cap_def)+
lemma valid_cnode_index_cap_of_set_ko_cap:
"\<lbrakk> valid_cnode_index ko i \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> cap_of (set_ko_cap ko i cap) i = Some cap"
apply (cases ko, simp_all add: abt_valid_cnode_index_def
a_base_type_def set_ko_cap_def cap_of_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
apply (fastforce simp: tcb_override_index_assist tcb_cnode_map_def)
lemma abt_valid_cnode_index_singleton_component_subset:
"\<lbrakk> abt_valid_cnode_index atyp i ; 0 < length i \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> {a_base_type_cmp_of atyp i} \<subset> a_base_type_components atyp"
apply (clarsimp simp: abt_valid_cnode_index_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
split: a_type.splits)
apply fastforce
apply (erule bl_length_set_singleton_subset)
lemma abt_valid_cnode_index_in_components:
"abt_valid_cnode_index atyp i \<Longrightarrow> i \<in> a_base_type_components atyp"
by (clarsimp simp: abt_valid_cnode_index_def a_base_type_components_def
split: a_type.splits)
subsection \<open>Object-component Maps\<close>
lemma ocm_disj_empty [simp]:
"obj_comp_map_disj cmps Map.empty"
by (auto simp: obj_comp_map_disj_def split: option.splits)
lemma ocm_disj_commute:
"obj_comp_map_disj h1 h2 = obj_comp_map_disj h2 h1"
by (fastforce simp: obj_comp_map_disj_def split: option.splits)
lemma ocm_add_empty [simp]:
"obj_comp_map_add x empty = x"
by (rule ext, fastforce simp: obj_comp_map_add_def split: option.splits)
lemma dom_ocm_map_add [simp]:
"dom (obj_comp_map_add kh1 kh2) = dom kh1 \<union> dom kh2"
by (auto simp: obj_comp_map_add_def dom_def split: option.split)
lemma ocm_a_base_type_eq:
"\<lbrakk> obj_comp_map_disj kh1 kh2 ; x \<in> dom kh1 ; x \<in> dom kh2 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> a_base_type (fst (the (kh1 x))) = a_base_type (fst (the (kh2 x)))"
by (clarsimp simp: obj_comp_map_disj_def split: option.splits)
lemma ocm_add_commute:
"obj_comp_map_disj h1 h2
\<Longrightarrow> obj_comp_map_add h1 h2 = obj_comp_map_add h2 h1"
by (fastforce simp: obj_comp_map_add_def obj_comp_map_disj_def
elim: ko_combine_commute split: option.splits
intro!: ext)
lemma ocm_add_assoc:
"\<lbrakk> obj_comp_map_disj x y ; obj_comp_map_disj y z ; obj_comp_map_disj x z \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_comp_map_add (obj_comp_map_add x y) z
= obj_comp_map_add x (obj_comp_map_add y z)"
by (rule ext)
(fastforce simp: obj_comp_map_add_def obj_comp_map_disj_def
split: option.splits)
lemma ocm_disj_add:
"obj_comp_map_disj y z
\<Longrightarrow> (obj_comp_map_disj x (obj_comp_map_add y z))
= (obj_comp_map_disj x y \<and> obj_comp_map_disj x z)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: obj_comp_map_disj_def obj_comp_map_add_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply (rule allI)
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)+
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_combine_def split: option.splits)
apply (clarsimp dest!: check_components_Int_emptyD
simp: check_components_id)[1]
apply blast
apply (rule allI)
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)+
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_combine_def split: option.splits)
apply (clarsimp dest!: check_components_Int_emptyD
simp: check_components_id)
apply blast
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_comp_map_disj_def obj_comp_map_add_def)
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)+
apply (case_tac "p \<in> dom z")
apply (clarsimp simp: dom_def ko_combine_def split: option.splits)
apply (rename_tac p objz cz objx cx objy cy)
apply (clarsimp dest!: check_components_Int_emptyD
simp: check_components_id)
apply (auto simp: check_components_id bounded_ko_clean_ko_override
split: option.splits)
lemma ocm_has_cap_disj_add:
"\<lbrakk> ocm_has_cap x p ko cmps i c ; obj_comp_map_disj x y \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko' cmps'. ocm_has_cap (obj_comp_map_add x y) p ko' cmps' i c"
apply (clarsimp simp: ocm_has_cap_def obj_comp_map_add_def
split: option.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_combine_def ko_has_cap_def)
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)
apply (clarsimp dest!: check_components_Int_emptyD
simp: cap_of_ko_clean_contained_cap)
apply (subst cap_of_ko_override_left)
apply auto
subsection \<open>Instantiation to a Separation Algebra.\<close>
lemma kheap_dom_alt_def:
"kheap_dom kh \<equiv> \<Union> ((\<lambda>p . set (len_seq p
(2 ^ t_obj_bits (fst (the (kh p))))))
` dom kh)"
by (rule eq_reflection)
(auto simp: kheap_dom_def kheap_shadows_def kheap_shadow_def
lemma kheap_shadows_dom_empty [simp]:
"kheap_shadows empty = {}"
by (simp add: kheap_shadows_def)
lemma kheap_dom_empty [simp]:
"kheap_dom empty = {}"
by (simp add: kheap_dom_def)
lemma sep_state_eq_piecewiseI:
"\<lbrakk> sep_state_ocm x = sep_state_ocm y ;
sep_state_free x = sep_state_free y ;
sep_state_avail x = sep_state_avail y \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> x = y"
by (cases x, cases y)
(clarsimp simp: sep_state_accessors)
lemma sep_disj_zero:
"sep_disj x sep_empty"
by (simp add: sep_disj_def sep_empty_def split: sep_state.splits)
lemma sep_disj_commute:
"sep_disj x y \<Longrightarrow> sep_disj y x"
by (cases x, cases y, simp add: sep_disj_def Int_commute ocm_disj_commute)
lemma sep_add_zero:
"sep_add x sep_empty = x"
by (cases x, simp add: sep_empty_def sep_add_def)
lemma sep_add_commute:
"sep_disj x y \<Longrightarrow> sep_add x y = sep_add y x"
by (fastforce simp: sep_add_def sep_disj_def split: sep_state.splits
elim: ocm_add_commute)
lemma sep_add_assoc:
"\<lbrakk> sep_disj x y ; sep_disj y z ; sep_disj x z \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_add (sep_add x y) z = sep_add x (sep_add y z)"
by (auto simp: sep_add_def sep_disj_def ocm_add_assoc
split: sep_state.splits)
lemma ocm_shadow_eq_both:
"\<lbrakk> x \<in> dom kh ; x \<in> dom kh' ;
a_base_type (fst (the (kh x))) = a_base_type (fst (the (kh' x))) \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> kheap_shadow kh x = kheap_shadow kh' x"
by (clarsimp simp: kheap_shadow_def)
lemma kheap_shadow_unchanged:
"\<lbrakk> obj_comp_map_disj kh1 kh2 ; kh1 x \<noteq> None \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> kheap_shadow (obj_comp_map_add kh1 kh2) x = kheap_shadow kh1 x"
unfolding obj_comp_map_add_def
apply (case_tac "x \<in> dom kh2")
apply (rule ocm_shadow_eq_both, clarsimp+)
apply (fastforce dest!: ocm_a_base_type_eq simp: ko_combine_def dom_def)
apply (rule ocm_shadow_eq_both, auto split: option.splits)
lemma kheap_shadows_ocm_add:
"obj_comp_map_disj kh1 kh2
\<Longrightarrow> kheap_shadows (obj_comp_map_add kh1 kh2)
= (kheap_shadows kh1 \<union> kheap_shadows kh2)"
apply (clarsimp simp: kheap_shadows_def)
apply (rule set_eqI)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule iffI)
apply (erule disjE)
apply (fastforce simp: kheap_shadow_unchanged)
apply (subst (asm) ocm_add_commute, assumption)
apply (fastforce simp: kheap_shadow_unchanged ocm_disj_commute)
apply (erule disjE)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule_tac x=xa in bexI)
apply (simp add: kheap_shadow_unchanged)
apply clarsimp
apply (subst disj_commute)
apply clarsimp
apply (subst ocm_add_commute, assumption)
apply (subst (asm) ocm_disj_commute)
apply (rule_tac x=xa in bexI)
apply (simp add: kheap_shadow_unchanged)
apply clarsimp
done (* yuck. *)
lemma kheap_dom_ocm_add:
"obj_comp_map_disj kh1 kh2
\<Longrightarrow> kheap_dom (obj_comp_map_add kh1 kh2) = (kheap_dom kh1 \<union> kheap_dom kh2)"
by (simp add: kheap_dom_def kheap_shadows_ocm_add Un_ac)
text \<open>
I use these to hand-hold tools through the next proof; automated tactics
just choke.
lemma empty_Inter_UnD:
"A \<inter> (B \<union> C) = {} \<Longrightarrow> A \<inter> B = {} \<and> A \<inter> C = {}"
by blast
lemma empty_Inter_UnD_left:
"(B \<union> C) \<inter> A = {} \<Longrightarrow> B \<inter> A = {} \<and> C \<inter> A = {}"
by blast
lemma empty_Inter_UnI:
"\<lbrakk> A \<inter> B = {} ; A \<inter> C = {} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> A \<inter> (B \<union> C) = {}"
by blast
lemma empty_Inter_UnI_left:
"\<lbrakk> A \<inter> C = {} ; B \<inter> C = {} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> (A \<union> B) \<inter> C = {}"
by blast
lemma sep_disj_add:
"sep_disj y z \<Longrightarrow> sep_disj x (sep_add y z) = (sep_disj x y \<and> sep_disj x z)"
unfolding sep_add_def sep_disj_def
apply (clarsimp simp: kheap_dom_ocm_add kheap_shadows_ocm_add ocm_disj_add
split: sep_state.splits)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp dest!: empty_Inter_UnD empty_Inter_UnD_left)
apply ((rule conjI | intro empty_Inter_UnI empty_Inter_UnI_left
| simp add: Int_commute)+)[1]
\<comment> \<open>concludes first branch of iffI\<close>
apply (clarsimp dest!: empty_Inter_UnD empty_Inter_UnD_left)
apply ((rule conjI | intro empty_Inter_UnI empty_Inter_UnI_left
| simp add: Int_commute)+)[1]
instantiation sep_state :: stronger_sep_algebra
"(+) \<equiv> sep_add"
"sep_disj_sep_state \<equiv> sep_disj"
"0 = sep_empty"
apply default
apply (unfold plus_sep_state_def sep_disj_sep_state_def
apply (blast intro: sep_disj_zero sep_disj_commute sep_add_zero
apply (blast intro!: sep_add_assoc sep_disj_add)+
lemmas sep_disj_defs = sep_disj_sep_state_def sep_disj_def
lemmas sep_add_defs = plus_sep_state_def sep_add_def
lemmas sep_empty_defs = zero_sep_state_def sep_empty_def
lemma sep_state_free_plus [simp]:
"sep_state_free (x + y) = sep_state_free x \<union> sep_state_free y"
by (clarsimp simp: sep_state_accessors sep_add_defs split: sep_state.splits)
lemma sep_state_avail_plus [simp]:
"sep_state_avail (x + y) = sep_state_avail x \<union> sep_state_avail y"
by (clarsimp simp: sep_state_accessors sep_add_defs split: sep_state.splits)
lemma sep_disj_ocmD:
"x ## y \<Longrightarrow> obj_comp_map_disj (sep_state_ocm x) (sep_state_ocm y)"
by (clarsimp simp: sep_disj_defs sep_state_ocm_def split: sep_state.splits)
subsection \<open>Properties of maps-to predicates\<close>
subsubsection \<open>Properties of @{term sep_map_base}\<close>
lemma sep_map_baseI:
"\<lbrakk> sep_state_ocm s p = Some (ko_clean ko cmps, cmps) ;
sane_components (ko_clean ko cmps) cmps ;
dom (sep_state_ocm s) = {p} ;
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko) ;
sep_state_free s = {} ;
sep_state_avail s = {} \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_base p ko cmps s"
by (clarsimp simp: sep_map_base_def sep_state_accessors
split: sep_state.splits)
lemma sep_map_baseD:
"sep_map_base p ko cmps s
\<Longrightarrow> sep_state_ocm s p = Some (ko_clean ko cmps, cmps) \<and>
sane_components (ko_clean ko cmps) cmps \<and>
dom (sep_state_ocm s) = {p} \<and>
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko) \<and>
sep_state_free s = {} \<and>
sep_state_avail s = {}"
by (fastforce simp: sep_map_base_def sep_state_accessors
split: sep_state.splits)
lemma (* sanity check *)
"sep_map_base p ko cmps s \<Longrightarrow> sep_map_base p ko cmps s"
apply (drule sep_map_baseD, clarsimp)
apply (rule sep_map_baseI)
apply auto
lemma sep_map_base_consequences:
"(sep_map_base p ko cmps \<and>* P) s
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko' cmps'.
sane_components (ko_clean ko cmps) cmps \<and>
sep_state_ocm s p = Some (ko', cmps') \<and>
cmps \<subseteq> cmps' \<and>
cmps \<noteq> {} \<and>
ko_clean ko' cmps' = ko' \<and>
ko_clean ko' cmps = ko_clean ko cmps \<and>
a_base_type ko' = a_base_type ko \<and>
p \<in> dom (sep_state_ocm s) \<and>
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko)"
apply (clarsimp dest!: sep_conjD
simp: sep_disj_defs sep_add_defs sep_state_accessors
split: sep_state.splits)
apply (drule sep_map_baseD)
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_state_accessors)
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_comp_map_add_def obj_comp_map_disj_def
split: option.splits)
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)
apply (rule conjI, clarsimp simp: sane_components_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_combine_def)
apply (drule check_components_Int_emptyD)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_clean_twice_subset Int_commute
lemma sep_map_base_dom:
"sep_map_base p ko cmps s \<Longrightarrow> dom (sep_state_ocm s) = {p}"
by (drule sep_map_baseD, simp)
lemma sep_map_base_aligned:
"sep_map_base p ko cmps s \<Longrightarrow> is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko)"
by (drule sep_map_baseD, simp)
lemma sep_map_base_in_dom:
"sep_map_base p ko cmps s \<Longrightarrow> p \<in> dom (sep_state_ocm s)"
by (simp add: sep_map_base_dom)
lemma sep_map_base_set_ko_cap_id:
"cmp_of ko i \<notin> cmps
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_base p (set_ko_cap ko i cap) cmps = sep_map_base p ko cmps"
by (fastforce intro!: ext simp: sep_map_base_def ko_clean_set_ko_cap_id
cong: sep_state.case_cong)
lemma sep_map_base_lock_type':
"(sep_map_base p ko cmps \<and>* P) s
\<Longrightarrow> \<forall>ko'. sep_state_ocm s p = Some (ko', cmps')
\<longrightarrow> a_base_type ko' = a_base_type ko"
apply (clarsimp dest!: sep_conjD simp: sep_disj_defs obj_comp_map_disj_def
sep_add_defs obj_comp_map_add_def sep_state_accessors
split: sep_state.splits)
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)
apply (clarsimp dest!: sep_map_baseD split: option.splits
simp: sep_state_accessors ko_combine_def)
lemma sep_map_base_implode_eq:
"\<lbrakk> a_base_type ko1 = a_base_type ko2 ;
cmps1 \<inter> cmps2 = {} ; cmps1 \<noteq> {} ; cmps2 \<noteq> {} \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (sep_map_base p ko1 cmps1 \<and>* sep_map_base p ko2 cmps2)
= sep_map_base p (ko_override ko1 ko2 cmps2) (cmps1 \<union> cmps2)"
apply (rule ext, rename_tac s)
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_add_defs sep_disj_defs sep_state_accessors
dest!: sep_conjD sep_map_baseD split: sep_state.splits)
apply (simp add: obj_comp_map_add_def ko_combine_def
apply (clarsimp dest!: sep_map_baseD)
apply (rule_tac x="SepState [p \<mapsto> (ko_clean ko1 cmps1, cmps1)] {} {}"
and y="SepState [p \<mapsto> (ko_clean ko2 cmps2, cmps2)] {} {}"
in sep_conjI)
apply (fastforce simp: sep_map_base_def
dest!: sane_components_ko_clean_ko_overrideD)
apply (fastforce simp: sep_map_base_def
dest!: sane_components_ko_clean_ko_overrideD)
apply (drule (4) sane_components_ko_clean_ko_overrideD)
\<comment> \<open>why can't clarsimp apply this with dest!: ?\<close>
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_disj_defs kheap_shadows_def kheap_shadow_def
obj_comp_map_disj_def check_components_def
apply (drule bounded_ko_t_obj_bits)+
apply simp
apply (drule_tac a="2::nat" in power_strict_increasing, simp)
apply (drule_tac n="Suc 0" in less_imp_diff_less)
apply (simp only: word_bits_def)
apply (blast dest: len_seq_no_wrap)
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_add_defs sep_state_accessors obj_comp_map_add_def
split: sep_state.splits)
apply (rule ext)
apply (auto simp: ko_combine_def split: option.splits)
lemma sep_map_base_subset_explode_eq:
"\<lbrakk> cmps' \<subseteq> cmps; cmps' \<noteq> {} \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_base p ko cmps
= (sep_map_base p ko cmps' \<and>*
(if cmps = cmps' then \<box> else sep_map_base p ko (cmps - cmps')))"
apply (simp split: if_split_asm, intro impI)
apply (subst sep_map_base_implode_eq, fastforce+)
apply (simp add: subset_union)
lemma sep_map_base_same_types:
"\<lbrakk> (sep_map_base p ko cmps \<and>* P) s ;
(sep_map_base p ko cmps \<and>* P) s \<Longrightarrow> (sep_map_base p ko' cmps' \<and>* Q) s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko'"
by (clarsimp dest!: sep_map_base_consequences)
lemma sep_map_base_set_ko_cap_implode:
"\<lbrakk> (sep_map_base p ko cmps \<and>*
sep_map_base p (set_ko_cap ko' i cap) {cmp_of ko' i}) s ;
cmp_of ko i \<notin> cmps ; valid_cnode_index ko' i \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_base p (set_ko_cap ko i cap) (cmps \<union> {cmp_of ko i}) s"
apply (subgoal_tac "a_base_type ko = a_base_type ko'")
prefer 2
apply (drule_tac sep_map_base_same_types)
apply (sep_select_asm 2)
apply sep_cancel
apply simp
apply (subgoal_tac "cmps \<noteq> {}")
prefer 2
apply (frule sep_map_base_consequences, clarsimp)
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_map_base_implode_eq ko_override_with_set_ko_cap)
subsubsection \<open>Properties of @{term sep_map_cap}\<close>
lemma sep_map_base_sep_map_capI:
"\<lbrakk> sep_map_base p ko {cmp} s ; cmp = cmp_of ko i ; cap_of ko i = Some cap \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_cap (a_base_type ko) (p,i) cap s"
by (fastforce simp: sep_map_cap_def)
lemma sep_map_base_sep_map_capI':
"\<lbrakk> (sep_map_base p ko {cmp} \<and>* P) s ; cmp = cmp_of ko i ;
cap_of ko i = Some cap \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (sep_map_cap (a_base_type ko) (p,i) cap \<and>* P) s"
by (sep_cancel add: sep_map_base_sep_map_capI) simp
lemma sep_map_capI:
"\<lbrakk> sep_state_ocm s p = Some (ko_clean ko {cmp_of ko i}, {cmp_of ko i}) ;
a_base_type ko = atyp ;
cap_of (ko_clean ko {cmp_of ko i}) i = Some cap ;
sane_components (ko_clean ko {cmp_of ko i}) {cmp_of ko i};
dom (sep_state_ocm s) = {p} ;
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko) ;
sep_state_free s = {} ;
sep_state_avail s = {} \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap s"
unfolding sep_map_cap_def
by (fastforce intro!: sep_map_baseI
simp: sane_components_def bounded_ko_clean)
lemma sep_map_capD:
"sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap s
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko. sep_state_ocm s p = Some (ko, {cmp_of ko i}) \<and>
ko_clean ko {cmp_of ko i} = ko \<and>
a_base_type ko = atyp \<and>
cap_of ko i = Some cap \<and>
sane_components ko {cmp_of ko i} \<and>
dom (sep_state_ocm s) = {p} \<and>
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko) \<and>
sep_state_free s = {} \<and>
sep_state_avail s = {}"
unfolding sep_map_cap_def
by (clarsimp dest!: sep_map_baseD simp: sane_components_def)
lemma (* sanity check *)
"sep_map_cap atyp (p, i) cap s \<Longrightarrow> sep_map_cap atyp (p, i) cap s"
apply (drule sep_map_capD, clarsimp)
apply (rule sep_map_capI)
apply auto
lemma sep_map_cap_ocm_has_capI:
"sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap s
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko cmps. ocm_has_cap (sep_state_ocm s) p ko cmps i cap"
by (fastforce dest: sep_map_capD simp: ocm_has_cap_def ko_has_cap_def)
lemma sep_map_cap'_ocm_has_capI:
"(sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap \<and>* P) s
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko cmps. ocm_has_cap (sep_state_ocm s) p ko cmps i cap"
by (fastforce dest!: sep_conjD dest: sep_map_cap_ocm_has_capI
elim: ocm_has_cap_disj_add split: sep_state.splits
simp: sep_disj_defs sep_add_defs sep_state_accessors)
lemma sep_map_cap_abt_valid_cnode_index:
"sep_map_cap atyp (p, i) cap s \<Longrightarrow> abt_valid_cnode_index atyp i"
by (drule sep_map_capD, clarsimp)
(clarsimp simp: abt_valid_cnode_index_def sane_components_def
a_base_type_def a_base_type_cmp_of_def
bounded_ko_def cap_of_def tcb_cnode_map_def
split: kernel_object.splits)
lemma sep_map_cap_abt_valid_cnode_index':
"(sep_map_cap atyp (p, i) cap \<and>* P) s \<Longrightarrow> abt_valid_cnode_index atyp i"
by (clarsimp dest!: sep_conjD simp: sep_map_cap_abt_valid_cnode_index)
lemma sep_map_cap_sep_map_base:
"\<lbrakk> sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap s ; a_base_type ko = atyp \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_base p (set_ko_cap ko i cap) {cmp_of ko i} s"
apply (frule sep_map_cap_abt_valid_cnode_index)
apply (drule sep_map_capD, clarsimp)
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_map_base_def sep_state_accessors
split: sep_state.splits)
apply (subst ko_clean_one_cap_eq[symmetric])
apply (simp add: valid_cnode_index_cap_of_set_ko_cap)+
apply (subst ko_clean_one_cap_eq[symmetric])
apply (simp add: valid_cnode_index_cap_of_set_ko_cap)+
lemma sep_map_cap_sep_map_base': (* XXX: sep_drule doesn't work with this *)
"\<lbrakk> (sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap \<and>* P) s ; a_base_type ko = atyp \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (sep_map_base p (set_ko_cap ko i cap) {cmp_of ko i} \<and>* P) s"
by (sep_cancel add: sep_map_cap_sep_map_base)+
lemma sep_map_base_sep_map_cap_implode:
"\<lbrakk> (sep_map_base p ko cmps \<and>* sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap) s ;
cmp_of ko i \<notin> cmps \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_base p (set_ko_cap ko i cap) (cmps \<union> {cmp_of ko i}) s"
apply (sep_frule sep_map_cap_abt_valid_cnode_index')
apply (subgoal_tac "a_base_type ko = atyp")
apply (drule (1) sep_map_cap_sep_map_base'[where ko=ko])
apply (sep_select_asm 2)
apply (erule (1) sep_map_base_set_ko_cap_implode, simp)
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_map_cap_def sep_conj_exists)
apply (sep_select_asm 2)
apply (erule sep_map_base_same_types)
apply sep_cancel
(* FIXME: these rules use cmps \<union> {cmp_of ko i}, but that gets simplified
to insert {cmp_of ko i} cmps, so rules might not match *)
lemma sep_map_base_sep_map_cap_implode':
"\<lbrakk> (sep_map_base p ko cmps \<and>* sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap \<and>* P) s ;
cmp_of ko i \<notin> cmps \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (sep_map_base p (set_ko_cap ko i cap) (cmps \<union> {cmp_of ko i}) \<and>* P) s"
by (sep_cancel add: sep_map_base_sep_map_cap_implode)+
lemma sep_map_base_set_ko_cap_sep_map_cap_explode:
"\<lbrakk> sep_map_base p (set_ko_cap ko i cap) (cmps \<union> {cmp_of ko i}) s ;
cmp_of ko i \<notin> cmps ; cmps \<noteq> {} ; valid_cnode_index ko i \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (sep_map_base p ko cmps \<and>* sep_map_cap (a_base_type ko) (p,i) cap) s"
apply (subst (asm) sep_map_base_subset_explode_eq[where cmps'="cmps"])
apply fastforce
apply assumption
apply (simp split: if_split_asm)
apply fastforce
apply (simp add: sep_map_base_set_ko_cap_id insert_subtract_new)
apply sep_cancel
apply (fastforce dest!: sep_map_base_sep_map_capI
intro: valid_cnode_index_cap_of_set_ko_cap
split: if_split_asm)
subsection \<open>Cap-level Updates of the Kernel Init State\<close>
lemma sep_map_cap_update_cap:
"(sep_map_cap atyp p old_cap) s \<Longrightarrow> (sep_map_cap atyp p cap) (sep_update_cap p cap s)"
apply (cases p)
apply (clarsimp dest!: sep_map_capD split: sep_state.splits
simp: sep_update_cap_def sep_state_accessors
apply (rule_tac ko="set_ko_cap ko b cap" in sep_map_capI)
apply (auto simp: sep_state_accessors sane_components_def
intro: bounded_ko_clean_set_ko_cap bounded_set_ko_cap)
lemma kheap_shadow_upd:
"\<lbrakk> kh p = Some (ko',cmps') ; a_base_type ko' = a_base_type ko \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> kheap_shadow (kh(p \<mapsto> (ko,cmps))) = kheap_shadow kh"
by (rule ext, auto intro: ocm_shadow_eq_both simp: kheap_shadow_def)
lemma kheap_dom_upd:
"\<lbrakk> kh p = Some (ko', cmps') ; a_base_type ko' = a_base_type ko \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> kheap_dom (kh(p \<mapsto> (ko, cmps))) = kheap_dom kh"
by (clarsimp simp: kheap_dom_def kheap_shadows_def)
(fastforce simp only: kheap_shadow_upd)
lemma obj_comp_map_disj_set_ko_cap:
"\<lbrakk> obj_comp_map_disj x y ; ocm_has_cap x p ko cmps i c \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_comp_map_disj (x(p \<mapsto> (set_ko_cap ko i cap, cmps))) y"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_comp_map_disj_def split_def ocm_has_cap_def
dest: cap_of_ko_cleanD split: option.splits)
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE, clarsimp)
apply (clarsimp dest!: check_components_Int_emptyD cap_of_ko_cleanD)
apply (subst check_components_id,
simp_all add: bounded_ko_clean_set_ko_cap check_components_id)
apply (subst bounded_ko_clean_set_ko_cap)
apply simp_all
apply (drule cap_of_ko_cleanD)
apply simp
apply simp
done (* yuck *)
lemma sep_update_cap_disj:
"\<lbrakk> x ## y ; ocm_has_cap (sep_state_ocm x) p ko cmps i c \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_update_cap (p, i) cap x ## y"
unfolding ocm_has_cap_def ko_has_cap_def
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_disj_defs sep_state_accessors sep_update_cap_def
split: sep_state.splits)
apply (subst kheap_dom_upd, assumption)
apply (fastforce dest!: cap_of_ko_cleanD)
apply (subst obj_comp_map_disj_set_ko_cap, assumption+)
apply (fastforce simp: ocm_has_cap_def ko_has_cap_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: kheap_shadows_def)
apply (subst kheap_shadow_upd, assumption)
apply simp
apply (subst kheap_shadow_upd, assumption)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply blast
apply blast
done (* yuck *)
lemma sep_state_free_sep_update_cap [simp]:
"sep_state_free (sep_update_cap kcmp cap s) = sep_state_free s"
by (clarsimp simp: sep_update_cap_def sep_state_accessors
split: sep_state.splits prod.splits)
lemma sep_state_avail_sep_update_cap [simp]:
"sep_state_avail (sep_update_cap (p,i) cap s) = sep_state_avail s"
by (clarsimp simp: sep_update_cap_def sep_state_accessors
split: sep_state.splits prod.splits)
lemma sep_update_cap_disj_add:
"\<lbrakk> x ## y ; ocm_has_cap (sep_state_ocm x) p ko cmps i c \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_update_cap (p,i) cap (x + y) = sep_update_cap (p,i) cap x + y"
apply (clarsimp intro!: sep_state_eq_piecewiseI
simp: sep_disj_defs sep_state_ocm_def sep_update_cap_def
sep_add_defs obj_comp_map_add_def ocm_has_cap_def
split: sep_state.splits option.splits)
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply (fastforce intro!: ext split: option.splits
dest!: check_components_Int_emptyD
simp: ko_has_cap_def obj_comp_map_disj_def
ko_combine_def ko_override_set_ko_cap)
apply (clarsimp)
apply (rule ext)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: ko_has_cap_def obj_comp_map_disj_def
ko_combine_def ko_override_set_ko_cap)
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)
apply (subst ko_override_set_ko_cap, simp_all)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule check_components_Int_emptyD)
apply clarsimp
lemma sep_map_cap_update_cap':
assumes sep: "(sep_map_cap atyp p old_cap \<and>* P) s"
shows "(sep_map_cap atyp p cap \<and>* P) (sep_update_cap p cap s)"
proof -
from sep obtain s1 s2 where s: "s = s1 + s2" and s_disj: "s1 ## s2"
and oldmap: "(sep_map_cap atyp p old_cap) s1" and P: "P s2"
by (blast dest: sep_conjD)
let ?s1' = "sep_update_cap p cap s1"
from oldmap have newmap: "sep_map_cap atyp p cap ?s1'"
by (fastforce intro: sep_map_cap_update_cap)
moreover have "?s1' ## s2" using s_disj oldmap
by (cases p, fastforce dest!: sep_map_capD elim: sep_update_cap_disj
simp: ocm_has_cap_def ko_has_cap_def)
moreover have "sep_update_cap p cap s = sep_update_cap p cap s1 + s2"
using s oldmap s_disj
by (cases p, fastforce dest!: sep_map_cap_ocm_has_capI
simp: sep_update_cap_disj_add)
ultimately show ?thesis using s_disj by (blast intro: sep_conjI P)
subsection \<open>Properties of Lifting Kernel States into Init\<close>
text \<open>
This style of lift-reasoning is used for low-level interaction with other
wp rules and establishing a link between kernel state operations and
kernel init state predicates.
lemma dom_ocm_dom_kheap_kis_lift:
"dom (sep_state_ocm (kis_lift kis s)) = dom (kheap s)"
by (fastforce simp: sep_state_ocm_def lift_sep_state_def
split: option.splits)
lemma sep_state_ocm_ki_components:
"sep_state_ocm (lift_sep_state kis) p = Some (a,b)
\<Longrightarrow> ki_components kis p = b"
by (fastforce simp: sep_state_ocm_def lift_sep_state_def
split: option.splits)
lemma sep_map_base_kis_liftD:
"sep_map_base p ko cmps (kis_lift kis s)
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko'. kheap s p = Some ko' \<and>
dom (kheap s) = {p} \<and>
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko) \<and>
ki_components kis p = cmps \<and>
ko_clean ko' cmps = ko_clean ko cmps \<and>
sane_components (ko_clean ko' cmps) cmps \<and>
ki_free_mem kis = {} \<and>
ki_available_mem kis = {}"
by (auto simp: lift_sep_state_def sep_map_base_def split: option.splits)
lemma sep_map_base_kis_liftI:
"\<lbrakk> kheap s p = Some ko' ; dom (kheap s) = {p} ;
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko) ;
ki_components kis p = cmps ;
ko_clean ko' cmps = ko_clean ko cmps ;
sane_components (ko_clean ko' cmps) cmps ;
ki_free_mem kis = {} \<and>
ki_available_mem kis = {} \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_base p ko cmps (kis_lift kis s)"
by (fastforce simp: lift_sep_state_def sep_map_base_def)
lemma sep_map_cap_kis_liftD:
"sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap (kis_lift kis s)
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko. kheap s p = Some ko \<and>
dom (kheap s) = {p} \<and>
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko) \<and>
ki_components kis p = {cmp_of ko i} \<and>
a_base_type ko = atyp \<and>
cap_of ko i = Some cap \<and>
sane_components (ko_clean ko {cmp_of ko i}) {cmp_of ko i} \<and>
ki_free_mem kis = {} \<and>
ki_available_mem kis = {}"
proof (clarsimp dest!: sep_map_base_kis_liftD simp: sep_map_cap_def)
fix x ko'
assume align: "is_aligned p (t_obj_bits x)"
assume a: "cap_of x i = Some cap"
assume b: "ko_clean ko' {cmp_of x i} = ko_clean x {cmp_of x i}"
hence "a_base_type (ko_clean ko' {cmp_of x i})
= a_base_type (ko_clean x {cmp_of x i})"
by simp
hence ts [simp]: "a_base_type ko' = a_base_type x" (is ?t) by simp
assume c: "sane_components (ko_clean x {cmp_of x i}) {cmp_of x i}"
have x: "cmp_of x i = cmp_of ko' i" (is ?x) using b by simp
have "cap_of ko' i = Some cap" (is ?y) using a b
by - (rule_tac cmps="{cmp_of x i}" in cap_of_ko_cleanD, auto)
have "sane_components (ko_clean ko' {cmp_of ko' i}) {cmp_of ko' i}" (is ?z)
using c
by (clarsimp simp: sane_components_def b)
show "is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko') \<and> ?x \<and> ?t \<and> ?y \<and> ?z" using align
by auto
lemma sep_map_cap_kis_liftI:
"\<lbrakk> kheap s p = Some ko ; dom (kheap s) = {p} ;
is_aligned p (t_obj_bits ko) ;
ki_components kis p = {cmp_of ko i} ;
a_base_type ko = atyp \<and>
cap_of ko i = Some cap ;
sane_components (ko_clean ko {cmp_of ko i}) {cmp_of ko i} ;
ki_free_mem kis = {} ;
ki_available_mem kis = {} \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> sep_map_cap atyp (p,i) cap (kis_lift kis s)"
apply (clarsimp simp: sep_map_cap_def)
apply (rule_tac x=ko in exI)
apply (fastforce intro!: sep_map_base_kis_liftI split: option.splits
simp: lift_sep_state_def sep_state_accessors)