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42 KiB

* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
theory ArchVSpaceLookup_AI
"lookup_walk cs m ref p \<equiv> {(r, q). \<exists>h. ref = h @ r \<and> (r, q) \<in> cs\<^sup>* `` m \<and> (([], q),h, p) \<in> cs\<^sup>*}"
"trans_depends kh cs f \<equiv> \<forall>q h p. (([],q),h,p) \<in> cs = (\<exists>obj. obj = kh q \<and> f obj p h)"
"lookup_leaf ptr cs = {(ref,p). (([],ptr),ref, p) \<in> cs^*}"
lookup_refs ::"'c \<Rightarrow> ('c \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> ('a list \<times> 'b) set"
where "lookup_refs obj f \<equiv> {(h,p). f obj p h}"
lookupable_refs :: "(('a list \<times> 'b) \<times> 'a list \<times> 'b) set \<Rightarrow> 'a list set \<Rightarrow> ('a list \<times> 'b) set \<Rightarrow> ('a list \<times> 'b) set"
where "lookupable_refs cs refs m \<equiv> {(ref, p). \<exists>tref href. href\<in>refs \<and> ref=tref@href \<and> (tref,p)\<in>cs^* `` m}"
"reachable vset \<equiv> (\<lambda>(ref, p). p) ` vset"
locale wellformed_lookup =
fixes cs :: "(('c list \<times> 'a) \<times> 'c list \<times> 'a) set" and kh and f
assumes trans_depends: "trans_depends kh cs f"
assumes lookup1_is_append:
"((r , q), rs, p) \<in> cs \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ref. rs = ref # r"
assumes lookup1_append:
"((ra @ b, q), r @ b, p) \<in> cs \<Longrightarrow> ((ra, q), r, p) \<in> cs"
assumes lookup1_cut:
"((ra, q), r, p) \<in> cs \<Longrightarrow> ((ra @ b, q), r @ b, p) \<in> cs"
assumes graph_inject:
"\<And>p q obj ref. \<lbrakk>f obj p ref; f obj q ref\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> p = q"
assumes graph_single_step:
"\<And>p obj ref. \<lbrakk>f obj p ref\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>r. ref = [r]"
context wellformed_lookup
lemma lookup_refs_lookup1:
"lookup_refs (kh ptr) f = {(h,p). (([],ptr),h,p) \<in> cs}"
apply (insert trans_depends)
apply (clarsimp simp: trans_depends_def lookup_refs_def)
lemma lookupable_refs_reach_self:
"(rs, ptr) \<in> lookupable_refs cs {ref. (ref, ptr) \<in> cs\<^sup>* `` rset} refs
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>rs'. (rs', ptr) \<in> cs^* `` rset"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupable_refs_def Image_def)
apply fastforce
lemma lookup1_append_singleton:
"((a, b), ref # a, q) \<in> cs \<Longrightarrow> (([], b), [ref], q) \<in> cs"
apply (rule lookup1_append)
apply fastforce
lemma lookup1_cut_singleton:
"(([], b), [ref], q) \<in> cs \<Longrightarrow> ((a, b), ref # a, q) \<in> cs "
apply (drule lookup1_cut)
apply fastforce
lemma trans_dependsD:
"(([],p), ref, q ) \<in> cs \<Longrightarrow> f (kh p) q ref"
apply (insert trans_depends)
apply (simp add: trans_depends_def)
lemma trans_depends_eq:
"(([],q),h,p) \<in> cs = f (kh q) p h"
apply (insert trans_depends)
apply (clarsimp simp: trans_depends_def)
lemma lookup_empty_refl:
"((a, p), [], q) \<in> cs\<^sup>* \<Longrightarrow> a = [] \<and> p = q"
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply (case_tac y)
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append)
lemma lookup_empty_refl_eq[simp]:
"((a, p), [], q) \<in> cs\<^sup>* \<longleftrightarrow> a = [] \<and> p = q"
using lookup_empty_refl by auto
lemma lookup1_same_leaf:
"\<lbrakk>(a, refs, p) \<in> cs; (a, refs, q) \<in> cs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> p = q"
apply (case_tac a)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup1_is_append)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule lookup1_append_singleton)
apply (drule lookup1_append_singleton)
apply (clarsimp dest!: trans_dependsD)
apply (drule graph_inject)
apply simp+
lemma lookup_ref_step:
"((ref, ptr), ref', p) \<in> cs\<^sup>* \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>r. ref' = r @ ref"
proof (induct "length ref'" arbitrary: ref' ref ptr p)
case 0
assume xs: "0 = length ref'"
and "((ref, ptr), ref', p) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
thus ?case
apply simp
case Suc
show ?case
apply (cut_tac Suc.prems Suc.hyps(2))
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply fastforce
apply (case_tac y)
apply (case_tac ref')
apply clarsimp
apply simp
apply (drule Suc.hyps(1)[rotated])
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append )+
lemma lookup_trancl_append_1: (* This is true because the lengh of the lookup is always increased by 1 *)
"((ra @ [b], q), r @ [b], p) \<in> cs\<^sup>*
\<Longrightarrow> ((ra, q), r, p) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
proof (induct "length r - length ra" arbitrary: ra r q p)
case 0
assume "0 = length r - length ra"
and "((ra @ [b], q), r @ [b], p) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
thus ?case
apply simp
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply (case_tac y)
apply simp
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append)
case Suc
show ?case
apply (insert Suc.prems Suc.hyps(2))
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply (case_tac y)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule Suc.hyps(1)[where r = "a @ b" for a b, rotated,simplified])
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append)
apply (drule lookup1_append[where ra = "a @ b" for a b, simplified])
apply (erule rtrancl.intros)
apply simp
lemma lookup_trancl_append:
"((ra @ ref, b), r @ ref, p) \<in> cs^* \<Longrightarrow> ((ra, b), r, p) \<in> cs^*"
proof (induct "length ref" arbitrary: ref ra r b p)
case 0
assume "((ra @ ref, b), r @ ref, p) \<in> cs ^*"
and " 0 = length ref"
thus ?case
by simp
case Suc
have t: "\<And>a b c. a @ b # c = (a @ [b]) @ c"
by auto
show ?case
apply (insert Suc.prems Suc.hyps(2))
apply (case_tac ref)
apply clarsimp+
apply (subst(asm) t)
apply (subst(asm) t[where a = r])
apply (frule(1) Suc.hyps(1)[rotated])
apply (drule lookup_trancl_append_1)
apply fastforce
lemma lookup_leaf_from_lookup:
assumes neq: "ref' \<noteq> ref"
shows "\<lbrakk>((ref, p), ref', q) \<in> cs\<^sup>* \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<exists>r ptr. ref' = r @ ref \<and> (([],p),[last r],ptr) \<in> cs \<and> (r,q) \<in> lookup_leaf p cs"
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule converse_rtranclE)
apply (insert neq)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac y)
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply (rename_tac r mref ptr)
apply (rule_tac x = ptr in exI)
subgoal ex
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup_ref_step)
apply (rule_tac ra = "[]" and b = ref in lookup1_append)
apply (frule lookup1_is_append)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_leaf_def)
apply (rule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply (rule ex)
apply simp+
apply (rule_tac ref = ref in lookup_trancl_append)
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append)
lemma lookupE:
assumes rcl: "((ref, p), ref', q) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
assumes eq: "\<lbrakk>ref' = ref; p = q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P ref' ref p q cs"
and neq: "\<And>r ptr. \<lbrakk>ref' \<noteq> ref; ref' = r @ ref; (([],p),[last r],ptr) \<in> cs; (r,q) \<in> lookup_leaf p cs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P ref' ref p q cs"
shows "P ref' ref p q cs"
apply (insert rcl)
apply (case_tac "ref' = ref")
apply (rule eq)
apply simp
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append lookup_ref_step)
apply (frule(1) lookup_leaf_from_lookup)
apply (elim disjE conjE exE)
apply (rule neq)
apply simp+
lemma lookup_forwardE:
assumes rcl: "(([], p), ref, q) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
assumes eq: "\<lbrakk>ref = []; p = q\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P ref p q cs"
and neq1: "\<And>r. \<lbrakk>ref = [r]; (([], p), [r], q) \<in> cs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P ref p q cs"
and neq: "\<And>r ptr ref'. \<lbrakk>ref \<noteq> []; ref = r @ [ref']; (([],p),[ref'],ptr) \<in> cs; (([], ptr), r, q) \<in> cs\<^sup>*\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P ref p q cs"
shows "P ref p q cs"
apply (insert rcl)
apply (erule converse_rtranclE)
apply (rule eq)
apply (simp add: eq)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply (frule lookup1_is_append)
apply (elim exE)+
apply (case_tac r)
apply (rule neq1)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (erule rtranclE, simp)
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule lookup_trancl_append[where ra = "[]" and r = "h # g" for h g,simplified])
apply (drule neq[rotated 2])
apply simp+
lemma lookup_rtrancl_stepD:
"(([],p), [r], q) \<in> cs^* \<Longrightarrow> (([],p),[r],q) \<in> cs"
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup_ref_step lookup1_is_append)
lemma lookup_rtrancl_stepsD:
"(([], p), r @ [ref'], q) \<in> cs\<^sup>* \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ptr. (([],p),[ref'],ptr) \<in> cs \<and> (([], ptr), r, q) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
apply (erule lookup_forwardE)
apply clarsimp+
apply force+
lemma lookup_trancl_cut_1:
(* This is true because the lengh of the lookup is always increased by 1 *)
"((ra, q), r, p) \<in> cs\<^sup>* \<Longrightarrow> ((ra @ [b], q), r @ [b], p) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
proof (induct "length r - length ra" arbitrary: ra r q p)
case 0
assume " 0 = length r - length ra"
and "((ra , q), r , p) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
thus ?case
apply simp
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply (case_tac y)
apply simp
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append)
case Suc
show ?case
apply (insert Suc.prems Suc.hyps(2))
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply (case_tac y)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule Suc.hyps(1)[where r = "a @ b" for a b, rotated,simplified])
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append)
apply (erule rtrancl.intros)
apply (frule lookup1_cut)
apply simp
lemma lookup_trancl_cut:
"((ra, b), r, p) \<in> cs\<^sup>* \<Longrightarrow> ((ra @ ref, b), r @ ref, p) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
proof (induct "length ref" arbitrary: ref ra r b p)
case 0
assume "((ra, b), r, p) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
and " 0 = length ref"
thus ?case
by simp
case Suc
have t: "\<And>a b c. a @ b # c = (a @ [b]) @ c"
by auto
show ?case
apply (insert Suc.prems Suc.hyps(2))
apply (case_tac ref rule: rev_cases)
apply clarsimp+
apply (frule(1) Suc.hyps(1)[rotated])
apply (drule lookup_trancl_cut_1)
apply (drule lookup_trancl_cut_1)
apply fastforce
lemma empty_lookup_walk:
"lookup_walk cs m [] p = {ptr. ptr \<in> m \<and> fst ptr = [] \<and> snd ptr = p }"
by (fastforce simp: lookup_walk_def)
lemma lookup_walk_stepI1:
"\<lbrakk>p \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref ptr; (([], ptr), [q], ptr') \<in> cs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> p \<in> lookup_walk cs m (q # ref) ptr'"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def)
apply (rule conjI, fastforce)
apply (erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply (erule lookup1_cut[where ra = "[]" and r = "[q]", simplified])
lemma lookup_walk_stepsI1:
"\<lbrakk>p \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref ptr; (([], ptr), refs, ptr') \<in> cs^*\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> p \<in> lookup_walk cs m (refs @ ref) ptr'"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def)
apply (rule conjI, fastforce)
apply (erule rtrancl_trans)
apply (erule lookup_trancl_cut[where ra = "[]" and r = "refs", simplified])
lemma lookup_walk_stepI2:
"\<lbrakk>(ref, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref ptr; (([], ptr), [q], ptr') \<in> cs\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (q#ref,ptr') \<in> lookup_walk cs m (q # ref) ptr'"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def Image_def)
apply (erule bexI[rotated])
apply (erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply (drule lookup1_cut)
apply fastforce
lemma lookup_walk_step_hdD:
"(refs, p) \<in> lookup_walk cs m refs p \<Longrightarrow> (refs, p)\<in> m \<or> (\<exists>y. (tl refs,y) \<in> lookup_walk cs m (tl refs) y \<and> (([],y), [hd refs], p) \<in> cs)"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def del: disjCI)
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (case_tac y, clarsimp)
apply (frule lookup1_is_append)
apply clarsimp
apply (intro conjI exI)
apply fastforce
apply (erule lookup1_append_singleton)
lemma lookup_walk_stepD:
"p \<in> lookup_walk cs m (ref # refs) q
\<Longrightarrow> p = (ref # refs, q)
\<or> (\<exists>ptr r. r @ (fst p) = refs \<and> p \<in> lookup_walk cs m refs ptr \<and> (([],ptr),[ref], q) \<in> cs)"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def del: disjCI)
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ya, clarsimp del: disjCI)
apply (frule lookup1_is_append)
apply (clarsimp del: disjCI)
apply (rule conjI)
apply force
apply (intro exI conjI)
apply force
apply (erule lookup1_append_singleton)
lemma reachable_walk:
"(ref, p) \<in> (cs^* `` m) \<Longrightarrow> (ref, p) \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref p"
by (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def)
lemma lookup_trans_eq:
"((refs, b), refs, p) \<in> cs\<^sup>* \<Longrightarrow> b = p"
by (erule lookup_trancl_append[where ra = "[]" and r = "[]" , simplified])
lemma lookup1_same_parent:
"\<lbrakk>(a, refs, p) \<in> cs; (b, refs, q) \<in> cs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> fst a = fst b"
apply (insert trans_depends)
apply (case_tac a,case_tac b)
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append)
lemma lookupable_is_unique:
"\<lbrakk>(sref, refs, p) \<in> cs^*; (sref, refs, q) \<in> cs^* \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> p = q"
proof (induct "length refs - length (fst sref)" arbitrary: p q sref refs)
case 0
thus ?case
apply (insert "local.0.prems" "local.0.hyps")
apply (cases sref, simp)
apply (case_tac "fst sref = refs")
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup_trans_eq)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule lookup_leaf_from_lookup[rotated])
apply simp
apply clarsimp
case Suc
show ?case
apply (insert Suc.prems Suc.hyps(2))
apply (erule rtranclE, simp)
apply (erule rtranclE, simp)
apply (frule_tac a = y and b = ya in lookup1_same_parent)
apply simp
apply (case_tac y, clarsimp)
apply (drule(1) Suc.hyps(1)[rotated])
apply (fastforce dest!: lookup1_is_append)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule(1) lookup1_same_leaf)
lemma lookup_walk_reduce:
"(ref, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs m refs q
\<Longrightarrow> (ref, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref ptr"
by (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def)
lemma lookup_walk_trivial:
"a \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref ptr
\<Longrightarrow> (ref, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref ptr"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def Image_def)
apply (erule bexI[rotated])
apply (erule rtrancl_trans)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac ref = x in lookup_trancl_cut)
apply clarsimp
lemma lookup_walk_imp_reachable:
"p \<in> lookup_walk cs m r ptr \<Longrightarrow> (r, ptr) \<in> cs^* `` m"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def Image_def)
apply (erule bexI[rotated])
apply (erule rtrancl_trans)
apply (erule lookup_trancl_cut[where ra = "[]", simplified])
lemma lookup_trancl_walk:
"(([], pa), ref, rptr) \<in> cs\<^sup>* \<Longrightarrow> (ref, rptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs {([],pa)} ref rptr"
by (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def)
lemma lookup1_eq_ref:
"(ref, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref p \<Longrightarrow> p = ptr"
by (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def)
lemma lookup_walk_decomp:
"(a, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs rset r rptr \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>h. r = h @ a \<and> (h,rptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs ({([], ptr)}) h rptr"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def)
lemma lookup_walk_decomp_more:
"(h @ [b],rptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs ({([], ptr)}) (h @ [b]) rptr \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>p. (([], ptr), [b], p) \<in> cs \<and> (([], p), h, rptr) \<in> cs\<^sup>*"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_walk_def)
apply (erule converse_rtranclE)
apply clarsimp
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup1_is_append)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup_ref_step)
apply (intro exI conjI)
apply force
apply (rule lookup_trancl_append)
apply force
lemma lookupable_refs_set:
shows "lookupable_refs cs refs (lookup_refs a f)
\<subseteq> lookupable_refs cs refs (lookup_refs a f - lookup_refs b f) \<union> lookupable_refs cs refs (lookup_refs b f)"
apply (fastforce simp: lookupable_refs_def Image_def)
lemma in_lookupable_refsI:
"\<lbrakk>(ref, ptr) \<in> cs\<^sup>* `` rset; f obj b a ; ((a, b), refs, rptr) \<in> cs\<^sup>*\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(refs @ ref, rptr) \<in> lookupable_refs cs {ref. (ref, ptr) \<in> cs\<^sup>* `` rset} (lookup_refs obj f)"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupable_refs_def Image_def)
apply (intro exI conjI)
apply fastforce
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_refs_def)
apply fastforce
(* The main result for this locale *)
theorem khupd_graph_subset:
assumes wlcs: "wellformed_lookup cs' (kh(ptr := obj)) f"
shows "(refs, p) \<in> cs'^* `` rset \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>sref. (sref, p) \<in> cs^* `` rset \<union> lookupable_refs cs
{ref. (ref, ptr) \<in> cs^* `` rset} (lookup_refs obj f)"
proof (induct "length refs" arbitrary: refs p)
case 0
note "0.prems" "0.hyps"
thus ?case
apply clarsimp
apply (erule rtranclE, fastforce)
apply (clarsimp dest!: wellformed_lookup.lookup1_is_append[OF wlcs])
case Suc
thus ?case
apply (insert Suc.hyps(2) Suc.prems)
apply (clarsimp del: disjCI)
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply fastforce
apply (case_tac y, clarsimp del: disjCI)
apply (rename_tac ref mptr)
apply (frule wellformed_lookup.lookup1_is_append[OF wlcs])
apply (clarsimp del: disjCI)
apply (drule Suc.hyps(1))
apply (fastforce simp: Image_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "mptr = ptr")
apply (elim disjE)
apply (rule_tac x = "refa # sref" in exI)
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupable_refs_def lookup_refs_def)
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.lookup1_append_singleton[OF wlcs])
apply (clarsimp dest!:wellformed_lookup.trans_dependsD[OF wlcs])
apply ((rule exI | rule conjI | force)+)[1]
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupable_refs_def)
apply (intro disjI2 exI conjI | force)+
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.lookup1_append_singleton[OF wlcs])
apply (clarsimp dest!:wellformed_lookup.trans_dependsD[OF wlcs])
apply (fastforce simp: Image_def lookup_refs_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def)
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.lookup1_append_singleton[OF wlcs])
apply (clarsimp dest!:wellformed_lookup.trans_dependsD[OF wlcs])
apply (rule exI)
apply (elim disjE)
apply (rule disjI1)
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def trans_depends_eq[symmetric])
apply ((intro conjI bexI
| simp add: obj_at_def
| erule lookup1_cut_singleton
| erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)+)[1]
apply (rule disjI2)
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupable_refs_def Image_def trans_depends_eq[symmetric])
apply (intro conjI exI)
apply (rule_tac x = "(aa,ba)" in bexI)
apply simp+
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_refs_def)
apply ((intro conjI exI bexI
| simp add: obj_at_def
| erule lookup1_cut_singleton
| erule rtrancl_into_rtrancl)+)[1]
lemma lookup_bound_estimate:
assumes wlcs: "wellformed_lookup cs kh f"
and wlcs': "wellformed_lookup cs' kh' f"
and bound: "\<And>p. lookup_refs (kh' p) f \<subseteq> lookup_refs (kh p) f"
shows "(refs, p) \<in> cs'^* `` rset \<Longrightarrow> (refs, p) \<in> cs^* `` rset"
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def)
apply (erule_tac x = "(a,b)" in bexI[rotated])
apply (induct refs arbitrary: p)
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply (clarsimp dest!: wellformed_lookup.lookup1_is_append[OF wlcs'])+
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply simp
apply (rule_tac b = y in rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply (clarsimp dest!: wellformed_lookup.lookup1_is_append[OF wlcs'])
apply (case_tac y,clarsimp)
apply (frule wellformed_lookup.lookup_ref_step[OF wlcs'])
apply clarsimp
apply (frule wellformed_lookup.lookup1_is_append[OF wlcs'])
apply clarsimp
apply (rule wellformed_lookup.lookup1_cut[OF wlcs,where ra = "[]" and r = "[a]" for a,simplified])
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.lookup1_append[OF wlcs', where ra = "[]" and r = "[a]" for a, simplified])
apply (simp add: wellformed_lookup.trans_depends_eq[OF wlcs] wellformed_lookup.trans_depends_eq[OF wlcs'])
apply (insert bound)
apply (clarsimp simp: lookup_refs_def)
apply fastforce
lemma trans_depends_vs_walk:
assumes wlcs: "wellformed_lookup cs kh f"
and wlcs': "wellformed_lookup cs' kh' f"
and stick: "\<And>r q. (r, q) \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref p \<Longrightarrow> kh' q = kh q"
shows "lookup_walk cs m ref p \<subseteq> lookup_walk cs' m ref p"
apply (subgoal_tac "\<forall>r q. (r, q) \<in> lookup_walk cs m ref p \<longrightarrow> kh' q = kh q")
prefer 2
apply (clarsimp simp: stick)
proof (induct ref arbitrary: p)
case Nil
show ?case
by (simp add: wellformed_lookup.empty_lookup_walk[OF wlcs]
wellformed_lookup.empty_lookup_walk[OF wlcs'])
case Cons
show ?case
apply clarsimp
apply (frule wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_stepD[OF wlcs])
apply (elim disjE)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_step_hdD[OF wlcs])
apply (erule disjE)
apply (fastforce simp: lookup_walk_def Image_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_stepI2[OF wlcs'])
apply (erule subsetD[OF Cons.hyps, rotated])
apply clarsimp
apply (drule(1) wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_stepI1[OF wlcs])
apply (insert Cons.prems, fastforce)
apply (drule(1) wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_stepI1[OF wlcs])
apply (clarsimp simp: wellformed_lookup.trans_depends_eq[OF wlcs] wellformed_lookup.trans_depends_eq[OF wlcs'])
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (rule wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_stepI1[OF wlcs'])
apply (erule subsetD[OF Cons.hyps,rotated])
apply clarsimp
apply (drule(1) wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_stepI1[OF wlcs])
apply (insert Cons.prems, fastforce)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac ptr = ptr in wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_trivial[OF wlcs])
apply (drule(1) wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_stepI1[OF wlcs])
apply (clarsimp simp: wellformed_lookup.trans_depends_eq[OF wlcs] wellformed_lookup.trans_depends_eq[OF wlcs'])
locale wellformed_order_lookup = wellformed_lookup +
fixes ev :: "'b\<Rightarrow>nat" and rset
assumes lookup1_increase: "\<And>p q r ref. \<lbrakk>(ref,p) \<in> cs^* `` rset; (([],p),[r],q) \<in> cs \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ev (kh p) < ev (kh q)"
context wellformed_order_lookup
lemma lookup1_increaseD:
"\<lbrakk>(ref,p) \<in> cs^* `` rset; (([],p),[r],q) \<in> cs\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ev (kh p) < ev (kh q)"
apply (insert lookup1_increase)
apply (fastforce)
lemma lookup_walk_distinct_strong:
"(ref, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs rset (r @ ref) q \<Longrightarrow> (ev (kh ptr)) < (ev (kh q)) \<or> r = []"
proof (induct "length r" arbitrary: ref ptr q r)
case 0
show ?case
apply (insert "local.0")
by clarsimp
case Suc
show ?case
apply (insert Suc.prems Suc.hyps(2))
apply (case_tac r, simp)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule lookup_walk_stepD)
apply (elim disjE, clarsimp)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule Suc.hyps(1)[rotated])
apply fastforce
apply (elim disjE)
apply (frule lookup_walk_imp_reachable)
apply (drule(1) lookup1_increaseD)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup_walk_imp_reachable)
apply (drule(1) lookup1_increaseD)
apply (clarsimp dest!:lookup1_eq_ref)
lemma lookup1_trans_increase:
"\<lbrakk>(ref,p) \<in> cs^* `` rset; ((a,p),b,q) \<in> cs^+ \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ev (kh p) < ev (kh q)"
apply (drule reachable_walk)
apply (frule lookup_ref_step[OF trancl_into_rtrancl])
apply clarsimp
apply (drule lookup_walk_stepsI1)
apply (rule lookup_trancl_append)
apply force
apply (drule lookup_walk_distinct_strong)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule tranclE)
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_is_append lookup_ref_step trancl_into_rtrancl)+
lemma lookup_walk_unique:
"(ref', ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs rset ref ptr \<Longrightarrow> ref = ref'"
proof (induct "length ref" arbitrary: ref ptr ref')
case 0
show ?case
apply (insert "local.0")
by (clarsimp simp:empty_lookup_walk)
case Suc
show ?case
apply (insert Suc.prems Suc.hyps(2))
apply (case_tac ref)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule lookup_walk_stepD)
apply (elim disjE, clarsimp)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup_walk_distinct_strong)
apply (frule lookup_walk_imp_reachable)
apply (drule(1) lookup1_increaseD)
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup1_eq_ref)
lemma lookup_walk_unique_from_root:
"\<lbrakk>(([], ptr), b, ptr) \<in> cs^*; (ref,ptr) \<in> cs^* `` rset\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> b = []"
apply (subgoal_tac "b @ ref = ref")
apply simp
apply (rule lookup_walk_unique)
apply (simp add: lookup_walk_def)
lemma lookup_walk_kh_upd:
"\<lbrakk>wellformed_order_lookup cs' (kh(ptr := obj)) f ev rset; (q, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs rset q ptr \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (q, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs' rset q ptr"
apply (case_tac q)
apply (clarsimp simp: empty_lookup_walk)
apply (fastforce simp: lookup_walk_def Image_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule lookup_walk_step_hdD)
apply (elim disjE)
apply (fastforce simp: lookup_walk_def Image_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def)
apply (cut_tac m = rset and ref = list and p = y
in trans_depends_vs_walk[OF local.wellformed_lookup_axioms])
apply (erule wellformed_order_lookup.axioms)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac p = "(r, ptr)" in lookup_walk_stepI1[rotated])
apply simp
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup_walk_unique)
apply (drule lookup_walk_decomp)
apply simp
apply (rule wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_stepI2)
apply (erule wellformed_order_lookup.axioms)
apply fastforce
apply (subst wellformed_lookup.trans_depends_eq)
apply (erule wellformed_order_lookup.axioms)
apply (subgoal_tac "y \<noteq> ptr")
apply (simp add: trans_depends_eq)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac p = "(list, ptr)" in lookup_walk_stepI1[rotated])
apply simp
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup_walk_unique)
lemma lookup_walk_path_distinct:
"h \<noteq> [] \<Longrightarrow> (q, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs rset (h @ q) rptr \<Longrightarrow> ptr \<noteq> rptr"
apply (rule ccontr)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule lookup_walk_unique)
apply simp
This lemma should not be used out side of this locale.
Please use kpupd_wellformed_order_lookup instead.
lemma khupd_wellform_order_lookup_pref:
assumes wlos: "wellformed_order_lookup cs' (kh(ptr := obj)) f ev rset"
shows "cs'^* `` rset \<subseteq> cs^* `` rset \<union> lookupable_refs cs
{ref. (ref, ptr) \<in> cs^* `` rset} (lookup_refs obj f)"
proof -
have wlcs: "wellformed_lookup cs' (kh(ptr := obj)) f"
by (intro wellformed_order_lookup.axioms[OF wlos])
have kh_upd_dummy[simp]:
"(kh(ptr := obj, ptr := kh ptr)) = kh"
by auto
have l: "\<And>ys y q. ys @ y # q = (ys @ [y]) @ q"
by auto
show ?thesis
apply (rule subsetI)
apply (clarsimp del: disjCI)
apply (rename_tac r rptr ref p)
apply (erule rtranclE)
apply (fastforce simp: wellformed_lookup.empty_lookup_walk[OF wlcs] Image_def)
apply (insert wlcs)
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.reachable_walk)
apply (simp add: Image_def)
apply fastforce
apply (case_tac "\<exists>q. (q, ptr) \<in> lookup_walk cs' rset r rptr")
apply (clarsimp del: disjCI)
apply (frule_tac ptr = ptr in wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_reduce[OF wlcs])
apply (drule_tac obj = "kh ptr" and ptr = ptr and cs' = cs in wellformed_order_lookup.lookup_walk_kh_upd[rotated -1,OF _ wlos])
apply simp
apply (rule wellformed_order_lookup_axioms)
apply (frule_tac rptr = rptr in wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_decomp[OF wlcs])
apply (clarsimp del: disjCI)
apply (rule_tac xs = h in rev_cases)
apply (clarsimp simp: wellformed_lookup.empty_lookup_walk[OF wlcs])
apply (simp add: lookup_walk_def)
apply (rule disjI2)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_decomp_more[OF wlcs])
apply clarsimp
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.lookup_trancl_walk[OF wlcs])
apply (drule_tac ref = q in wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_reduce[OF wlcs])
apply (drule_tac c="(ys, rptr)" in subsetD[OF trans_depends_vs_walk,rotated -1])
apply (rule wlcs)
apply (rule local.wellformed_lookup_axioms)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac ref = r in wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_reduce[OF wlcs])
apply (frule_tac ptr = ptr in wellformed_order_lookup.lookup_walk_unique_from_root
[OF wlos _ wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_imp_reachable[OF wlcs],rotated])
apply (erule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.lookup_walk_imp_reachable[OF wlcs])+
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def)
apply (rule wellformed_lookup.lookup_trancl_cut[OF wlcs, where ra = "[]",simplified])
apply simp
apply simp
apply (subst l)
apply (rule in_lookupable_refsI)
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup_walk_imp_reachable)
apply (drule wellformed_lookup.trans_dependsD[OF wlcs])
apply simp
apply (rule lookup_trancl_cut[where ra ="[]",simplified])
apply (clarsimp dest!: lookup_walk_imp_reachable)
apply simp
apply (cut_tac m = rset and ref=r and p = rptr
in trans_depends_vs_walk[OF wlcs local.wellformed_lookup_axioms])
apply clarsimp
apply (drule subsetD)
apply (rule wellformed_lookup.reachable_walk[OF wlcs])
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def)
apply (erule bexI[rotated])
apply (erule(1) rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply (simp add: lookup_walk_imp_reachable)
lemma lookupable_refs_reachable:
"lookupable_refs cs {ref. (ref, ptr) \<in> cs\<^sup>* `` rset} (lookup_refs (kh ptr) f)
\<subseteq> cs\<^sup>* `` rset"
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupable_refs_def Image_def lookup_refs_lookup1)
apply (erule bexI[rotated])
apply (erule rtrancl_trans)
apply (frule lookup1_is_append)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl[OF lookup1_cut_singleton])
apply (drule lookup_trancl_cut)
apply force
lemma khupd_wellformed_order_lookup_private:
assumes well_order:
"\<And>nref np stepref nq sref. \<lbrakk>(nref,np) \<in> cs^* `` (lookup_refs obj f); (([],np),[stepref],nq) \<in> cs; (sref, ptr)\<in> cs^* `` rset\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ev (kh np) < ev (kh nq)"
and well_order_as_parent:
"\<And>nref np sref. \<lbrakk>(nref,np) \<in> lookup_refs obj f; (sref, ptr)\<in> cs^* `` rset\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ev (obj) < ev (kh np)"
and well_order_as_leaf:
"\<And>p r sref. \<lbrakk>((r, p), sref, ptr) \<in> cs^+ ;(r, p) \<in> cs^* `` rset\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ev (kh p) < ev (obj)"
and wlcs: "wellformed_lookup cs' (kh(ptr := obj)) f"
shows "ev (kh ptr) \<le> ev obj \<Longrightarrow> wellformed_order_lookup cs' (kh(ptr := obj)) f ev rset"
apply (intro wellformed_order_lookup.intro[OF wlcs])
apply (intro wellformed_order_lookup_axioms.intro)
apply (drule khupd_graph_subset[OF wlcs])
apply (clarsimp simp: wellformed_lookup.trans_depends_eq[OF wlcs])
apply (elim disjE)
apply (clarsimp split: if_splits)
apply (cut_tac nref = "[r]" and np = q in well_order_as_parent)
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def lookup_refs_def)
apply (fastforce simp: Image_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: trans_depends_eq[symmetric])
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply (rule well_order_as_leaf[rotated])
apply (fastforce simp: Image_def)
apply (rule r_into_trancl')
apply (rule lookup1_cut_singleton)
apply force
apply (rule lookup1_increase)
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def)
apply (erule bexI[rotated])
apply simp
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupable_refs_def split: if_splits)
apply (cut_tac nref = "[r]" and np = q in well_order_as_parent)
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def lookup_refs_def)
apply (fastforce simp: Image_def)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: trans_depends_eq[symmetric])
apply (intro conjI impI)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule well_order_as_parent)
apply fastforce
apply (drule well_order[rotated])
apply fastforce+
apply (frule well_order[rotated])
apply (fastforce)+
lemma khupd_wellformed_order_lookup:
assumes well_order:
"\<And>nref np stepref nq sref. \<lbrakk>(nref,np) \<in> cs^* `` (lookup_refs obj f - lookup_refs (kh ptr) f); (([],np),[stepref],nq) \<in> cs; (sref, ptr)\<in> cs^* `` rset\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ev (kh np) < ev (kh nq)"
and well_order_as_parent:
"\<And>nref np sref. \<lbrakk>(nref,np) \<in> (lookup_refs obj f - lookup_refs (kh ptr) f); (sref, ptr)\<in> cs^* `` rset\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ev (obj) < ev (kh np)"
and well_order_as_leaf:
"\<And>p r sref. \<lbrakk>((r, p), sref, ptr) \<in> cs^+ ;(r, p) \<in> cs^* `` rset\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ev (kh p) < ev (obj)"
and wlcs: "wellformed_lookup cs' (kh(ptr := obj)) f"
shows "ev (kh ptr) = ev obj \<Longrightarrow> wellformed_order_lookup cs' (kh(ptr := obj)) f ev rset"
apply (rule khupd_wellformed_order_lookup_private[OF _ _ well_order_as_leaf wlcs])
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "(a,b) \<in> lookup_refs (kh ptr) f")
apply (rule lookup1_increaseD)
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def)
apply (erule bexI[rotated])
apply (erule rtrancl_trans)
apply (rule converse_rtrancl_into_rtrancl)
apply (simp add: lookup_refs_lookup1)
apply (drule_tac b = sref in lookup1_cut[where q = ptr])
apply fastforce
apply (erule lookup_trancl_cut)
apply simp
apply (rule well_order, fastforce+)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "(nref,np) \<in> lookup_refs (kh ptr) f")
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def lookup_refs_lookup1)
apply (frule lookup1_is_append)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule subst)
apply (rule lookup1_trans_increase)
apply (clarsimp simp: Image_def)
apply (erule bexI[rotated])
apply (simp add: lookup_refs_lookup1)+
apply fastforce
apply (rule well_order_as_parent,fastforce+)
(* The main result for this locale *)
theorem khupd_graph_subset:
assumes wlos: "wellformed_order_lookup cs' (kh(ptr := obj)) f ev rset"
shows "cs'^* `` rset \<subseteq> cs^* `` rset \<union> lookupable_refs cs
{ref. (ref, ptr) \<in> cs^* `` rset} (lookup_refs obj f - lookup_refs (kh ptr) f)"
proof -
have set_plus_mono: "\<And>a b c d. \<lbrakk>a \<subseteq> b \<union> c; c \<subseteq> d\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> a \<subseteq> b \<union> d"
by auto
show ?thesis
apply (insert khupd_wellform_order_lookup_pref[OF wlos])
apply (drule set_plus_mono)
apply (rule_tac b = "kh ptr" in lookupable_refs_set)
apply (cut_tac ptr = ptr in lookupable_refs_reachable)
apply fastforce
context Arch begin global_naming X64
locale_abbrev "vs_lookup_leaf ptr s \<equiv> lookup_leaf ptr (vs_lookup1 s)"
primrec vsref_of :: "vs_ref \<Rightarrow> word64"
"vsref_of (VSRef x _ ) = x"
vs_ref_lvl_arch :: "arch_kernel_obj \<Rightarrow> nat"
"vs_ref_lvl_arch atype \<equiv> case aa_type atype of
AASIDPool \<Rightarrow> 1
| APageMapL4 \<Rightarrow> 2
| APDPointerTable \<Rightarrow> 3
| APageDirectory \<Rightarrow> 4
| APageTable \<Rightarrow> 5
| _ \<Rightarrow> 6"
"vs_ref_lvl obj_opt \<equiv> case_option 7 (arch_obj_fun_lift vs_ref_lvl_arch 7) obj_opt"
lemma vs_ref_lvl_arch_obj [simp]:
"vs_ref_lvl (Some (ArchObj aobj)) = vs_ref_lvl_arch aobj"
by (simp add: vs_ref_lvl_def)
lemma vs_ref_lvl_arch_simps [simp]:
"vs_ref_lvl_arch (ASIDPool ap) = 1"
"vs_ref_lvl_arch (PageMapL4 pm) = 2"
"vs_ref_lvl_arch (PDPointerTable pdpt) = 3"
"vs_ref_lvl_arch (PageDirectory pd) = 4"
"vs_ref_lvl_arch (PageTable pt) = 5"
"vs_ref_lvl_arch (DataPage dev sz) = 6"
by (auto simp: vs_ref_lvl_arch_def aa_type_def)
"vs_lookup1_on_heap_obj \<equiv> \<lambda>obj q h. (\<exists>ko. obj = Some ko \<and> (\<exists>r. h = [r] \<and> (r, q) \<in> vs_refs ko))"
"vs_lookup_pages1_on_heap_obj \<equiv> \<lambda>obj q h. (\<exists>ko. obj = Some ko \<and> (\<exists>r. h = [r] \<and> (r, q) \<in> vs_refs_pages ko))"
sublocale vs_lookup1_wellformed:
wellformed_lookup "vs_lookup1 s" "kheap s" vs_lookup1_on_heap_obj
apply unfold_locales
apply (clarsimp simp: trans_depends_def vs_lookup1_def obj_at_def vs_lookup1_on_heap_obj_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp: vs_refs_def up_ucast_inj_eq graph_of_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: vs_lookup1_on_heap_obj_def)
lemmas vs_lookup1_is_wellformed_lookup
= vs_lookup1_wellformed.wellformed_lookup_axioms
sublocale vs_lookup_pages1_wellformed:
wellformed_lookup "vs_lookup_pages1 s" "kheap s" vs_lookup_pages1_on_heap_obj
apply unfold_locales
apply (clarsimp simp: trans_depends_def vs_lookup_pages1_def obj_at_def vs_lookup_pages1_on_heap_obj_def)+
apply (clarsimp simp: vs_refs_pages_def up_ucast_inj_eq graph_of_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_obj.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: vs_lookup_pages1_on_heap_obj_def)
lemmas vs_lookup_pages1_is_wellformed_lookup
= vs_lookup_pages1_wellformed.wellformed_lookup_axioms
lemma vs_refs_pages_vs_ref_lvl:
"\<lbrakk> ko_at (ArchObj aobj) p s; (r, q) \<in> vs_refs_pages (ArchObj aobj); valid_vspace_obj aobj s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> vs_ref_lvl (kheap s p) < vs_ref_lvl (kheap s q)"
apply (cases aobj;
clarsimp simp: vs_refs_pages_def graph_of_def ball_ran_eq obj_at_def
pte_ref_pages_def pde_ref_pages_def pdpte_ref_pages_def pml4e_ref_pages_def
split: if_splits pte.splits pde.splits pdpte.splits pml4e.splits;
match premises in H [thin]: "\<forall>i. P (t i)" and J: "t i = v" for P t i v \<Rightarrow>
\<open>insert spec[where x=i, OF H]\<close>
\<bar> H [thin]: "\<forall>i \<in> S. P (t i)" and J: "t i = v" for P S t i v \<Rightarrow>
\<open>insert bspec[where x=i, OF H]\<close>)
by (auto simp: obj_at_def data_at_def)
lemmas vs_refs_vs_ref_lvl = vs_refs_pages_vs_ref_lvl[OF _ vs_refs_vs_refs_pages]
lemma vs_lookup1_wellformed_order:
"valid_vspace_objs s
\<Longrightarrow> wellformed_order_lookup (vs_lookup1 s) (kheap s) vs_lookup1_on_heap_obj
vs_ref_lvl (vs_asid_refs (x64_asid_table (arch_state s)))"
apply (intro wellformed_order_lookup.intro vs_lookup1_wellformed.wellformed_lookup_axioms
apply (simp only: vs_lookup_def2[symmetric])
apply (clarsimp simp add: vs_lookup1_def)
apply (case_tac ko; (clarsimp simp: vs_refs_def; fail)?; rename_tac ako; clarsimp)
apply (frule (2) valid_vspace_objsD)
apply (case_tac ako; clarsimp simp: vs_refs_def)
apply (drule (1) graph_of_in_ranD; clarsimp simp: obj_at_def)
apply (match premises in "(i,_) \<in> graph_of _" for i \<Rightarrow>
\<open>match premises in H[thin]: "\<forall>i. P i" for P \<Rightarrow> \<open>insert spec[where x=i, OF H]\<close>
\<bar> H[thin]: "\<forall>i\<in>_. P i" for P \<Rightarrow> \<open>insert bspec[where x=i, OF H]\<close>\<close>;
fastforce simp: graph_of_def obj_at_def
pde_ref_def pdpte_ref_def pml4e_ref_def
split: pde.splits pdpte.splits pml4e.splits if_splits)+
lemma vs_lookup_pages1_wellformed_order:
"\<lbrakk> valid_vspace_objs s; valid_asid_table (x64_asid_table (arch_state s)) s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> wellformed_order_lookup (vs_lookup_pages1 s) (kheap s) vs_lookup_pages1_on_heap_obj
vs_ref_lvl (vs_asid_refs (x64_asid_table (arch_state s)))"
apply (intro wellformed_order_lookup.intro vs_lookup_pages1_wellformed.wellformed_lookup_axioms
apply (simp only: vs_lookup_pages_def2[symmetric])
apply (clarsimp simp add: vs_lookup_pages1_def)
apply (case_tac ko; (clarsimp simp: vs_refs_pages_def; fail)?; rename_tac ako; clarsimp)
apply (frule (3) valid_vspace_objsD')
apply (case_tac ako; clarsimp simp: vs_refs_pages_def)
apply (drule (1) graph_of_in_ranD; clarsimp simp: obj_at_def)
apply (match premises in "(x,y) \<in> graph_of f" for f x y \<Rightarrow>
\<open>match premises in H[thin]: "\<forall>i. P i" for P \<Rightarrow> \<open>insert spec[where x=x, OF H]\<close>
\<bar> H[thin]: "\<forall>i\<in>_. P i" for P \<Rightarrow> \<open>insert bspec[where x=x, OF H]\<close>\<close>;
fastforce simp: graph_of_def obj_at_def data_at_def
pte_ref_pages_def pde_ref_pages_def pdpte_ref_pages_def pml4e_ref_pages_def
split: pte.splits pde.splits pdpte.splits pml4e.splits if_splits)+
refs_diff :: "(kernel_object option \<Rightarrow> 'b \<Rightarrow> 'a list \<Rightarrow> bool)
\<Rightarrow> arch_kernel_obj \<Rightarrow> 64 word \<Rightarrow> 'c abstract_state_scheme \<Rightarrow> ('a list \<times> 'b) set"
"refs_diff lf obj ptr s = (lookup_refs (Some (ArchObj obj)) lf - lookup_refs (kheap s ptr) lf)"