
3310 lines
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* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
theory Invariants_H
(* global data and code of the kernel, not covered by any cap *)
kernel_data_refs :: "word64 set"
context Arch begin
declare lookupPTSlotFromLevel.simps[simp del]
declare lookupPTFromLevel.simps[simp del]
lemmas haskell_crunch_def [crunch_def] =
deriveCap_def finaliseCap_def
hasCancelSendRights_def sameRegionAs_def isPhysicalCap_def
sameObjectAs_def updateCapData_def maskCapRights_def
createObject_def capUntypedPtr_def capUntypedSize_def
performInvocation_def decodeInvocation_def
context begin global_naming global
Retype_H.deriveCap_def Retype_H.finaliseCap_def
Retype_H.hasCancelSendRights_def Retype_H.sameRegionAs_def Retype_H.isPhysicalCap_def
Retype_H.sameObjectAs_def Retype_H.updateCapData_def Retype_H.maskCapRights_def
Retype_H.createObject_def Retype_H.capUntypedPtr_def Retype_H.capUntypedSize_def
Retype_H.performInvocation_def Retype_H.decodeInvocation_def
\<comment> \<open>---------------------------------------------------------------------------\<close>
section "Invariants on Executable Spec"
context begin interpretation Arch .
definition ps_clear :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ps_clear p n s \<equiv> (mask_range p n - {p}) \<inter> dom (ksPSpace s) = {}"
definition pspace_no_overlap' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"pspace_no_overlap' ptr bits \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. \<forall>x ko. ksPSpace s x = Some ko \<longrightarrow>
(mask_range x (objBitsKO ko)) \<inter> {ptr .. (ptr && ~~ mask bits) + mask bits} = {}"
definition ko_wp_at' :: "(kernel_object \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ko_wp_at' P p s \<equiv> \<exists>ko. ksPSpace s p = Some ko \<and> is_aligned p (objBitsKO ko) \<and> P ko \<and>
ps_clear p (objBitsKO ko) s"
definition obj_at' :: "('a::pspace_storable \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"obj_at' P p s \<equiv> ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. \<exists>obj. projectKO_opt ko = Some obj \<and> P obj) p s"
definition typ_at' :: "kernel_object_type \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"typ_at' T \<equiv> ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. koTypeOf ko = T)"
abbreviation ep_at' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ep_at' \<equiv> obj_at' ((\<lambda>x. True) :: endpoint \<Rightarrow> bool)"
abbreviation ntfn_at' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ntfn_at' \<equiv> obj_at' ((\<lambda>x. True) :: notification \<Rightarrow> bool)"
abbreviation tcb_at' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"tcb_at' \<equiv> obj_at' ((\<lambda>x. True) :: tcb \<Rightarrow> bool)"
abbreviation real_cte_at' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"real_cte_at' \<equiv> obj_at' ((\<lambda>x. True) :: cte \<Rightarrow> bool)"
abbreviation ko_at' :: "'a::pspace_storable \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ko_at' v \<equiv> obj_at' (\<lambda>k. k = v)"
abbreviation pte_at' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"pte_at' \<equiv> typ_at' (ArchT PTET)"
record itcb' =
itcbState :: thread_state
itcbFaultHandler :: cptr
itcbIPCBuffer :: vptr
itcbBoundNotification :: "machine_word option"
itcbPriority :: priority
itcbFault :: "fault option"
itcbTimeSlice :: nat
itcbMCP :: priority
definition tcb_to_itcb' :: "tcb \<Rightarrow> itcb'" where
"tcb_to_itcb' tcb \<equiv> \<lparr> itcbState = tcbState tcb,
itcbFaultHandler = tcbFaultHandler tcb,
itcbIPCBuffer = tcbIPCBuffer tcb,
itcbBoundNotification = tcbBoundNotification tcb,
itcbPriority = tcbPriority tcb,
itcbFault = tcbFault tcb,
itcbTimeSlice = tcbTimeSlice tcb,
itcbMCP = tcbMCP tcb\<rparr>"
lemma itcb_simps[simp]:
"itcbState (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbState tcb"
"itcbFaultHandler (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbFaultHandler tcb"
"itcbIPCBuffer (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbIPCBuffer tcb"
"itcbBoundNotification (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbBoundNotification tcb"
"itcbPriority (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbPriority tcb"
"itcbFault (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbFault tcb"
"itcbTimeSlice (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbTimeSlice tcb"
"itcbMCP (tcb_to_itcb' tcb) = tcbMCP tcb"
by (auto simp: tcb_to_itcb'_def)
definition pred_tcb_at' :: "(itcb' \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> ('a \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pred_tcb_at' proj test \<equiv> obj_at' (\<lambda>ko. test (proj (tcb_to_itcb' ko)))"
abbreviation st_tcb_at' :: "(thread_state \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"st_tcb_at' \<equiv> pred_tcb_at' itcbState"
abbreviation bound_tcb_at' :: "(obj_ref option \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"bound_tcb_at' \<equiv> pred_tcb_at' itcbBoundNotification"
abbreviation mcpriority_tcb_at' :: "(priority \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"mcpriority_tcb_at' \<equiv> pred_tcb_at' itcbMCP"
lemma st_tcb_at'_def:
"st_tcb_at' test \<equiv> obj_at' (test \<circ> tcbState)"
by (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def o_def)
text \<open> cte with property at \<close>
definition cte_wp_at' :: "(cte \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"cte_wp_at' P p s \<equiv> \<exists>cte::cte. fst (getObject p s) = {(cte,s)} \<and> P cte"
abbreviation cte_at' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"cte_at' \<equiv> cte_wp_at' \<top>"
definition tcb_cte_cases :: "machine_word \<rightharpoonup> ((tcb \<Rightarrow> cte) \<times> ((cte \<Rightarrow> cte) \<Rightarrow> tcb \<Rightarrow> tcb))" where
"tcb_cte_cases \<equiv> [ 0 << cteSizeBits \<mapsto> (tcbCTable, tcbCTable_update),
1 << cteSizeBits \<mapsto> (tcbVTable, tcbVTable_update),
2 << cteSizeBits \<mapsto> (tcbReply, tcbReply_update),
3 << cteSizeBits \<mapsto> (tcbCaller, tcbCaller_update),
4 << cteSizeBits \<mapsto> (tcbIPCBufferFrame, tcbIPCBufferFrame_update) ]"
definition max_ipc_words :: machine_word where
"max_ipc_words \<equiv> capTransferDataSize + msgMaxLength + msgMaxExtraCaps + 2"
definition tcb_st_refs_of' :: "thread_state \<Rightarrow> (obj_ref \<times> reftype) set" where
"tcb_st_refs_of' st \<equiv> case st of
(BlockedOnReceive x _) => {(x, TCBBlockedRecv)}
| (BlockedOnSend x _ _ _ _) => {(x, TCBBlockedSend)}
| (BlockedOnNotification x) => {(x, TCBSignal)}
| _ => {}"
definition ep_q_refs_of' :: "endpoint \<Rightarrow> (obj_ref \<times> reftype) set" where
"ep_q_refs_of' ep \<equiv> case ep of
IdleEP => {}
| (RecvEP q) => set q \<times> {EPRecv}
| (SendEP q) => set q \<times> {EPSend}"
definition ntfn_q_refs_of' :: "Structures_H.ntfn \<Rightarrow> (obj_ref \<times> reftype) set" where
"ntfn_q_refs_of' ntfn \<equiv> case ntfn of
IdleNtfn => {}
| (WaitingNtfn q) => set q \<times> {NTFNSignal}
| (ActiveNtfn b) => {}"
definition ntfn_bound_refs' :: "obj_ref option \<Rightarrow> (obj_ref \<times> reftype) set" where
"ntfn_bound_refs' t \<equiv> set_option t \<times> {NTFNBound}"
definition tcb_bound_refs' :: "obj_ref option \<Rightarrow> (obj_ref \<times> reftype) set" where
"tcb_bound_refs' a \<equiv> set_option a \<times> {TCBBound}"
definition refs_of' :: "kernel_object \<Rightarrow> (obj_ref \<times> reftype) set" where
"refs_of' ko \<equiv> case ko of
(KOTCB tcb) => tcb_st_refs_of' (tcbState tcb) \<union> tcb_bound_refs' (tcbBoundNotification tcb)
| (KOEndpoint ep) => ep_q_refs_of' ep
| (KONotification ntfn) => ntfn_q_refs_of' (ntfnObj ntfn) \<union> ntfn_bound_refs' (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn)
| _ => {}"
definition state_refs_of' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> (obj_ref \<times> reftype) set" where
"state_refs_of' s \<equiv> \<lambda>x.
case ksPSpace s x of
None \<Rightarrow> {}
| Some ko \<Rightarrow> if is_aligned x (objBitsKO ko) \<and> ps_clear x (objBitsKO ko) s
then refs_of' ko else {}"
fun live' :: "kernel_object \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"live' (KOTCB tcb) =
(bound (tcbBoundNotification tcb) \<or>
(tcbState tcb \<noteq> Inactive \<and> tcbState tcb \<noteq> IdleThreadState) \<or> tcbQueued tcb)"
| "live' (KOEndpoint ep) = (ep \<noteq> IdleEP)"
| "live' (KONotification ntfn) = (bound (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn) \<or> (\<exists>ts. ntfnObj ntfn = WaitingNtfn ts))"
| "live' _ = False"
fun zobj_refs' :: "capability \<Rightarrow> obj_ref set" where
"zobj_refs' (EndpointCap r _ _ _ _ _) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (NotificationCap r _ _ _) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' (ThreadCap r) = {r}"
| "zobj_refs' _ = {}"
definition ex_nonz_cap_to' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ex_nonz_cap_to' ref \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<exists>cref. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>c. ref \<in> zobj_refs' (cteCap c)) cref s"
definition if_live_then_nonz_cap' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<equiv> \<forall>ptr. ko_wp_at' live' ptr s \<longrightarrow> ex_nonz_cap_to' ptr s"
fun cte_refs' :: "capability \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> obj_ref set" where
"cte_refs' (CNodeCap ref bits _ _) x = (\<lambda>x. ref + (x << cteSizeBits)) ` {0 .. mask bits}"
| "cte_refs' (ThreadCap ref) x = (\<lambda>x. ref + x) ` dom tcb_cte_cases"
| "cte_refs' (Zombie ref _ n) x = (\<lambda>x. ref + (x << cteSizeBits)) ` {0 ..< of_nat n}"
| "cte_refs' (IRQHandlerCap irq) x = {x + (ucast irq << cteSizeBits)}"
| "cte_refs' _ _ = {}"
abbreviation irq_node' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> obj_ref" where
"irq_node' s \<equiv> intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s)"
definition ex_cte_cap_wp_to' :: "(capability \<Rightarrow> bool) \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P ptr \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. \<exists>cref. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>c. P (cteCap c) \<and> ptr \<in> cte_refs' (cteCap c) (irq_node' s)) cref s"
abbreviation ex_cte_cap_to' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ex_cte_cap_to' \<equiv> ex_cte_cap_wp_to' \<top>"
definition if_unsafe_then_cap' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"if_unsafe_then_cap' s \<equiv>
\<forall>cref. cte_wp_at' (\<lambda>c. cteCap c \<noteq> NullCap) cref s \<longrightarrow> ex_cte_cap_to' cref s"
section "Valid caps and objects (design spec)"
context begin interpretation Arch .
primrec acapBits :: "arch_capability \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"acapBits (ASIDPoolCap _ _) = asidLowBits + word_size_bits"
| "acapBits ASIDControlCap = asidHighBits + word_size_bits"
| "acapBits (FrameCap _ _ sz _ _) = pageBitsForSize sz"
| "acapBits (PageTableCap _ _) = table_size"
primrec zBits :: "zombie_type \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"zBits (ZombieCNode n) = objBits (undefined::cte) + n"
| "zBits (ZombieTCB) = tcbBlockSizeBits"
primrec capBits :: "capability \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"capBits NullCap = 0"
| "capBits DomainCap = 0"
| "capBits (UntypedCap _ _ b _) = b"
| "capBits (EndpointCap _ _ _ _ _ _) = objBits (undefined::endpoint)"
| "capBits (NotificationCap _ _ _ _) = objBits (undefined::Structures_H.notification)"
| "capBits (CNodeCap _ b _ _) = objBits (undefined::cte) + b"
| "capBits (ThreadCap _) = objBits (undefined::tcb)"
| "capBits (Zombie _ z _) = zBits z"
| "capBits (IRQControlCap) = 0"
| "capBits (IRQHandlerCap _) = 0"
| "capBits (ReplyCap _ _ _) = objBits (undefined :: tcb)"
| "capBits (ArchObjectCap x) = acapBits x"
definition capAligned :: "capability \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"capAligned c \<equiv> is_aligned (capUntypedPtr c) (capBits c) \<and> capBits c < word_bits"
definition obj_range' :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> kernel_object \<Rightarrow> machine_word set" where
"obj_range' p ko \<equiv> mask_range p (objBitsKO ko)"
primrec (nonexhaustive) usableUntypedRange :: "capability \<Rightarrow> machine_word set" where
"usableUntypedRange (UntypedCap _ p n f) = (if f < 2^n then {p+of_nat f .. p + mask n} else {})"
definition valid_untyped' :: "bool \<Rightarrow> obj_ref \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> nat \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_untyped' d ptr bits idx s \<equiv>
\<forall>ptr'. \<not> ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. mask_range ptr bits \<subset> obj_range' ptr' ko
\<or> obj_range' ptr' ko \<inter>
usableUntypedRange (UntypedCap d ptr bits idx) \<noteq> {}) ptr' s"
primrec zombieCTEs :: "zombie_type \<Rightarrow> nat" where
"zombieCTEs ZombieTCB = 5"
| "zombieCTEs (ZombieCNode n) = 2 ^ n"
context begin interpretation Arch .
definition page_table_at' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"page_table_at' p \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
is_aligned p ptBits \<and> (\<forall>i::pt_index. pte_at' (p + (ucast i << pte_bits)) s)"
lemmas vspace_table_at'_defs = page_table_at'_def
abbreviation asid_pool_at' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"asid_pool_at' \<equiv> typ_at' (ArchT ASIDPoolT)"
definition asid_wf :: "asid \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"asid_wf asid \<equiv> asid \<le> mask asid_bits"
definition wellformed_mapdata' :: "asid \<times> vspace_ref \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"wellformed_mapdata' \<equiv> \<lambda>(asid, vref). 0 < asid \<and> asid_wf asid \<and> vref \<in> user_region"
definition wellformed_acap' :: "arch_capability \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"wellformed_acap' ac \<equiv>
case ac of
ASIDPoolCap r asid \<Rightarrow> is_aligned asid asid_low_bits \<and> asid_wf asid
| FrameCap r rghts sz dev mapdata \<Rightarrow>
case_option True wellformed_mapdata' mapdata \<and>
case_option True (swp vmsz_aligned sz \<circ> snd) mapdata
| PageTableCap r (Some mapdata) \<Rightarrow> wellformed_mapdata' mapdata
| _ \<Rightarrow> True"
lemmas wellformed_acap'_simps[simp] = wellformed_acap'_def[split_simps arch_capability.split]
definition frame_at' :: "obj_ref \<Rightarrow> vmpage_size \<Rightarrow> bool \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"frame_at' r sz dev s \<equiv>
\<forall>p < 2 ^ (pageBitsForSize sz - pageBits).
typ_at' (if dev then UserDataDeviceT else UserDataT) (r + (p << pageBits)) s"
definition valid_arch_cap_ref' :: "arch_capability \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_arch_cap_ref' ac s \<equiv> case ac of
ASIDPoolCap r as \<Rightarrow> typ_at' (ArchT ASIDPoolT) r s
| ASIDControlCap \<Rightarrow> True
| FrameCap r rghts sz dev mapdata \<Rightarrow> frame_at' r sz dev s
| PageTableCap r mapdata \<Rightarrow> page_table_at' r s"
lemmas valid_arch_cap_ref'_simps[simp] =
valid_arch_cap_ref'_def[split_simps arch_capability.split]
definition valid_arch_cap' :: "arch_capability \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_arch_cap' cap \<equiv> \<lambda>s. wellformed_acap' cap \<and> valid_arch_cap_ref' cap s"
lemmas valid_arch_cap'_simps[simp] =
valid_arch_cap'_def[unfolded wellformed_acap'_def valid_arch_cap_ref'_def,
split_simps arch_capability.split, simplified]
definition arch_cap'_fun_lift :: "(arch_capability \<Rightarrow> 'a) \<Rightarrow> 'a \<Rightarrow> capability \<Rightarrow> 'a" where
"arch_cap'_fun_lift P F c \<equiv> case c of ArchObjectCap ac \<Rightarrow> P ac | _ \<Rightarrow> F"
lemmas arch_cap'_fun_lift_simps[simp] = arch_cap'_fun_lift_def[split_simps capability.split]
definition valid_acap' :: "capability \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_acap' \<equiv> arch_cap'_fun_lift valid_arch_cap' \<top>"
valid_cap' :: "capability \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
where valid_cap'_def:
"valid_cap' c s \<equiv> capAligned c \<and>
(case c of
NullCap \<Rightarrow> True
| DomainCap \<Rightarrow> True
| UntypedCap d r n f \<Rightarrow>
valid_untyped' d r n f s \<and> r \<noteq> 0 \<and> minUntypedSizeBits \<le> n \<and> n \<le> maxUntypedSizeBits
\<and> f \<le> 2^n \<and> is_aligned (of_nat f :: machine_word) minUntypedSizeBits
\<and> r \<in> kernel_mappings
| EndpointCap r badge x y z t \<Rightarrow> ep_at' r s
| NotificationCap r badge x y \<Rightarrow> ntfn_at' r s
| CNodeCap r bits guard guard_sz \<Rightarrow>
bits \<noteq> 0 \<and> bits + guard_sz \<le> word_bits \<and> guard && mask guard_sz = guard \<and>
(\<forall>addr. real_cte_at' (r + 2^cteSizeBits * (addr && mask bits)) s)
| ThreadCap r \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' r s
| ReplyCap r m x \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' r s
| IRQControlCap \<Rightarrow> True
| IRQHandlerCap irq \<Rightarrow> irq \<le> maxIRQ \<and> irq \<noteq> irqInvalid
| Zombie r b n \<Rightarrow> n \<le> zombieCTEs b \<and> zBits b < word_bits
\<and> (case b of ZombieTCB \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' r s | ZombieCNode n \<Rightarrow> n \<noteq> 0
\<and> (\<forall>addr. real_cte_at' (r + 2^cteSizeBits * (addr && mask n)) s))
| ArchObjectCap ac \<Rightarrow> valid_arch_cap' ac s)"
abbreviation (input) valid_cap'_syn ::
"kernel_state \<Rightarrow> capability \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile>'' _" [60, 60] 61) where
"s \<turnstile>' c \<equiv> valid_cap' c s"
definition valid_cte' :: "cte \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_cte' cte s \<equiv> s \<turnstile>' (cteCap cte)"
definition valid_tcb_state' :: "thread_state \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_tcb_state' ts s \<equiv> case ts of
BlockedOnReceive ref a \<Rightarrow> ep_at' ref s
| BlockedOnSend ref a b d c \<Rightarrow> ep_at' ref s
| BlockedOnNotification ref \<Rightarrow> ntfn_at' ref s
| _ \<Rightarrow> True"
definition valid_ipc_buffer_ptr' :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_ipc_buffer_ptr' a s \<equiv>
is_aligned a msg_align_bits \<and> typ_at' UserDataT (a && ~~ mask pageBits) s"
definition valid_bound_ntfn' :: "machine_word option \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_bound_ntfn' ntfn_opt s \<equiv>
case ntfn_opt of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some a \<Rightarrow> ntfn_at' a s"
definition is_device_frame_cap' :: "capability \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"is_device_frame_cap' cap \<equiv> case cap of ArchObjectCap (FrameCap _ _ _ dev _) \<Rightarrow> dev | _ \<Rightarrow> False"
definition valid_tcb' :: "tcb \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_tcb' t s \<equiv> (\<forall>(getF, setF) \<in> ran tcb_cte_cases. s \<turnstile>' cteCap (getF t))
\<and> valid_tcb_state' (tcbState t) s
\<and> is_aligned (tcbIPCBuffer t) msg_align_bits
\<and> valid_bound_ntfn' (tcbBoundNotification t) s
\<and> tcbDomain t \<le> maxDomain
\<and> tcbPriority t \<le> maxPriority
\<and> tcbMCP t \<le> maxPriority"
definition valid_ep' :: "Structures_H.endpoint \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_ep' ep s \<equiv> case ep of
IdleEP \<Rightarrow> True
| SendEP ts \<Rightarrow> (ts \<noteq> [] \<and> (\<forall>t \<in> set ts. tcb_at' t s) \<and> distinct ts)
| RecvEP ts \<Rightarrow> (ts \<noteq> [] \<and> (\<forall>t \<in> set ts. tcb_at' t s) \<and> distinct ts)"
definition valid_bound_tcb' :: "machine_word option \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_bound_tcb' tcb_opt s \<equiv> case tcb_opt of None \<Rightarrow> True | Some t \<Rightarrow> tcb_at' t s"
definition valid_ntfn' :: "Structures_H.notification \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_ntfn' ntfn s \<equiv> (case ntfnObj ntfn of
IdleNtfn \<Rightarrow> True
| WaitingNtfn ts \<Rightarrow>
(ts \<noteq> [] \<and> (\<forall>t \<in> set ts. tcb_at' t s) \<and> distinct ts
\<and> (case ntfnBoundTCB ntfn of Some tcb \<Rightarrow> ts = [tcb] | _ \<Rightarrow> True))
| ActiveNtfn b \<Rightarrow> True)
\<and> valid_bound_tcb' (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn) s"
definition valid_mapping' :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> vmpage_size \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_mapping' x sz s \<equiv> is_aligned x (pageBitsForSize sz) \<and> ptrFromPAddr x \<noteq> 0"
valid_obj' :: "Structures_H.kernel_object \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_obj' ko s \<equiv> case ko of
KOEndpoint endpoint \<Rightarrow> valid_ep' endpoint s
| KONotification notification \<Rightarrow> valid_ntfn' notification s
| KOKernelData \<Rightarrow> False
| KOUserData \<Rightarrow> True
| KOUserDataDevice \<Rightarrow> True
| KOTCB tcb \<Rightarrow> valid_tcb' tcb s
| KOCTE cte \<Rightarrow> valid_cte' cte s
| KOArch arch_kernel_object \<Rightarrow> True"
pspace_aligned' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pspace_aligned' s \<equiv>
\<forall>x \<in> dom (ksPSpace s). is_aligned x (objBitsKO (the (ksPSpace s x)))"
pspace_canonical' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pspace_canonical' s \<equiv> \<forall>p \<in> dom (ksPSpace s). canonical_address p"
pspace_in_kernel_mappings' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pspace_in_kernel_mappings' s \<equiv> \<forall>p \<in> dom (ksPSpace s). p \<in> kernel_mappings"
pspace_distinct' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"pspace_distinct' s \<equiv>
\<forall>x \<in> dom (ksPSpace s). ps_clear x (objBitsKO (the (ksPSpace s x))) s"
valid_objs' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_objs' s \<equiv> \<forall>obj \<in> ran (ksPSpace s). valid_obj' obj s"
type_synonym cte_heap = "machine_word \<Rightarrow> cte option"
map_to_ctes :: "(machine_word \<rightharpoonup> kernel_object) \<Rightarrow> cte_heap"
"map_to_ctes m \<equiv> \<lambda>x.
let cte_bits = objBitsKO (KOCTE undefined);
tcb_bits = objBitsKO (KOTCB undefined);
y = (x && (~~ mask tcb_bits))
if \<exists>cte. m x = Some (KOCTE cte) \<and> is_aligned x cte_bits
\<and> {x + 1 .. x + (1 << cte_bits) - 1} \<inter> dom m = {}
then case m x of Some (KOCTE cte) \<Rightarrow> Some cte
else if \<exists>tcb. m y = Some (KOTCB tcb)
\<and> {y + 1 .. y + (1 << tcb_bits) - 1} \<inter> dom m = {}
then case m y of Some (KOTCB tcb) \<Rightarrow>
option_map (\<lambda>(getF, setF). getF tcb) (tcb_cte_cases (x - y))
else None"
"ctes_of s \<equiv> map_to_ctes (ksPSpace s)"
mdb_next :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word option"
"mdb_next s c \<equiv> option_map (mdbNext o cteMDBNode) (s c)"
mdb_next_rel :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> (machine_word \<times> machine_word) set"
"mdb_next_rel m \<equiv> {(x, y). mdb_next m x = Some y}"
mdb_next_direct :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<leadsto> _" [60,0,60] 61)
"m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto> b \<equiv> (a, b) \<in> mdb_next_rel m"
mdb_next_trans :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ _" [60,0,60] 61)
"m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ b \<equiv> (a,b) \<in> (mdb_next_rel m)\<^sup>+"
mdb_next_rtrans :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<leadsto>\<^sup>* _" [60,0,60] 61)
"m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto>\<^sup>* b \<equiv> (a,b) \<in> (mdb_next_rel m)\<^sup>*"
"valid_badges m \<equiv>
\<forall>p p' cap node cap' node'.
m p = Some (CTE cap node) \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE cap' node') \<longrightarrow>
(m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto> p') \<longrightarrow>
(sameRegionAs cap cap') \<longrightarrow>
(isEndpointCap cap \<longrightarrow>
capEPBadge cap \<noteq> capEPBadge cap' \<longrightarrow>
capEPBadge cap' \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow>
mdbFirstBadged node')
(isNotificationCap cap \<longrightarrow>
capNtfnBadge cap \<noteq> capNtfnBadge cap' \<longrightarrow>
capNtfnBadge cap' \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow>
mdbFirstBadged node')"
fun (sequential)
untypedRange :: "capability \<Rightarrow> machine_word set"
"untypedRange (UntypedCap d p n f) = {p .. p + 2 ^ n - 1}"
| "untypedRange c = {}"
acapClass :: "arch_capability \<Rightarrow> capclass"
"acapClass (ASIDPoolCap _ _) = PhysicalClass"
| "acapClass ASIDControlCap = ASIDMasterClass"
| "acapClass (FrameCap _ _ _ _ _) = PhysicalClass"
| "acapClass (PageTableCap _ _) = PhysicalClass"
capClass :: "capability \<Rightarrow> capclass"
"capClass (NullCap) = NullClass"
| "capClass (DomainCap) = DomainClass"
| "capClass (UntypedCap d p n f) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (EndpointCap ref badge s r g gr) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (NotificationCap ref badge s r) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (CNodeCap ref bits g gs) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (ThreadCap ref) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (Zombie r b n) = PhysicalClass"
| "capClass (IRQControlCap) = IRQClass"
| "capClass (IRQHandlerCap irq) = IRQClass"
| "capClass (ReplyCap tcb m g) = ReplyClass tcb"
| "capClass (ArchObjectCap cap) = acapClass cap"
"capRange cap \<equiv>
if capClass cap \<noteq> PhysicalClass then {}
else {capUntypedPtr cap .. capUntypedPtr cap + 2 ^ capBits cap - 1}"
"caps_contained' m \<equiv>
\<forall>p p' c n c' n'.
m p = Some (CTE c n) \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE c' n') \<longrightarrow>
\<not>isUntypedCap c' \<longrightarrow>
capRange c' \<inter> untypedRange c \<noteq> {} \<longrightarrow>
capRange c' \<subseteq> untypedRange c"
valid_dlist :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_dlist m \<equiv>
\<forall>p cte. m p = Some cte \<longrightarrow>
(let prev = mdbPrev (cteMDBNode cte);
next = mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte)
in (prev \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>cte'. m prev = Some cte' \<and> mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte') = p)) \<and>
(next \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> (\<exists>cte'. m next = Some cte' \<and> mdbPrev (cteMDBNode cte') = p)))"
"no_0 m \<equiv> m 0 = None"
"no_loops m \<equiv> \<forall>c. \<not> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c"
"mdb_chain_0 m \<equiv> \<forall>x \<in> dom m. m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ 0"
"class_links m \<equiv> \<forall>p p' cte cte'.
m p = Some cte \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some cte' \<longrightarrow>
m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto> p' \<longrightarrow>
capClass (cteCap cte) = capClass (cteCap cte')"
"is_chunk m cap p p' \<equiv>
\<forall>p''. m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p'' \<longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> p'' \<leadsto>\<^sup>* p' \<longrightarrow>
(\<exists>cap'' n''. m p'' = Some (CTE cap'' n'') \<and> sameRegionAs cap cap'')"
"mdb_chunked m \<equiv> \<forall>p p' cap cap' n n'.
m p = Some (CTE cap n) \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE cap' n') \<longrightarrow>
sameRegionAs cap cap' \<longrightarrow>
p \<noteq> p' \<longrightarrow>
(m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p' \<or> m \<turnstile> p' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p) \<and>
(m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p' \<longrightarrow> is_chunk m cap p p') \<and>
(m \<turnstile> p' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p \<longrightarrow> is_chunk m cap' p' p)"
parentOf :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ parentOf _" [60,0,60] 61)
"s \<turnstile> c' parentOf c \<equiv>
\<exists>cte' cte. s c = Some cte \<and> s c' = Some cte' \<and> isMDBParentOf cte' cte"
notes [[inductive_internals =true]]
subtree :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<rightarrow> _" [60,0,60] 61)
for s :: cte_heap and c :: machine_word
"\<lbrakk> s \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'; c' \<noteq> 0; s \<turnstile> c parentOf c'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s \<turnstile> c \<rightarrow> c'"
"\<lbrakk> s \<turnstile> c \<rightarrow> c'; s \<turnstile> c' \<leadsto> c''; c'' \<noteq> 0; s \<turnstile> c parentOf c'' \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> s \<turnstile> c \<rightarrow> c''"
"descendants_of' c s \<equiv> {c'. s \<turnstile> c \<rightarrow> c'}"
"untyped_mdb' m \<equiv>
\<forall>p p' c n c' n'.
m p = Some (CTE c n) \<longrightarrow> isUntypedCap c \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE c' n') \<longrightarrow> \<not> isUntypedCap c' \<longrightarrow>
capRange c' \<inter> untypedRange c \<noteq> {} \<longrightarrow>
p' \<in> descendants_of' p m"
"untyped_inc' m \<equiv>
\<forall>p p' c c' n n'.
m p = Some (CTE c n) \<longrightarrow> isUntypedCap c \<longrightarrow>
m p' = Some (CTE c' n') \<longrightarrow> isUntypedCap c' \<longrightarrow>
(untypedRange c \<subseteq> untypedRange c' \<or>
untypedRange c' \<subseteq> untypedRange c \<or>
untypedRange c \<inter> untypedRange c' = {}) \<and>
(untypedRange c \<subset> untypedRange c' \<longrightarrow> (p \<in> descendants_of' p' m \<and> untypedRange c \<inter> usableUntypedRange c' ={})) \<and>
(untypedRange c' \<subset> untypedRange c \<longrightarrow> (p' \<in> descendants_of' p m \<and> untypedRange c' \<inter> usableUntypedRange c ={})) \<and>
(untypedRange c = untypedRange c' \<longrightarrow> (p' \<in> descendants_of' p m \<and> usableUntypedRange c={}
\<or> p \<in> descendants_of' p' m \<and> usableUntypedRange c' = {} \<or> p = p'))"
"valid_nullcaps m \<equiv> \<forall>p n. m p = Some (CTE NullCap n) \<longrightarrow> n = nullMDBNode"
"ut_revocable' m \<equiv> \<forall>p cap n. m p = Some (CTE cap n) \<longrightarrow> isUntypedCap cap \<longrightarrow> mdbRevocable n"
"irq_control m \<equiv>
\<forall>p n. m p = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n) \<longrightarrow>
mdbRevocable n \<and>
(\<forall>p' n'. m p' = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n') \<longrightarrow> p' = p)"
isArchFrameCap :: "capability \<Rightarrow> bool"
"isArchFrameCap cap \<equiv> case cap of ArchObjectCap (FrameCap _ _ _ _ _) \<Rightarrow> True | _ \<Rightarrow> False"
distinct_zombie_caps :: "(machine_word \<Rightarrow> capability option) \<Rightarrow> bool"
"distinct_zombie_caps caps \<equiv> \<forall>ptr ptr' cap cap'. caps ptr = Some cap
\<and> caps ptr' = Some cap' \<and> ptr \<noteq> ptr' \<and> isZombie cap
\<and> capClass cap' = PhysicalClass \<and> \<not> isUntypedCap cap' \<and> \<not> isArchFrameCap cap'
\<and> capBits cap = capBits cap' \<longrightarrow> capUntypedPtr cap \<noteq> capUntypedPtr cap'"
distinct_zombies :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"distinct_zombies m \<equiv> distinct_zombie_caps (option_map cteCap \<circ> m)"
reply_masters_rvk_fb :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"reply_masters_rvk_fb ctes \<equiv> \<forall>cte \<in> ran ctes.
isReplyCap (cteCap cte) \<and> capReplyMaster (cteCap cte)
\<longrightarrow> mdbRevocable (cteMDBNode cte) \<and> mdbFirstBadged (cteMDBNode cte)"
valid_mdb_ctes :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_mdb_ctes \<equiv> \<lambda>m. valid_dlist m \<and> no_0 m \<and> mdb_chain_0 m \<and>
valid_badges m \<and> caps_contained' m \<and>
mdb_chunked m \<and> untyped_mdb' m \<and>
untyped_inc' m \<and> valid_nullcaps m \<and>
ut_revocable' m \<and> class_links m \<and> distinct_zombies m
\<and> irq_control m \<and> reply_masters_rvk_fb m"
valid_mdb' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_mdb' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_mdb_ctes (ctes_of s)"
"no_0_obj' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. ksPSpace s 0 = None"
valid_pspace' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_pspace' \<equiv> valid_objs' and
pspace_aligned' and
pspace_canonical' and
pspace_in_kernel_mappings' and
pspace_distinct' and
no_0_obj' and
runnable' :: "Structures_H.thread_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"runnable' (Structures_H.Running) = True"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.Inactive) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.Restart) = True"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.IdleThreadState) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnReceive a b) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnReply) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnSend a b c d e) = False"
| "runnable' (Structures_H.BlockedOnNotification x) = False"
inQ :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> tcb \<Rightarrow> bool"
"inQ d p tcb \<equiv> tcbQueued tcb \<and> tcbPriority tcb = p \<and> tcbDomain tcb = d"
(* for given domain and priority, the scheduler bitmap indicates a thread is in the queue *)
(* second level of the bitmap is stored in reverse for better cache locality in common case *)
bitmapQ :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"bitmapQ d p s \<equiv> ksReadyQueuesL1Bitmap s d !! prioToL1Index p
\<and> ksReadyQueuesL2Bitmap s (d, invertL1Index (prioToL1Index p))
!! unat (p && mask wordRadix)"
valid_queues_no_bitmap :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_queues_no_bitmap \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
(\<forall>d p. (\<forall>t \<in> set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p)). obj_at' (inQ d p and runnable' \<circ> tcbState) t s)
\<and> distinct (ksReadyQueues s (d, p))
\<and> (d > maxDomain \<or> p > maxPriority \<longrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) = []))"
(* A priority is used as a two-part key into the bitmap structure. If an L2 bitmap entry
is set without an L1 entry, updating the L1 entry (shared by many priorities) may make
unexpected threads schedulable *)
bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
\<forall>d i j. ksReadyQueuesL2Bitmap s (d, invertL1Index i) !! j \<and> i < l2BitmapSize
\<longrightarrow> (ksReadyQueuesL1Bitmap s d !! i)"
(* If the scheduler finds a set bit in L1 of the bitmap, it must find some bit set in L2
when it looks there. This lets it omit a check.
L2 entries have wordBits bits each. That means the L1 word only indexes
a small number of L2 entries, despite being stored in a wordBits word.
We allow only bits corresponding to L2 indices to be set.
bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
\<forall>d i. ksReadyQueuesL1Bitmap s d !! i \<longrightarrow> ksReadyQueuesL2Bitmap s (d, invertL1Index i) \<noteq> 0 \<and>
i < l2BitmapSize"
valid_bitmapQ :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_bitmapQ \<equiv> \<lambda>s. (\<forall>d p. bitmapQ d p s \<longleftrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) \<noteq> [])"
valid_queues :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_queues \<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_queues_no_bitmap s \<and> valid_bitmapQ s \<and>
bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans s \<and> bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans s"
(* when a thread gets added to / removed from a queue, but before bitmap updated *)
valid_bitmapQ_except :: "domain \<Rightarrow> priority \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_bitmapQ_except d' p' \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
(\<forall>d p. (d \<noteq> d' \<or> p \<noteq> p') \<longrightarrow> (bitmapQ d p s \<longleftrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) \<noteq> []))"
lemmas bitmapQ_defs = valid_bitmapQ_def valid_bitmapQ_except_def bitmapQ_def
bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans_def bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans_def
valid_queues' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"valid_queues' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<forall>d p t. obj_at' (inQ d p) t s \<longrightarrow> t \<in> set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p))"
definition tcb_in_cur_domain' :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"tcb_in_cur_domain' t \<equiv> \<lambda>s. obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. ksCurDomain s = tcbDomain tcb) t s"
ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. ksSchedulerAction s = ResumeCurrentThread \<longrightarrow>
ksCurThread s = ksIdleThread s \<or> tcb_in_cur_domain' (ksCurThread s) s"
"ct_in_state' test \<equiv> \<lambda>s. st_tcb_at' test (ksCurThread s) s"
"ct_not_inQ \<equiv> \<lambda>s. ksSchedulerAction s = ResumeCurrentThread
\<longrightarrow> obj_at' (Not \<circ> tcbQueued) (ksCurThread s) s"
"idle' \<equiv> \<lambda>st. st = Structures_H.IdleThreadState"
"activatable' st \<equiv> runnable' st \<or> idle' st"
sch_act_wf :: "scheduler_action \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool"
"sch_act_wf ResumeCurrentThread = ct_in_state' activatable'"
| "sch_act_wf ChooseNewThread = \<top>"
| "sch_act_wf (SwitchToThread t) = (\<lambda>s. st_tcb_at' runnable' t s \<and> tcb_in_cur_domain' t s)"
definition sch_act_simple :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"sch_act_simple \<equiv> \<lambda>s. (ksSchedulerAction s = ResumeCurrentThread) \<or>
(ksSchedulerAction s = ChooseNewThread)"
definition sch_act_sane :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"sch_act_sane \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<forall>t. ksSchedulerAction s = SwitchToThread t \<longrightarrow> t \<noteq> ksCurThread s"
"sch_act_not t \<equiv> \<lambda>s. ksSchedulerAction s \<noteq> SwitchToThread t"
definition idle_tcb'_2 :: "Structures_H.thread_state \<times> machine_word option \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"idle_tcb'_2 \<equiv> \<lambda>(st, ntfn_opt). (idle' st \<and> ntfn_opt = None)"
"idle_tcb' tcb \<equiv> idle_tcb'_2 (tcbState tcb, tcbBoundNotification tcb)"
lemmas idle_tcb'_def = idle_tcb'_2_def
definition valid_idle' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_idle' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. obj_at' idle_tcb' (ksIdleThread s) s \<and> idle_thread_ptr = ksIdleThread s"
lemma valid_idle'_tcb_at':
"valid_idle' s \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' idle_tcb' (ksIdleThread s) s"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_idle'_def)
definition valid_irq_node' :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_irq_node' x \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. is_aligned x (size (0::irq) + cteSizeBits) \<and>
(\<forall>irq :: irq. real_cte_at' (x + (ucast irq << cteSizeBits)) s)"
definition valid_refs' :: "machine_word set \<Rightarrow> cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_refs' R \<equiv> \<lambda>m. \<forall>c \<in> ran m. R \<inter> capRange (cteCap c) = {}"
definition table_refs' :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word set" where
"table_refs' x \<equiv> (\<lambda>y. x + (y << pte_bits)) ` mask_range 0 ptTranslationBits"
global_refs' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> obj_ref set"
"global_refs' \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
{ksIdleThread s} \<union>
(\<Union>l. (\<Union> (table_refs' ` set (riscvKSGlobalPTs (ksArchState s) l)))) \<union>
range (\<lambda>irq :: irq. irq_node' s + (ucast irq << cteSizeBits))"
definition valid_cap_sizes' :: "nat \<Rightarrow> cte_heap \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_cap_sizes' n hp \<equiv> \<forall>cte \<in> ran hp. 2 ^ capBits (cteCap cte) \<le> n"
definition valid_global_refs' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_global_refs' \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
valid_refs' kernel_data_refs (ctes_of s)
\<and> global_refs' s \<subseteq> kernel_data_refs
\<and> valid_cap_sizes' (gsMaxObjectSize s) (ctes_of s)"
definition pspace_domain_valid :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"pspace_domain_valid \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
\<forall>x ko. ksPSpace s x = Some ko \<longrightarrow> mask_range x (objBitsKO ko) \<inter> kernel_data_refs = {}"
definition valid_asid_table' :: "(asid \<rightharpoonup> machine_word) \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_asid_table' table \<equiv> dom table \<subseteq> mask_range 0 asid_high_bits \<and> 0 \<notin> ran table"
definition valid_global_pts' :: "machine_word list \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_global_pts' pts \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<forall>p \<in> set pts. page_table_at' p s"
definition valid_arch_state' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_arch_state' \<equiv> \<lambda>s.
valid_asid_table' (riscvKSASIDTable (ksArchState s)) \<and>
(\<forall>l. valid_global_pts' (riscvKSGlobalPTs (ksArchState s) l) s) \<and>
riscvKSGlobalPTs (ksArchState s) maxPTLevel \<noteq> []"
definition irq_issued' :: "irq \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"irq_issued' irq \<equiv> \<lambda>s. intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s) irq = IRQSignal"
definition cteCaps_of :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> capability option" where
"cteCaps_of s \<equiv> option_map cteCap \<circ> ctes_of s"
definition valid_irq_handlers' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_irq_handlers' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. \<forall>cap \<in> ran (cteCaps_of s). \<forall>irq.
cap = IRQHandlerCap irq \<longrightarrow> irq_issued' irq s"
"irqs_masked' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s) irqInvalid = IRQInactive \<and>
(\<forall>irq > maxIRQ. intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s) irq = IRQInactive)"
"valid_irq_masks' table masked \<equiv> \<forall>irq. table irq = IRQInactive \<longrightarrow> masked irq"
"valid_irq_states' s \<equiv>
valid_irq_masks' (intStateIRQTable (ksInterruptState s)) (irq_masks (ksMachineState s))"
defs pointerInUserData_def:
"pointerInUserData p \<equiv> typ_at' UserDataT (p && ~~ mask pageBits)"
(* pointerInDeviceData is not defined in spec but is necessary for valid_machine_state' *)
definition pointerInDeviceData :: "machine_word \<Rightarrow> kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"pointerInDeviceData p \<equiv> typ_at' UserDataDeviceT (p && ~~ mask pageBits)"
"valid_machine_state' \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. \<forall>p. pointerInUserData p s \<or> pointerInDeviceData p s \<or> underlying_memory (ksMachineState s) p = 0"
"untyped_ranges_zero_inv cps urs \<equiv> urs = ran (untypedZeroRange \<circ>\<^sub>m cps)"
"untyped_ranges_zero' s \<equiv> untyped_ranges_zero_inv (cteCaps_of s) (gsUntypedZeroRanges s)"
(* FIXME: this really should be a definition like the above. *)
(* The schedule is invariant. *)
"valid_dom_schedule' \<equiv>
\<lambda>s. ksDomSchedule s \<noteq> [] \<and> (\<forall>x\<in>set (ksDomSchedule s). dschDomain x \<le> maxDomain \<and> 0 < dschLength x)
\<and> ksDomSchedule s = ksDomSchedule (newKernelState undefined)
\<and> ksDomScheduleIdx s < length (ksDomSchedule (newKernelState undefined))"
definition valid_state' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"valid_state' \<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_pspace' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s
\<and> valid_queues s \<and> sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)
\<and> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<and> if_unsafe_then_cap' s
\<and> valid_idle' s
\<and> valid_global_refs' s \<and> valid_arch_state' s
\<and> valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s
\<and> valid_irq_handlers' s
\<and> valid_irq_states' s
\<and> valid_machine_state' s
\<and> irqs_masked' s
\<and> valid_queues' s
\<and> ct_not_inQ s
\<and> ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' s
\<and> pspace_domain_valid s
\<and> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain
\<and> valid_dom_schedule' s
\<and> untyped_ranges_zero' s"
"cur_tcb' s \<equiv> tcb_at' (ksCurThread s) s"
invs' :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"invs' \<equiv> valid_state' and cur_tcb'"
subsection "Derived concepts"
"awaiting_reply' ts \<equiv> ts = Structures_H.BlockedOnReply"
(* x-symbol doesn't have a reverse leadsto.. *)
mdb_prev :: "cte_heap \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> machine_word \<Rightarrow> bool" ("_ \<turnstile> _ \<leftarrow> _" [60,0,60] 61)
"m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c' \<equiv> (\<exists>z. m c' = Some z \<and> c = mdbPrev (cteMDBNode z))"
makeObjectT :: "kernel_object_type \<Rightarrow> kernel_object"
"makeObjectT tp \<equiv> case tp of
EndpointT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: endpoint)
| NotificationT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: Structures_H.notification)
| CTET \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: cte)
| TCBT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: tcb)
| UserDataT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: user_data)
| UserDataDeviceT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: user_data_device)
| KernelDataT \<Rightarrow> KOKernelData
| ArchT atp \<Rightarrow> (case atp of
PTET \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: pte)
| ASIDPoolT \<Rightarrow> injectKO (makeObject :: asidpool))"
objBitsT :: "kernel_object_type \<Rightarrow> nat"
"objBitsT tp \<equiv> objBitsKO (makeObjectT tp)"
"active' st \<equiv> st = Structures_H.Running \<or> st = Structures_H.Restart"
"simple' st \<equiv> st = Structures_H.Inactive \<or>
st = Structures_H.Running \<or>
st = Structures_H.Restart \<or>
idle' st \<or> awaiting_reply' st"
"ct_active' \<equiv> ct_in_state' active'"
"ct_running' \<equiv> ct_in_state' (\<lambda>st. st = Structures_H.Running)"
\<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_pspace' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s
\<and> valid_queues s \<and> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<and> if_unsafe_then_cap' s
\<and> valid_idle' s \<and> valid_global_refs' s \<and> valid_arch_state' s
\<and> valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s \<and> valid_irq_handlers' s
\<and> valid_irq_states' s \<and> irqs_masked' s \<and> valid_machine_state' s
\<and> cur_tcb' s \<and> valid_queues' s \<and> ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' s
\<and> pspace_domain_valid s
\<and> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain
\<and> valid_dom_schedule' s \<and> untyped_ranges_zero' s"
\<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_pspace' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s
\<and> valid_queues s \<and> sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)
\<and> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<and> if_unsafe_then_cap' s
\<and> valid_idle' s \<and> valid_global_refs' s \<and> valid_arch_state' s
\<and> valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s \<and> valid_irq_handlers' s
\<and> valid_irq_states' s \<and> irqs_masked' s \<and> valid_machine_state' s
\<and> cur_tcb' s \<and> valid_queues' s \<and> ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' s
\<and> pspace_domain_valid s
\<and> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain
\<and> valid_dom_schedule' s \<and> untyped_ranges_zero' s"
lemma all_invs_but_sym_refs_not_ct_inQ_check':
"(all_invs_but_sym_refs_ct_not_inQ' and sym_refs \<circ> state_refs_of' and ct_not_inQ) = invs'"
by (simp add: pred_conj_def conj_commute conj_left_commute invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma all_invs_but_not_ct_inQ_check':
"(all_invs_but_ct_not_inQ' and ct_not_inQ) = invs'"
by (simp add: pred_conj_def conj_commute conj_left_commute invs'_def valid_state'_def)
\<equiv> \<lambda>s. valid_pspace' s \<and> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s
\<and> valid_queues s \<and> sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)
\<and> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s \<and> if_unsafe_then_cap' s
\<and> valid_idle' s \<and> valid_global_refs' s \<and> valid_arch_state' s
\<and> valid_irq_node' (irq_node' s) s \<and> valid_irq_handlers' s
\<and> valid_irq_states' s \<and> irqs_masked' s \<and> valid_machine_state' s
\<and> cur_tcb' s \<and> valid_queues' s \<and> ct_not_inQ s
\<and> pspace_domain_valid s
\<and> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain
\<and> valid_dom_schedule' s \<and> untyped_ranges_zero' s"
lemmas invs_no_cicd'_def = all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def
lemma all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain_check':
"(all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' and ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain') = invs'"
by (simp add: all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def pred_conj_def
conj_left_commute conj_commute invs'_def valid_state'_def)
abbreviation (input)
"invs_no_cicd' \<equiv> all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'"
lemma invs'_to_invs_no_cicd'_def:
"invs' = (all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' and ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain')"
by (fastforce simp: invs'_def all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def valid_state'_def )
locale mdb_next =
fixes m :: cte_heap
fixes greater_eq
defines "greater_eq a b \<equiv> m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto>\<^sup>* b"
fixes greater
defines "greater a b \<equiv> m \<turnstile> a \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ b"
locale mdb_order = mdb_next +
assumes no_0: "no_0 m"
assumes chain: "mdb_chain_0 m"
\<comment> \<open>---------------------------------------------------------------------------\<close>
section "Alternate split rules for preserving subgoal order"
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma ntfn_splits[split]:
" P (case ntfn of Structures_H.ntfn.IdleNtfn \<Rightarrow> f1
| Structures_H.ntfn.ActiveNtfn x \<Rightarrow> f2 x
| Structures_H.ntfn.WaitingNtfn x \<Rightarrow> f3 x) =
((ntfn = Structures_H.ntfn.IdleNtfn \<longrightarrow> P f1) \<and>
(\<forall>x2. ntfn = Structures_H.ntfn.ActiveNtfn x2 \<longrightarrow>
P (f2 x2)) \<and>
(\<forall>x3. ntfn = Structures_H.ntfn.WaitingNtfn x3 \<longrightarrow>
P (f3 x3)))"
"P (case ntfn of Structures_H.ntfn.IdleNtfn \<Rightarrow> f1
| Structures_H.ntfn.ActiveNtfn x \<Rightarrow> f2 x
| Structures_H.ntfn.WaitingNtfn x \<Rightarrow> f3 x) =
(\<not> (ntfn = Structures_H.ntfn.IdleNtfn \<and> \<not> P f1 \<or>
(\<exists>x2. ntfn = Structures_H.ntfn.ActiveNtfn x2 \<and>
\<not> P (f2 x2)) \<or>
(\<exists>x3. ntfn = Structures_H.ntfn.WaitingNtfn x3 \<and>
\<not> P (f3 x3))))"
by (case_tac ntfn; simp)+
\<comment> \<open>---------------------------------------------------------------------------\<close>
section "Lemmas"
schematic_goal wordBits_def': "wordBits = numeral ?n" (* arch-specific consequence *)
by (simp add: wordBits_def word_size)
lemma valid_bound_ntfn'_None[simp]:
"valid_bound_ntfn' None = \<top>"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_ntfn'_def)
lemma valid_bound_ntfn'_Some[simp]:
"valid_bound_ntfn' (Some x) = ntfn_at' x"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_ntfn'_def)
lemma valid_bound_tcb'_None[simp]:
"valid_bound_tcb' None = \<top>"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_tcb'_def)
lemma valid_bound_tcb'_Some[simp]:
"valid_bound_tcb' (Some x) = tcb_at' x"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_tcb'_def)
lemma objBitsKO_Data:
"objBitsKO (if dev then KOUserDataDevice else KOUserData) = pageBits"
by (simp add: objBits_def objBitsKO_def word_size_def)
lemmas objBits_defs = tcbBlockSizeBits_def epSizeBits_def ntfnSizeBits_def cteSizeBits_def
lemmas untypedBits_defs = minUntypedSizeBits_def maxUntypedSizeBits_def
lemmas objBits_simps = objBits_def objBitsKO_def word_size_def archObjSize_def
lemmas objBits_simps' = objBits_simps objBits_defs
lemmas wordRadix_def' = wordRadix_def[simplified]
lemma ps_clear_def2:
"p \<le> p + 1 \<Longrightarrow> ps_clear p n s = ({p + 1 .. p + (1 << n) - 1} \<inter> dom (ksPSpace s) = {})"
apply (simp add: ps_clear_def mask_def add_diff_eq)
apply safe
apply (drule_tac a=x in equals0D)
apply clarsimp
apply (drule mp, simp)
apply (erule disjE)
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule_tac a=x in equals0D)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac "p + 1 \<le> x")
apply clarsimp
apply (simp add: linorder_not_le)
apply (drule plus_one_helper, simp)
lemma projectKO_stateI:
"fst (projectKO e s) = {(obj, s)} \<Longrightarrow> fst (projectKO e s') = {(obj, s')}"
unfolding projectKO_def
by (auto simp: fail_def return_def valid_def split: option.splits)
lemma singleton_in_magnitude_check:
"(x, s) \<in> fst (magnitudeCheck a b c s') \<Longrightarrow> \<forall>s'. fst (magnitudeCheck a b c s') = {(x, s')}"
by (simp add: magnitudeCheck_def when_def in_monad return_def
split: if_split_asm option.split_asm)
lemma wordSizeCase_simp [simp]: "wordSizeCase a b = b"
by (simp add: wordSizeCase_def wordBits_def word_size)
lemma projectKO_eq:
"(fst (projectKO ko c) = {(obj, c)}) = (projectKO_opt ko = Some obj)"
by (simp add: projectKO_def fail_def return_def split: option.splits)
lemma obj_at'_def':
"obj_at' P p s = (\<exists>ko obj. ksPSpace s p = Some ko \<and> is_aligned p (objBitsKO ko)
\<and> fst (projectKO ko s) = {(obj,s)} \<and> P obj
\<and> ps_clear p (objBitsKO ko) s)"
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def ko_wp_at'_def projectKO_eq
True_notin_set_replicate_conv objBits_def)
apply fastforce
lemma obj_at'_def:
"obj_at' P p s \<equiv> \<exists>ko obj. ksPSpace s p = Some ko \<and> is_aligned p (objBitsKO ko)
\<and> fst (projectKO ko s) = {(obj,s)} \<and> P obj
\<and> ps_clear p (objBitsKO ko) s"
by (simp add: obj_at'_def')
lemma obj_atE' [elim?]:
assumes objat: "obj_at' P ptr s"
and rl: "\<And>ko obj.
\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s ptr = Some ko; is_aligned ptr (objBitsKO ko);
fst (projectKO ko s) = {(obj,s)}; P obj;
ps_clear ptr (objBitsKO ko) s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
shows "R"
using objat unfolding obj_at'_def by (auto intro!: rl)
lemma obj_atI' [intro?]:
"\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s ptr = Some ko; is_aligned ptr (objBitsKO ko);
fst (projectKO ko s) = {(obj, s)}; P obj;
ps_clear ptr (objBitsKO ko) s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_at' P ptr s"
unfolding obj_at'_def by (auto)
lemma cte_at'_def:
"cte_at' p s \<equiv> \<exists>cte::cte. fst (getObject p s) = {(cte,s)}"
by (simp add: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemma tcb_cte_cases_simps[simp]:
"tcb_cte_cases 0 = Some (tcbCTable, tcbCTable_update)"
"tcb_cte_cases 32 = Some (tcbVTable, tcbVTable_update)"
"tcb_cte_cases 64 = Some (tcbReply, tcbReply_update)"
"tcb_cte_cases 96 = Some (tcbCaller, tcbCaller_update)"
"tcb_cte_cases 128 = Some (tcbIPCBufferFrame, tcbIPCBufferFrame_update)"
by (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def cteSizeBits_def)+
lemma refs_of'_simps[simp]:
"refs_of' (KOTCB tcb) = tcb_st_refs_of' (tcbState tcb) \<union> tcb_bound_refs' (tcbBoundNotification tcb)"
"refs_of' (KOCTE cte) = {}"
"refs_of' (KOEndpoint ep) = ep_q_refs_of' ep"
"refs_of' (KONotification ntfn) = ntfn_q_refs_of' (ntfnObj ntfn) \<union> ntfn_bound_refs' (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn)"
"refs_of' (KOUserData) = {}"
"refs_of' (KOUserDataDevice) = {}"
"refs_of' (KOKernelData) = {}"
"refs_of' (KOArch ako) = {}"
by (auto simp: refs_of'_def)
lemma tcb_st_refs_of'_simps[simp]:
"tcb_st_refs_of' (Running) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (Inactive) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (Restart) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnReceive x'' a') = {(x'', TCBBlockedRecv)}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnSend x a b c d) = {(x, TCBBlockedSend)}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnNotification x') = {(x', TCBSignal)}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (BlockedOnReply) = {}"
"tcb_st_refs_of' (IdleThreadState) = {}"
by (auto simp: tcb_st_refs_of'_def)
lemma ep_q_refs_of'_simps[simp]:
"ep_q_refs_of' IdleEP = {}"
"ep_q_refs_of' (RecvEP q) = set q \<times> {EPRecv}"
"ep_q_refs_of' (SendEP q) = set q \<times> {EPSend}"
by (auto simp: ep_q_refs_of'_def)
lemma ntfn_q_refs_of'_simps[simp]:
"ntfn_q_refs_of' IdleNtfn = {}"
"ntfn_q_refs_of' (WaitingNtfn q) = set q \<times> {NTFNSignal}"
"ntfn_q_refs_of' (ActiveNtfn b) = {}"
by (auto simp: ntfn_q_refs_of'_def)
lemma ntfn_bound_refs'_simps[simp]:
"ntfn_bound_refs' (Some t) = {(t, NTFNBound)}"
"ntfn_bound_refs' None = {}"
by (auto simp: ntfn_bound_refs'_def)
lemma tcb_bound_refs'_simps[simp]:
"tcb_bound_refs' (Some a) = {(a, TCBBound)}"
"tcb_bound_refs' None = {}"
by (auto simp: tcb_bound_refs'_def)
lemma refs_of_rev':
"(x, TCBBlockedRecv) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> (\<exists>a. tcbState tcb = BlockedOnReceive x a))"
"(x, TCBBlockedSend) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> (\<exists>a b c d. tcbState tcb = BlockedOnSend x a b c d))"
"(x, TCBSignal) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> tcbState tcb = BlockedOnNotification x)"
"(x, EPRecv) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>ep. ko = KOEndpoint ep \<and> (\<exists>q. ep = RecvEP q \<and> x \<in> set q))"
"(x, EPSend) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>ep. ko = KOEndpoint ep \<and> (\<exists>q. ep = SendEP q \<and> x \<in> set q))"
"(x, NTFNSignal) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>ntfn. ko = KONotification ntfn \<and> (\<exists>q. ntfnObj ntfn = WaitingNtfn q \<and> x \<in> set q))"
"(x, TCBBound) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb \<and> (tcbBoundNotification tcb = Some x))"
"(x, NTFNBound) \<in> refs_of' ko =
(\<exists>ntfn. ko = KONotification ntfn \<and> (ntfnBoundTCB ntfn = Some x))"
by (auto simp: refs_of'_def
split: Structures_H.kernel_object.splits
lemma ko_wp_at'_weakenE:
"\<lbrakk> ko_wp_at' P p s; \<And>ko. P ko \<Longrightarrow> Q ko \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ko_wp_at' Q p s"
by (clarsimp simp: ko_wp_at'_def)
lemma projectKO_opt_tcbD:
"projectKO_opt ko = Some (tcb :: tcb) \<Longrightarrow> ko = KOTCB tcb"
by (cases ko, simp_all add: projectKO_opt_tcb)
lemma st_tcb_at_refs_of_rev':
"ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (x, TCBBlockedRecv) \<in> refs_of' ko) t s
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. \<exists>a. ts = BlockedOnReceive x a) t s"
"ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (x, TCBBlockedSend) \<in> refs_of' ko) t s
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. \<exists>a b c d. ts = BlockedOnSend x a b c d) t s"
"ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (x, TCBSignal) \<in> refs_of' ko) t s
= st_tcb_at' (\<lambda>ts. ts = BlockedOnNotification x) t s"
by (fastforce simp: refs_of_rev' pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_real_def
projectKO_opt_tcb[where e="KOTCB y" for y]
elim!: ko_wp_at'_weakenE
dest!: projectKO_opt_tcbD)+
lemma state_refs_of'_elemD:
"\<lbrakk> ref \<in> state_refs_of' s x \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>obj. ref \<in> refs_of' obj) x s"
by (clarsimp simp add: state_refs_of'_def ko_wp_at'_def
split: option.splits if_split_asm)
lemma obj_at_state_refs_ofD':
"obj_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>obj. P obj \<and> state_refs_of' s p = refs_of' (injectKO obj)"
apply (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_real_def project_inject ko_wp_at'_def conj_commute)
apply (rule exI, erule conjI)
apply (clarsimp simp: state_refs_of'_def)
lemma ko_at_state_refs_ofD':
"ko_at' ko p s \<Longrightarrow> state_refs_of' s p = refs_of' (injectKO ko)"
by (clarsimp dest!: obj_at_state_refs_ofD')
tcb_ntfn_is_bound' :: "machine_word option \<Rightarrow> tcb \<Rightarrow> bool"
"tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfn tcb \<equiv> tcbBoundNotification tcb = ntfn"
lemma st_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD':
"st_tcb_at' P t s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ts ntfnptr. P ts \<and> obj_at' (tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfnptr) t s
\<and> state_refs_of' s t = (tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr)"
by (auto simp: pred_tcb_at'_def tcb_ntfn_is_bound'_def obj_at'_def projectKO_eq
project_inject state_refs_of'_def)
lemma bound_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD':
"bound_tcb_at' P t s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ts ntfnptr. P ntfnptr \<and> obj_at' (tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfnptr) t s
\<and> state_refs_of' s t = (tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr)"
by (auto simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def tcb_ntfn_is_bound'_def projectKO_eq
project_inject state_refs_of'_def)
lemma sym_refs_obj_atD':
"\<lbrakk> obj_at' P p s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>obj. P obj \<and> state_refs_of' s p = refs_of' (injectKO obj)
\<and> (\<forall>(x, tp)\<in>refs_of' (injectKO obj). ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (p, symreftype tp) \<in> refs_of' ko) x s)"
apply (drule obj_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (erule exEI, clarsimp)
apply (drule sym, simp)
apply (drule(1) sym_refsD)
apply (erule state_refs_of'_elemD)
lemma sym_refs_ko_atD':
"\<lbrakk> ko_at' ko p s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
state_refs_of' s p = refs_of' (injectKO ko) \<and>
(\<forall>(x, tp)\<in>refs_of' (injectKO ko). ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (p, symreftype tp) \<in> refs_of' ko) x s)"
by (drule(1) sym_refs_obj_atD', simp)
lemma sym_refs_st_tcb_atD':
"\<lbrakk> st_tcb_at' P t s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>ts ntfnptr. P ts \<and> obj_at' (tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfnptr) t s
\<and> state_refs_of' s t = tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr
\<and> (\<forall>(x, tp)\<in>tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr. ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (t, symreftype tp) \<in> refs_of' ko) x s)"
apply (drule st_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (erule exE)+
apply (rule_tac x=ts in exI)
apply (rule_tac x=ntfnptr in exI)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule obj_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (drule (1)sym_refs_obj_atD')
apply auto
lemma sym_refs_bound_tcb_atD':
"\<lbrakk> bound_tcb_at' P t s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
\<exists>ts ntfnptr. P ntfnptr \<and> obj_at' (tcb_ntfn_is_bound' ntfnptr) t s
\<and> state_refs_of' s t = tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr
\<and> (\<forall>(x, tp)\<in>tcb_st_refs_of' ts \<union> tcb_bound_refs' ntfnptr. ko_wp_at' (\<lambda>ko. (t, symreftype tp) \<in> refs_of' ko) x s)"
apply (drule bound_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (erule exE)+
apply (rule_tac x=ts in exI)
apply (rule_tac x=ntfnptr in exI)
apply clarsimp
apply (frule obj_at_state_refs_ofD')
apply (drule (1)sym_refs_obj_atD')
apply auto
lemma refs_of_live':
"refs_of' ko \<noteq> {} \<Longrightarrow> live' ko"
apply (cases ko, simp_all)
apply clarsimp
apply (rename_tac notification)
apply (case_tac "ntfnObj notification"; simp)
apply fastforce+
lemma if_live_then_nonz_capE':
"\<lbrakk> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s; ko_wp_at' live' p s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ex_nonz_cap_to' p s"
by (fastforce simp: if_live_then_nonz_cap'_def)
lemma if_live_then_nonz_capD':
assumes x: "if_live_then_nonz_cap' s" "ko_wp_at' P p s"
assumes y: "\<And>obj. \<lbrakk> P obj; ksPSpace s p = Some obj; is_aligned p (objBitsKO obj) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> live' obj"
shows "ex_nonz_cap_to' p s" using x
by (clarsimp elim!: if_live_then_nonz_capE' y
simp: ko_wp_at'_def)
lemma if_live_state_refsE:
"\<lbrakk> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s;
state_refs_of' s p \<noteq> {} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ex_nonz_cap_to' p s"
by (clarsimp simp: state_refs_of'_def ko_wp_at'_def
split: option.splits if_split_asm
elim!: refs_of_live' if_live_then_nonz_capE')
lemmas ex_cte_cap_to'_def = ex_cte_cap_wp_to'_def
lemma if_unsafe_then_capD':
"\<lbrakk> cte_wp_at' P p s; if_unsafe_then_cap' s; \<And>cte. P cte \<Longrightarrow> cteCap cte \<noteq> NullCap \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ex_cte_cap_to' p s"
unfolding if_unsafe_then_cap'_def
apply (erule allE, erule mp)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemmas valid_cap_simps' =
valid_cap'_def[split_simps capability.split arch_capability.split]
lemma max_ipc_words:
"max_ipc_words = 0x80"
unfolding max_ipc_words_def
by (simp add: msgMaxLength_def msgLengthBits_def msgMaxExtraCaps_def msgExtraCapBits_def capTransferDataSize_def)
lemma valid_objsE' [elim]:
"\<lbrakk> valid_objs' s; ksPSpace s x = Some obj; valid_obj' obj s \<Longrightarrow> R \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
unfolding valid_objs'_def by auto
lemma pspace_distinctD':
"\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s x = Some v; pspace_distinct' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ps_clear x (objBitsKO v) s"
apply (simp add: pspace_distinct'_def)
apply (drule bspec, erule domI)
apply simp
lemma pspace_alignedD':
"\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s x = Some v; pspace_aligned' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> is_aligned x (objBitsKO v)"
apply (simp add: pspace_aligned'_def)
apply (drule bspec, erule domI)
apply simp
lemma next_unfold:
"mdb_next s c =
(case s c of Some cte \<Rightarrow> Some (mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte)) | None \<Rightarrow> None)"
by (simp add: mdb_next_def split: option.split)
lemma is_physical_cases:
"(capClass cap = PhysicalClass) =
(case cap of NullCap \<Rightarrow> False
| DomainCap \<Rightarrow> False
| IRQControlCap \<Rightarrow> False
| IRQHandlerCap irq \<Rightarrow> False
| ReplyCap r m cr \<Rightarrow> False
| ArchObjectCap ASIDControlCap \<Rightarrow> False
| _ \<Rightarrow> True)"
by (simp split: capability.splits arch_capability.splits zombie_type.splits)
lemma sch_act_sane_not:
"sch_act_sane s = sch_act_not (ksCurThread s) s"
by (auto simp: sch_act_sane_def)
lemma objBits_cte_conv: "objBits (cte :: cte) = cteSizeBits"
by (simp add: objBits_simps word_size)
lemmas valid_irq_states'_def = valid_irq_masks'_def
lemma valid_pspaceE' [elim]:
"\<lbrakk>valid_pspace' s;
\<lbrakk> valid_objs' s; pspace_aligned' s; pspace_distinct' s; no_0_obj' s;
valid_mdb' s; pspace_canonical' s; pspace_in_kernel_mappings' s\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
unfolding valid_pspace'_def by simp
lemma idle'_no_refs:
"valid_idle' s \<Longrightarrow> state_refs_of' s (ksIdleThread s) = {}"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_idle'_def pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def tcb_ntfn_is_bound'_def
projectKO_eq project_inject state_refs_of'_def idle_tcb'_def)
lemma idle'_not_queued':
"\<lbrakk>valid_idle' s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s);
state_refs_of' s ptr = insert t queue \<times> {rt}\<rbrakk>\<Longrightarrow>
ksIdleThread s \<notin> queue"
by (frule idle'_no_refs, fastforce simp: valid_idle'_def sym_refs_def)
lemma idle'_not_queued:
"\<lbrakk>valid_idle' s; sym_refs (state_refs_of' s);
state_refs_of' s ptr = queue \<times> {rt}\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
ksIdleThread s \<notin> queue"
by (frule idle'_no_refs, fastforce simp: valid_idle'_def sym_refs_def)
lemma obj_at_conj':
"\<lbrakk> obj_at' P p s; obj_at' Q p s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' (\<lambda>k. P k \<and> Q k) p s"
by (auto simp: obj_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at_conj':
"\<lbrakk> pred_tcb_at' proj P t s; pred_tcb_at' proj Q t s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> pred_tcb_at' proj (\<lambda>a. P a \<and> Q a) t s"
apply (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def)
apply (erule (1) obj_at_conj')
lemma obj_at_False' [simp]:
"obj_at' (\<lambda>k. False) t s = False"
by (simp add: obj_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at_False' [simp]:
"pred_tcb_at' proj (\<lambda>st. False) t s = False"
by (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma obj_at'_pspaceI:
"obj_at' t ref s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' t ref s'"
by (auto intro!: projectKO_stateI simp: obj_at'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma cte_wp_at'_pspaceI:
"\<lbrakk>cte_wp_at' P p s; ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s'\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' P p s'"
apply (clarsimp simp add: cte_wp_at'_def getObject_def)
apply (drule equalityD2)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad loadObject_cte gets_def
get_def bind_def return_def split_def)
apply (case_tac b)
apply (simp_all add: in_monad typeError_def)
prefer 2
apply (simp add: in_monad return_def alignError_def assert_opt_def
alignCheck_def magnitudeCheck_def when_def bind_def
split: if_split_asm option.splits)
apply (clarsimp simp: in_monad return_def alignError_def fail_def assert_opt_def
alignCheck_def bind_def when_def
objBits_cte_conv tcbCTableSlot_def tcbVTableSlot_def
tcbReplySlot_def objBits_defs
split: if_split_asm cong: image_cong
dest!: singleton_in_magnitude_check)
lemma valid_untyped'_pspaceI:
"\<lbrakk>ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s'; valid_untyped' d p n idx s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_untyped' d p n idx s'"
by (simp add: valid_untyped'_def ko_wp_at'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma typ_at'_pspaceI:
"typ_at' T p s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> typ_at' T p s'"
by (simp add: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma frame_at'_pspaceI:
"frame_at' p sz d s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> frame_at' p sz d s'"
by (simp add: frame_at'_def typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma valid_cap'_pspaceI:
"s \<turnstile>' cap \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> s' \<turnstile>' cap"
unfolding valid_cap'_def
by (cases cap)
(auto intro: obj_at'_pspaceI[rotated]
cte_wp_at'_pspaceI valid_untyped'_pspaceI
typ_at'_pspaceI[rotated] frame_at'_pspaceI[rotated]
simp: vspace_table_at'_defs valid_arch_cap'_def valid_arch_cap_ref'_def
split: arch_capability.split zombie_type.split option.splits)
lemma valid_obj'_pspaceI:
"valid_obj' obj s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> valid_obj' obj s'"
unfolding valid_obj'_def
by (cases obj)
(auto simp: valid_ep'_def valid_ntfn'_def valid_tcb'_def valid_cte'_def
valid_tcb_state'_def valid_bound_tcb'_def
split: Structures_H.endpoint.splits Structures_H.notification.splits
Structures_H.thread_state.splits ntfn.splits option.splits
intro: obj_at'_pspaceI valid_cap'_pspaceI)
lemma pred_tcb_at'_pspaceI:
"pred_tcb_at' proj P t s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> pred_tcb_at' proj P t s'"
unfolding pred_tcb_at'_def by (fast intro: obj_at'_pspaceI)
lemma valid_mdb'_pspaceI:
"valid_mdb' s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> valid_mdb' s'"
unfolding valid_mdb'_def by simp
lemma state_refs_of'_pspaceI:
"P (state_refs_of' s) \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> P (state_refs_of' s')"
unfolding state_refs_of'_def ps_clear_def by (simp cong: option.case_cong)
lemma valid_pspace':
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow> valid_pspace' s'"
by (auto simp add: valid_pspace'_def valid_objs'_def pspace_aligned'_def pspace_canonical'_def
pspace_distinct'_def ps_clear_def no_0_obj'_def ko_wp_at'_def
typ_at'_def pspace_in_kernel_mappings'_def
intro: valid_obj'_pspaceI valid_mdb'_pspaceI)
lemma ex_cte_cap_to_pspaceI'[elim]:
"ex_cte_cap_to' p s \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s' \<Longrightarrow>
intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s) = intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s')
\<Longrightarrow> ex_cte_cap_to' p s'"
by (fastforce simp: ex_cte_cap_to'_def elim: cte_wp_at'_pspaceI)
lemma valid_idle'_pspace_itI[elim]:
"\<lbrakk> valid_idle' s; ksPSpace s = ksPSpace s'; ksIdleThread s = ksIdleThread s' \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_idle' s'"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_idle'_def ex_nonz_cap_to'_def)
apply (erule obj_at'_pspaceI, assumption)
lemma obj_at'_weaken:
assumes x: "obj_at' P t s"
assumes y: "\<And>obj. P obj \<Longrightarrow> P' obj"
shows "obj_at' P' t s"
by (insert x, clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def y)
lemma cte_wp_at_weakenE':
"\<lbrakk>cte_wp_at' P t s; \<And>c. P c \<Longrightarrow> P' c\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> cte_wp_at' P' t s"
by (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemma obj_at'_weakenE:
"\<lbrakk> obj_at' P p s; \<And>k. P k \<Longrightarrow> P' k \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' P' p s"
by (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb'_weakenE:
"\<lbrakk> pred_tcb_at' proj P t s; \<And>st. P st \<Longrightarrow> P' st \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> pred_tcb_at' proj P' t s"
apply (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def)
apply (erule obj_at'_weakenE)
apply clarsimp
lemma lookupAround2_char1:
"(fst (lookupAround2 x s) = Some (y, v)) =
(y \<le> x \<and> s y = Some v \<and> (\<forall>z. y < z \<and> z \<le> x \<longrightarrow> s z = None))"
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_def Let_def split_def lookupAround_def
split del: if_split
split: option.split)
apply (intro conjI impI iffI)
apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply (rule Max_prop)
apply (simp add: order_less_imp_le)
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply (rule Max_prop)
apply clarsimp
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply (subst(asm) Max_less_iff)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply (fastforce intro: order_neq_le_trans)
apply (clarsimp cong: conj_cong)
apply (rule conjI)
apply fastforce
apply (rule order_antisym)
apply (subst Max_le_iff)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (fastforce simp add: linorder_not_le)
apply (rule Max_ge)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply (intro allI impI iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply simp
apply clarsimp
apply (drule spec[where x=x])
apply simp
lemma lookupAround2_None1:
"(fst (lookupAround2 x s) = None) = (\<forall>y \<le> x. s y = None)"
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_def Let_def split_def lookupAround_def
split del: if_split
split: option.split)
apply safe
apply (fastforce split: if_split_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: order_less_imp_le)
apply fastforce
lemma lookupAround2_None2:
"(snd (lookupAround2 x s) = None) = (\<forall>y. x < y \<longrightarrow> s y = None)"
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_def Let_def split_def del: maybe_def
split: option.splits)
apply (simp add: o_def map_option_is_None [where f=fst, unfolded map_option_case])
apply (simp add: lookupAround_def Let_def)
apply fastforce
lemma lookupAround2_char2:
"(snd (lookupAround2 x s) = Some y) = (x < y \<and> s y \<noteq> None \<and> (\<forall>z. x < z \<and> z < y \<longrightarrow> s z = None))"
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_def Let_def split_def o_def
del: maybe_def
split: option.splits)
apply (simp add: o_def map_option_is_None [where f=fst, unfolded map_option_case])
apply (simp add: lookupAround_def Let_def)
apply (rule conjI)
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule iffI)
apply (frule subst[where P="\<lambda>x. x \<in> y2" for y2, OF _ Min_in])
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (subst(asm) Min_gr_iff, simp, fastforce, simp(no_asm_use), fastforce)
apply clarsimp
apply (rule order_antisym)
apply (fastforce intro: Min_le)
apply (subst Min_ge_iff)
apply simp
apply fastforce
apply clarsimp
apply (rule ccontr, simp add: linorder_not_le)
lemma ps_clearI:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned p n; (1 :: machine_word) < 2 ^ n;
\<And>x. \<lbrakk> x > p; x \<le> p + 2 ^ n - 1 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> ksPSpace s x = None \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ps_clear p n s"
apply (subgoal_tac "p \<le> p + 1")
apply (simp add: ps_clear_def2)
apply (rule ccontr, erule nonemptyE, clarsimp)
apply (drule word_leq_le_minus_one[where x="z + 1" for z])
apply clarsimp
apply simp
apply (erule is_aligned_get_word_bits)
apply (erule(1) is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply simp
lemma ps_clear_lookupAround2:
"\<lbrakk> ps_clear p' n s; ksPSpace s p' = Some x;
p' \<le> p; p \<le> p' + 2 ^ n - 1;
\<lbrakk> fst (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s)) = Some (p', x);
case_option True (\<lambda>x. x - p' >= 2 ^ n) (snd (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s)))
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s)) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s))"
apply (drule meta_mp)
apply (cases "fst (lookupAround2 p (ksPSpace s))")
apply (simp add: lookupAround2_None1)
apply clarsimp
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupAround2_char1)
apply (frule spec[where x=p'])
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less ps_clear_def mask_def add_diff_eq)
apply (drule_tac f="\<lambda>S. a \<in> S" in arg_cong)
apply (simp add: domI)
apply (frule(1) order_trans, simp)
apply (erule meta_mp)
apply (clarsimp split: option.split)
apply (clarsimp simp: lookupAround2_char2 ps_clear_def mask_def add_diff_eq)
apply (drule_tac a=x2 in equals0D)
apply (simp add: domI)
apply (subst(asm) order_less_imp_le[OF order_le_less_trans[where y=p]],
assumption, assumption)
apply simp
apply (erule impCE, simp_all)
apply (simp add: linorder_not_le)
apply (subst(asm) add_diff_eq[symmetric],
subst(asm) add.commute,
drule word_l_diffs(2),
fastforce simp only: field_simps)
apply (rule ccontr, simp add: linorder_not_le)
apply (drule word_le_minus_one_leq, fastforce)
lemma in_magnitude_check:
"\<lbrakk> is_aligned x n; (1 :: machine_word) < 2 ^ n; ksPSpace s x = Some y \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
((v, s') \<in> fst (magnitudeCheck x (snd (lookupAround2 x (ksPSpace s))) n s))
= (s' = s \<and> ps_clear x n s)"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: magnitudeCheck_def in_monad lookupAround2_None2
split: option.split_asm)
apply (erule(1) ps_clearI)
apply simp
apply (erule(1) ps_clearI)
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less)
apply (drule word_leq_le_minus_one[where x="2 ^ n"])
apply (clarsimp simp: power_overflow)
apply (drule word_l_diffs)
apply simp
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule is_aligned_get_word_bits)
apply (erule(1) ps_clear_lookupAround2)
apply simp
apply (simp add: is_aligned_no_overflow)
apply (clarsimp simp add: magnitudeCheck_def in_monad
split: option.split_asm)
apply simp
apply (simp add: power_overflow)
lemma in_magnitude_check3:
"\<lbrakk> \<forall>z. x < z \<and> z \<le> y \<longrightarrow> ksPSpace s z = None; is_aligned x n;
(1 :: machine_word) < 2 ^ n; ksPSpace s x = Some v; x \<le> y; y - x < 2 ^ n \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
fst (magnitudeCheck x (snd (lookupAround2 y (ksPSpace s))) n s)
= (if ps_clear x n s then {((), s)} else {})"
apply (rule set_eqI, rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: magnitudeCheck_def lookupAround2_char2
lookupAround2_None2 in_monad
split: option.split_asm)
apply (drule(1) range_convergence1)
apply (erule(1) ps_clearI)
apply simp
apply (erule is_aligned_get_word_bits)
apply (drule(1) range_convergence2)
apply (erule(1) ps_clearI)
apply (simp add: linorder_not_less)
apply (drule word_leq_le_minus_one[where x="2 ^ n" for n], simp)
apply (drule word_l_diffs, simp)
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (simp add: power_overflow)
apply (clarsimp split: if_split_asm)
apply (erule(1) ps_clear_lookupAround2)
apply simp
apply (drule word_le_minus_one_leq[where x="y - x"])
apply (drule word_plus_mono_right[where x=x and y="y - x"])
apply (erule is_aligned_get_word_bits)
apply (simp add: field_simps is_aligned_no_overflow)
apply simp
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (simp add: magnitudeCheck_def return_def
iffD2[OF linorder_not_less] when_def
split: option.split_asm)
lemma in_alignCheck[simp]:
"((v, s') \<in> fst (alignCheck x n s)) = (s' = s \<and> is_aligned x n)"
by (simp add: alignCheck_def in_monad is_aligned_mask[symmetric]
alignError_def conj_comms
cong: conj_cong)
lemma tcb_space_clear:
"\<lbrakk> tcb_cte_cases (y - x) = Some (getF, setF);
is_aligned x tcbBlockSizeBits; ps_clear x tcbBlockSizeBits s;
ksPSpace s x = Some (KOTCB tcb); ksPSpace s y = Some v;
\<lbrakk> x = y; getF = tcbCTable; setF = tcbCTable_update \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P
\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
apply (cases "x = y")
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: ps_clear_def mask_def add_diff_eq)
apply (drule_tac a=y in equals0D)
apply (simp add: domI)
apply (subgoal_tac "\<exists>z. y = x + z \<and> z < 2 ^ tcbBlockSizeBits")
apply (elim exE conjE)
apply (frule(1) is_aligned_no_wrap'[rotated, rotated])
apply (simp add: word_bits_conv objBits_defs)
apply (erule notE, subst field_simps, rule word_plus_mono_right)
apply (drule word_le_minus_one_leq,simp,erule is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply (simp add: word_bits_conv)
apply (simp add: objBits_defs)
apply (rule_tac x="y - x" in exI)
apply (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def cteSizeBits_def split: if_split_asm)
lemma tcb_ctes_clear:
"\<lbrakk> tcb_cte_cases (y - x) = Some (getF, setF);
is_aligned x tcbBlockSizeBits; ps_clear x tcbBlockSizeBits s;
ksPSpace s x = Some (KOTCB tcb) \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<not> ksPSpace s y = Some (KOCTE cte)"
apply clarsimp
apply (erule(4) tcb_space_clear)
apply simp
lemma cte_wp_at_cases':
shows "cte_wp_at' P p s =
((\<exists>cte. ksPSpace s p = Some (KOCTE cte) \<and> is_aligned p cte_level_bits
\<and> P cte \<and> ps_clear p cteSizeBits s) \<or>
(\<exists>n tcb getF setF. ksPSpace s (p - n) = Some (KOTCB tcb) \<and> is_aligned (p - n) tcbBlockSizeBits
\<and> tcb_cte_cases n = Some (getF, setF) \<and> P (getF tcb) \<and> ps_clear (p - n) tcbBlockSizeBits s))"
(is "?LHS = ?RHS")
apply (rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: cte_wp_at'_def split_def
getObject_def bind_def simpler_gets_def
assert_opt_def return_def fail_def
split: option.splits
del: disjCI)
apply (clarsimp simp: loadObject_cte typeError_def alignError_def
fail_def return_def objBits_simps'
is_aligned_mask[symmetric] alignCheck_def
tcbVTableSlot_def field_simps tcbCTableSlot_def
tcbReplySlot_def tcbCallerSlot_def
cte_level_bits_def Ball_def
unless_def when_def bind_def
split: kernel_object.splits if_split_asm option.splits
del: disjCI)
apply (subst(asm) in_magnitude_check3, simp+,
simp split: if_split_asm, (rule disjI2)?, intro exI, rule conjI,
erule rsubst[where P="\<lambda>x. ksPSpace s x = v" for s v],
fastforce simp add: field_simps, simp)+
apply (subst(asm) in_magnitude_check3, simp+)
apply (simp split: if_split_asm
add: )
apply (simp add: cte_wp_at'_def getObject_def split_def
bind_def simpler_gets_def return_def
assert_opt_def fail_def objBits_defs
split: option.splits)
apply (elim disjE conjE exE)
apply (erule(1) ps_clear_lookupAround2)
apply simp
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (erule is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply (simp add: cte_level_bits_def word_bits_conv)
apply (simp add: cte_level_bits_def)
apply (simp add: loadObject_cte unless_def alignCheck_def
is_aligned_mask[symmetric] objBits_simps'
cte_level_bits_def magnitudeCheck_def
return_def fail_def)
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def return_def when_def fail_def
split: option.splits)
apply simp
apply (erule(1) ps_clear_lookupAround2)
prefer 3
apply (simp add: loadObject_cte unless_def alignCheck_def
is_aligned_mask[symmetric] objBits_simps'
cte_level_bits_def magnitudeCheck_def
return_def fail_def tcbCTableSlot_def tcbVTableSlot_def
tcbIPCBufferSlot_def tcbReplySlot_def tcbCallerSlot_def
split: option.split_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def tcb_cte_cases_def cteSizeBits_def split: if_split_asm)
apply (clarsimp simp: bind_def tcb_cte_cases_def iffD2[OF linorder_not_less]
return_def cteSizeBits_def
split: if_split_asm)
apply (subgoal_tac "p - n \<le> (p - n) + n", simp)
apply (erule is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply (simp add: word_bits_conv)
apply (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def cteSizeBits_def split: if_split_asm)
apply (subgoal_tac "(p - n) + n \<le> (p - n) + 0x3FF")
apply (simp add: field_simps)
apply (rule word_plus_mono_right)
apply (simp add: tcb_cte_cases_def cteSizeBits_def split: if_split_asm)
apply (erule is_aligned_no_wrap')
apply simp
lemma tcb_at_cte_at':
"tcb_at' t s \<Longrightarrow> cte_at' t s"
apply (clarsimp simp add: cte_wp_at_cases' obj_at'_def projectKO_def
del: disjCI)
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (simp_all add: projectKO_opt_tcb fail_def)
apply (rule exI[where x=0])
apply (clarsimp simp add: return_def objBits_simps)
lemma cte_wp_atE' [consumes 1, case_names CTE TCB]:
assumes cte: "cte_wp_at' P ptr s"
and r1: "\<And>cte.
\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s ptr = Some (KOCTE cte); ps_clear ptr cte_level_bits s;
is_aligned ptr cte_level_bits; P cte \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
and r2: "\<And> tcb ptr' getF setF.
\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s ptr' = Some (KOTCB tcb); ps_clear ptr' tcbBlockSizeBits s; is_aligned ptr' tcbBlockSizeBits;
tcb_cte_cases (ptr - ptr') = Some (getF, setF); P (getF tcb) \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> R"
shows "R"
by (rule disjE [OF iffD1 [OF cte_wp_at_cases' cte]]) (auto intro: r1 r2 simp: cte_level_bits_def objBits_defs)
lemma cte_wp_at_cteI':
assumes "ksPSpace s ptr = Some (KOCTE cte)"
assumes "is_aligned ptr cte_level_bits"
assumes "ps_clear ptr cte_level_bits s"
assumes "P cte"
shows "cte_wp_at' P ptr s"
using assms by (simp add: cte_wp_at_cases' cte_level_bits_def objBits_defs)
lemma cte_wp_at_tcbI':
assumes "ksPSpace s ptr' = Some (KOTCB tcb)"
assumes "is_aligned ptr' tcbBlockSizeBits"
assumes "ps_clear ptr' tcbBlockSizeBits s"
and "tcb_cte_cases (ptr - ptr') = Some (getF, setF)"
and "P (getF tcb)"
shows "cte_wp_at' P ptr s"
using assms
apply (simp add: cte_wp_at_cases')
apply (rule disjI2, rule exI[where x="ptr - ptr'"])
apply simp
lemma obj_at_ko_at':
"obj_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko. ko_at' ko p s \<and> P ko"
by (auto simp add: obj_at'_def)
lemma obj_at_aligned':
fixes P :: "('a :: pspace_storable) \<Rightarrow> bool"
assumes oat: "obj_at' P p s"
and oab: "\<And>(v :: 'a) (v' :: 'a). objBits v = objBits v'"
shows "is_aligned p (objBits (obj :: 'a))"
using oat
apply (clarsimp simp add: obj_at'_def)
apply (clarsimp simp add: projectKO_def fail_def return_def
project_inject objBits_def[symmetric]
split: option.splits)
apply (erule subst[OF oab])
(* locateSlot *)
lemma locateSlot_conv:
"locateSlotBasic A B = return (A + 2 ^ cte_level_bits * B)"
"locateSlotTCB = locateSlotBasic"
"locateSlotCNode A bits B = (do
x \<leftarrow> stateAssert (\<lambda>s. case (gsCNodes s A) of None \<Rightarrow> False | Some n \<Rightarrow> n = bits \<and> B < 2 ^ n) [];
locateSlotBasic A B od)"
"locateSlotCap c B = (do
x \<leftarrow> stateAssert (\<lambda>s. ((isCNodeCap c \<or> (isZombie c \<and> capZombieType c \<noteq> ZombieTCB))
\<and> (case gsCNodes s (capUntypedPtr c) of None \<Rightarrow> False
| Some n \<Rightarrow> (isCNodeCap c \<and> n = capCNodeBits c
\<or> isZombie c \<and> n = zombieCTEBits (capZombieType c)) \<and> B < 2 ^ n))
\<or> isThreadCap c \<or> (isZombie c \<and> capZombieType c = ZombieTCB)) [];
locateSlotBasic (capUntypedPtr c) B od)"
apply (simp_all add: locateSlotCap_def locateSlotTCB_def fun_eq_iff)
apply (simp add: locateSlotBasic_def objBits_simps cte_level_bits_def objBits_defs)
apply (simp add: locateSlotCNode_def stateAssert_def)
apply (cases c, simp_all add: locateSlotCNode_def isZombie_def isThreadCap_def
isCNodeCap_def capUntypedPtr_def stateAssert_def
bind_assoc exec_get locateSlotTCB_def
split: zombie_type.split cong: option.case_cong)
lemma typ_at_tcb':
"typ_at' TCBT = tcb_at'"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def)
apply (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_tcb)[9]
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_tcb)
lemma typ_at_ep:
"typ_at' EndpointT = ep_at'"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def)
apply (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_ep)[9]
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_ep)
lemma typ_at_ntfn:
"typ_at' NotificationT = ntfn_at'"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def)
apply (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_ntfn)[8]
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_ntfn)
lemma typ_at_cte:
"typ_at' CTET = real_cte_at'"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (simp add: obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def)
apply (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
apply (rule iffI)
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_cte)[8]
apply clarsimp
apply (case_tac ko)
apply (auto simp: projectKO_opt_cte)
lemma cte_at_typ':
"cte_at' c = (\<lambda>s. typ_at' CTET c s \<or> (\<exists>n. typ_at' TCBT (c - n) s \<and> n \<in> dom tcb_cte_cases))"
proof -
have P: "\<And>ko. (koTypeOf ko = CTET) = (\<exists>cte. ko = KOCTE cte)"
"\<And>ko. (koTypeOf ko = TCBT) = (\<exists>tcb. ko = KOTCB tcb)"
by (case_tac ko, simp_all)+
have Q: "\<And>P f. (\<exists>x. (\<exists>y. x = f y) \<and> P x) = (\<exists>y. P (f y))"
by fastforce
show ?thesis
by (fastforce simp: cte_wp_at_cases' obj_at'_real_def typ_at'_def
ko_wp_at'_def objBits_simps' P Q conj_comms cte_level_bits_def)
lemma typ_at_lift_tcb':
"\<lbrace>typ_at' TCBT p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' TCBT p\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>tcb_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. tcb_at' p\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: typ_at_tcb')
lemma typ_at_lift_ep':
"\<lbrace>typ_at' EndpointT p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' EndpointT p\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>ep_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. ep_at' p\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: typ_at_ep)
lemma typ_at_lift_ntfn':
"\<lbrace>typ_at' NotificationT p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' NotificationT p\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>ntfn_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. ntfn_at' p\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: typ_at_ntfn)
lemma typ_at_lift_cte':
"\<lbrace>typ_at' CTET p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' CTET p\<rbrace> \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>real_cte_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. real_cte_at' p\<rbrace>"
by (simp add: typ_at_cte)
lemma typ_at_lift_cte_at':
assumes x: "\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>cte_at' c\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. cte_at' c\<rbrace>"
apply (simp only: cte_at_typ')
apply (wp hoare_vcg_disj_lift hoare_vcg_ex_lift x)
lemma typ_at_lift_page_table_at':
assumes x: "\<And>T p. f \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace>"
shows "f \<lbrace>page_table_at' p\<rbrace>"
unfolding page_table_at'_def
by (wp hoare_vcg_all_lift x)
lemma ko_wp_typ_at':
"ko_wp_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>T. typ_at' T p s"
by (clarsimp simp: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def)
lemma koType_obj_range':
"koTypeOf k = koTypeOf k' \<Longrightarrow> obj_range' p k = obj_range' p k'"
apply (rule ccontr)
apply (simp add: obj_range'_def objBitsKO_def archObjSize_def
split: kernel_object.splits arch_kernel_object.splits)
lemma typ_at_lift_valid_untyped':
assumes P: "\<And>T p. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. \<not>typ_at' T p s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. \<not>typ_at' T p s\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_untyped' d p n idx s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. valid_untyped' d p n idx s\<rbrace>"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_untyped'_def split del:if_split)
apply (rule hoare_vcg_all_lift)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_def split del:if_split)
apply (frule ko_wp_typ_at')
apply clarsimp
apply (cut_tac T=T and p=ptr' in P)
apply (simp add: valid_def)
apply (erule_tac x=s in allE)
apply (erule impE)
prefer 2
apply (drule (1) bspec)
apply simp
apply (clarsimp simp: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def simp del:atLeastAtMost_iff)
apply (elim disjE)
apply (clarsimp simp:psubset_eq simp del:atLeastAtMost_iff)
apply (drule_tac p=ptr' in koType_obj_range')
apply (erule impE)
apply simp
apply simp
apply (drule_tac p = ptr' in koType_obj_range')
apply (clarsimp split:if_splits)
lemma typ_at_lift_asid_at':
"(\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>) \<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>asid_pool_at' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. asid_pool_at' p\<rbrace>"
by assumption
lemma typ_at_lift_frame_at':
assumes "\<And>T p. f \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace>"
shows "f \<lbrace>frame_at' p sz d\<rbrace>"
unfolding frame_at'_def
by (wpsimp wp: hoare_vcg_all_lift hoare_vcg_const_imp_lift assms split_del: if_split)
lemma typ_at_lift_valid_cap':
assumes P: "\<And>P T p. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>\<lambda>s. valid_cap' cap s\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. valid_cap' cap s\<rbrace>"
including no_pre
apply (simp add: valid_cap'_def)
apply wp
apply (case_tac cap;
simp add: valid_cap'_def P[of id, simplified] typ_at_lift_tcb'
hoare_vcg_prop typ_at_lift_ep'
typ_at_lift_ntfn' typ_at_lift_cte_at'
hoare_vcg_conj_lift [OF typ_at_lift_cte_at'])
apply (rename_tac zombie_type nat)
apply (case_tac zombie_type; simp)
apply (wp typ_at_lift_tcb' P hoare_vcg_all_lift typ_at_lift_cte')+
apply (rename_tac arch_capability)
apply (case_tac arch_capability,
simp_all add: P[of id, simplified] vspace_table_at'_defs
hoare_vcg_prop All_less_Ball
split del: if_split)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_const_Ball_lift P typ_at_lift_valid_untyped'
hoare_vcg_all_lift typ_at_lift_cte' typ_at_lift_frame_at')+
lemma typ_at_lift_valid_irq_node':
assumes P: "\<And>P T p. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (typ_at' T p s)\<rbrace>"
shows "\<lbrace>valid_irq_node' p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_irq_node' p\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: valid_irq_node'_def)
apply (wp hoare_vcg_all_lift P typ_at_lift_cte')
lemma valid_bound_tcb_lift:
"(\<And>T p. \<lbrace>typ_at' T p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. typ_at' T p\<rbrace>) \<Longrightarrow>
\<lbrace>valid_bound_tcb' tcb\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>_. valid_bound_tcb' tcb\<rbrace>"
by (auto simp: valid_bound_tcb'_def valid_def typ_at_tcb'[symmetric] split: option.splits)
lemmas typ_at_lifts = typ_at_lift_tcb' typ_at_lift_ep'
typ_at_lift_ntfn' typ_at_lift_cte'
lemma mdb_next_unfold:
"s \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c' = (\<exists>z. s c = Some z \<and> c' = mdbNext (cteMDBNode z))"
by (auto simp add: mdb_next_rel_def mdb_next_def)
lemma valid_dlist_prevD:
"\<lbrakk> valid_dlist m; c \<noteq> 0; c' \<noteq> 0 \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c' = m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'"
by (fastforce simp add: valid_dlist_def Let_def mdb_next_unfold mdb_prev_def)
lemma no_0_simps [simp]:
assumes "no_0 m"
shows "((m 0 = Some cte) = False) \<and> ((Some cte = m 0) = False)"
using assms by (simp add: no_0_def)
lemma valid_dlist_def2:
"no_0 m \<Longrightarrow> valid_dlist m = (\<forall>c c'. c \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> c' \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c' = m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c')"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: valid_dlist_prevD)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_dlist_def Let_def mdb_next_unfold mdb_prev_def)
apply (subgoal_tac "p\<noteq>0")
prefer 2
apply clarsimp
apply (rule conjI)
apply clarsimp
apply (erule_tac x="mdbPrev (cteMDBNode cte)" in allE)
apply simp
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)
apply clarsimp
apply clarsimp
apply (erule_tac x=p in allE)
apply simp
apply (erule_tac x="mdbNext (cteMDBNode cte)" in allE)
apply clarsimp
lemma valid_dlist_def3:
"valid_dlist m = ((\<forall>c c'. m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c' \<longrightarrow> c' \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c') \<and>
(\<forall>c c'. m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c' \<longrightarrow> c \<noteq> 0 \<longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'))"
apply (rule iffI)
apply (simp add: valid_dlist_def Let_def mdb_next_unfold mdb_prev_def)
apply fastforce
apply (clarsimp simp add: valid_dlist_def Let_def mdb_next_unfold mdb_prev_def)
apply fastforce
lemma vdlist_prevD:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'; m c = Some cte; valid_dlist m; no_0 m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'"
by (fastforce simp: valid_dlist_def3)
lemma vdlist_nextD:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'; m c' = Some cte; valid_dlist m; no_0 m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'"
by (fastforce simp: valid_dlist_def3)
lemma vdlist_prevD0:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'; c \<noteq> 0; valid_dlist m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'"
by (fastforce simp: valid_dlist_def3)
lemma vdlist_nextD0:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> c'; c' \<noteq> 0; valid_dlist m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> m \<turnstile> c \<leftarrow> c'"
by (fastforce simp: valid_dlist_def3)
lemma vdlist_prev_src_unique:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> p \<leftarrow> x; m \<turnstile> p \<leftarrow> y; p \<noteq> 0; valid_dlist m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x = y"
by (drule (2) vdlist_prevD0)+ (clarsimp simp: mdb_next_unfold)
lemma vdlist_next_src_unique:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto> p; m \<turnstile> y \<leadsto> p; p \<noteq> 0; valid_dlist m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> x = y"
by (drule (2) vdlist_nextD0)+ (clarsimp simp: mdb_prev_def)
lemma cte_at_cte_wp_atD:
"cte_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>cte. cte_wp_at' ((=) cte) p s"
by (clarsimp simp add: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemma valid_pspace_no_0 [elim]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> no_0 (ctes_of s)"
by (auto simp: valid_pspace'_def valid_mdb'_def valid_mdb_ctes_def)
lemma valid_pspace_dlist [elim]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_dlist (ctes_of s)"
by (auto simp: valid_pspace'_def valid_mdb'_def valid_mdb_ctes_def)
lemma next_rtrancl_tranclE [consumes 1, case_names eq trancl]:
assumes major: "m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto>\<^sup>* y"
and r1: "x = y \<Longrightarrow> P"
and r2: "\<lbrakk> x \<noteq> y; m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ y \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
shows "P"
using major
by (auto dest: rtranclD intro: r1 r2)
lemmas trancl_induct' [induct set] = trancl_induct [consumes 1, case_names base step]
lemma next_single_value:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto> y; m \<turnstile> x \<leadsto> z \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> y = z"
unfolding mdb_next_rel_def by simp
lemma loop_split:
assumes loop: "m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c"
and split: "m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c'"
shows "m \<turnstile> c' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c"
using split loop
proof induct
case base
thus ?case
by (auto dest: next_single_value elim: tranclE2)
case (step y z)
hence "m \<turnstile> y \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c" by simp
hence "m \<turnstile> z \<leadsto>\<^sup>* c" using step.hyps
by (metis next_single_value tranclD)
thus ?case using step.prems
by (cases rule: next_rtrancl_tranclE, simp_all)
lemma no_0_lhs:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto> y; no_0 m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> c \<noteq> 0"
unfolding no_0_def
by (erule contrapos_pn, simp add: mdb_next_unfold)
lemma no_0_lhs_trancl:
"\<lbrakk> m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ y; no_0 m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> c \<noteq> 0"
by (erule tranclE2, (rule no_0_lhs, simp_all)+)
lemma mdb_chain_0_no_loops:
assumes asm: "mdb_chain_0 m"
and no0: "no_0 m"
shows "no_loops m"
proof -
fix c
assume mc: "m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c"
with asm have "m \<turnstile> c \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ 0"
unfolding mdb_chain_0_def
apply -
apply (erule bspec, erule tranclE2)
apply (auto intro: domI simp: mdb_next_unfold)
with mc have "m \<turnstile> 0 \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ c" by (rule loop_split)
hence False using no0
by (clarsimp dest!: no_0_lhs_trancl)
thus "no_loops m" unfolding no_loops_def by auto
lemma valid_mdb_ctesE [elim]:
"\<lbrakk>valid_mdb_ctes m;
\<lbrakk> valid_dlist m; no_0 m; mdb_chain_0 m; valid_badges m;
caps_contained' m; mdb_chunked m; untyped_mdb' m;
untyped_inc' m; valid_nullcaps m; ut_revocable' m;
class_links m; distinct_zombies m; irq_control m;
reply_masters_rvk_fb m \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> P\<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
unfolding valid_mdb_ctes_def by auto
lemma valid_mdb_ctesI [intro]:
"\<lbrakk>valid_dlist m; no_0 m; mdb_chain_0 m; valid_badges m;
caps_contained' m; mdb_chunked m; untyped_mdb' m;
untyped_inc' m; valid_nullcaps m; ut_revocable' m;
class_links m; distinct_zombies m; irq_control m;
reply_masters_rvk_fb m \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_mdb_ctes m"
unfolding valid_mdb_ctes_def by auto
locale PSpace_update_eq =
fixes f :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> kernel_state"
assumes pspace: "ksPSpace (f s) = ksPSpace s"
lemma state_refs_of'_eq[iff]:
"state_refs_of' (f s) = state_refs_of' s"
by (rule state_refs_of'_pspaceI [OF _ pspace], rule refl)
lemma valid_space_update [iff]:
"valid_pspace' (f s) = valid_pspace' s"
by (fastforce simp: valid_pspace' pspace)
lemma obj_at_update [iff]:
"obj_at' P p (f s) = obj_at' P p s"
by (fastforce intro: obj_at'_pspaceI simp: pspace)
lemma ko_wp_at_update [iff]:
"ko_wp_at' P p (f s) = ko_wp_at' P p s"
by (simp add: pspace ko_wp_at'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_update [iff]:
"cte_wp_at' P p (f s) = cte_wp_at' P p s"
by (fastforce intro: cte_wp_at'_pspaceI simp: pspace)
lemma ex_nonz_cap_to_eq'[iff]:
"ex_nonz_cap_to' p (f s) = ex_nonz_cap_to' p s"
by (simp add: ex_nonz_cap_to'_def)
lemma iflive_update [iff]:
"if_live_then_nonz_cap' (f s) = if_live_then_nonz_cap' s"
by (simp add: if_live_then_nonz_cap'_def ex_nonz_cap_to'_def)
lemma valid_objs_update [iff]:
"valid_objs' (f s) = valid_objs' s"
apply (simp add: valid_objs'_def pspace)
apply (fastforce intro: valid_obj'_pspaceI simp: pspace)
lemma pspace_aligned_update [iff]:
"pspace_aligned' (f s) = pspace_aligned' s"
by (simp add: pspace pspace_aligned'_def)
lemma pspace_canonical_update [iff]:
"pspace_canonical' (f s) = pspace_canonical' s"
by (simp add: pspace pspace_canonical'_def)
lemma pspace_in_kernel_mappings_update [iff]:
"pspace_in_kernel_mappings' (f s) = pspace_in_kernel_mappings' s"
by (simp add: pspace pspace_in_kernel_mappings'_def)
lemma pspace_distinct_update [iff]:
"pspace_distinct' (f s) = pspace_distinct' s"
by (simp add: pspace pspace_distinct'_def ps_clear_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at_update [iff]:
"pred_tcb_at' proj P p (f s) = pred_tcb_at' proj P p s"
by (simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def)
lemma valid_cap_update [iff]:
"(f s) \<turnstile>' c = s \<turnstile>' c"
by (auto intro: valid_cap'_pspaceI simp: pspace)
lemma typ_at_update' [iff]:
"typ_at' T p (f s) = typ_at' T p s"
by (simp add: typ_at'_def)
lemma page_table_at_update' [iff]:
"page_table_at' p (f s) = page_table_at' p s"
by (simp add: page_table_at'_def)
lemma frame_at_update' [iff]:
"frame_at' p sz d (f s) = frame_at' p sz d s"
by (simp add: frame_at'_def)
lemma valid_global_pts_update' [iff]:
"valid_global_pts' pts (f s) = valid_global_pts' pts s"
by (simp add: valid_global_pts'_def)
lemma no_0_obj'_update [iff]:
"no_0_obj' (f s) = no_0_obj' s"
by (simp add: no_0_obj'_def pspace)
lemma pointerInUserData_update[iff]:
"pointerInUserData p (f s) = pointerInUserData p s"
by (simp add: pointerInUserData_def)
lemma pointerInDeviceData_update[iff]:
"pointerInDeviceData p (f s) = pointerInDeviceData p s"
by (simp add: pointerInDeviceData_def)
lemma pspace_domain_valid_update [iff]:
"pspace_domain_valid (f s) = pspace_domain_valid s"
by (simp add: pspace_domain_valid_def pspace)
locale Arch_Idle_update_eq =
fixes f :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> kernel_state"
assumes arch: "ksArchState (f s) = ksArchState s"
assumes idle: "ksIdleThread (f s) = ksIdleThread s"
assumes int_nd: "intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState (f s))
= intStateIRQNode (ksInterruptState s)"
assumes maxObj: "gsMaxObjectSize (f s) = gsMaxObjectSize s"
lemma global_refs_update' [iff]:
"global_refs' (f s) = global_refs' s"
by (simp add: global_refs'_def arch idle int_nd)
locale P_Arch_Idle_update_eq = PSpace_update_eq + Arch_Idle_update_eq
lemma valid_global_refs_update' [iff]:
"valid_global_refs' (f s) = valid_global_refs' s"
by (simp add: valid_global_refs'_def pspace arch idle maxObj)
lemma valid_arch_state_update' [iff]:
"valid_arch_state' (f s) = valid_arch_state' s"
by (simp add: valid_arch_state'_def arch)
lemma valid_idle_update' [iff]:
"valid_idle' (f s) = valid_idle' s"
by (auto simp: pspace idle)
lemma ifunsafe_update [iff]:
"if_unsafe_then_cap' (f s) = if_unsafe_then_cap' s"
by (simp add: if_unsafe_then_cap'_def ex_cte_cap_to'_def int_nd)
locale Int_update_eq =
fixes f :: "kernel_state \<Rightarrow> kernel_state"
assumes int: "ksInterruptState (f s) = ksInterruptState s"
lemma irqs_masked_update [iff]:
"irqs_masked' (f s) = irqs_masked' s"
by (simp add: irqs_masked'_def int)
lemma irq_issued_update'[iff]:
"irq_issued' irq (f s) = irq_issued' irq s"
by (simp add: irq_issued'_def int)
locale P_Cur_update_eq = PSpace_update_eq +
assumes curt: "ksCurThread (f s) = ksCurThread s"
assumes curd: "ksCurDomain (f s) = ksCurDomain s"
lemma sch_act_wf[iff]:
"sch_act_wf ks (f s) = sch_act_wf ks s"
apply (cases ks)
apply (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def st_tcb_at'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def curt curd)
locale P_Int_update_eq = PSpace_update_eq + Int_update_eq
lemma valid_irq_handlers_update'[iff]:
"valid_irq_handlers' (f s) = valid_irq_handlers' s"
by (simp add: valid_irq_handlers'_def cteCaps_of_def pspace)
locale P_Int_Cur_update_eq =
P_Int_update_eq + P_Cur_update_eq
locale P_Arch_Idle_Int_update_eq = P_Arch_Idle_update_eq + P_Int_update_eq
locale P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq =
P_Arch_Idle_Int_update_eq + P_Cur_update_eq
interpretation sa_update:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksSchedulerAction_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ready_queue_update:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksReadyQueues_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ready_queue_bitmap1_update:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksReadyQueuesL1Bitmap_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ready_queue_bitmap2_update:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksReadyQueuesL2Bitmap_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation cur_thread_update':
P_Arch_Idle_Int_update_eq "ksCurThread_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation machine_state_update':
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksMachineState_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation interrupt_state_update':
P_Cur_update_eq "ksInterruptState_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation idle_update':
P_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksIdleThread_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation arch_state_update':
P_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksArchState_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation wu_update':
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksWorkUnitsCompleted_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation gsCNodes_update: P_Arch_Idle_update_eq "gsCNodes_update f"
by unfold_locales simp_all
interpretation gsUserPages_update: P_Arch_Idle_update_eq "gsUserPages_update f"
by unfold_locales simp_all
lemma ko_wp_at_aligned:
"ko_wp_at' ((=) ko) p s \<Longrightarrow> is_aligned p (objBitsKO ko)"
by (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
interpretation ksCurDomain:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_update_eq "ksCurDomain_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ksDomScheduleIdx:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksDomScheduleIdx_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ksDomSchedule:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksDomSchedule_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation ksDomainTime:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "ksDomainTime_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
interpretation gsUntypedZeroRanges:
P_Arch_Idle_Int_Cur_update_eq "gsUntypedZeroRanges_update f"
by unfold_locales auto
lemma ko_wp_at_norm:
"ko_wp_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>ko. P ko \<and> ko_wp_at' ((=) ko) p s"
by (auto simp add: ko_wp_at'_def)
lemma valid_mdb_machine_state [iff]:
"valid_mdb' (ksMachineState_update f s) = valid_mdb' s"
by (simp add: valid_mdb'_def)
lemma cte_wp_at_norm':
"cte_wp_at' P p s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>cte. cte_wp_at' ((=) cte) p s \<and> P cte"
by (simp add: cte_wp_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at' [elim!]:
"pred_tcb_at' proj P t s \<Longrightarrow> tcb_at' t s"
by (auto simp add: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma valid_pspace_mdb' [elim!]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_mdb' s"
by (simp add: valid_pspace'_def)
lemmas hoare_use_eq_irq_node' = hoare_use_eq[where f=irq_node']
lemma ex_cte_cap_to'_pres:
"\<lbrakk> \<And>P p. \<lbrace>cte_wp_at' P p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. cte_wp_at' P p\<rbrace>;
\<And>P. \<lbrace>\<lambda>s. P (irq_node' s)\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv s. P (irq_node' s)\<rbrace> \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<lbrace>ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P p\<rbrace> f \<lbrace>\<lambda>rv. ex_cte_cap_wp_to' P p\<rbrace>"
apply (simp add: ex_cte_cap_wp_to'_def)
apply (rule hoare_pre)
apply (erule hoare_use_eq_irq_node')
apply (rule hoare_vcg_ex_lift)
apply assumption
apply simp
section "Relationship of Executable Spec to Kernel Configuration"
text \<open>
Some values are set per kernel configuration (e.g. number of domains), but other related
values (e.g. maximum domain) are derived from storage constraints (e.g. bytes used).
To relate the two, we must look at the values of kernel configuration constants.
To allow the proofs to work for all permitted values of these constants, their definitions
should only be unfolded in this section, and the derived properties kept to a minimum.\<close>
lemma le_maxDomain_eq_less_numDomains:
shows "x \<le> unat maxDomain \<longleftrightarrow> x < Kernel_Config.numDomains"
"y \<le> maxDomain \<longleftrightarrow> unat y < Kernel_Config.numDomains"
by (auto simp: Kernel_Config.numDomains_def maxDomain_def word_le_nat_alt)
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemma page_table_pte_atI':
"page_table_at' p s \<Longrightarrow> pte_at' (p + (ucast (x::pt_index) << pte_bits)) s"
by (simp add: page_table_at'_def)
lemma valid_global_refsD':
"\<lbrakk> ctes_of s p = Some cte; valid_global_refs' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
kernel_data_refs \<inter> capRange (cteCap cte) = {} \<and> global_refs' s \<subseteq> kernel_data_refs"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_global_refs'_def valid_refs'_def ran_def) blast
lemma no_0_prev:
"no_0 m \<Longrightarrow> \<not> m \<turnstile> p \<leftarrow> 0"
by (simp add: mdb_prev_def)
lemma ut_revocableD':
"\<lbrakk>m p = Some (CTE cap n); isUntypedCap cap; ut_revocable' m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> mdbRevocable n"
unfolding ut_revocable'_def by blast
lemma nullcapsD':
"\<lbrakk>m p = Some (CTE NullCap n); valid_nullcaps m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> n = nullMDBNode"
unfolding valid_nullcaps_def by blast
lemma untyped_mdbD':
"\<lbrakk>m p = Some (CTE c n); isUntypedCap c;
m p' = Some (CTE c' n'); \<not>isUntypedCap c';
capRange c' \<inter> untypedRange c \<noteq> {}; untyped_mdb' m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
p' \<in> descendants_of' p m"
unfolding untyped_mdb'_def by blast
lemma untyped_incD':
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE c n); isUntypedCap c;
m p' = Some (CTE c' n'); isUntypedCap c'; untyped_inc' m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
(untypedRange c \<subseteq> untypedRange c' \<or> untypedRange c' \<subseteq> untypedRange c \<or> untypedRange c \<inter> untypedRange c' = {}) \<and>
(untypedRange c \<subset> untypedRange c' \<longrightarrow> (p \<in> descendants_of' p' m \<and> untypedRange c \<inter> usableUntypedRange c' = {})) \<and>
(untypedRange c' \<subset> untypedRange c \<longrightarrow> (p' \<in> descendants_of' p m \<and> untypedRange c' \<inter> usableUntypedRange c = {})) \<and>
(untypedRange c = untypedRange c' \<longrightarrow> (p' \<in> descendants_of' p m \<and> usableUntypedRange c = {}
\<or> p \<in> descendants_of' p' m \<and> usableUntypedRange c' = {} \<or> p = p'))"
unfolding untyped_inc'_def
apply (drule_tac x = p in spec)
apply (drule_tac x = p' in spec)
apply (elim allE impE)
apply simp+
lemma caps_containedD':
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE c n); m p' = Some (CTE c' n');
\<not> isUntypedCap c'; capRange c' \<inter> untypedRange c \<noteq> {};
caps_contained' m\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> capRange c' \<subseteq> untypedRange c"
unfolding caps_contained'_def by blast
lemma class_linksD:
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some cte; m p' = Some cte'; m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto> p'; class_links m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow>
capClass (cteCap cte) = capClass (cteCap cte')"
using class_links_def by blast
lemma mdb_chunkedD:
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE cap n); m p' = Some (CTE cap' n');
sameRegionAs cap cap'; p \<noteq> p'; mdb_chunked m \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p' \<or> m \<turnstile> p' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p) \<and>
(m \<turnstile> p \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p' \<longrightarrow> is_chunk m cap p p') \<and>
(m \<turnstile> p' \<leadsto>\<^sup>+ p \<longrightarrow> is_chunk m cap' p' p)"
using mdb_chunked_def by blast
lemma irq_controlD:
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n); m p' = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n');
irq_control m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> p' = p"
unfolding irq_control_def by blast
lemma irq_revocable:
"\<lbrakk> m p = Some (CTE IRQControlCap n); irq_control m \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> mdbRevocable n"
unfolding irq_control_def by blast
lemma sch_act_wf_arch [simp]:
"sch_act_wf sa (ksArchState_update f s) = sch_act_wf sa s"
by (cases sa) (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def)
lemma valid_queues_arch [simp]:
"valid_queues (ksArchState_update f s) = valid_queues s"
by (simp add: valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def bitmapQ_defs)
lemma if_unsafe_then_cap_arch' [simp]:
"if_unsafe_then_cap' (ksArchState_update f s) = if_unsafe_then_cap' s"
by (simp add: if_unsafe_then_cap'_def ex_cte_cap_to'_def)
lemma valid_idle_arch' [simp]:
"valid_idle' (ksArchState_update f s) = valid_idle' s"
by (simp add: valid_idle'_def)
lemma valid_irq_node_arch' [simp]:
"valid_irq_node' w (ksArchState_update f s) = valid_irq_node' w s"
by (simp add: valid_irq_node'_def)
lemma sch_act_wf_machine_state [simp]:
"sch_act_wf sa (ksMachineState_update f s) = sch_act_wf sa s"
by (cases sa) (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def)
lemma valid_queues_machine_state [simp]:
"valid_queues (ksMachineState_update f s) = valid_queues s"
by (simp add: valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def bitmapQ_defs)
lemma valid_queues_arch' [simp]:
"valid_queues' (ksArchState_update f s) = valid_queues' s"
by (simp add: valid_queues'_def)
lemma valid_queues_machine_state' [simp]:
"valid_queues' (ksMachineState_update f s) = valid_queues' s"
by (simp add: valid_queues'_def)
lemma valid_irq_node'_machine_state [simp]:
"valid_irq_node' x (ksMachineState_update f s) = valid_irq_node' x s"
by (simp add: valid_irq_node'_def)
(* these should be reasonable safe for automation because of the 0 pattern *)
lemma no_0_ko_wp' [elim!]:
"\<lbrakk> ko_wp_at' Q 0 s; no_0_obj' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def no_0_obj'_def)
lemma no_0_obj_at' [elim!]:
"\<lbrakk> obj_at' Q 0 s; no_0_obj' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (simp add: obj_at'_def no_0_obj'_def)
lemma no_0_typ_at' [elim!]:
"\<lbrakk> typ_at' T 0 s; no_0_obj' s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> P"
by (clarsimp simp: typ_at'_def)
lemma no_0_ko_wp'_eq [simp]:
"no_0_obj' s \<Longrightarrow> ko_wp_at' P 0 s = False"
by (simp add: ko_wp_at'_def no_0_obj'_def)
lemma no_0_obj_at'_eq [simp]:
"no_0_obj' s \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' P 0 s = False"
by (simp add: obj_at'_def no_0_obj'_def)
lemma no_0_typ_at'_eq [simp]:
"no_0_obj' s \<Longrightarrow> typ_at' P 0 s = False"
by (simp add: typ_at'_def)
lemma valid_pspace_valid_objs'[elim!]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_objs' s"
by (simp add: valid_pspace'_def)
declare badgeBits_def [simp]
lemma simple_sane_strg:
"sch_act_simple s \<longrightarrow> sch_act_sane s"
by (simp add: sch_act_sane_def sch_act_simple_def)
lemma sch_act_wf_cases:
"sch_act_wf action = (case action of
ResumeCurrentThread \<Rightarrow> ct_in_state' activatable'
| ChooseNewThread \<Rightarrow> \<top>
| SwitchToThread t \<Rightarrow> \<lambda>s. st_tcb_at' runnable' t s \<and> tcb_in_cur_domain' t s)"
by (cases action) auto
lemma (in PSpace_update_eq) cteCaps_of_update[iff]: "cteCaps_of (f s) = cteCaps_of s"
by (simp add: cteCaps_of_def pspace)
lemma vms_sch_act_update'[iff]:
"valid_machine_state' (ksSchedulerAction_update f s) =
valid_machine_state' s"
by (simp add: valid_machine_state'_def )
context begin interpretation Arch . (*FIXME: arch_split*)
lemmas bit_simps' = pteBits_def asidHighBits_def asidPoolBits_def asid_low_bits_def
asid_high_bits_def bit_simps
lemma objBitsT_simps:
"objBitsT EndpointT = epSizeBits"
"objBitsT NotificationT = ntfnSizeBits"
"objBitsT CTET = cteSizeBits"
"objBitsT TCBT = tcbBlockSizeBits"
"objBitsT UserDataT = pageBits"
"objBitsT UserDataDeviceT = pageBits"
"objBitsT KernelDataT = pageBits"
"objBitsT (ArchT PTET) = word_size_bits"
"objBitsT (ArchT ASIDPoolT) = pageBits"
unfolding objBitsT_def makeObjectT_def
by (simp add: makeObject_simps objBits_simps bit_simps')+
lemma objBitsT_koTypeOf :
"(objBitsT (koTypeOf ko)) = objBitsKO ko"
apply (cases ko; simp add: objBits_simps objBitsT_simps)
apply (rename_tac arch_kernel_object)
apply (case_tac arch_kernel_object; simp add: archObjSize_def objBitsT_simps bit_simps')
lemma typ_at_aligned':
"\<lbrakk> typ_at' tp p s \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> is_aligned p (objBitsT tp)"
by (clarsimp simp add: typ_at'_def ko_wp_at'_def objBitsT_koTypeOf)
lemma valid_queues_obj_at'D:
"\<lbrakk> t \<in> set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p)); valid_queues s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_at' (inQ d p) t s"
apply (unfold valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def)
apply (elim conjE)
apply (drule_tac x=d in spec)
apply (drule_tac x=p in spec)
apply (clarsimp)
apply (drule(1) bspec)
apply (erule obj_at'_weakenE)
apply (clarsimp)
lemma obj_at'_and:
"obj_at' (P and P') t s = (obj_at' P t s \<and> obj_at' P' t s)"
by (rule iffI, (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def)+)
lemma obj_at'_activatable_st_tcb_at':
"obj_at' (activatable' \<circ> tcbState) t = st_tcb_at' activatable' t"
by (rule ext, clarsimp simp: st_tcb_at'_def)
lemma st_tcb_at'_runnable_is_activatable:
"st_tcb_at' runnable' t s \<Longrightarrow> st_tcb_at' activatable' t s"
by (simp add: st_tcb_at'_def)
(fastforce elim: obj_at'_weakenE)
lemma tcb_at'_has_tcbPriority:
"tcb_at' t s \<Longrightarrow> \<exists>p. obj_at' (\<lambda>tcb. tcbPriority tcb = p) t s"
by (clarsimp simp add: obj_at'_def)
lemma pred_tcb_at'_Not:
"pred_tcb_at' f (Not o P) t s = (tcb_at' t s \<and> \<not> pred_tcb_at' f P t s)"
by (auto simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma obj_at'_conj_distrib:
"obj_at' (\<lambda>ko. P ko \<and> Q ko) p s \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' P p s \<and> obj_at' Q p s"
by (auto simp: obj_at'_def)
lemma obj_at'_conj:
"obj_at' (\<lambda>ko. P ko \<and> Q ko) p s = (obj_at' P p s \<and> obj_at' Q p s)"
using obj_at'_conj_distrib obj_at_conj' by blast
lemma not_obj_at'_strengthen:
"obj_at' (Not \<circ> P) p s \<Longrightarrow> \<not> obj_at' P p s"
by (clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def)
lemma not_pred_tcb_at'_strengthen:
"pred_tcb_at' f (Not \<circ> P) p s \<Longrightarrow> \<not> pred_tcb_at' f P p s"
by (clarsimp simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma obj_at'_ko_at'_prop:
"ko_at' ko t s \<Longrightarrow> obj_at' P t s = P ko"
by (drule obj_at_ko_at', clarsimp simp: obj_at'_def)
lemma valid_queues_no_bitmap_def':
"valid_queues_no_bitmap =
(\<lambda>s. \<forall>d p. (\<forall>t\<in>set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p)).
obj_at' (inQ d p) t s \<and> st_tcb_at' runnable' t s) \<and>
distinct (ksReadyQueues s (d, p)) \<and> (d > maxDomain \<or> p > maxPriority \<longrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) = []))"
apply (rule ext, rule iffI)
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def obj_at'_and pred_tcb_at'_def o_def
elim!: obj_at'_weakenE)+
lemma valid_queues_running:
assumes Q: "t \<in> set(ksReadyQueues s (d, p))" "valid_queues s"
shows "st_tcb_at' runnable' t s"
using assms by (clarsimp simp add: valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def')
lemma valid_refs'_cteCaps:
"valid_refs' S (ctes_of s) = (\<forall>c \<in> ran (cteCaps_of s). S \<inter> capRange c = {})"
by (fastforce simp: valid_refs'_def cteCaps_of_def elim!: ranE)
lemma valid_cap_sizes_cteCaps:
"valid_cap_sizes' n (ctes_of s) = (\<forall>c \<in> ran (cteCaps_of s). 2 ^ capBits c \<le> n)"
apply (simp add: valid_cap_sizes'_def cteCaps_of_def)
apply (fastforce elim!: ranE)
lemma cte_at_valid_cap_sizes_0:
"valid_cap_sizes' n ctes \<Longrightarrow> ctes p = Some cte \<Longrightarrow> 0 < n"
apply (clarsimp simp: valid_cap_sizes'_def)
apply (drule bspec, erule ranI)
apply (rule Suc_le_lessD, erule order_trans[rotated])
apply simp
lemma invs_valid_stateI' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_state' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def)
lemma tcb_at_invs' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> tcb_at' (ksCurThread s) s"
by (simp add: invs'_def cur_tcb'_def)
lemma invs_valid_objs' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_objs' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma invs_pspace_aligned' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> pspace_aligned' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma invs_pspace_distinct' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> pspace_distinct' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma invs_valid_pspace' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_pspace' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_arch_state' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_arch_state' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_cur' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> cur_tcb' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def)
lemma invs_mdb' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_mdb' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma valid_mdb_no_loops [elim!]:
"valid_mdb_ctes m \<Longrightarrow> no_loops m"
by (auto intro: mdb_chain_0_no_loops)
lemma invs_no_loops [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> no_loops (ctes_of s)"
apply (rule valid_mdb_no_loops)
apply (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def valid_mdb'_def)
lemma invs_iflive'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> if_live_then_nonz_cap' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_unsafe_then_cap' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> if_unsafe_then_cap' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_sym' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> sym_refs (state_refs_of' s)"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_sch_act_wf' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> sch_act_wf (ksSchedulerAction s) s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_queues [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_queues s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_valid_idle'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_idle' s"
by (fastforce simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs_valid_global'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> valid_global_refs' s"
by (fastforce simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma invs'_invs_no_cicd:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> all_invs_but_ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain' s"
by (simp add: invs'_to_invs_no_cicd'_def)
lemma invs_valid_queues'_strg:
"invs' s \<longrightarrow> valid_queues' s"
by (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemmas invs_valid_queues'[elim!] = invs_valid_queues'_strg[rule_format]
lemma einvs_valid_etcbs: "einvs s \<longrightarrow> valid_etcbs s"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_sched_def)
lemma invs'_bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> bitmapQ_no_L1_orphans s"
by (drule invs_queues, simp add: valid_queues_def)
lemma invs_ksCurDomain_maxDomain' [elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> ksCurDomain s \<le> maxDomain"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def)
lemma simple_st_tcb_at_state_refs_ofD':
"st_tcb_at' simple' t s \<Longrightarrow> bound_tcb_at' (\<lambda>x. tcb_bound_refs' x = state_refs_of' s t) t s"
by (fastforce simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def state_refs_of'_def
projectKO_eq project_inject)
lemma cur_tcb_arch' [iff]:
"cur_tcb' (ksArchState_update f s) = cur_tcb' s"
by (simp add: cur_tcb'_def)
lemma cur_tcb'_machine_state [simp]:
"cur_tcb' (ksMachineState_update f s) = cur_tcb' s"
by (simp add: cur_tcb'_def)
lemma invs_no_0_obj'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> no_0_obj' s"
by (simp add: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_pspace'_def)
lemma invs'_gsCNodes_update[simp]:
"invs' (gsCNodes_update f s') = invs' s'"
apply (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def
valid_queues'_def valid_irq_node'_def valid_irq_handlers'_def
irq_issued'_def irqs_masked'_def valid_machine_state'_def
apply (cases "ksSchedulerAction s'")
apply (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def ct_not_inQ_def)
lemma invs'_gsUserPages_update[simp]:
"invs' (gsUserPages_update f s') = invs' s'"
apply (clarsimp simp: invs'_def valid_state'_def valid_queues_def valid_queues_no_bitmap_def
valid_queues'_def valid_irq_node'_def valid_irq_handlers'_def
irq_issued'_def irqs_masked'_def valid_machine_state'_def
apply (cases "ksSchedulerAction s'")
apply (simp_all add: ct_in_state'_def ct_idle_or_in_cur_domain'_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def ct_not_inQ_def)
lemma invs_queues_tcb_in_cur_domain':
"\<lbrakk> ksReadyQueues s (d, p) = x # xs; invs' s; d = ksCurDomain s\<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> tcb_in_cur_domain' x s"
apply (subgoal_tac "x \<in> set (ksReadyQueues s (d, p))")
apply (drule (1) valid_queues_obj_at'D[OF _ invs_queues])
apply (auto simp: inQ_def tcb_in_cur_domain'_def elim: obj_at'_weakenE)
lemma pred_tcb'_neq_contra:
"\<lbrakk> pred_tcb_at' proj P p s; pred_tcb_at' proj Q p s; \<And>st. P st \<noteq> Q st \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> False"
by (clarsimp simp: pred_tcb_at'_def obj_at'_def)
lemma invs'_ksDomSchedule:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> KernelStateData_H.ksDomSchedule s = KernelStateData_H.ksDomSchedule (newKernelState undefined)"
unfolding invs'_def valid_state'_def by clarsimp
lemma invs'_ksDomScheduleIdx:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> KernelStateData_H.ksDomScheduleIdx s < length (KernelStateData_H.ksDomSchedule (newKernelState undefined))"
unfolding invs'_def valid_state'_def by clarsimp
lemma valid_bitmap_valid_bitmapQ_exceptE:
"\<lbrakk> valid_bitmapQ_except d p s ; (bitmapQ d p s \<longleftrightarrow> ksReadyQueues s (d,p) \<noteq> []) ;
bitmapQ_no_L2_orphans s \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> valid_bitmapQ s"
unfolding valid_bitmapQ_def valid_bitmapQ_except_def
by force
lemma valid_bitmap_valid_bitmapQ_exceptI[intro]:
"valid_bitmapQ s \<Longrightarrow> valid_bitmapQ_except d p s"
unfolding valid_bitmapQ_except_def valid_bitmapQ_def
by simp
lemma mask_wordRadix_less_wordBits:
assumes sz: "wordRadix \<le> size w"
shows "unat ((w::'a::len word) && mask wordRadix) < wordBits"
using word_unat_mask_lt[where m=wordRadix and w=w] assms
by (simp add: wordRadix_def wordBits_def')
lemma priority_mask_wordRadix_size:
"unat ((w::priority) && mask wordRadix) < wordBits"
by (rule mask_wordRadix_less_wordBits, simp add: wordRadix_def word_size)
lemma range_cover_canonical_address:
"\<lbrakk> range_cover ptr sz us n ; p < n ;
canonical_address (ptr && ~~ mask sz) ; sz \<le> maxUntypedSizeBits \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> canonical_address (ptr + of_nat p * 2 ^ us)"
apply (subst word_plus_and_or_coroll2[symmetric, where w = "mask sz"])
apply (subst add.commute)
apply (subst add.assoc)
apply (rule canonical_address_add[where n=sz] ; simp add: untypedBits_defs is_aligned_neg_mask)
apply (drule (1) range_cover.range_cover_compare)
apply (clarsimp simp: word_less_nat_alt)
apply unat_arith
apply (simp add: canonical_bit_def)
lemma canonical_address_neq_mask:
"\<lbrakk> canonical_address ptr ; sz \<le> maxUntypedSizeBits \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> canonical_address (ptr && ~~ mask sz)"
by (simp add: canonical_address_sign_extended untypedBits_defs sign_extended_neq_mask
lemma invs_pspace_canonical'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> pspace_canonical' s"
by (fastforce dest!: invs_valid_pspace' simp: valid_pspace'_def)
lemma valid_pspace_canonical'[elim!]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> pspace_canonical' s"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_pspace'_def)
lemma in_kernel_mappings_add:
assumes "is_aligned p n"
assumes "f < 2 ^ n"
assumes "p \<in> kernel_mappings"
shows "p + f \<in> kernel_mappings"
using assms
unfolding kernel_mappings_def pptr_base_def
using is_aligned_no_wrap' word_le_plus_either by blast
lemma range_cover_in_kernel_mappings:
"\<lbrakk> range_cover ptr sz us n ; p < n ;
(ptr && ~~ mask sz) \<in> kernel_mappings ; sz \<le> maxUntypedSizeBits \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> (ptr + of_nat p * 2 ^ us) \<in> kernel_mappings"
apply (subst word_plus_and_or_coroll2[symmetric, where w = "mask sz"])
apply (subst add.commute)
apply (subst add.assoc)
apply (rule in_kernel_mappings_add[where n=sz] ; simp add: untypedBits_defs is_aligned_neg_mask)
apply (drule (1) range_cover.range_cover_compare)
apply (clarsimp simp: word_less_nat_alt)
apply unat_arith
lemma in_kernel_mappings_neq_mask:
"\<lbrakk> (ptr :: machine_word) \<in> kernel_mappings ; sz \<le> 38 \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> ptr && ~~ mask sz \<in> kernel_mappings"
apply (clarsimp simp: kernel_mappings_def untypedBits_defs pptr_base_def RISCV64.pptrBase_def
by (word_bitwise, clarsimp simp: neg_mask_test_bit word_size)
lemma invs_pspace_in_kernel_mappings'[elim!]:
"invs' s \<Longrightarrow> pspace_in_kernel_mappings' s"
by (fastforce dest!: invs_valid_pspace' simp: valid_pspace'_def)
lemma valid_pspace_in_kernel_mappings'[elim!]:
"valid_pspace' s \<Longrightarrow> pspace_in_kernel_mappings' s"
by (clarsimp simp: valid_pspace'_def)
(* The normalise_obj_at' tactic was designed to simplify situations similar to:
ko_at' ko p s \<Longrightarrow>
obj_at' (complicated_P (obj_at' (complicated_Q (obj_at' ...)) p s)) p s
It seems to also offer assistance in cases where there is lots of st_tcb_at', ko_at', obj_at'
confusion. If your goal looks like that kind of mess, try it out. It can help to not unfold
obj_at'_def which speeds up proofs.
context begin
private definition
"ko_at'_defn v \<equiv> ko_at' v"
private lemma ko_at_defn_rewr:
"ko_at'_defn ko p s \<Longrightarrow> (obj_at' P p s = P ko)"
unfolding ko_at'_defn_def
by (auto simp: obj_at'_def)
private lemma ko_at_defn_uniqueD:
"ko_at'_defn ko p s \<Longrightarrow> ko_at'_defn ko' p s \<Longrightarrow> ko' = ko"
unfolding ko_at'_defn_def
by (auto simp: obj_at'_def)
private lemma ko_at_defn_pred_tcb_at':
"ko_at'_defn ko p s \<Longrightarrow> (pred_tcb_at' proj P p s = P (proj (tcb_to_itcb' ko)))"
by (auto simp: pred_tcb_at'_def ko_at_defn_rewr)
private lemma ko_at_defn_ko_wp_at':
"ko_at'_defn ko p s \<Longrightarrow> (ko_wp_at' P p s = P (injectKO ko))"
by (clarsimp simp: ko_at'_defn_def obj_at'_real_def
ko_wp_at'_def project_inject)
method normalise_obj_at' =
(clarsimp?, elim obj_at_ko_at'[folded ko_at'_defn_def, elim_format],
clarsimp simp: ko_at_defn_rewr ko_at_defn_pred_tcb_at' ko_at_defn_ko_wp_at',
((drule(1) ko_at_defn_uniqueD)+)?,
clarsimp simp: ko_at'_defn_def)
add_upd_simps "invs' (gsUntypedZeroRanges_update f s)"
declare upd_simps[simp]
lemma neq_out_intv:
"\<lbrakk> a \<noteq> b; b \<notin> {a..a + c - 1} - {a} \<rbrakk> \<Longrightarrow> b \<notin> {a..a + c - 1}"
by simp
lemma rule_out_intv:
"\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s a = Some obj; ksPSpace s b = Some obj'; pspace_distinct' s; a \<noteq> b \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> b \<notin> mask_range a (objBitsKO obj)"
apply (drule(1) pspace_distinctD')
apply (subst (asm) ps_clear_def)
apply (drule_tac x = b in orthD2)
apply fastforce
apply (drule neq_out_intv)
apply (simp add: mask_def add_diff_eq)
apply (simp add: mask_def add_diff_eq)
lemma ptr_range_mask_range:
"{ptr..ptr + 2 ^ bits - 1} = mask_range ptr bits"
unfolding mask_def
by simp
lemma distinct_obj_range'_not_subset:
"\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s a = Some obj; ksPSpace s b = Some obj'; pspace_distinct' s;
pspace_aligned' s; a \<noteq> b \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> \<not> obj_range' b obj' \<subseteq> obj_range' a obj"
unfolding obj_range'_def
apply (frule_tac x=a in pspace_alignedD')
apply assumption
apply (frule_tac x=b in pspace_alignedD')
apply assumption
apply (frule (3) rule_out_intv)
using is_aligned_no_overflow_mask
by fastforce
lemma obj_range'_disjoint:
"\<lbrakk> ksPSpace s a = Some obj; ksPSpace s b = Some obj'; pspace_distinct' s;
pspace_aligned' s; a \<noteq> b \<rbrakk>
\<Longrightarrow> obj_range' a obj \<inter> obj_range' b obj' = {}"
apply (frule_tac x=a in pspace_alignedD')
apply assumption
apply (frule_tac x=b in pspace_alignedD')
apply assumption
apply (frule_tac p=a and p'=b in aligned_mask_range_cases)
apply assumption
apply (fastforce dest: distinct_obj_range'_not_subset
simp: obj_range'_def)