
491 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Final simplifications applied to function specs.
theory Polish
imports WordPolish TypeStrengthen
(* Final simplification after type strengthening. *)
named_theorems polish
(* Remove the Hoare modifies constants after heap abstraction, as they have
* very buggy print translations.
* In particular, applying abs_spec_modify_global replaces the bound variable by "x"
* and confuses the print translation into producing "may_only_modify_globals [x]". *)
lemmas [polish] = mex_def meq_def
(* Clean up "WORD_MAX TYPE(32)", etc. after word abstraction. *)
lemmas [polish] =
declare singleton_iff [polish]
lemma L2polish [polish]:
"L2_seq = bindE"
"L2_unknown n = unknownE"
"L2_gets g n = getsE g"
"L2_modify = modifyE"
"L2_condition = condition"
"L2_catch = handleE'"
"L2_while C B i n = whileLoopE C B i"
"L2_spec s = (specE s >>=E (\<lambda>x. unknownE))"
"L2_fail = fail"
"L2_throw v n = throwError v"
apply (auto simp: L2_defs skipE_def modifyE_def unknownE_def
getsE_def specE_def bind_liftE_distrib selectE_def intro!: ext)
lemma returnOk_skip [polish]: "returnOk () = skipE"
by (clarsimp simp: skipE_def)
lemma return_skip [polish]: "return () = skip"
by (clarsimp simp: skip_def)
lemma liftE_foo_to_fooE [polish]:
"liftE (unknown) = unknownE"
"liftE (gets x) = getsE x"
"liftE (return a) = returnOk a"
"liftE (modify m) = modifyE m"
"liftE (spec s) = specE s"
"liftE skip = skipE"
"liftE (guard g) = guardE g"
apply (monad_eq simp: unknownE_def selectE_def unknown_def
getsE_def modifyE_def specE_def skip_def skipE_def guardE_def)+
lemma gets_to_return [polish]:
"gets (\<lambda>x. a) = return a"
apply (clarsimp simp: simpler_gets_def return_def)
lemma getsE_to_returnOk [polish]:
"getsE (\<lambda>x. a) = returnOk a"
apply (clarsimp simp: getsE_def simpler_gets_def returnOk_def2 return_def)
lemma select_UNIV_unknown [polish]: "select UNIV = unknown"
by (clarsimp simp: unknown_def)
lemma selectE_UNIV_unknown [polish]: "liftE (select UNIV) = unknownE"
by (clarsimp simp: unknownE_def selectE_def)
lemma unknown_unit [polish, simp]: "(unknown :: ('s, unit) nondet_monad) = skip"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (clarsimp simp: skip_def select_def return_def skipE_def unknown_def)
apply force
lemma unknownE_unit [polish,simp]: "(unknownE :: ('s, 'a + unit) nondet_monad) = skipE"
apply (rule ext)+
apply (monad_eq simp: skip_def selectE_def skipE_def unknownE_def)
lemma condition_to_when [polish]:
"condition (\<lambda>s. C) A skip = when C A"
"condition (\<lambda>s. C) A' skipE = whenE C A'"
apply (auto simp: condition_def when_def skip_def skipE_def whenE_def)
lemma condition_to_unless [polish]:
"condition (\<lambda>s. C) skip A = unless C A"
"condition (\<lambda>s. C) skipE A' = unlessE C A'"
apply (auto simp: condition_def unless_def when_def skip_def skipE_def unlessE_def)
lemma bind_skip [simp, polish]:
"(x >>= (\<lambda>_. skip)) = x"
by (monad_eq simp: skip_def)
lemma bindE_skipE [simp, polish]:
"(x >>=E (\<lambda>_. skipE)) = x"
by (monad_eq simp: skipE_def)
lemma skip_bind [simp, polish]:
"(skip >>= P) = (P ())"
by (monad_eq simp: skip_def)
lemma skipE_bindE [simp, polish]:
"(skipE >>=E P) = (P ())"
by (monad_eq simp: skip_def skipE_def)
lemma ogets_to_oreturn [polish]: "ogets (\<lambda>s. P) = oreturn P"
apply (clarsimp simp: ogets_def oreturn_def)
lemma ocondition_ret_ret [polish]:
"ocondition P (oreturn A) (oreturn B) = ogets (\<lambda>s. if P s then A else B)"
by (auto simp: ocondition_def ogets_def)
lemma ocondition_gets_ret [polish]:
"ocondition P (ogets A) (oreturn B) = ogets (\<lambda>s. if P s then A s else B)"
by (auto simp: ocondition_def ogets_def)
lemma ocondition_ret_gets [polish]:
"ocondition P (oreturn A) (ogets B) = ogets (\<lambda>s. if P s then A else B s)"
by (auto simp: ocondition_def ogets_def)
lemma ocondition_gets_gets [polish]:
"ocondition P (ogets A) (ogets B) = ogets (\<lambda>s. if P s then A s else B s)"
by (auto simp: ocondition_def ogets_def)
lemma bindE_K_bind [polish]: "A >>=E (\<lambda>x :: unit. B) = (A >>=E K_bind B)"
by clarsimp
lemma bind_K_bind [polish]: "A >>= (\<lambda>x :: unit. B) = (A >>= K_bind B)"
by clarsimp
lemma obind_K_bind [polish]: "A |>> (\<lambda>x :: unit. B) = (A |>> K_bind B)"
by clarsimp
lemma K_bind_apply [polish]:
"K_bind a b = a"
by simp
lemma condition_to_if [polish]:
"condition (\<lambda>s. C) (return a) (return b) = return (if C then a else b)"
apply (clarsimp simp: condition_splits)
lemma guard_True_bind [polish, simp]:
"(guard (\<lambda>_. True) >>= M) = M ()"
by monad_eq
declare condition_fail_rhs [polish]
declare condition_fail_lhs [polish]
declare simple_bind_fail [polish]
declare simple_bindE_fail [polish]
declare condition_bind_fail [polish]
lemma simple_K_bind_fail [polish, simp]:
"(guard X >>= K_bind (fail)) = fail"
"(modify M >>= K_bind (fail)) = fail"
"(return Y >>= K_bind (fail)) = fail"
"(gets Z >>= K_bind (fail)) = fail"
"(skip >>= K_bind (fail)) = fail"
apply -
apply monad_eq+
lemma simple_K_bindE_fail [polish]:
"(guardE X >>=E K_bind (fail)) = fail"
"(modifyE M >>=E K_bind (fail)) = fail"
"(returnOk Y >>=E K_bind (fail)) = fail"
"(getsE Z >>=E K_bind (fail)) = fail"
"(skipE >>=E K_bind (fail)) = fail"
apply -
apply monad_eq+
declare whileLoop_fail [polish]
declare whileLoopE_fail [polish]
declare owhile_fail [polish]
lemma oguard_True [simp, polish]: "oguard (\<lambda>_. True) = oreturn ()"
by (clarsimp simp: oreturn_def oguard_def)
lemma oguard_False [simp, polish]: "oguard (\<lambda>_. False) = ofail"
by (clarsimp simp: ofail_def oguard_def)
lemma infinite_option_while': "(Some x, Some y) \<notin> option_while' (\<lambda>_. True) B"
apply (rule notI)
apply (induct "Some x :: 'a option" "Some y :: 'a option"
arbitrary: x y rule: option_while'.induct)
apply auto
lemma expand_guard_conj [polish]:
"guard (\<lambda>s. A s \<and> B s) = (do _ \<leftarrow> guard (\<lambda>s. A s); guard (\<lambda>s. B s) od)"
by monad_eq
lemma expand_guardE_conj [polish]:
"guardE (\<lambda>s. A s \<and> B s) = (doE _ \<leftarrow> guardE (\<lambda>s. A s); guardE (\<lambda>s. B s) odE)"
by monad_eq
lemma expand_oguard_conj [polish]:
"oguard (\<lambda>s. A s \<and> B s) = (DO _ \<leftarrow> oguard (\<lambda>s. A s); oguard (\<lambda>s. B s) OD)"
by (rule ext) (clarsimp simp: oguard_def obind_def split: option.splits)
lemma owhile_infinite_loop [simp, polish]:
"owhile (\<lambda>r s. C) B x = (oguard (\<lambda>s. \<not> C) |>> (\<lambda>_. oreturn x))"
apply (case_tac C)
apply (rule ext)
apply (clarsimp simp: owhile_def option_while_def obind_def split: option.splits)
apply (metis infinite_option_while' None_not_eq option_while'_THE)
apply (subst owhile_unroll)
apply (clarsimp simp: obind_def oreturn_def split: option.splits)
declare obind_return [polish]
declare bind_return [polish]
declare bindE_returnOk [polish]
declare fail_bind [polish]
declare fail_bindE [polish]
declare ofail_bind [polish]
declare obind_fail [polish]
lemmas returnOk_bindE_throwError [polish]
= returnOk_bindE [where f=throwError]
declare singleton_iff [polish]
declare when_True [polish]
declare when_False [polish]
declare unless_True [polish]
declare unless_False [polish]
declare recguard_dec_def [polish]
lemma let_triv [polish]: "(let x = y in x) = y"
apply (clarsimp simp: Let_def)
lemma ucast_scast_same [polish, L2opt, simp]:
"ucast ((scast x :: ('a::len) word)) = (x :: 'a word)"
apply (clarsimp simp: ucast_def scast_def)
lemma [polish, L2opt, simp]:
"word_of_int (int x) = of_nat x"
by (fact of_int_of_nat_eq)
(* Optimising "if" constructs. *)
lemma return_if_P_1_0_bind [polish]:
"(return (if P then 1 else 0) >>= (\<lambda>x. Q x))
= (return P >>= (\<lambda>x. Q (if x then 1 else 0)))"
apply simp
lemma returnOk_if_P_1_0_bindE [polish]:
"(returnOk (if P then 1 else 0) >>=E (\<lambda>x. Q x))
= (returnOk P >>=E (\<lambda>x. Q (if x then 1 else 0)))"
apply simp
lemma gets_if_P_1_0_bind [polish]:
"(gets (\<lambda>s. if P s then 1 else 0) >>= (\<lambda>x. Q x))
= (gets P >>= (\<lambda>x. Q (if x then 1 else 0)))"
by (auto simp: in_gets in_bind snd_gets snd_bind Bex_def)
lemma getsE_if_P_1_0_bindE [polish]:
"(getsE (\<lambda>s. if P s then 1 else 0) >>=E (\<lambda>x. Q x))
= (getsE P >>=E (\<lambda>x. Q (if x then 1 else 0)))"
by (auto simp: getsE_def in_gets in_liftE in_bindE snd_gets snd_bindE snd_liftE Bex_def)
lemma if_P_1_0_neq_0 [polish, simp]:
"((if P then 1 else (0::('a::{zero_neq_one}))) \<noteq> 0) = P"
apply simp
lemma if_P_1_0_eq_0 [polish, simp]:
"((if P then 1 else (0::('a::{zero_neq_one}))) = 0) = (\<not> P)"
apply simp
lemma if_if_same_output [polish]:
"(if a then if b then x else y else y) = (if a \<and> b then x else y)"
"(if a then x else if b then x else y) = (if a \<or> b then x else y)"
by auto
(* C-parser turns a C expression into a chain of guarded statements
if some of the subexpressions can fail. This gets annoying when
the expression was being used as a condition.
Here we try to rewrite the statements to one big guard followed by
the actual expression.
TODO: this should be in L2Opt or something *)
lemma collect_guarded_conj[polish]:
"condition C1 (do guard G; gets (\<lambda>s. if C2 s then 1 else 0) od)
(return 0)
= do guard (\<lambda>s. C1 s \<longrightarrow> G s);
gets (\<lambda>s. if C1 s \<and> C2 s then 1 else 0) od"
by monad_eq auto
lemma collect_guarded_disj[polish]:
"condition C1 (return 1)
(do guard G; gets (\<lambda>s. if C2 s then 1 else 0) od)
= do guard (\<lambda>s. \<not> C1 s \<longrightarrow> G s);
gets (\<lambda>s. if C1 s \<or> C2 s then 1 else 0) od"
by monad_eq auto
(* Need this to merge the new statements into the program *)
lemmas [polish] = bind_assoc bindE_assoc obind_assoc
lemma obind_K_bind_eta_contract [polish]:
"(DO x \<leftarrow> A; y \<leftarrow> K_bind B x; C y OD) = (DO A; y \<leftarrow> B; C y OD)"
by simp
lemma bind_K_bind_eta_contract [polish]:
"(do x \<leftarrow> A; y \<leftarrow> K_bind B x; C y od) = (do A; y \<leftarrow> B; C y od)"
by simp
lemma bindE_K_bind_eta_contract [polish]:
"(doE x \<leftarrow> A; y \<leftarrow> K_bind B x; C y odE) = (doE A; y \<leftarrow> B; C y odE)"
by simp
(* Need this because collect_guarded_disj generates nots *)
declare not_not [polish]
(* Normally the boolean result from above is used in a condition,
simplify that as well. *)
lemma collect_then_cond_1_0[polish]:
"do cond \<leftarrow> gets (\<lambda>s. if P s then (1::('a::{zero_neq_one})) else 0);
condition (\<lambda>_. cond \<noteq> 0) L R od
= condition P L R"
by monad_eq
lemma collect_then_cond_1_0_assoc[polish]:
"(do cond \<leftarrow> gets (\<lambda>s. if P s then (1::('a::{zero_neq_one})) else 0);
condition (\<lambda>_. cond \<noteq> 0) L R
>>= f od)
= (condition P L R >>= f)"
by monad_eq
lemma bind_return_bind [polish]:
"(A >>= (\<lambda>x. (return x >>= (\<lambda>y. B x y)))) = (A >>= (\<lambda>x. B x x))"
by simp
lemma bindE_returnOk_bindE [polish]:
"(A >>=E (\<lambda>x. (returnOk x >>=E (\<lambda>y. B x y)))) = (A >>=E (\<lambda>x. B x x))"
by simp
lemma obind_oreturn_obind [polish]:
"(A |>> (\<lambda>x. (oreturn x |>> (\<lambda>y. B x y)))) = (A |>> (\<lambda>x. B x x))"
by simp
declare obind_assoc [polish]
declare if_distrib [where f=scast, polish, simp]
declare if_distrib [where f=ucast, polish, simp]
declare if_distrib [where f=unat, polish, simp]
declare if_distrib [where f=uint, polish, simp]
declare if_distrib [where f=sint, polish, simp]
declare cast_simps [polish]
lemma Suc_0_eq_1 [polish]: "Suc 0 = 1"
by simp
* Return / case_prod combinations.
* These can probably be improved to avoid duplication.
lemma bind_return_case_prod [polish, simp]:
"(do (a) \<leftarrow> A1; return (a) od) = A1"
"(do (a, b) \<leftarrow> A2; return (a, b) od) = A2"
"(do (a, b, c) \<leftarrow> A3; return (a, b, c) od) = A3"
"(do (a, b, c, d) \<leftarrow> A4; return (a, b, c, d) od) = A4"
"(do (a, b, c, d, e) \<leftarrow> A5; return (a, b, c, d, e) od) = A5"
"(do (a, b, c, d, e, f) \<leftarrow> A6; return (a, b, c, d, e, f) od) = A6"
by auto
lemma bindE_returnOk_prodE_case [polish, simp]:
"(doE (a) \<leftarrow> A1; returnOk (a) odE) = A1"
"(doE (a, b) \<leftarrow> A2; returnOk (a, b) odE) = A2"
"(doE (a, b, c) \<leftarrow> A3; returnOk (a, b, c) odE) = A3"
"(doE (a, b, c, d) \<leftarrow> A4; returnOk (a, b, c, d) odE) = A4"
"(doE (a, b, c, d, e) \<leftarrow> A5; returnOk (a, b, c, d, e) odE) = A5"
"(doE (a, b, c, d, e, f) \<leftarrow> A6; returnOk (a, b, c, d, e, f) odE) = A6"
by auto
lemma obind_returnOk_prodE_case [polish, simp]:
"(DO (a) \<leftarrow> A1; oreturn (a) OD) = A1"
"(DO (a, b) \<leftarrow> A2; oreturn (a, b) OD) = A2"
"(DO (a, b, c) \<leftarrow> A3; oreturn (a, b, c) OD) = A3"
"(DO (a, b, c, d) \<leftarrow> A4; oreturn (a, b, c, d) OD) = A4"
"(DO (a, b, c, d, e) \<leftarrow> A5; oreturn (a, b, c, d, e) OD) = A5"
"(DO (a, b, c, d, e, f) \<leftarrow> A6; oreturn (a, b, c, d, e, f) OD) = A6"
by auto
(* Word simplifications *)
lemma scast_1_simps [simp, L2opt, polish]:
"scast (1 :: ('a::len) bit1 word) = 1"
"scast (1 :: ('a::len) bit0 word) = 1"
"scast (1 :: ('a::len) bit1 signed word) = 1"
"scast (1 :: ('a::len) bit0 signed word) = 1"
by auto
lemma scast_1_simps_direct [simp, L2opt, polish]:
"scast (1 :: sword64) = (1 :: word64)"
"scast (1 :: sword64) = (1 :: word32)"
"scast (1 :: sword64) = (1 :: word16)"
"scast (1 :: sword64) = (1 :: word8)"
"scast (1 :: sword32) = (1 :: word32)"
"scast (1 :: sword32) = (1 :: word16)"
"scast (1 :: sword32) = (1 :: word8)"
"scast (1 :: sword16) = (1 :: word16)"
"scast (1 :: sword16) = (1 :: word8)"
"scast (1 :: sword8) = (1 :: word8)"
by auto
declare scast_0 [L2opt, polish]
declare sint_0 [polish]
lemma sint_1_eq_1_x [polish, simp]:
"sint (1 :: (('a::len) bit0) word) = 1"
"sint (1 :: (('a::len) bit1) word) = 1"
"sint (1 :: (('a::len) bit0) signed word) = 1"
"sint (1 :: (('a::len) bit1) signed word) = 1"
by auto
lemma if_P_then_t_else_f_eq_t [L2opt, polish]:
"((if P then t else f) = t) = (P \<or> t = f)"
by auto
lemma if_P_then_t_else_f_eq_f [L2opt, polish]:
"((if P then t else f) = f) = (\<not> P \<or> t = f)"
by auto
lemma sint_1_ne_sint_0: "sint 1 \<noteq> sint 0"
by simp
lemmas if_P_then_t_else_f_eq_f_simps [L2opt, polish] =
if_P_then_t_else_f_eq_f [where t = "sint 1" and f = "sint 0", simplified sint_1_ne_sint_0 simp_thms]
if_P_then_t_else_f_eq_t [where t = "sint 1" and f = "sint 0", simplified sint_1_ne_sint_0 simp_thms]
if_P_then_t_else_f_eq_f [where t = "1 :: int" and f = "0 :: int", simplified zero_neq_one_class.one_neq_zero simp_thms]
if_P_then_t_else_f_eq_t [where t = "1 :: int" and f = "0 :: int", simplified zero_neq_one_class.one_neq_zero simp_thms]
lemma boring_bind_K_bind [simp, polish]:
"(gets X >>= K_bind M) = M"
"(return Y >>= K_bind M) = M"
"(skip >>= K_bind M) = M"
apply -
apply monad_eq+
lemma boringE_bind_K_bind [simp, polish]:
"(getsE X >>=E K_bind M) = M"
"(returnOk Y >>=E K_bind M) = M"
"(skipE >>=E K_bind M) = M"
apply -
apply monad_eq+
(* Misc *)
declare pred_top_left_neutral [L2opt, polish]
declare pred_top_right_neutral [L2opt, polish]
lemmas [polish] = rel_simps eq_numeral_extra
declare ptr_add_0_id[polish]
declare ptr_coerce.simps[polish]
(* simplify constructs like "p +\<^sub>p int (unat k)" to "p +\<^sub>p uint k",
* generated by unsigned word abstraction *)
declare uint_nat[symmetric, polish]