
1102 lines
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Standard ML

* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* Miscellaneous functions and utilities.
* TODO: many of these are no longer used and should be cleaned.
structure Utils =
* Catch-all for invalid inputs: Instead of raising MATCH, describe what
* the invalid input was.
exception InvalidInput of string;
fun invalid_typ s (t : typ) =
raise InvalidInput ("Expected " ^ s ^ ", but got '" ^ (@{make_string} t) ^ "'")
fun invalid_term s (t : term) =
raise InvalidInput ("Expected " ^ s ^ ", but got '" ^ (@{make_string} t) ^ "'")
fun invalid_input s t =
raise InvalidInput ("Expected " ^ s ^ ", but got '" ^ t ^ "'")
(* Different sides of a binary operator. *)
fun rhs_of (Const _ $ _ $ r) = r
| rhs_of t = raise (TERM ("rhs_of", [t]))
fun lhs_of (Const _ $ l $ _) = l
| lhs_of t = raise (TERM ("lhs_of", [t]))
fun rhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "Trueprop"}, _) $ eq) = rhs_of_eq eq
| rhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "Pure.eq"}, _) $ _ $ r) = r
| rhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ _ $ r) = r
| rhs_of_eq t = raise (TERM ("rhs_of_eq", [t]))
fun lhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "Trueprop"}, _) $ eq) = lhs_of_eq eq
| lhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "Pure.eq"}, _) $ l $ _) = l
| lhs_of_eq (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ l $ _) = l
| lhs_of_eq t = raise (TERM ("lhs_of_eq", [t]))
fun clhs_of ct = nth (Drule.strip_comb ct |> #2) 0
fun crhs_of ct = nth (Drule.strip_comb ct |> #2) 1
fun chead_of ct = Drule.strip_comb ct |> fst
fun ctail_of ct = Drule.strip_comb ct |> snd |> hd
fun cterm_nth_arg ct n =
(Drule.strip_comb ct |> snd |> (fn x => nth x n))
handle Subscript =>
raise CTERM ("Argument " ^ (@{make_string} n) ^ " doesn't exist", [ct])
fun term_nth_arg t n =
(Term.strip_comb t |> snd |> (fn x => nth x n))
handle Subscript =>
raise TERM ("Argument " ^ (@{make_string} n) ^ " doesn't exist", [t])
(* Convert a term into a string. *)
fun term_to_string ctxt t =
Syntax.check_term ctxt t
|> Thm.cterm_of ctxt
|> @{make_string}
(* Warning with 'autocorres' prefix. *)
fun ac_warning str = warning ("autocorres: " ^ str)
(* List functions that should really be included in PolyML. *)
fun zipWith f (x::xs) (y::ys) = f x y :: zipWith f xs ys
| zipWith _ _ _ = []
fun zip xs ys = zipWith (curry I) xs ys
fun zip3 (x::xs) (y::ys) (z::zs) = ((x,y,z)::(zip3 xs ys zs))
| zip3 _ _ _ = []
fun findIndex p =
let fun find _ [] = NONE
| find n (x::xs) = if p x then SOME (x, n) else find (n+1) xs
in find 0 end
fun enumerate xs = let
fun enum _ [] = []
| enum n (x::xs) = (n, x) :: enum (n+1) xs
in enum 0 xs end
fun nubBy _ [] = []
| nubBy f (x::xs) = x :: filter (fn y => f x <> f y) (nubBy f xs)
fun accumulate f acc xs = let
fun walk results acc [] = (results [], acc)
| walk results acc (x::xs) = let
val acc' = f x acc;
in walk (results o cons acc') acc' xs end;
in walk I acc xs end;
(* Define a constant "name" of type "term" into the local theory "lthy". *)
fun define_const name term lthy =
val lthy = lthy |> Local_Theory.begin_nested |> snd
val ((_, (_, thm)), lthy) = Local_Theory.define ((Binding.name name, NoSyn), (Binding.empty_atts, term)) lthy
val lthy' = Local_Theory.end_nested lthy
val thm' = Morphism.thm (Local_Theory.target_morphism lthy) thm
(thm', lthy')
* Define a constant "name" of value "term" into the local theory "lthy".
* Arguments "args" to the term may be given, which consist of a list of names
* and types.
fun define_const_args name hidden term args lthy =
fun maybe_hide x = if hidden then Binding.concealed x else x
(* Generate a header for the term. *)
val head = betapplys (Free (name, (map snd args) ---> fastype_of term), args |> map Free)
val new_term = Logic.mk_equals (head, term)
(* Define the constant. *)
val lthy = lthy |> Local_Theory.begin_nested |> snd
val ((_, (_, thm)), lthy) =
Specification.definition (SOME (maybe_hide (Binding.name name), NONE, NoSyn))
[] [] (Binding.empty_atts, new_term) lthy
(* Integrate into the current locale. *)
val lthy' = Local_Theory.end_nested lthy
val thm' = Morphism.thm (Local_Theory.target_morphism lthy) thm
(Thm.prop_of thm' |> lhs_of |> Term.head_of, thm', lthy')
(* Define lemmas into the local theory. *)
fun define_lemmas name thm_list lthy =
val lthy = lthy |> Local_Theory.begin_nested |> snd
val ((_, thms), lthy) = Local_Theory.note ((Binding.name name, []), thm_list) lthy
* Restore the theory; not entirely sure why this is needed, but prevents
* definitions from taking O(n^2) time (where "n" is the number of
* definitions previously made).
val lthy' = Local_Theory.end_nested lthy
val thms' = map (Morphism.thm (Local_Theory.target_morphism lthy)) thms
(thms', lthy')
(* Define a single lemma into the local theory. *)
fun define_lemma name thm lthy =
val lthy = lthy |> Local_Theory.begin_nested |> snd
val (thms, lthy) = define_lemmas name [thm] lthy
val lthy = Local_Theory.end_nested lthy
(hd thms, lthy)
(* Return an instance of the term "name". *)
fun get_term ctxt name =
Syntax.read_term ctxt name
(* Calculate a fixpoint. *)
fun fixpoint f eq init =
val new = f init
if (eq (new, init)) then init else (fixpoint f eq new)
* Convenience function for generating types.
* gen_typ @{typ "'a + 'b"} [@{typ word32}, @{typ nat}]
* will generate @{typ "word32 + nat"}
fun gen_typ t params =
fun typ_convert (TFree (a, _)) =
String.extract (a, 1, NONE)
|> (fn x => ord x - ord "a")
|> nth params
| typ_convert x = x
Term.map_atyps typ_convert t
(* Anonymous variable name for a lambda abstraction. *)
(* TODO this is unused *)
val dummy_abs_name = Name.internal Name.uu
* Determine if the given term contains the given subterm.
fun contains_subterm needle haysack =
exists_subterm (fn a => a = needle) haysack
* cterm_instantiate with named parameter.
* (from records package)
fun named_cterm_instantiate ctxt values thm =
fun match name ((name', _), _) = name = name'
fun getvar name =
(case find_first (match name) (Term.add_vars (Thm.prop_of thm) []) of
SOME var => #1 var
| NONE => raise THM ("named_cterm_instantiate: " ^ name, 0, [thm]));
infer_instantiate ctxt (map (apfst getvar) values) thm
* Fetch all unique schematics in the given term.
fun get_vars t =
val all_vars = fold_aterms (fn x => fn l =>
(case x of Var _ => (x :: l) | _ => l)) t []
sort_distinct Term_Ord.fast_term_ord all_vars
* Given a function "f" that returns either SOME cterm or NONE, instantiate
* every schematic variable in the given function with the result of "f".
* If NONE is returned, the variable is left as-is.
fun instantiate_thm_vars ctxt f thm =
(* Fetch all vars. *)
val all_vars = get_vars (Thm.prop_of thm)
(* Get instantiations. *)
val insts = map_filter (fn Var var =>
Option.map (fn x => (#1 var, x)) (f var)) all_vars
infer_instantiate ctxt insts thm
* Given a list of name/cterm pairs, instantiate schematic variables in the
* given "thm" with the given name with the cterm values.
fun instantiate_thm ctxt vars thm =
val dict = Symtab.make vars
instantiate_thm_vars ctxt (fn ((n, _), _) => Symtab.lookup dict n) thm
(* Apply a conversion to the n'th argument of a term. If n < 0, count from the end. *)
fun nth_arg_conv n conv c =
val num_args = Drule.strip_comb c |> snd |> length;
val num_strips = num_args - (if n < 0 then num_args + 1 + n else n);
val new_conv = fold (fn _ => fn x => Conv.fun_conv x) (replicate num_strips ()) (Conv.arg_conv conv)
new_conv c
handle Subscript => Conv.no_conv c
fun lhs_conv cv = Conv.combination_conv (Conv.arg_conv cv) Conv.all_conv;
fun rhs_conv cv = Conv.combination_conv Conv.all_conv cv
* Unsafe varify.
* Convert Var's to Free's, avoiding naming colisions.
* FIXME : Uses of this function are all broken.
fun unsafe_unvarify term =
fun used_names (Free (x, _)) = [x]
| used_names (a $ b) = (used_names a) @ (used_names b)
| used_names (Abs (_, _, x)) = used_names x
| used_names _ = []
val term_names = used_names term
(fn Var ((x, _), T) => Free (singleton (Name.variant_list term_names) x, T)
| x => x) term
|> map_types Logic.unvarifyT_global
(* Attempt to guess if the given theorem is a "cong" rule. *)
fun is_cong thm =
case (Thm.concl_of thm) of
(Const (@{const_name "HOL.Trueprop"}, _) $ (Const (@{const_name "HOL.eq"}, _) $ lhs $ rhs)) =>
(Term.head_of lhs = Term.head_of rhs)
| _ => false
(* Given two theorems, attempt to rename bound variables in theorem "new" to
* use the names in theorem "old". *)
fun thm_restore_names ctxt old_thm new_thm =
fun restore_names old new =
case (old, new) of
(Abs (old_name, _, old_body), Abs (_, new_T, new_body)) =>
Abs (old_name, new_T, restore_names old_body new_body)
| ((x1 $ y1), (x2 $ y2)) =>
(restore_names x1 x2 $ restore_names y1 y2)
| (_, other) => other
val renamed_prop = restore_names (Thm.prop_of old_thm) (Thm.prop_of new_thm)
Thm.cterm_of ctxt renamed_prop
|> Goal.init
|> resolve_tac ctxt [new_thm] 1
|> Seq.hd
|> Goal.finish ctxt
* Find the term "term" in the term "body", and pull it out into a lambda
* function.
* For instance:
* abs_over "x" @{term "cat"} @{term "cat + dog"}
* would result in the (SOME @{term "%x. x + dog"}).
fun abs_over varname term body =
Term.lambda_name (varname, term) (incr_boundvars 1 body)
* Abstract over a tuple of variables.
* For example, given the list ["a", "b"] of variables to abstract over, and
* the term "a + b + c", we will produce "%(a, b). a + b + c" where "a" and "b"
* have become bound.
* If the input is a single-element list, this function is equivalent to
* "abs_over".
fun abs_over_tuple [] body =
absdummy @{typ unit} body
| abs_over_tuple [(var_name, abs_term)] body =
abs_over var_name abs_term body
| abs_over_tuple ((var_name, abs_term)::xs) body =
HOLogic.mk_case_prod (abs_over var_name abs_term (abs_over_tuple xs body))
* Construct a term with the given args, replacing type variables in "term"
* with appropriate values.
* We assume types in "args" are fully fixed and concrete.
fun mk_term thy term args =
(* Strip off "n" arguments from the given type, returning
* the type of each of those arguments and the remainder. *)
fun strip_typ t 0 = ([], t)
| strip_typ (Type ("fun", [S, T])) n =
val (rest, base) = strip_typ T (n - 1)
(S :: rest, base)
| strip_typ _ _ = raise TERM ("Invalid number of arguments", term :: args)
val (argT, _) = strip_typ (fastype_of term) (List.length args)
(* Match arguments types to the input arguments. *)
val env = fold (Sign.typ_match thy)
((map Logic.varifyT_global argT) ~~ (map fastype_of args)) (Vartab.empty)
handle Type.TYPE_MATCH =>
raise TERM ("Could not construct constant due to type errors", term :: args)
(* Apply the type to our constant. *)
val new_term =
Envir.subst_term_types env (map_types Logic.varifyT_global term)
|> map_types Logic.unvarifyT_global
betapplys (new_term, args)
(* Put commas between a list of strings. *)
fun commas l =
map Pretty.str l
|> Pretty.commas
|> Pretty.enclose "" ""
|> Pretty.unformatted_string_of
(* Make a list of conjunctions. *)
fun mk_conj_list [] = @{term "HOL.True"}
| mk_conj_list [x] = x
| mk_conj_list (x::xs) = HOLogic.mk_conj (x, (mk_conj_list xs))
(* Destruct a list of conjunctions. *)
fun dest_conj_list (Const (@{const_name "HOL.conj"}, _) $ l $ r)
= l :: dest_conj_list r
| dest_conj_list x = [x]
* Apply the given tactic to the given theorem, providing (brief) diagnostic
* messages if something goes wrong.
fun apply_tac (step : string) tac (thm : thm) =
(tac thm |> Seq.hd) handle Option =>
raise TERM ("Failed to apply tactic during " ^ quote step, Thm.prems_of thm)
* A "the" operator that explains what is going wrong.
fun the' str x =
(the x) handle Option => error str
* Map every item in a term from bottom to top. We differ from
* "map_aterms" because we will visit compound terms, such as
* "a $ b $ c".
fun term_map_bot f (Abs (a, t, b)) = f (Abs (a, t, term_map_bot f b))
| term_map_bot f (a $ b) = f (term_map_bot f a $ term_map_bot f b)
| term_map_bot f x = f x
* Map every item in a term from top to bottom. A second parameter is
* returned by our mapping function "f" which is set to true if we
* should halt recursion after a particular replacement.
fun term_map_top' f x =
(case f x of
(x, true) => x
| (Abs (a, t, b), false) => Abs (a, t, term_map_top' f b)
| ((a $ b), false) => term_map_top' f a $ term_map_top' f b
| (x, false) => x)
fun term_map_top f x = term_map_top' (fn x => (f x, false)) x
* Map every item in a term from top to bottom, collecting items
* in a list along the way.
fun term_fold_map_top' f x =
(case f x of
(l, x, true) => (l, x)
| (l, Abs (a, t, b), false) =>
val (new_l, new_t) = term_fold_map_top' f b
(l @ new_l, Abs (a, t, new_t))
| (l, (a $ b), false) =>
val (list_a, new_a) = term_fold_map_top' f a
val (list_b, new_b) = term_fold_map_top' f b
(l @ list_a @ list_b, new_a $ new_b)
| (l, x, false) => (l, x))
fun term_fold_map_top f x =
term_fold_map_top' (fn x =>
((f x, false) |> (fn ((a, b), c) => (a, b, c)))) x
* Map all levels of the simpset.
fun simp_map f =
Context.map_proof (
Local_Theory.declaration {syntax = false, pervasive = false} (
K (Simplifier.map_ss f)))
|> Context.proof_map
* Add a thm to the simpset.
fun simp_add thms =
simp_map (fn ctxt => ctxt addsimps thms)
* Delete a thm from a simpset.
fun simp_del thms =
simp_map (fn ctxt => ctxt delsimps thms)
* Define a (possibly recursive) set of functions.
* We take a list of functions. For each function, we have a name, list
* of arguments, and a body (which is assumed to have a lambda
* abstraction for each argument).
* Recursion (and mutual recursion) can be achieved by the body
* containing a free variable with the name of the function to be called
* of the correct type.
* Termination must be able to be automatically proved for recursive
* function definitions to succeed. This implies that recursive
* functions must have at least one argument (lest there be no arguments
* to prove termination on).
* For example, the input:
* [("fact", [("n", @{typ nat}], @{term "%n. if n = 0 then 1 else n * fact (n - 1))})]
* would define a new function "fact".
* We return a tuple:
* (<list of function definition thms>, <new context>)
fun define_functions func_defs hidden is_recursive lthy =
fun maybe_hide x = if hidden then Binding.concealed x else x
(* Define a set of mutually recursive functions. The function package
* refuses to make a definition that doesn't take any arguments, so we
* use this strictly for functions with at least one argument. *)
fun define_recursive_function func_defs lthy =
(* Automatic pattern completeness / termination methods from
* the "function" package. *)
fun pat_completeness_auto ctxt =
Pat_Completeness.pat_completeness_tac ctxt 1
THEN auto_tac ctxt
fun prove_termination lthy =
Function.prove_termination NONE
(Function_Common.termination_prover_tac false lthy) lthy
(* Get the list of function bindings. *)
val function_bindings = map (fn (name, _, _) =>
(maybe_hide (Binding.name name), NONE, NoSyn)) func_defs
(* Get the list of function bodies. *)
fun mk_fun_term name args body =
(* Get the type of the function, and generate a free term for it. *)
val fun_free = Free (name, fastype_of body)
(* Create a head of the function, with appropriate arguments. *)
val fun_head = betapplys (fun_free, map Free args)
val fun_body = betapplys (body, map Free args)
HOLogic.mk_Trueprop (HOLogic.mk_eq (fun_head, fun_body))
val function_bodies = map (fn (a,b,c) => mk_fun_term a b c) func_defs
(* Define the function. *)
val lthy = lthy |> Local_Theory.begin_nested |> snd
val ctxt' = Function.add_function
(map (fn x => ((Binding.empty_atts, x), [], [])) function_bodies)
Function_Common.default_config pat_completeness_auto lthy
|> snd
|> Local_Theory.end_nested
|> prove_termination
|> snd
(* Frustratingly, the function package doesn't actually hand us back the
* definition it just created. Instead, we fetch it out of the new context
* by guessing its name. *)
val simps_names = map (fn def => #1 def ^ ".simps") func_defs
val thms = map (Proof_Context.get_thm ctxt') simps_names
(* Take the functions out of the simpset to avoid unintended unfolding. *)
val ctxt' = simp_del thms ctxt'
(map mk_meta_eq thms, ctxt')
case (is_recursive, func_defs) of
(* Single non-recursive function. *)
(false, [(name, args, body)]) =>
define_const_args name hidden (betapplys (body, map Free args)) args lthy
|> (fn (_, thm, def) => ([thm], def))
| (true, _) =>
(* Recursion or mutual recursion. *)
define_recursive_function func_defs lthy
(* Abstract over the given term with a forall constant. *)
fun forall v t = HOLogic.all_const (fastype_of v) $ lambda v t
(* Convert Var's into foralls. *)
fun vars_to_forall term =
fold (fn p => fn t => forall p t) (get_vars term) term
(* Convert Var's into meta-foralls. *)
fun vars_to_metaforall term =
fold (fn p => fn t => Logic.all p t) (get_vars term) term
(* Emulate [abs_def] thm attribute. *)
fun abs_def ctxt =
Drule.export_without_context #> Local_Defs.meta_rewrite_rule ctxt #> Drule.abs_def
* Create a string from a template and a set of values.
* Template variables are of the form "%n" where "n" is a number between 0 and
* 9, indicating the value to substitute in.
* For example, the template "moo %0 cow %1" with the values ["cat", "dog"]
* would genereate "moo cat cow dog".
fun subs_template template vals =
fun subs_template' vals (#"%"::v::xs) =
(nth vals ((Char.ord v) - (Char.ord #"0"))) @ subs_template' vals xs
| subs_template' vals (v::xs) = v :: (subs_template' vals xs)
| subs_template' _ [] = []
subs_template' (map String.explode vals) (String.explode template)
|> String.implode
(* Prove a set of rules, giving them the given names. *)
fun prove_rules name lemmas tac lthy =
val thms = map (fn txt =>
Syntax.read_prop lthy txt
|> Syntax.check_term lthy
|> (fn x => Goal.prove lthy [] [] x (K tac))
|> Thm.forall_intr_frees
) lemmas
Local_Theory.note ((Binding.name name, []), thms) lthy |> snd
(* Prove a rule from the given string, giving it the given name. *)
fun prove_rule name lemma tac lthy =
prove_rules name [lemma] tac lthy
(* Simple invocation of metis. *)
val metis_tac = Metis_Tactic.metis_tac
fun metis_insert_tac ctxt rules =
(Method.insert_tac ctxt rules) THEN' (metis_tac ctxt [])
* Decoding and parsing Isabelle terms into ML terms.
(* Decode a list. *)
fun decode_isa_list t =
HOLogic.dest_list t handle TERM _ => invalid_term "isabelle list" t
(* Encode a list. *)
fun encode_isa_list T xs = HOLogic.mk_list T xs
(* Decode a chracter. *)
fun decode_isa_char t =
Char.chr (HOLogic.dest_char t) handle TERM _ => invalid_term "isabelle char" t
(* Encode a character. *)
fun encode_isa_char t = HOLogic.mk_char (Char.ord t)
(* Decode a string. *)
fun decode_isa_string t =
decode_isa_list t
|> map decode_isa_char
|> String.implode
(* Encode a string. *)
fun encode_isa_string s =
String.explode s
|> map encode_isa_char
|> encode_isa_list @{typ char}
(* Transform an ML list of strings into an isabelle list of strings. *)
fun ml_str_list_to_isa s =
map encode_isa_string s
|> encode_isa_list @{typ "string"}
(* Transform an isabelle list of strings into an ML list of strings. *)
fun isa_str_list_to_ml t =
decode_isa_list t
|> map decode_isa_string
* Chain a series of state-predicates together.
* Each input has the form "%s. P s", where "s" is of type "stateT".
fun chain_preds stateT [] = Abs ("s", stateT, @{term "HOL.True"})
| chain_preds _ [x] = x
| chain_preds stateT (x::xs) =
Const (@{const_name "inf_class.inf"},
(stateT --> @{typ bool}) --> (stateT --> @{typ bool}) --> (stateT --> @{typ bool}))
$ x $ (chain_preds stateT xs)
* Given a term of the form "Abs (a, T, x)" and a function "f" that processes a
* term into another, feed the term "x" to "f" such that bound variables are
* replaced with free variables, and then abstracted out again once "f" is
* complete.
* For example, if we are called with:
* concrete_abs f (Abs ("x", @{typ nat}, Bound 0))
* then "f" will be given "Free ("x", @{typ nat})", and such instances of this
* free variable will be abstracted out again once "f" is complete.
* The variant "concrete_abs'" does not perform the abstraction step, but
* instead returns the Free variable used.
fun concrete_abs' ctxt t =
fun get_lambda_name (Abs (n, _, _)) = n
| get_lambda_name _ = "x"
val first_argT = domain_type (fastype_of t)
val [(n', _)] = Variable.variant_frees ctxt [t] [(get_lambda_name t, ())]
val free = Free (n', first_argT)
((betapply (t, free)), free, n')
fun concrete_abs ctxt f t =
val (term, free, name) = concrete_abs' ctxt t
f term |>> abs_over name free
* Given a definition "thm" of the form:
* x a b c == a + b + c
* return the "thm" with arguments instantiated.
fun inst_args ctxt vals thm =
(* Fetch schematic variables on the LHS, stripping away locale assumptions
* and locale fixed variables first. *)
val vars = Thm.cprop_of thm
|> Drule.strip_imp_concl
|> clhs_of
|> Drule.strip_comb
|> snd
|> filter (Thm.term_of #> is_Var)
|> map (#1 o dest_Var o Thm.term_of)
Drule.infer_instantiate ctxt ((take (length vals) vars) ~~ vals) thm
* A tactic like "rtac", but only performs first-order matching.
fun first_order_rule_tac thm n goal_thm =
val thy = Thm.theory_of_thm goal_thm
val ctxt = Proof_Context.init_global thy
(* First-order match "thm" against the n'th premise of our goal. *)
val thm_term = Thm.concl_of thm
val goal_term = Logic.nth_prem (n, Thm.prop_of goal_thm)
val tenv = Pattern.first_order_match thy (thm_term, goal_term)
(Vartab.empty, Vartab.empty) |> snd
(* Instantiate "thm" with the matched values. *)
val inst = map (fn (var_name, (var_type, value)) =>
(var_name, Thm.cterm_of ctxt value))
(Vartab.dest tenv)
val new_thm = infer_instantiate ctxt inst thm
resolve_tac ctxt [new_thm] n goal_thm
handle Pattern.MATCH => Seq.empty
* Unfold all instances of the given theorem once, but don't
* recursively unfold.
fun unfold_once_tac ctxt thm =
CONVERSION (Conv.bottom_conv (K (Conv.try_conv (Conv.rewr_conv thm))) ctxt)
(* Set a simpset as being hidden, so warnings are not printed from it. *)
fun set_hidden_ctxt ctxt =
Context_Position.set_visible false ctxt
* Get all facts currently defined.
* Clagged from "Find_Theorems.all_facts_of".
fun all_facts_of ctxt =
val local_facts = Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt;
val global_facts = Global_Theory.facts_of (Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt);
maps Facts.selections
(Facts.dest_static false [global_facts] local_facts @
Facts.dest_static false [] global_facts)
(* Guess the name of a thm. *)
fun guess_thm_name ctxt thm =
List.find (fn x => Thm.eq_thm (thm, snd x)) (all_facts_of ctxt)
|> Option.map (fst #> Facts.string_of_ref)
(* Expand type abbreviations. *)
fun expand_type_abbrevs ctxt t = Thm.typ_of (Thm.ctyp_of ctxt t)
* Instantiate the schematics in a thm from the given environment.
fun instantiate_normalize_from_env ctxt env =
fun prep_type (x, (S, ty)) =
((x,S), Thm.ctyp_of ctxt ty)
fun prep_term (x, (T, t)) =
((x,T), Thm.cterm_of ctxt t)
val term_vals = Vartab.dest (Envir.term_env env)
val typ_vals = Vartab.dest (Envir.type_env env)
(TVars.make (map prep_type typ_vals), Vars.make (map prep_term term_vals)))
* A conversion with behaviour similar to "apply subst".
* In particular, it can apply a rewrite rule of the form:
* ?A + ?A == f
* whereas "rewrite_conv" and friends will fail because of the reuse of
* the schematic ?A on the left-hand-side.
fun subst_conv_raw ctxt thm ct =
val thy = Proof_Context.theory_of ctxt
val lhs = lhs_of (Thm.concl_of thm)
(* Determine if the types match. *)
val maybe_match =
(Sign.typ_unify thy (fastype_of lhs, fastype_of (Thm.term_of ct)) (Vartab.empty, 0); true)
handle Type.TUNIFY => false
val maybe_match2 =
(Type.raw_unify (fastype_of lhs, fastype_of (Thm.term_of ct)) (Vartab.empty); true)
handle Type.TUNIFY => false
val _ = if maybe_match <> maybe_match2 then
raise CTERM ("bub", [ct]) else ()
(* If so, attempt to unify. *)
val env =
if maybe_match then
Unify.matchers (Context.Proof ctxt) [(lhs, Thm.term_of ct)]
handle ListPair.UnequalLengths => Seq.empty
| Term.TERM _ => Seq.empty
case Seq.pull env of
Conv.no_conv ct
| SOME (env, _) =>
Conv.rewr_conv (instantiate_normalize_from_env ctxt env thm) ct
fun subst_conv ctxt thm =
then_conv subst_conv_raw ctxt (Drule.eta_contraction_rule thm))
(* A conversion to wade through any Isabelle/Pure or Isabelle/HOL
* logical gunf. *)
fun remove_meta_conv conv ctxt ct =
(case Thm.term_of ct of
Const (@{const_name "Pure.all"}, _) $ Abs _ =>
Conv.arg_conv (Conv.abs_conv (fn (_, ctxt) =>
remove_meta_conv conv ctxt) ctxt) ct
| Const (@{const_name "Trueprop"}, _) $ _ =>
Conv.arg_conv (remove_meta_conv conv ctxt) ct
| _ =>
conv ctxt ct
* When executing inside a context, execute the function "f" outside the
* context, importing the results back in.
* For example:
* exec_background_result (define_const "three" @{term "3 :: nat"}) lthy
* will define the constant "three" outside of the current locale.
fun exec_background_result f =
let val f' = apsnd Local_Theory.exit_global o f o Named_Target.theory_init
in Local_Theory.background_theory_result f' end
fun exec_background f lthy =
exec_background_result (fn lthy => ((), f lthy)) lthy
|> snd
(* Messages for non-critical errors. *)
val keep_going_instruction =
"\nPlease notify the AutoCorres maintainers of this failure. " ^
"In the meantime, use \"autocorres [keep_going]\" to ignore the failure."
val keep_going_info =
"\nIgnoring this error because keep_going is enabled."
(* Raise exceptions unless keep_going is set. *)
fun TERM_non_critical keep_going msg term =
if keep_going then warning (msg ^ keep_going_info)
else raise TERM (msg ^ keep_going_instruction, term)
fun CTERM_non_critical keep_going msg ct =
if keep_going then warning (msg ^ keep_going_info)
else raise CTERM (msg ^ keep_going_instruction, ct)
fun THM_non_critical keep_going msg n thm =
if keep_going then warning (msg ^ keep_going_info)
else raise THM (msg ^ keep_going_instruction, n, thm)
(* Perform a "Method.trace" on the given list of thms if the given tactic
* succeeds. *)
fun trace_rule ctxt goal rule =
if Config.get ctxt Method.rule_trace then
val _ = Goal_Display.string_of_goal ctxt goal |> tracing
val _ = (case guess_thm_name ctxt rule of
SOME x => Pretty.str x
| NONE => Thm.pretty_thm_item ctxt rule)
|> Pretty.string_of |> tracing
else ();
(* Apply the given tactic. If successful, trace the given "thm" and current
* goal state. *)
fun trace_if_success ctxt thm tac goal =
(tac THEN (fn y => (trace_rule ctxt goal thm; all_tac y))) goal
(* Get the type a pointer points to. *)
fun dest_ptrT T = dest_Type T |> snd |> hd
fun mk_ptrT T = Type (@{type_name "ptr"}, [T])
(* Get / dest an option type. *)
fun dest_optionT (Type ("Option.option", [x])) = x
fun mk_optionT T = Type (@{type_name "option"}, [T])
(* Construct other terms. *)
fun mk_the T t = Const (@{const_name "the"}, mk_optionT T --> T) $ t
fun mk_Some T t = Const (@{const_name "Some"}, T --> mk_optionT T) $ t
fun mk_fun_upd rangeT domT f src dest =
Const (@{const_name "fun_upd"}, (rangeT --> domT) --> rangeT --> domT --> rangeT --> domT)
$ f $ src $ dest
fun mk_bool true = @{term True}
| mk_bool false = @{term False}
(* Succeed only if there are no subgoals. *)
fun solved_tac thm =
if Thm.nprems_of thm = 0 then Seq.single thm else Seq.empty
(* Convenience function for making simprocs. *)
fun mk_simproc' ctxt (name : string, pats : string list, proc : Proof.context -> cterm -> thm option) = let
in Simplifier.make_simproc ctxt name
{lhss = map (Proof_Context.read_term_pattern ctxt) pats,
proc = K proc} end
(* Get named_theorems in reverse order. We use this for translation rulesets
* so that user-added rules can override the built-in ones. *)
fun get_rules ctxt = Named_Theorems.get ctxt #> rev
(* As Substring.position but searches from the end *)
fun positionr pat s = let
val (s0, begin0, size0) = Substring.base s
fun search i = if i < begin0 then
(s, Substring.substring (s0, begin0 + size0, 0)) (* not found *)
else if Substring.isPrefix pat (Substring.substring (s0, i, size0 - i)) then
(Substring.substring (s0, begin0, i), (* found *)
Substring.substring (s0, begin0 + i, size0 - i))
else search (i - 1)
in search size0 end
val _ = assert (apply2 Substring.string (positionr "br" (Substring.full "abracadabra"))
= ("abracada", "bra")) ""
val _ = assert (apply2 Substring.string (positionr "xx" (Substring.full "abracadabra"))
= ("abracadabra", "")) ""
(* Merge a list of Symtabs. *)
fun symtab_merge allow_dups tabs =
maps Symtab.dest tabs
|> (if allow_dups then sort_distinct (fast_string_ord o apply2 fst) else I)
|> Symtab.make;
(* Merge with custom merge operation. *)
fun symtab_merge_with merge (tab1, tab2) =
sort_distinct fast_string_ord (Symtab.keys tab1 @ Symtab.keys tab2)
|> map (fn k => (k, case (Symtab.lookup tab1 k, Symtab.lookup tab2 k) of
(SOME x1, SOME x2) => merge (x1, x2)
| (SOME x1, NONE) => x1
| (NONE, SOME x2) => x2
(* (NONE, NONE) impossible *)))
|> Symtab.make
end (* structure Utils *)
* Future sequence.
* This is similar to seq except that values are computed eagerly and then cached.
* See AutoCorresUtil for an overview of how this is used in AutoCorres.
signature FSEQ = sig
type 'a fseq;
(* Standard list operations *)
val empty: unit -> 'a fseq;
val mk: (unit -> ('a * 'a fseq) option) -> 'a fseq;
val cons: 'a -> 'a fseq -> 'a fseq;
val fcons: (unit -> 'a * 'a fseq) -> 'a fseq;
val uncons: 'a fseq -> ('a * 'a fseq) option;
val null: 'a fseq -> bool;
val hd: 'a fseq -> 'a;
val tl: 'a fseq -> 'a fseq;
val append: 'a fseq -> 'a fseq -> 'a fseq;
val map: ('a -> 'b) -> 'a fseq -> 'b fseq;
val fold_map: ('acc -> 'a -> 'b * 'acc) -> 'acc -> 'a fseq -> 'b fseq;
val of_list: 'a list -> 'a fseq;
val list_of: 'a fseq -> 'a list;
(* Only waits on the shortest prefix of the sequence that contains
* a matching value. We rely on this to maximise parallelism
* between conversions. *)
val find: ('a -> bool) -> 'a fseq -> 'a option;
structure FSeq : FSEQ = struct
datatype 'a fseq_base = fseqNil
| fseqCons of 'a * 'a fseq_base future;
type 'a fseq = 'a fseq_base future;
fun empty () = Future.value fseqNil;
fun mk f =
Future.fork (fn _ =>
case f () of NONE => fseqNil
| SOME x => fseqCons x);
fun fcons f = mk (fn _ => SOME (f ()));
fun cons x xs = Future.value (fseqCons (x, xs));
fun uncons xs =
case Future.join xs of
fseqNil => NONE
| fseqCons p => SOME p;
fun null xs = not (isSome (uncons xs));
fun hd xs = fst (the (uncons xs));
fun tl xs = snd (the (uncons xs));
fun append xs ys =
xs |> Future.map (fn x =>
case x of fseqNil => Future.join ys
| fseqCons (x, xs') => fseqCons (x, append xs' ys));
fun map f xs =
Future.fork (fn () =>
case Future.join xs of
fseqNil => fseqNil
| fseqCons (x, xs') => fseqCons (f x, map f xs'));
fun fold_map f acc xs =
Future.fork (fn () =>
case Future.join xs of
fseqNil => fseqNil
| fseqCons (x, xs') =>
let val (x', acc') = f acc x;
in fseqCons (x', fold_map f acc' xs') end);
fun of_list [] = empty ()
| of_list (x::xs) = cons x (of_list xs);
fun list_of xs =
case Future.join xs of
fseqNil => []
| fseqCons (x, xs') => x :: list_of xs';
fun find P xs =
case Future.join xs of
fseqNil => NONE
| fseqCons (x, xs') => if P x then SOME x else find P xs';
(* Memoization using a serialized cache. *)
signature Memo = sig
type arg;
val memo: (arg -> 'a) -> (arg -> 'a);
functor Memo(Table: TABLE) = struct
type arg = Table.key;
fun memo f = let
val table = Synchronized.var "" Table.empty;
in fn a =>
Synchronized.change_result table (fn tab =>
case Table.lookup tab a of
SOME r => (r, tab)
| NONE => let
val r = f a;
in (r, Table.update (a, r) tab) end)
structure String_Memo = Memo(Symtab);
(* Insist the the given tactic solves a subgoal. *)
fun SOLVES tac = (((K tac) THEN_ALL_NEW (K no_tac)) 1)
(* Given a list of tactics, try them all, backtracking when necessary. *)
fun APPEND_LIST tacs = fold_rev (curry op APPEND) tacs no_tac;