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* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
type t
type csenv = ProgramAnalysis.csenv
val initial_state : t
val finalise : t -> theory -> theory
val struct_type :
csenv ->
{ struct_type : string * (string * typ * int Absyn.ctype) list,
state : t } ->
theory -> t * theory
val array_type : csenv ->
{element_type : typ, array_size : int, state : t} ->
theory -> t * theory
val extended_heap_ty : typ
val check_safety : {heap: term, ptrval:term} -> term * term
val dereference_ptr : {heap:term, ptrval:term} -> term
val mk_heap_update_extended : term -> term
val mk_aux_guard : term -> term
val mk_aux_update : term -> term
val mk_aux_type : typ -> typ
val check_global_record_type : string -> theory -> theory
val mk_lookup_proc_pair : term -> term -> term -> term * term
structure UserTypeDeclChecking : USER_TYPE_DECL_CHECKING
end (* sig *)
[extended_heap_ty] is the Isabelle type of heaps that are to be manipulated
by the StrictC programs. It will include (some way or another) the underlying
heap (mapping addresses to bytes), but may also include other stuff.
[check_safety{heap,ptrval}] generates a pair of terms that will be
used to guard an assignment if the ms ("memory safety") flag is set.
(By default it is not set.) The ptrval is a term of pointer type
pointing to the address that is about to be written to; the heap is
the term of the current (extended) heap. A result (t1,t2) should
have t1 of type state-predicate (i.e., state -> bool), and t2 of type
error. That is, t1 will be the guard of the checked assignment, and t2 will
be the error a failing guard would cause.
If you don't ever intend to use the 'ms' flag, this function could
just raise an exception.
[dereference_ptr{heap,ptrval}] returns the value stored in (extended)
heap at address ptrval. The value ptrval will be of type Ptr sometype, the
result should be a term of type sometype.
[mk_heap_update_extended t] lifts t, an update on an underlying
primitive heap (a term of type `primheap -> primheap`), returning an
update on the extended_heap_ty (extended_heap_ty -> extended_heap_ty`)
[mk_aux_guard t] The term t is of the form (predicate $ var), where var is
of type `state`. The predicate has come from text entered as part of an
"aux update". This is a statement form such as
/** AUXUPD: "some term" */
The string "some term" is actually mangled to become
"antiquoteParseTranslation (some term)" and it is this that is
parsed. My understanding of apt is that makes a normal term
implicit on a state.
This term should have type mk_aux_type statetype, which has to be a
function type because it is applied to a var (corresponding to the current
mk_aux_guard is applied to the value to generate a boolean that corresponds
to a guard.
[mk_aux_update t] is applied to the same sort of term as mk_aux_guard, and
returns an updator for the extended heap.
[mk_aux_type ty] turns the type corresponding to machine states into the type
used to implement auxiliary guards and updators.
[check_global_record_type s thy] takes the current theory and the
name of the global variable record (containing the heap, the c_exn
variable, the global variable struct and the phantom state). It
then does whatever proving is necessary to confirm the global
variable record is OK.
This structure implements additional checks on new C types that arise in the
analysed program. The model allows for additional data to be passed through
all successive calls using the type UserTypeDeclChecking.t. Once the
initial value of this is to hand, calls will be made to
struct_type with details of new struct types
- the Isabelle record type that corresponds to
the struct type will already have been defined,
along with appropriate accessor and updator
array_type with details of new array types
- there is already a binary array type operator
in the background theory, so the array type
already exists. However, the particular
combination required by the user may still need
things proved of it.
arraysize_type to establish properties of number types
The calls are made in appropriate topological order. Calls for the same
type may be repeated.