
117 lines
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Standard ML

* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
signature THM_EXTRAS =
datatype adjusted_name =
FoundName of ((string * int option) * thm)
| UnknownName of (string * term)
val adjust_found_thm : adjusted_name -> thm -> adjusted_name
val fact_ref_to_name : Facts.ref * thm -> adjusted_name
val adjust_thm_name : Proof.context -> string * int option -> term -> adjusted_name
val pretty_adjusted_name : Proof.context -> adjusted_name -> Pretty.T
val pretty_adjusted_fact : Proof.context -> adjusted_name -> Pretty.T
val pretty_fact : bool -> Proof.context -> adjusted_name -> Pretty.T
val pretty_thm : bool -> Proof.context -> thm -> Pretty.T
val pretty_specific_thm : Proof.context -> string -> thm -> Pretty.T
val pretty_fact_name : Proof.context -> string -> Pretty.T
structure ThmExtras: THM_EXTRAS =
datatype adjusted_name =
FoundName of ((string * int option) * thm)
| UnknownName of (string * term)
fun adjust_found_thm (FoundName (name, _)) thm = FoundName (name, thm)
| adjust_found_thm adjusted_name _ = adjusted_name
fun fact_ref_to_name ((Facts.Named ((nm,_), (SOME [Facts.Single i]))),thm) = FoundName ((nm,SOME i),thm)
| fact_ref_to_name ((Facts.Named ((nm,_), (NONE))),thm) = FoundName ((nm,NONE),thm)
| fact_ref_to_name (_,thm) = UnknownName ("",Thm.prop_of thm)
(* Parse the index of a theorem name in the form "x_1". *)
fun parse_thm_index name =
case (String.tokens (fn c => c = #"_") name |> rev) of
(possible_index::xs) =>
(case Lexicon.read_nat possible_index of
SOME n => (space_implode "_" (rev xs), SOME (n - 1))
| NONE => (name, NONE))
| _ => (name, NONE)
* Names stored in proof bodies may have the form "x_1" which can either
* mean "x(1)" or "x_1". Attempt to determine the correct name for the
* given theorem. If we can't find the correct theorem, or it is
* ambiguous, return the original name.
fun adjust_thm_name ctxt (name,index) term =
val possible_names = case index of NONE => distinct (op =) [(name, NONE), parse_thm_index name]
| SOME i => [(name,SOME i)]
fun match (n, i) =
val idx = the_default 0 i
val thms = Proof_Context.get_fact ctxt (Facts.named n) handle ERROR _ => []
if idx >= 0 andalso length thms > idx then
if length thms > 1 then
SOME ((n, i), nth thms idx)
SOME ((n,NONE), hd thms)
case map_filter match possible_names of
[x] => FoundName x
| _ => UnknownName (name, term)
fun pretty_adjusted_name ctxt (FoundName ((name, idx), _)) =
[Pretty.mark_str (Facts.markup_extern ctxt (Proof_Context.facts_of ctxt) name),
case idx of
SOME n => Pretty.str ("(" ^ string_of_int (n + 1) ^ ")")
| NONE => Pretty.str ""]
| pretty_adjusted_name _ (UnknownName (name, _)) =
Pretty.block [Pretty.str name, Pretty.str "(?)"]
fun pretty_adjusted_fact ctxt (FoundName (_, thm)) =
Thm.pretty_thm ctxt thm
| pretty_adjusted_fact ctxt (UnknownName (_, prop)) =
Syntax.unparse_term ctxt prop
(* Render the given fact, using the given adjusted name. *)
fun pretty_fact only_names ctxt adjusted_name =
(pretty_adjusted_name ctxt adjusted_name ::
(if only_names then []
else [Pretty.str ":",Pretty.brk 1, pretty_adjusted_fact ctxt adjusted_name]))
(* Render the given fact. *)
fun pretty_thm only_names ctxt thm =
val name = Thm.get_name_hint thm
val adjusted_name = adjust_thm_name ctxt (name, NONE) (Thm.prop_of thm)
in pretty_fact only_names ctxt adjusted_name
(* Render the given fact, using the given name. The name and fact do not have to match. *)
fun pretty_specific_thm ctxt name thm =
let val adjusted_name = adjust_thm_name ctxt (name, NONE) (Thm.prop_of thm)
in pretty_fact false ctxt (adjust_found_thm adjusted_name thm)
(* Render the given name, with markup if it matches a known fact. *)
fun pretty_fact_name ctxt name =
Pretty.block [Pretty.marks_str (Proof_Context.markup_extern_fact ctxt name)];