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* Copyright 2022, Proofcraft Pty Ltd
* Copyright 2020, Data61, CSIRO (ABN 41 687 119 230)
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only
chapter "An Initial Kernel State"
theory Init_A
context Arch begin global_naming AARCH64_A
text \<open>
This is not a specification of true kernel initialisation. This theory describes a dummy
initial state only, to show that the invariants and refinement relation are consistent.
(* Some address sufficiently aligned for one page *)
definition arm_global_pt_ptr :: obj_ref where
"arm_global_pt_ptr = pptr_base + 0x2000"
(* Sufficiently aligned for irq type + cte_level_bits *)
definition init_irq_node_ptr :: obj_ref where
"init_irq_node_ptr = pptr_base + 0xc000"
(* The highest user-virtual address that is still canonical.
It can be larger than user_vtop, which is the highest address we allow to be mapped.
For AArch64-hyp, user-virtual addresses are IPAs and since there is no sign extension,
the value is the top of the entire IPA address space. *)
definition canonical_user :: "vspace_ref" where
"canonical_user \<equiv> mask ipa_size"
(* This is not the layout the real kernel uses, but we are only trying to show that
the invariants are consistent. These apply to the mappings of the (separate) kernel-level
page table in hyp mode, not the user-level page tables, which have no kernel mappings. *)
definition init_vspace_uses :: "vspace_ref \<Rightarrow> arm_vspace_region_use" where
"init_vspace_uses p \<equiv>
if p \<in> {pptr_base ..< pptr_base + (1 << 30)} then ArmVSpaceKernelWindow
else ArmVSpaceInvalidRegion"
definition init_arch_state :: arch_state where
"init_arch_state \<equiv> \<lparr>
arm_asid_table = Map.empty,
arm_kernel_vspace = init_vspace_uses,
arm_vmid_table = Map.empty,
arm_next_vmid = 0,
arm_us_global_vspace = arm_global_pt_ptr,
arm_current_vcpu = None,
arm_gicvcpu_numlistregs = undefined
(* The user-level global table in hyp mode is entirely empty.
Kernel-level mappings are in a separate kernel page table, which is not modeled here. *)
definition global_pt_obj :: arch_kernel_obj where
"global_pt_obj \<equiv> PageTable (VSRootPT (\<lambda>_. InvalidPTE))"
definition init_kheap :: kheap where
"init_kheap \<equiv>
(\<lambda>x. if \<exists>irq :: irq. init_irq_node_ptr + (ucast irq << cte_level_bits) = x
then Some (CNode 0 (empty_cnode 0))
else None)
(idle_thread_ptr \<mapsto>
TCB \<lparr>
tcb_ctable = NullCap,
tcb_vtable = NullCap,
tcb_reply = NullCap,
tcb_caller = NullCap,
tcb_ipcframe = NullCap,
tcb_state = IdleThreadState,
tcb_fault_handler = replicate word_bits False,
tcb_ipc_buffer = 0,
tcb_fault = None,
tcb_bound_notification = None,
tcb_mcpriority = minBound,
tcb_arch = init_arch_tcb
arm_global_pt_ptr \<mapsto> ArchObj global_pt_obj
definition init_cdt :: cdt where
"init_cdt \<equiv> Map.empty"
definition init_ioc :: "cslot_ptr \<Rightarrow> bool" where
"init_ioc \<equiv>
\<lambda>(a,b). (\<exists>obj. init_kheap a = Some obj \<and>
(\<exists>cap. cap_of obj b = Some cap \<and> cap \<noteq> cap.NullCap))"
definition init_A_st :: "'z::state_ext state"
"init_A_st \<equiv> \<lparr>
kheap = init_kheap,
cdt = init_cdt,
is_original_cap = init_ioc,
cur_thread = idle_thread_ptr,
idle_thread = idle_thread_ptr,
machine_state = init_machine_state,
interrupt_irq_node = \<lambda>irq. init_irq_node_ptr + (ucast irq << cte_level_bits),
interrupt_states = \<lambda>_. IRQInactive,
arch_state = init_arch_state,
exst = ext_init